HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-12-20, Page 7ViiiiA Ya749id0:CYbR90iVelillin. 9WSCAN&4RF,iiiWILVicilr-DAR8 RAtiivtAonrbfi is 0f'•vBiWa5E"leti�0 MOM No glft Is more welcome or appreciated than "Things to wear", especially when they come from Stewart Bros. --You get the best makes, the biggest choice and every purchase is gift boxed absolutely free. We hope this suggestion list will help you. GIFTS for Mother Nylon Hose .. 98c to 1.95 Sweaters , . , . 4,95 to 9.95 Blouses 2,95 to 7.95 Slips 2.95 to 7.95 Nighties . , .. 2.95 to 10.95 Pajamas 2.98 to 5.95 Handbags ... 3.95 to 10.95 Scarfs 1.00 .to 3.95 Gloves 1.00 to 3.95 Housecoats.. 6.95 to 14.95 Car Coats .. 14.95 to 29.95 Skirts 7.95 to 14.95 Towels 75c to 2.50 Lunch Sets , , 1.95 to 3.95 Sheet Sets .. 7.95 to 12.95 Bed Spreads -5.95 to 12.95 Handkerchiefs 25c to 1.00 0 GIFTS for Sister Sweaters . , . , 2.50 to 5.95 Blouses 1.95 to 2.95 Skirts 2.95 to 7.95 Dresses 2.95 to 8.95 Pajamas 1.98 to 2.98 Handkerchiefs 15c to 500 Luggage . , , 10.50 to 21.50 Umbrellas , , . , 2.95 to 4.95 Hosiery (nylon) .98 to 1.35 Ankle Sox . e , . 59c to 1.00 Snow Suits . , 5.00 to 10.00 Coat Sets .. 10.00 to 25.00 Jeans 2.95 to 4.95 "T" Shirts (kiddies) 1.00 Mitts ........ 75c to 1.00 Ripons Aprons 2.50 85c t0 1.95 Baby Gifts .... 35c to 2.95 io453tre, KiPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bottelna and family have moved from the village and gone to Clinton. Mrs. Win. Chapman of Sea - forth is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGregor. Master Jimmy Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cooper is able to be out again since hav- ing a minor operation. Mrs. Wesley Bowen of Royal Oak, Michigan, visited a few days last week at the home of her {brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Cooper Sr. IMr. and Mrs. Nelsen. Hood aecompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spears and Mr. N. Long were in Brussels on Sunday af- GIFTS for Dad Ties 1.00 to 2.00 Sox 1.00 to 1.95 Belts 1.50 to 3.00 Cuff Links 2.00 to 3.50 Handkies ..... 25c to 1.00 Shirts 2.98 to 5.95 Nylon Shirts 9.95 Sport Shirts 3.95 to 6.95 Work Shirts.. 2.95 to 3.95 Pajamas , ... 3.95 to 5.95 Ski Pajamas.. 4.50 to 5.50 Scarfs 1,95 to 3.50 Gloves 2.95 to 4.95 Sweaters . , , . 6,50 to 9.95 Dressing Gowns 6.95-27.50 Luggage.... 6.95 to 29.50 0 GIFTS for Brother Fine Sox 79c Pajamas .... 2.95 to 3.75 Fine Shirts .. 2.50 & 2.95 Plaid Shirts .. 1.98 & 2,19 Bow Ties ... 50c Sweaters , ... 2.95 to 5.95 Hockey Sweaters ... 2.95 Hockey Hose 1.95 Sport Shirts 2,95 Corduroy Shirts 3.95 Boys Slacks 4.95 up Suburban Coats .... 13.95 Windbreakers 9.95 azv.==ria•:+nand.'- xewemcosteeniumcCezevusmumv+asv enaiseasawnrm CHRISTMAS SAVINGS STJNKIST ORANGES 28t;s 3 Doz. 99c EATMOR CRANBERRIES . , ...... 1 lit bags 250 McCormick's Goltl Seal Chocolates . 1 Ib 99c MiXED NUTS .... 2 lin, 89o. C1-IiPICO SWEET MIDGET PEANUTS ..soros 2 lbs. 65c PICKLES ...... 8 oz. 69c STUFFED OLIVES 6 oz. 32c JELLO -all flavors 3 for 290 BUTTER ,.... 1 Ib..,60c 11 1 111 .1+1!, . •,, r...:n n . , .,soar STE RN FOR QUALITY GIFTS CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 for 23c TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE 48oz. 290 TIP TOP ORANGE JUICE - 48 oz. 43c TIP TOP BLENDED JUICE 48 oz, 38c CLAIR HANEY Egmondville GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 72 WE DIILIVER, Phone early for greater SATISFACTION cr contest conducted by Mrs. Ol- iver Anderson was won Iby Mrs. Robert Jamieson and George Carter. The -Christmas tree con- test by Mrs. Harvey Taylor was won by Mrs. Joe 'Babcock. The 'Christmas contest by Mrs. R2,obt. Jarcnieson was won, by Mrs. Wm, Dolmage and {Hugh Flynn. The exchange of 'Christmas presents was held :for the children, then for the adults. A few games of progressive euchre were played. Most games, Mr. and Mrs. ()Ii - ver Anderson; lone hands, Mrs Harvey Taylor and Hugh Flynn; consolation, Mrs. Mansell Cook and 'Harvey Taylor. BRUCEFIELD The many friends of Mr. Alex Paterson will he sorry to learn that he has been transferred froul Clinton hospital to Victor- ia hospital, London, for further surgery. Master DeWayne 'Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott became 01 'on Saturday after- noon and was taken to Clinton hospital and was operated on for appendicitis. Mr: McLaughlin of Montreal was a weekend guest with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott. Mrs. Jno. McMurtrie, Ilensall, spent Thursday with Miss Mary Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Don LMcKenzie and family of St. Thomas and friends spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. - McKenzie, The Christmas Sunday School 1111 ' toon yT a uccrt will be held , Dec.21st at 8;30, 'Master Bitty McGregor, son of Mr. and Mrs. dna. llicGregor, Stanley twp., fell off his uncle's tractor, bruising one leg severe- ly. Mrs. Walter Moffat returned hone on Saturday, having. spent two months with. her daughter iii California. Mr. Robert Mustard, Bruce - field {Gas among the staff in- volved in the Bank robbery at Monet ilrydges, Mr. and Mrs. boss Scott spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Leon 1Rushr nil, Trenton, t heir little granddaughter re- turned with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Snelly, of Port Colborne, and Thelma Snotty of Kitchener - spent the week with Chas. Sne14, Mrs. Ben Keys received word of the sudden passing other lit- tle grandson, Robert Mark, nine ) months old son of Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Keys of Winnipeg, Ile is sulrtted by his parents and three sisters, Mary-, Susan. and Allison. Mr, Gordon Keys of Forest went by plana to be with his ,brother and family. Grades was rich in costume song and acting. The narrative vas expressively read by Patri- cia Benninger. The -Concert Climax was the Playlet "The Little King's Birth- day" in which small boys were very angelie hi wings and halos. They charmed all with the re- presentation of little cherubs coming to the earthly party of the Boy Jesus in His Nazareth home at the age of seven years. ternoon paying their respects to the late Donald .McKenzie, 32 years, who was buried Monday in Brussels cemetery. The many friends of Mrs. S. Cudmore are sorry to learn she underwent an operation, Thurs- day, in Victoria Hospital, .Lon- don, and trust for a speedy re- covery. Mr. Ross Faber of Ridge - town was Home with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Q.tochus Faber, for the weekend. Mrs. Wm, Workman is con- fined to her bed with a heart ailment. 'Mr. and Mrs. Toni Kooy of near Ailsa Craig were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Little- ton. Mrs. Ross Corbett of Bewail was the winner of a 5-lb.'Christ- lnas cake in a draw at Dickert's store. Those attending the annual meeting of United Co -Opera- tives in Toronto last week in- cluded 4VIr. and Mrs. Roy Me- IBride, Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert McGregor, Mr. and :Mss, Alex +McGregor, Mr. Roy 11it:- Nall, Brucefield. We are sorry to report Mrs. Joe ILostell has been confined to her ;bed with a heart condi- tion. Kippen Young Peoples The December meeting of the young people of St. Andrew's �aehentures and Guaranteed Trust Certificates li 314°70 f®r 81 a m f -r3 , 5 years d two ye rs I-Ie.ad Office London Ont. District Representatives Bontllron, Ilensall Watson & Reid Seaforth United Church met at the home of Mrs. Russell Consitt on Mon- day evening, Dec. 10th. The meeting was opened by singing "Silent Night". The devotion was taken by Marion Turner. Keith Love took the topic, "Su- ez Canal Situation". The young People are going to canvass for the Bible Society. Ganes were under the direction of Marjorie (Charters, and 'Phyllis Lostell. Lunch was served by Group 3. Wayne McBride thanked Mrs. Consitt for the use of her home. Mr. and ,Mrs. Nelson Hood and Joyce were in London on Tuesday last week. Special Christmas service was held in St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday. Rev. Nor- man McLeod chose for his sub- ject 'White Gift Service". Mrs. Robert McGregor arranged the candles and the baskets for the gifts. Margie RIgie and Keith Anderson read the scripture. Bobby Cooper gave a reading and .Ruth Turner told the story "Painting the {Christmas ,Story". Keith Hay and Donnie Littleton lit the candles. The choir rend- ered an anthem, ander the dir- ection of Miss Jean Ivison. Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Mac- Gregor, Mt. 'Hope, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. William MacGregor, Kippen, and IMr, and Mrs. Jas. Racho, Egmondville. HULLETT On Dec. 17th 24 adults of the Fireside Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert IHoggart for the regular broad- cast and discsusion and also for the Christmas party. 1(1) We think the {present method of 1'e - presentation to annual general meetings of farm organizations is satisfactory. (12) A large re- presentation would be more ex- pensive and not necessarily more efficient. '(3) We believe best method of choosing dele- gates would be at special zone federation. meetings where those chosen are familiar with the proiblems of that district and have the - confidence of the members. Mil's. Wm. Dolnaage offered her home for the next meeting on; ,•don. '7th. The flow -las portrayed by the :Junior Card of Thanks BLAKE The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to lira. Christian Swartzentruber and family in the passing of Mr. Swartzentruber, Miss Audrey Beaver of Exet- er spent Sunday with her girl friend, Miss Elizabeth Finlay. Mr. :G. (lion visited his wife in 'Clinton Hospital, social times this week. - Mrs. James Burdge of Co- bourg is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. San) Hey. Mr. and Mrs. ;Max Ducharme -visited in Sarnia and Port Hu- ✓ on, a couple of days. There passed away at his late home on Friday, Dec. 14, 1956 Mr. Christian Swartzenitruber in his .79th year. He-]ived on the Bronson Line for many years on the farm. where Mr. and Mrs. Harold Widrick now reside. Af- ter retiring from farm life he moved to Blake where he lived until his death. He leaves to mourn, his loss his loving wife and one son Edmund, and two daughters, Mrs.:Mabel Bachert, and Mrs. Edith Widrick, and 13 grandchildren. The funeral was held from his daughter's. Mrs, Widrick, on Monday,. Dee, 17th to the Bronson Line Amish Mennonite Church, where burial took place in the adjoining cem- etery. To the Ratepayers of Seaforth. Thank you and Season's Greetings Bev. Christie TlII3 SIIAl+ Olt7.'II NJIWI Thursday, Drcenmber 20, 1416 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flower's for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W mu* 4earerearaemagamemosamm JOAN 1;. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist. Phone '701. Main St., Seuforth Hours--Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed, 0 AM to 12.30. PM. Thur. eva, by aPPohttmcnt wily. Clinton IIU-2-7010.. above Hawkins' Ild,vo, Mon. 9 to 5.30• CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Donald L. Mc Renate wish to express 11101,' 01110000 thanks to their mauny friends and neigh- bors for their maty acts of kindness, gifts and floral tribut,re ; also to the poll bearers and those who helped nt the c1n"•eh sod at. the home ; also to Rev. W. M. Thomas for his message of com- fort. Thesekindnesseswill niwaya be re- membered. Wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan IN MEMORIAM Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., S.1.}+AORTI-I, ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef. feeted at lowest rates in First - Class Companies PEPPER -In . loving memory of a deur husband and father, William H. Pepper, aw to passed owny Dec. 10th. -10.1.1, aa Doecler mines with -u1 regrets, Of one we loved awl will newer forget, God will mend the broken chain, That links a till we meet again. --hirer remembered by his wife Nancy, end family WAY -_. In loving'.. mentor:: of Mr. moi Mr, Alva Way who dud in 1940. and brother Cosy who died in 1940, all -1 tis. Xmas wi nn, - It .lin; over yonder Just. beyond the sunset" Ever r memlaered by the family DUBLIN A delighted audience attend- ed the annual 'Christmas Con- cert ,presented by the pupils of St. Patrick's School in the Par- ish Hall in Dublin, on Sunday evening. The program opened with a chorus `Merry, (Merry'Christ- mas" followed by a welcome speech by Richard Stapleton. The Dutch children of the school sang in their own lang- nage the well known Dutch Car- ols, "While Shepherds Watched by Night" and "Silent Night". Two humorous playlets "The 'Christmas Burglar" and "Home Management" as well 30 songs and dances were presented by the Senior Grades, high -lighted by a Harmonica (Band. Gay red hats with silver feathers gave a colorful appearance to the group, with members from Cars. I to VIM taking part. Tiny tots played (triangles and bells and Jhnany Shea from ,Gr. "Sim ac- companied on the violin 'as well as playing a solo numbor. The beautiful Christmas Story NOMINATION Township of Tpckersmith A nicotinic of the electors of the Tow,i- ship i Tucko'smith will be held in the Town Iinll Seaforth, so M,mdav Dec, 1. 1970, for the purpose of nominating candidates f r the oaiees of Reeve and t uneillors for 1917, and School Trust- eesr7 to 1, el et dl for the yeas 1957 and I t 0. N minatfon win bo received n 1 o'clock to oelwk fnom the hour f c In theOrnl,afternoon.In the ,taut of more tieing nominated thanare required to011 the positions, 11 1.•, tion w,ll Le 11011 011 Momlay. I mdvuJan. 1 17. oven It m ta.m.,e 1+m, at the following platys; PSD I, Mrs. Sheila Binss house, illcDlo Harry Chesney; P(, Wm Cameron.P1411 SS #8-1/110. Roy Mat ,4t 1C Wm Sc tehm,t. IS1a 11 f -1111(1- R P. It 1 ,t�.' PC Gert, TUU c r PSD 4.SS + - 1(1 ) ti on 1110 ee IC Sohn l n olf,nt. 1 5 U ss1 DRO M l ilk Timmdr; I ( Glean I -ll. PSD 0,SS n( 1(110. IV. 10. lir, o 11 t ; PC 111 -, penmen. I F. ('1II1: N] Y, P,,i. Officer NOMINATION Township of itcifilloe A mete Mg of the (lectors of the Town- ship of 34,KJllop will h.. held at Win- hrop nu 11'1,1 8. Flee. 28, 19;,11, foo ahc 1, 1110000 tnnninating 0 Reeve and 4 (- um ilei Nominations ill be reeeiv- 1 front thehour 1' 1o clod to 2 o'clacl: n the :atomism.In theevent of more 1 r r being uumi( ,t t that are to- uir,d to all the MTh, an election will be held an Monday. ,Lm. 7, 1957. ''oils will b0 ober( Irmo 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the following places: No. 1. Mrs. 21 Carlin's house. Int la. con. 0 ; Matt. Murray DRO. Wilfred McQuaid, - FC; No. 2. Wilmer Scott's house, -int 25, son. 4 ; J;un50 B. Ito,:,: DR0, Alex Kerr PC, No. 2, Joe Smith's house, lot 11, 5.19 con.; Win. Dennis I)11.0, Stephen Alm - PC!. No. 4. 58 *7, .con. 12, lot 20; Allan Campbell D120 Ross Driscoll 7'i, J. M. 3501tER'r, ltet.. Officer SPRAYED APPLES 8011 SALE Spier. eroonings, Peewaukees, Delici- ous, Baldwin and Salome. Pree delivery in town, Phone HUnter 2-3214. Fred MoClymont Varna CANARIES FOR SALE An ideal Chu.•tmas ,aft. Beautiful guaranteed singers. Dublin phone 30113. Mrs. A. Etamers, Dublin FOR SALE Purebred Hereford bull Ringwood Crusty breeding', 3 years old, Phone Sea - forth 840-31. James. Neilans, Londosboro FOR SALE 40 R. mobile home, can be seen at. William MacGregor's one mile east of Eippen. For further particulars write Wilmer MacGregor• Mount Hope ANNUAL MEETING Tho annualnmeeting of S.S. No. 12 Mcliilloh, will be held on wednesdny, Dec. - -0, at 2 pan. Mrs. Wm. Church, Secretary -'treasurer FOR SALEk Smell' girls white sates, like new, size 11. Price 12.50. Mo, Frank Smola FOR SALE About 900 bales of mixed timothy and alfalfa hay, Also MH 13 .disc fertilizer drill, Wilbert. Pratt, phone Brussels 43x7. Lot 20. Con. 14, Grey Tp. WANTED wants Dutch girl. 19 years of age, general'housework in town, 0 Seaforth day. G. Verberne, George st., LAST MINUTE SPECIAL Your old elaok or radio accepted 00 trade-in on a new clock -radio. Only two left. G.E. at 39.95 antinulove. at 69.90. Snvattge s, Seaafo'tl, SALESMEN WANTED If you are ambitious, you can make good with a 12awlelgh business In Huron County. We .help you .get started. No e- perienee needed to start Write Raw'- Icigh's Rept. L-304-2, Montreal, P.Q. SALESMEN WANTED A well known and progressive Comp- any is looking for serious r'epr'esenta- tives. Complete lino of daily necessities used in avert' home. Numerous advent - ages. Wonderful. chance to be your 0(111 boss. Do not hesitate write immediately to ISAMILRX, Dept. 1, Stn, 0, Montreal FOR SALE Dressed turkeys, delivered to your home. Clarence Resole, 5451 Dublin NOTICE .Carpentering work done. General re- pair to kitchen cupboards (lona, new ones made at home to measure, Prices reasonable. Arthai' Smith, phone 039-20. FOR SALE Large spruce Ghristmos trees: 61 encll al, the farm. Louis Dillon, RI Dublin. Phone 45520 Dublin INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. S.BAFFORTH Phone 334 Res, 540 'blue C1 p, 19 the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH:LUMBER LTD Phone 47 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM It HART Office Phone 784 • Res. 318w ERAESIDEREST HOM't ,�r• L''lderly people rind ennvalesa....r:. Mrs. Boyce. :Moon 120 W Mitchell FARMERS If you are equipped to handle feed in bulk. See us 5or special prices delivered. s! 1 1 ea Limited. to your bin. Topnotch Puede Limited. Mono Y5 Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supp leo (rubber g000ds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed enyelope with price list 0 samples 2501 24 sam- ples 11.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nolr- R.ubbcr Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. NOTICE For artiilcial tuaeminatton informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle. phone tho Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-14.11 between 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. We have all breed', available --top quality at low cost. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at T41RRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 94715, Seaforth NOTICE T CE H you want grave] scold, top moll or excavating just phone 054 Seaforth. Hl) BOYCII _- FARMERS. NEED GRAIN Ste us for 0p,eial balk price.': elly- mrd to your barn Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 15 t4t,,fo•th nom, FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BP,OADFOOT Plum,' :Nil