HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-12-13, Page 8? :oma Ne " MEN LIKE TO GET HLRTS FOR CHRISTMAS! Snow white shirts, plain shade shirts, novelty checks, woven stripes.— We have them all in several collar styles with button or french cuffs. Most lines can be had in all sleeve lengths from 82" to 35" and of course every shirt is gift boxed free. Choose his shirts at Stewarts where you get the best choice and the best makes. M a~. 2 9 3595 4595 5.95 WHITE TRICO NYLON SHIRTS 9.95 GORE SURE TO PLEASE HIM WITH 3port Shirts Helidreds to choose frem popeter plaids. sm.^rt ches:,c=. n^w iv:: $trines. stub we.n s. .ht:;i.. ai i:'t,s and novel evecheckee Ail are luunre e-teh- c.rte, Sizes S. M, L and OS. e•eea•y shirt gift boxed free 2.05 ton English Viyeii< Shirts 12.5'5 1S B'RODHAGEN, tely ,'•ll Friday. ye; 1 '1 ,1 +t lewets from Tito hitt , 1 the . ort- .the ,nr. C .1;r ua Mehl t rel cAiiciiiditA ti re< it tt r I,aSl tl i St. Pet - of ctre,Lai,ld_nn •. l u el. here on t,• ,;,t l?r . t,;t I l;:rer aril 0 /,,*4(7 ✓,rte 0 ci r woe '^ •> ` family of Seaforth with '11 Wm. Miller on Sunday. Ili. and lira. John Kahle and Irvin of Com time ee Mich., with M•. ami lir: , li ,nasi I3euernan on Saturday. Mr. stay- !letterman returned DOLLS SKATES SHIN PADS SHOUL ER PADS Don't delay as supply is limited 10011111111.11.1011.11111.3 ii11„111311111111"1111,111111111111111111111„,11,,,,1111111111110,1111111111111. Ken lagsack Gas only some nanum1111tttttt 11nu,11a11a1111o11uu11111111111111111111 t"mn11111111E111 t,,.a11a1111111111111111nln Christos Carol Service y Seaforth Public School Grades 5 to 8 In Northside United Church FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14TH 8.15 P.M. Guest Soloist, Betty Simpson Everyone Welcome SILVER COLLECTION 40” se4ttri SEAFORTH OT RS Phone 541 Seaforth to 'RCAF Edgar, Ont., after sev,: era! weeks with his ltarents. Visitors at the hone of Mr. and .Mrs, Jonas Dittmer on •tile occasion of Mr. Dittmer's ibilth- day on Sunday were: Mr. and •Mrs. Donald Bode, Kitchener, Mr. and IMin. John Mogk, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bennewies, of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs, Milton Bode, Janice and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bode, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bock, Elaine and Diane, all of Logan.- The ogan.The Ladies' Aid of St. Pet- ers' Lutheran Church held their monthly meeting on Wed. after- noon, 'The devotions were taken by the following; IMrs. Fred Young, Mrs. Oscar Young, Mrs. Orland Rohrer as .leaders and Mrs. Harold Rock, IMrs. John Vock, IMrs, Harold Elligson, Mrs, Edwin Scher'barth, Mrs. Martin Dietz, Mrs. A l tb o r t Hauer, The topic "Everywhere - !Christmas Tonight". ,Several Christmas carols were sting. The business was in charge of Mrs. F. Young. It was decid- ed to buy some spoons and dishes for the kitchen, about $70,00 was to the donated to Lutheran World Action, • The meeting elosed with ,the :Doxology. ,A quilt was also canted and lunch was served:by Mrs. Chas. Ahrens, Mrs. Aug. Bauer, Mrs. WM, Bach, •Mrs. Albert Bauer, Mrs. -Geo, .Benne- wies. A shower was held in the Town Hall, Mitchell, last. Tues- day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Townsend (Marlene Scher- barth). illiss Marlene Priestap Miss Nancy Mogk and 'Mrs. Ed- gar Elligson made the presenta- tion of a :bedroom suite and Miss. Rose ISeherbarth read the address, written hy Mrs. F. Herbert. Dancing was enjoyed to music of the Blue !Rangers' Orchestra. Lunch was served, Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe with Mr .and fir's. Chas. Mat- thies and Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Sipper near Tavistock on Sun- day. Stewards of the Christian IHonhe met for their monthly meeting in the Basement of St. Peter's Lutheran 'Church on Thursday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Itaiph Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. !Iambi Elligson, Mr. and Mrs. !Henry C. Pic o1 were in charge of devotiane Mrs. Harold Ellig- son lead the s(riptnro Iesson. Mrs. Henry C. Liege], prayer, P.alph- Fischer, psalm, and a poem by :M4r . Ralph Fischel Advent hymns were sung, Rev. Walter Booker, of London, for mar pastor was guest speaker. Ile spoke on Advent and Christ- mas. hrist-mas. Mrs. Booker was also a guest. Rev. Fisher also showed licks on their trip to the Har- risburg, Pennsylvania, Conven- tion which he attended recently. Edward Seherbnrth,- .Presidemx', was in Otero of business. 'Mrs. Gordon Wurdell read the min- ute,: of the last meeting. It was decided to have a Christmas so- cial after New Years, on Jan. 4th with Turkey dinner, Games were played and lunch was seri- ed by the salve committee as on doyoti011:4. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Senfoh•tii News, December 11131 The firm of Avon Chests I,imtittd has been incorporated with head edits at Seaforth. Recvv' Beattie, Eokart, Thom- pson and Armstrong are attend- ing county council at Goderich.• Lleyd Vanier has purchased Gee,. C. Petty's house in Hen - emit across- from the railway station. Robert 'Cooper, Tuekersmith, had the misfortune to lose his fine barn by fire on Saturday night. The barn was on his grass farm. A young man from Grey twp. Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 usamussmormanwenaimmenmio xxs s:;,.zusu. PRE -CHRISTMAS WEEK -END SPECIALS BURN'S LAIt.D , . , , ., .tttttttttttt 2 LI3S...45c 'RITTER .. 1 LB, 60o DELMAIt MAR(IARINE tt 2 LI3S, 59c CANADIAN BEAUTY PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lb 49c Tree Sweet Pure Orange Juice 48 oz. 43c. Tree Sweet Orange & Grapefruit Juice .. 48 oz. 38c PEANUTS 2 LBS. 55o MIXED NUTS 2 LBS, 890 CHRISTMAS MIX CANDY LB. 350 WHITE FLANNELETTE 49c YD. 10 YDS. $4.50 CLMR HANEY Egmondville PHONE 72 GENERAL MERCHANT CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for visits, treats and books while 1 was a patient hi Strathroy hos- pital. I would also like to thank the Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary and Rebekah ',Ago for parcels mad to the neighbors who have helped at the house and in the stere, C. HANDY CARD OF THANKS Mr, Thomas Ryan Sr. of Brussels, who has been in St. Joseph's Hospital Lon- don, since October for an operation wishes to thank all his kind friends and relatives who have inquired regarding his health and condition which is im proving but very slowly CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Win. Kelly wish to express their thanks to the many friends and neighbors for Mass cards and for other acts of kindness ex- tended to them during their recent be- meremenrt CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all my friends who sent me cards, treats and books, while I was a patient. in Scott Memorial Hos- pital,.-Se,tforth, .Fergus Kelly Jr. I am not cuNOE tting TChri tmas trees this year. Joseph Stapleton, Dublin WANTED TO BUY Wanted loo foot Belt. 4 ply, 0 inches wider Clarence Regele, 0440 Dublin Dressed tuiF4PeyRs. S,i li va•ed to your home. Clarence Reggele, 64r0 Dublin Spate tire and wh el in vicinity of Dublin, Mitchell, St. Columban, Sea - forth. Finder please notify Leo: Kroonen, Dublin #2. Phone 36 Mitchell Dressed geese SALE !mese f r (`hristm,rs, ready Dee. I7 Put your order in early. John Dy,'rman, 14Sr24, Seaforth • E Five. bead o O R HSg A atttle, Herefords, about 700 lbs, Apply Harold Penhale, Bayfield Large . pt'tu OChristmaEtrees 91 each rt the farm. LOM Dillon, 11,1 Dublin. Phone 15r20 Dubin is reported to have stopped a policeman in Goderich on the street and asked him "To get a marriage license do I have to give my own name or another fellow's name?" The officer, thinking he was being kidded, told the chap where he could go under his own name or any oth- er name. The groom-toebe ex- plained he was an adopted son and didn't know whether he had to give his original name or ad- opted name on the mnarriage li- cense. Mr. Aldwinkle has purchased two farms at Bannockburn near Varna. WE DELIVER s+uva1111,em FOR SALE Township of Tucks smith 600 bags Cement, Contact James Doig, Reeve, or Ivan Forsyth, Councillor FiveNOTICE Puppies urs looking for goad homes.. Phone 189 Senforth FLOWERS. FOR CHILIS'rMAS Potted mums, azaleas, poinsettias and cut flowers. Place your order now while no have a good supply. Wallace Boss, agent for Mitchell Nurseries, FOR SALE Order Soto. Christmas goose or dressed capon now for delivery at Cluistmas from Gordan Popple, 889r13 Seaforth SALESMEN UIN NW OPEN in Huron County. Prado well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity, Bill time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. L-354- 150, Montreal, F.Q. SALESMEN WANTED To ambitious persons we aro offering the obnnca to establish his own busi- ness. Income 950 to 575 a week. Inter- esting work right in your surroundings. Wrilo for free catalogue and details to FAMILEX, Dept 1, Station 0. Montreal FOR SALE Well built brick house elate roof, stone foundation, modern conveniences, 1 acre of land, fruit, nut and shade tree, garden withraspberries and strawberries,. on Dingley .Street lust two blocks from main shopping centre on No. 4 IIighwuy in Blyth. Apply Clare or Ida McGowan, box 12, Blyth, or tele- phone 50 NOTICE Township of Tuckcrsmith Ratepayers and others are requested to not pale cars or vehicles on roadsides in the Township during the winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations, The township will not be responsible for damages to any WO. Mole parked on roadsides caused by snowplowing operations. (Signed) E. P, GIIESNEY, Clerk WE CARRY A COMPLETE SELECTION OF BLOVA WATCHES Westcott's "OP/7/7777770-077,197/77772) I %m-0 i'iim Town of Seaforth NOTICE 1 IN I3y order of police, to facilitate snow removal, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed between the hours of 2 A.M. and 8 A.M. This order will be strictly enforced in accord- ance with the Highway Traffic Act - Section 43, Subsection 9. Notice is hereby given that the said Municipality will not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles as the result of snow removal operations JOIN THE SEAFORTH JUNIOR t Control FARMERS aupi vie You'll save at least $20.00 for every rat you kill START BAITING WITH WARFARIN RAT KILL TO -DAY. ON SALE AT: I1.1tV11wR111s/111111RP IMnllilles• INNIIIl!• WIPO ®IINIMIe4ewsl1Pl1ISSISIWWSW WWWw smew.as . _........---'— TIIE SEAFORTh NEWS Thursday, December 13, 1950 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attentioto hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Dity 43 Night 596W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Sea±orth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforbh SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. MoMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P.L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office ]'sours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.rn., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, Y.S.D.V.M„ W. R. ERYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 701. Main St., Seaforth Ilours-Scaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 0 AM to 12,30 PM, Thur. evg by appointment only. Clinton 1167-2-7010. above IIawkins' Hdwe. Mon. 9 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SIiid FORTH, ONT, All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies aC INSURANCE •I+'he • Auto • Accident • Liability a Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 6b1 a 19 . the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE 0IL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M HART Office Phone 78.4 - Res. 318w BRAESIOE REST (HOME - Elderly people and eouvaleseents. Mrs. Boyce, phone 121 W Mitchell FARMERS iRMERS bulk. you n in re See us for special prices price d livered to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 10 Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber g000da) mailed postpaid in plain 0,,nled envelops with price list, 6 samples 26e; 24 sam. Plea 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Go„ Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. We have all breeds. nvallable--top quality at low cost, RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite. Dick House, phone 947R, Seaforth If you want want NOTICE exoa.vyogravel, sand, top soil or ED BOngyE rust phone 854 Seaforth. FARMERS. NEED GRAIN See us for special bulk prices (louv- ered to your barn, Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 11 Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Officers—p esident, Wm, S TAlexx nder 1 Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A,Reid, Seaforth. IID Directors—j. Myth W. 5. Seaforth; lex nder, Walton; PLS. Trowartha, Clinton; J./it Pepper, Bruceliield ; 0.W. Leonbardt. BornholmArchibald,' Seaafforth ;11Allistteer, oBroadfoo$t, Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeakom t J. F. Praetor, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, FOR SALE The better ail -electric Viking cream separator in all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Alsoparts for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators in other maces on hand at present. Basil O'Rourke, phone HU 2- 9131, Brumfield FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OiL. WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 354 For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME New :brick dwelling adjoiningSea- forth, .low taxes, possession -arranged. OFFERING YOU Revenue Producer. Duplex, North Main, all modern coavonionces, early possession. Low Down Payment I3alanoe monthly 8 ,apartment brick dwelling, East William street. 100 acro farm without barn in iluliett Twp. Part under cultivation Twp., Lot 1, 'Con. 4. Partly cultivated M. A. REID