HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-12-13, Page 5TN311 SEAFORTH NI2WS--•Thursday, Dcecelnbrr 13, 'lam; SUPERIOR FOOli MA INET SPECIALS Apex Special Process DELICIOUS FRESH PEAS lencler e4 sweet ROASTED PEANUTS Largo 3() oz tins 1 11) flag 330 2 for 47c SOCKEYE SALMON APEX FRUIT COCKTAIL , , 15 oz, tin 23c APEX TIDBIT' PINEAPPLE 15 oz tins. 2 for 39c Del Monte Brand PINEAPPLE AND GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Large 48 oz tin 35c GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 113 Prints. 2 for 53c SWIFT'S JEWELL SHORTENING I Ib 85o CHOICE GOLDEN MIX NUT 7 #'� oz Tin .... 43o ROBIN HOOD OATS Quick Cooking , .5 ib Bag 48c MoCORMICKS CHRISTMAS CANDY Gumdrops & Creams 2 Ib .67 Jelly I3ean8 Sc Crcaui . . 330 Old fashioned Choc Drops .43 1 lb Box Chocolates ... 790 Lownoys Cherry Centre Chocolates, 1 lb Box 1,39 Lownoy's Chocolates 2142 lb, Box 1.98 CHERRY VALLEY BLUEBERRIES Makes a .delicious Blueberry Pie Large 20 oz Tin 31c 1 ib, ---49c 2 lbs, 96c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT • YOPi T � A GOOD RIVE IF IF V'OU CUT IN ON TRAFFIC Passing cars when there is barely enough room to avoid oncoming traffic causes count- less highway accidents. Make certain you have plenty of time to pull out, pass and regain your place in line. You will lose only seconds of time but you may save a life._ HOW GqicOD AE YOU WING H,•4tT:I DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS—ONTARIO 11,11111,11Mlll" llllltllll1111111111111111111,1111111111111111,III CI k4mcea_ Order yours now, to be delivered when you want it, from BAKER'S GREENHOUSE Seaforth Phone 35t1 n,1 n a"l 1 1111, e n 11101 llll 11111111111nt,tn,t111111lle n o l S.S. No. 12 GREY Christmas Concert Walton Community 1-lall WE1)NP0"'tom' 1)Ff1. 19 AT 8.15 P.M. Dancing to follow with music by Avilboe;i Orchestra. Ladies please bring sandwiches RECEPTION For Mr.. and Mrs. Alf Ross in Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, DEC. 14TH Norris Orchestra Everybody Welcome Ladies bring lunch 11 Frs or ss" Are you planning a trop? Don't take chances of losing your money—and spoiling your trip—by carrying large sums in cash. Before you go, turn your money into Travellers' Cheques ... easy to cash anywhere—and safer than cash everywhere. Drop in and see us at The Canadian Bank of Commerce and we'll gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The protection is well worth the slight cost. This is simply one of the many banking services we offer our customers to keep them free from needless worry about their money. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: C. C. Brightrall,Manager� TOWN TOPICS 'Mrs, J. Matthews returned to her home after a two-week visit with Mr. and Mrs. -'Don Dauber',. Kitchener, Mr, and .Mrs. J. J, Cleary were recent vi.oiLors in Detroit at the home of l.)r. and Mrs, J., Matthews. Mr, Ron 'Rennie, London, was the guest of his parents over the weekend, Miss Ann Powers, Kitchener, spent the weekend with friends. Mr, and 21i's, John !McQuaid of St, Thomas spent a few days in town. Dr, D Smith and Miss Dor- othy Smith, Hamilton, were the weekend guests of Mr, C. M. Smith. Mr. Rebt..MoGonigle, who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Reitz, of Preston were 'weekend guests of Dr, and Mrs, E. A. McMaster. Mr.' and Mrs. E. 'McIver spent the weekend with Mr. H. 'McIver, Dr. E. A, 'McMaster deft for Ottawa on Tuesday as a dele- gate to the 'Conservative leader- ship convention. Mr, Russell Hays, Detroit, J. R. Sproat, North 'hay, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, 'R, Tl. Sproat. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Dinsmore spent the weekend at Chatham. 'Mr, and Mrs- Wm, Caanpbell were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Perris, Wier - ton. BORN Maclfenrir. Dr, and Mrs. John Robert Maclfensie (Priscilla Sutherland) are happy to announce the birth of It (ISM,. Uhler, 1 )a,rneen Elizabeth. 2,11 Dec. 1. 1011, at Sarnia General Hospital Miller -• At Scott Memorial die i ital. n Dec, a lo Mi and M. Frank Meller ~taus, it daughter Devereaux At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Dec,`Ith, tt. 111, mad Mrs. Arthur Devereaux. Ii11.4 Seaforth, n sou CROMARTY 'NIr. and Mrs. John Hocking -entertained at a family dinner on Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. I ocking's twin brothers Mr. William Harper of Hibbert and Mr. John Harper of Fuller- ton, who with their families were 'present for the happy oc- casion, A large crowd was in attend- ance at the annual (Christmas entertainment of S. S. No. G, which was held in the school on Monday evening, A- varied pro- gram of music and drama was Well rendered by the pupils. Some of the outstanding num- bers were "The Christmas Story"; A Christmas (Cantata "Up the Chimney" and the rhythm band. The music was un- der the supervision of their mu- sic teacher, Mrs, iSturgiss. Mrs. If, Hocking, teacher; is to be congratulated on the success of the entertainment. When returning home from London 011 Friday Mr. Otto Walker's truck was in collision with another truck and a car on No, .1, Highway. Mr, Walker was not seriously injured, hav- ing escaped with several (brok- en ribs, His truck was 'badly damaged. Mr. E. Lurton is visiting with his niece, Mrs, L. Sorsdahl. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Storey and girls visited friends at ICinear- dine on Sunday, Mrs. Storey's mother, Mrs. Guest, returned home with them for a visit. .Mrs, Victor Nestle, Exeter, •visited with Mr, and 'Mrs. T. Laing. Several young ladies •of the community attended the Singer Sewing Class which was held in Cromarty hall last week. W.M.S. • '"K,. annual meeting of the WMIS was held at the home of Mrs. 'Calder ilMeKaig with a good attendance. Mrs. McKaig pre- sided anal the 'Christmas pro- gram in the Glad Tidings was followed. Mrs. M. La mmond read an article, the theme be- ing "Christmas the (lope of the World", and 'Mrs. harper led in the Glad Tidings' prayer. After the regular business had been dealt with the various secretar- ies gave their reports on the year's work and the retiring president, Mrs. L. 'Sorsdahl ex- pressed her appreciation to all members who had so faithfully " ulnauunuuuu1111u1uunnuu11uu,111,1uuuulllll PROMPT Watch Repair Service DURING THE XMAS SEASON AT SAVAUGE'S PILED H, SAVAUGN Certified watchmaker ,I11111111111111"1„111111111"1111,1,1,111,111„11111,1111111111,11111 •Cnrpenter•lntr wo kl dote. General re- pair to kitchen cupboards done, new ones mado at home to measure, Prices reasonable. Arthur Smith, phone 839-22 Christmas Turkeys We have available high quality broad -breasted bronze turkeys for Christmas and New Years. Place your order early. We deliver Campbell Eyre aakm§ Ugg 13 Hens441 supporter) her dining her •four years as ,president. The nomin- ating - committee, Mrs. F. Har- burn and ML's. F. Allen then submitted a :date of -officers for 1!157 as follows: lion—ovary president, MTs (hos., (l ott Sr.; prlroident. Mrs. '1'. Lain(; Int vice president, Mrs. M. 1 (mond n1 vice president. Mrs. t: 111 •Krait. r r1: l Il t Mrs 'I'. 1.,. 8(2011; assistant heeretttry, ML's. K. McKellar; trrasuu,r, 1192,1. W. Harper; supply s•r.retary. 11h's. Tilos. Scott Sr.;-exchangr see., Miss M. 1%irrie; Glatt Tidings, „ Mrs. P. ltIoc,re; home 1;''lp r Mrs. 11'1. Houghton literature, Mrs. J. -M-Scott; Ir?ss, rs. 11 McKellar; welcome curd welfare, Mrs,- L Sorsdahl; 110101na1ing committee, Mrs. F. Daiquiri. and Mrs. P. Allen; phurist, MM. W. Miller, assistant, Mrs, J. Wall- ace; auditors, Mrs, Unice Scott. and Mrs, L. Sorsdahl. At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed. ST. COLUMBAN 'Mrs. Angus Kennedy was hostess for the December meet - ng of the Catholic - Women's League, The president, Mrs, ,Joseph Kale, presided. Reports given in- dieated 105 090(01)10', cards sent and visits made to the sick, altars and linen's cared .for, 2-1' members belonging to the Mercy Shelter Guild, - and eaneelled stamps sent to the Missions. Do- nal ions o- s rlions were voted toward the Vete t tris' Pit IN t2I,nilister TIopitil, Ottr 'Lady M),si0nat- it ,Alcxandrea, and to the In d1 ire lir sie1t 1t, Spanish, 'Ont • 'hers. lack McIve r and M) Ted 'Telady volunteered to care j fol' the a1(1u•s dtv 1n;i• Jarnlary, Parts of the t WI constitution stitution and by-laws were studied. A very instructive paper on "Christmas Traditions” was giv- en by.Mrs. Jack M,'Tver. The ; prize for the evening donated by 'Mrs. Frank Bowman was Won by Mrs, Jack Moylan. XMAS DANCE Seaforth Community Centre MONDAY, DEC. 24TH Smith's Orchestra Evelyone. Welcolnr+ Sponsored by SHAPORTII JI'NI011 FARMERS »' 'iYsx"K air to :Sj".Y � nC,rd:•;:'lru� s �:.r WE SUGGEST n DIAMOND RI $375 Distinguished by modern, flow- ing lines this 3•diamond Blue• bird creation is a leader fashion design. $^.':ea»i e,v,'t,,. uo",c- r,g,l .-01 z. c'. Genera_ Electric ces F 80 DRY IRON Reg. 11.95 F90 STEAM & DRY IRON 18.95 1542 ELECTRIC KETTLE 12.95 T 31 AUTO - TOASTER 24.95 M-3 MIXER 23.95 S-1 FRY PAN 21.95 OS12 FLOOR POLISHER 49.95 9.95 16.95 10.95 21.95 15.95 19.95 39.95 Baldwin Hardware SEAFORTH FOOD $25 This bluebird is par ocularly attractive — and is set with 5 flashing finest quality d':en Inds. Curti uteed iclttlfrew $15000 &Diamond Pair --as plc.' toted, $11500 Modernistic Bluebird Soli- taire creation. $12500 E, eplional in beeuly 5811 value. J. A. WESTC```I1TT Jeweler Seaforth for l .liday hospitality. Tinsel ®bright and mighty tasty! When guests drop in, make them welcome with individual servings of crisp, buttery popcorn wrapped in glittering aluminum foil and tied with big red bows. You can keep the popcorn warm by heating the foil -wrapped packages in a slow oven. Then quickly tie on the ribbon when you take them out. And don't forget to have lots of sparkling Coca-Cola all ready and waiting. 'Cause the great taste of tingling, ice-cold Coke goes just great with snacks! For Sparkling Holidays.. ®f 'rang Horne the Coke! I2.entoo. II:I Oval REGULAR SIZE 36c Coke" a registered lrndoanark, ESBECO LIMITED Phone No. 78 Stratford, Ontario i I,1M,.n«,L, a,„,l1 s-rs-Ioax Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd.