HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-12-13, Page 3Wheie leargarining P:eay Keen "Tawar" ta berettle in Indonesiee, end hesettirting te inuch e pelt 1:" 11.e in lova ne • . Ice creten (1 11 ere For the visitor reom heir a is teld away it et a r1 to te. keenest anda rite to be performed. "Never enter a bleycle beef un til, you have settled on tt pt.:lett!" we have been .earned over and ocr again. The my omit trots down elimdinglitia Street Mee: • Ing his T.Tallowe'en noirentehers and, the Plod Pitiar, la. Phi a paettrle of children behind ;the., - but il•eee. children are 1111 • shin, Chinese, 7:eiteh. met Amese can • eepert tierettitters .1;c41. 144-41.• loons, retiehs, aet"iittes. One of. our tee -Aimee miteele conspleired, “1 berettie if ('an et old it hate it. It takes ton much sl" ee in this mud ern world." Bet ,''er merle it is a spert. [12.111irl rshateeming the wit:, and --_-tetreetit.g 11 bands, • One etes a unieerritv student eeitet, 1l ter ttfl'(' • meet, on, ( in e tseeeerace, emt can yee twee ..e ee„-ttitter, out bertreinitie1- 1 am 11 and to hareale or uoi to leeetelt. Ls not the chtesece. 1 tithe COZTleS With 9 '''t 14111.Ilirt 141 equanimity. Every rnorni- myhavorite • pineapple Jung, a tell old Irian wearing shorts, a hart tan shirt, and an red PC 111 104, comes to the ',steam 1 tait;t: ss I write. First, : beer his veto • "Naaanaaes!" It comes ratite, down the street l.,wa VET sot b y his titk ang - elk, a gitie'i mincing dance Ks two rounded bamboo beskete, which can eerie as much a,. cne hundred and twenty pounds ap1ece, era hat armed on a long wooden pole across his stm/eters. Ito stelae In front of my desk and the giant "apothecary scale" teeters to zest on the grass. Ottr Alice in Wee derland conversation htuitis. Here we are In a free transletior from Indonesian writes Minna M. Dickenson in the C h ri et 1 a r Bcience "Pineapple!" he calls lottaiy until I look up to see his bre ir Weatherbeaten face just ateeet my row of books. "Are they ripe," I ask.. "Oh, yes." he eplies, are beautiful, rine and juicy, reed sweet - very s" ''t Why (;•.,,,-; you try a hite' !is knife from his re , est mid 1. have the courage, to tell hint telt I am an Anterieee. sisst, vet lel. Ing from all Imre esited . aeon find !i',, 1( tho porch mimeetire, 1; angular t'•..i4, tit t) pineapple I -row tratcl• •-e to.•I is. with e'het ee.,e is bee ee eight • (441(1.• (•,•ti1(:•-•4otito, "FM; ee,t1.• says sins elso seer envoi -We (14214 feROM BRITAIN . Sir Witold 'Ormece who seceeeds Sir Roger 04 Britists ambassador to hint United States line presented his credentiale 4.) President Fleet:bower. cRosswoRD iPUZZLE 1 .4..1. It - 14. •.' 26. 14 Li IS 514(4' 17. Perini 18. mtli.:.ry 20. Chan0, 22. Cavalry spear 24. Large kW'', 25. impel 26. WOr£1/11P of idols 60. Behold 31. Blackbird 141, Scotch river 33. Cave refuge to 1110. Ontleal slam) 120.Alacic 57. riemise 28. Charms 41. Actual 42. Short visit 43. Plower NO, Poorly 148. Constellation SS. Cistern P1, Menagerie 81, Legal document 1S.• .• 410 erettlielent in United States rUr reree etiel." I tisit in tiolt• eef, • •h :tele teem re•'re'," Ite tssielt t," lest twee. - :sit thilt11,1110111 1.1)11 1411 31(, (011W...11..011y, 11.101.11." I epeeilt test117„ liet not tett sitimplete "Ole led .113 pirest pples Are the Tlio). toe the mviietost find II);• /tic apetat," I,c insists, "I•itito,•41 aanis 1414t ic• what I is•••• 111 the tricalot,'' 1 ocs net hoe, ully. • 1, ',1•111 elidiee, (44 elteeldee under the r tetelte tee.... -bet ,11,1 1111' that! 101v ,i(e) at the (inti 1,e• sidle 1 need. care 1; living. My (1(.14, rico, yoil )..acy 44.11e0 1,1 it 1 asititot• accoot ;coop orico.' "lirt 1144 made,: te pay 00(S, • 1 C11(10. g1.1(1 1»i4 tho jolty, 1 iitta c•[••••••2' via; itti,v le' tows 14i4/4'.. ',or' if, ihtS 191111 of titillt end note y i•ito.t; 444 do,111, Ono i11.111(111.C.1 (. ceill ill 4 lL.S [.." n ., Tiro eittlis is toy eist once,' tic coati ions, 1 twit tnocli to .rt*.•••,c1:: and "e'oie oitierioplas ior ('lit itoil(r," ()I, • 1;01;111 iretortesiert rhyme; tvitli OK. The 04,1.1 is cite:tele out".viis suppoeed• ty slim -reeled for 04,14 day. The tub:meet i•epreeetit 14 him tired eeterorises. Some Ittiy (410 Otittleit. car, titttg(1 ZiTlet", nird etctly•S. Solute slittrpen lreivte. Ow it: /1 romantic serer- stite 44110 dt1W;r. 1110 stroot at •;tight pushing o. iare-wijoeieei diner. Fie eells Chinese arta lett Indonesian cooked salad retitle with cabbage, cueuinber, greoli betu,41, no4 007.14000 rgioetits itliveye verteel with les; 411) twe hot 94,'a44tit Citta in:0st ititeretititte '.4 44'4 ;set the teethe/le 001,1.. 441", Th..:;'• '1' 1111 eiees eiel see • hee tiale biterilee, hie, Mete eteel•• tr4,4,,459.1. 1.Vt't•,11t9.,t4 1(110 1Iird o 1 1110 top ititti 4.1;t t:L• (1(1,41(.0 of, i ite I (roof -poi 4411. 011.1 Ash; 111.14,, is 11 blat'iti Floo,o(i ; 4.,•j, •1141a0, 1 tio it, 0:411114(,1 , 444 1 11(1011( 11111," atr. lei j o it; 4111 : 4•!, 11 414' I.( ;1;1,1t:' F,114'. r 1.144,4 x (18 et, 1,..,.., •k AT REST IN NEST - The pilot of this light ploste, Ur. David L. Poke (inset), descended unttert alter making this impromptu tree landing. ''.'!is phone roe out of f uel and he attempted to set it down in what he thought was an open field, but got himself hung up 35 feet above ground. The plane, hardly damaged, was Sreeught down by crane. ...._._ .,_......_ — __,....._. •• Caeada's poultry inettietryt :it` considered on a dollar basis hae Increased Tour fold 5144(1(1 pre-wer days and ranks filth iti agricul- ture on the basis of farm 4(011111 10(400)5, In relation to products 1 of the forest (((14(1101,41', the v11(11(114e I Of the poultry industry es((5,(','(,C13((5,(','(,C13on copper, nickel, irore, 'stilly- , tural material ((«0 tisbestos. Only I in 3955 did the 14111(414 (7(4' •criele i petroleum at the well heed (tee- med that of the peultey m_ hel e s t There hes teem a trereeteetee transition in tho ('0(0(1:' (4(04(14 try r. theur ;la4;t fo;!.'oa.',.4. Pt,' dilation has 0110',,'0110',,' highly orre eitd!,:ed, 9414w:44,4114g j4.4. oou. done (An :41 441(41(4418'441(41(4418' ,:f...111.kl. arta tettelieb. lee -344.144.1s ((11119.-veivi1,, tritrr”. P.tte,it:i011 4:41,144:41,14 (:4:14 11,'0i1. or 000duci:o4.4 i4,, 4,..44.14;,. ri10, 4'4- 1: WS. IX1.1.Thi..1'1241,1 1 41''(11514'(11514 try, 1195 i•L'i1.*L.9.t 1.: :.ii t. if! 411(1gro(11tk4 Of tl1(1111ite tere "tulustry. Sirelitte '1140111 it,. (1h1.11(:4(1h1.11(:4, breeditie her, 1041 to the cl-eelepmeet of butte? 1 ehicken 14,5(141 15.01111415.011114 ((('(1 11i11(11(4 egg peoclitetioti '' * •I'lie inenetei it. wilier. the broiler irtcitistee 1,-e1 (.4 .54(011(154 ix lilt' bees et' cii ".,.;:. 114 1(ri'014t4va111. 10:1Sef.,t't1iT'C 1.1,1 eta- re- eiliel.....,t . :Is to,:',411.1 .,44., a 14.,11,1a,•ct pissittel, le meet edit'. :44,.... 1 (1.11.111tt'A'S (((11 14 4:5 4911514447 nor; 1.4..4r...7.. TItio o144..41441- 411.0/4 1111,. p41 r et !15i.121',S1' S'45 1:4 r otoi.,,,? ••, r111•1,,^ tteitetetts-helf. pound ol 11,70,,V(,!.',,,, „, , , r ,f:„0,;.4, D.-..;„,... 4469,1 ('(((1414 OT about v. etits.-7 ('p11141410. ,1'('4"1'.4'1(((4 (,...",`_.•4.,1 .,Ii, :,. , ' •,• ,,. ttive '14' 1'(( iiitx,i t 7..,..c4 0,-, .....,.i i,.atS.01;fil. coii .1 Poi' doioi. illaix.4 on at •Aitt. ere -eta s: . e ,l , ; , hi:: 114.1i,.. :,•”,..t•vic•t. 4.1- •••••,•Iiirt,, 1.•-• ooi, ot. ti .0 .1: o , 1,901 t, ',IX tiiiX repree '1 1, 111 1,11 l'e!,:vi....11; 'ill,: (t.:.11:. 1, i:, 1.:1'i.,,i(1.1.,, 1111,4e, f',11!((',' 11 V. • '' PH.) , t!,11',1 4. ,L.,„, , , ' I!,,” • •, ,,...,"•1e,,!, (4.0):, "7••• ' i •-. - • .; •• -', '', ,,• • • i P si•;•• • i' ' .• _iv' :,' _ • ti ,i'az.0.; *out ll' '!, .' 1 i ,I,,ilt!l'Ittfi;:?, FC'liit; I' :1:1!! gQ.: I'M' .' 6,.1lit. t4:19(1 per 4.11,eeeme ee ' the le t. tr:s. Site it is (tl, 1,4,:.1...11;1.1.1 ilit. 11,14i1,4111. 14/.1'. 1.11:..1, ;ill' I 11.1.t 1.1,:../' OW , , !„1,1,.11,11.-1,10,0n, 11111 ..('Ir'. :.t.:, 1.1.r• iirri• loo ':::,-. I. 41 4,4,14 ;4; ;1(0 40 i.',g, • 11(1,1 14,4,41111'1' .11 J1(..4.114`0,11,- 14,t.'1::.;.•1" 1 .1'.'-',i'',tit,'.i'l 1.1:.4.:11,1 ...:‘'.i111,.{ Ii1/.1, 4,11!1,1 1., 14041111001. 1,,,, :..,.1'.i... 1,(,411la.,: '.. '11, 11 ,! 41-1/1.1 tli.14,1',1..1.1t 1, ,•.. 1,...111. 0.1 lahor ,,,t•i !-1,•;•ii;_•• altici:•,,,,,• ,;,,. IN f;!''..•1.,..(11 '11.,' rl',..11'.,:l 111 1 ail, ;,, 11.11 ,1... ', .. .111,1 1(1111, 1,ro.,1 r:.„•,.,1, -..,i if, ;,i.,• :4.1, 41,,•".... 1:'. (tr .t.' ‘,•,•',..,. The, •:.1,,11`1411.(',1 irtril. I' i.,.. 00.4.1 4 ,,,, 1.,,,,41 ,, 141.4,111. (1,,'........ ell:, .11:I! o•Poti T. 1 :••tio .=te eo per cent will produce 15 doz- en egg,s per hen in a 500 day laying period. With eggs selling et 40 cents per dozen, this gives a return of $6. If egg production could be maintained at 70 per rent, the average production per hen of this same flock would be 17.5 dozen eggs worth $7, Tide means an increased income of $1 per bird or $1,000 on a flock of 1,000 birds. The importance of sustained high oroduetion is nh; 1'119t7;-. .• it has also been found that as production increases the cost of production per dozen decreases. Experimental work has shown that a live pound hen laying at the rate 01180 eggs per year re- quires: a. out five pounds of feed per dozen egls A similar hen layi4(g at the rate of 200 egg$ t)tre yerr oeflu.i....o% only about foter t•iel ;Intends at feed pin do-tati 1iii3 represteite tiLet Not Your eart Be Troubled! e lea,j.ben WA Kitt Il Memory selection; Let net your heart he troubled: ye bee lieve in Clod, believe? else in me. John 11:1. ..1.11,-,;011.2r. aro 4;14_ ing for peace. 51 12 then:fete ets paeocrident sonoi recent years f•-na,114 We see them the lioolo•tcrest written by Jesse, Store:et tolbets tihicesseanwdritPer;;,:n''1''” 'att:tt•iiit7ieto ;l1, of give the rootre-,e, 4400Y,14 a formu. dlaowfonr namely, patio.. Of' rili,"“) 1,,...4111 of soul. 1115,' IS what Confute., en; 411, 1 im 'what Burititil, e,ett,•tt. sittit• ;1,3 tEhpoi emu roedei 14 :,;.• epee in mett-it tor it: Viost ''11 titt, this theme err chola ant: ,t••.• t . know hoes tie; t;;i1e1 ;sees/ are doing temethiee Note in helping 4"1''11) (4, T(i tively. tete et eeeteiet , iee.„ remth of this 1.o;:pt..•alas ino4,1 fariti;•,:lii ;with the w,' k. 1,411. of the, hirtIraki thee ,.'iii) the Mind thnt 741 4,100.1 It, falls sheet ef Odes; reoteept • Ave, .1tisns sato, "Patt.ce te:ivoit with you, 114.1tlf° 11:1111' 1.01110 11,4,1 glee 1 teem ;ewe. "t; t nee (4(4(5' ,he'''4he teetthlte., tatither 14 14 15 afrelet.- :itIK•„.!).t. 'real pee on:it; fw• Colupk-to 51:_,rrende:. .11,„:14i111 (r.r.,4.44:;,14e711.1e. 14.t. , •..to,,ent 1;1 (144..4: el,tiri *1,'144'i!;4 rorwor oil .. ft44 '101 • Tht LI ,' ZIA ri tit citit 1•'1.111:. 1.10 11111- 1,1otiroot:•, / .111,. 1411..t14 (lit, .04.. 1411,11ii (.( i to 1 sch i.d.•.•;•;: leirtioitt tircie; ',Ili,' vs.:0 tit .• titt,i, I i.111 (.1,.t114i1; 11111- (111,.11.:11 i)71;:. r111. 1,it.* 1.;186. 6'04, 1.00 1(1, 1,;10.41,n44/4 't 11,444 111.i1 1111911,44piti.. 0a,,(1 Mee, etit terival ir .resise, ' ree ;sere .retristel rd' (('[7 ;tenet.. tier. he 1, letitish (11 '4';'' tes iielat. "Tie. ieut....11 1(U(,'i livhse };(*1414110 4161'. 'Al.- • (aits;os lac): ne• etitleg mite ere,11 thieve; tor the test td zits' Tht,144.111 hint ri11(1,0144, British have ot teitie, esee'elsi ilei perTeelly te atheit, 11. 1•14 added, "leie ;hit:telt ixie ;Us! 11,0 -1 Like niost petatis. Ito itoos not retitle( thet 1 tem serval:its icol.tld not accept airs, other -state of affairs, ellpit••• .clatly ,i, ,Q for Anierieati- ilii • (lee .tritett ts.rirlt harder end imesee Seers (QV Meth. Idghtie •••••- • 11. ("(14 1C-S,.414.e. 1, (1hi 110(4tt. 4. iirthn 41,4,11 14. 1.k1' 1.(11vili.61111:741// S. Or IV: TOV,:ti -VVrIl'utt. 15.15144, tr-.1.411r, 14.1111,,,,,, -pry 4..44.444-.. (1..e 14i134,11 414. 41141 (.1? t, Nt; rut 40, •,•4. 1(94.1 11(1 14' 41, I (414',,' (1411 1;,44.74,4444 !;[. ; .4;4;44, • 40 4'.. •'41. "44 ann.) 1' 9 ele.; /0^4i Answer eetewhere this page. 4P 4' i ( ii. o; •• • 11.)•:. '1 ,.5• rtii t,•• , 'it4000 h:roit••;•• •,1 1, lira,' t •• ',ill ttn,i• i. ir,• ' r•r.,t' or ,••;•4•:•4!..',44,14402' 711 • 19.9' Hr,(,- Za-',1:ri14)', l'iri'. rep. •S;',iff. .. tor,i 4,4' '4,0100;I1441:,0.1,:. I1tetto;) ponitti..t 7•I' p4,i0,•) f11.,141, :.:01.!•1C1tit' t,' ;1'.:,i';i`!.." 144 4' '11114'' .4 ...ii. 154'',' ‚474_144(14,rlot ••,,op 1,;,..;. 'I'ii, 1,.toiiii1,'tion in is•ren-, ,,,f meet 1ii ;eel., ii elelq ti ST ;Olt!: 01' ',1l(1[( ;10);,: :kr ?Ort [4( 44 444, (((4 '1 cit;'11 ili• .1(10 o1 '''('1 nt,I gli'' 444 .1.00 poni,,i. ,tcit 1..',,, ;,,l`liilriltql, aS (1..-,,,, 0,00 11 1444(44 11,1 :.t. , •1,il•, rqi:;.r.. ' •• ,,..boti,rt oni,,tf:tirt, :, ict,It,t'. iivbich tins. rot•,!•• 11, hroilot :.,,,, at irntet i I.' , j'illr , 1 Ill't 011, 0 4.-,r, viovii;oint, is it (iitility ic 4.9 -lit - 14411 fauti into it,i,at. \,, 1011•.• 7;1,141 an1n1(11 t'alk (1)4IIPrtri' 41(1' 1110 1$1.1,110r in thi!.: /.<15p(.1 (t;t1±011gT) titt, i rut? IE 04. ,A,,.4, „, ('111'414( ((04', il is s0 pet colli lest - et eleiie 1 1.1 :11, 011,4 ,:1101,14T4i1.,1 1.0 plvalf(4 14 1('((('0 te: live ivt'irtiii or it f ;toilet; tett!4 eel peteide et feed. Turteeis broilcis lime lettee-,,,• the '1(41444' 4,1(11tiro tr.' ('(4,111' 11 0.-.., file, Ins14 fieo it, 44,4' e.,44•1:, i.•••ay-$ tr1o1 0. ll. ru.,,di 10, i prj ,'sit -11's fIlt• 1,11rist:t11..; irlitnik,giritir ,ii..,1 i.111.0w.i. Ow 6114 rt.11,010 is still 1.,,..,. 40115 111C.,.. lin' 1.51 SOH 1,41r. ,,,,,1 ,T1.1.114' th4't4II!,..1101.14 I ti. .,(4ir '21, 4111(411 riZeti 01014414 1.. 4141415.'1.111: „letiV(!),,` 41411 1' 1.11t, rt,r1,,firt'Y 1.410.1, 113 and hes; influelictd tle teteet iteverti (.1,0111r proililyin 10 'phi,. Inas r1144t1i141(4 in 1., sub:4:0.14;1 it; .e148111,4,.1 04 ittrke,,,, ce.,,,., ir•j, or t'sj, tide. l'ollitri• toorist•Itita„t; 114 illti,;• were 414 1)er evil higlior tilde 11111 1943-47 Period . viltic11 011 1.1 tlien teas a record and tett:" teeritt;titigs were up 4 per ewe. TJtirinl.i 11.14. 114(11" yeers leriee (((11,4 Otte:, of prdir,i, :40(1 meg:, ‘1..e. d'sporitici hot todici the Patti; is :I0III5lIr115l 011 the hemp inteete, , s TtIr lit! 'il1rk0ql1141.1 1:1111,l01 Calittt4.ittfl 414'(40(11,1441g, Plat,i,S: h14114' inervitscia (rota ((1 atiiiititi poundk 01 1951 lo 41 rellliee eolith's 0, 195li. The teeeinel etirk clam in C'e;ite',e. in the dovelepteent of the 1514,, ('14)4'''. breitzt titrkcy ' re ',OTIJILiiii'314.c1I (0,4 j••-.;;;-..• , '31° ii -0,- r3,103;1'M:,15,, 1,6161ZIiiiI>114,MJ. re VIS!4111 is' , ,', "", 4 ' telotie tee '''14 (''4,. ,. te, -m. , :,. , 11A14. 1,110 Hp4 s miy 1.11.31a.: ,:4 , 213 ciAN a 'KY .4 iA •;;; 4,, . , t, 1. :1`..•, T$ii3i3rAltf.I‘.'Y,1ntSi.t 1e ,ldi flwtt 1ridi_4,pPii (14VdTnYir34 II‘r0 04 i • • • . I C3J/Y I MD? I'll, r :011 Vt4,4,,jPI. 1,7' uriver-o 1"/ Cr •4,14 THE ONTARIO SOCIETY POR CRIPPLED Children benefited to the extent of .51,52.5 ot the ttoyto Agrieulturn1 Winter Fait when a prized Jin•sey Bull, donated by John Molson, Vice Piesident of Molson's Breese!), Limited, ivtontreol, was ouctioned off and the proceeds turned oye' 10 the Society. Here, 1E4 to light, are John Molson, Carolyn Kerr, who accepted die motley en h'o- half of the ;1)02 and Jchn Btill Toronto the purch ser