HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-12-13, Page 1SEAFORTH VOTE
Elected for council: W. Ball,
J, Turnbull, S3, Christie, 'I'..Riv-
ers, J. Kellar, •S, Ilableirk, The
sewer 'by-law was defeated in.
Wednesday's vote.
For [Council [(six to be elected)
lag 3-4 5-6 Ttl
83a11 195 143 112 450
[Christie 159 127 '108 394
9•Iabkirk 143 122 78 343
if(ellar 146 .112 96 354
Leslie 72 78 46 190
Rivers 147 126 85 358
[Scott 111 05 62 268
Turnbull 172 137 91 400
Sewer By-law—
For 57 38 20 115
Against 91 68 67 226
Stanley Federation
Annual Meeting
51.00 a Year
Authorized as Second Muse mail. ena9
Snowdon Proc., Publisher
Ofrice Dept., Ottawa
December Meeting
of Town Council
The regular December meet-
ing of .Seaforth Council, Mon-
day night named 'Mayor Mc-
Master, [Reeve Scoins and Town
Clerk D. H. Wilson to organize
a Hungarian Relief IComnntittee
for Seaforth and district, with
power to enlarge the commit-
tee. The Mayor said that W. 'NI.
[meeting of Stan- 'Hart would represent the )Limns
ley Township Federation of AgClub, and su '.gested a member
The annual
eiculture was held in the town- from the Ministerial Anode, -
ship hall, Varna, Friday, Dec. 6 tion, the Catholic Church and
. 'with the [president, Alex, Mc- the Red Cross. He reported hav-
Beath, in the chair, Meeting ing received several inquiries
took the forma of a social get -to- and offers of citizens to take
gether. Dowing the early part refugees into local homes. Mr.
progressive euchre was enjoyed. Wilson said several calls had
prizes going to: high, Vic TaY- also come to his office.
lor; low. (Hugh [Hendricks, Mrs. The street committee report-
jack Taylor. ed several drains cleaned out,
The 'minutes of the last an- repairs to a culvert on 'Sperling
maal and the [treasurer's report street, tile purchased for the
were given by George (Reid, ,Brantford street drain, but this
secy.-treas. . • work cannot be completed till
Douglas McNeil, .Goderich,
Red Cross Accepts
'Emergency Quota
The Seaforth (br'anc'h of the
Canadian Red Cross Society has
tccepted a special emergency
luota of sewing and knitting for
Hungarian [Relief., llmmediately
after the holiday season any-
one in [Seaforth or district who
can help with this work is urged
to do so. The material will be
available at the lRedCross rooms
'n the rLibrary at the Jan. 4th
meeting of the S6ciety or con-
tact Mrs. A. W. Moore. Cash
donations for Hungarian Relief
will be forwarded by the Treas-
urer, Mrs. W. E. (Butt to 'head-
quarters in Toronto. The ap-
peal to the Seaforth [branch
from the [Ontario Division read
in part "The !League of .Red
Cross Societies have been urged
to use all Canadian resources
available to meet the immediate
needs of the people of [Ihtngary
at the discretion of the League.
These supplies were immediate -
county president, gave a short
talk on county levels, and in-
troduced the guest speaker,
'Clayton Bender, Gowanstown,
zone director, who gave an in-
formative and interesting talk
on the work of the Federation
and the co-operatives, their ach-
ievements and aims. He said,
"we can make resolutions but
unless we are willing to work
hard to make them effective,
they will accomplish little." Ile
urged all members to [become
better acquainted with the Fed-
eration and to back the direct-
ors in their work. A period of
discussion followed when every-
one was given the ,privilege to
ask questions and have them
discussed. Mr. Anson McKinley
very ably thanked thespeaker.
Mr. Alfred Warner, of Bay-
field reported for the Hog Pro-
ducers, Mr. Douglas McNeil
c.onduc.ted the election of offi-
eers which on motion of Alvin
Rau and Anson :McKinley, that
the 1956 officers carry on for
1057, with the exception of S.
S. 4, where Mr. Ken [Seotchrner
has resigned on account of i11
health. Edwin Dunn was chosen
to take his place. was adopted.
The business part of the
meeting was interspersed with
musical numbers by Grant Jones
and James Lave, Readings by
Helen Hendrick, Exeter, and
two Scotch lassies from Sea-
forth,' accompanied by the bag-
pipes, presented some beautiful
Scotch dancing.
+NIr. Me,Beath moved a vote of
thanks to the entertainers and
after the National Anthem all
enjoyed lunch.
The officers for 1957 are:
Alex Me]eath, Pres., :Elmer
Hayter, Vice Pres., Leonard De -
No. 1 , Sep., Jack Scotch -
mer, No. 4, W., Elwin Dunn,
No. 4, E., Elgin Porter, No. 3,
Clarence Parke, No, 2, Bert Mc-
Bride, No. 5, 'Bruce Iteye, No,
13, Ward Forrest, No. 7, 'Harv-
ey Hayter. No. 0, Jack Taylor,
No, 10, Bill Hanley, No, 1, Wil-
lner Jones, No. 11.
spring; some snow plowing and
removal had been done. Two clog, ly put at their disposal and as
taxes still unpaid will be placed a result our stock at the Gen -
for collection. The new grader I eva and Marseilles warehouses
is doing good work, town em-• is depleted. 'Shipments have al-
ready gone from the Ontario
Division and another is 'packed
ready for shipment the end of
the week. We are writing to
ask you to please send your
finished 'articles to the Division
warehouse as soon as possible
so that more may be packed for
overseas. 'In order to "'et furth-
er supplies into Hungary we
must get them into aur 'ware-
houses in Europe. The need is
for infants' and children's warm
clothing, underwear, nightwear,
quilts and with special emphasis
on all knitted articles. One
tiring to bear in .mind is the ne-
cessity to get this done with ex-
pediency 'because of the great
and dire need",
ployees report, The grader is on
a rental basis of $100 a month,
to be applied on purchase price
of $3500 if 1957 •council decide
to buy it.
Property committee reported
the wing had been put on the
new grader and one round can
clear streets. Work has started
on the front of the town hall,
!Mr. Hugill having begun closing
in the front stairs on ,Saturday.
Repairs had [been made at the
Bushie house, Councillor Kellar
thought the garage roof should
have been made high enough to
store the grader. Councillors
thought the roof could still be
Councillor 'Leslie reported
the sewerage disposal plant
functioning smoothly, a trap
had been installed to prevent a
repetition of water backing up
into the big tank, also a retain-
ing wall 14 inches high had
been built.
Councillor Scott was informed
that the Wright & Leybnrn
piece of land east of the dispo-
sal plant will be paid for by the
town, about $150. This is ac-
cording to the original agree-
Peeve Scoins reported one
new application for relief.
Mayor McMaster read a letter
from W. C. Oke, James Mc-
Donald and E. Munro asking
for a share of town insurance
business or a share of commis-
sions as in some towns where
insurance is all 'b r o k e r ed
through one office. A motion
sponsored by +Reeve Scoins that
all insurance come due Nov. 1st
to save borrowing for premi-
ums, was left over to next year
iI3oxing day will be proclaimed
for Wed., 'Dec. 20th.
The usual grant of $125 was
made to the Lions Club for
park maintenance.
C. 51. Smith was re -appointed
to S e a f or th District I'Iigh
School board for 1957-58.
Reeve Scoins suggested a by-
law for licensing trailers in
town, which caused discussion.
If a trailer is on wheels it can
be licensed and if wheels are
removed it can be assessed. The
trouble seemed to be in the past
that the wheels were removed
or put back on according to the
whims of the owner. One trailer
is at present assessed, another
trailer sends children to school.
It was claimed that some pupils
are charged '$50 annually to at-
tend the local school and others
pay $100.00 if non resident.
At the close of the meeting
Councillor Jack !Kellar moved
a vote of thanks from the coun-
cil to retiring councillor E. H.
Close who has served for ten
years. Mr. Close said he had got
lots of abuse but had always
done what he believed fair and
square and played no favorites,
He thanked council for their
Northside Couples
Club Meets
The Northside Couples Club
held their Christmas 'party on
'Monday evening at the parson-
age with a total of 22 members
present. Mrs Thos, Wilbee op-
ened the meeting with an ap-
propriate poem, after which
. 'Mrs, Bruce Hall led us in pray-
er. Mrs. Neil 'Balland Mrs.
'Thos. Wilbee read the Christ-
mas Story from St. Luke 2, and
the seasonal spirit was express-
ed iby the singing of several
earols. During the business por-
tion of ottr meeting, the follow-
ing officers were elected for
1057: Honorary .Pres., Rev. and
[Mrs, Bruce Hall; Pres., Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Bell; Vice Pres., Mr,
and [Mrs. Alvin Riley; Sec., Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Steffen; .Public-
ity, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley;
Treas., Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Oke; Worship Committee, Mr.
and 4vIrs. Clarence Walden) 'Mr.
and +Mrs, Harold Connell; [Pro-
gram Committee. Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Steffen,
Don't forget the Christmas
tree rand Sunday school enter-
tainment to be held in the
church on Friday evening, Dec.
Mr. Andrew :Houston is suffi-
ciently recovered from his re-
cent accident to be able to re-
turn to his home.
Mr. 'Bernard Vett is in IStrat-
ford [Hospital where he under-
went an operation for removal
of cataract, we hope he will
come home much improved.
iMr. Will 'Finlayson visited
with his mother, NIrs. Jas. Fin-
layson and also assisted his bro-
ther Art Finlayson at the new
iMr. and Mrs. F. Clarence
Martin, ,Blyth, RM. :2, wish to
announce the engagement of
their daughter Edna Margaret,
to Wen. Floyd Edward Jenkins.
The marriage will take place at
Duff's United [Church, Walton,
an Dec. 29th.
Dr. A. R. Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell of Guelph visited this
week with INIr. end Ibirs. IR, Y.
[Mrs. Robt. Cameron,, who un-
derwent aa, operation in ;Clin-
ton General Hospital, was able
to return home last week.
The O,G.I.T. of First Presby-
terian Church held a work enact-
ing on Monday evening with 15
members present. Ellen Gorwill
was in the chair, Agnes Carter
read the scripture. Carol Den-
nis, the secretary, read the
minutes. There was a short
business discussion. It was de-
cided to sing Christmas carols
to sick and shutins on Sunday,
December 23rd. The meeting
closed with "Taps". A work
period followed when Christmas
favors were made to be given to
The annual meeting of St,
Thomas' Anglican i0hurch Altar
Guild was held 'Tuesday evening
Dec. 4th, in the ;Parish Hall.
The following officers were
elected: .Hon. -Tres., Miss C.
Pinkney; !Hon. Vice, Intra. M.
Case; ' [Fres,, Mrs. M. IStapletoe ;
Vice Pres., Mrs, iMeGabe; Treas-
urer, [Mrs, W. E. Southgate; Se-
cretary, Mrs. (Boswell. After the
meeting a social -hour was held
at the home of Mrs. iBoswell.
Harvey loleLlwain has pen,
chased a frame dwelling on.
George St. from the Margaret'
E. Phillips estate.
Main Street 9, 'Topno-tch 4;
Seaforth Shoes 8, General Coach
Legion Elects
1957 Officers
At the annual meeting of the
Seaforth Branch !Canadian, Le-
gion, No. 150, the following of-
ficers were elected for 1957:
President, 3. J. [holland; let
vice pres., H. Nesbitt; 2nd vice
pres., W. de. Smith; secretary, 3.
Scott; treasurer, A. Dobson;
sergt. at arms, ID. Muir; enter-
tainment, H. Iluissor; property,
K. Powell; house, Allen Nichol-
son; trustee, D, ,Sills; auditors,
F. illis, F. Snow; pension offi-
cer, R. S. Box; chaplain, Rev.
4. H. Seines; membership, NI.
•McGrath; special events, R. Eis-
ler; social and visiting, R.
Rebekahs Hold
Christmas Party
A very enjoyable time was
spent when the Oddfellows and
!Rebekah Lodge held their an-
nual Christmas party in the
lodge room. Glen Haase, Vice -
Grand of Fidelity [Lodge was
chairman and opened the pro-
gram with a short address of
welcome Carol singing through-
out the program was led by
Mrs. frank Kling, accompanied.
on the piano by [Miss Mae
Smith, Solos were given by Miss
Sharon Strong and Walker
hart, Tlighland dancing by Miss
Betty Jean Andrews and Miss
Sully Fox accompanied by Peter
Malcolm on the bagpipes, was
enjoyed, Instrumental solos
were given by Miss Ellen Con-
nell, Thomas Fox and Peter
Malcolm. The step' dancing of
;Miss Sharon Strong and William
Dalrymple delighted the large
audience. (Mrs. Albert iIIarrison,
N. G. of Edelweiss Lodge con-
ducted a couple of contests.
SantaClaus arrived and each
one received a gift, then a de-
licious lunch was served by the
social committee.
The Christmas mailing rush
is now reaching the peak, al-
though the deadline dates to as-
sure IGhristmas delivery to most
points is past. However air mail
~will speed the delivery and for
many mailings' this method will
avoid disappointment.
To enable the Postal staff to
handle your mailings as speed-
ily as possible mailers are urg-
ed to follow the provisions •made
for mailing at the Post 'Office
The separation of letters into
LOCAL (Seaforth and Rural
[Routes, Egm ondville and St.
Colunm[ban) and OUT-OF-TOWN
bundles is of great assistance
when tied and dropped in the
[roper receptacle, The lead line
date for ,LOCAL mailings is
Monday 17-Decenvber.
For important first class mail,
the mails for despatch close at
11a.m., 1.45 p.m., 6.15 p.m. and
8 p.m., patrons are requested to
observe these hours aakd hand
such .mail in at the General
Delivery wicket.
W. A.
Miss. Geo. MeGavin was re-
elected president of St. Thomas'
Anglican Church Women's Aux-
iliary at a meeting in the parish
hall 'Tuesday afternoon. The
Rev. J. H. James conducted the
election and commended mem-
bers on their 'achievements.
Other officers are: Hon: Pres.,
Mrs. L. VanEgmond; Hon. Vice
Pres., Mrs, J. A. Case; Vice
Pres., [Mrs. John 'Oldfield; Sec.,
[Mrs. Wm.. O'IShea; Treas., 'Miss
Dorothy Parke; Dorcas Secre-
tary, )Mrs. W. E. Southgate Sr.;
Assistant, .Mns. W. A. Moore;
Social Service Sec., Mrs. Ed-
ward Case; Living Message Sec.,
Mrs. David Netzke; Life Mem-
ber Sec,, Miss [Carolyn Holmes;
[Girls' Auxiliary Leader, Mrs. 3.
H. James; Junior Auxiliary Lea-
der, [Mrs. J. lR. ,Spittal; Little
Helpers Sec,, Mrs, Bruce Mc-
Lean; Prayer Partner Sec., Mrs.
Ray Vett,
The fire brigade was called
to the farm home of Lewis
Coyne, lot 12; con. 4, McKillop;
on Tuesday afternoon owing to
)t •chimmney fire. The family were
able to put out the fire and the
firemen on arrival checked to
be sure there was no further
P. well-known Tuekersmith
twp. fanner, William McGeeSproat, died in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, ori Thursday, in
his 77th year, after being in
poor health for seven weeks. Ile
had entered hospital after the
death of his wife last 'month,
Mr. .Sproat was (born in Tucker -
smith twee_the son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat, and
received chis early schooling
there, Mr. Sproat farmed all his
life in Tuckersmith, and for 49
years he successfully conducted
a tile and brickyard business on
the farm. He was married in
1904 to Jennie Robinson of Me-
Killop twp, who died about a
month ago. One son Frank, was
killed in an accident about 20
years ago He was a memlber of
First Presbyterian Church, Sea -
forth, and also a member 01
Britannia lodge, Al' and AM,
Seaforth. He is survived by one
son, Mark and one daughter,
Isabelle, both at home; two sist-
ers, Mrs. Margaret Morrow,
Seaforth, and Mrs, W. 13. Hort-
ton, •Caiaary, Alta.; two [broth-
ers, J. R. (Jake), North Bay,
and .Russell H„ .Seaforth, There
are two grandchildren and three
great grandchildren.
The funeral was held on
+Monday from the G. A, Whit-
ney funeral home, the Rev, D.
Glenn Campbell officiated. In-
terment was in Maitlandbank
'Cemetery, 'Seaforth.
'Pallbearers were; 'Peg. Mc-
Gee, Albert IeGee, John Mc-
Gee, Nelson Govenlock, Lawr-
ence !Murray and E. P. Chesney.
Fiowerbearers were; Harry
[Chesney and Earl Ley!burn.
The 1C G.I.T. will hold their
annual Christmas Vesper. Ser-
vice in Cavan [Church, Win-
throp, Sunday, Dec, 16 at 8 p.m..
Everyone is invited to attend
this service.
The Christmas concert for
Cavan Church Sunday School
-will be held on [Friday evening',
Dec. 14th.
Rev. Bruce IIall of Seaforth
will preach at Duff's Church
on Sunday, Dec. 10 at 2.30 p.m.
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Church
spent Sunday with 51r, and Mrs.
Cecil Harrison at 1(11, Pleasant.
The farmers' union sponsored
a euchre and dance in Winthrop
hall on Friday evening last.
Cards were played until 11 p.m.
after which Miller Adams, Debt,
Grimold;by and J. R. Leeming
played the music for dancing.
There was a very good attend-
ance. The prize winners at the
cards were; ladies most games,
Mrs. Orval Storey; loupe hands,
Mrs. J. 'Coutts, consolation,
Shirley Dolmage. Men's most
games, Les Dolmage; lone
hands, [Harvey Dolmage; conso-
lation, Don Iloggart,
The W. A. and WMS of 'Cav-
an Church held their annual and
Christmas meeting on Dec. 6th
!with a fair attendance. 'NIrs. Ar-
thur Alexander, president, pre-
sided. [Mrs, Theron Betties read
several letters of appreciation,
and the annual report. The com-
munity friendship committee,
will send remembrances to the
shutins. Mrs. Gilbert .Snmith then
took over the 'meeting for the
W!M.S. The secretary read the
reports for the year. Mrs, John
Pethick was appointed mission-
ary monthly secretary. Mrs. Les
Dolmage was appointed helper
for the C.G:I.T, Mrs. Frank
Johnston and iMrs. Wm. Little
are to look after the )Christmas
candy. Mrs. Smith read an arti-
cle on the Korean situation,
(Mrs. Wm. Church read an arti-
cle, Let's Keep Christmas. Mrs.
[Frank Johnston, played a pre-
lude,".Star of the East" to the
candlelight service which was
conducted by ,ht's. R, 3. Doig
and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha.
Those taking part in the service
were: Mrs, (Holden, Mrs. Ken
Betties, 'Mrs. W. T. Dodds, Mrs.
Lew Bolton, Mrs. IR. K. Mac-
Farlane, Mrs. Frank Johnston.
Each member lighted [a candle
for Rorea, [New Guinea, Cana-
da, ~Malaya, and Hong 'Kong.
Mrs. ramith read a poem, Holy
Night while Mrs. Frank John-
ston played Christmas music.
Meeting closed with a Christ-
mas (Carol and lurmch was served.
Prices at )Hensall 'ColrbmunitY
Sale on Dec. 6th,
Weanling pigs $10.50 to $14.-
75; chunks $15,25 to ' $20.50;
feeders $21.10 to $25:35; sows
$60.00 to $93.00; Holstein cows
$149.00 to $160,00; Durham
cows $137.00 to $175,00; Hol-
stein calves $12.60 to $18.00;
Durham calves $18,00 to 825.50.
480 [pigs and 80 head of cat-
tle were sold. This sale was the
best yet for some time.
17 Jewels
unbreakable mainspring
expansion bracelet
18 klgo
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17 Jewels
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Jewellery Gifts Fine Chins,
The December meeting of the
W. A. of 'Duff's United '.:torch
was held last Thursday after-
noon in the basement with Mrs.
F, Walters presiding and.Mls,
B. Johnston as secretary. Mrs.
R. Bennett read the scripture
from Luke 2: 8-14, 8: 12, -Com-
ments -"Let there be Light"
were given by Mrs. Walters. The
secretary gave the report and
read a number of "Thankyou"
cards, followed with the treas-
urer's report by .Mrs. A, Coutts.
It was decided to send a donne
Bon to the 1'Ieliinnon House in
London. A t espee service will
be sponsored by the YPU and
CGIT on Swaday evening, Dec.
23rd. The .decorating commit-
tee are as -follows: ,Mrs, T. 31'-
Creath, bIrs. W. lh Thomas,
Mrs. 1. Kirkby, 31N. H. Small -
don. A report of the fall meet-
ine of the W. A, at Goshen wee
given by Mrs, ,F. Walters and
Mrs. G. Love.
Slate of officers for 1057:
Past Pres,, Mrs. F. Walters;
Pres., .Mrs. G. 'MeGavin; 1st
Vico President; Mrs K. McDon- sent to the sick during the
aid; 2nd Vice 'Pres., Mrs. N. I year. Carol singing. closed the
Reid; 3rd Vice Pres., airs, B. meeting, led be -Mrs. A. Turn -
Philippines and Indo China.
Those taking:. part were Mrs. F.
Kirkby, sirs. W. Broadfoot and
Mrs. T. Dundas, A vote of
thanks was moved to Mrs. Me
Michael oe the completion of
her term as president.
The 8th of Morris and 15th
of .Grey group of Dnff'e United
Church met at the home of Mrs,
Wilbur Turnbull with 17 pre-
sent. Mrs. Andrew Turnbull con-
ducted the devotional part op-
ening with •prayer. The hymn
`•Silent Night, Holy Night" was
sung and the scripture was ta-
ken from Luke 2; verse 1-20.
"Changes are L,erywhere" was
the title of the topic given by
Mrs. Douglas Etre '. The Roil
Call and minutes Were read by
Mrs. Alvin • McDonald- Mrs
Bert John.etere the pre ident,
led in the business dt cu eiotr
and the following officers were
elected for 1957. [Pre Mrs.
Wm. Flood; Au•nistant I Tee..
Mrs. Harold [Bolger; Sec.,~Its.
Alvin McDonalde Treas.. \VMS.,
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; W. A.,
Mrs. Jack Bryaas.
Nine boxes were reported
Johnston; Sec„ Mr's. R. 'Bennett;
Treas., [Mrs. A. Coutts: pianists,
Mrs. J. Bryans, 'Mrs. W. Turn-
bull; Flower Committee. !airs.
H. Smalldon, Mrs. H. Travis,
.Mrs. R. 'McMichael; Manse Com-
mittee, Mrs. 13'. [Reid, Mrs. IH,
Sellers. Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs.
W. Turnbull; Kitchen Commit-
tee, Mrs. F. Walters; Com-
munity Friendship Seca, Mrs.
W. Broadfoot; Stewardship,
[Mrs. H, B. Kirleby; Christian
Education, Mrs. G.. Love.
The 'W.M.S. meeting of Duff's
flnited Church was held last
week with [Mrs. ilt.. McMichael,
the president in charge. She
told a very interesting story of
Christmas entitled, "What Child
Is This?" The Roll Call was an-
swered with a Christmas hymn
and minutes of last meeting.
were given by Mrs, F. Kirkby
followed with the treasurer's re-
port by Mrs. R. Achilles.
Report of the nominating
committee was given as follows:
[Hon. Pres., NIrs, E. Bryane:
.Past Pres., [Mrs. R. [McMichael;
Pres., Mrs. A. McDonald; let
Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Turnbull
2nd Vice President, 'Mrs. D.
Watson; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. 11.
Mitchell; Treas„ Mrs. R. Ach-
illes; Sec., Mrs. R. McMichael:
Press Sec., 'Mrs. T. 'Dundee;
Supply [Sec., Mrs. C. Martin;
Community Friendship, Mrs. W.
Iiroad'foot; Christian Fellow-
ship, Mrs. C. 'Ritchie; ;Mission-
ary Monthly Sec,, Mrs. T. Dun -
des; Stewardship Sec., Mrs. H.
13. Kirkby; Literature Sec„ :Mrs.
N. Schade; Mission [Band Sup-
erintendents, Mrs, Art McCall,
{Mrs, T, Dundas; Baby [Band
Superintendents, NIrs. N. Larks
and Mrs. R. [Bennett; [CGIT,
NIrs. Ted McCreath, Miss [Edna
Martin; Auditors, .Mrs. J. INIc-
[Donald, Mrs. J. Smith.
It was decided to set aside
the collection in each group for
one month of the year to be
used in sending bales.
The Walton group .was in
charge of the Devotional per-
iod taken from South East Af- reside in Seaforth, where the
rico and Korea, r0onvereation on .bride is on the staff of Scott
bull. A social half hour follow-
ed. A delicious Mulch was served
by 'Mrs. l,d Bryans, 'Mrs. Ken
McDonald, Mrs. Everett Per-
due and the hostess.
ibir. and [Mrs. Robt. Watt of
'Blyth, celebrated their Golden
Wedding Anniversary on Wed.
Dec. 5th at their home. Friends
and relatives called during the
day to wish therm well. They
have lived in this community
all their lives. [Mr. Watt was
been, on the old farm on the
13th of .Hullett. Mrs. Watt (for-
merly Millie Kirkby) was born
at Sunshine, on the 5th line of
(Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Kirkby,
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kirkby and
Mr. and 'Mrs. Robt. Kirkby were
entertained to a turkey supper
at the Watt home in honor of
the. occassion.
Mr, Mac Whillans, aged 00,
of Ailsa Craig, dropped dead
with heart seizure, while load-
ing square timbers in the CNR
freight yards, [Hensall, on Mon-
day. Dr. J. C. Goddard, coron-
er, pronounced death instantan-
eous. The body was removed to
the Bonthron funeral home and
later to the Stephens funeral
home in Ailsa Craig.
'The marriage of Gloria
Swanson White, Seaforth, the
daughter of Mr. and bits. 1lu-
Earlne Smith, Nova Ralph Soldan, ofsonttMr.
and Mrs, Wm. [Soldan, Tlensali,
was solemnized by Rev. C. D.
Daniels, in the 'Hensall United
Church Manse on Saturday.
The (bride chose for her wedding
a grey suit with a rose corsage.
The bridesmaid, [Donolda J.
Nicholson of Seaforth, wore a
bine snit with a red corsage.
The groom eves attended by
Lenard Clark. A reception was
held at the home of Mn'.'and
Mrs. William Soldon. The 'bride
and groom 'motored to the
States, on their return theywill
Memorial Hospital.
Mrs. rCatharine 'Redden Was
taken to rSouth. Huron Hospital,
Exeter, last week, where she is
receiving treatment..
Mr.... Hugh McEwen Sr., who
was taken ill at her home last
week, was removed to South
-Huron Hospitai, Exeter, where
she. is receiving treatment.
Mr. Wm, Kerslake 01 St.
Marys is' spending a few weeks
With his son and daughter-in-
law, 'Mr.. and Mrs. A. W. Kers-
:1Iessrs Ronald Passmore and
Bill Kerslake spent Monday in
$Iles Dcmna Gilbert and airs.
i Dose Gilbert and Mr. C.
Brooks ool.s oi' London visited re -
c ittly with Mt. and lits, R. A.
Orr and Jim.
Report of Ontario Provincial
Police for October in District
No. G: Motor vehicle accidents
173, fatal 2, persons killed 3,
injured 70, charges - laid t;00,
rate of speed 412.
Hockey Hapn's
By 8111 Teail
Owing to the rush of trying
t; find drivers to take the team
to Burlington we have been un-
able to prepare any news this
The following is our financial
position which you will see is
very low with both minor and
junior drawing out now.
Ticket sales to date . 12395.00
Vena's release 75.00
Donations 42.75
Gate Receipts to date 397.05
Turkey Draw 204.50
Exp. to date last week $2588.91
Lunches 46.00
Travelling players 48.00
Travelling (gas) 11.20
Laundry 2.15
Telephone 41.60
Coaching 30.00
Skate sharpening 2.1.80
Insurance tminors) 54.00
Draw prize 100.00
Balance on hand , ,.. 164.58
The following is an itemized
statement of the expenses to
Lunellecs 313.00
Transfers tThompson
and Verhoeve) , .. 150.00
.Postage .. , ....... 30.93
Phone r 1,65
Travelling 302.20
Insurance 259,00
Coaching 2.45.00
Advertising , , , 81.36
Equipment (s c k s•,
sweaters S pucks) 727.52
To last year's :player 20.00
0. ,H. A. fees 89.00
Booster draws 600.00
Included irs these expenses is
the following which Inc been
paid out for Juveniles and Min-
or hockey.
Entry fees