HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-29, Page 7Razor Records
9?rt hit; head vire,.: a bowler heat;
In his right hand was an elec-
tric ian:or; awl with his teff
hand a Swedish motors t drove
along a roun71y road shaving
himself, with the razor pine:fl
info .his twelve -colt elle bet.-
A pOliee: official could herdiy,
¢ielicve • hi3, eyes, bola Stopped
(tit,, pointing out. that- he had
•proper control of the eta-.
"felon :se," re)ilied the Mo-
torist. "i.here. are nee-arl'ne-o.
strivers s'hll drive quite s•Ofc---
ty, arent there?" He Inas lob -
en to countt, but was (nand not
for il7v of driving without firer-
' 0 11(1'11.
leitrbee. in 7'he I 'tlt tIIe,
'Virginia, claimed the world`s.
Ow% to; speed record in 1946 by
giving erne of l.i customers
perfect shute" in sixty Seconds
without any cuts or Melt's. But
Softy •four :1•ears earlier, a Bol..
nast barber shaved six sten in
two minutes, 11 also shaved
aloe *wan with a canning knife
eighty -fret seconds and atu-
other with -a penknife in fort,,. -
ave seconds.
lie has been calculated tbai
anra.n shaves two square miles'.
atf face during his •lifetime mud
cute ciff 250 million hairs.
I3lonze 'razors with ivory
bundles• weie used by the an-
eicnt Egyptiaans for shaving.
Rlarly mean also shaved with
glint, iron and pumice stone:,
The first safety -razor was ie.
vented in 1702 by a master cut-
ler in Ptris, Jean -Jacques P,tr.•
ret. His was a straight razor fit -
tea 'with a guard. 'Phe usual
type of safety -razor, with a
inlade at an angle to the hen-
allle, wt`s first patented by a
Londoner, William S. Hensen,
in 1347.
----Meal iiig Stars
fay Tekksc4lpe
Secreta Of outer spade will
i.e probed this autumn with a
'wonderful new 5300;000 natio-
telescope -- the largest in -the
`world -• which has been erect-
ed on a remote hillside in Nesv
This radio "ear" has a sixty -
foot antenna. a huge precision-
+nade aluminum bowl weighing
a",000 lbs., centred on a conical
pier ret in a cane'rete founda-
tion twelve feet deep.
The telescope L designed for
listening to the faint crackling
of radio signals sent back by
the cosmic gases of outer 'Apace.
Ity studying these signals, the
' remise astronomers will be able to
trace features of the universe
that are hidden from ordinary
telescopes which Y,rork With
+visible -light.
The new telescope is control-
led by motors that ear turn and
tilt it to face any part of the
sky and that can drive it to
keep pace with the stars. As-
tronomers are already calling
11 "a new window on the uni-
They believe it will enable
them to ' study hitherto un-
known heavenly bodies and fix
their position with certainty in
the sky and also to measure
their radiations — those invis-
sble waves which reach our
ea tic from the Milky Way and
ether great galaxies of stars,
Nothing more fantastic than
this new instrument has ever
been conceived bey astronomers,
tor it will enable them to hear
sounds which occurred millions
of years ago.
DORS D'OR Diana Dors,
Hollywood's glamorous blonde
British import, literally 'shines
as a fashion model. She's show-
ing off a form -fitting gold bath -
Ing suit in the film capital.
MAYBE HE USES. RADAR — Parading guard of Windsor Castle,
in England, provides much amusement for members of the
Bolshoi Theatre Ballet Company. The obviously humorous sight
leaves net ct straight face among the Russians, who were
performing in London.
Only One Swam Channel In /SSG,
So 1Itr tri LIi Channel swim -
nun,, season which tint off 10 1.
record r, tart end engrossed a
record cumber of challengers
finally fizzled cut n flop. Only
rale ratan Inns etteceseful, the
lowest tally in ten years.
Even the cegtu7ierend ly Spon-
sored Onnual race drawing some
of the worlds greatest long dis-
tance se, re wale a failure.
Only ten of the '22 originally
entered act ttally started- from
the I re nclt mesh t None managed
to get across. California's Eng-
lish born Thomas Park who fin-
ished second in the 1955 • race
and who was in the water 10
hours and 20 minutes got near-
est to the English coast to with-
in five miles of it. Ise -received
£250 all am'tunt which the
promoter also ;ave 10 Ireland's
Jack McClelland incl New. Eea1-
an71's Diana Cleverley for what
were considered equally meet-
Onions performances.
Exactly One month after That
4000 McClelland was among
these who challenged again. pri-
vately. This time the 32 -year-
old Belfast engineering
draughtsman. was in the water
only 21'J hours before withdraw-
ing on account of severe jelly --
fish stings. On the same tide a
10-yeer-old local Dover tad,
Janes Granger. set off to make
history a,. the ;youngest -aver
conqueror of this unpredictable
strip of sea water, 21 miles wide
at its narrowest neck, Granger
gave up..after & hrs. 25 min.,
1^:tving covered approximately
12 miles.
'Phe solitary successful -chal-
lenger among the 40 who pre-
pared was 31 -year-old Jacques
Amyot, of Quebee. The French
Canadian completed the France
to England route in 13 hrs. in a
calm but sold sea. Temperature
of the water when Amyot waded
through the rocks beneath
Dover's famous chalk .cliffs was
58 degrees fahrenheit, some two
or three below normal for mid-
July. But it was the earliest
ever success in 31 years of chan-
nel swimming history. July 17
was the actual date with the
previous earliest, and still the
first for a woman, being Can-
ada's champion Marilyn Bell on
July 31, 1955.
This record early start her-
alded what was thought likely
to prove an exceptionally good
channel swimming season. In-
stead it proved exceptionally
bad. The coldest June for 25
years was followed by the dull-
est and dampest July and Au-
gust of this century. Seasoned
channel campaigners described
it as the worst swimming sea-
son within their memory •and a
bitter disappointment to the
aspirants who came from More
than two dozen countries. Some
of them after more than six
weeks patient vigil for suitable
tide and wind had to leave with-
aut even trying on account of
funds having run out..
Counting both routes the
channel has- now been swum 112
times. You will not find this
total in the recently published -
Channel Swimming Associa-
tion's booklet, The explanation
for this is that many swimmers
known to bare i.('e71 successful
have not bothered to clam, the
CSA certificate and therefore
(cannot ile "rceitimized" by that
equitable holy created by a
Land of lot k di -tense swimming
enthusiasts with Lieut.. General
Lord Freyberg as their presi-
dent, The former Governor
General of New Zealand and
holder of the Victoria Cross
Made several noteworthy at-
tempts to• swim the channel in
the early 1920's.
Objects of the CSA are "to
investigate the-- claims of per,
SODS to have swum the English
Channel and to assist with in-
formation .enol advice those. in-
tending to niake attempts."• Its
honorary secretary is a Folke-
stone police • i,,spectol', Bill
Floydd, who says that for a
s.wire 4o he. Of'fiyiSlly rev( ;;uized ..
the aspirant flout. "wall( into the
sea from the shore of departure
and swim 'cross the Channel
until his for -her) feet actually
touch the shore on the opposite
mast " Such a ruling summar-
ily disposes of doubtful claims
by characters who disappear
from one coast et night and bob
tip the next morning on the
outer side accompanied by e
motor hunch.
Except to a record breaker,
swimming the Channel 'has lit-
tle commercial value- these days.
The minimum • amount that
can be spent on an attempt is
made up of 5150 for the 'tire of
accompanying boat and pilot;
345 for the boat during train-
ing swims; and 315 for special
food, chart and covering grease.
If the aspirant desires the pres-
ence of a CSA official en addi-
tional six guineas must be add-
ed. Only very occasionally do
swimmers succeed at their first
attemtps and only a few at their
second. So it can be reckoned
that it coats these Channel chal-
lengers an average around $000.
for the satisfaction of doing
something the hard way in 10
hours or more which they could
do 40 times over the easy way,
by. plane. in something like 10
minutes or less.
Fifty Years Of
Flame -Diving
Slim Ella Carver ranks
among the .world's most glam-
orous grandmothers. Yet at
sixty-four, when most women
are content to stay put, she
regularly climbs to ninety -foot
ladder. sets fire to herself --
and jumps.
%Ier four grandchildren think.
that she ought to take things
easy, tending her little caravan
home and knitting. But Ella
revels in being the world's
champion flame -diver and says
that she expects still to be able
to fire -jump, do the splits and
turn cartwheels at seventy.
Recently, this startling old
lady celebrated her 34.000th
flame -dive and her birthday on
the same day. Instead of light-
ing the candles on her birth -
clay -cake, she "climbed the div-
ing ladder. set light to the pet-
rol -soaked pads on her shoul-
ders and made her usual dive
into a tank of flame.
"It's nothing," she says.
Fifty years ago Ella saw a
poster advertising a wild west
show depicting a girl on a horse
diving into a poo] of water. "I
bet I could do that," Ella told
her school friend.
In the circus manager's office,
ho et ve e, she Itteemel el ,t thee,
r Cir` 'vacantiies ho se
dint. s, but thr nil -
((1 1 _,rain her t 1ta :u' -til nice.
Elia lite! fly tiiccd .a, 71•777
r'h lucre!
bough ,:dur-1 'pe 'tole think +1
a wonder that cite 1(0 lived to
he a grautiniolhcr. F ii , tcol'fs' aai
the1211.. She li,t: been in Ito.-
p.ltal several times fur mjurites
uustaiee'9 whet?. hitting the Wa-
ter at the evreng sylph_ (lrtl,y
last year ,..lice bumped the side
the: tank and 45(75 ,1)11,'_,5(13
cfum the tinier (mrnntciatt:.
(tre slurs !iii .he hollow, of
1 hr. canvas 1111(1 11(017.1 tank
01111 (7cape(1 death Only by
twisting deer body in the water
to absorb the shock of the Fe-
rn:lel. land in her Fire veto'. Of
O,,Ow-divtnf; she. lul iter rr ern e
!icer, turned!
Fi'Eg FQr The
Hardest Metal
Thirty Danl_l.calorir.L have
started an unusual 'treasure
bunt" batw._en Se,ic.by Sound
and Dannierkshavn, Easter 11
tlreenland. They are searching
under the ice fur one of the
world's costliest and hardest.
'petals - molybdenum. Soon
'limy hope. to locate exploitable
This silvery white metal is tit
grcnt value in the ptoc'essing of
steel used for ;let motors. Dur-
ing the last ever it Was used in
the makintr, of armour -piercing
Not until the 'fill world war
Vitae its value as an alloy for pro-
ducing super -hard metals fully
realized, although research had
revealed by 1900 that molyb-
denum strengthened steel.
A German metallurgist in that
year heard that a Japanese
sword -maker had, back in the
year 1300, made wonderful
blades "that could rut a ratan in
two at one stroke."
Obtaining one of these ancient
swords, he analysed it, and found
that it was molybdenum that
lna'de the sr:old sit cuperi01 to
ONE OUT OF 18,000 — Jean
Seberg, 17.year•old, has won
the role of ''Saint Joan" in the
projected screen version of Ber-
nard Shaw's play. Producer -
director Otto Preminger picked
Joan after a 37 -day competition,
which called forth 18,000 ap-
plications from t h e United
States and Canada. The film
will be shot in London, Eng-
land, next January.
or money hock
Very fust use of aootbieg, cooling liquid
D.D.D.. Prescription positively relieves
raw red iteb-caused by eezrnta, rushes.
scalp irritatian, rhafntl-' ther itch troubles.
Oreaseles, stainless. See triad bottle must
satisfy or money bar1,, n"a't suffer. Ask
hear druggist for D. B. D. PRESCRIPTION,
„ED Ali
Y101174TS wAN'1En
GO I71TR BUSINESS 'i1 •:o+meet:. Sell
re emelecis rod 551111 r u''( by every 70(14(.itoble0,
not, ,items arc 11,5 tul,I ria stores.
Thor.: r. ro.priition Proles up to
ne• white immediately ter free- color
tal-gue wit h resell prices shown,
17,7(177o 1171 1081 t o dr ,ale price
will be ut r7udrd. Mee r 'ale.. ;Mee
1.inat 0 jrorareal.
71R777Lee FOR SALE
N.1]1L Mkbrit] (51,, 1(4 at Witolegate1
Sorel i -t(, . name, model, list price,
picture if possible Jnr 106751 moll:Atom
rehvu.-1. r n: Sar„ North i,oruct,
1 aroma i V shinl'ton.
r l l i 0,1 141 u x ate. trio- r t ars.
'811111,111,111-11111VI On. 14>r 1.a, 7unhtmn
Gitareeteel set iMectlim.write for
enm7lete list. 1 s Sales ('o.. hos 2x0e,
S ”, Jnr En 12 C,114,1111,
TROPICAL 1 111,'x3( trine., pen
exotic. mutt i Plc•ep.lend lrcria 7711 differ -
rat'. U.6. *5.10 airmailed. Wholesale
order s , lcam7.d. S. 7S. One. No. 7,
Limo 1351, t'(1,11p ('hcn1' 7t5n,1. '1111teei.
Fon ree,
RANO 104014G Y111NS
ti45L lin i , lie., on thee uulit sari,:..
Large a variety. Sent T _tpurd anywhere
in Canaan For r•'nre information end
71(ade 1111175! a. ct 257; in coin or stamps
(deluelrhte from fruorder! to
Alpine Wool Shop, Kitchener. Ont..
ln1 7 Y. Wi will send eoei e-(e,leroes
supply o; beautiful atiful a ancouver Island
holly for Nem- Christmas decoretione.
Included will he some pra.(00' color
boughs. 0,0.0. or eaeh pfepei 151.9"i
Millstre ie Melees, 705 Leland I1iehwee
Nana'mo, B.C.
SOFT, cuddly infant gowns of finest
Flannelette. rut and ready to sew.
Pad;.' {e of 7, complete with 7nstrnc-
llons for orale 51.55, Send Money Order
with name and address, or will ship
Sox 153 O'Connor Station
Toronto 16, Ontario
W VTCB for announcement in this
paper next week of a new sensational
chicken which we will be produeing
next year, This new chicken will lay
more white shelled eggs, will live bet-
ter, live longer than any other chicken
we have ever offered the Poultryman
in Clanade. Full details 711 next week's
edition. Place your order now for
Chicks .and turkey poults. A11 popu-
lar breeds at competltiee prices. Cata-
logue. Laying pullets.
WE have pullets - wide choice laying
strains, crosses, Ames In -Cross etc. Be
prepared for Grade A. Large egg
markets in '57 Broilers; cockerels.
Order ahead, altho each week we
hove some on band, Bray Hatchery, 120
John N., Hamilton.
IIEAVY Breed cockerel bargains,
seven and eight weeks old. Light Sus-
sex x Red Red x Barred Rock. Light
Sussex x Barred Rock, $15.95 per hun-
dred. Assorted breeds $14.95 per lune.
dred. Also 4ounger .cockerels at
lower pikes. Laying pullets. Cata-
MIDDLE AGED couple seek Work In
private home or motet If interested
vn'te S. Patterson. Heldimand West,
Clasps, Qttebee.
24 x 42 Mount Forest threshing machine
with ehaff blower, used four seasons,
Ross Clubine, R. 2, Bradford.
200 GOOD young Suffolk breeding
Ewes from Manitoba. Apply Ken Good-
fellow Nohieton. 0nterla. Phone Bol.
ton 1275.
CIHINCHILLA ranch, 28 011151als, reg•
iot, red all equipment, best offer, eve -
nine,: or week ends. H, Van Zegerea.
90 Hain St.. Milton.
ABZI4DEEN Angus, Twelve registered,
vaccinated accredited heifers. 3 bred,
four bulls. All sired by son of Pres-
pectmere. Bred cows. Ross Kohler.
Cayuga, Ont.
FARMERS! Save those .good. cows!
Send $1.00 cash for Information how to
care Mastitis and prevent milk fever.
I have cured my own cows of Garget
and have prevented several from having
milk fever. Mrs. N. Lund, Box, Mayer-
thorp, Alberta.
--- _.. MEDICAL
BANISH the .torment Or dry eczema
rashes and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disep-
ppoint rum Itching sealing and burn.
Lag eczema; acne. ringworm temples
and foot eczema will respond readily
to the stainless odorless ointment re•
gardless of how stubborn or hopeless
they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2845 Sf, Clair Avenue East
ISSUE 47 - 1956
;I .l
ae j
11,E OIC At
I1.OPV.. REMEDY fek t n•l'.tit>t
77!'17) F'HT)IMATIC FAr•;s..
5537170'0 7315t70 470Ft
335 E7( n. Otic:,t:
1.25. Espies: Piep„ie'-
7!111tIS'litt-A6 Speer:in lnotraelloric, oro.
CIAO 05+'71 tea 7017, Make FL'ancis type,
perfumes.. loth for dollar rill. 71013175
07 34111,7417,I7?5 Wet Mallon tmernito
Spokane 7i Wasltint,hm.
t ieeeo 1, Arizona booming! Warm and
Int Industry, is neeene here.11'
houlcn't you? Jebs. 6ldnre f 1det.
fro,,, elle—pees, el theta IIii'h v,ges,
Colomois ed 1 t , Write for millet+
el 3rd dict. 5170 O-s„tnt1110
Agency ^24 17 'Oil .cert.
4112 ,eta.
rareat Opportunity
Learn Ilairdressinfi
81,1,0,7 tic;=lified rrofcs:ior - •ani.
ages. Thousands .ands of
',1 1-r tt : radu tes,
”. nest. is Gr ;est 1-4711,:5.
illustrated t (7'1,: }'lee
Write rr
m e uvea.. )7/1j)7»1,1(7071171!
?51 Blpor St. ti.. Por s7-
Itretich ^s:
- 17m^? St 711,mium,
72 Rideau St.. Ottani
"PELTING L t'ING;, and Hasidim! 'fry,. 11l0net•
making ad1(1171(1 tcchaigtles ee hand.
ling raw. (mink hod mnsi'r£ 1c1.S.
Pamphlet F2 h0 peolpeld, elle! eee. lit,
Tipton ; grammar, Indiana,
WITC.HCRAFr. Marl Stile e .
citing brochure ,ti v Ickes is Witch. •
craft". Send c&no cash 1117 Secret
Wisdom, Roe 44& Crewe. s, rrginie,
' ('SA,
warded. new. We train Eno eseure
positions. Day. Night and Lor,( Stndr
courses. Free folder.
SPEEDHAND ABC Shorthand qua110010
for Stenographer in 10 weeks homes
study. Free folder. Casson Systeme, -
7 Superior Ave., Toronto 14. ea. 9-/5921.
Evgs. CL. 1.5954.
Patent Attorneys. EstabhoSr+r 1350,
600 Unlv"rslty Ave,"Toronto Aeient5
an countries.
,'YOUR Mall forwarded eoniktentrailit
to you anywhere by Monomark "+7
Victoria Street. Toronto. wises; ne,."
$L00 TRIAL offer. Twentyfve deluxe
personal requirements. Latest cetabieme,
Included. The Medico Agency. Bert 22,
Terminal ''Q" Toronto Ont.
W.AN'IEDt A real live salesmen take
orders for one of Canada's Be'e't este
blished Chick Hatcheries. Leh rt coins
mission paid Rax 706, 12% L 7eentle
Street, New 'Toronto.
QUALITY counts In any live::r.,eK err•
deavour. Just recently 11 le ler frons
Mexico chose Landrare Swine I -arm to
make an Initial purchase 07 ('40 (101'
standing sews and one hoar. We have
the reputation far h7vin"_ one of the.
best and largest 710pod nerds
Canaria, lmmadtet'- 0011 rae7177' un open:i0
slits, weanling gilts, 8014!,,(110 hoa:a,
four month old end weenli,rg boars,
Guaranteed in pit sows. Cie elegue.
FERGUS ,. i'vfAItICr
USED Correspondence Scheel courses
bonghf, 001d, rented and r.•:rhanged.
Austin E. Payne, 162•1,5 :eve ittrick,
Kentville, N.S.
These days most prop a w•ark under
pressure, worry more seep less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lose—harder to regain,
Today's tense living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry—any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired -out” heavy.
headed feeling often follow. That's the.
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills, Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better—sleep better—work
better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at
any drug counter. 54
PITIFUL AFTERMATH -1n the wake of Russia's merciless crushing of the Hungarian revoke'
hunger stalks through paralyzed Budapest. A Bove, eager arnis reach out for food bcingi
distributed fram'a truck,