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The Seaforth News, 1956-11-22, Page 8
t At ole'aYa lJe( e v( "'a 1'i• ,} SLt t9 FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING Delight her this Christtnas with a Housecoat. We have them in Nylon sheers, new Quilted Crepes. and serv- iceable Chenilles. They come in full floort'\ll length or new cluster length in rose. (mint, turquoise, tan, white and lime. heti SPECIAL VALUES Women's & Misses Suedecloth tiY <'r Regular lapel style or stand up, ceesese influenced style. soft sanfarized St)edecloth pajamas in a wide choice of new novel tles;gns and shades. Many have sash trimmed wrap around belts. All sizes. Special at 2.N & 098 It ..;.... a 1'i, 1 e i mw,nmon io.uimnin 11iooun,unnni,ia • ews�^ae_ d ti £ •' 13 f31: Holnle:svilie Receiving Station I(tr Carnutian Co. Ltd. ell 0111 1110ll U. be present at the ANNUAL MEETING -Iti +.esville Concentrated Milk Producers Association : gnctAture Office Board Rooms, Clinton Thursday, Nov. 22 at 8.30 p.m sharp p 11 ,1 Speaker; A. V. CORMACK s -(i nt fi the Ontario Farmers 'inion Election of Officers Will Be Held 1.o will be, provided Ladies Welcome t t r 1Tliti'ELL ROBERT WELSH 1i>ar. Secr'tary-Treasurer �.,.o�.anon,en.,ur,ne.uu.o"unsuuw WINTHROP i n fJ. F. U. Euchre te:d at Win- tf 7 Friday evening,. Milton Deutz, a „ . Mon Harold Scor- , e~ !Mrs. Harold , oa hands; Mrs. Or- i 1 - cmc 'sands. Joan 1 r ,.T,thn Simpson f a'olteriZes. e.s.it._ of Varna. sub - for Huron fir,•anty gave a s...: rod interesting account DUBLIN 111oy1an) - Dragnet Dunt-da-dtun-duin. This is ser- Rebar Joe Friday reporting. Dum-da-dum-dull. It was 4 p.m. 1 was on the lookout. Dula-da- dunl-dum. There had been no week. u 111 -da - news for one M1'rCC ]) dum-dum. Then came niy big break. Roy was coming down the hall. Dunt-da-dune-dum. I fol- lowed hilt, iDuni-da-duns-duin. This was it. ;Someone joined him, Dunt-da-dum-dont. They stole past a door, a window, down the corridor and around the corner. Dum-da-dum-dulil. We were pretty •close now. I took out my pencil and ,paper. Dum-da-dum-dum. What was St? Duni-da-slum-clam. A detention for chewing bubble gulp! Now on the more serious side: there is something going to hap- pen this week. !On Friday the 23 at 8.30 we are presenting HMS Pinafore and also Sunday 25th at 3.00. We are hoping to see you all. Question of the week: Rose- mary; did you enjoy the Santa Clause parade? Nutt: There are sailors in Dublin! ! Comment: Grab one for Fri- day night, girls? llll VIII uu,nouoouu,n,.0 uonuu un sun uo,1111111. To The Ratepayers of Seaforth (By Mayor Dr. E. A. McMaster) Many miles away in 11ungnry, there are millions of people In - ing subjected to abject slavery, some being shipped In cattle stn's to Siberia. None are given a chauee Of a free vote, and many are being murdered for 00 cause a. all . Dow these people, 1111d 11111110110 of others throughout the world would be overjoyed to be able_ to live in a country that was free, with the private voting booth in which to easter (111(1 record their wishes. The gift of a free vote is one of our real treasures. IC is one of the great gifts of freedom. I Dan never understand the in- difference our citizens lake in regard to our municipal govern- ment—, why 0111' citizens fail to attend yearly nomination meet- ing to receive the report of wait clone during the year. .. 1 also cannot understand the reluctance citizens, 01111 especial- ly business men have to bearing their share Of work for their dome town, Their motto seems to be—Lot George do it --and then on the street—but not in eoincii chambers -•- criticize George who has clone his best. This year many new glen will Have to be selected for your council. Will you be at nomina- tion either to stand yourself or to nominate and support other patriotic citizens, ,Another important, (recision Seaforth citizens have 10 take on Dec. 12 is i11 regard to sewerage line to your hospital. Our hospi- tal is full ---2 to 6 people lying in the corridors for want of suffle- fent room elsewhere. The only solution is an addition to the hospital, This cannot be done until a sewerage line is built because there is no room for ad- ditional weeper tile. So when you go to vote and vote you should, just remember your suffering friends and neigh- bors lying in those drafty halls. This work would cost the tax- payer throughout the town about one mill, When sewerage was first (lis - cussed by council, the thought was at that time to build 11 (lis posal plant large enough for the town. — Then instal sewerage lines only in critical areas, 011 the advice of the slept. of health for the county.—This has been done, the plant. built and the Matti St. serviced.—A letter has been received by the Council from Dr, Aldir. 111.0.I-1,. request- ing this extension to 111e hospi- tal. Also a letter from hospital board asking for the sewer ex- tension. Further additions should and will be made on their advice —until all needed areas are serviced, 13y proceeding in this way the burden on people will not be overwhelming. The connecting link on the highway No. 8 is in disgusting condition.— The cul- vert at east end of town is partly closed due to breaking up of the tiles, thereby causing flooding of north east part of town. The Ont. Dept. of Highways are -willing to construct a new road from east to west at no ex- pense to the town, and are also willing to bear 80% of the cost of this new culvert. Our only cost will be catch basins and curbs, — This is an opportunity that should not be neglected. Citizens—it is your duty to at- tend nomination meeting on night of Nov. 26—and to vote on Dec. 12. It 18 a privilege that should not be neglected. KiPPEN The annual Christmas con- cert at Nippon United Church will ;be held Dec. 18th. Mrs. ,Rose Sloan and .Mo'. Jo- seph Shell of Alameda, Sask., spent part of last week visiting their cousins Mr. and Mrs. 3, IL. Lostell and family. Kippen `.Young Peoples The second meeting of the young people was held at the home of !Mrs. Lloyd ;Lovell 011 Monday evening, Nov, 19th. The devotion was taken by Carol Fa- ber. Dab IBinnendyk gave the topic "The Seven Who Surviv- ed", Next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, Roy Consitt on Dee. 10th. Keit11 Love thank- ed Mrs. Lovell for the use of her home. A delicious lunch was served. Mrs. Wm, Martin has sold her farm and is moving to Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert spent Sunday visiting relatives in Listowel. ;Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. Jack Cutting of Exeter return- ed home since spending the weekend at Port Huron, Mich. Bazaar and Be1ce Sale The bazaar and (bake sale in St. Andrew's 'United 'Cbureh Schoolroom on Saturday after- noon was a real success, The sum of $205.00 was realized. The .Mission Band booth had a total of $14.00 for the sale of candy, Mrs. Norman (McLeod officially opened the !bazaar at 8 p.tn. Fancy work convenor, Mrs, Robert -EIgie Jr„ assisting, !Mrs. Alex McMurtrie, (Mrs. Jas. 'McLean, Mrs. Bert Faber; bread and buns, convener, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs, Stewart !Pepper; cakes and cookies, con- venor, !Mese Russell iOonsitt, as- sisting, Mrs. Wan. '!Kyle; tarts and pies, convenor, IMrs. Lloyd 'Lovell, assisting, Mrs. Emerson Anderson; touch and take, con- venor, Mrs. John !Cooper Jr., as- 1Mrs. Wm. ;Caldwell and Mrs. Roy IConsitt; fish pond, eonven0r, Mrs. Ralph Turner, assistant, Mrs. Jack 'Deitz; pro- duce convenor, Mrs. John And- erson, assisting, Mrs, Eldon Jarrett, Mrs. Herb Jones; candy, convenor, Miss Dorothy Turner, assisting, Sharon McBride, Mar- gie 1ilgie. Mrs. Harry iCampbeli and ,Mrs. Allan Johnston were in eharge of Christmas cards. Convenors in kitchen: Mrs. Eddie lMciBride, inlrs. Wilmer Jones, iMrs. John 'Sinclair, 'Mrs. Verne fAlderdice; assistants: Mrs. 'Robert McGregor, IMrs. Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Bruce Mc- Gregor, Mrs. Ross Lave, Mos. A. Parsons, Mrs. Winston Work- man, !Mrs. Ronald McGregor, Mrs. Neiman ;Dickert. Conven- ors of tea: 'Mrs. Robin (McAllist- er, Mrs. Morley (Cooper. The tea tables were centred with a bou- quet of bronze onums and the young ladies of the church as- sisted at the tables. ;Mr. and Mrs. Frank, also Mrs. V. Winder and Miss M. Winder of London were !Sunday visitors of .Mrs. Win. Winder in Seaforth !Hospital. Mr. Orville Cooper is building a fine hen house on his farm on of the sessions on the Conven- ti('n at Guelph, Oct. 22, 23, 24. Musical selections: duet, Joan and Wm. Hamilton, "The Way- ward Wind". Solo, Ethel Small - don, "Oh I'm Seventy-two Boys'. John Sampson, harmon- ica, accompanied by Joyce Ham- ilton on piano. Gail Storey, step dancing with Mrs, John Henderson at the piano. Lunch was served, Watch for further particulars for our dance and euchre to !Ile held soon. CARD OF TIIANKS 1 wish to thank my neighbor's and 8imula who remembered erect nu• with flnty- ers, ,ares end treats; peeiel thanks le while Dr. the nursing staff o, and i ,. t.1 1111 a patient. in Scutt: Memorial H Imital. MRS. MAC CILLI NEN CARD OF THANKS We wish to ti1auk all our Mende and nebclhteta for the 11111 11), lovely ca118, and ptesente, and the messtigee of con- ,'rntulntion nn the °erasion of our fif- tieth wedding' anniversary last week. ---Mr. end Moe.AmideKerr IN MEMORIAM Broome --In loving memory e1' our darling son mut hrotlner Robby, who was killed accidentally 8 years o, Nota 22, 1(148. ago 5 years, 7 ago, - The evening star shines o'er the grnys, Of the one the Loved and could not save, The call was sudden the ehnrk severe To part with the one we loved so dear. Sweet little flower of heavenly birth, 110 wee too fair to bloom on earth. —Sadly missed by Mother, Dad., Sia - dire and Brothers on Debentures and Cuaraute d Trust Certificates D©� for 3,4, HE 5 ye rs 3%70 for me and two y rs Head Office - London, Ont, District Representatives F. G. l3onthl on, Hensel' Watson & Reid, Seaforth Town of Seaforth TAKE NOTICE A)01 By-law No, 587 for 1060 of the Town of Seufo tb copy of which 10 hereunder written 17,, a true t (Air - Iteration . r - •n tuned 1 t law of the copy of a proposed was given or the reTown. I mimed Seafor tel 'h was n'ia n 110 first and seeeu l t slug' on the 121h day cif November, Lull. The Muaisipal 118111lell Bels ngroul to submit such proposed by-law to the 11 010ra for the 100111(111 of Thirty-seven r de-. Dollars ($37,000.00) n hence aid benturos oa the .medic of the Cnrpor'- atien for the purpose of conalructing additienol vombincel 80001411 in certain streets in the Town of Scnfortle If the a00001 .or Ate electors is ob- tained to thesly-law the same -shall be token into consideration by the Conn- eil after the expllatiou of olio islands from the date of the first publication, This By-law shell be first published ea the 16111 day. of November 1900, The voted for end alining the said. By-law will be taken at the annual election 011 the 12th day of December, 1050. The Mayor, or the member of the Council appointed for that pureeee he reoolutian, shall attend nt the Town !hill on the loth day of December, 1956, nt the hour of six O'eloek in the after- noon, for the 1(0010se, if requested .to do so, of appointing 'by writing signed by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the cotes by the Clerk and one person to attend a1: each polling piece on behalf of the persons. interested in, and desirous of p1'omet, ung the Proposed by -bow and as like num- ber on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of opposing the pro- posed by-law. Any tenant desiring to vote shall, net later than the tenth day before the 1)07 appointed for tilting the vete, ale with the Clerk a deelantioe 0a provided by the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1959, Chap- ter 243, Seaton 270(0). Any Corporation desiring to appoint. a nominee to vote en its behalf 011011 file with the clerk, not hater than the tenth day before the day al;polnted for taking the vote, at appointment 111 writing of n person to vote as its nom- inee end on its behalf. DATED this 13th day of November, 7950. •.0. 13. WILSON, Clerk WANTED A 01151,01' of WANTED glee cattle +01,1110,1 Lot' winter feuding. Phove t,53t''L5 Seaforth. Humid Coleman, RRl StalTt FOR SALE 1949 Ford pick-up truck, in perfect condition. Phone Clinton 9082 TO RENT Heated apartment. Private bath and private entrance. Available first Part of Dee. Angus MacLean, N. Main et. TO RENT An 0pnrt.ment in Seaford+, heated, with lath. Immediate possession. Inquire at News Office FOR SALE Happy Thought -range, burns coal or Iiolton,, Lot box Also , Con, 14, Aiolfl!late•. Sam FOR SALE Model A ear, four new tires, James E. Sloan, Lot 10, Con, 7, McItinee FOR SALE Coronado deep freeze 15 cu. ft. Used only two mantis. With wire trays. Ideal for farm. Phone Clinton 9632 FOR SALE Girl's white leather 'ticket, 9180 15 t o rel winter or boll coat size 16; a party 41000, light tet'eon, size 14. All 111 good condition and for sale cheap. Can be oo1n lit Scorns Menem, Seaforth TO RENT heated 5 -roam apartment, private bath, immediate possession. I1. Mc- Lhvnin, North Main street WANTED A number of cattle wanted for feed- ing for the winter. Phone 5731'313, Keith Kelly, Seaforth FOR SALE, Freeman loader to Cit ford tr0eter, new ; Renfrew electric cream separator in good condition, with meter. AmilY Mrs. Joseph Malady, pheno 55r4 Dahlin LOST Anyone who mistakenly took a boy's rubber hoot, size :3, front the arena, 3 10e010 ago, please phone Snow, 192W NOTICE Available on short notice. chain saw- ing in town or out of town. circling with large saw. Will contract to take ,1(1+0(1 trees anywhere at my own risk. Also will clip cattle for stable for winter. Pick up garbage ever': Saturday on year round basis at reasonable rates. phonHardwoode It attt0000 os for r n£t 5RP.21. LOST In Seaforth wallet containing large sum of money. Reward. For information phone 114 FOR SALE Cheap, too -111111) Warner electric brooded 0 bu,bel-e0Pa-ay hanging feeders A 24 foot extension ]adder. --- 6,79x16 tires and tubes. Set of 24e 211. Platform scales. All in good condition. E. IL Close, phone 180 FOR SALE Purebred York hoar, about 20 months old. ',Eel Dorrnnce RII2 Seafod+ FOR SALE Boys hockey Antes size 6 to 7, $4.60. Girls skates, hl e 5100 0, skates, siz$2. a APplyCirls white Kenneth PaePie, phone 8$9x18 Seaforth the 8th con. of Tuckersnlith• Dimensions are 210' x 35' 'wide. Ile hopes to have it completed shortly. ;Mr. and Mrs. ,Gordon McLeod of Parkhill and Mr. N. McLeod, Dearbourn, Mich. were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle. ]Miss Margaret ;Sinclair of Eg- mondville spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in- law., Mr. and Mrs, John (Sin- clair, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Thomp- son attended Royal Winter Fair in Toronto on Thursday of the past week. .Mr. and Mrs. W. ad'.. Cooper are in Toronto a few days visit- ing their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cooper. IMr, and Mrs. Orville Work- man and children visited friends in London on Sunday. IMr, and Mrs. !Robert Stokes and Larry of .London were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Stoke's fa- ther'Mr. Robert Thomson, Mr, and Mrs. Alex McBeath accompanied by 51/Ir. and Mrs. liu!gh (Hendrick attended the Royal Winter !['air at Toronto 011 Thursday. Mrs. Wan. Winder was admit- ted to 'Scott Memorial Hospital, ;Seaforth, on Wednesday of last week. Her many friends and neighbors wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. S. 'Cudmore at- tended the opening of the new bridge at Brussels on Wednes- day afternoon, visiting later with the latter's bbrother and sister-inolaw, Mr. and Mrs. Stiles. Mr. John L, Henderson 'visit- ed friends in Parkhill on Sun- day, BY-LAW No. 607 FOR 1956 00 THE TOWN OF SEAFORTII A By-law to authorize the issuing of debentures for $37,14 .98 Tor the construction of an extension to the sewerage system of the Town of Sea - forth. WHEREAS the Department of Ylealth of the Province of Ontario did by its Certificate dated the 13111 day of Match, 1550, approve the construction of ad- ditional combined sewers together with .the necessary private drain connections thereto in the following stivet01 (a) nn Street. tolithe Rigich ht-oit. from. city west of Main Street. (b) Street to Jarnea StrWest Street eet. �oderlch Irl On Street oto tos Street from t. West Street. (d) On Wilson Street from James Street to 200' northerly. AND WHEREAS the C.tnvoretien has received plats and apecifieatiens and recommendations from Graham Reid ea Associates, Limited, Consulting Engin- eers. AND WHEREAS the total east of the said work is now estimated to be $37,000.00, AND WHEREAS the Commit of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth hos agreed to submit to the eiectms n By-law proposing the issuing fThir o - seven thousand dollars (937,090,09) debentures upon the credit of - the Cor. noratiolt for the purpose of con0truet- Ing the said additional sewers and Pei vats dram connections. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Cepor&tion of the Town of Sea - forth enacts 05 follows: (1) Debentures shall be issued to the amount 04 $37,000.00 on the credit constr+lctf the Corporation •tlnhgrno ombinefor smears rand the necessary private drain eonnectione n efore spe- cified; beret U e- n t1 st li in thereto to olfled t rho said debentures shall herr (11201101 at a rate not es0eeding five (5) ppayable in r centum twenty equaler annand ual shall be Mnetall menta. (2) Of the total capitol cost there shall be 005essed levied and collected at the Dame time and in the some Man- ner as municipal taxes from all the rateable property of the 00rperat100 60% of the Debenture payment requ- ired -to meet the capital cost. The bal- anm of the capital cost shall be raised by the imposition of the sewer rate specified in paragraph 5(e) 111) and (c) *4 By lawSeaNo. 568 for 1955 of the Town13) The By-law shall 13e submitted for the assent of the duly qualified eleetore at the annual election on the 12th day of December, 1656. (4) The vote shall be taken at those places appointed by By-law No. 536 for 1966, nd the Deputy Returning Offic- ers, as appointed by By-law No. sae for 1950, shall preside at the various under t -glaces and v alien take the vote e (5) A copy of this proposed By-law shall be published once a week for three successive weeks in The Huron Expositor and The Seaforth News, newspapers published in the Town of Beafolkh, together with e. notice signed by the Clerk stating that the copy is a true copy of the proposed By-law. (a) The notice shall also state that, if the assent of the electors is on be lake Tinto cbonsi ratio t it by the Council, after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication. (l,) The notice shall also state the date of the first publication of the by-law. (e) The notice shall also state that the voles will be taken at the an- nual election. (d) Tho notice shall also state the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places nod at the final summing vp of votes by the Clerk. (e) The notice shall also state that later tenant the r tentlh dto ay befte ore the day ap115inted for taking thevote, filo with the Clerk a declaration us provided by sub -section 3 of Section 276 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1550, Chapter 243. (£) The notice shall also state that any Corporation desiring tP 011901111 a nominee to vote on its behalf shall Ole with the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed far taking the vote an appointment in writing of a person to vote as its nominee and on its behalf. (6) The copy of the 13y-1aw and the Cleric's Notice, as set forth 1,1 the Pre- ceding paragraphs, shall he first pub- lished on Thursday the 16th day or No- vember, 1960. READ a ilrst and second time this 12th day ofNovember, TEM, Mayor n. H. WILSON, Clerk. THE SEAFORTII NEWS Thursday, November 22, 1!156 X Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt: and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flower's for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W 1101•111110101.02000.0001101100 stelsavettast00:11.1101/02 MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWiLL, B.A., M.O. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Intermit P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 P.M. 10 5 Dm., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings! Tuesday,. Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9. p.m. Appointments mado in .advance ars desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNI]ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM, Thur. evg by appointment only. Clinton 91U-2-7010, above Hawkins' Mem, Mon. 9 to 5,30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SE:WORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies FOR SALE Princess Pat coal or wood stove with reservoir. Phone 671r2 Seaforth Auction Sale Of Household Effects. In town of Seaforth, West William St., on Sat.. Nov, 24, at 1.30 P.M. Maclay cook stove, rangette, 2 burner hot plate. Drop leaf table, kitchen chairs, exten- sion table, day bed. Westinghouse refrig- erator. Dining room extension table. 4 dining chairs. Drop head Singer sewing machine, glass cupbonld studio couch. Number of small tables and occasional chairs, s0ctiomi] book case, 2 fut'nisbed bed rooms including Inds, springs, mete tresses, dressers, chest of drawers and wardrobe. Scatter mats, clock, curtains. Beatty washing machine (like new). step ladder, dishes, kitchen utensils, and m0113, other article& Terms cash. Miss Rosa Simpson, Prop. H. Jackson, Auctioneer Clerk, E. P. Chesney ESTATE Auction Sale Of Property. At Lot 60, Gouinlock Survey in the TOW% of Seaforth, nn Friday, Nov. 30th, at 11 A.M. On this property is said to be a six -room frame house, with basement and hydro, Terms: 18r/ down, balanee in 301 days, Offered subject to reserve bid. Estate of the late Margaret E. Phillips. William H. Little and A. W. Sillery, Executers, A. W. Sillery, solici- tor for the estate. Harold Jackson, Auct. Auction Sale - Of. Cove and Young Cattle. At Gen - mar Palm fn Tuckersmlth Twe.. 1 mile west of Egmhondville, on Wed. Dee. Oth, at 1.30 P.M. 1 reg. Holstein cow due In Dec. holstein cow fresh one month. Black cow due in Feb. 2 black cows due in March. 2 Holstein cows due in Apr. 2 black cows milking well and Inbred. 3 Durham COWS milkh10 well, due in May. 5 Durham heifers approx. 800 lbs. 15 Hereford steer calves, 976 lbs. Terms cash. Dr. M. W. Stapleton, Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, Ilarold Jackson, Auctioneer Township of Tuckersmith Clerk's Notice of First Posting of the Voters List, 1956 Notice ia, hereby given that I have complied with Section 5 of the Voters' List Act and that I have ponied uP at my office at Ttwkmsmith on the 13th day of November, 1956, the list of all persons entitled to vote in said mu- nicipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for in- spection. And I hereby cap upon till voters 10 take immediate proceedings to have any errors or nmisaions corrected. according to law, the last day of appeal having the 80th day of November, 1556. Dated this 20th day of November 1955. 91 P. CHIESNEY, Clerk TOWN OF SEAFORT11 COURT OF REVISION The Court of Revision for the A,aoss- ment Boll of 1065 far the 'Town of Sea - forth, will meet in the town hall et 8 P.M. on Moniny. Dee. 3rd. D. II. WILSON, Cleft HENSALL ,Miss Alice 'Pfaff of 'Exeter was a weekend visitor with Miss Mary Goodwin. 2/Irs, Aldwinklo is visiting. with relatives in Ottawa. Mr. Wan, Thompson was in Toronto last ;Week attending the Royal Winter Fair, 'Mrs: T. Hemphiil ,Mrs. i<'letcher and Patsy of 1Wroxeteo were weekend visitor's with 14Trs. C. (Cook. Inv. Ray 'MacArthur, who has )been receiving - treatment in Westminster Hospital, London, continues quite 111. Mr. Malcolm Dougall, 53, Hensal'-I district farmer, was ad- mitted to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, o11 Friday, after his left hand was mangled in a corn picker. The !land was jean med in the machine, and with the aid of a neighbour, Jack Faber, ibolts were loosened to free the victim. He was attend- ed by Dr. 3. lC, Goddard and ta- ken to the hospital, where au- thorities reported the accident victim had lost all four fingers of the hand and the thumb at the first knuckle. INSURANCE e Fire ® Auto o Accident m Liability ® Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAPORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'elate coal' the solid fuel for solid comet. t WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM Me HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w TO RENT A house 8 Miles north e4 Dublin on main road. John A. Eckert, Dation Phone 37r10 Dublin et: • FOR SALE 2 Hereford bulls, one year and 9 months old, and Hereford heif- er rising 3 years clue enol of Dec. Those are all registered and ac- credited. Also York sow carrying 3rd litter, due 1st Dec, Elgin Nott, phone. 1471'5 Seaforth NOTICE Anyone interested in having materiel gathered and pleated ear English smocking, Plume Seaford+ 279 FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull• serviceable age. Phone Clition HU 2.7534. Wm. R. Pepper, Seaforth Itlt3 FOR SALE Flowers --Mums and cyclamen. At Baker's Greenhouse. Seaforth SALESMEN WANTED IF Y01 ARE AMBITIOUS, you can melte good with a liewle151, business in Eldon County. We help you Yget atnrted No experience needed to at,ut. Wile llawleigh's Dept. K-004-2, Montreal, P.O. FARMERS If you are equipped to handle feed in bulk. See us for special prices delivered to your bin. Topnotch Feeds Limited. Phone 15 Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber g000da) mailed postpald In plain gelled enealopa with price list, 6 samples 250; 24 sane- ples $1.00. Mail-Ordor Dept. -74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1'.r NOTICE For artificial insomtnation informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle. phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at; Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.80 and 9.30 A.M. We have all broods available—top quality at low coot. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, Inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radio■, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 3478, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel. sand, top soil or excavating lust. phone 854 Seafortb. ED B000E FARMERS, NEED GRAI' Seo us for special hulk prices deliv- ered to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited. Phone 15 Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S. Alexander's Vies -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., MA, Reid, Seaforth. Directors --J. L. Malone, Seaforth; 3. H. McEwing, Blyth • W. S. Alexander. Walton; E.J. Trewarthn, Clinton; 3. 18. Pepper, Brumfield • C. W. Leonitardt. 'Bornholm; IL Fuller, Goderich ; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Brondfost. Seaforth. Agents — Wm. Leiper Jr., Londe:More t 8. F. Praetor,. Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Soaforth. Patties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. FOR SALE The better n 1 -electric Viking cream separator in all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Also parte for Renfrew separator. A fete reconditioned separators in other makes on hand at present. Basil O'Rourke, phone HIS 2- 9131, Brueefleld FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 354 EARN 560 OR MORE A WEEK Part or 'full-time oPPortuttik$ to Huron county for farmer t r ambitious man with aerie -either," backghoun(l. Also 26 to 60 preferred. Gar. essential, Tulte orders in exclusive territory, Bo home every night. No investment. We provide complete training at lame office plug field assistance. Reply giving age and experience in lint letter 10 Na -Churg Plant Food Co., 2 Langarth St. W., London Help Wanted. Experienced MANAGER and LINE- MAN' to take :charge of Hedro in Vill- age. Must have good references, Apply statins ealaty expected to Chairman Wm. Love, Gmnd Bend Publ)c Utiliti1s Commission, --Grand Bend, Ontario. Low- est lender not ncees0arily accepted, Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47