HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-22, Page 7..,-1 Eyebrows $ki,ow ft You're Highbrow Eyelashes tell tales, according 10 Japanese scientist Profr,khr Tadarchi Fitiituatien. He re- eeatly oscrled that the human P yelash can be an important aid to crime detection all over the world. He arrived back in Japatt the other cloy with no fewer than 200 eyelashes which he had col- lected from men and women all over Furope. Flitch was: in it tiOparate envelop,' and each represented a different type. From a singlyelad) 11 p1- JICC 'scientist can quickly deter - mint whether a person is Aiion 4ir European, while or coloured, male or female, says Prote.-mr lettitotitsti. He ha.' spent ITIltch keno studying (5 clashes and his r‘ili, to due vourse. be UFO bIlernn (icing) pollee plirposes. Another seientiEt ha e poimett not thal, althoogh long lashes arc considered to raid 1 t, 411E1 harm of 0 face, they sign of weak vitality. 14 his mind that ailing' children ilia n have rtychishrs; tt.idee as iinet 'those of healthy' ehildrim. Eyebrows, 1 oc. bate P rem Pomo under the serittinv 4 eitiitinit'. They vontlen widi. iy-beld belief 11eit twehrow;. 'alat meet. in the venire, id!he top the nore, are itsnalla high of eilltvk lin pr. A ina. son with tartly 11111/011y 111-11.111)11", h111. And if 3 oil hs^ alcivil taut finrI% -p11] Id 1,FLOW5 0(1 PrOlgibb; 41111,0 an •trteti, imaginative letniterainent ; 1,1The po.EOrfill L6'41111-1: eye are strongl. marked ,t oh Ning hair Tf vigorous 1."1-,i0:11, oiandlg practical, Safe At Horne .;-:onir".' bp)), B11111 Net! Niaarni ttealthway..i. "for tietindli.. i "rielf is. the ,..metto n-oer p.conicros than ntk?,, mher prrce." Showing fi!mrer i'. r.piJ. 4 by 1.4c Ntitiohai Oil'' tic V111-.1 1 ,••• itsties,' the L.S. thivv,rii Stairsties eol'ildPimetito" eltilt"r ollivial INiTt 'Ile') i1d1reiTtrt1 Thin 010 00'. 1',I gter(ns p1,0 11 10.11',141 con nc. t Oat li 4, 4: —Or her limn,. ''jhot) three fourdc• Ntete 1.41 (41 neetir," artiele, "Iii pail; et. hill, nn..! in.;letkat of 11,111r, Iveyg .1 of s.pfet,', they vr,'.11. 111.1eFOE ri'its ball' id inn- ra. icteet The statistics in the ortiele that Ihese emt5 k wen r • in the )K41)110111, 11,6t. in the yard or 1,./r.trZi.,j), o thr. 11)4 'hos. 7.4."1 inside stairs, 5.9`"-; io the 1. 4,norn, 3.3% on -outside st;t1•:, .33.55., in the hatiiroom, 'the dining irOTEll ;11111 Only 1.1`,;.. id the gaiertgii. "Few people rea- tize that highway accidenb: acv count for only 13s.of the to.- tal injuries annually," iitonchules "1,vitereas home ttect- etent" arc respottsiblt.' for 4t.4,:i,," - No Accident When Princess Margaret visi. ted a diamond mine. in Toriate- Lilta during her tour of East JOrteit, she was presented with diamond by the fabulously rich owner, Canadian -horn Dr. -John T. Ilirilliamson. It was this soft -voiced, band' kome marr—he ii forty--niur and rk bachelor—who gave the QtteL'a Mien Prinvess Elizabeth/ the z'ose-pink diamond sim treasures among hen - wedding presents. Jili Mvendui mine was di,vev. heed when he was prospecting -in 11440, and was the result of a painstaki ng kurveY; there is no truth in the popular fory that, while resttins beheath 101515' 1)111011111, tree, the weary 3.,!smattian atyitientally kicked ttiamond • out r.-4 the soil. aVeri1E1C day's yi.l1 at tilc. wane i6 A•out. 1,5014 Knoltts'1- il, more thah $15,1100 arid weii'lling than three ounces. • }lis income from the roini1 - 14.titi to be rnore than $3,000,000 it Year. H, has refused offers op $60.000,000 for the E,l:,'y- 045 "Ee horrify know what to do tkith all that money." SALLY'S SALLIES MODERNE DRESS SOP "011., I must mention my hus- band's club expenses before .1, dare show blm these." CARDINAL NUNDSZNTY ARRIVES HOME -- Joseph Cardinal M nciszenty (center) artives in front of his Budapest, Hungary, ic'ence accompanied by tommygon.carryiog guards. The Ccirfirtal war released after eight years imprisonment by the Cc comunisit. Rob rilasirtromons And N'Es WEves .H1111101/ 1/11)1(11 111' 1,111011 11" l'1"111111jt elrqJlfit 1111. ,tvt.t? 11'' i1 tillt 2-,t11111 '111,1 t'i111 111 '1.1 1' be 1111,11 11`11.2 1 11.11',1111a..10,1114', 1t) r 11, 11f•liVie 4)t.1 1 lei's 1116C Thdit .1.111tIlt 11 21,^4 f'5110" they art- ▪ intelted, the f 1110sly,w 454 ,itey Itave eachekl ,otly ikfter 11 flurry 14 von toki. :i,.i P4 Fitz.. i".r.o.nipte, the ..m.'rlict cal.ntle (if 11. it -e1-, lie 11,0 11.11, of then': and 1,.,' 4 hre, kr1d do, 40-i7 ,l_ 1,01 'Pit.; of 571e vo1111. ' 'tt n r anon, 1.'1,0,1 in At's- 1-111itl3 11/1111. lie mit) tip redre$ rpf,i1 physique litr iko., it ankl k,,11,ning tual.;:ttves. '111 1, 111 1o.r, itt' i00'11!)..' '1111.11 10171', fo1 0,10 1111' B61/ 111.thri4,44' 1 55454- nonn;it 1.i ,volle.,IP or, 41.1 R1:1111- o'.h• Nityrits.!1,/t. roarritil .1.1 ooru., 411 pa; ti 110 411 go 40 felt 4', .T.532 214 4)1.1'!, '41445' 4151''1i .12.1 211111 1`.1121.1.11.tE- i e• in 1 191). Bath war', t.tit v 1], 45.11he hail won the. widdle-vve,14. ritertipiohs,hip of the ,ta 1 aii his financial Orr (net'. Pf/O1 fIr e ToLtEr111 55to ‚.‚‚l1' it play entitled "'I 1,ig1,t • P. was a '''4 4.1 41' title, Daring ;heir :rat els the,. met INIartio teal Rose all1ii;.11), brother and siv.ter .114! 1, a145-: renettm tzoort tr,:te were titot 110 '41, ami Martin t., 41 05e the kotempetnent of Fitt*, 15'. 15114419 affaur, seame,"( 4)'...?' (41. til rerrmity was shatter- * d hy his wife obtainitig 11 n1v- t',4-4:!- 11111' 11,1.141 tht: 55,1,145 of Pme:npvtibilit,, 1151 ,5,t pie are t" f this- r.o&;,r,/„ tea hiesee fence eral /1 rt 11 '54) ('115iirtotmetai bee 144 141,1 With totAmi its Breit 0116.1 11.r.Je Nippy pai'!. derwo 110g11.- ici0On 1)5 ,11 aod 1,a 4 P,01) ;j1dis ihely lad hese -tem, serious. lok,d the tru41py 40-11Mi44 1],, ;,,1rnired the m that built tor - god 128.14 1111iito114- Pit11 f,i, quietty. "Ler": g.1 1.1itrl'i, -• 1.11 '1 4'' yeel 21 wife" hese tont and the ▪ 1.1(.= 7,111,111 111, 1,11.14X4!)Cr l'!11''d the- ▪ .m.1 most 1itforf.111.111 IfF 1141. ft 41.. 1-1.11," tthtifIr ',l 111102 t.411111 011 bo him and • 1h, ",•,,,00d" :my wait zw,.mop:inied bp,, ITT 1,02 Chy in !mc him ("wont Mall (''1)1(11 4(.1. the heal'ii weigh t 'Hampton. ship. ( 7n OM mai-nine t.111.1 (11111111:51 Firts.innotieis retired to her bidet hedronin Pot' pa- tiently for ner reanpeill 0115e but CS 4110 time drew nearer for his departure 10 the arena, he went in search of her. At the door of :her room he paused. The sound of his wife's voice came clearly through the closed door. Rose was on her knees praying for her husband's victory. The "fighter trembled with emotion, he could scarcely speak. Someone suggested it might be a good idea .if he add- ed his own prayers to those of his wife's o," geld Fitzsimmons. . . 'AVIN17.'o 14), 0 4 IT .1•: r• -..e. r1h, 11 for 'et' 'F.. certainly y odi etc if. for vie." Sitelral444ifift iiint,iiht 'nib.: a fro,, her liusliarals- vet- watch011 nervoosty tooght on the retrent ng, 4,1 Itis usual style. killd indicting heavy punishcrorit en Bob, who afh-r 44171 in Ulf? h..TO fIf 40.nelb147 H damag- ing. punch. . . Vaib's biever 1'p '.545 545141 w -ate open and blood trickled from . onaph 011 to his ,thest, Twice he was mmt nib: knee tee counts of nine, 14.. never 1.1ei4ed filte 0104115141, Vett all while ha. wite (1 '4''i,', feet cianratie, . Midway '11.114 "1 11h-• 1041. if,1:1E11 rottatt. 1.'ealln wins eM,Ml 4,1 Mt 1,1a1 beta rehed his artni. r.nrEl off the ELD'in,lit, 111011:p 11t;t1 411, 4, ite., 1.itT1.110,1t Bt his he: -.1 "Clo for the Jody. 13-5,4" Itk41e1 idirSP and the w- hir pl.,: ptit),151 ita swam. lop to The. 10041A1'. 'The 10u14l1a Geotle- mon .34141 on eta:15 5141m; tile 1 Corbett sant; with a 611t5a 1111 1ei VIOL Weri,hippeil Rosy 150 OWN Pile flied PI tragic theioo.,, siances, war IT id'ol1111 17',V1','11( months he -went to and tried or drown his. Stltenv. 4'. 11211,51 5)14)1 1114' dog:ideal that the bevt cure for Id, grief werind inantif,1 4154111, He 41,41 and returned to his -New York homc with a new bride, Julia Gifford, a two -,ear -old singer. whom Ito had mkt on a theatrical 1(0,. Thiukine to impress Tier. Ile - Vittlgeal Mr a near -by hotel 10 provide an cg.pensive sappes and uiacki. to -.veral frit 11,1' ..tneot the third Mrs. Fit., -,Mn - The party ft.Ii 5509 wirrn Bob tot Lep (5541; he ta-hle 01141 switched amtthe lights Thiea he prc,red a 17174 55,t1 nand S1.1 9s,de and 11•1111Er. 11/11 41.1112.01, Ii', -s4),,, 4)1071 s',5':di 1 the recently de- parted Rose. She was dressed In -the. 15,111 501, 1140(1 of the trapezc siattist.; 11 ,,1t. ,mant;Irs 11441 14b3,5)!vi11ted crosthme, and BoV brainied with pride 5111.1 1446 2,t1114,EP1t1 AV,Il S41WI1l01.111.i. Joa (wieldy bet her chid!" to her • hash:Tat, switched th". rvorh liplits and pinutmd 7119 panel TtirtAbb; tho 1.1.1esr, :she :.aid; "The tmely's 77d: in:; rmw,hrel 011' 45 0-1 1L .45 5;;;,.; ''ri'd bet144 s,414 1i12A it d.:1.t last. long Two later Fit.-,-,Mtatert,.. tiem 4,1 his forty-fourth year. had a 1Q0 iwatin!,!- ;At the hands - Jail O'Brien in hi., last sorh, tOnleii.I. T1st ti, teat cost tilinhi, warld's light-heavy- wcight title. The sante night he alio lost is Wife. l'ihten he reuched loom a telegram -was thrust into Ms baud. Peering i11:0)1101 the bumps and bruises that sur- rounded his eyes, th, old tighter took the worst blow" he had. suffered 'that night. "I am leaving you for good. I think it's 1.1g.st- for both of us. Julie," She had -timed the muting to a nicety, bringing their Mar- riage, to a conclusion with theatrical finality, Ample re- venge for the innocent slight she had endurea over Rose's portrait, AottiallY, they were not div- orced until ten years later, but • * ' a 1 ,r CI tskcSFIED ADVFRT 440 AGIEN'TE WATE1 ED 50 (111Te BUSINESS for 1o11t5.)1 e xtrE881.,6 irettsorrar8 product, and 01. plIttorirr vviirilred hy even, Iroorril,oldel. ThcAo 11.1P11, are not sold 40 store, •61-p,re ir rorepelitioti. Prprilf op 1, 111041 Write IllifiredlliFeh 0. it o otilto falEal1Igliti 0.1th mon e5i0N1r '4'). 11' 111)111 tat:1111101 '1,111/1111/111t. 0111 to, included Morian. Salo, 38145 111! rice *limit mil ARTICLES FOR SALE Quit .1 !Nil IlA 1e1035, Lor::,' 1110..1, Einar 1.1111 or rtithtleloBte. 1 t., 51 1111 11.0.D l'1 ,'l' slr,, Puldeu 1.101,, 1 415 r/cripirt East formai; BABY CHICKS 441 415rE1) Ilea, breed molten -1 her p,ans 7 101. v i.ee old Light tiw A nerd fled X Harrod Hoot, lapht. Fal0FE'e. tuned Rock 5i5,415 ge4 ktet. tIrrt11 omorted breed, e'1•1,95 per hum dad; Pallet, 6 v. eel, old New Moult. hatred Reek $25.05 nrr hundred; os- ,.o,1,i brerdv 627,55 per In rctl. e,.teloevo, WEDDLE *0111; 1.1 fl)4541144,4 LTD. FNP ta remained scprustcd. FiTA busied tientalt with boning ciihitidaca, • rniiric i.ngthiewenit, 'abab, min 1 ll1l,Td hor rine jug cargri ErieoliirdIy Hniti,1 and got ht.! and d wet 11,4( r ib. Od ehto-opion wi+13,(1•1 v tict.: .105:;c!: 1111.21.- y h., With II \thlt11.1 t..11.0.1 011 11, dI 14 111111. ,61 1 to' ...Ir.!, 4,, 1.111115' them, 444 o H, t.,". Tenni 4)1,315 1311. p 1 11 epgr, fietpc,p. who gave her eg. ft-L.:gray-eight. Divorced I, 51' /1011. 10 le pc with Atc iregbigssible Hobert end Huy 1'. '11 tIttppily vnough Ins dew). 74415 plume/ma i, 1917. Case Of Most Business Faiiures 1 1'1 1511/, 1: 1441:11115111.11 %e4.. e1; '11 .1 1'11- 111.1-• r41 111.211. 11'1,101 ti 1 1,10 lir:V.:It! .1 • ....- t";iliita- :ever for ..;iane • . have he...at hen- , t11' l'11 1.11 11 1 51;11 11.5 1 • 1 10, If. Ile• ,,,•1 ,,, 14 ,,1 • P. 11,1. II211 .. thf. Or 11,1. • f. 1' , ort , 1.131- th. f cmotion:Al "' to T11041., 1.," tit1,1'" Nt10 110, 1;0,-;1 "7110".:. 1410: 1(4td7 they 0", 'N 1.1 1ra-11'r51111 ou- rs), 5. dte ni l'a«ito, 41 :,11 I4,te,1 '51,41,0' 4'1.1,1,11etilkoA4. • 1•1) 'Pt tt"ljeci3lly t.! '''41'1' 11) 1111.1jlioll • pre.thi Ith1 b1.1PillePP TOt 2511.0.1•11 ill the re i!Oist T1,120. :11.111 0'4010"14sj j,,,.;,tj,1,, i lie pro,itict ,11'e 101 and 1:131411..111 of otts.. T,'411 t- 11, 741i111^1. h,1,1 ltich the capitol to liey;, 900,Y. ,,t1311 ltuy ;rani by ex- pel" o -e hew, 14 operate. They lao.g atom 11,1: ',lard 1.111 Lot kli"eotirmvx othe,s from 4'4 41)9 What it 55',: 14 1,, to teach them to use the 113511,02 11",11i11 NO 1117RM* 4','',.51 011141 thing hailed a aed rmd to the '111 °1 "To The eortereitt hospital, but don't 551541 3 only troll; there," becins Frl.drPe age ends - The ciis: de3cendane iffitirth.•,11ftbiAr Lir friends e.i.rh, think the 41,1,11 ,• k-tt.t.s are Mite, nt... Others 419e4 figures. • (1(1,55 • 1, . Ord,' it, cd rkie, 0/0 / .51 1.,' et, 114t.141. 1'1111( 11 - 0111, 191011 11 111111 1.11.t1tel, • fatal 1.1'. lade A !ug( nr,,r hoh, 4, eliaati. lo',l,', 101' 0E0111E, 0,0112.1 11. 1'E11'' 11010. Bray Hatchery 1211 John N., Hen -piton. 51001(1 1101'' l'optilern • rem site re,5'', A 111'1:111' 1100' t4440141,i, 141104. 41A31. 0110, ao". 110, tarrin,;:o, EMPLOYMENT Wt.NTED 11.011 I, 411E11 4 0004 evarb in orivato herthe tooth!, 14Poterested ,nrite 44. Panet,un Iteltbmentl !Vett, i1111)o, (.hie ne)', FOE SALE 501". 101.1.5 111 cb, .1A000e, reg. ihtered 411 ( IU(T'Jl'I1T 1,, sO attrr. eve. 11{0,P, 0, 0110e. 41 l,10 4,4,1004 11 M.m. St. Millon, 11AlOthlt 'h,', '1 empler, fIrrni,F11,4.1 ,./11 10 Cheep for verh. 11If Int, 122 511, St N.,. 1 (44301) ‘01111,Y '0010141 44104•411/14" 041.1, f,1,041..lo 31s1-, .taut fejlo.e, N11111.10111 iotarlo .1000 Ul," 1,10 1:.1711 rosnicat pen, H Ein,2t.r's reyttom >1 Mini tu ever;. giro, i,n't 15141,5 , 11e1 all pour app.', 41 111, 111, Al, P,,,tient.rli, 50111 •-•Treet. Petted! 11,10,. tte., 171A. TRY 11! EVERY SUEFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD nnr DDICN'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 035 Elgin, Ottomm. SI 25 Symist r'reptie POST'S ECZEMA. SALVE -,.em 1110 111 1111./11 tll dry torerfa, 0,41ef, 0,144.1 54.f 0005 51.11 tamibles. Port's 1511 1",' sots e ,ill not tissup. pubit 5III. 1(0002 sraliog end hum ITT ro1001,.. Pier, ring,arra, ainihtes and foot et,tinta w revpond tend117 to the ArodoleAr folo11e40 ointment re- garelle,s ot him .... tam, nr Hopeki,i, 11TrV Sent Port Free on Receipt es Price PRICE 12.50 PEP JAR POST'S REMEDIES /Les st (1,,, Avenue Batt 7000070 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 'HOW T11 Ms AN AIRLINE 111_1S.1 Oa), E. p(,1/111.: 5014S)140115'T nistailcs ;Marv., 'month:pitons, ')idies lids of trebling 5e1t001, con respontiettec cc urres, aviation matte, ,:ines, aviation vorf.hulargete51hile they lest. gift comes of model 115414. cation letters included with complete Fotio: nt 52.011 ,refrindeble. AnleMeta, reiallt•ett Syr.dirate. Dopt. 21. 15,10 como Ai mute, St. Paul ti, Minnesota. HONESTLY FOLKS II el v.ts-', 10 rad:t. room,' ShOVE fri..11114, the roost benottfill Christrnits sod wer!,,lim wraHMAgs yep or. red. No experience: 00 rehenviise '.ell' on sight. No risk; onstlid end. mato 00 returned fin cash ret dod. Shipping Prepaid. Free gift with f, err rideit le offer, Send Fen :01....etor di, No HOdei.tion. ACE ALPMCS, 5i,,,,o.eata• 1, !u.ir1,, Orttttilng Gloat, 426 Euclid' Toronto BB A FIAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL tlrent opportenHY /Amen Hairdressing Meevant dimntMti prKeSEtiritt gond 005e1 Thous:ant, of sorce,,ftd Marvel t'raductes. Amerieo's tirectest SI'SEET11 11/oPtratrt1 Cot0108 6111e %VIII,. or 5511 5' s tiAilittfiEFSING SCHOOLS 141 iltiot St Vv., Toronto 11,01141;1W 1 1 st.. tiatiulton 77 Rid, ou 441.. OtirwO '14(U4)4J5 MEN and WOMEN AGT•TELEGRAPHERS M demand. Men wanted' now. 55, train :Ind reeure positions. Dor, Night and Home Study rrorSe6. Free f older. SPEEDHAND ABC Shorthand qualif, for Stmionrcipber in lh tveelm home stick% Free folder. Carson Systomo, 7 Snoorlor Ave,. T1/1 -11/1(a 14. CL. 451242; Erg,. CL. 143:554 Affttliaj .1 Vies • El. Nearly Crazy 110014110g, 1004011 0, 0. Prescription 1,,,,it51e.ly relieve, • tr,1?1eh...1,011 by ..ema. aFhes. „014 i ,40705104, • 310 trial 1,4011,4 Mint Botiriy 01 110045 reok. Don'? oulTor. 0410141*I1REIStt0r D.I). N.PRESCRIFLION t-SSItti 46 — 11356 4 0 74)2 liLlt.r 1 "..cr'slt " t • • ... s PHI.'04 0or '1 1111 1 '01 PER:014A1 (11 II llalt tot v errt,e J1,,,,t,1,,tre .tiotoikete, t; Vittoria "1 ri e 'romnni .." 0,7 .• C5i4152'14AH. 7.0tpti-0. .1.10 0,1'01'1, 1111-11111.5t^ reentilec lion. Can.. Natal 75 letter for tuathar Lahti .715,•. 1 torlde 91.415 411.11,14.', I en, . mum omient , I 10,c11.1vci l'In. [IPA 1'1. I ,.,opal 5 ▪ I. o 1' PETS • EL,5111111:1 good 1401., . • 51,1 5 ' 1r -qv r olunr4 (Belo • or... 94.554. 1 1/11114041 Roarer.. 03.35 Elernsteiv 41 4'' o. and !Amon., VI tile 1",r Nouse 12 51 r11.intl 111.1orii. S5/101 I.ANDli.Act: Hero° Swipe. 14,, '0 , it•r i110,0/t(41 St.'', 1.01,400,010 Open 5Ils, .eordiro., 514414,01.1,1 51 re, 4. servicradde . late" ban,. t ',AL -donut. 1,1":FLIFVF, LA NONA' f • NV. '5!' 1 it Fttmus Ahir• FOR SALE BBIlISTEPED Tams, orin, o - three rher,11)6. 40gktet.•11 1..1' 'or • five end tt,o month, o - Divezem IICV, Pon 141,l ", 0 • thumb'. 'WANTED - - - WAN FEW 1,111101/ cooro 4,04- 00'4010 "se biro opposin. 123 Eir,01. coin 61 ". • ...in, orn. wAvism one to 1011 ,04.0, eelalte,•" atria time. ploughed roed On! trt,-, vervEto SI1111-1' i1a311 grit., kg, Gevrtnit. (ltd . -trio WAN'EPIJI AiriorholdIr Loot, tore .5.'4 15334, hops 01...re or st ruction timelier.. 1,151,', , 1,1,1eribe 10111 stele prme. A Pet ri" 21117 Lake 250.1,0, Ronny,' or 1N VS REV:5110 for intOrrna, tor. Marl,1. TO nueelmse of Steam Treelinn or Per, - able EngIne. Poe. 1411. 123 Pieliteee.0 Street: New 1 pronto, (treatin Itching Skin Gels Quick Relief /Sere :v titan tearing Itittlriffptio ort '1.41 re. bring" yolt speedy 10 4,' 14001 ti.: belling ea.1 dist rers 1..t-repe Itching Toe= and 0e, l'en .71; 0 l,er Itching shin trio' s L nt emi' help,. priamm. t 'healthy 4IOS 15,5 rt svoundtt, tint itn110 Ht. tints are 6150, 'e, tal, 11 skin affection, zeinet 1.. III1CI,I4',.,'r, 4,4,11,'. 011411 ertIpti4a1,4 Pr?" fr etre Pow 1.1‘11:3151.1..., 1/11, ntl' • J=r. A (ttrrtv1;1 LUL AND ISeiNITER. SAPLEMOS 10 1715lTIS1-3 40175, Tior51f,=.5dessep15 irl'alses TO F41E1/4:ilit PORTS: Fits? Clots from S210 ROUND TIM FOR AS 1.1071.4 AS First Oct tmas $217.90 1e,,ris1 ante from 4455 $37 Tourist C41,tt from $164 wsstt I From 0011117114 50' VESSH. ream HIV YORK To 41 ferONIA ivrfste. C )tdirtHlti l',Ertitt `54-11110 1,1i0NtA WERNIA. CAPINTHIA 5C51014 EANGNIA 1VERNIA OCYTKIA 16 .5.11. NOV. 17 410g, 24 15'-,, F16:4, 2F from 1451.1SA74 S're htr. 15 Fo, DEC. 21 Sol. 451. 12 Fri. JAN, 18 50t. FEB. FP, FEB. Fd. FEB. Sae MAR. toe •FAAR. Fri. -MAO, Sot. NAIL. 5aL MAR. 3 9 15 22 2 9 15 23 30 CericeGth, Liverpool Havre, Eotahoropfor Hove:, tc.flon Oahe' d Orrepoc, Liverpool Cobh tire' pool Horm, London Mho sl Cobh, Liverpool 0atere.LontioniTilbory1 Havre, Solahompton Gni* Liverpool Hovre.London (Tilbury) Cohn, Liverpool Havre, Southampton Cobh, Liverpool Hovre, Southompton Cobh, Liverpool Harm, Southampton 1.1115151 4161,5 I 1.4.,, NOV.. 1.2, tTANCONte 1 h.. NOV. 16 QUEEN E11.1AREI14 th. NOV. 23 f ARTHIA fd NO,. 23 BfitT ANNIC TItoe, 155. 25 0.141111 MAW./ frt. NOV. 30 MEDIA hi. DEC. 7 QUEEN 511556611.4 141. OF:. 6 EATONIA 14 011155I MARV Sot 110, 15 f0511444 Meet, 1.45. 20 I1,.k e, London 151112..P,. PARTHIA Fri. 81.2, 2 1 torrepeof ChtEEN JOARv 141.4 . MEM Fri. JAN. 4 CARINIIIIA Fri. MEL 11 EVERNIA. lbws. 10N. 17 PARTHIA Fri. ./Alft. 18 QUEEN MART Sot. JAN, 19 meet • 54ee6s.t0mp01 Havre Vinton Mawr, • rampant Chenbetira, Southomor,,, "Iron, Queber CRUISES WeS't Mates AND SCiUTH AMER1CA. 41021190 1141 GOO {MORO C1010-1,157 Corner ssav 11 See your local agent— No one can serve you heifer C MED Eli Oring your r;;-Tves.-7---7-----' Prepay tirferlr°n2pasEstrg:sPeir7C‘araietiad$ inquire about Candice e Assisted Passage 001%"rh'enmem. wattmeter, sts.. Toronto Oct Tot: ENtotro TrIriwzamtil