HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-22, Page 6"Dear Anne Hirt: How ght you are -,.-Meo you say one es,t- not li.new a man until sue mar- ! ries him! 'Soon after iny wedding 23 yens 10 1 ound myself living • with a man I did 110i. 110W. tI really Is so conceited he thinks I, nobody on earth Compavoi; with hind I have spent all the.:e Y.:ars trying to please hi to, and 1 lind it beyond awe. "He is anit-social. he has 110 '.11;10 i01 My frigIMS, and 1 di - 1 14 has almost no friends Of his W.V11. "When we wire going together he was always polite to tny ram,• but er since our marriage lie has objected to their visiting Wheo I get too hungry to see them. I slip there on ihe sly, which is degrading. "It was HytTrt worAo oop rhildrcu grew tip. It stormed : anywhere. and they coukt mil,: nave their tri,siels tavi. nhio! he w as aivity. Th 4I11 all the years, 1 have !ilk:a to make lfltI 111it0T- x11i1t that we :amid oat ho, oer,i ti6.01 4 Thrtelou- r.lp ' . ialriespoons oraAolarai 01t‘.. ,ter vsp ponnut boo, 1 sap fai. ...saran wqs, 'An a 2 teaspoons granular.d sugar ....prarlds sonlvnls of 2 ow/Pippo!. Fleischatann'r Active Dry Yeast ket stand 10 tng,alez. THEN stir wail. s. Stir in lukewarm miik mixture and 2 cups once -sifted ellvpurpose flour Y.; and boat until smooth and elastic. r. 44 314026444 Needs no refrigeration • 11g: vitality is sapped, hoc in- * 0Aligonce lies fallow, and et • 40 she looks like a woman 211 • years older. * 16't yoo are not like that, " After all these years, you ara ' stilt rebelling. You are as in- * terested itt people and the out- * side world as ever, and more delet mined to ilook the pul- " sating lite that has been de- ▪ nied you. What courage yott 4 possess! " Your heart is still young, • and your spirit will early yOu o through. Tell the children you plan to leave; I am sure they ' will help until “iti can be on • you': Own. Long years 114 • ahead of %on, and I hope they " vitt 116111 warding as yen desemc. IN SUSPENSE "Dear Amee ikty hos- t:and and I have blYil separated tor a year mut seven inortins. •.aici out mid Piave any fon. Leoause lte sees rno with a tnan t.tart s041.` 11114 Mien s•••, Mot 1,1:11 "2,irl, I don't ' • "TAILOR-MADE" HAY BALES—Just choose your size, and this new hay baler will turn out bales from one -foot square to one by 4l'a feet. The machine carefully measures hay to produce bales of the size most suitable to the individual farmer. Tile baler also packs bales of hay into even slices, like loaves of bread, for easier handling. 14,114 ; - • ,Adkt eiwzn-ciolii..t\e, P. Ctevoke ITO 1, 114,":661, i'arinOr .1 Of !II i 131e it t'oin, so sn,A: lerz-13Freqd 3 sups (abosel ten.,-..ift t4, -;tib t.,` VOW 3. I pr, ,11/ Nu, ee 14.11,11 04, with nutlI�d rk, in 0 war, pi.;-», fro.. draft, vtaii clout,T,T bng 4. 015306. Let 0,11 13. eath half i,sIO, 12 loaf. 1,»o gre,6071 loaf puns 1E31/2 x 43 top inside measure). [hush with melted shortening, Cotter, 1,1 11, Willi doubled in bulk - about 40 tninutes. Bake is hot oven, -MM, 30 to 35 minutes. Yiele1-2 loaves. ' , • „L„ ;!;.. . • e, • .1 n•• , `'• TIVI:SN't V IV E tY,A1: 1'.' l; mr foe nil:, 1,.".kfrIZA \V/IP:ELF:it, 1.1% EHIrt 0A:111 , (Li,. 1'1 N I71,16IER, 1CA %II'. artel ItIZESS, ptittr.. I? 1,1' '44'!, 11 "or 1,11r.,, . . 1' 11.'1,: 1111101' 1 41,1 114,4. 1411. , "I.-, 111/k.“111,`. 25 14,i' 1' .opy thl‘ I NOW V 'HA tilt pat. • ;• II • : -• ..f .1 11 if tt%he • • a., • 'I • I : hi, 1. 1141 og • ont 13010, 0120 'gm 111:- ('A 1.:)111 (Alf 1V7177 1,11.110i0,it and 61.,-61.1 1133 to,,:etiter Anti of course 11 ;'o' 1, stont,, hundreds nt that so -mellow ,••ai Cast into .the house and a1'16ll1141 10110.1: kitchen chairs and liviiip--roont furniture. If 1;ndor tho riirriittlre it ,.6(11,i(in't. had hut oo'a- 1101113;' 1:1,1 v are left in the middle of 1 Le floor and a eiletLnut, 11133 titt.t31 vOlnfort- nl,le thing to igen on in a hurry. 03 court'r Op.:trod:, 310171 Vavt,, keno/ 144111 them a not.r \4111.11inv, . , a Warning that 1 A.Lt.. haw- not Ireatly clone so the limo 111101 votne Il, I'VPI,A1- hdl the Oil 1111100 or fill tip the EVCII un bright, runny days v.1..11 ni;.,111. l'10111:101 gather thrim is 111117 411 tit.' air that L L3 In 1 11,414 .sts weletnor the v011)1'011 Zd, of a v. :1H11. 110010,, ti.„ • have a sot, the entertaioimmt . fered by television. even TV provide,: us with prold,ons. Friday nights, for i16d11162 lune.ing bouts and Person la l'ee• son conflict for part of the lino. Partner, Of your -to, wants 0110 and 1 tlik• other. We genet:Ali, reach a compromise in some arm., depending on what eaclo program has to offer. We haven't yet reached the stage of thinking two sets are necessary! In f.tet think ourselves ItickV to have even one. And there are time4 when one is more 1111111 en1'u1t11 if the choice of A protraro 131,e.. tween an inferior play 'Ar A va- riety show. We are glad Omni- bus, Perspective, Fighting Words and Graphic are back on the screen. Of course we always en- joy the Buffalo University Panel Discussion, also Toronto's Tab- loid. And to think that this tithe last year LNL` stoutly maiotained that we had no desire for televi- sion at all. Now we wouldn't be without it for anything — and it certainly comes in handy with small children, if used in 141(1(1401:. 211(111. When the small fry have reached the stage (13 being over- tired and cantankerous Lassie, Walt Disney 01' Claraboll Invari- ably save the day, Tot is. going tel 0.' so- other big day in our Fannie. Ed- ward is to be -hristened and, we are all going down Coe the rm..- muny. Bob is to be 11114 tne goafallters. later in Ole w;i011 it 01in fmnid'; /tom Mir, ' 111. a mid then a ehri hatiiig: another anotitcr ellristenitte, and so it goes. Then voine bit ijx. days 110114 :11111; .4101 14I.11 1:11 WOTICIVIAltg 11.1n0t. the (1111 '4 have IN e forgolteti TWA or that: There seem frt 3,1 many to remember. and (101(14 that we would like to forget. And at Christmas time the family gathering gets 11 little bigger every year so that it is no good 1.1:0 who are older thinking 221.2 eau dispense with a Christman tree. Never to chancel Once again we find ourselves in the middle of it all, only with other genera:11ml. But thank heaven, it is a generation wit can enjoy without assuming too touch responsibilitY. GratirlPaC- ents have their place the scheme of things but it is not a place of full control. Not if W19 are wise. US2PI suBsTrriTTE Theme wa, an t1e11e111 'phone call from a man staving his son had swallowed a fountain -pea. "All right! I'll come at once," replied the doctor. "What aka you doing in tho mew-01,11er "Using a "petticil," ISSUE tit — lenot 21re 7o Be A ' • This el:arming afternoon dre.ss, made silt sheer wool trots azt Anne Adams new printed pattern is sure to be a favorite in awl woman's wardrobe. Soft bjoe2 and flaring' skirt give it that new look .0/ lerativas. so fashionable now end for next Spring. Net* the becOnikkg collar, the bodice with graceful yoke, the pocket detail that lends a custom made elegance. Fashion and accurate fit are assured when making this drese with ANNE ADAMS new Printed Pattern. Because the designer's own lines and directions are printed clearly on each tissue pate tern part anyone can sew and fit it like a professional dressmaker., For host results our pattern designer recommends a 12-inela zipper for the placket closure. - We used the Magic -Tab Talon Zipper for this &cgs. It is light weight enough for the sheer wool, yet strong, and will release caught fabric or thread like magic. Other fabrics recommended for this dress, Printed Pattern 4010, are dressy faille, bengaline, satin brocade or crepe. This Misses' pattern comes in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 and 40. Size 15 requires. Va yards of 134 -mill fabric or 1'.it yards of 35-int fabric. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted; use 410411(1 111)130 for safety) tor Pattern 4610. Send to ANNE ADAMS, 133 Eighteenth St., New Toronto. Ont. - rise clout' -Frnitti wiffl luscious -MOWN. PCME21 2 tbsps. granulated sugar mix in 1/2 c. chopped pitted dotes 14. c, chopped outs (Bake 1.11 Waffler, 100 Sift together once, th•tn frile bowl, 2 c. once -sifted pastry flour or 1 c. onco-sirted all-purpose floor 3 tsps, Magic Baking owdar 1/1 tsp. »411 Consbina 2 Well -beaten eggs 11/4 c. milk V2 E. Crushed pineapple (drained (ram a 15 -ounce can) 1.1 4 lbsps. shortening, melted :••• gl I tsp. vanilla Make well In dry ingredian30,s1 stir In 1•1, liquids gradually, adding milk, it 1100500, 10 make ornedlism-thIn 54 31 better. Bake as pancokes or wof- fists. Servo with butler and fhb sauces Combine In a small sauces pan 2 tbspa, flour end 2 tbsps. 111 sugar.StIr In remaining pin•npplo tO and juice, Y's hp, vanilla and '1 e. 34 water. Cook, stirring, until suuce Is $ smoothly thickened. Ylold—$ or strvin,s 71 Your baked goods are so much lighter, so delicious, when you bake with dependable MAGIC I re""*""e • Get MAGIC Baking Powder today I