HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-22, Page 2Paradise Isle Ruled y Creth; Fitem the tl,;1,7f the s, hopper the man tdt iistarcal lid the rmentiii.pd, vs•as pe,itcot South Pacile pion, cu.- trek",in ligut, av nil pith» -t trd Oriel iitirrier reefs enclosica• .i.voiti• elect:. and very blue lagoon. 1111.11) far to 1111(1 li;111:n.l. bill it W.HIF i1. 1 1)011,111.1, "1 1ipeiron the of eiviliintien and live )1( X1 to ttatort.” . • The FehOillIcr',. 17,11111 inE tr.aylf 4.1 „ • 1?»nille'l. 11 0.2 - en to Taltit.i the 'rtiratletit o. biX1111C12 122 eutriiipor crime 1Ir71r.t- itn., off the 0, '1',.1i2re2t, flay 1,ine 'lie man who cone ashore an the coral clothes tier(11 12 'ly w4.! 1;2,..,•I711,1,1 I,7101',. ,,mne 7jsl non," had ler- • hirn with 1271 (f • :1Ie nrd to looih hlood rod . wee eithriotis In Mi..- to os tattiPlireston of utter Territy. 1r0711 1227 1-.1001.7-:11.211en Iiloc,onils, int 1 rad to eat 72,1 ,:p of 1.11c Pcheionec f, n' brp_ vw,nr.i'i • • .the rnitairati (tail T1 -n' ',panel) 0..`ri,I;le`nl- in Tahiti weteld linve 10 pencl Iiiatives and trine's and 1,vc.,•,- • pene 171 tlisocare of incin. 211.11‘....y • Ilan? the pail.. Until this. tv:•1 4".:OrottlE d o danger sign w nuid itave le be posted on Tettat.e.a. T2cliisiory ot Tetlarniti i2 •Icgitirft. This J,1c; in 01e 1- mo1e pagan dar,",-,. ot the Soviet's' •- Aalee 111'nS ennsideiied n resort 11- ' 2)717171 the high cilniefs, -royal 3,-oerebei.s, and E:ereei.c.rF and con- . sathincs gathered for their frail pod Fecrcf rifnalp. . owlaidv 1271 2' 1j Pon-nire ficunil• cif. Tahiti, it war tatted. -:'d zzirer tile first Ivorid war WpItee Johnstone :7171.neting-ct.r.:"...,1 for Groat Britnin in Plata -telt Oceania. and 1111:11 ,.1.q1111: I.0 Dr.W1311,sr. by -Kirig :Poinare seittl," "lac fam-• (212 1'i1)7 r:, f liarc'a c0verct.1 la" hired a:otters to 1. ,'r' 201 0 he had island• tr, 1222(1 7171 21111 • •71171,1 ri SC -11.1r1 put ;•, ttro1 This ctitiiil.,•ad been :Ian - hand 2 1 21 4717171', 22.121 7112,.• 1 lr 111111 in- • erl'EETT,C1 !?; I2TTr.42 2,71,Il1...171T., in ihe gee"i'ves. rney 1 o•o 71 7171.7 ,'71 to • 131TT pra enter - or, 'Ff. t.: •••:, Tile:: nibbled off thie•T r.na 1.1Tn1.1111f1r4 Ittlfrnt, 1,T orf flie alruos.t-ripe fiats ciail law% a ctactanta" the.11 teeth. 'Tn.:k- ing a r•••;1, rno17711 to craw•I a irdo to nibble the meat tali, drink 71 a Dr. Williams 277')' 12would lis• r,',allihitive vr to band the% tin-, a' strip of Wide ZilVAi-1,2.1t anti -arab n-,otal 'fil'etivritt -the ratcotits 712 1212 rats a 7wi '7171771 lond-cntabs into tile tbe mit oral eitentict, rf1f1,.%. 100710 V9 rfc°1a1 ITT 1.1t.11/11,-Von41.11 pt171112(1 alga on the loation Crean. palms and of Papeete; GATS WANTED --ONE FRANC EACH. Instantly. a siteady stream of ju- bilant Tahitians galloped into his office and home logging yowling cats, m lait.F, crates and nets. • When Dr. Williams had 500 eats, he chartered a trading schooner and transported the milting, cursing felines all the way to `Atha -ma It must have been quite a shock when the rats heard the chorusing front the atrarige ark approaching the shores of Tetiaroa. And it must havo been quite a sight when Dr. William,' gave the order to release the oats from their deck-eages. The furry bunters, starved for days, leapt oVer she giniwales in voracious pursuit 1 the startled rats. There were idiom 7,02)0 rats on Tetiaroa but the 501 galls made short work Of them, 22 TOP With ('I 2''' to eat, the cats birth -ram soared. SO011, the ori ginal 100 4'11. had multiplied to 1,000. But with their supply of rats gi.kne.2 ranfinn 11))011 th'm First, the toms and tabbies • raided nest, of newidaorn Itittons-; then they waylaid weak call,. Gangs. 1011-1oi1 n•TatfIrt. V711111 1`11 stronpor olies I'voirraiwtising wealice units. Cannibalism raped on Tetiaroa Dwindling numbers forged gangs to _..realt up with members at- tacking each ether, The quicker and stronger cats soon dafeatao and ale the weaker 02717 in this an107illg feline survival-of-the- fittet. It seemed that thia would continue until at last only two eats woulcl face one another in mortal, cannibal combat. Eut. strangely enough, cat- senae seemed to manifest itself .suddenly among the hundred or so left On the atoll, Probably they 112.271 some sort of truce, with all agreeing to end the itisane war of extinction. Immediately they reverted to on almost forgotten instinet 110 fishirg, And the -lagoons of Teti - area swarmed with succulent tish and shellafish. Lying cat their sten-atolls on the coral sfr.ind71 the ravenot,s cats hooked xvith their eharp ciatva the fish which swam ,'lose nl12 the shallows or into the many pools dotting Teti- aroa's shores. - 71-1,,17, remaining cats on the atelti, tinted by a king and cloven, were 21(2 (714 lenparrls, and they began In multiply again. but not o raiiiidly 1,71 befoyti. Still, it wiis not safe for n 7111- 1 1)' white man to get ,./n.n- erecl by a pack of those felines, as oor e6iapi..1-adventurer As- cot -ea -ad So Dr. Williams arrived suitably protected, one day, and educed the171 to a safe and small nunther h teltcould deal ade- taately with he rats that came shere periodically from copra chooners visiting Tetiarom To -clay, the eats ot the atoll Fe lazy, sleek and fat. Fond supply anti demand are Once gain render eontrol. • But if any adventurer should ave the urge to land on Teti - rotes ortral bee-el/ea, he 11171711(1 rst matte sure that there isn't sirin tacked to Pi polm -which a715 ill French tit, equivalent of: EWABE OF CATS! - Facing Fat Facts clustear of ('471''2 '1)21., rut he c22.c1 .iaitre a. 117.3o711:b1e ;dn7, to evintre. there. Wei": hot 11412 TTLITi, 71, TT, 1411.,- 1iTc, ot -If you want to alim, eat -FAT! The way hank to. .a slim figure is via buttea, -cream, kippers, fried eg,cgi, bacon.. eroato 711717.77 and ateaas with the fat still On thom. This is wliat 717101 '1201' A. gekwick, oj ?...lieldleactii Hospital, says in 22 recent. issue 00 the 'Lancet.' Ent fat to get thin" Professer Keltwick 'found- that the lo7". of weight was more aapiei no cliels with a high fat content anei 4271 rapid on high piTettr,r, diF,is. Loss ,If weight 2127 eigeoiciab•ialy siow1,1 eilcn'i 7.T,172- rT,.5vT1 n1 carbokycieates. The cogi.l..gien drav-n from Pro- f'ettf,"nr fT.ThOft. 1h771 you 11tu.:1 tat fat of it 21 ;telt io 171 7(111,1, Yinagint.tical son...ethnic. that • ta: 1.1 • ituslJaot, lure. • •.•0 ' 5`,014EBODY GOOFED -- propped up an7no'wheTe'''10:41g0,. , alit, COT dangles from o hydroul;c lift after it slipped from the trick at a service station. The driver had driven the car onto tho lift, but made one mistake - he forgot to put on the brakes. In jiggling the car to make it squeak while on the lift, he Caused the auto to come tumbling down. Lift loweoaol, the embarrassed driver (1ove squeakingly away, fdlOW' NAVY JET PLANE "SNOT' TSEILF 211.71 Gi.e.ffiltJrn 1ic.4er is the iyaia of plo fie that coupht op with ite own eonna,a ,hama = • .47 bfie Oen( to 0,44304 dire fins 711,,,- 1(20(112 b4)(7i et 2e.olle, 7('6US ((went ecr on 52c2i71 travel 500.12t per-sccond fonef 77(2 rase. Plane then 51..• err 5.71r7er r1i,e 0. Gravity and eif friction t elm n (17(1(71 (0 any, fob from Nino 0,012, 1 coning (6(1(111 torp,d 7210, ione oml %Dem Adts arrive et !vole point and collide. 1 2 Diagram. at loft shows how a supersonic jet "Tiger" fighter ac, Malty "shot itself down" in one, of aviation's most freakish fleei- tlentS. 'rest Pilot Tom Attridge was test -firing new 20-111111, "2111- ' (01) 121101111071717tho Atlantic. His stringht-dming Grumann jet Ought tlp with the shells on their slower, curving drop to- ward the ocean. One shattered • the plane's bulletproof glass ('81)" "7147, another pierced and killed the engine. Attridge headed for nearby airfield, Nit 1,1M,71 1.71 erash-itind 11) 71,71,24!..,, 11 ("72.710(1 with broke, 'icy 1.2,1 three broken vertebrae, qrk, 013, .11 FIZI.e.d datvz• Atlavev5. lr TALIt'. icc 1 ' V '. ' '4 : 1 '4? NO ;Tole ciut»plingsi of • at puildirgs have ever tasted wonderful to me as those ra at the farm with teh•itrd app They weren't just homema they were neighborhood -ma All the 'apples were Prepared our apple -paring partie,s You seldom hear Of app paring partiee these days, !I' have become almosit as exti as the old quilting befF. when I 1.1•100. a vary little Pi my grandparents had an aPp paring .party every year. A se dia our neighbors., Thou these parties: were consider "after -supper trolier," yet -11 '.VU(' the tnearia of getting valuable piece of ixork ace') plished. Al) threagli the fol- lowing year, we had hardly meal Ntithnot an accompal mein of epple pies, sweet -salt lind apple pre,s,lwes. On Sidi. day mghts those apple thin' lings or apple puddings 11111raltun2,. vie doughnuts Hion-a. mad(, tif so course, anti always atilt warm), atie pumpkin pita, apple sauce, nip., .1671. wore spread out. After thi7 de, replenishment, many of the de! younger people began all over at again with the paring; while the more sedate members, out of le- respect to the lateness of the hey hour, left for home., nct a But During the inter71 we had lilt memories of laughter. work, la- and song goolted into the 21,12,02 nd of et -cry apple dumpling and 811 apple pudding. ed A few weeks ego 1 found ley some of the ,ipple lecipes a grandma used, And here they m- arc, just as she wsote them; 711 Apple Dumplirigr In An Extraordinary Way co, Fawn 11.111. Johnson tthe Mrs, f r- Johnson across from the cow p- posture). Take the imples, and eut into small pieces, and with a large Grater, grate in a Quince, whet.: 'of 22 has been pated and 11 ,',4 Th,, w,,,c 2,0 11w1111„1, (11471117' 7.07,1717 ,'(671 127' (..10117,1"., people, In aro. 71)257fruit tons oared and rut in pieces (Inc -half to three -mot Mrs of ail 21,011 111 thickness It cora, being cxtertetcd) spread upon a platform, or te pommy saaffolfcling of beards, dry in the sun. When suflicien ly dried, after several days good weather, the apples we removed to rat upper room the house and piled up in 00 277 angles. If the drying pr 0225 had been 2211), 71021)147 don they would 71222:7 sound and goo for a couple of years. by for if you was to alice in a he to y(31.11' Apr 10S, hi large 10 pieces, the Quince would not be r- boiled equally with the (171711111, he for the Quince is of a tough id nature, and will not boil un- til- der twice the time that the Ap- to plea will: therefor, to grate t- thorn, will he (110,41-..k to give of their flavor to the Apple, and re make all enough at one lime. in Put whaSu t gar you think ne proper into each Dumpling. 0- when you take it up, and the e, neceesary quantity of Butter. It. d will then eat like 12 Marmal- ade of Quince. t Copied from 71147 great-grandniother's tooh y book, 1700). - Grandmother's Apple Pull to Bake the fruit; when void 0 mix the "..iulp of the apple with al sugar and cut lerneti, peel. thy it 11 in thin paste (c(ust), and bake ci in a qfflek 04'C111 20 minutes wn eo them Apple Pudding and Paste Frora great - gar:tether's O cool: book, 1802. One pound apples sifted (strained', one pim(171 sugar, O nine egs;s, one oval•icr of a pound of 112111771, 0(171 auart sweet mem, one gill rose-wa- ter, a cinnamon, 11 oreen lernon peel grated (if weet apples, add the half a it mon). Put moo pmf e. Paste for Apple Pudding Rub one-third ai a pound of I recall that the first 1110116 ever ertned woe the 3 cents clay paid me by a neighbor turn the apples, periodioally, 7. that all sides would get ego exposure to the suit! write Harriet Patohin Botham 10 Th Christian Science Monitor. * The othe71 methan was 717C71 7(1111 221, 0,121 tii,-as the ame med. Tile apples were ciitrer, en strong thread.. and hung x dry In the kitchen i'where had a large wood atavet. Dur in. the months of Ortobet. , No vember and Dei'iembei, the cell ittsg ta..a1 decorated with stritig of taratles one an other i71, every dire:Alen, 12711 Elcr-ircrcz:Eing antfamt ei striog »pie shrank. Tide tee:thud 111 ran,» plortsing a» inc, too, bn 77)211 11,7i10 7.0, 111.1, :1'1711•71n ,,1 20:: 21.t11, -11;:i 111,-11: 5 e. butter, and ono '('l 1111 Of .1a771 int( , tl•TO 1r.111- winies bepten: water 1,, 1..•112ri rot) ig th,-2 iesidue 1,7 sinorttioba in ion twelve foltheis gutitik. V,1)21,111 1.21 211'2- 121. 22.2 F111(.f212 11•21.1,1 hon 1,41 rrtincel. \ea.: i '2.2 71 1p-1:,.01-.11. '121' o y s Piot To Bump, Off Bosses One bitterly cold 41 1114711' morn- worShippers from 1. distant Clint/ cattle to a temple in Mon- - golia and found the gate closed. They hataged• and shouted, hut got no reply. Standing on his saddle one peered over the wan and •was horrified to see two nrinstf,., lying la a deadly embrace 011 tIIO blood -covered flagstones. of the eourtymal, (Me with his. skull 'smashed. The party 11071e Off to. report 10 -their ruler, Prince Later, an Officer arid 7111I17' mem carne and broltf the door down. Both dead lamas had been drunkard52 who often lirawled and fought. The one :vith the emashed 1(16(111, known for his fiendish temper, had his hands. locked round the other's throat. Inside the temple the third lama • amti saiutlY, rather timid 111220"' 2,20' illitnd hanging from Tafter, will) 11 bloorintaiiied barmier near him. The 113y.017r4of 2111,)' deaths 2717171 11(.7171' Clefired np. 1, was surmised that the good one, '1121?'. 2117) the: strangler at grips with the other, and tearing he Would be thrilled, attaelled the strang- ler with the hammer, hiceidentat. ly killed 11101. then hangccl him - of rumfirsc. 'rile half - strangled one. exiglu...tad, had apparently frozen to 7111121). A. II, RastatIFen, traveller end China Mader, heard this atoro on a trek is:tee Mon- golia from Tienalin to buy %cool, rind relates. it in a vivid aocount 02 2115' adventures, "Tiamorn to. 117, SPA". At Chapstit, on his tvay attontry, be had a startling ex- perience. Hit" party .incholed 22 wain who carried a hag 2011fain- ing a thousand jiaigli.ng silver dollars. As they drew up at the inn they sato a crowd of dirty, slovenly frontier nOldirTs from 7, near -by watch -tower, and Inter irri- the darkness, :Rasmussen heard them planning to murder -end rob the party-..anght the words "plenty 111111' '71''. "east' ib", "n0 7.110,:.,tirig", "0 n I y bat•unei," - 1.1a.iirnui seri dcoicicil at 4:1(17 1111) must get away .from that inri the ear before the. sieldiers (ionht slop therm Ho drew the driver aside, tipped oft the others. and on the 411' 2(47) of petting -gear from the car. tho'.' "vont out 1,, the '4, (2. past the soIrlicr:::, jumped in 21111 lit ;ittti 131?;111i111! 'l14inn11ib8-1r1, 1: 1 hei-.", ettitl flow 171: 711' 1,, 112it, tln dark, A filack :loom 1. 't Irntrl (11, 4 WP--. lit n 1-1,1tl'Ortt• 11/t '01E -n :7 1.'1'4,1'111d 1.-.,: ,,. 71 • r, -,red i12%1 siQ....Dia. in i42'' p kLy!,. • 1.5Til, 1'.1,7 C11/ 1:`, i11,2.1', Si, t,,inail; f 02.211112,:21. "12' 2'22i.,21..-; upp,.; r F ,0,,,,• - p., 1 1,,,, f. .--,ie 2') r. v...2,1,1 -.e 1.nrin;',I 11,,,1i1,..: 1mI.1., ,.. . P 1 1 ,,,,...i, ;.• tr",..--';',',,,. ..,...-,..i..„,.. 1.4...ffn'f- 7 ti'elmilt- the 71)415rerc t, . • the (''111171 711, 1 IA (1147 grand- t,.., .,. v.,:ould l.riivi, aria .-,.11h4,,_ris r f1tIlle,1 i/..1n 1,112112,1 2 111:C2112 .2'. P1F222121,..2127141(71.177r1111'01_11111Cd 1.; 10.•.11 'k'_-±1- k,:t into which thr.». cia.tild ''1(741 parents 171,)k r217' 10 741717112.1 their nelpors with plenty of ravi; ngiterigd, * 'i" * While Engers and knives were busy, the evening. VMS a1Way7 enlivened with snags, banjo and gttitar music (prepared espe- cially for the occasio(1) and sweet eider. Although the par- ers had had one supper, five or six hours of diligent work 01 - stored their appetites. SO about midnight, more sweet eider, and an abundance of Johnny -eke, al", tat, the rt. C, 21211 of the rta;:a1 • afl 111111 :;,; Just flovI ill( 177 1117112 t' "1111/. 114/1 i." driver, -the raitaiv., ::( 121(2 (111 11(1 11,5242.1VC..1)!.'17 14111711'nds'1 ti 1(1,0711.* 'They could Ilene the iariot- hunting-call in the digimati 71» them 1117)7,' '1171 going slov . • IV and waittag, two to he, l'ro Chapsat omit they tairt:ii tie sm." the solrlit `1'5 ittal return( tit .0"atlieto4ver„ 1902 if TT Th1,1 171' safe to slit tier at the .0 Harmusse o 171ly,4 larder:41,ml 111C1 11,1' car (((('(1 (2 011 tht., o Irac?c on 17,1 -7,1113T1.110...1 1 Ifernblinf? 1,.411 relief a headed '(71,,' (211111 againl'ht wns. a nightmare. :it - had to switch oft' Haiti, a 1)21)1 tlisieovery; 'lit snow 71',1 (171 11)71 .,0111)77 111(1 711171 711114' 2 . he slithered "mind 1171271.1 . `Ille-y pushed the car dor shed 0112 2. 1 ,he "ir•erl oft 1,211(111 24 tore clatl 1. Once, to Tientsin, 1 iaia 211. wz:rned that Ited sat( arrived 111 • 1.71 the. Cinotic city :a - Finale foreign, 011 arr,,,,p 71,7 Ili. •i 1)6741 (11(1712. ''('71, he fon.; Hoes in thruge of Ile ahliot., and 12,0 4,211111C -boy, rOit. Twolvc office -IQ 110,, 1)Ccil ilppilit,frd in kW 1: liVe1: Of Fi:: lending for,- , ri, but, were all eattaht te. 111147 nrriveti at the 'cif. It vjas cuial plot, ". 17 WO Old he't (.' Ocln r. g .„ 7, ly easy to depose ,if 7171 rooting 1111,71' sittint: at ais either W11 11 .10.1mor ' • .00.1 then go en the next o'. do likewiff-. 'The F- '1' • • (1 denItteli VEitl •-f1.01, 1,112 • '11 Iva' 42.02 avea:,... 'lit turn ti, iistlprits, timins Is an enthavihno A Cl/Illy Dish For ChliNly Days. 1': ix•pn,” ;not: -rjtt, owl Tara: I •., 111; 417dlet 114C aidienia-Ca t'211 R0071 (11 7111,71, 211 Pierciflg, -111n putialos . pver, anc`, 11ii io 2001it1g, 116, f' ortit rie2 The saita tookra/ion " of 1n, 0.6 Ootl lt11 n,01.• 1'441117, 0115(2','One .211, of itteirirea, cutustr.,„ only by a et rain) oath aii 111 towtowe. .71:1 for •11. 711711,11 1.202.: • 11. 1'11•••;. too. is quoted ;a say:n!_. 10. 7171 711(2 11114 .1,,ite !Jun en )..r.., r,. ,11(0, 4:•'110 watii, 501117.1', 6011 of ice 1 (IP, 14 is said. ittraciiieeo at the Louisiana (aorta -Ise 411 1904, at", miatotirtentla to, 1771 ?A70 cream ).') 1itit prepri,mi oho ran short ot trohes and 'inane Or." Aviiff 01 t'ii Airier In had of, nr.r.d At any arta, calmer ta 11 ...11111n,,,, A tend ;thou., I tally ;411,2.,,.7'i('11) .1'111 11e./) '21 tut 1171l 111 2.4)72,'1011,01)0 1,;.11or:, 1, .17. four 1 -ninon •nlf's) ;Jr Froin tn, tic if ev Can 17' Howop''. 1 prevent !2 '.72271 711 si•raite .22.11s, after tits:Inas! .A. Whim• o atattlaty ea I. mit- e., altaam... .5, requar, doritta am, taking, ',nit, till•,•1 oilft hot wate(', 122 caul) 1,1,,,,fit1 nlack in htn. 1'J, 112(171 t.1 ,nf 1111 ,11 WE ukrE IKF.E. Giving on Oriental twist to the political scene, this trio of Chin( sf221171.1. before o banner reading "I Like Ike," in Chin ese characters. The girls were among 73 guests of Chinese ancestry honored at a ecent reception in New York City by the state's Chi - anus for Eisenhowe, All vcting for the first time, )he girls are: 1171ey Ting, Mrs, Henry H. Lee, and June Yung.