HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-22, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. '18 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, No VEM'JIM 22, 1 c.15i1 41..60 a Year Authorized as Second Clues mail. Pock dnowdon Bros.. Publishers Office Dent., Ottawa Two Seaforth Boys To Suez Canal Two ;Seaforth (brothers in the Armed Services are scheduled to go to the Suez as part of Canada's contribution to the U. N, army. Rifleman Jack .Mc- Clinchey was flown from Vict- oria, B.IC. to (Halifax last week with his regiment, The Queen's Own 'Rifles, His brother, Able Seaman Grant flicClinchey has been stationed on the Aircraft Carrier H.M.C,S, Magnificent for over a year, They are sons of Mr. and Mrs, Garnet 1'ile!Clin- choy; Jarvis Street. Jack has been in the army for five years And served for two year's in Germany and nine months on police duty in Korea. Grant has (been in the navy for three years. Jack and Grant received no leaves before sailing but Jack was home h August and Grant about a month ago. There is some ` doubt this week whether the Queen's Own Rifles will Om permitted to go to Egypt. According topress re- ports President Nasser has ob- jected to this famous Canadian regiment going on Egyptian soil because its name implies an association with Great 'Bri'tain. WIN MEDALS Two McKillop sisters won silver medals in (pianoforte at the annual music convocation held in the Convocation Hall at the University of Western Ontario at London, on Nov. 10, Jean 1Hillen won the silver medal for grade VI, and Mar- garet Hiller: for Grade V. They are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley llillen of Walton, ELECT OFFICERS At the annual meeting of Huron Temperance 'Federation officers were elected as follows: honorary president, Fr a n k tLowson, Wingham; president, 'Wellwood Gill, Grand Bend; three vice-presidents, C. Reith, Seaforth; 'Harry I•Ioffman, of Dashwood (supervisor of temp- erance education in Sunday Schools); Howard :Pym, ;Elim- ville (supervisor of temperance education in Young People's); treasurer, Fred 'Mc'C 1 y m o n t, Varna; voice of temperance, H. G. :Manning; secretary, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Clinton. ARMISTICE BANQUET The Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion Branch 156, catered to the Legion members and their wives at a hot turkey banquet on Nov. 14 in remem- brance of 'Armistice day. The tables were beautifully decorat- ed 'with poppies, with 100 per- sons present. The platform was decorated with the Legion col- ours and a miniature grave yard with :white crosses and poppies. (President Jack Hol- land thanked the Auxiliary la- dies for the lovely supper, aft- er which the president, Mrs. Ol- ive Little, welcomed the Legion members and presented them. with a cheque. The .program followed with a singsong with ,Mrs. Dora Taylor mistress of ceremonies. A solo by James Scott, "In Flanders' Field"; a solo Iby Mrs. Peggie 'Coomber, "Come lack to iSerento"; read- ing by Harry Jessome, "')anger- ous 'Dan McGrew"; solo by Cleve iCoomlbes, "Home on the Range" and a duet Iby Cleve +Ooom'bes and Jim Watson; 'Eng- lish Tales by Jack Holland; song by (Fred Williams. Mrs. :Harry Jessome presided at the piano. President Jack (Holland 'closed program with the singing of the "Queen". After which dancing was enjoyed by all. COUPLES CLUB St. 'Thomas' 'Couples Club held their monthly meeting on Nov. 19th with a very good at- tendance. The entertainment in charge of IMr. and Mrs. Gor- don 'Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Ted ,Southgate was very much enjoyed. Two very interesting movies on onissions were both entertaining and instructive. Contests, a short business meet- ing and the usual pot -luck lunch rounded out a most en joya!ble evening. Dec. 7th was set for the 'Christmas meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Spittal and Mr. and Mrs, Jim ;McCabe in charge. Any new couples inter- ested in attending will be very welcome, and assured a good time. GROUP 3 W. A. Group 3 of the W. A. of Northside United 'Church met at the home of Mrs. Austin Matheson on 'Tuesday evening, Nov. 6, with a good attendance. t3frs, E. IChanrberlaiin opened the meeting by reading a poem entitled "Worth While". In ab- sence of the ;president Mrs. H. 'Snell presided over the (business period. Miss 'Thelma Elgie and 'Mrs. 'II, Travis were appointed as a nominating com- mittee to bring a list of officers for 1057. It was decided to ex- change gifts at the Christmas meeting which is to Ibe held at the home of Miss Albbie Seip. Mrs, A. Crosier presided over the devotional period. The scripture was read by Thelma Elgie. Mrs. H. 'Snell read a prayer. Mrs. Cliff 'Broadfoot favored with a piano solo. Mrs. John Kellar, our guest speaker, chose 'Educat'ion as her theme, which was very interesting. The (meeting closed with the 'bene - 'diction. Lunch was served. Presentation on 25th Anniversary At the close of the morning service in St, Thomas' Church on Sunday the rector, Rev. J. II, James was presented with a cassock by the congregation on the occasion of the 25th anni- versary of his ordination, The address was read by E. C. Bos- well, (People's Warden, and pre- sentation made by Gordon Wright. Father J. McI'vor is Honored On Thursday evening last many friends and relatives hon- oured (Father John Mclvor at the home of his parents, Mr. and (Mrs, Wm. :McIver, (llibbert, prior to his departure to Antig- onish, Nova ,Scotia, A compli- mentary address was read by Arthur (Murphy and Mrs. Thos. Morris presented Father Mc - Ivor with a sum of money. Fa- ther Mclvor made a fitting re- ply. Progressive euchre was played followed by lunch. HOME AND SCHOOL The II-Iome and 'School Month in Ontario was recognized at the regular meeting of the Sea - forth Home and (School Associa- tion on Tuesday evening, Nov, 20th in the 'Public School audi- toriums with a good attendance. Mrs. John Patterson presided, The minutes were read pi-- the secretary Mrs. Robt, ;Charters. The treasurer's report given by 'Mrs. Pat Troutbeek. Mrs, 'Enos 'noshed was Parent of the 'Month, her birthday being near- est Dec. 25th. Miss E. Elder's room won the attendance prize with most parents present. Mr. John Talbot, school prin- cipal, intro dale ed the guest speaker, Mrs Snaith, a home and school speaker from Kitch- ener. Mrs, Smith gave an en- lightening and informative ad- dress on "The Aims and 'Poli- cies of Home and School". Miss Ella Elder thanked the speaker. !Special music was enjoyed. Misses Alice Ann and Gene Nix- on favored with a vocal duet accompanied by Mrs. John Cord - no. little Sharon Strong, ac- companied by Mrs. 'Cameron, sang two numbers. 'Barbara Tal- bot, gold medalist, gave two pi- ano numbers. Appreciation of this talent nvas expressed by Mrs. Patterson. SEAFORTH COMF'Y CUTIES Our second meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. IBflle- breeht. There were 13 members present. We opened with "The More We Get 'Together". Ruth Crozier gave the secretary's re- port, also the roll call. Business was discussed. Our book covers are black on white. Joan Wilson has offered to type our notes. 'A delicious lunch was served iby our social convenors, Our 3rd meeting was held at the home of Mrs. G. Elliott. We opened with the 4.1 pledge. Ruth !Crozier gave the , secre- tary's report and the roll call. We decided that the name of our elulb would be "Seaforth l Comfy nties". meeting is: Aopattll ern alteration S have made and how it is done. `Home 'Assignment: Work on record (books; work on pyjamas. CHIMNEY FIRE An overheated chimney at the 'hone of .Allan Nieholson, Egmondville, resulted in a call to the fire brigade shortly after 11 o'clock Friday morning. The fire was promptly brought un- der control C.G.I.T. NEWS "The :Firelighters" held their weekly 'meeting at the North- side United Church. Plans for a vesper service 'were complet- ed. The first five disciples of Jesus were studied. There will be no meeting next week due to exams. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Who is it who wants to give so generously that they bring their campaign to school? Virginia Smith won the radio in the subscription contest. 'Con- gratulations is in order to all who competed in this campaign. {Clinton, the winners of North Huron League were defeated thy Delhi at (London on Satur- day to the tune of 37-7. SEAFORTH SEWING CIRCLE On Saturday the second .sleet- ing of the Seaforth !Sewing Cir- cle was held at the home of our leader, Mrs. Whyte with all the members present. The meeting opened with the 4411 pledge and the singing of Red River Valley. A discussion was held on ad- justments of patterns, Various colors were chosen for the cov- ers of our club books. The next 'meeting will he held at the home of our assistant leader, Mrs. Broaclfoot on Doc. 8th. A delicious lunch served by Mari- lyn Taylor, Marilyn Riley and Janet 11MoGregor brought the meeting to a close. L. O. B. A. EUCHRE The L. 0. B. A. entertained about 60 people to a very suc- cessful progressive euchre 011 ;Monday evening. :Ladies and men's prizes were won by: iti.Iost games, Miss Mae 'Smith, John Tremeer; lone hands, Mrs. James T. Scott. Robert Smith_ consolation, Mrs. David Mac- Lean, Jack Baker. Purchase Linens For Hospital The Women's Hospital Auxil- 1017 held its monthly meeting in the nurses' residence on Nov. 13th. Extensive reports were given by Mrs. E, A. McMaster and Mrs. R. S, Box, on the re- cent convention in Toronto, the attain theme of which was the promotion of good relationship between the community and its hospital. Linens to the value of $600 have been purchased for the hospital and it was agreed that this amount should be spent each year to replenish stock. An evening of bridge has been arranged for Wed., Nov. 28th at the nurses' residence under convenership of 'Mrs. R, R. McKindsey, A turkey draw will be held early in December and tickets may be obtained from any auxiliary member, After the meeting Lunch was served by Mrs. J. M. ;McMillan, 'Mrs. (W. M. Hart, +Mrs. ;E. Dins- more and Mrs. D. Whyte, Industrial League Formed Here Organization of an Industrial League for Seaforth took place at a meeting at Topnotch Feeds offices on Friday night. Mel Aitcheson and Ab Baker head the executive with the following team representatives: Topnotch 'Feeds, Dick Eisler, Wan. Walters; 'Seaforth Shoes Robert Walters, Jim Watson; Robert Bell Industries, Wan Brown, Don Eaton; Main St., Roy !Chambers, F. fHiusser. Winthrop and St. IColumban may also enter teams. It is ex- pected games will be played on Monday nights commencing next Monday, ,Nov, 2Gth. A schedule is being arranged. On 'Monday night of this week a round robin exhibition took place between Topnotch, Sea - forth Shoes and Main Street, last named being winner. Anniversary At Presbyterian Church Rev. J. Y. Fraser, Padre of Sunnyrbrook Hospital in Toron- to 'was the guest speaker at (First Presbyterian 'church on Sunday, Nov. 18th. JIis text was "And the Lord came into the [Church and looked around." Among other things he saw was the empty pews and this he de- plored. The music selections were a ladies' quartette, which included 'Mrs. F. Kling, ;Mrs. W. A, Wright, Mrs, W. E. !Butt and Mrs. R. K. McFarlane. A male chorus was enjoyed as was a solo "The Good Shepherd" by Miss 'Betty 'Simpson. In the evening Rev. Fraser spoke in an a'b'le 'manner to a large audi- ence. All Churches in the com- munity of Seaforth joined with First 'Church 171 marking the Seth anniversary service. Rev. 'Campbell was also in the pulpit and welcomed the guests in the church. Mail Early For Christmas Notices have been displayed on the Post •-O,ffice Notice 'Board since .304October of the follow- ing dead line dates for Christ- mas mailings. ;Parcels for both 'Civilian and Armed Forces: for the Euro- pean Continent ;25 -November; for the United Kingdom 30 - November. 'Letters for the European Continent 30Novernber; for the United Kingdom 5 -December. ,Air Parcels for the 'European Continent. 11 -December; for the United Kingdom 13 -December. Air Letters for the European Continent 13 Decemlber; for the United Kingdom 15 -December. To avoid disappointment m'ei1 early and follow the suggestions listed as follows: 'Gift parcels must contain bona$ide gifts, and must be clearly ;marked "Gift Parcel". Fully completed (Customs De- claration form 9113 must' be af- fixed to ALL parcels addressed abroad. 'Also non -adhesive Cus- toms Form '(1513) and De- spatch Note (HS) must be completed and forwarded with the parcel, where necessary. These forms and any additional information required may be db- tained at the Post Office. ST. LEDGER DURDIN St. Ledger Durdin, 78, who died Monday night in Scott Memorial Hospital, was born at Delaware, and when a young man went to Truro, N.S., where he lived for 45 years, I3efo'e coming to Sea - forth he had lived at Hamilton for two years. He was an honor- ary member of the Orange Lodge, Surviving besides his wife, the former Anna Rankin of .5tellar- ton, N.S., are three daughters, Mrs. Noruau MacPherson. Ham- ilton; Mrs, Fern Lalonde, Tor- onto; Mrs Eric Milner, Seaforth, and one brother, Clifford Durdin, London; cent a sister, Mrs. Bar- bara Whyte, in Manitoba, The service was held Wednes- day afternoon at the Whitney fu- neral home, conducted by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Interment. was is Woodland cemetery at London, SARNIA WINS Seaforth lost in a close game at Sarnia Tuesday might 6-5. by recreation. period. Intercounty Debate Here Friday 'Huron !County Junior Farm- ers are holding a debating con- test in the (Seaforth District 'iligh School on Friday evening at 8.30. Everyone is asked to athetwo 10' Cama out and,.upq rt local boys, !Larry Wheatley and Bill Strong, who will be up- holding the negative side and a team from Waterloo County the affirmative side, , The topic is "Resolved that a reduction in the number of farm organizations in Ontario would be in the best interests of the Ontario fanner". The newly formed Junior Farmer 'Choir will also be tak- ing part and each club will be presenting .e, short program of skits, duets, quartets, etc, The negative team from Hur- on County, Frank Alton and ;'Murray Gaunt :will 'be going to Waterloo (County to debate on this topic this same evening. Bowlers Entertain Ladies' Club The euen's lawn bowling club entertained the ladies' club to a hot turkey dinner on Tuesday evening at the com- munity centre. The •Soole trophy was pre- sented to Mr. Lorne Dale and Mrs. Harold Free. There .was a generous donation given by the ladies' club to the men's club, Bridge end euchre were enjoy- ed, Bridge prizes were won by Mrs. E. A. lideIaster and Mrs. Elmer 'Lorene. Euchre prize was won by Mrs. Harrold Connell. The first ;bowling bridge was held recently at the home of Miss Dorothy Parke, president of the lady bowlers. Following a pot -luck supper the annual meeting_ was held when the of- ficers were elected: President, Miss Dorothy Parke; lst Vice, (Mrs, Tony PhiIlips; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Elmer Lorene; sec.-treas., Mrs. Harold Free: tournament convener, Miss Alice Saeid; bridge convener for this com- ing season, Mrs Harold Whyte. Eastern Star Install Officers Mrs. Evelyn McLean was in- stalled as Worthy Matron of Seaforth 'Chapter No. 238, Ord- er of the Eastern Star at a re- cent meeting held in the IOOF Hall, 'Seaforth. The installing matron was Mrs. Ina Wolfe, of Stratford, assisted by her son Fred as installing patron. The other officers installed were as follows: !W, IP., Andrew Crozier; As- soc. 'Matron, Miss T he 1 m a Fortbes• Assoc. Patron, Arnold `Westcott; ;Secretary, Miss Jean Scott; Treasurer, 'Mrs. Dolene McQuaig; Conductress, Mrs. Mae Watterworth; Assoc. Con- ductress, ;Mrs, Helen Reeves; Chaplain, Mrs. Elva Dundas; Marshall, Miss Norma Jeffery; Organist, (Mrs. Violet Broad - foot; Adah, Mrs. Anona Cro- zier; Ruth, (Mrs. Florence Mc - Gavin; Esther, hIrs. Janet Bak- er; Martha, Mrs, Margaret Snell; iElecta, 'Mrs. Dorothy Doig; Warder, Mrs. Eva 'Clarke; Sentinel, David Wilson. Mrs. Mary Kennedy, London, acted as installing marshall and Mrs. Ella Middleton, Exeter, conducted the star point cere- mony. The soloist was Mrs. Edythe' Phillips from (Blyth, Past matron and patron Geor- gine and Ed Smith presented the immediate past matron and patron Florence and Gordon IMc.Gavin with their jewels. Mrs. Anona Crozier also presented them with a gift from their of- ficers. Mrs. 'Mclean thanked the chapter for the confidence they had placed in her and after a few words of congratulations and best wishes from several of the visitors a delicious 'lunch was served by the convener, ;Mrs. Freda !Letson and her com- mittee. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Keyes and daughter Gayle of Orillia were weekend visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes. Visitors with Mrs. J. S. Wat- son were Mr. and (Mrs. Albert Clark and family of Mui'kirk, and Mr. and Mrs. lRobt. Watson of 'Brucefield. 'Miss Laura /McMillan spent the weekend with her mother, MPs. W. F. 'McMillan. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan were: Mr. and Mrs. Don McKenzie and fancily of Cranbrook, Mr. and MPs, .Urban Ducharme of Hen sail and Mr, and Mrs. Howard Currie of 'Clinton. 'Mrs. David Stephenson visited with her daughter, Mrs. Peirce Johnston of Varna. 'Mrs. Margaret Erratt, who has spent some weeks with her sister, 'Mrs. ;Henry Erratt in Stanley called on her brother, Mr, Thos. Robinson and family on Wednesday and returned to her home in Toronto. Eamondville Young People mot on Sunday evening. After opening hymn and roll call Ken ;Coleman read the scripture and Donna 'Cowlani led 111 prayer. W. P. Roberts of Tuckersmith was guest speaker, his subject being Faith and 'Evangelism. Helen :Boyce thanked him. A quiz on beatitudes was followed Life Membership Presented 'Mrs. Joe Hugiil entertained the ladies of the McKillop A.f. filiated Group to the November meeting. Mrs. Helen McMillan opened the meeting using the Service of Affiliation. Several hymns were sung throughout the service. 'Miss Jean .Scott read the first scripture lesson, ;Romans 12: 1-21. ;Mrs, Walter McClure read Acts 1: 7-8 and Matt. 28: 18-20. The Aet of Affiliation was taken by Mrs. Helen 'McMillan and Miss Belle 'Campbell. The minutes of the October meeting were adopted as read by Miss Ether 'B. flock- Ing. Mrs. J. F. Scott gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Robert Govenlocic read the following address and presented Mrs. Ro- bert B. Scott with a Life Mem- bership .Certificate.. Madam President and Fellow -members of the 'McKillop Auxiliary, I feel a great honour has been given to 'me today, for I have been asked to present on your behalf a Life 'Membership to one of our most faithful mean- )bers, I would ask Mrs. Scott (whom many of us know better as Lily) to come forward now, Mrs. Scott, we all know you have been an active member of our McKillop Group of the W.M.S. since it was first formed years ago, perhaps some of you know the date of its formation, I am not sure of it, but I do remem- ber a number of our original members as Mrs. John Kerr, Mrs. Joe Scott, Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs, George 1Dorrance, (Mrs. R. Govenlock, the late 'Mrs. Archie Scott, Mrs. Jaynes Scott, Mrs. Duncan McCowan, Mrs. Joseph Dor'anee, Mrs. John 'McDowell, Mrs. James Hogg, Mrs, Joe Dayinan, Mrs. Thomas Grieve and Mrs, Mat- thew 'Habkirlc, !Some of these have been railed to higher ser- vice and we miss them here, but, "their works do follow them". Among these early mem- bers none have been more faith- ful than Lily Scott. Whenever possible she is present at our meetings, and she and her daughter are always ready to give our Auxiliary a warm wel- come to their hospitable home. In the .Gospel a number of women are mentioned who help- ed our Master, when he walked on earth like His Mother, Mary Magdeline, and others whose names are commemorated in great churches called after them, But there is one whom St. Luke mentions, .Susanna, but nothing but her name is known. (She must have been one of the (Master's faithful helpers, About whom the world hears nothing, but whose help was ap- preciated in her own community and by Jesus himself. I feel Mrs. (Scott like Susanna, has been a quiet and faithful worker in our own Auxiliary and community all these years, as a token of our apreciation of her loyal ser- vice in the W.M.S. I ask her to accept this Life +Membership Certificate from our Auxiliary. Mrs. Scott in well chosen words thanked the members. Mrs. (Hel- en (McMillan took over the 'business part of the meeting. The December meeting will be in the schoolroom of the church on Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. Miss Belle ICamplboll asked all who could go to ;Hensall to hear Miss Agnes Gollan from Ni- geria, on Nov. 22 at 8 p.m, (Mrs. R. E. McMillan took over the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. R. E. McMillan and Miss Jean Scott took the Study' book. Hymn 419 was sung. ,Mrs. McMillan closed the meeting with prayer. A social half hour was enjoyed. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Matt McCarthy of Pontiac, Mia., with Mr. and Mrs. 'Lloyd McCarthy and Mr. Jack ,McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Stew- art in Toronto with 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nagle in Toronto with !Mr, and Mrs. Earl •Haalbbs, Miss Joan Evans attended the Neuman :Club dance at Guelph on Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Staple- ton :with 11ir. and Mrs. Jim Newcombe, Port Credit. !Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd .McCar- thy, Mr. and 'Mrs. Matt • 'Me- Carthy with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- den Palmar at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bann and children of Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. hlc'. and Mrs. Al Young and family, Toronto; with Mrs. Mary O'Rourke and Frank. Mr. and (Mrs, Pat Woods of Georgetown with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus 'Horan. .lir. and !Mrs. Hugh Pugh and Glenn at Clairmont. Mr. Tom Cairns, Miss Mar- garet Rose Krausko'pf, 'London, with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Iira mets, Mr, k%d'Rowland. Toronto, with Mrs. Winnifred Rowland. Mr. and Mrs. L D. ,MacRae of Bornish, Mr. James O'Connor Sr, Mr. James O'Connor Jr., Miss Mary and Margaret O'iCon.- nor of. 'Wyoming with Mr. and ;Mrs. 'Don MacRae, The first fall :meeting of the Parent Teachers Association of the Dublin ;Area was held on Thursday evening, Nov, 15th at 8.30 pm. in the Dublin Contin- uation School with a good crowd in. attendance. Mr. Wil ,,rr b_ t . Selections are eompleie Values it/ere never gr an No thri:s las e'rovef7 ` Jus reserves u'1y lite VA till Christmas 21 1c iels unbreakable mainspring $4950 BULOVA LA PETITE 2 n.n; precisibn a" unbreakable m.,.rm;: $5950 my ;ua 5110 49226. saar5a.) U417e5�rFn, S..r16h'' = a BULOVA "23" '2' a 1 23 feces, prec+si5n anjus: 5 selfe flh,n@, 151185 5atarprGai' unbreakable mainspring shack Nsistant, antl•magneti¢_ wee1 (ford ha13 $5950 • (Also available with chateau/ dial) saganarag 5 BULOVA "23" G' 23 je:Rll les n a5.ue151 c?.'t{ led e.aterprebr n s urk ale mai ntl.o l g g Shockk resistant,antl•m.:zn^.t,e sweep seeped e„105115 ian,I $12500 Other Smart flulova Watches as low as $29.75 Westfield Watches (e protect of Bulovo) from $19.95 up SAVALGE S Jewellery Gifts Fine China Seaforth Liam Ryan. the !President, called the meeting to order and Rev. Dr. lFfoulkes read the opening prayer. Mrs. Tom Butters, the secretary, read the minutes of the previous meeting and the financial report was given by Mr. Louis Coyne. Mr. Ryan read the correspondence. The meiir- bership cards have arrived and everyone is asked to join, fees are 25e. Mr. Ryan then intro- duced the guest speaker, Dr. Neville of the Stratford Teach- ers' 'College, who gave a very interesting talk on the "Health of our Children and Physical 'Education", and the important part it plays in the education and .home life of the child. A. vote of thanks was given Dr. Neville by Mr. Ryan. The entertainment program of the evening consisted of a short skit put on by the 'Beech- wood ;School and two songs by Paul Horan, accompanied by his sister, Miss Shirley Horan on the guitar. Tickets were sold on a cake, and won by .firs. :Ed Stapleton. The meeting was ad- journed, and lunch was served by the committee in charge. A surprise party by the fam- ily of lir. and sirs. Mac Feeney was held Saturday evening, Nov. 10, to celebrate the anni- versary of their wedding and some near relatives. A singsong and cards were the entertain- ment of the evening. WALTON The ladies of the Anglican ;Church guild are sponsoring a bazaar in the .Walton Commun- ity hall on Saturday,• Nov . 24th. Supper will be •served from 4.30 to 7.30 p.m. Mr. Wayne ;McMichael of Windsor spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. ;McMichael. .Mr. David llackwell of Pict- on visited with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. C. llackwell. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCall, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Humph- ries and ullr. and lira. 'Herb Travis visited in Toronto over the Weekend and attended the Royal Winter Fair. The November meeting of the Walton Women's 'Institute will be held in the 'Community Hall on Thursday evening, 'Nov. 22. IC•onvcmo's ore Mrs. Jack Bay- ans and Mrs. Ross McCall, The roll call 'viii be answered by members displaying the oldest article in then possession. Guest speaker will be Rev, Charles Krug of !l. elgrave, who will speak or the subject, "The Mid- dle last and You". • Mi., Edith :Marks of Brus- sels has accepted a 'position as stenographer - at Mr. Gordon McGavin s implement shop. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 'Baccls- ler and son Harry visited Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Donald Scott and fam- ily of •Staffa. 'Mrs. Vernon 'Desch and son David Karl returned from Scott Memorial Hospital, 'Seaforth. 'Mrs. Alvin Rader of Dash- wood, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Desch. Mr. G. Bon and daughter of Goderich visited 'Mrs. Bon in Victoria Hospital. Mr. C. Swartzentruber is quite poorly and stili confined to his room. Mr. and (Mrs. Sam Hey are holidaying in Goderich and Hamilton. Mr. and :Mrs. Leon Jeffery are visiting relatives at Wind- sor and Detroit. Mr. Alfred Rapp of London was in this vicinity over the weekend. (Mrs. Roy 'McBride, Mrs. Keith 'McBride were in London one day. Mr. Elgin iMc:Kinley of 'Gosh- en 'Church addressed the Men's (Day ;Service in the Evangelical Church, Zurich, on Sunday morning. Mrs. M. Manson and daught- er Mrs. Newel Geiger, son John and ;Robert Manson spent the weekend in Toronto and also at- tended the Royal Winter Show in the city. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Steckle and son, Hamilton, visited their parents over the weekend. SEAFORTH W. I. The regular meeting of 'Sea - forth W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Eldon Kerr on Tues., Nov. 13th. 1st vice pros., (Mrs. Sandy Doig opened the meeting with Institute Ode, Mary Stewart Collect and Lord's Prayer in un- ison. 'Roll call was constructive criticism of the W. L and was well answered. Minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Treasurer's report was given by Mrs Andy 'Crozier, who -also read two poems, "We Will Re- member Them" and "In Fland- ers Fields", which were appro- priate for Armistice Day. La- dies please note we are invited to Zurich on Der. 4th at 8 pan. London area convention reports were given by delegates, Hillebrecht and 'Mrs. Gordon .Dapple. A bale is being gathered for unitarian service. .Commit-- tees for the euchre and dance on Friday, Nev. 22: tables and chair_, M'rs. G. Papple, Mrs, R. M. Scott; lunch, Mrs. James Keys Mrs. R. J. Doig; punch- ers, Mrs. G. McKenzie, 'Mrs. Ross Gordon airs • - •Eldon Keri;- dishwashers, _Vias. • Le 1'ryee, Mrs. John pert. PRICE OF GLAMOUR You sometimes read at'out artificial eyelashes, mostly -in the ,lope columns, and ,e it happened that a Seaforth lady, preparing a doll for -a church bazaar, tried to buy e pair. She discovered that artificial eyelashes can he purchased but few are sold, and the price. is 80.00 a pair, much too costly fon a glamour dolly. 4 1 1 1 1 a ti 4 M1 4 a 4 S