HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-15, Page 8f rem SPECIAL CLEARANCE SKI '• STYLE PADA S REGULAR 5.95 & 0.95 LINES if yell Alan to give ski pajamas to the (nen on your list, better get in here quick and pick lip a shit or two at this low price. -- They come in a Wide choice of two-tone colors. -- Sizes S. M. L. Boxed for Xnias Giving Regular 5.95 and 0.95 OTHER JL\KES AT 4.50 to 5,50 Only 27 Shopping Days 'til Christmas We bought alarge quantity of these fine broadcloth dress shirts to get them at this low, low price. They are fine count sauforised broadcloth in popular plain white or plain- shades of bine, tan and gTey. -- Surgle cuff style only in -newest square point collar style. -- Stock up now for Xmas Giving. Sizes 14 to 161/4 only ART here's what you need for od HARVEY. WOODS SLEEPSUITS „f'^"'teosih -0 'L KIPPEN A number of deer hunters left Kipper Saturday night for a week's hunt in the Parry Sound district, inclining Emmerson Kyle, :Stanley Jackson, Hermon Day'man, Russell :Brock, E. Mor- ten, tCarnpbeli Eyre, Allan• Tre- meer. David Triebner, Jim Mc- Allister, Harry Lowry, Wesley ,Richardson, Kenneth Taylor. Mrs. John McGregor of Sea - forth is visiting this week at the hose of her son and daughter - in law, :Mr. and Mrs, Alex, Mc- Gregor. Miss Ella and Mr. 'Lloyd how•snn of near Varna visited Saturday with their (brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Els- ton Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent: the week end visiting in o 9r :it r at the home of their � a e daI h�e1'1r. arid dMrs. Tom Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cooper and son of Exeter were recent visit- ors of- the former's :parents, Mr. and M's. W. R. Cooper. Sympathy goes out to Mr. Emmerson .Smith and family in the loss of a dear wife and mo- ther, the late Mrs, Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McGregor and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Mc- Grego• and Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Ernest Whitehouse attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, of 'Hensall visited Sunday with Mr. and IMls, N, Long. • The. following men left Kip- .penSaturday night for a week's hunt on Manitoulin Island; 'Messrs Elzar Mousseau, Herb Mousseau of Zurich; Tom Sher- ritt, .Hensall, -Jack Walker, of Woodstock; Dr. Addison, Clin- ton and Both Cook; Hensall. . Miss Marilyn Mousseau of 'London spent tha weekend at her home. - Mrs. LIR Palmer of' Victoria Rd. and . her sister, lMrs. E. A. 'Southwell of Oshawa visited on Tuesday with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. S. Cud - more, "70th W.M.S. Birthday" The 70th birthday of Kippen WM.S. was celebrated Wednes- day evening at St. Andrew's United Church and was well at- tended. The church was nicely decorated with bouquets of fall flowers. The ladies from Sea - forth, :Bayfield, and Varna Au- xiliaries were guests at the' meet- ing. The president, Mrs. Em- merson Anderson opened the meeting by all joining in .hymn 556 with Mrs. 55. Tones at the organ. The devotional was given by Mrs. Norman McLeod. Mrs. Russell 'Consitt read the scrip- ture, Mrs. SMeLeod read two short articles timely to world conditions of today. 'Mrs. R. McAllister then led in prayer. Hymn 51.4 closed this part of the meeting. The Varna ladies contributed with a duet A solo was given bythe Seaforth a h 1 a- dtesltd the eBvfi dl ' a el slice fa- vored with a Salo. Mrs Emmer- son Kyle gave a poem on "What we are thankful for". The of - feting was taken by Mrs. N. Dick est, Mrs. R. McGregor, Vire E. McBride, Mrs. J. Me- Lellan, Mrs. John .Sinclair in- troduced the guest speaker in the person of Mrs. Harold Snell of„llxeter, who spoke about the theme of the W.,M,S. "The World for Christ". Mrs, Harry Caldwell thanked all those tak- ing part in the program. Hymn 562 was sung and the president led in prayer. Mrs. Anderson invited everyone to the tea room where a dainty lunch was served by Circle 2. The tea table wall centred with the birth- day cake, candles and flowers. Mrs. 'Thigh MciMurtrie and Mrs. M. Ptchard on of' Hensall pour- ed tea. Mrs. John Cochrane cut the cake. The visiting auxiliar- ies extended a vote of thanks which was replied to by Mrs. Anderson. Kippen Young 'Peoples' first 'meeting was held Monday even- ing, Nov. 6th in the school roost of the church. The follow ing officers were elected for the coming year. (''res., Keith Love; vice 'pres., Pat Lovell; hon. pres., Bonnie Kyle; sec., Phyllis Lostell; treas., Marilyn Anderson: pianists, Marie Jar- rott and Marie Sinelair. Execu- tives are; Bob ;Binnendyk, 'Carol Faber, Harold Parsons,; Marion Turner. Convenors for lunch are 'Harold Parson, Marie Jar- rott, Bonnie Kyle, !Marilyn An- derson. Next meeting to be held Nov. 10th at Pat Lovell's home. Mrs. Emerson Smith, 61, who died suddenly from a heart at- tack at her home, cox. L, Tuck- ersmith twp., Saturday night was the former Edna T. Desjar- dine. She was a member of Carmel ,Preahyterian Church, 'Hensall. Surviving besides her hus- band, are three sons, John, Kip - pen; Grant, Hensall; Gerald, Kitchener; five daughters, Mrs. Frank 'VIGCowan BruceF e i 11' , '4irs.o J hn Norris, Fullerton on a twp.; 'sir. Arthur Varley, Sea - forth; Mrs. George Varley, Kip - pen; Mr;. William Cleary, Tor- onto; one brother, Herbert Desjardine, and one sister, Mrs. Thomas Meyers, both of Zurich. The funeral was held Tues- day at 2 p.m.. by the Rev. Don- ald 'Mar:Donald, Interment was in Exeter 'Cemetery. CROMARTY The WAIS Thankoffering ser - vire will be held in Cromarty Church on Sunday, Nov. 25th at 2.30 pin, :Miss Agnes Gollan, missionary on furlough from Ni- geria will be the special speaker Mr, and ,Mrs. Heber Shute, of Kirkton, visited Sunday even- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Gardiner, Mrs Christina McKellar, of Mitchell, visited for a few days with Mr, and Mrs, T. Laing and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen of Mitchell visited on Thursday with IMr. and Mrs. K. McKellar, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing on the arri- val of their baby daughter. Ml's. Laing and baby returned from Stratford Hospital on Tuesday. An enjoyable afternoon • was pent at the home -of Mr. and •Slrs. Gordon Seott. en Saturday Mien their flru;ihtet• Anna Ma- rie celebrated her 9th !birthday with 14 girls present to wish her many happy returns. - Mr. and 'Mrs. John Wallace and 'Margaret Ann are attend- ing the 1Royal Winter Fair for a few days. The Y. P. S. niet on Sunday evening and appointed officers for the• current season as fol- lows; Pres., Aline 'Sorsdahl; vice Pres... Philip James; sec.-treas., Joy Vivian; assistant see, -Areas, Ken Welker; social committee: - Margaret Wallace, Alice Wait- er, Jim Chappel and -Alex Mic- kle; pianist, Margaret 'Coleman,. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, Keith and Kenneth, Carlingford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mrs. ,Otto Walker and Mrs.. Rolbert Hulley visited on Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cornish, Exeter. DUBLIN Mr. and 'Mrs. Fergus Reyn- olds, Detroit, with Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill +Evans and Jo -Anne, IMerritton, Mr. and Mrs. John (Cleary, London, with :Mr, and !Mrs, Frank )Evans. Mr. and 'Mrs. Leslie Gasper and IMr. Tom d3olland, Windsor, with :Mr. Matt 1Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Grosech and children, London, With Mr. and Mrs, Dan Costello. Mrs, Loretta 'Molyneaux with Mr. and (Mrs. Lloyd Etue, Zur- ich. • Mr. and Mrs, Don MacRae and family in Parkhill with Mr. James iMacRae. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dill in Pon- tiac 'with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vanderwalli:er. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Woods have left for their home at Georgetown. 'Mr. and Mrs. (Leonard Gaff- ney, Kitchener, with Mr. Carl Stapleton. The annual bazaar held in St. Patrick's parish hall under the auspices of the Altar Soci- ety took place on Weldnesday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. It was a decided success with all the booths being sold out of candy, home baking; sewing, and knitted articles. In the evening a large crowd attended the bingo. The numbers were called 'by Gerald Holland and James J. Krauskopf. Lucky winners were Mrs. Ted Melady, Mrs. Joe Jordan, Norval .Elliott and James Krausicopf (split), Mrs. Jack O'Rourke, Ron Mur- ray (split). Mrs. Joe Dorsey, Louis (Maloney, .Stamford Wat- son, (Mrs. Pat Jordan (split), Norval Elliott, Wm. Sheth, Jack I{linkhamer, Mrs. ;Wan. Manley, Mrs, (Hunt. '.Angela Duoharirte (split), (Mrs. Fergus Horan, Mrs, Dan O'Rourke, Frank Skinner (split), Mrs. Lloyd Elliott, Mrs. James P. Krauskopf. (Specials: Quilt, James I{rauskopf; 110.00 to (Cams! Krauskopf; share -the - wealth. Toe Jordan. Winners in the tickets that :were sold; plat- form rocker, Ted Rowland, of Toronto; flash camera, Mrs. Won. Stewart, Dublin; Ken- wood blanket, Mrs. (Martin Klinkhamer, Dulblin; $10.00 to Mrs. Mary Feeney, Dublin. Guests attending the Woods - Horan wedding were Mr. and ,Mrs L ours Lane, London; Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Kelly, of Cooksville; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher, Brantford Mr, and Mrs. Joe 'Campbell, Brantford; Miss Kay Gillis, Kitchener; Pat O'- Leary, IBranaford; !Miss Luella Phillips, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry 'Cam.pbell, London; IMr. and Mrs. Lew Ryan and family of Weston; ,Mr. Steve Horan of Toronto. Mr. Joseph Jordan, Buffalo, N.Y., and Miss Mary Jordan of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Jordan. HULLETT On Nov. 12, 20 adult mem- bers of Fireside Farm (Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Taylor. We con- sidered the lst question vague, it might refer to the all-over picture of the farm or just to special diseases, or poor returns from crops, 'animals or Ipoultly. If a farmer realizes he is not making as ,much money as his neighbors on his time, labor and money invested he should use a farm management service. (2nd) ;Much information can' be receiv- ed free from OIAIC, Ag. Reps, and bulletins, and we think far- mers could profitably ,make e more use of these. Any farmer receiving more special help should ,be willing to pay some- thing omathing for it. A man with a col-' lege education needs :practical experience before he is in a po- sition to be of much benefit in advising farmers. (5) If the Dept. of Agriculture had suffi- cient qualified men to advise farmers who asked for help and wore willing to follow the ad- vice vseveral yars, this prove -to the community the value of such help. .Proper farm management is very im- portant. Universities, Depart- ments cif Agriculture, farm and commercial organizations all have been a help in the past and are needed in the future. Farm- ers could do much ,snore for each other if they would keep accurate accounts and be frank and honest with each other at regular meetings where they could meet to discuss- this im- portant part of farming. .Mrs, Robt, Jamieson invited the group for next week. :Most games, 'Mrs, Eric And- erson, Geo. 'Carter; lone hands, Eric Anderson, (Mrs. •Geo. Hog- gart; consolation, ,Mrs. Bert Hoggart, (Mrs. ISarry Tebbutt. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my maty friends who rsnembmul me with elude, Meters and treats, also - those hvisited maker( me while a - p( 1 Bon forth Hospital. .1I1 was gratefully appeelalod. WI1,BE11'r J. FELL. CARD OF THANKS I wish to them: a0 my friend= and neighbors .for their kindness in remem- bering me with cards. treats, ere. while at patient in Scott Memorial Hospital,. E12MA AOAIt CARD OI+' THANKS I Welt to lh ak everyone who sent cards Havers, treats and helped in any way, while I was in the hospital. Also the nurses and Dr. McIt n=ler. MRS. ALIS KE1110 Wanted '10 borrow $651)0 first mort- gage on good 100 acre Ginn. 5%. int. Apply at The Seaforth News A walking cane OiSia tape hand hold et top- of cane; lost or Mani et or in an.' n1 the stores. It will be much np- predated if finder will telephone 748W. Miss Annie Lawrence 26 Yorkshire pigs nine FOR SALE weeks old. J. S. Barry. phone 668115 Seaforth FOR SALE McLeod's grain grinder, (tile' 111 phone work! h1 10re Gordon Richardson, FOR SALE Small heater, reasonable. Apply to Robert Watson Southall FOR SALE Flowers—Mums and cyclamens. At Bakers Greenhouse, Seaforth FOR SALE 40 Dodge, blue in goad raring osier, good tires. Ernest Adams, Phone 704W Seaforth FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull serviceable age. Phone Clinton HU 2-7534. Wm. R. Pepper, Seetforth RR8 FOR SALE 18 pigs eight weeks old, Chas. Sher- wood, Lot 12, Con. 18, McEntee) Wal- ton, Ont. OR SAE 2 Durhan leeiffers, vaccinated, due. Dec, 1, Ken Beattie 11.124 Walton, Phone 83410 FOR SALE York sow and ten pigs 4 weeks old. Also 8 York chunks. One good used piano. Wm. Sparks, phone Bayfield 28 Hug 32 WANTED Wanted to buy a coal and wood retiree with neseevon•, - In good condition. Apply to The News office FOR SALE Small coal & wood range, good baker. Grey 'gabardine suit and brown station wagon coat, size 14. Also a blue grey overcoat, size 40. Call 1811.0 Seaforth FOR SALE A few good Tamworth boa's, 4 to 6 months old. Francis Coleman, phone 888122 Seaforth FARMERS If you are equipprel to handle feed In bulk. See us for epeeial paces delivered to your bin. Topnotch Coeds Limited. Phone 15 Seaforth SALESMEN WANTED BUINSNOW OPEN in Huron County, .Trade well establish- ed, Excellent opportunity. hall time. Write nt once. Rawleigh'e Dept. K-364- 180 Montreal, P.Q. Anyone into NOTICE in having materiel gathered and pleated for English smocking. Phone Seaforth 279 Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Ellects, In Brussels on Saturday, Nov. 1711, at 1 P.M. Fill line of household furniture with - large amount of antique furniture and dishes. Terms cash. Charles Van Norman, Prop. Bob Johnston, Clerk Lou Rowland, Auctioneer In event of inclement weather this sale will be held in the Brussels arena, a few doors south FOR SALE A cutter knife for a pony tractor In good condition. Apply to V. Cadaret, Muir Nursing Home, Jarvis St., Seaforth TO RENT A house 3 miles north of Dublin on main road. John A. Eckert. Dublin RR1. Phone 371.19 Dublin FOR SALE 2 Hereford bulls, one year and 9 mouths old, and Hereford heif- er rising 3 years due end of Dee. These are all registered and ac- credited. Also York sow carrying 3rd litter, due 1st Dec. Elgin Nott, phone 847r5 Seaforth Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects, At lot 17, Can. 13, Hallett twp., 2 miles south and 2 miles east of Blyth, on Tuesday, Nov. 20th, at 1 P.M. Cattle --2 Durham cows dun Dec. 10; Durham cow due in Jan, - Durham cows due in March. 5 Durham & Hereford cows due in March and April. Polled Iiereford 2 years old. 10 Durham & Hereford steers rising 2 years old. 16 Hereford spring calves 400 to 500 lbs. Pigs --6 Tam & York sows due time of sale. Machinery—Cock- ahutt tractor 60, Massey Harris 2 fuee row plow •; grain blower; extension lad- der. McCormick Deering 15 run double disk fertilizer drill. Manure loader Inc Ford tractor. 7 tt. cut Cockshutt binder. 6 ft, out McCormick mower. Interna- tional drop head hay Iondcr. Interna. Menai side rake; spring tooth cuitiva- ter; 4 section diamond harrows; disk harrow; Oliver manure spreader on rub- ber. Colony house 10x12, rubber tired wagon. 2 pat hay racks; set farm sleighs, wheel barrow, grain crusher fanning mill, forks, chains, shovels, etc, Hay & Grain—Approx. 1400 bus. mixed gamin. 200 bales second cut alfalfa. 2 mows of mixed hay. Quantity of house - 1,011 effects. Form—At the same place at 5 ism. the farm will be offered for sale. 76 .acres more or fess. 65 acres workably land. 115, storey brick house, garage, drive shed, large L bank barn. Good water supply. Hydro. Terms, chattels, cash. Property, 10% down balance in 30 days; offeredsubject to reserve bid, Prop., George Pollard. Amt., Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Auction Sale Of Ferns, Cows and Young Cattle. At Lot 31, Con. 6, Goderich Twp., 1 mile south of Porters (fill on Tuesday, Nov.Cattle,Etc. young cows a v o 20th at 1 a 0 P.M.M P 26 and heifers—some Fresh; some springing balance due in the spring These cattle are Holstein, Ilot- stein. x Jersey and Jersey. 15 yearling heifers (mostly Holstein) ; 10 Hereford calves, 200 White Rock pullets 2 months old. Parma ----Two farms of 80 acres each being Lot 22,6th con. of Cede - rah Twp., and lot 1, 51,11 eon. of Code - rich 'rwp, These are both good farms and mostly re -seeded, One farm has a brick dwelling ; the other n considerable amount of cedar. Terms on Livestock --Cash or 6 months creditof approved joint notes with interest at 6% per annum. Terms on Farms Made known on date. of sale, and offered nuit,lct reserve hid. A. 10. Townshend. cPrrp. Edward W. Elilott, Auctioneer EARN $6o OR MORE A WEEK Part or full-time opportunity ie Huron county for farmer or nmbitinus atm with ar.ricultural hnekground. Age 25 to 50 preferred. Car essential Take coders in exclusive teeitcayr. Be home every night. No investment, We provide complete training at !tome office plus field aasistemoe, Reply giving age and experience in first letter to Na -Churn Plant Food (lo., 2 Langarth St. W., London Have you tried every Imaginable Remedy to cure your Rheumatic ail- ments, ete., poor blood circula- tion and of long-lasting colds ,and no satisfying results? Why not 'try the "Walllux-Way". Write to Postal (Box 508, Goder- ich, Ont. Town of Seaforth. TAKI. NOTICE that ley -law No, e87 for 13186 of the 'Town of Seafot•lh,copy uf-w11011 is hereunder written, is a true ropy of a proposed by-law of the ('or- Dor:dion of the Town of Seaforth which W55 given 110 first and amend reading on the 12th day of November, tuber, 'rho Munleinel Couuc;l has agreed 1' submit such proposed by-law to the electors fa' the issuing of Thirty -nevelt Thousand Dollars ($27,000.00) 00 de- bentures on the credit of the Curpor- atlon for the purpose of emtetructing additional combined sewer's in certain streets in the Tawas 00 Seaforth. If the assent of the electors is ob. tainccl to the By-law the same shall be taken Into consideration by the Coil 41 after the expiration of one month h am the date of the !fret public:a:on. This By-law ,shall be first published on the lath day o0 November 1050, The votes for and against the said By-law will be taken at the annual election or the 12th clay of Decombt.r, 1055. The Mayor, or the .member o0 the Council appointed for that purpose by resolution• shall attend at the Town Hall ori. the 10th Clay of December, 1966, at One boor of six o'clock in the ,t0ter- noon, for the purpose, if requested to do 00, of appointing by writing signed by him, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons in+eroated in, and Ilositous of pramot, ing the proposed by-law and a like num- ber- on behalf of the persons interested in, and desirous of opposing the pro. posed by-law. Any tenant desiring to vote shall, not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, file with the Clerk a declaration as provided by the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1960, Chap- ter 243, Section 276(3). Any Corporation desiring to appoint a nominee to vote on its behalf shall file with the clerk, riot later than the tenth day before the day appointed for. taking the vote,an appointment in writing of a person to vote as its nom-. ince and on its behalf. DATED this 13th day of November. 1056. _ D. II.WILSON, Clerk BY-LAW No. 587 FOR 1966 OF THE TOWN OF SEAFORTH A By-law to authorize the issuing of debentures for $87,000.00 for the construction of an extension to. the sewerage system of the Town of Sea - forth. WHEREAS the Department of Health of the Province of Ontario did by its Certificate dated the lath day of March. 1956, approve the construction of ad- ditional combined sewers together with the necessary private drain connections thereto in the following. streets: (a) On Goderich Street from Ann Street to the Right.of-way west of Main Street. (b) On West Street tram Goderich Street to James Street (c) On James Street from West Street to Wilson Street,. (d) On Wilson Street from James Street to 200' northerly. AND WHEREAS the Corporation has received plans and.. speciftoatiots 11,114 recommendations ftmn Graham Reid & Associates. Limited Consulting Engin- eers. AND WHEREAS the total cost of the said work is now estimated to be $37,000.00. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth has agreed to submit to the electors a By-law proposing the issuing of Thirty- seven thousand dollars ($37,000J10) of debentures upon the credit of the Con ing tthe saidr additi nalosset ersaandipri- vate drain connections. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Sea - forth enacts as follows; (1) Debentures shall 3m issued to the amount of 537,000.00 on the credit of the Corporation for the purpose of constructing combined sewers and the necessary private drain connections thereto in the streets hereinbefore spe. 0ifted; the said debentures shall bear interest et a tote not exceeding five (5) per ceutum per annum and shall be re- payable in lwentY equal annual install- ments. 12) Of the total capital cost there shall be assessed levied and collected. at the same time and in the same man- ner as municipal taxes from all the rateable property of the Corporation 60% of the Debenture payment requ- ired to meet the capital cost. The btd- anco of the capital cost shall be raised by the imposition of the sewer rate specified in paragraph 5(a) (b) and (e) of By lawf No. 668 for 19655 of the Town(3) The By-law shall be submitted for the assent of the duly qualified electors at the annual election on the 12th day of December, 1056. (4) The vote shall bo taken at those places appointed by By-law No. 586 for 1966, and the Deputy Retuning Offic- ers• ns appointed by By-law No. 586 for 1056, shall preside at the various Polling • this By-law. laces and shell take the vote (6) A. copy of this proposed By-law shall be published once a week for threw successive weeks in The Huron Expositor and The Seaforth News, newspapers published in the Town of Seaforth, together with a notice signed by the Clerk stating that the copy io a true copy of the proposed By -lava. (a) Tho notice shall also state that, if the assent of the electors is obtain- ed on the by-law submitted, that it will be taken into consideration by the Council, after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication. (b) The notice shall also state the date of the first publication of the by-law. (e) The notice shall also state that the votes will be taken at the an- nual election. (d) The notice shall also state the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend at the polling placer) and at the final summing up of votea by the Clerk. (e) The notice shall also state that any tenant desiring to vote shall, not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote, file with the Clerk a declaration es Provided by sub -section 3 of Section 276 of the Municipal Act, 11,5.0. 1950, Chapter 243. (f)., The notice shall also state that i nominteee Corporation voted omits behalf te soint hell file with the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed Inc writing of a person tog, the vote set vete appointment In its nominee and on Its behalf. ( The eenY of the By-law and the kClerk's Notice, as set forth in the pre- ceding paragraphs, shall he hist pub- lished on Thursday the 15thday of No- vember, 1056. Mil) a first and second time this 12th day of November, 1060. E. McMASTER, Mayor D. II. WILSON, Clerk. NOTICE 100 acres of level land drilled well, wiil, windmill, no holdings, for sale. 100 neres or land for rent, mostly to be ploughed. Archie Smith, 8.12,5 Senfo'th FARMERS, NEED GRAIN Soo us far special bulk prices 01ie- ered.to your barn. Topnotch Feeds Lim- iteA Phone 15 Senforih For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFISRING YOU Revenue Producer. Duplex, North Main, all modern conveniences early possession. Low Down Payment Balance monthly 3 apartment brick dwelling, East William street. 100 aunt farm without barn in Hallett. Twp. Pant under oulthotias M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 TIIE SEAI'ORTH NEWS Thursiluy, Novcutber 15, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention, Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth 405N A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seatorbb SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L, Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.,daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON 1.0. TURNBULL, W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St„ Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hous—Seato'th daily except Mon., 9 to 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. evg by appointment only. Clinton 110-2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 0 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' , the solid fuel for solid eoniT L WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAB & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-11 AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w Hygienic PERSONAL (rubber h (rseae op ., mulled polee 111.paid 6n plain sealed 24 tam - piesprice list, 6 samples 260; 24 ram - pies 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov. Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. eiremmiestaiasUn NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at; Clinton HU 2-3441 Let -wean 7.80 stud 8.30 A.M. We have all breeds available—top quality at low cost. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radio., et TERRY'S RA1)I0 REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 84712, Seaforth OIf you want g ravel. C End, to SOU or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYCE The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Otfieera—President, Wm. S. Almmader i Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manger and Sec.-Treas., M. A, Reid, Seaforth. Directors -J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. ffi Pepper, Brumfield; C. W. Leonhardt, 'Bornholm; 10. Fuller, Goderioh' 73 Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agents—Wl F. Pruetrm Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect !entrance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. The better f all-elecctric Viking cream separator in all sizes. in stainless steel. Repairing a specialty. Also parts for Renfrew separator. A few reconditioned separators in other makes on hand et present. Basil O'Rourke, phone HU 2- 8131, Brucefiold FINA FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 354 11111101111611.0111.1.¢.0 061111161180RitIIMA219696.0 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Munici- pal Dumping Ground, situated ere -half mile west of Egmondville, Con. 3 HRS, will be open only to ratepayers of the Township or Tusknremith, on Wednes- day and Saturday afternoons from the hours of 2 to 6 p.m. No wire, car bodies or garbage(organ- ic) is to be deposited and all dumping must be done under the supervision of the inspector. VOTERS' LIST NOTICE. Voters' List, 1566, Tewo f Senfril,. Gourley of Hnror Notice le hereby given that I have complied with section 0 of The Voters' Lists Act, 1951, and that 'I have posted up at my office at the Town Hall on the 5th day of -November, 1066, the list of all persons entitled to -vote in the said Municipality at municipal electlone and that etch list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to tale immediate proceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, the lest day for appeal being the 19th day of November, 1956. Dated this 6th day of November, 1956 D. H. WILSON Clerk of Seaforth