HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-15, Page 6nilso eg-wehegot
"Dear 1 1771 11 341
years old. And a ne.e.et path -tie
iotfer ytel 41001141 tiatialea
ti1li non. that Wahl:all
jUitt 10 --lay
husband,4 loved another .rean,
a-;;;; slle +.10e,„ and son ooue
Mtn from Mit but to this day
when 1 hint not heart. !Neu,
fasier .1 weAS Itleky. My !Ie.: -
band turo....;.d to be a tine man,
and lor yenrs I prayed in Clod
n, l -ye Niru es he 3'.
'He has lieen a wed he 71em,.1
Ind father, NO goes anywhere
without me. 0..40.1.4(444 every
4744400.4141.4 C11.11.1444. 11,174414 in, 711' pay
and 1444l401. a. 11,4 0.4101444. the money
went. the depression he
I'ti out of work five 4 (400 1 id
houseeloaning to mak.? 11 fee,
d.Olkirs, nod I have -raised
4.venderf,e, ehild-ren . . A fee.;
times 4 sv.:,; tempted to Lee,..e.
but I stayed. for the children'
sake, because they and their
01011 Other Sat
we have a 07 '44
.and we-;;;ve helped all the obit..
dren 11 ce.en thein,. I've been
repaid a doeen times by thee'
all, and thanks to God, 174 eot
everything I ever wished Mr.
'My Ilst IA kb Was for my hu
band to eonsent to take mv 1110
thee (nee 134 into our home
whoa ray father passed away
o months ago, She is with.us
now, and my husband fwer7 built
1 private bathroom for her,
love him mere than I thoueht
0 could. I eau forget the other -
•ee we will meet in the next
wortd if it 4, to be,
still Thinking or that other
eeader's; temptation. I hate to see
the mottle!' of three children let
them lose Their father. lin in
Aped man's life? Oh no! If she
ltnves bine itis site who wilt
pay for it . . I wish I could
writ1,7. ho-, but she didn't sign
51 name. Illaybe you ear make
s short. letter to her out of this.
Zeety word. 11 trite.
• :How I wi:-.41 1 could p1 714
• evereeirti of your - letter!
" Looking baek over your tem-
' pestnoes life, you are a con-
' tented woman today because
in the hours of temptation yon
• put your personal desires be-
, hind you and thought first of
' your husband and the childrer.
Let tis hepe that the wife, yen
r‘. warn will profit by your
strength and ste:, where to 1,
Yee o4'i 1 km* Of no ;
etitutee-; for ge0d.nes:, To ae-
eept the. duty that bringn.
nearaehe with it, to re/11(101-
ber the vow death do
pant" y04 drew Upon that Weil
4•Of0011rage that lies within es ;
all. You ekliberately clleSP the
;;•sough 3014d the (lelden
• Nee,s haee eoer rewkr6.
Decorative Basket
i•i .4114.4 0441 ("1. .4"114.14.414
ENT1 (EN1'4
f 1.'7111,41, t I 11,
1., -1 1 to,t, 1.44' 4111
pa,,,,er, A'111.1ELEI,
.12:1 New Tom,
Our 444 .4 01. • 1 14,41,11-
'361.41.11 Pal 4141'?1,4 1,1 f.
ittmt, --- printed in nirr Lama
Nectiliicriiit Book . .
Pit, clmens of Wilier flew Cie -
signs o order - oche!,
titig, embroidery, iron -tins, ,ei-
veltiey.. Setici 25 cents for your
e.opy 1414', ,book NOW - v.1111
gilt patterns p1int1'r1 in it!
6 110:41,11.. ik-Kirtv you love
7147 td 'with n11 30170 heart. Your
children have brought ,you
honor and joy, your mother r
shares your eon tentment. Your
0 little world is Well arranged,
and it is you who can take the
Tor it. If you had lise
toned lO your heart, two homes
would have been destroyed
and more than ono peNon htne
paid for your action,
more I am reminded
of the po`wer that lies in the
" hands of a Woman. You have
" used yours for the good of
oluccs.1 niltt4' you.
,\ 4174' Hirst: I expec1 this
problem is new to you •
• yeate ago I divorced my hus-
• band arid he married again. Now
.he141 getting a divorce from his
second wire, and he wants me
; to remarry Ithn.
1 411 lov' the Matt and
; afraid 4 always will in spite of
the trouble we went through,
-nut %could 1110,:e sanic old 1377141-
1 07171 themselves?
"What W01(114 41111.1 advke me to
ao? • •
• . .
. - • voc do not ,itly why you 111- :
rOirr. husband. If yea ;
reason lo think he would
".be more man100 thzm Ile was,
• arid might Make a go of •
noW, you have sound reason
117 1' '110171(1' the idea.
• See hint 401' 41 while after his
divoree is final, arid learn what •
kind of man he is today. After
a separation, two people are
" apt to forget -the bitterness
". that parted them and recall
" only the.lempy times they had
" together. It seems to me,
• 11017(71, that a reasonable per-
' ied of reiliscOvering (41(11 041704'
• is in circlet'.
" Ile mai: have tinciers100
hOw emelt he really eared for
" you only after .110 married
" again, and asks another chance
" because he believes now he
van -make yen really content,
;Since you still love him, you
' are more than willing to for -
71411. the past and make a new
start- -but this time go slow,
and 41' very sure before you
''111'' (1 to marry him.
r5 •
Help other readers by writing
Anne Hirst how you conquered
situations that seemed hopeless.
Your experience will inspire hope
and courage in others facing the
same problem. Address Anne
Hirst, Box 1, 1153 Eighteenth St.,
'New Toronto. Ont.
Etiquette 0 6
Q. How long ShrTnild a wedding
ring be worn atter the husband
has passA away?
A. A +.vidow continues to w,e,r
the wedding riug durin:_i her
tiolcsis ,,1,'' becomes 7il-
1.1g,7d to marry a seeond thme
Following the ormouneement
•ar her first weddine. thee
Q. When writing. a letter or
note to a brother and sister. may
one address the envelope. "Miss
Mary Morgan and Brother?"
The envelope shoula
to the sistsr
Ine brother, hut never to ipeth.
Q. -When a young girl is intro-
ducing her sister to a person,
should she flat her sister "Miss
t a;lee the 1-.; 14 i -t, r.
. Q. Is it prolier tor a married
woman to Us). her In:1111Ni natne
as a middle ;ratite after site is
i 11,,
e .1.. the,
Joy,: 44' 11,,,,04.1,1.,
Hem- I. r. '41-
1 14' 'I • ,io• ,,• P.•
a znall altd girl are
isi and another
:ions at 'their table (00 41
vt 1011. .17011111 44) 1' 1111111 111111
Tii"- '4! ' • , ' 14
4. 11 .01.14111014 (71) the
44 71,;# boleti ciictitail
%,,ti 414(1 4' retitle -tett a 7,141.1141
44,41.4 r.1, • r• .7,.
11,, I.'•
of ••
• , I.!, r: ` ,t,
(I. If tine lthilltiV al
1141,411110d h 44 bride alld Wade-
groiirti. and an imitation to the
Ileeddititt reccivcil, it neces-
sary to sell(1 17 OW
A. No: 1441,11441 11.41.
4 is Path f,h' (717140,1,1,
(). is it neeessary for the hos-
tesq at a cocktail party to wait
1111111 nil guests have he -
fore beginning to serve?
A. Not :it all.
Q, flow should lute take an
.live static front the inouth?
A Wilh the 111140114 and fore-
nne.er, an I tlem lov nn the
111e1t, 1 1 11111' 1-4411 1 111(.41. 7744411 1101.
.1100'4 111111 ,11.0.4. all up.
Woll, bed
F'( 711y 1 'ok 11,6-
11.1ie 0171 011141 114 to a sub /lief ^
11011.40 111 a nearby town..71,11 'The
14•01111 Wit 111011-il":1
noilarritige Oddities
youtte, e‘,.-.14ervicernegi
want4.11 4,1 11(11111 a pretty Artier -
Iran Mil wilt) 14111 tliern eitpullhr
1 • 10141114.11111i %%1101'0 7111:1.7111:1.I . I imr11, '111,.. si,eilli all 110,41 I 'ilex -twit,
rv''.II"PK,irAir.,1:%-wt-g-,T, ..,1 illy efir. linil viol ,i111 to hhIltire.. . 0 ,lik. unclorliiiili to rtuirry lice
ITIttorillirdc'IY- two 1117nel 111171;. 0111100or ,,,•, stiooluiv, ('(4111111 int
1 1 •k 4 j ; yl r Iwo ',I. 1 7\ :4' Parked 1.0"11' a (1`(111 7111(111 1 41111 111'141 1110,1 III I.' !Mb,
( 1 ; i 4 f ''' 1111(1 (141'1 ‘ rinet-Int.1,111.-; Illiii 1 tint, ,..hol.
ANYONE FOR AUTOGRAPHS?—New York stockbroker John I.
Taeni gets assistance from his wife as they handle some of the
400 volumes which contain the fruits of his hobby -30,00D
autographs. Mr. Toe'' owns a collection of signatures ranging
from Marie Antoinette to President Eisenhower. Included are
such prominent specimens as Adolph Hitler, Maria Theresa. Mus-
solini and Rudolph Hess. Taeni calls the hobby "my happy
sickness. I am a prisoner of it
Our geranium; are still bloom-
ing, thank gOodness. We had a
touch oi. frost last week; not
enough to do any real harm but
enough to get everyone. worried
about their gardens---r-just in ease.
Now the danger seems to be past
and we can prepare ourselves 10
enjoy Indian summer, the Maple
trees already having taken on a
reddish line. By present appear-
ances it looks as if we should
have a beautiful, colourful fall.
There is plentY of .sap io the
trees so the leaves should stay
on the trees longer than they
did last year, We had a desidedly
dry fall then, if you remember.
The leaves dropped 'quickly and
there was little of the lovely col-
ouring 00 aSSOciate with the fall
season. This year the story
should be different. •
%enther thing we .4(1.0 not ieing
, squirt -cis! More squirrels
than we have seen for many
years. Blade erey 77nd red squir-
rels. A few clays ago a big ere,:
squirrel fell (Ad 04 1110
0110-Elpey nh tiny bed1-0001 77347,
doW. Cur 774'10'))
what on earth Willa (filming as the
terry createre „slithered (14./Wn
-,y0nOnring What.
the Of and -
t ,)1 inc,ees- in the number of
ii•Citurrel". Mien', did they come
from where will they win-
ter.' We know it iF stIppo.sed 40
be the :4(4!_i11 Of a hard winter
ahead when ,;cmireelF lay up a
bie ,.;ore of euts. But an 7444' ''3-0
1111 . .
hnS us, purzied.
I was
polale4 lirourid the garden and -
what should I see but four Mee
hu,1, oft 141f- Mister lily that Joy
and Bob gave MY last April and
yvhif h 1 set outside after It had
We seem to
have the moi -:t. erratic plants
7.,,;41t1 i here. A cactus that
bloom-- Chrletmas and again
+ 4.:414 (.14 an 44.1 111111,V appears we
•..4e.,41 breve ;Feeler lillies for-
P'tt ti,-.;• .1- -111'.7 1.)14,,y fir. his
' eatimaign. And 01
h';:f eramf•elior, he told me last
1'' 410440' that lie 11110I brolcen tlp
which I was !la -
e• ti,fii?" I in-
; '1 ee We le.; ho
r , ioind
1 111',1 10
r,r hi.11 eler,?ih:t
,,i. 1 wa's 11.,6,Pf
;0 0,1 t
1 I, (he right
. ;e;. ;,.;e4-11,...ne. 1 1 rnraldar.r
1 • 10 ;1000 10141 '.41441'1.1 401'
' 44 1414.4. 4 41 1 rtandir,g,
lir 1 Trunfily thinking,.
ie. I tlie handle hack arid
7117 I would hope..
3441C,,' raii•ti the lid expecting to
4q..lhir just about, reedy
10 ,Iatin-r. it. wasn't.
Many tirriQ, I thought the. cream.
waii bewitched—it would get se
far rifici 710 further. So, it. was
always with a sigh of relief that
I finally heard that IvelaOrne
plop -plop that told me there was
1111111,1' 31 114414, And then came the:.
ISSUE 45 — 19541
job of wa,hiue 74)114 Working the
butter. And lest but not least,
taking it down town and selling
the golden prints at twenty-five
cents a pound. Or was it fifteen?
Anyway, sinee I used to regard
butter -making 111 more or less of
17 neece;ary cvil, Partner didn't
get any black looks from me
when he fl€ reeli;,-hed the old bar-
rel chit „
Mrs. N. C.. may I talie this
opportunity of II -making, ymi for
trying to help us with our TV
prOblem that in regard to
Channel 6. It was so nice ol you
to write and lo say so many nice
things about this. column, Now I
am happy lo report that we are
finally able to get. Chantwl 11
WithOlit ally trouble at all, Not
because or anything WY Cild hitt
because—or we think--CP,LT
finally made adjustments so 11171
Viewers eali briny T01100-
.40 quite elearly
This may niaio.i 0,1
Some people haw handily Willi
elli1(0101). 1111140 174,111)10 With
d0,itia. Volt know how it
mother is. tat:Me little Daughter
out •visiting. She gels her all
prettied tip 40 a dainty little
outfit -complete with white socks
and shoes. -Now, you just s4
quietly in the garden for a min-
ute while Mummy fixes herself
up." she is told. Well, Moe times
out of ten you know what hap-
pens. Moth'r eprues. out and
iiidll I 111.1 1111' (1001 pialti-
prly. 01111ileil Ile -
1,11% :11043-ballyl 1100 the (1111171 1'' or
the nand -puddle, t)f ('7011. 4' I
(40111110 111140 114111 4111(1 1111Y(41104(41
hon.!" 31111' tivit anti what the
01-lide, of Inv ear l‘as 1 will
1(4:1 Na1 y(10 le inuvine. Robbie
it 411134 1)(41 1(44 4111711 I
did es in‘ is a dainly little (log
anil hate,: to got his frPf Wet. He
xra3 111a0 04034 111.1111. beclilliie
wasn't allowed to 141144 in the
hute.-s. Su you what I 111('41l1
111110' can gist int° 111 1St -thief ju.at 1)0
easily as ellildron. When they
should be 1)n 111041' 110ill 4-4117,
00.11111 Illey iie 7'01' ant
ONE 017)41)
70- t4 -41
Juery-cur Printed ; Pal tern!
This new paper pattern is all one
piece; just pin 10 fabric, cut 00'
110 apron at once! It's so easy
and thrifty takes' just ONE
yards 35 -inch fabric to make!
The ideal eoyerop for kii-chee
Printed Patleim
'Small (10-12 Medium 41-1-1414.
All given sizes: 1 yard 35-ineh.
Jirry-,ut, pattern iseasiest to
cut and sew. All pattern parts
4144. printed on ONE tissue piece!
,t;amp,, cannot be a('cepted; use
pestal note for safety) for this
pattern, Print plainly' SIZE,
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
123 Eighteenth St, New T011011-
16, Ont.
Tu iworod
Mint was so Hereon.; that 1117
infix.; the hirgot
'141141711171 1.0. 114111, the eirl
, without h''oibI 0(10
r14;111. I'll runiTy
And :-,11"
3•0011(4 (1,111)1i,-; 110i11,, 47,
Pratte,. Wahl' di1111110
Viiichlifit in a 041131'' ('710047,
Willi,. driving, to th, cm.emany
711'Iwo brides-lo.be were in -
in o collision, a slight 09-
erali011 living II; it,
141,4 they insis;ed being
married 1,14 mil the join1 cere-
mony look place kilo limy4171
on the opi.raling
Al a inarrimie IViancluishic,
1110 bride 4:i:chan14ed her Chris-
tian name for the sin name of her
groom, and her ao n S11111011141 lot.
hi; Christian mune. hi other
woril,, 1414,4 Charles be -
1.01110 CliarleS Rose,
A Rumanian peasant 1(41141
"married" in 414:13 to the letter-
box ill 7714,111141 Ilia dead fianc6e
had posted her last letter to 11111,
lilt,- weeks earlier.
A year later a builder erecting
a house applied lo the post office
for permission to remove it as if;
was "i(1 the way." The postmas-
ter refused, saying: "The hov: is
The only girl who ever heardt
her marriage bann,; 1111000110011
on the radio was Patricia Bitten,
04 Hendon., This toolc place dur -
Mg a broadcast from a British
warship in which her future
husband was one of the ship's!
The bride of a British dream
designer was married carrying A
bouquet of ripe tomates. It Wats
explained that it was the only
bouquet she could think OR
which blended perfectly with
Every year it takes less time
to fly across the ocean and long.
r0 to drive to the affhp.
UP IN THE WORLD—Keeping ira
fit trim, Petra Schurman, 234.
leaps over a park bench in
London, England. The ener-
getic beauty, representing
Germany, has been named Miss
World of 1956.
9.7.A101 Nationalistic
Reds spark satellite.
wide ferment by "de-
, daring independence"
la' of Moscow domination.
Depose top Stalinists.
Defy Khrushchey's per-
sonal plea.
Al N
Proclaimed policy of
greater latitude for satel-
lites backfires when they
take it seriously. Poles' re -
!action of Kremlin domina-
tion and repercussions in
satellites may cost Minn -
cher job as Communist
party chief.
firmly in saddle. But tap
Moscow stooges long under
attack by party members for
following Stalin line.
Premier Hege-
dus and Stalinist party boss
Erno'Geroe visit Tito, report
'full agreement." Students
riot, demand return of
'Titoist" ex -Premier Nagy.
State-controlled radia lauds
Polish revolution" as lesson
for Hu gary.
0 Stalinists keep
grip but Stalin 44,10 5071711011.
Tito first satellite ruler to
break with Stalin, congratu-
lates "independent" Poles,
Encourages other satelfites
to defy Moscow.
P e.;24:71e l'i
ii1.4-,AIO, Delegation Vik.
isted Tito recently but Bei-
G*i,sCE garians seem not yet ready
to defect from Stalinism.
Remai s
Stalinist so far, b t
trend to "independ-
ent socialism" has
been active a long
time. Delegations in
Belgrade talking over
situation with Tito.
POLAND SETS RED SATELLITES A -BOILING- Newsman above shows some of the repercuts.
cions throughout the Communist world following Poland's successful defiance of the Kremlin
and installation of nationalistic Communist leaders, Shock waves set off by Poles' revolit
apparently reached even to China, where Mao Tze-Tung, Red Chinese boss, is reported to
have sent o message of congratulations to anti•Stalinist Poles.