The Seaforth News, 1956-11-15, Page 4McKILLOP S. S. NO. 2 FORUM S. S. No. 2 Forum met - this •week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, \Varltei.' McClure with en attendance of 20 adults, The, subject \vas "What about Farnt! ,Managetucn ' \Vo felt that farm management would he al- right for the younger farmer starting to farm. 1\ e don't- think on'tthink it would be needed unless - he couldn't manage 'without it. "Who should pt\ for it The one: that benefits from the ser - vivo, It should be operated by the Provincial Department. of .Agricultural Farm Or anize- INSURE FOR SAFETY'S SAKE i3 Fire 1 But Insurance Pays the Costs File strikes without warning. Ale pI. part'11 be sure your farm is adorn:lately insured. 5,'i` us for farm insurance a 11?e ,is Also representing the Crow:, 1.1fr The MacDONALD INSURANCE AGENCY Ail tine.: File. Auto, (11.te111,y ..net .i: l.iiity Phone -.14 W \1,,,3„01.-11.1, tion, A 811181 hour was :spent in cods, winners were: ladle:. \]1s. St overt 1to1nm:to, Mrs. Sant :McClure. Mrs. Walter ieott. Men: Sant McClure. Itobt. McMillan, Welter Scutt. 'flue next week's meeting will be held at rho horse. of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Palin. WALTON 'rho November meeting of the \l MS was held in Duff's Caned t'lutriil school room. The warship service was conducted by the, president Mrs. I1. McMichael. \lin0108 read by Mrs. Frank Kirkby and. financial deport given by Mrs. R. Achilles. Mrs. C. Mar- tin read a letter on the alloca- tion to Canadian missions by Unroll Presbytery. It was de- cibel 10 help the Mission Baud in sending their bale. The articles such as seeks, cltildt en's clothing - and small gifts to be brought to the thank offering meeting. Mrs. .A. 71OC to 1s to 'send for World friends for the mission band. McKillop group will prepare lunch for the thank offering :nesting OIIII the Walton group will assist in serving. A nominating committee was appointed consisting of Mrs. 11. McMichael, Mrs, F. Watters, Mrs. J. :A erton:Id Mrs, C.. Martin and Mrs. N. Scltade The :nth of Morris and 16th of Grey had the topic which was given by DIrs. Ed Iiry,uis. The purpose yens to give an under- standing 0f o-0101 problems ms tacing Christians isti:uts in Malaya :and ludo• ih . a a, Indonesia is a great et•es- ut ,i' vol aa.ir islands. All. Ronald Sniith of (hi 1ph spent the week end with his par- ents ,MA'. and Mrs. Jas. Smith. llr. filen 011ver 14' London ',pent the week e•ud with his par- ents \1r. :111(1 Mrs, Leslie O11aea', Ails, Elizabeth 11cilatin of .411. -rfr•1 and Air. Neil \lctlavill ,i In-;�tli ri.�it•d cath 11Mi1' pais in= 3•.. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- 1;,Svin. ihn,1mo01 err' 11:3111P,. Fort spc!u s s 11.I ,Lays (11111 tier mother slurs. it. W. Hey. • The Huron. County judging team is seen at the Ontario Agricultural College learning the fine points of judging swine carcasses in preparation for the Provincial Judging Competition at the Royal Winter Aliss 0latgaret Achilles of 1.011 - don visited with lies parents 1110'. and 'Airs. 1 :lcltilles. : Miss June Hackwell. nurse in training al Stratford tleneral lios- pital. visited with her parents lir. and Airs. R'. C. IIacltwell. Tho Walton Puhlie 1,1brary hoard will hold 1 annual meeting in the 1.ibrary on Tilos. day eel an .. :Cert. 20th llr: and Mrs. II. Buik•dge lad family of Lentitot visited will] 1.0. rause,, over illi, w,.,d. end, Mrs. N. Reid lore,(: charge of 1b., \C.1. meeting ;old ..ies. \Cilbnr 'Thurb1111 react ILe taiiun'es.Air's, -tl"t'''.....'",',-----'''''''''''''' A, 1 unlit- gale E,11 . 011raaiag I 1 Itt P ih 11051 ,111.1t. 1' to t. • 1,.'1:!.: 3jr t l! try to-, 1.01 i l ming, lit .t.111: Ile. -1 alio! \ 1 It. .1 111 -1 171 11 ere - :1, ,tut .,1 1 ,oro.., material int bi i \ 1 r 11 a.: uu nun.. h 1i - the 11.Y15 E 1t i , 1, I it ti it '1 . tt at 'at' 1i1 lite .Ir 1 1til (1 1 „tii'lliovin, baby (:nut 1 1111,1A 111, .li tu, l 111' me111-, ,•(' 1011 111,it babies.111,• f011on i;ag .rr..i .,,i .rrtilri•alr : K:011..1'- 1110 5r,lt,cr 110. \Iit.•hrli, .10x1 Mari.11,111, a and Dont'la:. Fras- er, Ilonsl:a \Vey. Corel Fraser and .\nary 1.1-11010 receive -3i the off, ring. '1'10- gran:an:othe'1' hav- ing nearest i,151111ay was won by Airs. David W :180/1. Youngest baby w,as Kathie Seiner:,. The ant 1111111 t.h11111 1,tfer1115 Famous Trichologist Will Demonstrate How to Grow Thicker Hair . . . and Guarantees It ! DEMONSTRATION TO BE HELD HERE This new method of home treatment far saving and grow- ing thicker hair will be demon- strated in Seaforth, Ontario on Sunday, November 25. • These private demonstrations will be held at the Commercial Hotel on Sunday ONLY 12 noon to 9 p.m Len en Ontario—In a . inter.. View here today William Keele, internationally famous riehoie- •aest end directer of the Keele .Hair Eeperts said. "There are 18 different scalp disorders that lase titat men and women to leas hair. Using ia'fli-:0., sense, a posse n must realize no one tonic c15 so called cure-all could r('re.t allthe disorders,".lie ex- plained. GUARANTEED • s'Th'- (Kee e fl2m, fl'recognizing that people are ,,kept ncai of t.lat.nts tnae rail can he grown Oil balding. heads, defer a guar- antee.' rete said. a person avails h'. elf of t'se Keele treatment his skep- ticism immediately disappears. To insure this we offer this guarantee: "1f you are not ce,m- ple`ely satisfied- with your hair pr.•e•ress at the end of 3(1 days your money will he returned." HOPELESS CASES DISCOURAGED FirSi the triol ologist is quick to tell hopeless eases that they cannot be helped. But the "hopeless" eases are few. Only if a Iran is completely, shiny bald is he in this lost category. If there is fuzz, no matter how light, thin, or colorless, the Keele treatment can perform wonders. AI connp Tete, private examina- tion is given by a trieholo ist to determine the condition of his scalp, and. ,cause for hie hair troulele. Free examinations. This examination is very thorough and highly • technical, it. requires 2.3 to 30 minutes, : The trieho- logist makes no charge for this examination and no appoint- lent neeessary. After the ex -1 13( a188tio the person is told the required length of treatment and how much it will cost. After starting treatment, the person makes regular reports to the Keele firm in London to check the progress 0.1'the home treatment. - Tspread the opportunity of normal w nealthy hair to the thou - and Who are desperately look- ing for he' -p, independent + ich- elo . are visiting c i 1 e P throughout Canada to conduct • examinations and start home treatment-. NO CURE-ALL "We have ne cure-all for :slick. shiny baldness," Keele emphasizes. "If there is fuzz, the root is still capable of creat- ing hair and we can perform rt at Seems to be a n tae e." There is one .thing g Keele wants t0' be certain every man and woman know_. If a reces- sion appears at the temples or a spot heirs to show up on the 'Ivo of the - head, there '- something wrong and itshould be given immediate attention. HAIR FOR LIFETIME "If clients follow our direc- tions during the treatment and after they finish the course, there is no reason wily they ail: not have hair all the rest of their lives," Keele said.. "Our firm is definitely behind this' treatment it all depends on the individual client's faithful observation -'of a few simple rules." • HOW'S YOUR HAIR - If it worries you, call Tricho. tog ist BennyA. Leggio at the Commercial Hotel in Seaforth,. Ontario, on Sunday ONLY, No- vember 2Sth, 12 noon to 91 p.m. The public is invited. You do not need an appointment. The examinations are private and you will pot be embarrassed or obligated in ane way. Fair. Seen here fron'l left to right are: Bert Pepper, Seaforth; David Kirkland, Lucknow; Arthur S. 13olton, Assistant Ag - 1 icultural Representative, and Murray (:shunt, Lucknow, communities. In her opening remarks Miss 1'alelhor11 suet she had spent the last furry years in missionary work, mostly in Korea; Twelve years were spent in \VMS offices in Toronto after she had been evarn81l al from Korea. Thr Korean people are long suffe'r'ing. much sinned against, being a weak country d111•roundee3 by strong outuliritu,, There are about .o0,000 w;1r widows uud leweeu orphans, leav- ing maty lu>nirs dostltule anti it: want. 'rbere is the greatest inlr:atite: for 1101, 8It w i,111,'11. whU. under ter:dbb, conditions, do m„ complain and take thin ris the '1 trying :to ke.-Il families r •et her. Miss Patell ftp 1 ' 1. 1 chi 1(1.011 ,d sending ,.11-'s 6inee the -war the.y are no! abk.H I t 0(1 prop. t etothing ,tau 11_ 1.. ltd t+,:iy' 011 111, nal ir, 8:111 'a'„111 11. r e1 trnl ii.'s. .,le 1,_rrib d the churches :nl hole,' anti tont of 1 lie mission work 1(1(0 done, 1 (10100 the 1111• soldiers took a great imar- t in Ho- children mill built •n. pharufg,,s for :hent. All's. U. :\ItGavin thanked the 50euktr on behalf 0f the ladies, expressing appreciation for hctr very vivid word pielnre of F50re0. Mrs. G. 2irKenzir 01 Dints. Ia. ored with reading, also I1lrs, Al. McIntosh, Union, - and. Ah•s. G. meeting of 1)uf's 1'niic'd church case. 11 inthrop. The meeting was h'll in OW auditorium on ('10811 with prayer by Rev, W. Moulii,y evening. Ladies from At Thomas, 13et11o1. Winthrop. Duff's, Mon - .11.11. Union and St. George's Anglican churches were invited 511 1'. The devotional period was conducted by the president, Airs. 11. McMichael; first vice, Airs. C. Ritchie. and second vice, Mrs. A. McDonald. The visitors were welt'oin'd by Mrs. McMIichael, also the guest speaker, hiss AL Paletherpt, of London, formerly rf Kor,-at. \umbers were given by Mrs, F. Smith (solo), Alen- cricff. and Miss Joan Hilton. Pl- ano solo. Bethel. Mrs. H. 13. Kirkby introduced the s Is akrr. Miss Palet.horpe, and referred to missionaries who had etoe from the surrounding 0 WHERE LSE DO YOU GET a OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE? • HEALTHY OUTDOOR LiFE? • GOOD PAY? • EXPERT TRAINING iN NEW AND USEFUL SKILLS? • DEVELOPMENT AND RECOGNITION OF YOUR CHARACTER? • A CHANCE TO LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MEN? • FREE MEDICAL AND DENTAL CARE? • THIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY WITH PAY A YEAR? except in the Canadian Army? If you are 17 to 40 years of age, and able to meet Army require- ments, the Canadian Army offers you these and other advantages of Army life. You enlist for a 3 year term. At the end of that time you may return to civilian life well fit- ted for the future, or continue in the service of your country, Mall the coupon below, telephone or visit your local recruiting station. Army Rem,ting ting Sta .a, 93 P.1,Chmord St•eet Hest, Toronto, Ont— Te<, EM 6634' Los. 276 Army Reeruittrg (tat 00. 134 K'g St. East, Hamilton Ont.—Tel. ,A 2-6703 Army Recrul• ns 1(1101, 219 We ior,1 St, St Catharines Dot.—Tel. Mu 2.7527 Arm Recrul0ng Sts c', Wolseley 51lracrs, E1lraaet? & Oxfo't Sts., London, Ont. —. Te,, .:6I1, Loc. 135 BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hillebrecht of Florida have been visiting :firs. Fred Elligson and other relatives, Mrs. John Elligson is at the same home. Mr. and ,Airs. Norman Rode of Detroit and Mrs. Louise Hillehrecht of Kitchener with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Prueter. Mrs. Mary Dittmer returned home after visiting her family in Toronto and Kitchener. Mrs, Ernest Elligson return- ed home c from Windsor after spending several weeks there. Mr. 1 arl Elligson of Windsor spent the weekend here with his o mother, Mr. George Diego]. attended the (loyal Winter Fair, Toronto, Ion Saturday. Mr. Earl Scherbarth and Miss sue Rolfe of. Detroit with his grandparents. Jir. and Mrs. John 1-, •Bennewies, Mr. and Airs. Jonas :Dittmer, who accompanied .Mr. and Mrs. Norman'Bode on a trip to Kan- sas and other points the past three weeks, returned home, Rev, E. J. Fischer is gone to take part in the Winnipeg, Manitoba Area Evangelism pro- grans, He is to be the missioner Iat Trinity Lutheran Church,, Thalberr. Manitoba. At the Sunday morning ser- vice at St, 'Peter's 'Lutheran Char , Student Councillor, Waterloo Seminary was In charge of the service. A short Remembrance Day Service prior to the main service was held with one minute silence. A basket of flowers adorned the chancel in memory of Mrs, Geo. Die;rel who passed away six years ago on Nov. gin, They were paced there by the fam- ily. Two bougnets of yellow - colored mums were placed on the altar by the famr.y in hon- or of lir. and ML's. Ed Prueter or e occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, on Tues- day, Nov. 13th. Qu :e a number from here at- tended the shower for Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Beuerman 'Elsie Siemonl at Seaforth Community .Centre on Friday ni-ght,. Visitors :with Mr. and Mrs: Lavern Wolfe on Sunday; Mr, and Mrs. Michael Connolly, Ronald and Ruth Ann of Se- i..rin 11110, Mr. and M.S. Fred Herbert, Logan, Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Hinz and Gerald, Miss Beth Cue Russeldale. Miss Phyllis • Hinz, daughter of -AI-, and Mrs. Albert Hinz enter wined 14 friends to a ,,arty on the occasion of her 1 nt:h birthday* on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Jacob of Kitchener with Mr, G, Miller and Mr. and Airs. Manuel Ben- erman on Sunday. Ladies' Aid • The monthly meeting of the Army Recruiting Station 131 London St., Windsor, Ont.—Tel, 01.2 -76th Army Recruiting Station, Old Past 016ce 0211809, Kitchener, Ont.—Tel Sit 3.5651 oa7w.0 t Please 0015 mo, without obllgeti na 1 full leformouon on Army careers. i Name Addrors City/Town i Prov f 7elophone Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church was held on Wed- nesday afternoon, The devo- tions were in charge of Mrs. 1. J. Fischer and 'Airs, Harold (tock, Mrs. Rock read the scrip tore lesson and led in the 67th Psalm. Rev, Fischer, prayer, and Mrs. Fischer and Ivev. Fis- cher showed films on the new slide projector, the film entitled "S ethllntlna'.y Day". 1lyarins were still0 and the devotions closed with the lord's Prayer. Mrs. Young, president, was in charge of business, She thanked .lir, and 'slurs. Philip -Rock rot donating 100 serving tt Vt s e 1.0 used when serving 10 11 at the.. church, Thankyou las were rend front Ills. Min- nie Vock and family. The fam- ily of Mrs. Adam histner, IIF -t. 1181111 Fi shot EGMONDVILLE The No1c!nlet Ilte.etillg 0f thc \l \TS and \\-,A ausilinrias of •nloniville t"11itcd (']lurch was held at Mrs. .L Melinesh'shone: on Wednesday. Nov. 7 with a s,-lcndid attendance of visitor: and members. CROP REPORT Farmers welcomed the rain- fall during the past week as plowing, conditions will be some- what better and also a cleaner job of husking corn will result. Many farmers who picked their grain corn too early, report that in some cases the corn is grow- ing in the crib, says G. W ;Mont- gomery, Agricultural Represent- ative for -Huron County. 378 people enrolled in 1.1 courses of instruction, for the second year of the Rural Com- munity Night School Classes in Clinton, Wednesday, Nov. 7th, MRS, SOL. WILLIAMS Mrs. Bertha. Williams, 74, who died Monday in St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, was the former Mary Bertha Ducharme of Zur- ich. Her husband, Solomon Wil- liams, died in 1953. After their marriage at Ihys- dale in 1901, they liver] at Kitch- ener, then at Ilensall and tante to Seaforth 35 years ago While here she was a 810011er of St. James Church. and of the CWL. Surviving are three sons, Wil- liam J. Kitchener; John and George Waterloo; four daught- ers, bars. Edward Allen, Port Huron; Mrs. G. Campbell. Sar- nia; Mrs. Carl Dietrich, Kitch- ener; Mrs. 1V. L. Hauck, Water - too; two brothers, Fred Iluclr- arme, St. Josephs; Oscar, Zur- ich, and one sister (Mrs. Bern- ard Hartman, Thedford. Resting at the Box funeral home here until Thursday morn- ing, and requiem high mass will be sung in St. Tames Church at 1130 o'clock by Father E. P. Weber. Interment will be in St. Jaynes cemetery, The pall bearers are Joseph Dietrich. Bert Dietrich, James Allen, Frank Allen, Donald Will- iams, James '\Vi1llams, WOODSTOCK LOSES Seaforth Baldwins defeated Woodstock Warriors 5-3 here Thursday to move into a tie for first place in the O.HA Jr. "B" Western Division with Sar- nia and 'Woodstock. Larry Masterson, Woodstock forward, was injured in the 1st period and taken to Seaforth Hospital. There was no report on the extent of the injuries. Ron Williams paced the win- ners with a pair of markers while Jim Thompson, Ernie Smith and Joe Hodgins added singletons. Cliff Hanzel, Doug 'ILoveday and Don Pearson accounted for the Warriors' scoring. Woodstock — Goal, Kennedy; defence, Hart, (McKay Ames, Morrison; forwards, Pearson, Hanzel, Loveday, Whitteyl Gret- sky. Uniac, Hargraves, Mathe- son, Nicholson. Seaforth—Goal, German; .de- fence, C. Thompson, Hodgins, K. Thompson,Bain; : forwards, Mc- Llwain, Smith, P. Thompson, Williams, Oliver, Pigeon, Grif- fin, 'Waive, Campbell, Walters, First Period 1—Seaforth, Williams (Waine, Walters) 4.49 Penalties; ,Cniac 13.00 Second Period 2—'Woodstock, 'Hanzel (Nichol - THE SEAFO11.TlI NEWS- Thursday, ,November :ICA, 101(0 �a. Theatre THURS, 110. SAT - T(ri' 01(11415 Jeff Chandler run Hovey Lorciue Dsr• Three wonderful neopl• for You to ley,' 010x. 'Puss. . WED. 1ORP4VI.R DARLING; 1 (1(11le 131)1 Desi Arnaz TIlllt "I tore Lucy'' team in a full -fulled ph'ture y le'11 remember ft/lever. It's 1.1105 lull Doll on n hilarious journey to recapture (heir Inat 1nve '1'HURS, rat. SAT. A DAY 01 l til(Y Dale Robertson Jnrk Mahoney (1.0611.1Q 17(14 (110160 GOODMAN STORY „el,I,l 11111111,... 111111110.11011,1001111,00111111,10110111,11011„1,111111111111,1111111111101011111111111111111111111• YO SAVE DOLLARS ERE Complete Stock of RUBBERS, RUB ER BOOTS and WORK BOOTS WILLIS SE ST E Junior 13 Hockey—Nov. 22: London at Seaforth. rI111(110111 W 11,0101111111101,1.100,000,0,111111111111F111101aa11111,1,11II011104111111111111111111011111 llllllll 1, son, Ilargraves) 4.20 3-1Seaforth, J. Thompson (VIc- Llwain) 7.55 4---Seaforth, (Smith (Pigeon) 10,46 5--,Seaforth, ifodgins 12.07 li—Woodstock,,Loveday t'Han- zel) 13.55 Penalties; Bain 4.06; Har- graves 5.05; Ames 0.5-1; Pig- eon 8.30; Morrison 11.20; K. Thompson 12.25; Waine 16.- 52; Uniac 16.52 Third Period 7—Woodstock, -Pearson aove- day) 0.43 8--lSeaforth, Williams (Walters, Waine) 14.49 Penalties1 Smith 1.00; Morri- son 3.03. TOWN OF SEAFORTH A Meeting of the r,iealors of the, To\Wn. of Sea forth will be held in. the Town Hall, Seaforth MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26 1956 For the purPusl' of I n iaivatine: persons for the untl s of lhtyoi, )(cove, six Councillors, Public School Trustees and Public Utility Commissioner Nominations will be from 7.30 P.M. to 8.30 If a poll 1)e necessary, the same will be held at the following places on WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, 1956 FROM 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. POLLING SUB -DIVISION No. 1 and 2 at Teall's Garage POLLING SUB -DIVISION No. 3 and 4 at the Public Library POLLING SUB -DIVISION No. 5 and 6 at M. E. Clarke Garage Seaforth, November 13. 1956 D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk SEE NHL Hockey At Its Best ON THIS ALL NEW 1957 Westinghouse T SAN MARCO MODEL A luxurious 21” consol- ette, finished in rich walnut, glowing Mahog- any, or beautiful Blond Oak. Comes complete with tapered legs. In addition to the famous "Silver Safeguard" chas- sis this set possesses all the extra Bonus features in reception. Picture, and tuning that the name Westinghouse Guarantees. Reg. Price - 289.95 Now Only And Your Old TV in Working Condition for Carefree TV WATCH WESTINGHOUSE No money down - up to 2 years to pay MAIN ST., DUBLIN PHONE 70R2 Store open every night until 9 o'clock