The Seaforth News, 1956-11-15, Page 3Once 5.",ruibi♦ia'Vi1td1 0 t" o.py 5 'Rich 'Crop z ,tall tl:re Ui Rete: ;,assn ,141'41011 into -„•la: wI14:11. 1;11111, + . ' f:ivl e r ','!'' i(1 4114:4 (111114 111141 ,.1 Ill r ..,,• near 'Vi 1l-rit . ()Mho 1. tete 44,i 111-ncr' plot wad. lett 4 i'e find brush t was water - :ed. I1 'I'':•ttlre decided to e; II et e•1111 iVilttnll. Ari ewe, .. broute,hl. into • -Mete':' uprooted the r.” -11 met ote,mei if into reueh. lr. - Tht, t i i Irl{, year the s a. r 1 ne•d into wind - ::u We' ' e machine; could (111 t; ith the tilling p1441, 44, ,,r•nrlals wo1'0 made .11'11 i t 1.•i'nb piles but were II re,,e'rnl. .the windrow.; • all t11 dy.,1 into one large in tee entre of the field lie t It? The land v:cts t.".: II I:.. Up by a heavy 'e1 ,-meet to plow and, meanie the to _ h pile was climin-• be heroine i ;111d theivin_g n 1' tee au•i,,•; of 1952 lite lama 1 1.' 13(''.i for corn. Mr. 11_-c': Mat tealizel that new soil of leteeeeerily high lit all of the major plant food elc'-"est; nitrogen, phosphor - tett hater' :Uti1. One of his *1 . ;tee wa:. to take soil earn- , and terve then analysed of .11le laboratory al 1iaru Ont. The test showed tell Heeded about 40 more ds el nitrogen per acre, 50 cls snore of phosphate and emit, more potash. Ile sum- ttn deed by an appliea- t ,• of ee0 pounds per acre of iii f ,etilizer and later a dressing of 33 pounds of 11 goo per rare. His first crop t •`ed fat bushels of shelled per acre. the fall the corn stalks shredded and plowed un - with 0 broadcast applica- tee- of 10-10-10 at 200 pounds pet sere c:st spring a soil test re- ver'ett that the fertility of the 3Ctr:c had improved but more reettelents were necessary. Mr. Met-alfe worked in 550 pounds '• --16-6 fertilizer per acre ereee, another 25 to 30 pounds eve e:f:.rogen. The yield was again tap eteehels of corn an acre. Tee 1954 crop was soybeans. .F ::caring-. a -soil analysis, 540 eeeeds ,' acre of 0-16-8 were 'rd, Th. yield was 34 bush - E cf soybean_ per acre des- ai; a very dry summer. In the :;e planted the 10 -acre plot if wheat of the Genesee z.:.e1y fertilizing with 250 ee of 4-I2-10 per acre. yield ;vas 69 bushels to 1 ere 4.41-11e11 he reaped it. in 't.mititer of 1955. Metcalf.'- now feels he has 1 •. well repaid for the, es- 5C9NT'S WORTH $$$ — Being mere y is Ken McCoy's business. A 1r1.der for Cargill,, Inc., Mc- Coy determines quality and purity of gram by scent. His company, one .of the largest gro'n handlers, risks a great deol of money on McCoy's nose. pen.ete and work lie put iuto d1. eloping 10 fierce of brush and leve 1rp lend Ono of the 111,3 important ph 1 .es of his operation her- enye, was the soil to ;tine which guided hon irz_ teeing tee vete fertilizer nitetturn, Ate 'Shirt Wi' h Iknashed Potatoes Dnrinq III'?firstfew months of their merriage a harldsotne young American ex -airman solemnly promised his pretty wife a trip home to Britain every thee she had a baby, Well, he has faitlrfnlly kept his peoinr-e, but. its already cost him a smolt fortune to do ;o. Recently the twenty-nine year-, old wife boarded a 'plane to England for the fourth time. Will1 her flew the four era- sures for her journeys -- her firol deur:titer Terry, aged ten, her sons Jeffery and Mark, aged nine and fire, and a baby daughter Dale, aged Iwo. They stayed in Britian for a month at the home or the wil'e's par- ente. Although lhie matt has found it- comparatively easy to keep his promise, other people's mar - Tinge promisee lta}'e proved -touch harder to fulfil. Few of the con regnLioi, f11 a fashionable church in Califor- nia one sunny morning in April, 1954, knew of the promise being kept by the lovely bride who walked with firm and steady steps up the aisle to marry the titan she loved. Only five mouths before, while busying herself with plans for the -wedding, she had an accident, As a result her right leg had to be amputated, Icer distraught -husband-to- be realized that she would either have to hobble on crutches or he wheeled to the altar. "Don't w or r y, dearest," whispered his finae'e, "I prom- ise you that I'll learn to walk with an artificial leg so well that nobody will guess I have one on our wedding day." "The fufrllment of her prom- ise was a triumph of courage and will power," said her proud husband. A strange promise was made by a Brooklyn man to his dy- ing wife, who feared that, he would marry again after her death and "be robbed by some scheming woman who is only after your money." Ile promised to grant her re- quest: never,. in any drew. stances, to leave the house af- ter her funeral had taken place. He kept his word, He dis- charged their maidservant and. laying in a store of canned foods, shut himself up in the house for the rest of his life. A fantastic promise was made some ,years ago by a Texas man. He said that if the baby hi; wife was expecting proved to- be a girl he would eat his shirt. It wac a girl. "All right, I'll keep my word," said the many Iie chopped the shirt he was wearing into tiny pieces and .ate ihcir __. with mashed potatoes! PUT OUT • I'ecering into Ili,, driving mir- ror, the driver 01 a lorry un- fired that. his vehicle was on fire. Pulling into the side of the road he hastily etmenoned the fire brigade. Firemen from Melbourne. Australia, soon 1 ad the blaze under control and managed to save the load which, ironically enough, wee a delivery of patent fire extiugnishero ' (food ventilation will help to avert fatigue. During the night, the bedroom window should be open, so that there is a good circulation of air, which it help- ful to health sleep, CIRO�jS p ORD PUZZLE 11 .;_14 ,Ina a 44 4, -.1 4 ,,1 .. 13,341 d est ae xaw,r F t !"a. 1 r 403171 •Fr•o2HL ce,elasa tc 1 U1 Ms' 1.;11131 anti. ..,�aa;1.. 1:.1.:111 tele, t r .b Itis i 9. 0113.13 ,.t In,1'. 1: 3Lw el' 1';1 11. Sh,.rt 44, 4.4 10, 511'.' 1. - 1 17. A0..:' t 04-00 :,41,ill- 1':',.:l 1, r, • •r,.1•ih.•,1 n, ▪ >lnle 11,1 n.e! pr nr1 41.1., :n. nt1' n,,; as (144 11,.1 ,.,• 1 45. Ine, 4,1144441,1t 4.4,4.'4444 ,n 14.4,', rin..,$, Answrr elsewhere on this page, BETTER BY A BARNSIGHT--In Green County, where cows out- number people by three to one, farmers Like Dale Barth spend plenty of time in the barn, So Barth decided it was time for television, Above, he enjoys a program he couldn't see before. It's believed he is the first in the area to enjoy barnyard TV. One of nature's u1ost costly and destructive phenomena, hail, may be partially or totally con- trolled in the future as a result of experiments and studies 1113- clertaken in central Alberta this year by two separate ur'^ani:.- atiolts. - in the oxperinlent„s and stud- ies, which will be continued un- til definite conclusions are indi- cated, the Alberta Research Cuuncil is conducting a study into the formation and life cycle of flail - bearing .storms. The -Water Resources Development Corporation of Denver is em- ploying a cloud -seeding pro- cedure which, according to same observers, appear, to modity- rad] precipitation. 1'111, halt nppxesiml ,•r:1cri- rneltt being conducted' by the :WWRDC in the Didshirry district of central Alberta since July 20 has apparently provers succers- fur. For the first time. fu a num- ber of yearn, there has been no !tail damage reported m that distriet, which 1303: to ones of the richest -soil belts in Alberta and the ltot - en - enviable record of being' 3)311' of Nni'Ih A 111e'I'le•1'.s V or -t 113(11 :rear.. More than 800 Did hitry aUiti- ers,. teary -of heavy crop hisses because of hail damage year atter year, joined together to form the Mountain View and fence Hill Hail Suppreseion As- etwiation, 10 a e h subscribing Snrnler was assessed 515 per 160 tierce to Lover the cost of hiring 1.te Denver c'orpu.Aiolr to Leckie t :3 problem. • The test area 4.401101•0 a cer- t: Ugular district 12 01113, wide and 36 rnlle< long. half the test crew is u1 each of - the Mountain View and Iineee Hi11 in uucipali- tlrez. 1" nay stereo "hail .;upper;; ora" h..•vee been installed in the ilk - ;rad, met of them far tlortle and west of the "target. 11.4' ±1141,res./401. inlit fr basically it furnace hurtling rake impreg- nated with silver iodide. The silver iodide vaporizes duo to heat. fornline minute crystals Vertical air en17'e11t?, always p1 e:scnt during an impending 53111tH, carry the crystals aloft. If 1.: believed that the silver iodide crystals, similar la size and formation to natural tee crystals, cause. a large number or small Ice crystals to .form in the clouds. Without this man- made boost, moisture 1n the clouds condenses to forma rela- tively small- number of 'large drops. These can freeze and he- roine hailstones of varying ([lies. Sitio the hail suppressors have been in operation, several bad storms have struck the Sur- rounding districts. Severe hail damage to. crops has been re - 1 ported at Bowden to the north, Crossfrrld to the +011th, and Cremona to the west of the "target area." About 30 per cent crop damage was reported in a small section of the southwest corner of the et:perimental plot. A separate study on hail has been undertaken this year by the Alberta Research Council and the Meteorological Service of Canada to learn as much as possible about the formation and life history of individual hail storms. This knowledge will serve as a guide in planning and assessing future experiments on hail control. While the study hae no con- nection whatsoever with the Didsbury experience, official are keeping in close contact• with it and are recording results. The research officers in charge have enlisted tite aid or Alberta farmer,' 10 gathering dela. Let - tors of explanation and hail eepcn'te cards were supplied to about 6,500 hirmere in central Alberta. These reemers were 1171.': d 10 mc.port every hail fall ley thing the cards. They have provided such information as the e_xart location of the storm, the time is began and canted, size of the. Upsideduwe to Prevent Poet mg tiy SIV i D 1 J. S O Nj©pp a 311":1 O 7.1 3 b,r ; bi 31d tri e. largeet stone, lightning, and winds. Remarks of any unusual phenomena accompanying a ;storm ale° were c requested, The-pattr,ern of !rail storms is icing given-closte attention ire [ha t',h.ldt•. Uilleial-- aremaking eh effort to determine why Ter• twirl ares(,; ; eetti to lie• more :-Uv• cerptible to hail, over a period of yoir,e, thee other nearby itis- t ridge, The eni,i 1].i now Feel Haut storm, rattling -a Wide swath up to thy 100 rade, in length, probably run inti of ;i ser....,.; .'.; of small individual :storm_ or cells, oath of which goes through its cycle in a vela -- lively la -lively short period of time, per- haps half- an hour, There i_ evi- dently a link between each such tell and the next one,, as if the end of (me mit "trin-11:: (t' a new one nearby, lite( how, why. and where this chain reaction beeiti.s in the Gist place are probleme that re - mein to be investigated. • Don't Try To Beat A Cheetah While 11 naturalist was clri.- 11. in the caunlrp 1 ecently a hare suddenly ,lumped out from a hedge and sped away up the road in front of the car, The naturalist decided to elmele its speed. The ear was accelerated to 40 mile; an hour. but tiro hare: kept well aimed, Then it vanished into a field. At no time did the hate appear to be unduly exerting itself. re- ported the naturalist. Close observers of the speeds achieved by wfld animals point nut that the hare's heart - is "tuned up" by nature to en- able it to reach top speed in a second or two. A New Zealand motor- cycl- ist in 1923 saw a flare start up before him on a dead straight road. For half a mile he man- aged to keep "on the hare's tail" and his speedometer showed n record of 45 miles an hour, Rabbits are slower than hares, but a- Swiss observer checked the speed of one in 1929 and found it. exceeded 34 miles an hour when it was go- ing "all out." Cheetahs are speedsters, Der- by winners and greyhounds ars "also cans" compared with them. From a standing start, a cheetah can attain a speed of 45 miles an hour In three sec- onds, It can sprint without difA- eulty at 70 miles an hour. 110 MON fee 1;S"✓ ft eARCLAk' WARREN I3.A.,. 'rite. Suffering Servant Isaiah 53 Memory Selection: He vim wuruud3d for our Lrartsgressioa , he was bruised for Mir Iniquities:: the chastisement of our pewee was upon him; and with hii0 stripes we are heaped. Isaiah 53:15, The btetintae man with whom I was chatting on the train re- marked that lafs Bible was the Old testament. At °m/al knew he was a Jew. "Walt, I said, "f have .I-tvarni feeling for ,visor people. We owe a great deal 1:0 you. Our Bible, both Old and Now Testaments, was written by your people. The one whom we hold es our S3('iorlr wcry born 20 a maiden of `'sur race:,' th'+ talked ir::clg of 000 beliefs.. He diel not 11-:1111 that Jesus who had envie as a marl was the Mes- siah, "flow do you think he will come:'" I et erie.•/1. "I don't know," eves the reply. 1 itele ci what he thou ht ,,f I-,iiah 53, our 1,-•'.1(111 for today. H' Wile not 100115131. (('13)1 it :,o I teed it to him. lie re:tem-ereI comment foot said he might read it tor himself when lie reached his hotel room. If one reads this prophecy and tie 1 read; the NOW Testament he can :,cancely help but -.ne ill Jesus a strikine fillment of the prophecy .Jesus eels despised and rejected, afflicted, cut off from the living, ni:•r' 111.1111 wicked and .ya: buried in a itch m'an's tomb. By coming to knew hirn many have been justified, that is, cleared of their sins. - But Iseieh i. not just sketching hi advance the life of Seem,. Ile points out repeatedly Chet this Sufferer wnuld hear rite' sins. By I -Tis stripes we are honied. "It was for me the Saviour died," Jewish writer- contend thee Isaiah was writing of the Jewish people. It is true that the Jews have suffered but not even their theologians will assert that in their suffering they. are making atonement for aur sins, Jesus Christ is the only One who ans- wers to the description by Isaiah. We firmly believe that Jesus( Christ is the Son of God who died for our eine and rose again the third day. _.. Food hal to hot to do with 111.0tired let -down feeling. A bal- anced diet will help to give ex- tra energy and a general feeling welt -being, AND EVERYWHERE THAT MARY WENT' — Only in this case it isn't a Mary and it isn't a Iamb that's following her to school. It's "Donald," pet duck that trails Aquila Thompson, 11, to her sixth geode class at school and incidentally creates a traffic headache for Mrs. Marion Valiowe, crossing guard. 31.1.% HIS FRIEND IS GONE -- The body of Fannie, the elephant, who died of lockjaw at the Paul Kelly Animal Farm, lies on the ground as her watchdog, Charlie keeps a vigil. Charlie went without food to stay near Fannie during her illness: Orly when the 13 -year-old elephant we's placed In its grave did the deg leave its side. ., .. 'ii' TS? y 6 : r,e' 0 II, ., ri If, 5. , 7w. . sii• '- 3T "i7, Az 35 i7h :'4 43 33, 37, � A....yes, .., ?.. to 43 eAi: 9+ 5fi 1 0 y Answrr elsewhere on this page, BETTER BY A BARNSIGHT--In Green County, where cows out- number people by three to one, farmers Like Dale Barth spend plenty of time in the barn, So Barth decided it was time for television, Above, he enjoys a program he couldn't see before. It's believed he is the first in the area to enjoy barnyard TV. One of nature's u1ost costly and destructive phenomena, hail, may be partially or totally con- trolled in the future as a result of experiments and studies 1113- clertaken in central Alberta this year by two separate ur'^ani:.- atiolts. - in the oxperinlent„s and stud- ies, which will be continued un- til definite conclusions are indi- cated, the Alberta Research Cuuncil is conducting a study into the formation and life cycle of flail - bearing .storms. The -Water Resources Development Corporation of Denver is em- ploying a cloud -seeding pro- cedure which, according to same observers, appear, to modity- rad] precipitation. 1'111, halt nppxesiml ,•r:1cri- rneltt being conducted' by the :WWRDC in the Didshirry district of central Alberta since July 20 has apparently provers succers- fur. For the first time. fu a num- ber of yearn, there has been no !tail damage reported m that distriet, which 1303: to ones of the richest -soil belts in Alberta and the ltot - en - enviable record of being' 3)311' of Nni'Ih A 111e'I'le•1'.s V or -t 113(11 :rear.. More than 800 Did hitry aUiti- ers,. teary -of heavy crop hisses because of hail damage year atter year, joined together to form the Mountain View and fence Hill Hail Suppreseion As- etwiation, 10 a e h subscribing Snrnler was assessed 515 per 160 tierce to Lover the cost of hiring 1.te Denver c'orpu.Aiolr to Leckie t :3 problem. • The test area 4.401101•0 a cer- t: Ugular district 12 01113, wide and 36 rnlle< long. half the test crew is u1 each of - the Mountain View and Iineee Hi11 in uucipali- tlrez. 1" nay stereo "hail .;upper;; ora" h..•vee been installed in the ilk - ;rad, met of them far tlortle and west of the "target. 11.4' ±1141,res./401. inlit fr basically it furnace hurtling rake impreg- nated with silver iodide. The silver iodide vaporizes duo to heat. fornline minute crystals Vertical air en17'e11t?, always p1 e:scnt during an impending 53111tH, carry the crystals aloft. If 1.: believed that the silver iodide crystals, similar la size and formation to natural tee crystals, cause. a large number or small Ice crystals to .form in the clouds. Without this man- made boost, moisture 1n the clouds condenses to forma rela- tively small- number of 'large drops. These can freeze and he- roine hailstones of varying ([lies. Sitio the hail suppressors have been in operation, several bad storms have struck the Sur- rounding districts. Severe hail damage to. crops has been re - 1 ported at Bowden to the north, Crossfrrld to the +011th, and Cremona to the west of the "target area." About 30 per cent crop damage was reported in a small section of the southwest corner of the et:perimental plot. A separate study on hail has been undertaken this year by the Alberta Research Council and the Meteorological Service of Canada to learn as much as possible about the formation and life history of individual hail storms. This knowledge will serve as a guide in planning and assessing future experiments on hail control. While the study hae no con- nection whatsoever with the Didsbury experience, official are keeping in close contact• with it and are recording results. The research officers in charge have enlisted tite aid or Alberta farmer,' 10 gathering dela. Let - tors of explanation and hail eepcn'te cards were supplied to about 6,500 hirmere in central Alberta. These reemers were 1171.': d 10 mc.port every hail fall ley thing the cards. They have provided such information as the e_xart location of the storm, the time is began and canted, size of the. Upsideduwe to Prevent Poet mg tiy SIV i D 1 J. S O Nj©pp a 311":1 O 7.1 3 b,r ; bi 31d tri e. largeet stone, lightning, and winds. Remarks of any unusual phenomena accompanying a ;storm ale° were c requested, The-pattr,ern of !rail storms is icing given-closte attention ire [ha t',h.ldt•. Uilleial-- aremaking eh effort to determine why Ter• twirl ares(,; ; eetti to lie• more :-Uv• cerptible to hail, over a period of yoir,e, thee other nearby itis- t ridge, The eni,i 1].i now Feel Haut storm, rattling -a Wide swath up to thy 100 rade, in length, probably run inti of ;i ser....,.; .'.; of small individual :storm_ or cells, oath of which goes through its cycle in a vela -- lively la -lively short period of time, per- haps half- an hour, There i_ evi- dently a link between each such tell and the next one,, as if the end of (me mit "trin-11:: (t' a new one nearby, lite( how, why. and where this chain reaction beeiti.s in the Gist place are probleme that re - mein to be investigated. • Don't Try To Beat A Cheetah While 11 naturalist was clri.- 11. in the caunlrp 1 ecently a hare suddenly ,lumped out from a hedge and sped away up the road in front of the car, The naturalist decided to elmele its speed. The ear was accelerated to 40 mile; an hour. but tiro hare: kept well aimed, Then it vanished into a field. At no time did the hate appear to be unduly exerting itself. re- ported the naturalist. Close observers of the speeds achieved by wfld animals point nut that the hare's heart - is "tuned up" by nature to en- able it to reach top speed in a second or two. A New Zealand motor- cycl- ist in 1923 saw a flare start up before him on a dead straight road. For half a mile he man- aged to keep "on the hare's tail" and his speedometer showed n record of 45 miles an hour, Rabbits are slower than hares, but a- Swiss observer checked the speed of one in 1929 and found it. exceeded 34 miles an hour when it was go- ing "all out." Cheetahs are speedsters, Der- by winners and greyhounds ars "also cans" compared with them. From a standing start, a cheetah can attain a speed of 45 miles an hour In three sec- onds, It can sprint without difA- eulty at 70 miles an hour. 110 MON fee 1;S"✓ ft eARCLAk' WARREN I3.A.,. 'rite. Suffering Servant Isaiah 53 Memory Selection: He vim wuruud3d for our Lrartsgressioa , he was bruised for Mir Iniquities:: the chastisement of our pewee was upon him; and with hii0 stripes we are heaped. Isaiah 53:15, The btetintae man with whom I was chatting on the train re- marked that lafs Bible was the Old testament. At °m/al knew he was a Jew. "Walt, I said, "f have .I-tvarni feeling for ,visor people. We owe a great deal 1:0 you. Our Bible, both Old and Now Testaments, was written by your people. The one whom we hold es our S3('iorlr wcry born 20 a maiden of `'sur race:,' th'+ talked ir::clg of 000 beliefs.. He diel not 11-:1111 that Jesus who had envie as a marl was the Mes- siah, "flow do you think he will come:'" I et erie.•/1. "I don't know," eves the reply. 1 itele ci what he thou ht ,,f I-,iiah 53, our 1,-•'.1(111 for today. H' Wile not 100115131. (('13)1 it :,o I teed it to him. lie re:tem-ereI comment foot said he might read it tor himself when lie reached his hotel room. If one reads this prophecy and tie 1 read; the NOW Testament he can :,cancely help but -.ne ill Jesus a strikine fillment of the prophecy .Jesus eels despised and rejected, afflicted, cut off from the living, ni:•r' 111.1111 wicked and .ya: buried in a itch m'an's tomb. By coming to knew hirn many have been justified, that is, cleared of their sins. - But Iseieh i. not just sketching hi advance the life of Seem,. Ile points out repeatedly Chet this Sufferer wnuld hear rite' sins. By I -Tis stripes we are honied. "It was for me the Saviour died," Jewish writer- contend thee Isaiah was writing of the Jewish people. It is true that the Jews have suffered but not even their theologians will assert that in their suffering they. are making atonement for aur sins, Jesus Christ is the only One who ans- wers to the description by Isaiah. We firmly believe that Jesus( Christ is the Son of God who died for our eine and rose again the third day. _.. Food hal to hot to do with 111.0tired let -down feeling. A bal- anced diet will help to give ex- tra energy and a general feeling welt -being, AND EVERYWHERE THAT MARY WENT' — Only in this case it isn't a Mary and it isn't a Iamb that's following her to school. It's "Donald," pet duck that trails Aquila Thompson, 11, to her sixth geode class at school and incidentally creates a traffic headache for Mrs. Marion Valiowe, crossing guard. 31.1.% HIS FRIEND IS GONE -- The body of Fannie, the elephant, who died of lockjaw at the Paul Kelly Animal Farm, lies on the ground as her watchdog, Charlie keeps a vigil. Charlie went without food to stay near Fannie during her illness: Orly when the 13 -year-old elephant we's placed In its grave did the deg leave its side.