HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-08, Page 3WOHld's Most Coon lit Railroad M11,, 1 ui,'.ibttr who con Iter{ olectric light plant the world'_;. most aloe red eery fifteen miles Of ',drew ereee, from ZenZiber to Not' Lee ,lett, with one tiny engine which pulled trucks ielett with laughing Sw•ahilis and € reads. Very proud of it, he had vi ithig Bards engraved "Direc- tor of Government Railways, Zencrbat.- And when he went en leave to England, via Japan and the U.S.A.. he presented one to ;a railroad president in Sett I`raacisco, V.I.P. treatment was al once accorded him, free travel. a :special coach placed at his dis- poeel, Wherever he stayed of- elcials extended hospitality. In Chicago he was banqueted.. by the directors. In a speech of thanks he ermpa'ed U.S, travel "terry favourably" with Zanzi- bar's, and granted thein the freedo!n of the Bou Lott Bou ialiway. Rex Tremlett, who now runs e, farm guest-house .and c'ara- ven ,site in Cornwall, tells of other unusual people he met in lively recount of his gold - prospecting days in Snuth, Central end Cast Africa, "Roitd to Ophir". At Brandi. a 'Tanganyika vii - lege hundreds of miles from any sizeable town, two- Lupe River diggers whom he knew drove up he a car, Although the temperature was over eighty, one wore a suit of load check wit!, "rri - respondent" shoes, the other a striped flannel suit., flamboyant shirt and tie. They resembled a cartoonist's {Mak- in the bark were two pow- dered, lip ticked, silk -stocking- ed young women • in summer frocks: an unbelievable sight in that isolated spot. They got out, :laughing shrilly, opened the ear boot, and extracted numbers of bottles and a cocktail shaker. Just then a lion roared, quite Mose. With alarmed squeals, they clutched each other, jump- ed back into. the car, slammed the door and remained there all night, fed ncensionally with whiskey. The (nen ,aid they'd had a 'wonderful time in England, that,!:s mainly to the girls they had feet, One had asked his girl to r ..trey him; she consented prodded the other married her friend. Se they'd had a double tvectr re and honeymoon. Now r i u i. iii t to crier n Il i 1 r it 1 more money, SWOON WITH iT, MAN This real 1.0;4 cloddy is gone, man - 01 - least halfway gone -in a pool c i the Paris, France. Vin- :erroos Zoo. Elvis Presley fans thou! aril so carried away. A !res uose.asanal heat wove o la ?ori; rant 'Papa polar to the welruin s waters. for "they are very expens 1 ," both husbands confided. One flay. when Treroleelt tea r in Bantle, a native arrived cele-. ry'ing in non hand a loog stick with a letter sheer in a cleft 1111 in the end, in the other a bottle. The note was from an entertaining fellow, Wallis Wil- son, whom he had met not long before on a ship sailing from Durban. As a young man, Wilton made a fortune from Malayan rubber. He spent four months of each year in England, the remainder abroad visiting friends. Passing through Kampala. and hearing that Tremlett was miles away "in the blue", he'd bought the loyal hotel's only battle of Napoleon brandy as a present for him, then hired a meal native, given him money, and told him to travel until he found Tremlett. He'd hitch- hiked and walked nearly 300 miles: it had taken him a month, Later tha( bottle saved Trem- lett's life, He was drinking with a mining manager, Howard, and his bookkeeper, Hodd, when the latter picked up the rifle Trem- lett had stood against the wall, onened the breech, glanced down the empty- barrel, then closed it, unaware that this ac- tion loaded itfrom the meets - eine. Suddenly there was a crash: The hurricane lamps blotted into darkness, the brandy bottle burst and drenched Tremlett, the siphon exploded, chairs crashed over as he and Howard' ducked under the table—How- and with a bullet through his thighs, Hodd, for some re05011, had pulled the trigger with the rifle planted at Tremlett's chest. The bullet bit the bottle, ricocheted to the siphon, burst it, and ploughed through the three-ply table top to hit Howard in the legs. Tremlett had a lump of glass embedded in his chest, pieces in his hair, and but for the bottle would instantly have been killed, Tremlett mentions an inter- esting South African Dutch custom. When the daughter of the house has a suitor, a candle was given her and placed in a candlestick on a {able near the Bible, When the old folk went to bed the lama was doused, the candle lit, Ey the time it had burned nut, whether in Iwo night or twenty, the suitor was expecied to declere hi/It- self. and t)' not accept rd, depart, But there yramcd no ride against blowing the candle out, which not1 r P t Irl prolonged r 1rt7 1 t L•i life hal "made the In ht more ill 11e'.,•ription of moue; Ilfo and the ,wintry i•" admiral. -,le. The tool: records a most l u.,l and m,t, Ir_ -1, career: Ra • .'1n all -tun, world n'rnrd for rainfall fe: being claimed ed for July 111th, 1953, 1 u• a, v);:'r m,'ar ,h,ftc'.-011, 101,:,. 111 the „ally hour.. of that day, (''131: rflinl,11 fell at a rife of 0.60 inches a Minute, according to an official recording 5r0aae of the U.S. Weather latreati. For- tunately it ,lid not fall at that rat:' rtal lung, for in an hour that would amount to nearly tlu'c',' and a hall' fest cif water. A radar set fifty -firs miles pieh- eet nP e'ehoes.. of the :term. For a aulilarly 111^11 rnfr, wemiln'r rCh'•11.4 hat's had back to 14".i, when 11.113 lochs of rain a Infinite (set,: reeerd5d it California, though in 101 there was a rhnll,I'ul claim for 0.112 inches: a minute from pans - ma. lint r' the Panama claim w a. 11:1.51 upon unreliable methods of measurement, it cannot compete for the world screed. c OssWCX,a PUZZLE I'_ it 311 ee 46 .ID y.. r„i •. .t 11'n i. , r'•, 1 ':. ''a. rn „ .•a 1 It. , It. lmdi. ,,... l; ,, .. . Il .I lt:t r.l f �, - -Inn,” 1 - ,t ... ... ,. is ,ti Answ e elsewhete qn this page. HAPPY PAY-OFF — Roy Kimball enthusiastic 4-H Club member, has a happy grin as he bids farewell to the high-quality Heree ford steer he raised and sold for a record price. The average price for 4-H beef at the Central Wyoming Fair was $30.31 per hundredweight, Roy's 916 -pound steer brought $42.75 when bought by Caspar's Hotel Henning. So, with a deduction for shrinkage, the 16 -year-old youngster pocketed a check for $372 A variety of factors influence egg quality and many of these can be controlled by the pro- ducer. Strains of birds differ in their ability to produce eggs With good albumen, freedom from blood spots and good shells. so a strain of birds not ipable of producing eggs of the desired quality should be replaced by a better strain, Good poultry management must be emphasized because good management is reflected in egg quality. Only healthy pul- lets in good condition should be housed and confined throughout the laying period. Confinement twists in disease control and thus has an influ- ence on egg quality. Egg storage temperature court be checked k d r rh far 1 • 11i��11 temperature; reduce egg shelf qualify and change thick 0100- t 1e a to thin watery albumen. 1( air- flathc'rcd litre to t ni ten daily and laying pros .ire properly vent dated thk dang,t van be partially le- chr, rd. P huirld he cooled as quickl. a. p;::,ihlc and this eaohint pint should tee thor- ough Leto to pl:au°rf in 3.0111 1 4'03 c ,. Stn!nprv'cr inrc should i,c' teem ii(1 to Pill dc. ecce: h.. and humidity 70 to ;5 decreer'. Eggs take gni '.oft':. fla- tuts rcctdlh :i,i ahue1ci hot. be <t0rl'1) in Iho 11,311113,1' producte: With 51.1'011g odor_, tier) a 011101S. Markrtiur5 ''n :e'1e1-111 tinter a week help' mta151201) high qual- ity. An ample supply g.1 calcium mist be mode available tor lav- ers ^s O5r .411)•11 1s 111.001 135 pr'r cosh eah•imn carbonate. in spine breeding woi 0. the big=t pg.:.aiblr' parent material must 11e selected. The only method pr. ..idl) availabie whereby meatgiralits, of differ- ent litters may be compared, require: the e11015hte(' and car- enss 11))ned ement of a sample of pigs front each litter and appraisal of the different litter:: nn the basis of the carcasses 0f their slaughtered litter mates. By chance the samples slaught- erer' might include the best pigs of the litter, which not only represents a loss of breeding stock but also slows down an improvement program. If it were possible to measure car- cass quality an a Iiving pig, more pigs of the best litters would be available as breedin stock. Di', H. T. Fredeen an other members of the Animal Husbandry staff at the Lacombe Expreimental Farm, Canada Department of Agriculture, are attempting to determine carcass 'quality on live hogs through the use of ray and measurement of fat thlckne:,. rat a, � ::'. l d r all' X to cd and E , front the film the vertebrae and numhe.t of tibe are counted. Eventually tide infntmatmc, may give- indurations of the po- tential carcass ass quality of -the animal. The hogs are X-rayed 0111.0.agzlin at 2011 pounds weight and in addition to t'ertrlarart and rip lode's, fat thickness rm the back or the hog is record- ed. This information 14 then re- lated 10 actual carcass quallti• after slaughter. -:1 more rapid and les,, e pen- sive rnea:;urc of fat tl,ickties am the live hoer, can be obtained by the use of what is known as a Lean 11rIe:teer, Tltie is a needle- Iilue apparntns consisting of two eiect.roc!,-s inenlaied from one an0)1101, 'Pic needle k intro- duced into the animal and the era: tone" of the flesh to a yr'ry smelt electrical rurre'nt is meanered ,1g. a IYlet.el". I( is pow- ered b•: 33 pen -light btrtierien.. F'al, due to its c0nipositiOn, has a greater r,15(5tance to electri- city- than. lean meat, so when 111ri needle pa;t.;cs from lett to lean it: is indicated on the niefer, and the depth of rat- IC' .cordoci r•- rordec'1 in this manner. 't'11e Lean ivh'ter was ctrce.dup- ed 1'" rescarc•h leen at I'urdlc Up) ,And ;ttld is .tier! 1011)5: widely by research workers lu the United States. It is gradu- ally replacing 10, earlier meth- od of fat measurement where the skin was slit with a scalpel and the lay'e'r of fat lileaSur:`'d w.itl a small ruler, The Lean f ieter is practically painless and can be used to measure the tat anywhere on the animal's body. At present it is in use at oeveral swine research nnit3 ill Canada, The use of X-ray was pio- neered by German workers and their results were sufficiently encouraging so that Danish Swine Testing Stations have in - tailed X-ray equipment in thei lest piggeries. No country as yet retie,, 00 this equipment as a measure of carcass quality to the point where the slaughter test is eliminated . Work ie progress- ing nicely at Lacombe and Dr. Fredeen is hopeful that he may come up with information which will eventually eliminate slaughter of potential breeding stock. X-ray equipment is cost- ly which, together with its size and weight, makes it of unlike- ly use for other than research purposes. The. Lear Meter, on the other hand, is a compara- tively cheap, uncomplicated in- strument weighing but a few pounds and may prove nt con- siderable practical value to swine breeders who wish to im- prove the carcass quality, spe- eificaliv fat content. of their pigs. Pigs Arrested As Drunks The effect of alcohol on ani - mats was discussed recently at a meeting of veterinary surgeons in Germany. One vet mentioned the ease of a young elephant which visited a Kaffir kraal in the Zambesi valley some time ago and emptied six out of eight large pots of beer which he found in native hut. He then "staggered away" into t h e' iungle, ANew lurk animal expert revealed in 1949 that he had 'treated twenty-five tattle for drunkenness in a week while visiting a farming area. He blamed it all nn a sudden gale which knocked down bushels of green apples. The rattle ate them and the apples fermented in their stomachs forming. alco- hol. he explained. Snorting, hiccupping, waying Pt S flopped out or rrailway trnek at S it ret uennnss, France, a 0)13001 1,..",0 L150. Blind drunk se tie the verdict of a veterinary suiesiten, after g,>'n- dartnes had arrested si:, of the disorci-ll,y characters—all pedi- gree pigs. it tinned out that 1,00l'51',30 re along the line the truck was shunted and lurched. tint of their caret:- tumbled the pigs. And out of two 0501:en carne flowed 1 r:h Bordeaux ti ins. The pits drank the lot: 11 it t; HAl'C:1 Ah $YAftft N t: A: H.f1 The Shepherd PsaInt Psalm 23 Memory Selection: me Lord It my shepherd; I shall not want. The twenty-third Psalm is 11)4 best known and the most loved passage in the Old Testament David, the Shepherd• who he - came king, has expressed th4 musings of a sheep with deep meaning for its in our relating. to God. Sheep instinctively know - when folded for .the night tha' the one who cared for them that day will guide them safely of the marrow'. In the early morn int he leads them first to the rough er herbage and then to the riche, grass. They lie dawn in gree, pastures about 10 a.nt, to clic,/ their suds. They will not dl•inl gurgling water. ,The shepherc will find a place be intake ono where th" water is still. Fact day the sheep in the Holy Lend leave; its place in the feeding line and. has a fr-w minutes corn' -mrinion tt'i)h the shepherd. - The Valley of the. Shadow ag Death in Palestine• is a narrow defile through a mountain rewire. • Climatic and gracing conditions Make it necessary 10 take 1114 sheep thr ttsh this drnrernue passage for 0' a'r n 1.,r'din r each year. If a sheep .lip:, from tha narrow path the shepherd Tilt raise him with his crook, If dogh come near the shepherd will Intel his staff at them with accurate aim. In the Spring the shepherd goes before cutting,. out the poi**. oru09 plants. Each night a4 Ma sheep enter -the fold lite<tiep. herd applies file oil to tiny cul: and presents th" large overflow- ing cup of cold water for re- freshment. The sheep e_ors to rest contented. As the shenherd care-, for his sheep ?a the Lord care for those who love him, Al 2 a.m. we wee called to mother's' bedside in the., hospital. I quoted this P=nine When I said, "lea, theme;(, 1 Wali: through the valley of -the shadow of death, I will feta no evil: for thou art with mei" she softly whispered her lee) wnrdc. "Yes, fe us i3 with me 11 w- have fully committed our Herta to Jesus enlist. the flood She p - herd, we can enter in happiness and contentment into the `(tit rich living set farf h hi the „rera- tv-thrid Psalm, tpsidedown to Prevent 1eetoti:J 331iy1 y13313;S1PidS "Nd td •- t I `dG13W CI 2'lfit'3; 314 314 NO N31N3'1s 1:-J345A "DVS n N¢ 5dVklly133$.'t1NY: a3Z1a3 n® N3-1,33 S. b133.LS. ` .111 AL12f3�deiW3.1.i I 5 5[v i - i b% SF 2iVi IT RUNS ON PARAFFIN OR ANYTHiN' - The Rover T•3, Britain's latest gas -turbine car, goes on display, following tests by tha British Motor Industry Research Association. Fuel consumptions of the car, not yet in production, has been described as "reason- able". During tests at 40 miles per hour, the T-3 did 13.8 miles per gallon of "paraffin", British terminology for "kerosene". On a high-speed test track, the Rove, was timed at 102 miles per hour with plenty of power in reserve, The T-3 feotuees m four-wheel drive and a glass 'einforced plastic body. HEAVEN'S A SKUNK IN THE REFRiGERATO Life is just a small boy's heaven for 10-year.old Billy Hoffman. You see, his daddy owns a pet shop stocked with all sorts of interesting beas ties. What's more, Billy has the privilege of taking home a different pet each day, if he wants to, from a waddling duck to a baby alligator, Some of his unusual playtime friends are shown here. Skuevlt helps Billy raid refrioerator. Just monkevina with Billy's homework. a