HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-01, Page 8HULLETT Hullett Federation held their annual meeting and banquet in • Londe :horn hall on Oct. 25th. 92 sat down to a ham supper Catered to by I.ondi.shoro W. 1 President Hord. Pipe called on sura, as me - .NEW, POPULAR Rev. Mr. White to ask the bless- ing after which a toast to the Queen was proposed. osed. After sup- per \A•. and Mrs. Harry Lear led in 0 singsong. The president called on See,-Treas., Percy Gibbings to -read the minutes.- pipe inutes.Pipe gale a report on Fed - (41,41 FOR MEN They're stylish as 195,. and their warm quilted linings will take you through the coldest win- ter. Made of 10000 pure wool Melton cloth, new wool - mohair and nylon blends and fine cashmeres and tweeds, styled in popular finger-tip length suburban coats in a wide range of colors including charcoal, mid grey, winter white, fawn, beige, powder and tweed effects. - Sizes 34 to 46 in stook 1935- 27.5 Fashion Favorite for Boys SUBUR AN COATS Just like men's and styled exactly sketch In all wool Meltons and Fleeces in plain shade and overchecks. A sturdy warm coat for rough boyish wear. Sizes S to 18 years. TEAS to 4.96 FAMOUS G. W. G. RED STRAP OVERALLS for Dad and His Lad Heavy weight, snow back blue denim, bib overall style by the best maker in Canada. Extra heavy pockets and strong tacking at all points of strain. You can't buy o better overall than G.W.G. BOYS 8 to 16 eOS MEN'S 34 to 52 S.25 erations work. Doug McNeil, president of County Federation .poke. Harry Lear sang two so- los. assistant .Art; Bolton, tttnut Agr. Rep., spoke on 4-H work. He congratulated Hui -lett on the number of ,1-41I Members, with 45 completing projeCts. George Powell introduced the guest speaker Gee. Gear, Agr. Rep. for Bruce, who spoke on Farm Management. The time was coming when the farmer with a well-managed farm, due to the increased population and indust- ry coming to this country, would be in a position to be envied by urban people. He also spoke on improved pastures and :brucel- losis vaccination. Federation work, he said, was strong and urged every ifarmer to get be- hind it. Lloyd Medd thanked the speaker, Mrs. Don Sprung gave a reading and Mr. Jinn ,Scott, a sketch. Emmerson Hesk pre- sented the slate of officers: Pre- sident, Lloyd Pipe; Vice -Presi- dent, Lloyd Medd. On Oct. 29 the Fireside farm Forum met at the Thorne of ,Mr. and Mrs. :George Carter with the new president, Eric Ander- son in charge and 20 adult mem- bers present. Mrs. Wm, Del - mage and Mrs. Joe Babcock are the box committee. Mrs. Harry Tippet is the lunch com- mittee. Mrs. Joe Babcock of- fered her home for the next and Jim Howatt meeting,. The topic, School .Milk, was discussed. There were a variety of opinions on the necessity of placing milk in the schuol of this community as we (believe that with the baby ;bonus the parents should be financially nitric to supply spike Tor their children. What we think is most neces- sary is to have an educational program for parents and child- ren, Impressing them with the great food value of milk and the necessity for all Canadians to make more use of it, It is cheaper and more beneficial, and could be used in many ways, pudding's, chocolate Intik, milk shakes and scalloped potatoes. A school .milk program would be best operated by the school board and supervised by the teachers. We would prefer it given at a short rest period in the school session. The milk in schools could 'be financed joint- ly by the board, parents and grant from government. It would he beneficial to all Can- adians as it is not always the 'poorer families that neglect use of milk. •In progressive euchre the win- ners were: IMrs. Geo. IHoggart and Erie Anderson, Lone hands, Mrs. Jim Howatt and Glen (Car- ter. Low, Mrs. Oliver Anderson • HL icky At Its ~Best N THIS ALL i at, est its Now Only NEW 1957 .",sae: SAN MARCO MODEL A luxurious 21" consol- ette, finished in rich walnut, glowing Mahog- any, or beautiful Blond Oak. Comes complete with tapered legs. In addition to the famous "Silver Safeguard" chas- sis this set possesses all the extra Bonus features In reception, Picture, and tuning that the name Westinghouse Guarantees. Reg, Price - 289.95 9.95 And Your Old TV in Working Condition for Carefree TV WATCH WESTINGHOUSE No money down - up to 2 years to pay ublin E MAIN ST„ DUBLIN PHONE 70R2 Store open every night until 9 o'clock im's cheque as one of tw ;illi .lam It's pay day -and in one quick trip to the bank Jim will have his cheque cashed, a deposit made, his bank book written up. He likes this safe, convenient way of handling money. ri'1<;h r; ✓r Jim's cheque is only one of two million 'crritren every day by Canadians, paying each other for goods and services. They represent 90 per cent of all transactions involving money, and speedy, skilled handling of cheques by thechartered banks is essential to the smooth functioning of the economy. For customers who write cheques frequently, there is a current account; for people whose maid purpose is to save, a savings account. Your local branch provides these and other banking services of value to everyone. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY FOR SALE Good cabbage, iuid popper squash. 1.25 bushel while they Inst. Ambrose Addliy. . 31.1 house east of Einborn al south `U1l NOTICE Control Weevils in yule' grail hiss with 11161-1 0116118, available at -0VOW n 1itudwar•e FOR SALE 8 elere dinette00110 reascmahhs Ap- ply Mervin Nutt,- phone scorn FOR SALE Two Holstein hull calves. Leonard Leeming, phone 831-12. Lot 13. Con. 13, Melinop FOR SALE 125 year-old hens, Also some turnips. Leslie Pryee, Dublin Rl. Phone 840-14 Selfurth FOR SALE Two pure. bled Hereford bulls, ages 10 months and 1 year. ]nerd fully ac- credited. Ai'ply Arthur 1''inluyson RR3 Rippen, Out, D Cattle to feoU Lul be winter. Jock McIver, St, Columban. Tel, Dublin 84x31 100 acres of 1�l vel lend drilled well, with windnitll, no buffalos., for sale. 102 acres of land for rent, mostly to be ploughed. Archie South, 12.11.5 Seaforth FOR SALE Good work mare, steady and reliable Wm. Bennewies, phone 211.4 Dublin FOR SALE Holstein Hereford heifer due in two weeks. Walter McClure, RR2 Seaforth. Phone 844r5 FOR SALE One pure bred. polled Hereford bill 15 months old. Phone 8.14112. Wm. Jas. Storey FARM .FOR SALE 100 acreslevel well drained loam. Frame house. large L shape barn, drive shed. Hydro and pressure water 1n build- ings. 11000 sq. it. of floor apace for chickens. Near Walton, Apply George Stone, RRI Seaforth FOR SALE 4 good feeder steers, 5 spring calves. Roy Lawson, first farm west of Seaforth on Hwy: 8 FOR SALE Dressed chickens. Ken Stewart, phone 8391'2 Seaforth FOR SALE Good strong bunch of York Pigs, A. R. Dodds, phone 858r14 FOR SALE Chesterfield chairs, piano stools, med. weight winter overcoat in good condition, size 42. Phone 84 TUCKERSMITH TURNER'S W. A. A. very successful baking sale was held in 'Clinton on Oct. 6 with a net profit of $75.00. The W. A. wishes to thank all who kindly helped. At monthly meeting Mrs. El- mer Townsend presided. Mrs. A. Lawson read scripture, Mrs. John Turner led in prayer and Mrs. El'Iin Whitmore took devo- tions. Topic was by 'MTs. Ken Rogerson. A number of ladies attended Thankoffering meetings at On- tario St. Church, Clinton, Eg- mondville, and. Duff's, McKil- lop. At Egmondville, Mrs. W. P. Roberts gave a reading and Mrs. John Turner a mouth or- gan selection. At Duff's Mrs. Prod McGregor sang a solo ac- companied by Mrs. W. Roger- son. A turkey supper will be held in church basement on Nov. 9 when choir 'will receive compii- nlentary tickets in appreciation. Plans are being made dor a Father and Son banquet for Nov. 30th when the ladies will cater and the Y. P. will give the program. It is hooped that a car load of ladies will avail themselves to attend (Huron Co. W. A, iRally at Goshen on Nov. 1. This will be an all -day session. The November meeting will the a joint meeting rwith the Y.P.U. when films will be shown. Mrs. John Turner, Mrs. Gregor McGregor and Mrs. Ken Roger- son will be hostesses. WINTHROP Mr. Ernest Toll spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and IMrs. Robert Beattie moved into 'their new !hone in Winthrop on Thursday last. Mrs. Ralph Davidson of Strat- ford was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ',Eldon Kerr over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Johnston were in London on Sunday. At the church service in Ca- van ]Church on Oct. 28 naw col- lection plates were presented to the !Church in memory of the late Frances Storey. U. T.tDodds and R. K. MacFarlane made the (presentation. They were dedi- cated by the Rev. D. A. MacMil- lan. LONDESBORO 'Mrs, Hazel Kerr and Mr. A. M. Campbell of "Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George (Carter and called on other relatives. William M. Sproat wishes to announce that. he has sold his trucking business to Wright & Leyburn and he wishes to thank his for - mor customers for their past business and trusts that his cus- tomers will continue to deal with the new owners nor IH'ave you tried every Imaginable Remedy to cure your Rheumatic ail- ments, etc,, poor blood circula- tion and of long-lasting colds and no satisfying results? Why not try 'the "Wallux-Way". Write to Postal Box 508, Gocler- ich, Ont. CARD OF THANKS Mira, Carl McClinehey, ilonsull, wishes to thank her 01011y friends for rememb- ering her chum,; recent illness in Scott Men101'11d llospilnl, Seaforth, us 11 was greatly appreciated, and also spceitd thanks to doctors and- nurses CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to.thank all my friends and neighbors who sent oil cards (natl. flowers and lettere during my recent neae who le in Stratford Hospital. They were all gratefully appreciated MRS. JOSEPH RYAN CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Frank Phillipswish to express 'their thanksto the many friends and neighbors for cards and floral tributes sent them dur- ing their loss of a loving mother IN MEMORIAM Keys - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, It, Benjamin Keys, who passed away Nov. 4th, 1956. The rolling stream of life goes on, But still the empty chair, Reminds us of the face, the smile, Of one who once sat there. --Alwaysremembered and sadly miss- ed by wife and family Auction Sale Of Dairy Cows and Young Cattle, At Lot 31, Con. 0, Godorich Twp., 1 mile south of Porter's hili on Tuesday, Nov. 0th, et 1.30 P.M. 35 cows and heifers with 10 fresh, some springing and bal- ance due January to March ;. 3 yearling heifer ; 10 young calves ; 150 Susses x Red pullets, luring. Timed cows are mostly holstein ; Jerseys; Jersey xHol- steiY and others. They aro of good quality and condition and mostly vac- cinated and raised on our own farms, and will he sold without reserve. Terns cash. A. E. Townshend & Son. Proprietors Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer Auction Sale Of Cattle. At Lot 14, Con. 2, Stonier Twp., 118 miles west of Brumfield on Friday, Nov. 2, at 1 P.M. 30 (lead- of Holstein cows and heifers, several fresh ; other due time of sale, -Balance due in Nov, and Dee. Number Durham and Hereford 00100. 16 head of Holstein open heifers, some registered. All vaecinatetl. 16 head of stocker milers and steers. Also few young calves, Piga-20 chunks York pigs. Plan to attend as this is -n good offering of livestock. Sale 10111 be held under cover. Terns cash. Prop„ D'Arey Rothwell & Sono. Acct., Harold' Jackson Clearing Auction Sale Of Household Goods and Furniture. At Quobee St., Mitchell, black oast of Post Office, South ward. Mitehell, Snturcley, Nos, 3111, at 1 o'clock . sharp. Cambin- ntion electric and wood or mal soak stove; studio much; kitchen table; 0 dining room chairs; odd chairs; Frigid- aire 7 cu. SL, ; Raymond sewing mach - ire; kitchen cabinet; drop-leaf table; sewing table; wooden bed, springs and mnttresa; dresser and stand; chesterfield choir; love -seat; wardrobe; 6 kitchen vhaiis; 3 rockers ; chrome chair; several tables; electrictable lamp; milts: Pillows; lace curtains; plastic curtains; electric washing machine; medieine cabinet; lawn mower; .garden tools; coal; woad; dishes; graniteware; uten- sils: ladder ; stele ladder; bedding; garden cultivator; stool; electric toast- er ; electric iron ; jars- hoes ; shovels ; and n host of other articles, No re- serve as everything will be sold. Prop- erty is sold. Terms cash. Mrs. Sarah Barker Proprietress; John E. Stanton, Clerk. Fred W. Ahrens. Auctioneer Township of McKillop COURT OF ItF.VISION The Council of the Township of Me - Killen will meet ns a Court of Revision on the Assessment of 1958-57 at Carne gle Hall, Seaforth, on Monday, Nov. 6, 1056, at 111 A.M. Parties interested should govern themselves accordingly. J. M, ECKERT, Clerk, MrKillnp UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY I'Iave excellent openings for men resident in Stephen, Us - borne, Hay, Stanley, Tucker - smith, McKillop townships of Huron County, must be well- known and highly regarded with sales experience. Must have some agricultural background Car necessary. On this job you can he home nights. Prefer man who is semi -retired or one who could devote full-time. Repeat business makes this position a life time occupation. Excellent opportunity for advancement in company for those who are ag- gressive. Apply in confidence to: 82r. H. 3doLachlan, Vise Pre- sident, Na-bChurs Plant Food Co. Limited, London, Ontario. VIOLIN, CELLO, THEORY LESSONS Hvery Monday evening in Seaforth. Call 743 w. A few violins still available for beginners Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF EMMA SIEMON, DECEASED All creditors and others having any claim against Emma Siemon, late of the Township of McKillop in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 15th day of June, A.D. 1966, are hereby noti fled to forward to the undersigned full particulars of their claims on or before the 10th day of November, A.D. 1956. After the last mentioned date, the. assets of the estate will he distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Mitchell, Ontario, this 111.11 day of October, A.D. 1958. OLAUDE HORNE Mitchell, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate NOTICE Custom white washing. Louis Maloney, Seaforth, Phone 04r10 Dublin central FOR SALE Two snow tires and tubes, 0.70 a 15, used about two weeks. Gecage Fox, Walton. Phone 830113 Seaford For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU Revenue Producer. Duplex, North Main, - all modern conveniences, early possession. Low Down Payment Balance monthly 3 apartment brick dwelling, East William street. 100 aere farm without barn in Hullett Twp. Part under cultivation M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY The party we are looking for in this area may he a farmer, oftice'bl• factory worker or working at some other irede. You mast have some spare time, be ambitious and eager to Make extra money In a higlPproiit, cash business. Yon will bo handling name -brand products made by a leading Canadian company and calling on established retail store accounts in your area. You will not be expected to sell, but will replace at.ock and collect cash. A cash investment of $800 to $4000 is required. For information write REGIONAL SALES DIRECTOR 47 ELM ST., TORONTO 2, ONT, THE SEAI0O1tTII NEWS Thursday. NIA'. 1, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention I-Iospital lied Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 6-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC 17. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D.,Surgeon Office hours, _l p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat• urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St„ Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone. 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Senfor'th daily except Mon., 9 to 6.30: 'Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM, Thur. evg by appointment only. Clinton HU -2-7010, above Hawkins' Hdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 6biufe coal' the solid fuel for solid cor .ort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w FOR SALE Sprayed Apples. Spy, Greening, Peowal- kee, Snow, MaeIntoah, Delicious,. Tal - man Sweet and Cider apples. $hone Clinton HU 3214. Fred MaClynlont Varna Hygienic S pn ogles NAL (rubber envelope mailedc postpaid 6g, amen ce2001 24yol m - with price ]est, samples 26c • 24 sum - plea 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Noy - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. SILIMICOMMINANUMme NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As. sociation at; Clinton 510 2.3441 between 7.30 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breeds available -top quality et low cost. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, mexpenaive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 8478, Seaforth NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYOE Clock Radios O39.95 anti 49.95. Bulova clock radios at 69.95. Variety of colors. Portable also available. SAVAUGES, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. BEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers -President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas.. M A, Reid, Seaforth. Directora-J. L. Malone, Seaforth; J. H. McEwing, Blyth • W. 5. Alexaadgr. Walton; E. J. Trews tha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brumfield; C. W. Leonhardt. 'Bornholm; H. Fuller, Goderich' a.. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiner Jr., Londesboro1 J. F. ?meter, Broclhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your lard does net need. We will, without charge to 5011, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analysed Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Plane 10 or 376, Seaforth F aseusemmionalb FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 354 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Munici- pal Dumping Ground, situated one-half mile west of Egmondville, Con. 3 HRS, will be open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuokorsmith. on Wedne- day and Saturday- afternoons from the hours of 2 to 5 p,m. No wire, car bodies or garbage (organ-: ic) fa' to be :depositedand all dumping moat bo done underthe supervision of the inspector.