HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-11-01, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 78
SL.60 a Year
Authorised as Second Class mail, Posy
Snowdon arcs.. 5'ubllsheen
otrico Dept., Ottawa
Two Barns Burned
In Week End Fires
Fire starting about 8 o'clock
Saturday morning completely
'destroyed the large barn of Ar-
thur 'I+iniayson, lot 22, 4th con.
iLR.•S. Tuckersmith a few miles
nontmoast of Kippen. Mrs.
layson sent an alarm to Sea -
forth ,brigade and to neighbors
who arrived at the stricken barn
quickly. A young bull, two hei-
fers and 28 pigs were got out of
the stables and 140 hens in a
shed beside the barn were sav-
ed, also a horse belonging to
(Sam IIey of !Blake, a visitor at
the farm.
.Mi'. Finlayson had just cam -
Voted feeding his pigs and had
prepared rolled oats for the
tows when he found the cows
had gone back to the pasture be-
fore being milked. He Left the
barn and was in the lane When
he saw flames in straw an the
barn floor. He threw a pail of
water on it without success.
There were ,between 500 to 000
bales of hay and 20 loads of
loose hay and the season's grain
and straw, also 200 chickens and
11 little pigs lost. The silo was
partly filled and its contents -de-
stroyed. Equipment lost includes
Surge !milker, new drill, grinder
and elevator. A tractor and oth-
er implements in a driving shed
were unharmed.
Mr. Finlayson said .Saturday
he was moving his stock to an
unused barn on 'Lorne Hay's
farm neaitby. He has eight cows
and ten head on pasture, Twelve
acres of grain corn still has to
be harvested,
Mr. Finlayson said he did not
think he would make any deci-
sion this fall about rebuilding.
He had $4500 with McKillop
'Mutual Insurance Co., on the
building as well as insurance on
other items.
Mr. 'Finlayson did not know
how the fire started, but said it
might have been spontaneous
combustion, as suggested by
Fire Chief .Seott..He said there
was no smell or smoke in the
barn when he left it.
A school teacher as well as a
fanner he taught school besides
operating the farm for a num.
her of years, but far the past
four years he has devoted his
time entirely to farming, He
has two other parcels of land in
addition to the 50 -acre home
Seaforth (Fire Brigade stayed
on watch until 10 a.m. to pro.
tect other buildings if neces-
sary. However there was very
little wind and the fire did not
spread. Boards over the well be-
side the barn were charred
through by heat,
Fire destroyed a large barn
azul all its contents on .the 2nd
con. of iHullett twp on .Sunday
afternoon. Owner 'Carl Johnson
of R. R. 4, 'Clinton, said the
(blaze started on the east or
windward side of the structure
about 3.15 flu!,
Loss on the building alone has
been placed atmore than $4,000.
The fire was noticed by Mr.
Johnson's eight-year-old son.
Destroyed with the 40 by 60 -
foot barn were 18 tons of hay,
600 bushels of grain and a half
barn of straw. All livestock were
in the field at the time.
!Clinton Volunteer ;Vire De-
partment responded to the call.
The loss was covered by in-
A pamphlet in 'Danish has
been distributed in 'Denmark 'bY
the Canadian Dept. of Immigra-
tion, on the success story of
Peter Christensen who has re-
sided in .Seaforth for several
years. It records that Mr. Chris-
tensen was an expert on cement
work, starting on ceilar floors
and wallas, then tackled larger
jobs as bridges, and two years
ago a local swimming pool.
Early last year he obtained con-
tract for part of big extension
job at iHensell coach plant. This
year he went to (Denmark and
obtained machinery for making
cement sewer tile. In a 'partner-
ship he incorporated !Seaforth.
Sewer Tile Limited, and a
building in iHerpurhey has been
erected to house plant. in addi-
tion Mr. 'Christensen has con,
strutted a large building at same
site as headquarters for his con,
struction firm. IIe has a modern
residence for his family at Hale
purhey and owns a residence in
Pamphlet is being translated
into English and will shortly be
ready for distribution here.
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Thomas Broome was held on
('Friday afternoon al; the Box
funeral home. 'Rev, D. Glenn
'C'ampbel'l ,officiated. Pallbearers
were Wm. Trapnell, Jahn Agar
'(Sarnia), Wen. Broome, Ron
(Broome, George !Broome, Spen-
eer •Brooune (Astwood).
Well the dance was quite the
sueeess, also down in the lunch
room at the cider jug. Good
news or bad, ,the exam time-
table is up, start on Nov. 28th
for Grade 1 and end on Dec, 3.
The girls have something to
cheer about as usual. tAn exhibi-
tion game was held on Tuesday,
anal the juniors beat Mitchell.
'Seniors were not so triumphant,
let us hope that the boys can
take a hint,
Check Finger Prints
For Robbery Clue
`Between $75 and $100 was
stolen at Rowcliffe Motors early
Sunday morning by thieves who
pried amen rear windows. The
Rowelifie properties on both
- street were
sides of Goderich tree
entered in the same manner.
The 'burglary was discovered
about 9.30 a.m. Sunday morning
by William Dalrymple, employee
of the firm. Both tills and one
safe were tampered with and
cash taken but no goods.
Provincial Police are investi-
gating and finger prints have
been sent to the R.C,IM,P. at
Ottawa for checking,
To Observe Golden
Wedding Nov. 10
IMr. and Mrs, 'Archie Herr,
McKvllop, will be at home to
their relatives and friends on
Saturday, Nov. 10th from 2 to
4.30 p.m. and 7 to 9,30 pen. on
the occasion of their golden
wedding anniversary,
Ontario St. United IC'hurch
Chapel, ;Clinton, was the scene
of the wedding on .Saturday,
Oct, 27th at 2.30 p.m, when
Barbara Lenore, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Trewartha,
of Winthrop, became the bride
of Mahlon, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Ben Sander of St. Jacobs. Rev,
Glen ,Eagle officiated. The bride
entered 'the chapel on the arm
of her farther. Her dress was
white nylon lace aver satin with
three -quarter -length veil. The
fitted .bodice was strapless. She man in charge of these tickets
wore a lace jacket with long at the game .and he will see that
sleeves .and collar and headdress all tickets turned in are placed
were decorated with pearls. Miss in the draw that evening.
Sale of tickets to date 1245.00
Vena's trans. to Sarnia 75.00
Hockey Hapn's
Sy 8111 TealI
Thursday will be our first
game at home with Sarnia. A 1
c iildren under 12 will be ad-
mitted free if accompanied by
parent. Please let's !make this a
booster crowd so the team and
management •may be reassured
that Seaforth and district wants
and will support a good Jr. "B"
hockey team. Our coach Joe
Mavity has still not picked his
starting team, but will know
better after Thursday's game
who he will retain.
Several boys from Wing'ham
and Lucan have requested that
we secure jobs for them locally
to save driving back and forth
for practices and games. Any
help in this matter will be great-
ly appreciated as it till save the
team's travelling expenses also,
We were successful in selling
to the Sarnia club the release of
Gary Vena, who will be 'playing
for their club here on Thursday.
Nervy sweaters and socks were
purchased and paid for as listed
(below. The :money received for
the Vena release was used to
purchase the release of Clayton
Thompson of Lucan who was a
star defence player with Wood-
stock last year. (Services of an
experienced goal keeper are be-
ing secured and he should be
out Thursday night.
Returns on booster tickets
mailed to the country are be-
ginning, to come in and we hope
more will be turned in before
the first draw at Thursday
night's game. We will have a
Jean Waters of Arthur, cousin
of the 'bride was bridesmaid and
wore a light grey rayon dress
with gold and pink trim and pink
hat trimmed with pearls. Ron-
ald Trewartha, 'brother of the
bride, was groomsman, Mrs.
Ernest Waters played the or-
gan 'before the ceremony and
during the signing ofthe reg-
ister. The marriage was follow-
ed by a wedding dinner served
at the home of the bride's par-
ents. Receiving guests he
!bride's mother wore a navY
crepe dress trimmed with pink
and dusty rose hat and gloves
to match and wore a corsage of
white mums with green ;fern
tied with pink and iblue ribbon.
The groom's mother assisted
wearing a navy dress with white
trim and gloves to 'match and
wore a corsage of white ,mums
with green fern tied with blue
ribbon. The bride and grooms
deft amid showers ••of confetti
for southern points, on their
return they will reside in Zurich.
The funeral took place on
Saturday afternoon at the Box
funeral home of Frances !Lillian
Hart, widow of the late 'William
J. Hanna who died suddenly at
her home at Kingsville on Oct.
24th, after en illness of one
day. Mrs. Hanna had been!hang-
ing out clothes on Tuesday last
when she collapsed and passed
away the following day 'without
regaining consciousness. A na-
tive of IvicKillop she had lived
near Winthrop until after the
death of her husband over 30
years ago when she moved to
Seaforth and later to Kingsville.
Surviving is one daughter, Miss
Annie Hanna of Kingsville, and
three sisters and two !brothers,
Mrs. Alonzo 'Sperling, Wroxet-
er; Mrs. Joseph Hart, (Clinton;
Mrs. Angus !Carmichael, Goder-
ich; William Hart, Wroxeter,
and (Harry Hart, of Preston.
Rev. !Bruce Hall conducted the
service and burial was .in 'Malt-
larad!bank cemetery.
James Black has sold his farm
on 3rd con, H.IR.S., Tuckersmith,
to Beverly Thompson of Oak-
ville, who gets immediate pos-
session. Mr. and Mrs. Black, son
and daughter, have rented the
Jackson house on James street
from Jackson Homes Ltd. and
are moving on Thursday. Mr.
Thompson is at present living
in Mrs. Ross .Sproat's house on
Goderich street west, and will
move to the farm in the spring.
Seaforth firemen were sum-
moned to a small blaze in a' barn
at the rear of Bert IGhristen-
sen's home on Railway street
about noon on Sunday.
The barn, empty at the time,
received only about $50 damage,
aceording to Fire 'Chief John F,
Scott, 'Firemen easily exting-
uished the blaze.
Birthday greetings were ex-
pressed by phone Irani Seaforth,
Ont., to .Graatensen, Deremarls,
recently when Mrs. Bert !Christ-
ensen, Railway St., surprised
her father, Mr. Lage and he re-
ceived the 'birthday wishes dis-
The regular C.!G.I.T. meetingwas 'held in the citerch base
merit. Our guest speaker was
,Mrs. Hall w!ho spoke on "What
means and why we at-
The regular meeting of the
Red Cross Society will be held
in the library rooms on. Friday,
Nov. 2 at 3 pen.
Exp. to date last week
Phone calls
Thompson's transfer
from Woodstock
Baldwin equipment
(Entry fee for Juvenile
and Midget
0, ,11, A. fees
Transportation for
players and coach ,
Balance on hand .. 526.98
The death occurred on Mon-
day, Oct, 29th of Alexander
Bethune in .Scott Memorial
Hospital after a short illness as
the result of a fall. He was in
his 80th year. Born in ;See:forth
he went to +British Columbia as
a young man, was in the hard-
ware business at Kamloops and
also lived in New York for a
time. In later years he engaged
in fruit growing in B.C. Upon
retirement in 1931 he returned
to Seaforth. Mr. !Bethune had
been a member of the 'Seaforth
H. S. football team which won
he Hough Cup in 1894 and also
was interested in lacrosse and
curling. He was married at Sit.
Paul's 'Church, Stratford, in
September, 1946, to Ruby Crow-
ell, who survives, besides a sis-
ter, Mrs. James Mutrie of 4201
Pleasant Valley Road, Vernon,
The funeral will take place
on Thursday at 2 p.me from the
Box funeral home with Rev. J.
James officiating. Burial till be
in Maitland'bank cemetery. 'Pall-
bearers will be 'Geo. Parke, W.
H. Golding, Russell Holmes,
George McGavin, George Flays,
Bert ICiuff, N. Scoins. 'Beyond
he Sunset" will be sung by Mr.
J. T. 'Scott.
+Mr. and 'Mrs. Aaron Jantzi
wish to announce the engage-
ment of their only daughter,
Joy Elizabeth, to A'ifred Francis
Ross, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Ross, Staffa, Ont.
The marriage to take place on
Nov. 17th.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powers
announce the marriage of 'their
daughter, Patricia Florence, to
William Thomas Kyle, elder son
of Mr. and Mrs. William Kyle,
Kippen. Marriage took place at
•Macrorie, Sask., Oct. 27, 1056.
They will reside at Hensel].
A good crowd attended the
Rebekah euchre Monday night.
A delicious lunch was served'' by
the social •committee under con-
venership of Mrs. David Mc-
Lean. Winners: ladies 1st, Mrs.
Reta Orr; 'lone hands, Mrs. El-
don Kerr; consolation, !Mrs. Ed
Boyce; ,men's first, John Bach;.
lone hands, Robert McClure;
consolation, Alex McMichael, of
Did you ever hear of Calb-
bage Night? A teen-ager ex-
plains that Cabbage Night is the
night before Hallowe'en, when
the boys gather up all the old
cabbages they can find and
throw them at doors. ,Anyway,
every night for the past week
has Ibsen Soap Night 'and e
ample .of other kinds of nights.
Main street windows and many
car windows have displayed
worlcs of juvenile art. .Some
mischief has lbeen done too.
Silver Wedding of
Mr., Mrs. Bradshaw
Mr, and Mrs. William Brad-
shaw, Market Street, marked
their 25th wedding anniver-
sary with a turkey dinner on
Sunday when 27 were present.
'Married at the bridee
was formerly 'Miss 'Florence
Herdman, daughter of Mr. and
seers. John Herdman now of Ex-
eter, and the groom was a nat-
ive of England, being a son of
Mrs. David .Bradshaw and the
late Mr. 'Bradshaw. They have
two children, David and Louise,
Out-of-town guests on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. David Brad-
shaw of Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs.
Hilson Whiteford and Kenneth,
Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. Squire
Herdman, Helen and Anne, 'Cen-
tralia; Mr. Clayton elerciman,
Toronto; ,Messrs, Amos and Her-
man .Herdman and Miss (Mary
1FIerdman of Elimvi'l'le; Mr. and
,Mrs. Carman ,Herdman, +Detroit;
Mr. and .Mrs. Wallace Makins
and Patricia, of Hay, and Mr.
and 'Mrs. John Herdman, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. John (Herdman
observed their 49th wedding an-
niversary on 'October 30th.
,Baskets of yellow and bronze
mums at .the altar of at, 'Co'lu'm-
banCOhurch, Sept. 27 made a
lovely setting for the fall wed-
ding of Thelma Annette Towns-
end and Kenneth Jerome 'Lane.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. !Rayunond Townsend,
and the groom is .the son of Mr.
and :Mrs. Vincent 'Lane, Sea -
forth, Rev, Fr. MclCowell per-
formed the ceremony.
Given in marriage by her fa-
ther the bride wore a floor -
length gown of chantilly lace
over satin, a scalloped neckline
and long pointed sleeves, the ,bo-
dice and skirt !panels were cov-
ered with opal sequins, as was
her ]readdress and she wore a
fingertip veil of silk illusion
+bordered with lily of the valley.
She carried a bouquet of better -
time roses. Miss Madelon Towns-
end, sister de the bride eves
maid of honor and Miss Rose
Mary Lane, sister of the groom
was bridesmaid, they wore bal-
lerina dresses Of powder blue
erystalette with silvery orchid
pattern fashioned with a low
neckline, it torso waist and a
large bow at the back. They car-
ried pink baby mums trimmed
with silver ribbon. Mr. Gerald
/Morris was grooansenan. Mr. Jack
and Greg ;Morris were ushers.
The wedding music was played
by the groom's mother, Mrs.
Vincent Lane. The soloist was
Mrs. Thomas Kale.
For the reception held in the
Clinton .Hotel, the baide'sanother
received in a peacoek blue dress
!with matching hat and a corsage
of pink mums. The groom's
mother assisted hi a toast brown
'dress and wore yellow mums.
For a wedding trip to 'Ken-
tucky the 'bride chose a copper
wool dress with a light beige
coat and matching brown acces-
sories and a corsage of talisman
roses. The guests were enter-
tained at the home of 'Mr, and
Mrs. Vincent Lane, and an even-
ing supper was served.
An evening reception was held
in the Seaforth Arena with mu-
sic Iby the Norris orchestra.
IMr. and +Mrs. Lane will take
up residence in 116 West Lodge,
The 'home of Rev. II. E. and
Mrs. Livingstone, London, was
the scene of a quiet wedding on
Saturday, Oat. 27th when Olene
Isabel Godkin became the bride
of Murray Allan Dennis. The
;bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Edmund Godkin,
Walton, and the groom .is the
eldest son of Mr. Porter Dennis
and the late Mrs. Dennis, also of
Walton. Rev, H. E. (Livingstone
officiated at the double ring
The bride wore a ballerina -
length strapless gown of nylon
net with lace insertions ever
satin, topped with a 'lace jacket
with long lily -point sleeves. Her
+finger-tip veil was held in place
by tiara of sequins and pearls.
She carried a white bible crest•
ed 'with pink roses, the gift of
the groom. Her only attendant
was her sister, Audrey Godkin,
wearing pink nylon net over
satin and corsage of blue carna-
tions. Don Dennis, Walton was
his brother's groomsman.
Following the marriage a re-
ception was held at Fairview
'arm, +Seaforth, for the immed-
iate relatives and friends. Re-
ceiving guests the bride's moth-
er wore a dark green crystalline
dress with beige accessories and
yellow mum corsage. Mrs. Sam
McSpadden, groom's sister, as-
sisted wearing gold=eolonred
dress with black velvet trim and
white mum corsage.
For travelling the b r i d e
changed to a charcoal embossed
crystalstte with 'black accessor-
ies. •Oa their return the 'couple
will reside on the groom's farm
in McKillop.
Prior to her marriage the
bride was guest of honor at a
dinner and shower held in Zur-
'eh and given by nurses and as-
sociates of Exeter Hospital.
+Mrs. Gilbert Smith and Mrs.
Stanley %Hillen also enterbained
at a miscellaneous shower held
at the home of Mrs. Helen.
The rummage sale of the Hos-
pital Auxiliary on Saturday
realized $233.
Dinner Party and
A dinner party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. War-
ren Gibbings, Clinton r.4on
y evening', Oct,Saturda e `27th in
honor of the recent marriage of
itt zt-
. and Mis. John Pecl,i L.
erMr that evening 60 friends and
neighbors arrived unexpectedly,
to extend 'their good wishes to
the bride and groom. During the
evening euchre was played,
prizes being neon by; Ladies'
carrying prize, Mrs. Barbara
•Bettles; gents' carrying prize,
Herb Glazier; ladies' high, Mrs.
Vera Crich; gents' high, Herb
Glazier; ladies' low, Mrs, Win.
Roberts; gents' low, 'Bill Rob-
erts; lady having most lone
hands, Mrs. Barbara Bettles;
gent, Herb Glazier.
A sing -song was enjoyed with
Mrs, Epb. Snell at the piano,
while the ladies prepared a dain-
ty lunc'h. Wilfred Glazier read
a humorous .address to John and
Joyce, and Warren Gibbings and
Ernie Crich presented the new-
lyweds with an electric iron and
table lamp, John replied !nest
fittingly and all sang "For They
Are Jolly Good Fellows," When
the young couple departed, a
beautifully decorated limousine
awaited them.
Hugh Doig Pusses
'Mr. Hugh Doig, 32, died in
Victoria hospital, London, an
Saturday after being confined
to hospital two weeks. Ile Was
horn in the Kippen area and was
the son of William Doig and the
late (Mrs. Doig, who predeceased
him in June of 'this year. They
lived in Kippen district, moved
to IS'teffa and then to R.R. 2, Go-
derich area. He was a member
of Carmel !Presbyterian Church,
Hensall, Funeral services were
conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. at
'Bonthron's funeral chapel by
Rev. D. MacDonald. Burial took
place in •Staffa cemetery.
Guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Leon-
ard Lovell Sunday were the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. AI -
len Parker and Mrs, Peter Wil-
cox of !Chatham.
Mrs. (Clarence Priestap of
near (Mitchell visited Sunday af-
ternoon with her father, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson
of Stratford and Wm. Cudmore
of Seaforth were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Cud -
'Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mrs. Mc-
Leod attended training school
for teachers at Clinton on
Thursday and iFriday.
Mr. and Mrs. ;Clarence Hutch-
ison o!£ St. Thomas visited over
the weekend with the latter's
brother and sister-inlaw, Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Mellis.
Mr. and Mrs, Ti, Rickert and
Merle visited relatives in Clif-
1ord on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Howson
visited on Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Dwassick of Stratford.
Mrs. Joseph Decibel -me of
Dashwood spent Thursday visit-
ing with her mother, Mrs. James
Miss Margaret .Sinclair of
Seaiforbh visited recently wl1tth
her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Jahn 'Sinclair.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Biggar and
children of Namaka, Alberta,
who have visited the past month
with Mrs.1Biggar's another, Mrs.
Wm. tDietz and other relatives,
returned to their home Thursday
of last week.
Mrs. Lydia Doig, who has
+been a !patient in Victoria Hos-
pital, London, having a broken
hip, was taken by ambulance on
Saturday to the home of her
son John, Grand Rapids, Mich.
A quiet ceremony was solem-
nized at the United Church
Manse at 12 noon, Saturday,
Oct. 27th by Rev. N. (McLeod of
Kippen, when Ina Marc(iRopp,
daugthter of Mr. Samuel Ropp
and the late Mrs. Rapp of Zur-
ich was united in marriage to
Ward Neeb of Dashwood, son
of the 'late Mr, and Mrs. 'Neeb.
The bride 'wore a gown of
white figured silk and carried
a bouquet of white mums and
red roses. A cousin Miss Mar-
garet .Rapp of Poole, Ont„ was
bridesnmaid, and chose a blue
figured silk dress, carrying a
bouquet of mauve 'mums. The
groom las attended by Wallace
Psoff of Exeter. The couple will
make their home in Dashwood,
Miss Annie Harrison and Miss
!Gladys 'Harrison of Parkhill
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Dinadale and 1Miss Mabel White-
Miss Mabel Whiteman enter-
tained the past Noble Grands of
Amber Rebekah ,Lodge, 'Hensall,
at her home on Monday evening.
A number of Kippen people
attended the Mission to Nation
meetings in Ontario Street
Church, +Clinton, Oct. 21-28. The
music was supplied by choirs of
the Presby'bery each night and
periods of singing and devotions
were led by ministers of the
area. Missioner was Rev. Stan-
ley Searle of Rosedale United
'Church, Winnipeg.
White gladioli and deep shad-
ed asters adorned the altar of
St. !Coluon!b'an R.C. 'Church for
the wedding of Cecelia, daugh-
ter of Mr. and' Mrs. Joseph Con-
nolly, Dublin, to John Peter Ke1-
lye son of IMr. and :Mrs. Fergus
!Felly, Dublin. Rev, J. McCowen
Wstfi New Gentle -Action Head
One side for
dainty underarm
Rose Quartz
Jade Green
Pearl White
One sidefor
satin -smooth
lag shaving
Safe and Gentle. You can apply a de-
odorant immediately after shaving un-
derarms. No danger of nicks and cuts
on your legs.
Breathtakingly beautiful. Available in
four jewel-like colors, lady Schick
comes in a lovely Carrying Case perfect
for storing shaver on dresser or shelf.
Lovely, luxurious
Lady Schick Clas-
sic and Lady
Schick Goddess In
silver or gold
colors, Classic
$21.50 Goddess
Get the NEW LADY SCHICK today at
Gifts Fine China
Also complete line of Coutts HallInark Xmas Cards
singly oe in boxes, Make your selection early;
performed the ceremony: and
sang the nuptial Mass. Mrs, Vin-
cent Lane was organist and Fer-
gus and Nancy Kelly, brother
and sister 01 the groom, sang
during the ceremony. Given in
marriage by her 'father, the
bride looked charming in a
floor -length gown of white silk
velvet, princess line style with a
scalloped overskirt which ex-
tended into a chapel train. The
velvet 'bodice, with a scalloped
neckline extended into .lily -point
sleeves. Her finger-tip veil was
held' by a dainty cap of chantilly
lace encrusted with mother-of-
pearl sequins. She carried a
bouquet of red roses and white
stephanotis. Miss Marie Connol-
ly, London, sister of the bride,
as enation of honor, wore a bal-
lerina gown of mailbox red silk
velvet, princess line style fash-
ioned with a scalloped neckline.
Miss Helen ,Connolly of Wood-
stock, and Miss Lorretta 'Con-
nolly, Dublin, sisters of the
bride were bridesmaids. They
wore 'ballerina gowns of 'linen
blue and killarney green sills
velvet identical to that of the
maid of honor. The matron oe
honor and bridesmaids each
wore matching feather 'hats and
Teves and carried a bouquet of
yellow roses and white baby
mums. 'Miss Cabherine Kenny,
London, niece of the bride as
Mrs, Chas, Salter and daughter
Jane, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs.
Donald ;'McKaig •and daughter
Jean, Seaforth.
!Mrs. L. Sorsdahl, Mrs. M.
Dow, Mrs. T. L. Scott, 'Mrs, M.
Lammond and ;Mrs. L. 'Elliott
were in attendance at a work-
shop for the training' of teach-
ers in Sunday Schools and oth-
er children's organizations,
which was held in Knox Church,
Stratford on Saturday.
Mr. and :Mrs. Marshall Dear-
ing and ;family of Ailsa Craig
visited friends in the eomonunity
on Sunday.
The wedding took place on
October 27th at 4 pin. in Crean -
arty +Presbyterian Church with
Rev. Samuel Kerr officiating,
of 'Caroline Joanne Walker, the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Walker, 'Cromarty, and Jack
'Craig McGee, London, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy iMeGee of
Stafrfa, (Church decorations were
yellow and bronze mums, The
(bride was given in marriage by
her father and 'wore a white
strapless gown with lace and
net over satin with !matching
lace bolero, with peter pan col-
lar and lily -point sleeves. She
carried a white .Bible with red
roses and streamers. Mrs. Barry
Elliott of ,Parkhill, was matron
Flower girl, wore a floor length Lof honor. Misses Gail McGee of
gown of Louisiana rose silk!vel- and Aliceon, sister a the groom,
vet with a matching headpiece and r Walker of 're brides -
and carried a basket of mixed sister of the bride, were bridese
flowers. Allan (Connolly, Lin- 'maids. The costumes of the
wood, nephew of the bride as three attendants were derstSee th
ring bearer, carried the rings mnaichingbmiittenslue myandtn feather
for the double -ring ceremony, headdress. Their flowers were
on a white silk velvet cushion. !,mauve mwms and
]Fred ' pink roses.
Mr. Keith Kelly, 'Seaforth, was Watcher of Strathroy,
groomsman for his brother. Mr. l brother-inlaw of the groom,
Robert Kelly, Dublin, brother of was best man. Ushers were Al
the groom and Mr. John Con- ex
Walker and William Baxter.
nol'ly, !Linwood, brother of the ' Miss Margaret Garton of Bel -
bride ushered. lenient was organist. Soloist was
For the dinner and reception', Mrs, R.'D.:Sadler of .Staffa, who
which was held at the home of r sang "0 Perfect 'Love" and
the bride's parents, the tables '"Wedding 'Prayer".
were decorated with pink }"Wedding
wedding dinner was serv-
streamers, and white candles. ed in the Sunday !School room of
The bride's table nvas centred the 'Church where mauve and
with a five -tier wedding cake. ! pink baby mums adorned the
Receiving the guests the brides tables. The bride's another wore
mother wore a navy sills dress, midnight blue crepe, trimming
matching accessories and a tor- of sequins and pink net, and the
sage of red roses. The bride-
grooni's mother wore a pink and groomnw mother an autumn navy
gray silk flora' dress, pnilc and dress with black. accessories and
black 'accessories and a corsage corsatre of yellow 'baby mums.
of pink roses. Assistants ,were (Misses Patsy
Fra trip to the .United Ramsay. Anita Sorsdahl, Wilma
States the bride donned a rs black M.Harper, Irene llDtilers. 'nnunn. Baxter and
tweed suit trimmed with velvet .J'I
and peacock !blue and 'bracts pat -
Fora theliobride
to Northern
enc accessories. She hada cor Ontario the bi ide eho•ie a navy
sage of white (baby mien. The cult with Theynand idswhiine 'faeces-
will reside at 146 9trh .tiles. will reside I of m
Ave., Kitchener. don. Guests were 'present from
Guests were 'present from'Everett, Sarnia,Da h -
London, Kitchener, ;Mitchell,
wood. Exeter,
Mitchell, titrath-
Stratforcl, Dublin, Hami'1ton, io y, London, 'Dorchester and
Lucan, Clandeboye, Toronto, In-
gersoll, Brantford, Clinton, Lin-
wood, Woodstock, and Seaforth. EOMONDVILLE
:Mr, and Mrs. Ed Howe, De-
troit, visited on !Sunday with.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howe and
'family and Mrs, Jas. Howe, Sr.,
who 'returned to Detroit with
them for anextended visit.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Calder Mc!Kaig
had as their •guests during the
weekend Rev. and 'Mrs. George
Harris of Rapid City, Manitoba;
Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Walden of
Detroit were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Coombs.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Dalrymple
and;Charlie were recent visitors
with Mr. and 'Mfrs. F. Kenny and
Jean, London.
Mrs. Barton visited on Sunday
with relatives atAtwood,
{Mr, and Mrs. H. Coombs re-
cently visited with friends in
Wingham,snd Blyth.