HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-10-25, Page 8v' First Quality 1.50 NYLON HOSE Whisper, Cameo and Gotham makes, \1 eeIt-L•'ud first quality Nylon Hose, Special 60-15 grade, New fall shades. size 9 to 11 Women's .Heavy Knit White, Red, Yellow, Powder Cable knit skating sweaters. V neck or turtle neck style Regular 9.95 quality • b 9 °*' c mn PULLOVERS \}(ekEnd 3pv dial 7 85 egular 1.50 Quality BRASSIERES Sizes 32 to 36,Bandeau Brassieres, Week-1Cnd Padded or plain style -• bpd -leant A real bargain 98c Regular 2.95 Drapery Material Special purchase of printed \1'eek•Eutl Bark cloth drapery - .1..95 quality in 10 Lovely patterns "Hees Special 1.95 }d Dalrnor" Window Blinds Standard 37"x70-' quality 1°95 plastic coated window shades ]n white, cream and green Embossed or plain, complete with roller and hangers - Special WE STOCK 42'°, 48 & 52" WIDTHS AT EXTRA COST , 9 peri s 3 Pound WORK. SOX iVYon no i a ' I 0'oo ,tla A otic work sox \ ee --1, c k in popular 3 pound to the dozen Special weight - The lowest price in years t T() 2.95 ~� Men's Heavy NylonWORK SOX Almost untold wear In these \}-eek-End heavy all nylon work sox. Special Grey shade with red or blue heel and toes. A real bargain at this price C Men's All Wool Gabardine Topcoats "0000 English all wool gabardine \it.tic-Pad topcoats that self regularly at. - ,y 39.50 to 45.00. Slip on style in Special gre:r. bice and fawn. Sizes 35 to 44 31.60 BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. Dalton llinz and Gerald visited Mr. and Mrs. 'Herb Steinacker, "Tavistock, re- cently, Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Bennewies with M1. and Mrs, Edwin Ben- Mr. Seaforth; on Suilduy '- Mr. and Mrs, Albert Wolfe, of 'Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ahrens. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hicks of 'Hamilton with his brother, Lew Hicks, and Mrs, 'Hicks for the }}eekela(t. Mr, and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Ann of Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Aug. 11illebrecht. Quite a number from here at- tended the funeral of Lonie Steinbach at Heidelberg on tuesd ay. Re} and Mrs. John Arbuckle, Billy and Bobby of Hespeler and Mr, and Mrs. Don Stanch, War- reit and Janet of Kitchener; Miss Joyce Querengosser of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert. Querengosser, Mr, Louie Kahle of Detroit with Mr, and Mrs, Frank IEiek- noir and other relatives, Quite e numrber from here at- tended a shower for Mr: and Mrs, Peel Boyd '(Elizabeth Gal- braith) in 'Mitchell Town Hall on FridayHoegy, evening, Mr. Boyd has been employed by Mr, Wilbur Mr, and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer and Mr. and Mrs. Norman ,Bode left on Tuesday on a trip to In- diana and other points. Flowers adorned the chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday in memory of .Louie Steinbach e bac h and Chas. Iu sch - berg. el r Wanren Kenneth Riehl, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs, Ken- neth Riehl (Grace Vock) was baptized during the Sunday morning service by Rev. E. BIS - cher, the sponsors along with the parents, were Mr, and Mrs. Frank Eickmeir and Mr, and Mrs. Orville Parrot, Also Joy Lynn Fischer, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Fischer (Joyce Diegel) the sponsors were 7liss Arlene Diegel end Ray Scherbarth and the parents. 'Members of the harts Forum will meet at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Joe Smith for the first meeting of the soason, next Monday evening. Mr, Ronald ,Hinz has been confined to Stratford Hospital 'because of injuries received to his nose and face caused by a falling ladder. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Don and Mrs, Beth Cole. with Mr, and Mrs. Larne Wolfe nd Mrs. Henry Koch, Stratford �+ Sunday. The county road leading west From Brodlhagen, a utile and a quarter to the rMiKillop :bound- ary has been paved this past week. Messrs. ,Ralph Siemon, Ralph Wcl'torsel, Bruce Eisler accom- panied 'Hugh Eisler of Hamilton to the Southern �States,'Florida and Mexico for several Weeks, Mr, and Mrs. 'John Fischer and Martin of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Frank Snaith of ,Unionbille spent the weekend with Rev, and Mrs. E. J. Fischer. Mr. and Mrs, Win, Diegel, Marken and Arthur spent Sun- day with .Mrs, iDiegel's 'brother, Clarence Brunner and Mrs. Brunner, Seebeeh's Hill, .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Leod and family of Listowel with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens on Sunday. Mrs. Chris. W. iLoonhardt has pital, been confined to Stratford Hos- FOR SALE Girls 3 piece outfit, wine with brown velvet collar, size 4 to s v .. n s. Reason- able price Phone Seaforth 34412 FOR SALE 70 Red Sussex hens; 6 good York chunks. Thos. Burns, of R. R. 4, (Mitchell. lot 33, con. 5, Logan, 300 "McICinleys Sussex Red pullets 5 months old ready to lay. Mrs, Thos. Govenlock, 838 r 6. FOR SALE Heavy cloth winter overcoat, size 40, bargain for quick sale. Apply News Office, Seaforth. Auction Sale Of Household l c Meets. in Village of Henaall;- at Mit Edmund Geiger's resld- enet• N.W. tot Queen Nelson 5i.Ori Saturday, Oct.rt - th al Iliip3 Dime chesterfield; et of sharp. lent chairs, oak oak extension table; library table; 2 buffets; lounge; 3 pe Spanish leather set, with Chair, rocker and settee; bureau; antique settee. Tho late Rev, Dr. Fletcher's study table. black walnut; kitchen chairs. Several sizes of tables; wash stands, white pine thy sink ; meat chipping bench, ham- mock verandah Chairs, curtain stretch- er frames & quilting frames; newspaper rad(; egg crate, cobbler's outfit ; clocks; Picture, pkture frames & novelties; 240 lh scales. 2 tennis rackets, golf. clubs ..& Carrying ease; antique box stove with stove pipes; cherry cradle; spinning wheel; Cern stands, etc. Black walnut finish 0 pe -bedroom set, with led, springs, mattress. eh,tir & chiffonier; d maple, 3 Pe bedroom .en, with dresser, h stand. bed springs & mattress. Dark oak gtaincd, 3 pe bedroom set, with a dresser. stand & bol. Birch,' 2 pe bed s room set, with dresser & bed. Maple e lad, 2 bed splines; wardrobe, almost• e now; bedding boy several mattresses, x ere. Eng,, - 23101. 1--3x,1',; 1-0x12, 1 1--7a8 1--41.,:t6 1-12312. Quenttiy of small tugs, runners, and mats. Quantity - of curtains, drupes, bed spreads, bninketa comforters, p woolen . •tern nrr it t int complete sot, d dishes 12 Pince mat, � almost a mPtete art, d Limoges China subject to a reserve bid or withdrawal from sale if sold private- C ly.Cmekery, pots, pmts, kitchen uteu- m IN MEMORIAM limey In loving memory of our deur unci Henry, who passed away Oct, 27th 1955: Itis wealy hour- and days of pain, Ilia troubled. nights arenet; And 1n our Thing hearts we know Ito has found sweet. rent at. last. God knew that he wassulterhur, :Agin tint Mlle were herd to olimb; So Ile ;dosed his weary eyelids And whispered: 'You'll be mine." --Alwaya remembered by Della. Bill, Douglas and Kathryn. IN MEMORIAM Homy -Ln loving memory of my dear huaand Homy Roegy who pnaecd away on Oel. 27, 11165 God saw You getting weary Then did what he thought best, He put His arms around you And whimpered, come and met. It 'doesn't need a special day, To bring .you to my mind, For days we do not think of you, Are very hard to and. --Lovingly -remembered) by your wife Annie Notice to. Creditors IN TRE. ESTATE OF EMMA SIEMON, DECEASED All creditors and others having any claim against Emma Skelton, late of the Township of McKillop its the County of Huron, win died on or about the 15111 day of June, A.D. 1056, are hereby noll- lied to forward to the undersigned full particulars of their claims on or .before the 10th day of November A.D. 1956. After the hast mentioned date, the assets of the ealate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regal only to the claims of which notice las been received. DATDD at Mitchell, Ontario, this 16th day of October, A.D. 1956. CLAUDE HORNE Mitchell, Ontario Solicitor for the Estate FOR SALE 17 pugs eleven weeks old. J. E. Mac - Leat, 665r21 Seaforth From lot 11, emTRAM STRAYED Tp white faced' Hereford steer. Approximately 900 the. Anyone knowing the whereabouts, Please call Clarence Malmsey, 46r20 Dublin FOR SALE t raw suitable S t su tab( for baling.Mrs. .Toseph 1 Melndy. phone 6614 Dublin Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stock and Machinery oleo house- hold effects. Al lot 19, con. 7, Morris Tp. 2tf_ miles south and 8 miles west of Brussels on Tuesday, Oct., 30 at 1 P.M. Black Percheron team aged, 1600 lbs. Cattle -7 Durham cows milking well and bt•ed from May to June. 3 Durham far- row cows, 6 Durham & Hereford heifers rifting 2 years old, 2 Durham & Here- ford steers rising 2 years old. 8 Durham & Hereford spring calves. Machinery- - International farmall II tractor. 2 fur- rowed Btternational plow like new. Int- ernational 13 disc fertilizer drill drag harrows, stiff tooth cultivator, 4 section iamond harrows, 6 ft. Deering mower, ay loader, side rake, 51 -II manure amender. rubber tired wagon, hay rack, et settles, farm Neighs, McC-D. cream eparator, like 110,0. Quantity lumber Mar posts. Forks, shovels, chains. 8 arch maple body wood. Colony house 10 12. Hay & grain. 40 ton mixed hay, o0a bus. ants and barley. 400 bus. oats. Furniture - 9 piece modern dining rdamY su110, 111(0 new, extension table, o es occasional ch fro bed room <uenl tables, a s n � n • �mattrtw, sea resserre, annul , o ru he. tessera stands. Good Cheer white ena- ct kitchen range, like new; Gond hear heater (new). Drop head sewing aehine and maty other household «'1' ects. Terms each, No reserve. Farm ]d. Prop„ Norman Dodds; Ant, Harold Jackson ; Clerk, E. P. Chesney ,t..' t 4's4+3t+:74. ,.24 v�"''•"wr.rn.:i',`J'31"u0''"i0'.'wt�4,''..^v1'r!%^u5:10i'vf+'vc�'Ci t 9^.:5•.'r li92r^c u' f041(vK&3b2✓ 48COr14d43eSfR9"P?TG § s, mirror•,home canning outfit with uantity of usedtin can. etc, Ed orbett, Auctioneer. Ira Geiger, Prop. C AND ('RAW FOR 1956 ff'LDSMOBILE SUPER '88' FOUR -DOOR HARDTOP You MAY WIN -- BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW ! Draw takes place at 11.30 P.M. SE.AFO 7TH MEMORIAL ARENA Doors open at 7.30 P.M. MONSTER TORCH LIGHT PARADE With members of Seaforth Fire Brigade in charge School children in costume leave Town Hall at 7.30 P.M. led by RCAF Bugle Band and Highland Pipers GAMES OF CHANCE: O OVER -AND -UNDER ®6 FOWL BOOTH WEIGHT GUESSING O KIDDIES' GAMES 1:3 CHIL tREN'S EVENTS VALUABLE PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUMES FREE ! -- CANDY FOR TIIE CIIILDREN - FREE ! If weather is cold, Arena will be heated for your comfort PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK AND BER 31 ADMISSION: Children (under 12) FREE Adults, 25c each rs1+geesd'iewttalm9tamosA dtwengi ancanCBit4@fpr~649M19fe-4t4G9(titangt. ovutt16i, ou BINGO in the Heated Auditorium Seating for 500 VALUABLE PRIZES Cards 10c. 3 for 25c PROGRAM Featuring Special Treats for the Children ANNA MAY and her trained animals See these outstanding acts - See her horse that is almost human, perform amazing acts The Seaforth Rascals in a. hilarious routine The PAUL BROS. in song and dance And other added attractions DANCING With Music by the Legionaires In the auditorium commencing at 11 p.m, Admission 50 cents 1 1 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Charles Pinder a•knowledges with thanks the kutttime of Me friends and nelghbore for Noels and hewers. Also Rev. 110011 while I was a 1301,1011t In St. Joseph a Hospital Landon, (hu. ,Banished 1.00111O R0 oil Went }q•illintn st. Immediate possession. Rent very meson - able, Mrs. Roland ICeamdy, Seaford: FOR SALE .Sprayed Apples. SPY Greening-Ptcwel- kn•, Snow, Macintosh, Delicious 101 matt Sweet and Cider apples, Phone Clinton 3214. Fred Mcetymon t Varna Beatty washer Rued only one year. Phone 6 4t i3 Seaforth FARM FOR SAL E- llie acre level well drained loam. Frame house, large L shun barn, drive shed. hydro and pressure ,rater in build - Ines, 11000 see. ft, of flour space for chickens. Near Welton, Apply George SI, ,se, RIM Seaforl.h FOR SALE llelntrman upright piano. in good condition. Phone 8361.22 housekeeper 1dA NI/tablosa ED couple. All modern appliances. Apply. Shapiro Lad- ies Wear, 28 Downie St., Stratford. FOR E Purebred Leiceettersnno-1 aged ram, 3 shearliags and 1 ran lamb. These Mal o 0'017 in our show flock, Wm. It, Pepper, Seaforth 2(105, Phone Clinton HU 2-7634. 88 Do FOR SALE Seaforthtlge' C. Malone, phone 470 M Custom whiteNVnahi1Og.E Louis. Maloney, Seaorth, Phone 64r10 Dublin central Clearing Auction Sale Household Goods Of r o . AntwSb. M n real St.. Mitebell, 1 hlook north of Bank of Commerce, on Saturday Oct. 27 at I o'clock sharp, M&R piano and stool ; caning room suite with extension tattle, china cabinet and 6 dining chars; sew- ing cabinet, mirror, large rocker, round walnut table; cot,springs, mattress; 2 tab (e lampss dnid ure a hall reek, k hull tree, entail stands acane chants, small vacu- um. cleaner3 pc oamd mite; footsW l oak table, enctables, Irllightlamp: Acme cook slave, 6 kitchon Chairs, kitchen table, eleettde Singer sewing machine; radio cabinet, electric clock, electric tea kettle, electric iron, 2 electric toasters, electric plate, electrlo washing machine, 2 beds with springs and mat- tresses; Quebec heater, windows and glans ; oil heater; trunks, sausage grind- harnes., shoe repair bench 11 and a s too;toot of other articles. Terms cash, Property -8 room house, 3 pe bath, furnace. Terms of properly, 1(1% day of sale, balance in 30 days. Reserve bid. Estate of Edward - Diegel, Iiarold Rock, Executor. Fred W. Ahrone Aunt. Auction Sale Of Cattle, At Lot 14, Con. 2, Stanley T`vp., 114 miles west of Brumfield on Friday, Nov. 2, at 1 P.M. 30 heed of Holstein cows and heifers, several fresh ; other due time or sale. Balance due in Nov. and Dec, Number Durham end Hereford cows, 15 head of ;Holstein open heifers, some registered. All vaceimned, 111 head of stocker miters and steers. Also few young calves. Pigs -0o chunk, York pigs. Plan to at as this ie n good ug olivestock. offsun f Se , 1 v" Sale he held wide covert 'Pvnurs cash. Prop., II'Arcy Rathwell & Sons. Aust., Harold Jackson Township of McKillop COURT OF REVISION The Council of the Township of Me- I011np will meet as a (hurt of Revision on the Assessment of 1966.07 at Carne 1 0,o anwtY`050, ie at 3AM. Parties interested should govern themselves accordingly. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop ASSUTAGENTS WANTED Yourself Jito nusineea hn good vacant territories. Numerous ad - lantana. Free Specials eath month. Advantageous commission. You will win easily from S00 to 075 per wedge. 518 re- Mquested. JI'rO t Dept. 6- 6130 St, Hubert ontreal SALESMEN WANTED WANTED; Reliable man 00 Dealer in Huron County. Icepeionce not neces- snry. A line opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Pro- ducts have been sold for years. Big pro- fits. Prodnete furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. 3-36.4-163, Montreal, P.Q. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Have excellent opening's for men resident in Stephen, Us - borne, Hay,Stanley, Tucker - smith, McKillop townships of Huron County, must be well- known and highly regarded with sales experience. Must have some agricultural background. Car necessaa'y. On this jab you can be home nights. Prefer man who is semi -retired or one who could devote full-time, Repeat business makes this position a life time occupation. Excellent opportunity for advancement in company for those :who are ag- gressive. Apply in confidence to: Mr. E. McLachlan, Vice Pre- sident, Na4Churs Plant rood Co. Limited, London, Ontario. VIOLIN, CELLO, THEORY LESSONS Every Monday evening in Seaforth. Call 743 w. A few violins still available for beginners FOR SALE Two snow tires and tubus, 6.70x 15, used about two weeks. George Fox, Walton. Phone 830133 Seaforth FOR SALE 1940 Dodge sedan, heater and radio, moderately priced. Mrs. William Martin, Kippen, phone 600r13 Hensel( Apartment to TOnt in , with bath; heated. Apply to News- Office Auction Sale Henan nHousehold o nsedWednesdays• In Oct. Village 1 tagat o1 P.M„ the Estate of late Wm. E. Foster, Main street, Chesterfield suite, chester- field bed (like new), day bed, gateleg 101310, 6 dining room chairs, buffet, pede- stal: reed chairs, 2 occasional chairs, 4 small tables, coffee table whatnot, man- tel clock, 2 bedroom suites, springs and mattresses, bed linens, electric lamp, 2 bedroom chairs, electric heater, clothes hampo,l vanity and bench, chest of drawers, electric clock, scatter mats, 2 Axminster .rugs curtains & drapes. Pic- tures, china and kitchen utensils. Cole- man oil heater, Sunshine 4 burner elec- tric range, General Electric refrigerator, kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, arm chair, hall tree, washing machine, tub and stand, Floor lamps, porch furniture, .22 rifle. Other articles too numerous to mE. Fostern. s serms lEstate of to Bell &Laughtion Soicitoreo, Auctioneer, Harold Jackson, Clerk E. P. Chesney. For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU Revenue Producer. Duplex, North Main, all modern conveniences; early possession. Low Down Payment Balance monthly 3 apartment brick dwelling, East William street. 100 acre farm without barn in Hallett Twp. Part under cultivation M. A. REID Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD Phone 47 TH10 SIt7AFORTH NJSWS Thursday, October 25, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention - Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones; Day 13 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth fOUIMIONIMPANYOMMOWliliernasoNapeinANSIMMEWZROalatED SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M,D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat. =lay only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made In advance arm desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0, TURNI3ULL, D.V.M„ V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 106 TORN E. LONGSTAFF • Optometrist Phone 701. Main St„ Seaforth Hours--Seaforth da -i1, except Mon,,. 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12,30 PM. Thur, evg by appointment only. Olinton HU -2-7510, above Iiawkins' Ildwo, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST„ SEAFORTH, ONT. All hinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest st rates iu First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident o Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM Mt FIART Office Pllone 784 - Res. 318w FOR SALE The better all -electric Viking cream separator In all sizes, in stainless steel. Repairing a apeolalty. Also parte- tor Renfrew separator, A few reconditioned separators in other makes on hand at present. Basil O'Rourke, phone HN 2- 9131, Bruceaeld Hygienic 0E9psNAL mailed postpaid in plain sealed ennyelooppm) with price list, 6 samples 25c; 24 sem- pies 01.60. MN1.Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. NOTICE For artiacial insemination informs• tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2.3441 between 7,30 and 9.30 A.M, We have all breeds available -top quality at low coat. DQuick, RA inexpO ensive0ndR$ srnamimeed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dlok House, phone 347R, Seaforth If you want NOTICE io gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE Clock Radios 3995 SAL Clock Bulova clPortabledl also availabl . SAVAUGES, Seaforth The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE SBAFORTA, ONT. Officers -.President, Wm. S. Alexander; Vice -Pres., It. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M, A, Reid, Seaforth. DKngMyth; . anr,H.1cEwiW5.. Aexde Pepper, Walton; Brucofie aver C. W. nLeonhapdt,T. , Bornholm ; H. Fuller, Goderioh ; R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents - Wm. Leiper Jr., Londeaboro T. F. Procter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker, Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth, Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to nay of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS. Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN & BROADFOOT Phone 254 NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith pad The DmTownship i,, Grounf d asituaatted oth ne-half mile west of Egmondvllle, .Con. '3 HRS, will be open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith, on Wednes- day and Saturday afternoons from the hours of 2 to 6 p.m. No wire, car bodies or garbage (organ- ic) is to be deposited and ail dumping must be done under the supervision of the: inspector.