HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-10-25, Page 5THE S17AFORTII NEWS- Thursday, October 25, 1356 BEST BUY SPECIALS PILLSBURY Chocolate DOMESTIC Cake Mix . , pkg. 33c SHORTENING KELLOGG'S CORN Giant 1 lb Carton, ...27c FLAKES SWIFT'S GOLDEN Pkg . , , , 31c DEW MARGARINE APEX COCKTAIL 15 err •or a$k� Y FRUiT 1 Ib 25c OLD DUTCH BLEACH oz. tin 25c 16 oz. Bottle , , .. 13c ,; 32 oz. Bottle .... 23c effERd;,.. , 1X• h Noodle VegetabeSoup ¢%L tf 2 pkgs. 21c pp ' Fta! r. Shell for 11 4011/0 i♦ } � ti x " t Cash your out DET RCEN+T Hallowe'en LiWU10 MIRACLE F09 KISSES 1 Ib. 25o ALL FAMILY WASH! Peanuts (in shell) lb $3c McIntosh Apples 890 LARQ'sE.47 fas Snow Apples 59c BUTTER NUT PEANUT BUTTER GIANT C 16 oz. Jar....310 Wisk Coupons here WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT r Women's Hospital Auxiliary Rummage Sale AT TIIE LIBRARY SAT., OCT. 27 - 2 pant, Collection will be made on 'I'I' dry ellernbdit, OM. 90 Phone 122 or 111 BORN Vellenga- Al - Scott Memorial Remind or Oct. 17, to Mr. and Mas. Lleuwe Veilenga, 5111 Brumfield, a daughter Brows — - AL Scott Memorial hospital, on Out, 10, to Mr. and Mra. William Item n Egnwndvllle, a son Martell -- Al Sauk Memorial Hospital on Oet. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mor- tc11, Seal'orih, a son Dale At Smit Memorial rinanitah on O,7.. 22, to Mr. and Mrs, Milton Oslo 1051. Clinton, a daughter .dam ?;,,sax. • ; a Announcing a Ne t, rice J S A11 lines: Fire, Auto, Casualty and Liability Also representing the Crown Life THE MacDonald Insurance 4rgency Phone 254W Office iu residence on North Main Street J. A. MacDOI\`'ALD TOWN TOPICS Rev, Dr, J. Semple will preach the anniversary sermons aL Mount Q''orest on !Sunday and lecture Monday night 'at the congregational dinner. .Mr, and Mrs, John Kellar re- turned Sunday from Chicago where they attended a conven- tion and visited friends and rel- atives, Mrs. 'R C. Bonnett, her cousin, of :Clarksburg,- West Vir- ginie, accompanied them home from Detroit for a visit, Dr. Donald J. !Munn left by air for 'London, England, on Saturday to resume postgradu- ate training. Attending the funeral of the late Mrs. John Mc:Laurin at Kincardine on Tuesday were MT. and Mrs. George McGavin, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLean and Mr. Fred MeGavin. Mrs. Mary Box and 'Mrs. Pau- line McMaster are attending the annual convention of the On- tarioHospital Association meet- ing in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, this week. Approxi- mately 2500 delegates are talc- ing part. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon 'Flays of Detroit were weekend .guests of Mrs. C. P. Sills and (Mts. R. S. Hays. 'Mrs. 'Rose Ibbotson, Guelph, spent a few days last week vis- iting with frieinds. Mr. and IMrs. Frank White, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. B. Cleary. Miss Peg Q•uarrie, Kitchener, iting with friends. .Mr. and Mrs, S. Henderson of 'Mitchell were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and (Mrs. E. Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. C. Henderson. Mrs. John Boyd Sr. of Wal- ton, is a guest of :Mr. and Mrs. Win. !Leeming. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon McGon- igle spent (the weekend with rel- atives in Aurora, ',Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dale, of Sarnia, were visitors over the weekend with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne .Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Agar, and Mr, and Mrs. Russell Anderson, of Sarnia were called here this week owing to the serious illness and death of their mother, Mrs. Thomas Broome. Mrs. Wes Agar and daughter Donna and Wm. Musgrove of Sarnia were Sunday visitors in town, Mr, and Mrs, Evan Hoffman and Florence of Burlington :pent the (weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Hoy Lawson, Goderich St. West. llr. Arne Buch, who has spent the summer in Denmark, is vis- iting friends here encoute-to his home in Alberta. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Adams on Sunday afternoon included Mrs. Annie Henderson and daughter Gladys of Mitchell and 'Mr. and Mrs. John Gorbutt of Winghain. Clair Haney arrived home on Monday from Strathroy Hospital where he has been since his re- cent racing accident. He is wear- ing a cast and is :able to be up and around, u.aa:::aa Upper Canada Bible Society Cjmmunit: ser vice in Northside United Church SUNDAY, OCT. 28 AT 7 P.M. SPEAKER, REV. R. N. KEYES Bible Society Representative A FILM WILL ALSO 13E SHOWN ON THE WORK OF THE BIBLE SOCIETY Everyone Welcome Slasher S.. le Special • - ONE ONLY NEW CIIEVROLET 210 SEDAN FALL CLEARANCE 1951 PONTIAC COACH 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 MONARCH COACH 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1948 PONTIAC COACH 1949 DODGE SEDAN Clearing for 1957 deliveries No reasonable offer refused - - you make the offer OPEN EVENINGS 8 TO 10 ranoirknIIIIIMi ki 1 PHONE 641 parcels after which she expres- sed her appreciation to all, and all joined in singing "For She's a Jolly Good fellow", Lunrh was screed: Misses ,Helen and M a r y Thompson, of iFergus, spent the weekend with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Cals. der McKaig. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Harburn with 'Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley of Mitchell. !Messrs. J. Hocking, K. Midler, R. Morris and iD. Miller visited during the weekend with Mr. and !Mrs. Arnold Storey, King- ston. The annual Dalrymple party was held in Staffa Hall on Fri- day night. CROMARTY TheMarian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary Thanksgiving meeting was held in the church with the ladies of the WMS as guests. Mrs. 'Carter Kerslake presided and opened with the 'Call to Worship. The scripture lesson was read by 'Mrs. Eldon Allen. Business was conducted by the president, Mrs. J, !Miller, who also offered the dedication prayer, A thanksgiving topic was given by Miss Olive Speare. 'Mrs. Eldon Allen and Mrs. Robt. Laing sang a duet "Count your Mercies" :with 'Mrs. Sam McCur- dy as accompanist. 'Mrs. G. Cle- land, Listowel, who is Presby- terial President was guest speaker and gave an informa- tive address on the work which is being accomplished by She WMS. 'Mrs, Calder MoKaig thanked all those taking part. The ,meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer and a social half hour was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Wallace, Margaret and Deborah and Mrs. Grace Scott visited in London with Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Cadick on Sunday. The ladies of the 'WMS were in Seaforlbh on Thursday as guests of the IM'OKillop Auxiliary at their Thanksgiving meeting and at St. Marys on 'Monday as visitors with the ladies of First Presbyterian 'Church who were celebrating :the 70th anniver- sary of their WMS. 'Mrs. 'T..L. Scott, Mrs. E. Moore, Mrs. L. Sorsdahl, Miss Olive S:peare, Mrs, M. Houghton and Mrs. T. Laing were guests at the Carlingford W. I, meeting on Wednesday night and assist- ed with the program. The sympathy of the commun- ity is expressed to 'Mrs. Jas. Miller whose 'father, Mr. Elmer Scott passed away last week. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Wallace visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace, 'Carling- ford. Mr, Oswald Walker has re- turned hone from South Huron Hospital where he had been con- fined for two months. A ,miscellaneous shower for 'Miss Caroline Walker, bride of the week was held at her home on Friday night with ,Misses Wilma Harper and Alice Sors- dahl and Mrs. I3tu•ry .Elliott in charge of arrangements. Mrs. T. L. Scott led in a singsong and also contributed a solo number. Mrs. Walter O'Brien gave a reading .and several contests completed the ,program. The pre- sentation of it !beautiful array of gifts followed with Mrs Harry Elliott reading .the address and 'Shaven 'and Karen Stott carry- ing a 'decorated basket laden with the gifts. tivlrs.:Elliott as- sisted 'Caroline in opening the EGMONDVILLE :Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Semple and fernily of Kitchener were guests on Sunday with the form- er's parents, Dr. J. and Mrs, Semple at the :manse. Recent visitors with 'Mrs. J. S. Watson and Miss Alice Wat- son were fMr. and 'Mrs. G, Man- ning and Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Clark and family of QM2uirkirk. Sunday 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew (Houston were Mr. and Mrs. Grant 'Houston, Ay- ton, ,Mrs. Vera Watson and Mr. Chas. Stephens o.f Exeter. Miss Frances Houston is spending a week with friends at Brantford. Mr, and 'Mrs. Andrew Hous- ton spent a recent 'weekend with friends in !Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Will Scotchmer have returned from a pleasant visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and iMrs. Yallop of Toronto, We are pleased to know that Mr. Clair Haney is able to re- turn to his home after hie re- cent accident, we hope that he may $oon be restored to his us- ual health. 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Keyes of Windsor spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes. CROP REPORT Fanners are still taking ad- vantage of the very fine weath- er to catch up on outside work: considerable progress has been Made with silo filling, harvest- ing of beets, turnips and fall ploughing, says G. W. 'Montgonr- ory, Agricultural Representa. tive. Northside United Church Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Ball, B.A., P.D., 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Special 'Service in ob- servance of Laymen's Sunday. A full Male Chorus will lead the singing. Dr. Paul L. Brady will speak on the sulbjeet "A Layman Looks At The Church". 'Other leading laymen will share the conduct of worship. This is a 'Service ,planned for laymen by laymen, and all our people should (lake a special effort to attend. 2.30 pin., Presbytery Rally in Ontario 'Street ,United Church, 'Clinton, to climax ,tie week-long Preaching Mission under the au- spices of Huron Presbytery. 7 p.m., A Community Service in our Church under the aus- pices of the Local Branch of the Upper 'Canada 'Bible Society, with the 'Ministers and Congre- gations of First Presbyterian, St. Thomas' Anglican, Egmond- ville and Northside U ni e d Churches participating, All are welcome. 8,15 p.m., Y.P.U. First Presbyterian' Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. 11 a.m., Morning Worship. Evening Service withdrawn and a joint service will be held in Northside 'United 'Church in the interests of the Bible So- ciety. Egmondville United Church Rev. J. Semple, Minister. 10 a.m., The :Church School and Bible 'Classes. Special :film for the boys and girls. 11 a.m., The Public Worship of God; Guest Minister, Rev. F. Bramley Heys, 11 a.m., Nursery 'Classes. 11.30 a.m., Junior 'Congrega- tion. 7 p.m., The annual meeting of the •Bible Society in 'North- side United !Church. 7.30 p:m,, .Brucefield Anni- versary. We send our most cor- dial greetings. Tuesday at 8 p.m., meeting of the official board. Wednesday at 8 p.m., meet- ing for Bible study and prayer, .November 4th, Sacrament of Baptism. You are invited to all our services. Reception and Dance FO R MR. AND MRS. FRANK NIGH Friday Night, Oct. 26 At the Community Centre, Zurich ,Turkey Supper AT DUFF'S CHURCH MoKILLOP Wednesday, Nov. 7 from 5.30 Admission: Adults 1.50, children under 12, 75c. Tickets available from members or at door night of the sapper BAZAAR FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Saturday, Nov. 3rd Starting at 3 o'clock Sale of homemade Baking, Pro- duce and handmade articles Afternoon Tea BRUCEFIELD The Autumn Thankoffering of the WMS of Brumfield Un- itedChurch was held on Wed- nesday evening, Oct. 17th when guests were present from Hen - sail, Kippen and Northside Un- ited 'Church, Seafel:lb. The pre- sident, !Mrs. S. Davison presided and opened the meeting with the reading of a poem 'and a hymn, and gave the words of welcome. The devotions, were lead' by iMrs. IFI. Dalrymple, with Mrs. G. Graham reading a thanksgiving meditation and Mrs. B. McClinchey leading in prayer. All enjoyed the num- bers given by the ladies from the, visiting churches. Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. T. 'Coates from Hensall sang a duet, Mrs. H. 'Caldwell, Kippen, gave an in- teresting reading, Miss ,Betty Ross sang a solo entitled "He" and a duet by (Mrs. P. Moffatt and Mrs. A. Johnson, ISeaforth. Four 'CGIT girls received the offering. Mrs. Robert Allan in- troduced the speaker, Mrs. 1. Desjardine, of Grand 'Bend, who spoke on Stewardship—Our Time, Our Abilities, Our Pos- sessions. In speaking of our time, she said if we figured out how the hours of the day are spent we would be surprised what a small portion is given to God's work, and that most of us have only one talent but we should use that to the best of our ability. Then to give our possessions according as God has 'blessed us. 'Mrs, Ross Scott presented the speaker with a gift in appreciation of her in- teresting and inspirational talk, Mrs, L. Wilson thanked all who helped make the meeting so en- joyable. At the close of the meeting all were invited to the Sunday School room for lunch and a social hoar. WINTHROP The 'C,G.I,T. and leaders ex- pect to call at all the homes 00 Monday evening, Oct. 2ttth with their C.G.I.T. bags for dona- tions for their missionary pro- ject, Pins, needles, soap, ash cloths, towels, etc, will be great- ly • appreciated. Afterwards, they will enjoy a Hallowe'en •patty at the home of Mrs. Will Dodds, thus combining sharing with pleasure. Miss Ethel McClure visited her sister and(brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Taylor, of Staffa, last week. Mrs. J. W. Patterson is visit- in'Clinton with 'Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Mrs. Melvin Nichol and two children of Stratford, 'Mr, and Mrs. Ben Gibson and -two child- ren of Corrie told Mr. -and firs. Gerald Watson and two children of Blyth were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Blanchard and Mr. Iliram Blanchard on Saturday evening. The WMS and W.A. will hold their meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Wed., Nov. 7. The delegates to the Presbyter- ial will give their reports. Rol] call will be on 'Peace. It is asked that each member donate such items as soap, washcloths, pins, Shop Independently and Save SPECIAL FEATURE. I:tobin. Hood Cake Mix 2,49c Roman Meal Muffin Mix with plastic dish. ,each 49c AYLMER CATSUP, 11 OZ. 2 for 39c SCHNEIDER'SLARD 2 for 390 DELMAR MARGARINE 2 for 56c FACELLE FACE TISSUE 2 for 390 POTATOES 10 LBS...290 SPY APPLES 6 LOS. 450 JOHNSON'S FLOOR CLEANER, for waxed floors, Vi gal. 69c 25% Reduction on all Paint in window display CLAIR HANEY Eglnondville GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 72 thread, etc. This is the last call for second hand clothing. Circle 4 will have charge of lunch and Circle 3 of the program. Anniversary services will be held in 'Cavan 'Church on Sun- day, 'Nov. 4. Rev. Clarence Fers guson of ,London will 'be guest speaker and Rev. George Watt of Dungannon in the evening. There 'wil'1 be special music by the choir, assisted by outstand- ing talent. HENSALL Prices at llensall Community Sale Oet. 18th. Weanling pigs $9.25 to $13.; chunks $15.00 to $17.80; feed- ers $19.00 to 326.00; sows $72. to $81.00; Holstein cows $122. to $131.00; Durham cows $126. to $156.00; Holstein calves 313.. 50 to $45.00; Durham calves $19.50 to $52,00, 406 pigs and 90 head of tat tle and calves were sold. SONE EARLY BAZAAR AND FLAKING SALE AND AFTERNOON TEA In Varna Twp. Hall Saturday, Oct. 27th From 3 to 5 P.M. Auspices of Varna W.A. A Grand IRISH CONCERT bringing you well known Irish Artistes in a Feast of Irish Music and Song "DON'T MISS IT I" FRIDAY, OCT. 26 St. Patrick's Hall, Dublin 0.00 P.M. Under Auspices of C.W.L. Admission Children 30c — Adults 750 hfic r NOW r UYING BUCKWHEAT Call us for prices We are interested in buying SHELLED CORN f Lave dryer so moisture no problem Highest prices paid Topn*tch Feeds Li !ted SEAFORTH PHONE 15 Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON Drucefi Id United Churc 80TH ANNIVERSARY Sunday, October 28 CREST PREACHER: The REV. G. D. WATT, B.A., Dungannon AT BOTH SERVICES Special Music 11 a.m. - John D. Leyte, Parkhill, Soloist 7.30 p.m. - The Harbouraires, Male Chorus Church Minister .The REV. S. DAVISON Church Organist Mrs. .1. R. MURDOCH Neat to the Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 25 and 26 "THE KID FROM LEFT FIELD" Dan Daley Ann Bancroft (TWO CARTOONS) SATITRDAY October 27 "S I MB A" (!Colour) Dirk Bogarde Donald Sinden Box Office Open 7.30 p.m. First Show at 8.00 p.m. Standard Time CHILDREN UNDER 12 1N CARS FREE VaerOINemallOoReatI ThE TORONTO-DOMINOT BANK fie. bent A744. b %vLq 4eAvice, on Debentures and Guaranteed True Certificates 33 e 01 far 3, 4, 2nd 5 years for one and two years 01701 0 ERIE' Gi005IRO Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, PIensall Watson & Reid, Seafo h