HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-10-25, Page 2"Etter - :. Hut: Thi, winter
I plat) to ,Larry a young man
I've been emgageri to for nearly
a Bear, but as the time approach-
es I am realising how different
our concepts of married life are.
Dont 1reisiurrde:rstand me -- I
don't doti':,t his love, and we have
wonderful times together. But
marriage :Should Mean more than
'I've known that he like. to
drink tori much now area then.
I've alio :leen how clo. e he is
t0 hie men friends, even break-
ing our dates to play cards with
them. Thee are all single. and
Fm wondering whether. us his
wife, I'd spend mere n venin's
waiting for hint to a •s:e home,
That ien°t nee irif'a nr being
"I avant -e home ':4th tams, not
without Mtn. 1 love ctiiidrc:n,
and I want )nine m have e
father they grow up with. He
and I have had few evenings to
discuss things that matter ---
planning oar home?, talking
about hi:: .;•eines affairs, and
ibo intimate give and -tai. pf
two peopre who expect to polid.
the rest of tithe under one roof,
evenings we've been et
parties oI ,.hoes, always on the
go (his choice, net mine), and
vithout tl ri:'. communion of spirit
on which a sound mart iaio
should oe built. We cion t P.VOI
ge te
church together.. In
oth:rword. Ieee hiss' tittle a':e
New ddNeedle Art"
v t' ETI;1
!"S-!I'VI. (1:\"1y
• Neal 1.::.n,' AD
have int-.oniniou, and 1 ant un-
"He declares if I don't marry
him he doesn't want anybody
else , , . Is there anything I can
do to arouse his love for a
home life? Do you think I can
find it with him?
* It is not necessary that a
• man and hie girl have every-
' thing in common, but to marry
one whose pattern of living
" s so opposed t.o your own is
to start a battle of tempera-
" ments that could Well lead to
• disaster. Your picture of mar-
• riage is sharing a home with
your husband. raising a . fam-
, sly and making that -home the
centre of your life and theirs.
" There mild be love, of course,
" hut iove alone cannot guar-
" antic a good- life for either of
• pee- If your ?lance- expert, to
" continue coating his pleasure
mingling with his men friend::,
e you two would be in c•entlirt
from the .tart,
'Whit you want t+ eminent-
- mein within your own walls, a
1') I t i t it a 1 merman kinship. a
sense of well-being h1oed -on
' just being together.
Can it be that you two dif-
fer. so widely that Yon haven't
" enylhinie - in common but
a oils )rat Inco'? Gather up
- yin.u' e Onrat+ and •find out
• whether he intends to be a
r• out,tlu nu:.I band whose home
/Acme to r:at and sleep. or
it he i>' willing to give up play -
• hi,; at life• and follow the de-
eien of malure couples aho
" find their reward in - a rich
famhy tor them -
.sire it tit )r children
• If t , people Ld '• Not, 'net:e
' 1 1 tit 1 tritereih, and do not el.-
- ,,Oeralitu
t -
uhm t 11 i:. re• to-
t!, rnctl.a nsn become*
r; i! r I a61e thee. Ir is for
elle aerie, n'eide wheel
Arne Trivet: 1'rri l':,id
1''1 t, is" t.,•'eri. Some.
• ut nthe id, g t wanted to
iegil, ; 111- Ma'', moo-
r i lilts; Mine.?Linn„!i. Iic
1.irf n ha ( reee Harr)
1 ri iti,a414;i44, t al t fel
.,-, ili+44 1 r.tit r'n"( ,,.,t iP
I itNESON111,"
1:1. 1r,'s
..1 , tit1.,
,.-. - + i„_ •i.,, .'.I, 110
1 4 4,'14;1 1 1e•114 4144
• ter t
1,1'4-1 1411nrt. thea
i4i rit44.4. -
rol,.il i or•
” r.4440 -„It - anti !,,,(11
ler, et I. 1' e.ur :,: 1111111!1.;:',
t4; 1, ❑i;'. ..:erne'4-
11i :•: 11,•11. he ., '014 !.
aro..irni tit its; die elle,!' }Wt.,
t'•, . ret..rt alai alp tint. If 1,e--
• ' llrl cat1 on- tint'„ it et,1,_
etacn tt ,1,01 r•e'1,-
1 /1'21 ettAll'-'1 i t kin te•,1-
•• A4'! rite of • 1V(•I'f.1
41 ' I'm afraid
▪ r.' ..- h;,..•
vlitrriagr• is oat tor adolescents
whose happiness consists of good
times,. It is for grownups ready
to settle down and share the
iieliest experience life holds for
any of Its. Anne Ifirst will give
ecru her apininn on your prab-
len] if you write her at Box 1,.
113 Eighteenth St., Nein 'I'nron10,
CRAZY GOLF --IT'S COOL, MAN A white putting green calls
for an crarnge golfball. At on Arctic ice pack north of Point
Borrow, Alaska, do "boli' i, a reel orange. Chief Warrant
Officer William C. Crews linee, up an iron shot, right, as caddy
John W. Ledger look; away. The sailors are with the Navy
icebreaker Atka, participating in the resupply cf the. Di;tont
Early Warning rotor network, which stretch., across the lop
of North America.
BAWLING AND BOREDOM AT BABY SHOWS — Baby shows engender the oddest reactions from
these tykes, above. Left, one -year-old James Bonfilia starts to cry after winning the smile
contest. Coming to the aid of the chagrined grin king are Joseph Whalen, 11 months, and
Donna Dupont, 17 months. Right, this toddler saw little of a baby show in London, England,
and cared less. At least the adults were attentive.
avq.n-d oLLn.e P. Ct&'i.e
1 an; vie y- happ<: to say there
was quite a lot of threshing
dobe in this district during the
latter part of last week. It is
not finished by a long way but
at lea.- there was a little pro-
gress, Here';; hoping the wea-
ther stat fine :,o that all far-
mer: enti eelvaim r hal'; left nt
their -taring crap. It wag ace°
good ,V'S1i41: for the wind-up
of the ±.::.1;, Penin 511 ac1ntutts
it 4-,41... •a very vied elute. brit- I
c•aleiet 11Tree fen:i1 ceperienee
this: •4•4'1.4: 4,!14: rime we did not
ti;' rrt1 allit:y other
tt • t,
'nth,p our
].,.. end -. pleb,.,
Lilt -4'4:J, ,.,:1r 1!0 1,1211'''1 P0-
gareci 1•:(411 Al, a 112!1 12121,7
bee -i- .. ..r- . ,.t.: p4 rt; to die
:terius,s zee, w. e and du
mere ei mile; wtee. Ited 1'. 01,4'
be v _ ' o ;?foie g rr:0 , 41144,441
kttil (Vet, to that
.,�. -.41 :hi. guy hi u- I:IlUW the
cieh;eL iii 4:ke 11 1'7 114)':' I was
wood' l t; il'.i t1Ye other day
ween l.... 10,11::et E' for peaches
--Mei three 544,:4 1 a preach is
tuq.il, 'her ':Me 111 s- a friend
aaie to rm - -"Why don't you
got perches from the 5 . , , farm
—they v here 11,•, el:„. fruit:- That
sithOngh_ the
,5 t ni only about 6;:;
u_ , r:s,'e'l mlJ '. from here and
they lee e been grousing oreh-
.tid 1101ts ,ler gl,He a number
of xs1r se there 301 are,
good 0'...41 11eht ill OLlr OWIs
ueighbc:urtlo0,! and I didn't
snow 41. But I do know quite
a lot .,' folk are still driving
all the Why to the Niagara
fruit belt ,ictet to get a few bas-
ket.s :,1 1)41[101)44: , That is only
one 1::5ompb: but enough to
preen that it might be worth
rill V.111!,' to make a few ir..-
nmrlc' and explore the pox-
a -
of our MVO district be-
fore travelling farther afield.
Of code. c. it didn't tape me
lone, le, spreerl the good
newe t-relniel ire our own im-
mediate family. As a re5nit Bob
and do-. carate up and we went
311er amore peaches- But it w asrt't
a straight trip there and back
--not with Bob driving! We
climbed the "mountain” by one
road •.end came clown by an-
other. If it could be called a
road: To- be it was more like
a rooky winding trail through
the bet -ii. Of coua'1e the view
was niagnifieent ---the view al-
w'ays from prim -Heath.' a:-
aceessible place,.". At the foot of
the heir; we Lound many i,el-
atcd ranch-typi' houses built
amen'_ the shelter of tl e trey:.
Very nice. especial!( sum-
mer -7f that is what a person
likes. tint in winter . . I took
one lot: and had vi erns: of
orris -1111 d
teneri. with no at -
re .,. rl lh: 110, ; cpt by
ear --and ho',:' ..uuid a al' get
throne!, on sradorn-travelled
road:?: Supposing provi,'ioms rat;
low—n'- Norse en -cone was
Sllddel.y ta10,1 ill? People seem
to pi, to -tie h e741rc tne1 ill
hrosi , a place to live. Surely
there is a happy )medium be-
tween !1011'4 in i congested sttb-
divieirel end s1vay alit 111 some
neck of the good;:' However. it
rs a ease of everYone tr, his
1n- e=, I aUPPotet. Corny= to thirds
of it 1 visited one family last
week who had f0urei the happy
medlu•'1 It was -a farm- house, •
well hidden from the road and
yet only the distance of the
faun rate stood between the
occupants and a very busy
two-lane highway, well serviced
by hl e- running north and
It was 15 W.1, • mcotilg that
took toe to this ver; nice coun-
try home and it was one of the
hest meetings I ever attended.
Good because the members were
so alert to the important part
of W.f. work and also to affairs
pertaining to country women
as a whole, This was evident by.
the intelligent discussion of re-
solutions sent. in from the Dis-
trict area pending their pre-
sentation at the forthcoming
Convention- The pros and eons
of every resolution were con-
sidered in detail, and the dis-
cussion which arose was most
enlightening. Another •thing I
liked . , . evidently a few min-
utes at every meeting 18 given
over to studying the Institute
Handbook. That is a wonderful
idea. Too many members have
only a hazy idea of what lies
between the covers of that most
important little book—until they
are called on to take office.
Then it ie mord than likely the
Mooning pre:;debt or secretary
gets in a panic and studies the
book from beginning to end.
But however flinch she studies,
she cannot, in one gulp, gain
the same amount of knowledge
from '.he book that she would
have done had it been taken
in sma11 doses over a period. of
years. Maybe the W.I. Hand-
book 1110uid carry an additional
slogan besides "For home and
Country". Perhaps is should
carry Inc advise—"This book to
be read, marked and inwardly
digested—by easy stages."
By the was, how are all the
television fans liking the new
Channel 01 We are absolutely
disgusted. With Channel 9 we
got a '1marvellous reception. With
Channel 0 it is painful to watch
most of the time. It is partite
ularly annoying because CELT
has always iaeen our favourite
station. Now the poor reveptiou
is driving us to Buffalo,
Make Her Laugh
—And liVin $5,000
- Had a good laugh lately? 1?
so, yon ought In he feeling pretty
fit. Laughter's not only a fine
tonic, but it'e also a life -length-
ener according to an expert who
has conducted exhaustive re-
search into the value' Of laughter.
So serious is u Paris professor
about this laughter business that
he has been giving lessons on
how to lough. First he gets his
'pupils' — mainly tired businete
men and women --- to relax.
Then he plays a laughing record
on a gramophone and soon every.
body is laughing.
If people would only exchange
mare jokes and have more fun
in all they do, misunderstandings
would vanish from the world,
thinks Ml'. George Lewis. chief
of The National Laughter Foutt-
What is laughter? Take a deep
breath and read this ancient
technical description; '"It's -a
spasmodic movement of various
muscles of the body beginning
with those which hall clow the
eyes and those which draw bark -
wards and upwards the sides of
the mouth and then noel) it to •
expose the teeth, next affec•tieg
thou of respiration so as to poi.
duceshort, rapidly succeeding
expirations acc'ampanid 114
sound. , , ," So now you (cony. 1
A small outcast trip of Ceylon.
known as the Veddas, neeer
laugh.- When asked why, thee
reply: -"What is thine to 1011.411
at 1"
A suns of $5,000 was utla0 of-
fered to anybody who could
.make a certain- woman-- leach.
Hundreds of people tried to
vainly cracking jokes. She li=-
ened with a serious face to h4aal-
ing New York comedians w'i442-
cracking -- and neves' r've,t
smiled, -
Nobody won the prize. The
reason:' Because she was lump -
able of laughter. Her faii:sl
muscles had been paralyzed -005r
since she waS a girl.
Q. I have a figured tamp I
wish to pinee in front of a pic-
ture window. Should it face to-
ward the living room or the.
A. The decoration slimed lace
the living mato,
Add sees kbu to any ureal or
snack with a 10141 hots Bran
Gems, generously spread with
fresh butter! Easy to make:
Always ... when you Ilse
dependable Fleischmann's
Act!. Dry Yeast for lour
home baking!
Span Germs
1. Srei?
1/2 cup milk
5Hr in
1/2 cup shortening
1/s cup granulated sugar
11/2 teaspoons salt
31/2 cups bran flakes
Coot to lukewarm,
2. Meantime, measure Into bowl.
1/2 cup lukewarm water
stir in.
2 teaspoons granulated
Sprinkle with contents of
2 envelopes
Active Dry Yeast
Let stand 10 minutes, THEN stir
Stir in bran mixture and
1 well -beaten egg
11/2 cups once -sifted
all-purpose flour
and beat until smooth and elastic.
` ,mraxsarssx:,
Needs no
Workin an addirlonat
11/2 cups (about) once -
sifted all-purpose
3. Turn out an lightly -floured
board and kneed until smooth
and elastic. Place in greased
bowl. Brush top with melted butler
or margarine, Cover. Let rise in a
warm place, free from draft,
until doubled in bulk, about 11/4
4. Punch down dough. Helve the
dough) form each half into an
8 -inch roll. Cut each roll into B
equal pieces. Cul each piece Into
3 and form into small, smooth
balls. Place 3 balls in each section
of greased muffin pons. Brush
balls with melted butter or mar-
garine. Cover. Lel rise until
doubled In bulk, about 1 hour.
Bake Ina hot oven, 400", about
15 minutes.
Yield ---16 gems.
Fry together, then drain well Tj
� 8 slices cut-up side bacon
s'< 1/s cup 1lnely chopped onlon
2 Sift together once, then .Into bowl w
2 c. enco-slfted pastry FleurKr
et PA e. encu-sittod all-
purpose flour
4 tsps. Magic Baking. Powder
i/o top, salt 43
few grains cayenne
Cut In finely
1/t c, chilled shortening
Mix in
3/4 c. shredded cheddar cheese
3 tbsps. flnely-chopped
parsley Y<
Make well in dry ingredients; odd
c.. milk
and mix lightly while fork, adding 71
milk, If necessary, to make a soft
dough. Knead 10 seconds on
floured board. Roll out to 4- j
i x 16 -inch rectangle. 4
Combine baron chips, o 1 ns and!^
1/4 c,' Ilan seen*
Spread on dough. Beginning of
a. Lon ed e, roll u MAGIC's steady, even
g 9 p jelly-rollY
fashion. Bring ends together 90 •, rising action brings out all
form a ring; seal: Plate on sae the best In your other
greased cookie sheet. Cut 1 -inch
slices almost through to centre 1 fine ingredients, Get
with scissors; tum each slice partly lighter, more delicloua
an IIs side. Bake in a hot oven, s baked goods...
450", 15 to 20 minules.
Yield.. 1 ring. buy MAGIC
Baking Powder
today! -