HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-10-18, Page 6'Dar :t ute• Hirst; -Wheat lays
wife died three 'ear_ ago, her
parents e,lftt'red to raise -our
iittic 1wo-,slur-old hey, and I
gladly Consented. They have
done a fine job with him, but
now I am it) a most Uncomfort-
able predicament ... I recently
became elmar ed to a wonderful
girl of 22. whom my wife knew,
and we are planning to marry
the first of the year. My
parent-;-in.-Intl, however, have
violently and unexpectedly op-
;resod the marriage, and for the
first time in our affectionate
relationship 1 can ill at ease,.
"If° we ,ser married, .hall tee
take the boy to live with us as;
Iint:, jai itimL1
C ail
tliein for your
v v- for ha., -1 i+ I tt
t 1tt sl i l
het tri7t'
rots this c. „ ail doilies in No aft
ee 1 !e pineripple
Hems: i 1t 7' lr._'. •
Ii F tYd13t ('FNTi't
t 1 !,i I L',Vb.,1.
?:t rat ti 1
001,ii. n is P't11I:1tN
,? r It t roti -- 0 t .u'.
t.'ri . rot yneleielf, .
:vine tarn - it it., n11t
5: 1" Fr. its .._ err:utast, Idler
r trill t tr1 "'•11s. 00'1 -
SC11r1 n y••tu
lit r'1. 1V/1.7." .- w'1111
Wt_Fsiatteitie P1 :._tett at. it.
s'ta'r in New York "was an Intel-
ructus} phase I went through,"
says Jayne Mansfield, who
;thiol her back on the "egg-
head'life as she enters a sports
ea, on Me Hollywood, Calif;,
40r of the studio for which rhe
1lalurally, I want to do? '-Or
shall 1 give up the girl and wait
until I can find someone who
pleases them, tot? 'TERRY"
Yott will have a hard time.
* finding anybody who .will
" please your wife's- parents. It
* is not at all unusual that such
• a couple resent any girl tak-
o ing their daughter's place;
added to that, these two are
naturally reluctant to give up
" their grandson. It is. a two-
s way wrench that has roused
' much too much ill feeling in
this world; revolving in their
* -own small cirelc, they forget
" that life moves on and a good
* man is lonesome for a wo-
• man'; companionship and for
his sort':. I hope you will go
ahead with your plans.
' Your first consideration
should be to see that your
i• fiance and ','our lxty gut to
know and like each other.
Tale him to -visit her on
week - end afternoons a n d
Men engaging programs, -so
he will see her as part of
therm. She dhotrld do her best
' to win his confidence,. end
nr babi, will sot ct ell.
A, your ptlr'di in l e- see
h chill 1 r, -e 1 t, h'r)nlly
ul 1 n W family ht:. I hope
tit y will relax and accept
her. This is tlu' usual t•.'=uit
]11 r:t,lt tin.i1,i11t,
'.Dear Aline Hirst: I am a
widower in. my late 30's, with
a yours,, daughter. I have tenet,
in love with a girl of 20, whom
1 knit in college. She is di-
vorein; her husbande we are
• oar :;soros, each other until it is
fit:al. but I 1110 store she loves
1 .have comfortable !ileac,
and can ; lee her the security
sit': has not had. We are tem-
peramentally attuned — in fact,
everything eeems so very- trieht
that I am wondering about the
future' ;11 marriage was not
happy, .o perh.tps I am a bit
feee ui .
y'0111' l'111111.111
a long tine,. and 1 would value
r iisa joie ROGER„
t nl thele. i= a,*
't' t 11 to 11 ;
, t,i y011
1 a at; } esu .dnlnld 1101.
ih: _ „l ad 4.11h 11 ,
Y,',: �1 111, t101 :hod! 1'tat.•
td ll, 1 Wiil to , ttlu
nacre. She 1 fond t1!. Hilt,'
2111,1 ;111 till .Ile hitch 'tn-
* to ilittt: h 1 il! rtrltip, I;
VOU -r.• weithint the, rlift:.
your riras.r, to I1,y
nit 1 th, e Oa t'c 't to ,tit 1. t, trio
" two <r s entirely c In a.iL the,
' with 1C.a stitin Meats .'thi
n tr'tTitl llt.t , n>r..
rime should hitt 1 't t
three nice people.
In any troubled situation,
consult Anne Hirst before you
get too deeply invotveu. Her
nide experience and war -t
sympathy are yours for the
• asking., and her counsel is safe
to toltow, iTrite her at Box 1,
123 Eighteenth Street, New
Toronto, Ontario.
ague Killed Him
•1 v+ -t ' day Scar -:'s of hauls;,
beings lose their live,; by aceid-
erit, 31031 'tceid•'tilare di,'to
cotumotipl::a•a coat;es hot occ•ar..
iortally there aro tmu.t soli iit;;-
haps stoli as the Fronchnt nt
who do:red off in front of the•
tire. Ili>: t uodt•o le.:; [•aught
alight and he Vito fat: -ail':' tor-
Cmnsid'r the it n_ of the roan
who va walking alone with a
bottle Of avid in hi:> pocket. e t Some
bows were throwing stone , and
til:.• hit the man's poi'l:rt. It
didn't leave a mark on him. but
it l:ilied hint. The bottle was
broken, and the acid r•_ -01 . 1
and soaked into _hi:. Lod' :;rad
half an haat- he t: a,: rigid,
lei Jtanrti -t. a fee: rami t
11ti1' ie,0n t'^., pt'rfnrant+1; at
s social ftnu tion, h.or 00,2 of
;1k trice: he required the help
„t tv;r'!vc ,:ttung nu:n trout the
andi,''nt-e. 11,, prodotrrd a rope.
which he placed round his neck
and bald six men to take one
of the' rope while the 'biller
six took the ott"u' end, -
At a p,icrvt :.t„_'nal they Were
to start a 110 0' woe, With lilt
itt the nuddlr. Ent. something
went ' wrong. the Merl pulled
and the n)t ieian wae strangled
under. the r peS of the horrified
Not en long aga a man who
.wished to make:a romantic •cun-
quest gave --a girl sone .sweets
which he had doctored with a
lave. potion,. The girt gave a
-piece iso 'another girl. But the
- mats had blundered, for instead
of the love potion 'he had mis-
tat illy used a powerful poison,
and both girls died In agony.
crowned Miss America of 1957
shows her regal trappings in
Atlantic City. She's Marian Ann
McKnight, who, unlike other
beaaty contest winners, does
not plan to be an actress. Says
the queen: "I think home life is
more important than a movie
RY tart, R tttht,i AR
WARh'I•:N H A 11 t1
The Creation Story
Genesi. 1: 1.5, 9.12, 26-28, 31
Memory Selection: And (hod
saw everything that he had
made, and, behold. it was very
good. Genesis 1:31
For this last quarter of. the
year we hate an unique series
on thirteen of the great passages
of the Bible ranging from Gene-
- ars to Revelation. Six of them
arta from the Old Testament and
seven from the New Testament.
Each has a unique message for
Chriotiail life and thought.
For this lesson we have the
creation htorv. A scientist mice
said, ''Phere is no more po:<aibii-
ity of the world being here as
result of shame than of Web-
ster's Unabridged Dictiottats re -
saltine from an explosion in a
printing plant." EMI from wiles'
did the v:orid tonic" We read in
11, 1)11'11'i 11 1: "Thrr t.!gh faith we
under. t 1„rad that tiers worlds were
1 t., a to• the word or Cod .:a
'i 1 1}llhY 'thin! 1.1.05r. "1
001� s l Int : itch l:li it -
root ” The Bible bor,inswith the.
-In ti,tiss 1'• irnht', Clod."
t - 1,)0 tt 01" 10111'1..,
t -i .i rti i d Ili' tit.,'
Noti ti " 1,0111117 T 11?
yt 1l llil1-'e itL'1'ltniti :i,: in
ill, 1- 1 ,Uci of 1,01-, c at et„l1 !l}•
-111--In t Ilticc t« r;x The chri:-
Centure of el n t h 3, 034,
to :: a brief snnn iary of an
addreei Or1A Ins by Dr.
Ei;csarii 'S1 C 1 ally. mei of Ameri-
ca': : l «p nuclear physicists. Wo
Master "Science today is fatted
'skit the stark fact that creation
occurred et a definite time, he
said: stndtr, in radioactivity
leer-Iuentents• of time show that
all tilt moms n; the universe sod-
dente came into being 5.07 bit -
hon "ears aeo. Dr. McCrady eat
pro' eel eoneeen ever the dievov.
cry that an ;don e e::pin:ion does
trot ,ittot disperse or break up
matter, but cazter-s it, to cease to
exist.- This estimate is in a tee-
r,a'nl with geological estimatea.
Alt,ert Einstein taught tis that
the fundamental units of matter
Pre but pin points of energy —
power. Whose notv2'r:' The an -
awe' is in the Bible's first verse.
Men was the crowning work of
God's creation. He did not
evolve from a monkey. He was
made In the image of God. The
likeness is seen in the mental
and moral features, sueli as rea-
;con personably and fret wilt.
Gori is rive Ca_eat,or.
Q. I, it good form to state in
an introduction, "1 want to
stake you acquainted stilts,
A. •Thi:; 11 considered Yore
bad 101'10, tlir• ntl'ier oft-
tc,'sl expression, "Shake hands
with." It is much honer to say,
"Mr. Jones, Ivlr. Williams." o-,
•"fir Janes, n1!:y I present Mc,
Q Should one always ase the
naptin before drinking from a
glass of water at the dinner
A. Yes; this prevents any
chance of leaving All unsightly
smudge of food on the rim --of
the ;lass.
Q. What rules should be ob-
served in typewritten social_
A. Single• sheets or papar
should be used, written an. one
side only. And your signature
should always be written by
'� ewzt.dolin,e P. Cl& eke
My goodneee, our two wee
grandsons have been here quite
a bit lately — and I haven't
said a word about them. Isn't
that almost unbelievable --
coming from a grandmother?
Edward is only one week short
of four months old and he is
the happiest, most contented
little fellow I ever knew. And
that is not just the view of a
doting grandmother. Many other
people have said the same
thing, Even Isis mother says he
is easier to loot: after than Dave
ever was in his baby days.
David, of course, is no longest' a
baby. He is quite the little boy
and very proud of his "brud
tier." Dee lyras quite worried be-
fore the baby arrived in case
David night be jealocts. But
there isn't a sign of it, possibly
be ausc his parent' have always
been enrol'ul to give Dave a sense
et possession Edward is
David's baby as well es mum-
)) y'e; David's brother'and David
ill given the privilege of helping
et1 i'tch'y the cot or Carriage into
the house and to run around and
get this and that for baby bro-
theT. So it is all working out
very nicely and • everybody is
happy. It is very nice to have
two little boys come to visit in-
si,ead•of one. One is better than
Mane at all but all only child
needs so much careful training
if he is to grow tip.tntselfish and
unspoilt. -
Well, i•suppot'e there has been
plenty Of complaining about the
unseasonably cold, wet weather.
Yesterday was miserable and as
Partner and I drove along No.
ti Highway and acro -:s country
we noticed smoke 'coming from
a good many chimneys, intduct•
Ing the farmhouse belon•;in; to
trends in the He:peler district
whom we were a thing tor the.
first time for over a year. That
smoke cortin„ upward from the
chimney was a- very t y welcome
assn. TTu' 11011:Ni vva as warm as
the wcleorue we received, This
furtt as one of the few where
the grain harvest had been com-
pleted but of tour s' there: is
.till the silo to Silt 1 d,t't think
- 1 ever as 111 a country garden
where the 1e tete so many be•au-
tnui flat i t' --- almost every
kind ;'ott could think of --
nuaL. perennials, shrubs -•- all
with 0 profusion of bloom, The -
w'onten-folk in that family i•cr-
tainly have a green thumb --
but how they ever keep up- with
the Work I don't know. 11
grieved me to look around and
think that so much of "the
glory If the garden" will soon
be lost --. it will take only one
killing frost to do it,
While the women of the
party were admiring gardens,
turkeys, dogs and new-born
calves the men were"walking"
the farm — aver the ravine and
through the bush and the back
fields, discussing the merits and
disadvantages of the farm as a
whole — as farmers always do
when they get together.
here, at Ginger Farm, there
was a little extra activity this
morning. The stock truck came
in to take a cow and calf to
market. Partner was anticipat-
ing a little trouble in loading
the cow. But he needn't have
win'ried, 1I ivcstaeIc truckers are
hotter equipped to deal with per.
verse animals than they used to
be. A ramp with sides is lower-
ed from the back of the truck
to fit inside the stable door and
the cattle, with a little persua-
sion frail/ the rear, have no op -
Ilan but to Walk into the truck,
There is no excuse these days
for livestock to - arrive at the
stockyards bruised and beaten.
Thank goodness we have finally
reached the stage when care is.
usually exercised so that our
dumb animals are not subjected
to necdlees suffering. Years ago
I used to dread seeing a drover
drive into the yard. I reinember
one drover Partner refused to
do business with at all. He was
excellent at selling but terribly
rough with the cattle. We pre-
ferred a man — maybe not
quite so smart but certainly
more humane.
Our next worry will be sell-
ing the old ]lens -- and that will
be another story. Always, as soon
a.' the first heti is caught the
birds get scared and fly all over
the plate. Maybe the time will
wane when a specially wired irl
truck will he invented so that
liens like cattle, could just be
driven into the truth. I c'an't
vee any aeeeon why some stall
contrivance couldn't be invent-
ed - with movable partitions
for use in going from one c'a11
10 another.
Partner is very buy these
days rounding up useless wood
lying around the place, such as
neckyoltes and whiffle -trees.
They make excellent fuel for
tete fireplace. Of course the end
p.eces are salvaged for ,scrap
iron. Like all other farm folk
we have an awful aceumulation
of stuff, saved because "it might
come in handy sometime." But
ISSUE 41 — 1956
after all what is the use 01
horse-drawn equipment after Um
the team is gone? Partner gave
all his harness away a few years
ago but there is still plenty 02
other stuff around - enough t0
keep the fireplace going for
` quite awhile, -
Coating the inside of - silver
salt shakers with clear nail
polish prevents tarnish and cor-
rosion caused by the salt, When
the polish is dry, prick the
holes with a pin to allow the
salt to flow freely.
Coml,isarxvw: 'sues)
It's Our new PRINTED Pat-
tern! What a sewing buy for
you! ONE yard 54 -inch fabric
is all you need for each of these
styles; short -sleeve blouse, jerk-
in, and skirt. Make therm in
jiffy time!
Printed Pattern 4702: Mi -• s
Sizes 10, 12. 14, 16, 15. Blouse,
jerkin, skirl; each take 1 yttrd
64 -inch fabric in all given rr:IL
Directions printed on each
sue pattern- part. Easy-to-use„
accurate, assures perfect fit.
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal note for safety) for thin
pattern. Print plainly SIZII,
Send order to ANNE ADAMS,
123 Eighteenth St., New Tarots•
to, Ont.
k Tastier Entrees"
1/4 cup MAZOLA Salad 011
3 cups peeled, sliced anions
2 bouillon cubes
2 cups boiling water
2 tablespoons
Corn Starch
i/4 cup cold water
14 teaspoon salt
1/t teaspoon pepper
1 pound minced beef
5/4 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon pepper
HEAT MAZOLA in deep frying pan.
ADD onions; cook over medium heat until deep
brown, stirring well. -watery add
DISSOLVE bouillon cubes in boiling
slowly to browned onions,
MIX BENSON'S or CANADA Corn Starch with cold
water; stir into onion mixture. constantly.
COOK until clear and thick,
and keep hot,
ADD salt and pepper;
COMBINE minced beef salt
SHAPE six thick patties;pan fry pbroil.RRANGE on platter;Pour sauce over patti
es and
serve immediately.
YIELD: 6 servings,
For free folder of other
delicious recipes, write tot
Jane Ashley,
Home Service Department,
1.0, Sox 129 Montreal, P.Q.