The Seaforth News, 1956-10-11, Page 8READY - NEW i - . � O WEAR This fall's fashion lead- er is a single breasted suit with two or three button front. - Let us show you these distinctive new sults in worsted twists, flan- nel worsteds, pick and picks, and wide choice of new novelty fibrene worsteds. - Colors include charcoal and- banker's grey—new browns and a wide choice of smart "Ivy League" mixed color- ings. The New Look in FALL HATS You're old wide brim- med hat is due for the garbage can for sure— If you'll be well dress- ed you must wear a new narrow brimmed hat, with deep ribbon bands. See them here in all the new fall shades. 8.50 to BM TOWNE HALL SUITS The tops in quality, style and tailoring. rhe newest and best in zxclusiveEnglish suit Ings. 59550 MAJESTIC SUITS A moderately priced suit, expertly tailored of fine all wool import- ed sultings —styled in shorts, regulars and tails. 49050 EXTRA PANTS 10.00 PEERLESS CLOTHES Here's a bargain suit of entirely synthetic mat- erials, that has good looks and very excel- lent wearing quality. Plain shades of blue, mid -grey and charcoal only. An excellent value in low priced clothing. All have two trousers. Two -Pant Suits 35.00 KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Smith of 'Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert of Ilarr'iston. Mr. John Doig of Grand Rap- ids, 'Mich„ was called honte ow- ing to an accident suffered by his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig, when she fractured her hip in a fall at her home. Mr. Doig and his sister Janet returned to Grand Rapids, on Sunday, Miss Louise Hyde of London Bible Institute, and Miss Jean I'lyde, on the staff of the Osh- awa General ,Hospital, spent 'i'hanksgiving weekend with their parents, 'Mr.. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Hyde, of Windsor, spent the weekend with the formner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ,Lovell- on Sunday were:. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prout Mr. Mrs. Steve Lovell and son Jim, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Henry and son John, all of Chatham. Mrs. Leonard Lovell and son David Bradley are spending a few days with Mrs. 'Lovell's par- ents and attended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. Pete Wilcox on Tuesday. Mrs. Lydia Doig, 83, of Kip - pen, was taken by Bonthron am- bulance to Victoria Hospital, at London, Friday, suffering with a fractured hip, result of a fall when she slipped and fell in her home. At date of writing she was resting comfortably. Mrs, M. Landen, Marlette, Mich.; Mrs. Victor 'Longfield, Midland, Mich., Mrs. Walter Tarrant, Saginaw, (Mich., are visiting their aunts, Mrs. Jen- nie Winder, and IMrs. Elston Dowson, it is 23 years since Mrs. Longfield has seen her aunts, and it has been a nice re- union. 'Mrs. Wm. Burrage of Pasa- dena, California, has returned to Toronto after spending the past two weeks with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Norma Long, Her sister ac- companied her for a short holi- day. Mr. and 'Mrs. Eldon Herr of Winthrop, were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Miss Joyce Hood spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Mr.. and 'Mrs. Ed -Horton of Roxboro. Mrs. Edith W'ar'wick of Sud- bury, who has spent the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson, has returned home. Mr. and 'Mrs. Juin Biggar, Randy and .Priscilla of Calgary are visiting at the home of Mrs. Biggar's mother, Mrs. Wm. Deitz, and her sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Munroe. Mr. Taylor, Stratford, was a Thanksgiving guest with his grandmother, Mrs. Alice 'Dins - dale. W. M. S. The October meeting of the WMS of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, was held at the home of Mrs. Robert Elgie with Mrs. J. W. McLean as co -host- ess. Mrs, Emerson Anderson, president, chaired the meeting, which opened with the singing of "My Faith looks up to Thee". Mrs. Joe McLellan read sacred passages and led in prayer. 'Min- utes of the September meeting were read and approved. Mar- gie .Elgie and Sharon McBride favored with two piano duets. Mrs. John Sinclair gave a short article on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Ross Love sulbmitted very in- teresting and informative 'high- lights of the Huron Pres- byterial Sectional meeting held at Centralia, 'Oct. 3rd, The topic on "Korea" was given by 'Mrs. Russell .Consitt, as an in- troduction to their new study book. Nominating committee ap- pointed for officers were Mrs. Ross .Love, Mrs. J. McLellan and Mrs. Stuart Pepper; program committee, Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mrs. John A. 'Cooper and Mrs. Bruce 'McGregor. The president extended courtesy remarks to those taking part in the pro- gram and Mrs. Elgie for the use of her home for this meeting. Following the singing of a hymn Mrs. Anderson closed the meet - ng with prayer. 'Lunch was ser- ved by (Circle A. A meeting of the W. A. presided over by the president, Mrs. 'Harol'd Jones, followed, 'Plans were outlined for the annual bazaar to be held Nov. 17th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stogdill, of Toronto, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Mrs. Stogdill, who is a sister of Mr. Dowson, also visited with her brother, Mr. Lloyd 'Dowson of Varna. KIPPEN EAST Notice there is a change of date in meeting date of Kippen East W. I. which will be held on Wednesday, Oct, 24th at 8.30 at the home of Mrs. Alex ;McGreg- or, with Mrs. John Sinclair co- hastess. Ro11 call will be, "Some- thing My. Grandmother Taught Me." Motto: A child has three teachers, the home, the school, the church, will be given' by Mrs. R. M, Peek. Public Speaking, Sandra Doig. Guest speaker, Mrs. Robert Simpson. )Music; by Mrs. 'McLeod. Lunch committee, Mrs. James McNaughton, Mrs. W. Bell, Margaret MacKay, Mrs. E. Whitehouse, Mrs. Art Varley. a Sale! Special - - IJNE ONLY NEW CHEVROLET 210 SEDAN 1951 1951 1950 1949 1949 1949 19.48 FALL CLEARANCE PONTIAC COACH DODGE SEDAN CHEVROLET SEDAN MONARCFI COACH FORD COACH CIIEVROLET SEDAN PONTIAC COACH 1940 DODGE SEDAN 1941 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1935 CHEV SEDAN (000d) Clearing far 1957 deliveries No reasonable offer refused - you make the offer OPEN EVENINGS 8 TO 10 teali3 rt PHONE 541 rs Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones spent Thanksgiving in Detroit, Mich, EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs: Orval Parsons and children of Toronto were weekend guests with Mrs. Par- sons' parents, Dr, and Mrs. Semip'le. Miss Jean Watson of Toronto and Miss Alice Watson of Lon- don spent the holiday weekend with their mother, Mrs. 3. S. Watson. 'Mr. Will Finlayson and sons and 1Miss Jessie Finlayson of Lorne Park visited with their mother, Mrs, Jas. Finlayson. Miss Laura McMillan of Tor- onto spent the weekend with.her mother, ;Mrs. W. F. McMillan, andonMonday accompanied her on a -visit at her sisters', Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gray of Strat- ford. Miss Marion Weiland of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Har- ry Weiland. (Miss May Stobie of Detroit is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robert Boyes.. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLean and Mr. and 3ifcs. Roy Mc'Geoeeh spent the Thanksgiving 'weekend at New York. Mrs. (Lorne Pepper of Niagara Falls and Mrs. Grace Callum of Blyth - were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hay, Dr. J. Semple and (Mr. John McCloy attended Presbytery meeting at Fordwich on Wed- nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark and family of )Muirleirk spent Sunday with Mrs. J. S. Watson and Miss Alice Watson and at- tended the 121st Anniversary services. Rev. Andrew •H. and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie and family of Acton visited with Mr, Thos. 'Robinson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLachlan and also took in the Anniversary Thanksgiv- ing supper on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Grant 'Houston of Ayton spent Sunday - with Mr. and Mfrs. Andrew Houston and Miss Frances Houston and attended the Anniversary Ser- vices. WINTHROP On the occasion of the 25th birthday of the Helping Hand Mission Band on Saturday, Oct. 20, an invitation is extended to all former leaders and members and the member's of the W.M.S. of Cavan Church. Miss Isabel Betties, R. N. of Galt, and. Mr. Robert Bettles of New Hamburg, spent Thanksgiv- ing with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Betties. Miss Betty Axtman of Melton, Miss Lorraine Smith of North York, and Mr. Irvin Johnston of Midland, all teachers, spent the Thanksgiving holiday at the hones of their parents here. Mr. Mac Bolton and Donald Dodds of the O.A.C., Guelph, spent Thanksgiving vacation at their homes here. Co•mmunion services were held in all thrl3e appointments of the McKillop Charge on Sunday, Oct. 7, with Rev. D. A. 'MacMil- lian of London in charge. The township of McKillop are building a new garage north of the. mill here. It will be used to house machinery and equipment. The autumn thankoffering of the W.M.S. of iGavan Church was held October 3 in the audi- torium of the church with Con- stance ladies as guests. Mrs. Geo. Case and Mrs. Ernest Toll received the guests at the door and Mrs. Frank Johnston played soft music prior to the •meeting. The church was 'beautifully ar- rayed with late summer flowers. Mrs. Gilbert Smith presided and welcomed the guests after which she read two poems on Thanks- giving. Mrs. R. K. McFarlane sang "My ,Prayer." and :Mrs. Os- car Cuthill read the scripture lesson which was followed with prayer by Mrs. James McClure. Mrs. Wm. (Little and .Mrs. Les Pcpper received the collection. Jdrs. Borden Brown of Con- stance gave a splendid reading, "The Lord Is )My Shepherd" and Mrs. Frank Johnston and Mrs. McFarlane sang a duet "Take The Name of Jesus with You." iMrs. Geo. (Case gave a fine read- ing on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Roy Lawson of Seaforth told the story of India.. Mrs. Lawson is a versatile speaker and told many interesting things about this old and intriguing country. She told that tuberculosis is the main di- sease with leprosy a close sec- ond. Mrs. Won. Church in a gra- cious manner thanked the speak- er and all taking part. Mrs. .Smith also expressed thanks and lunch was served in the schoolroom. Clearing Auction Sale Of Machinery and Firm Stock. At Lot 25. Cow 4, HRSTuckersmith, O% west of Seaforth and 2 miles south, on Friday October 12, at 1 P.M. Machinery M. II. tractor 30, tractor plow, 01,50. fertilizer 11 hoe drill, spring tooth harrow, teller, harrows, rubber tired wagon, wagon and box, manure spreader, binder, 01.01. side rake, mower, hay lender, 6 horsepower 1lIC caul oil engine cream separator, Delaval t'essot grimier, sleighs, 54 loads chopped. hay. Other articles too numerous to mention. A few household elects. Horses-2aged horses, 1 Clyde mare 8 yens old.. Cattle ---Holstein cow due time of Bale. 2 Holstehn cows 0 years old milking well and retired, I''arrov cow, Holstein heifer, bred. Jersey cow recently fresh. 2 Durham cows with calves at foot, 2 Durham heifers. with calves at foot and reined. '2 Durham hei- fers bred, 1 black with calf at foot. Her- eford heifer with ealf at foot. Durham cow, calf et, foot. 2 dual purpose heifers duo to freshen in Oct. and Jan, Jersey heifer 1 year old. Number of calves. 38 rove of mangolds and turnips 40 rod long. Some husking corm, 6 drills of sorghum. Farm -100 acres, huge bank barn and straw shed, garage, 1t storey brick house. Offered subject to reserve bid. Terms --Chattels cash. Farm, 10%: Clown, balance SO days. Frank Crich, Proprietor E. P. Chesney Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale Of Household Furnishings. At the re- sidence of Mrs. Nellie Watson, village' of Londesboro, adjacent to 'United Church, Saturday, October 13th, at 1 P.M. sharp. Kelvinator refrigerator; Beatty wash- er, cook stove, Beach. 2 electric hot plates; electric tea kettle; 3 place wine chesterfield. suite (excellent condition). 8 piece dining room suite; 5 rugs, with underpads,various sizes from 9 x 101/2 to 0 x12; woollen mats; floor .lamps, rockers end tables and odd chairs; mantel radio; vacuum cleaner; 4 heti room suites with springs and mattresses: grey baby Suegv, English style; stair carpets and rods in A-1 condition. Draperies assorted shades, Wash Mande stud many other articles, includ- ing garden tools, lawn mover, dishes, est. Also a quantity of wood and coal. 0t1ered subject to reserve bid, 6 room cottage, asphalt siding, with hard anti soft water inside, inside plumbing and equipped with hydro, Duo therm oil burner (used only b monthal. oil piped in from tank containing 40 gallons of oil shed 18 x 30 and moderate size lot, Terms—Cash on chattels. On Property 10c1, down balance in 30 days. Mrs. Nellie Watson, Proprietress • Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Auction Sale Of Feeder Cattle. At Lot 29, Con. 0 McKillop Twit, at Allan Campbell's farm, 1 mile west of Winthrop; on Thursday, Get. 18th, at 1 P.M. 30 Ilurham & Hereford :steers. 000 to 700 lbs. 20 Durham & Hereford heifers 600 to 700 lbs. 2 Holstein cows, spring- ers. 2 Durham snows, bred. Pias --- Number of York clunks anal weavers. Terms cash. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Aurtioneer Harold Jackson FOR SALE Small heater, reasonable. Robert Wat- son,Seaforth FOR SALE 50 1uw0 of corn 60 rod long. Dominic Murray, R142 Walton. 451.9 Dublin FOR SALE Duo -therm spnee heater, good enndi- tiott. Phone 009r2 Seaforth IN MEMORIAM Porter --1n loving memory of 0 dear daughter and sister Mary, who passed away three years ago, October 10, 1053. They any Limo heals all sorrow. And helps one to forget; But lime so far has only proved Hk,w much we love her yet. God gave us strength to fight And courage to bear the blow But what It menus to lose her, No one will ever know, —Too dearly loved to ever be forgotten by her father, mother, sinters and brother In loving memory of Benedict Iloll.0ad who died Oct. 9, 1930. Just when your life was the brightest Jost when your years were beet, You were Balled from this world of aot•row To a HIome of eternal vest. --Always and lovingly remembered by Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters. CARD OF THANKS Mr. J. H. Curran of Hamilton ack- nowledges with sincere thanks the kind- nems of his many friends in Seaford, and vicinity ; members of the clergy, and members of Brittade Masonic Lodge while he has been a patient in Scott Memorial HosPitel following severe injuries suffered in a mater accident on July 13 CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Male Creation wish to express their nnteero thanks to the relatives and friends for the many acts of kindness Lo our dear mother. Special thanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster and Dr. Melina, To the Thant- er Nursing home we extend apeeial thanks to each member of the staff with special thanks to Miss Pearl Thinner. We wish to thank those who sent beau- tiful floral tributes, also to the many friends who sent sympathy cards CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George Connell wishes to thank her friends for cards and treats while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital; also special thanks to 11r. Stapleton and Dr. Munn, and the hospital nurses. FOR SALE 10 Regis(lmed accredited Ayr:Mires heifers rising two years old, to calve in Jan. and Feb. Apply to Glenn McNichol, 831x24 Seaforth FOR SALE Frigidaire. Heavy duty rengette. Space heater. Apply Mrs. D. McCuaig, Scarlet opts., Church St. TO RENT Furnished nom an West William. et. Immediate possession. Rent very reason- able. Mrs. Roland Kennedy, Seaforth FOR SALE Goal clean baled straw. Coleloogh Bros., Seaforth 12112 GRANDMA JACOBS SAUSAGE Is now on sae at Hovey's Grocery, Bayfield; McClinchey's General Store, Varna; Patterson's, Brumfield; Rem - bull's IGA, Clinton; Jones & May Exe- ter, or call HU 2-0550 Clinton. They're good: get some today FOR SALE 13 pgs 10 weeks 881.old, Joseph Dorsey, Dublin. FOR SALE Princess Beth kitchen stove in perfect condition. Toni Dorsey, Dublin, Phone 83r22 LOST Black heifer weighing about 800 lbs. strayed from Lot 19, Con. 12, McKillort. Disappeared since Oct 2nd. Apply to W. J. Leeming, 801r21 Soaforth FOR SALE 7 year-old Hereford & Durham steers. Harvey Taylor, RR1 Londesboro. Phone 800r22 Soaforth FOR SALE 86 pigs 8 weeks old. Eldon. Kerr 896 r0 Senforth WANTED Wanted to buy a wood heater, not. Quebec type. Apply at News Office BLAKE Mr. and IMPS. Donald ;Manson and family of Toronto visited over the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Mary (Manson and sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Newell Geiger and boys. Mr. Hugh McBride of Lon- don spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Mc- Bride and John. Mr. and Mrs. Musselman of Waterloo visited with his sister and (brother-in-law. Mr. and `Mrs. Peter Gingerich. The many friends of Mr. Glenn Swartzentruber are pleas- ed to hear he is able to be up again and feeling better after being in bed for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Widrick and daughter 'Lois visited rela- tives in New York ',State recent- ly. FOR SALE Young collie dog fond of children.. Jack McIver, St. Calumban..Dublin 841.21 NOTICE Have a number of 700 Ib, steers to he fed for winter by the pound. Harold Jackson, phone 474 Seaforth WANTED lfoung man with commercial training, excellent opportunity for promotion if interested in feed business. Apply in tion handwriting, stating qualifications to Manufacturing Division, Topnotch Feeds Limited. Seaforth THE SEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, October 11, 1959 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for 8.11 occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A„ M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D 'Surgeon Office Hours, -1 p.m. to 5 - p.m., daily, except. Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday 0111Y 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance atm desirable VETERINARY SURGEON 3. O. TUIRNBIULL, D,V.M., V,S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M,, V.S. Main St., Seaford, Phone 106 Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Machinery and House- hold Effects. At Lot18 and 19, Con..' 3, Tuekersmith, two miles west of Egmond- ville,. on Wed., Oct. 24111, at 12,30 shorn, Cattle -2 Jersey cows carrying second calf, bred June 5 and 10; spotted heifer 3 years due Nov. r,: 'Holstein cow6 years old bred May 12; Holstein cow 5- years old, bred Mar. 24 ; Holstein cow 3 years old duo time of sale; holstein cow 3 yrs old bred June 7 Holstein cow 3 years old bred May 18. 3 black cows fresh In Aug. and sabred; Holstein and Hereford bred May 11; 9 Shorthorn cows with calves at foot from 300 to 400 lbs. and. sabred; 8 Durham and 1Hoefotd steers 000 to 700 lbs.: yearling white face heifer, 15 spring calves; 2 calves 1 no. old• Pigs --York sow with pairs at foot. Implements — Fordsun major tractor equipped with 3 furrow plow and culti- vator; Ford - tractor in al condition; For - frisson mower 7 ft. cut; pulley for Ford tractor; 8 plate one way disc; 3 section drag harrows 4 section diamond har- rows; 16 run disc fertilizer drill like new ;' McCormick sale rake on rubber, new ; 7 ft. M.H. binds' t pea harvester and roller; 3 drum steel roller; oeuffler; Lits grain and corn grinder, new ; 120 ft drive belt; mode,', rubber tired wagon like now; flat Inc rack ; 2000 lb scales; feed cart, bean puller, set breech- ing harness, good; 2 unit Surge milking machine, 1 year old; new steel water tank milk pails and other equipment; electric brooder and 4 shelters, new ; bale lifter; barrels: feed troughs and boxes, chains, Forks and many other articles, Quantity of household effects, including cook stove tables, chairs, rock- ers, chesterfield and bedroom furniture. No reserve as farm is sold. Terms cash Harold Jackson, Auctioneer: James Black, Prop., E. P. Chesney, Clerk WALTON Colored slides will be shown in the schoolroom of the church on Friday, Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. by Miss Flora Turnbull on her trip to Europe and the British Isles under auspices of 8th of Morris and 16th of Grey group. Harvest thanksgiving will be observed in St. George's Angli- can Church on Sunday evening, Oct, 14 at 8 p.m. with the rec- tor, Rev. F. Jewell in charge. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Our .pupils 'made a splendid showing at the North Huron Plowing Match. Sr. H. S. Class: Class 0 was won by Andrew Patrick and Don Tremeer. Jr. H. S. 'Class was won by Ron Plyre and Bob 'Fotheringlram. 'Class' 3—.Alex. Glanville 2nd; Class 5—Dennis Jewitt, Ken Ry- an and Ken 'Coleman. Class 8 —Mounted plough, won by Bob Binnendyke; Gerald Sloan 1st and Doug McGregor 2nd Special awards - won by high school students — 'Best plowed land in snatch, Andrew Patrick. Iluliett Fed. of Agri. special, Dennis Jewitt. I wish to extend my own congratulations along with all the other pupils and staff to all the winners and especially to Andrew Patrick. dzeznatairm JOHN E. LONGSTAFF - Optometrist Phone 701. Main St., Seaforth Moura—Soaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.00; wet, 9 AM to 12.30 PM. Thur. eve by appointment only. Clinton lIC-2-7010,- above Hawkins' HIdwe, Mon. 9 to 5.301 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SHA'FORTH, ONT. 4.11 ]finds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. At Lot 26, Con. 15, Grey Two. V% mile west of Moncrief, on Wed., Oct. 17, at 1 o'clock. Six head of grade Hol- stein cows ranging in age from 2 to 7 years, all bred Angus and due in March. 4 head of Reg. Shorthorn cows, pasture bred to a Reg. Shorthorn herd sire. 10 head of stocker heifers, 500 to 600 lbs. 20 York chunks. Implements—McCor- mick model 1-1 tractor. Me -D. drop head rope loader. hie -D. 3 furrow plow ; 5 section MoD. diamond harrows. Deer- ing horse mower. John Deere 7 ft. power mower. Cockshutt No. 6 tractor spreader on rubber. 2 rubber tired wagons and racks. 2000 Ib. scales. Little Beaver hammer mill ; Massey Harris root pulp- er; 10x12 colony house; DeLaval 600 lb can. cream separator. Pig troughs, milk can, strainer and many other small items. Feed -2000 bales of mixed hay. 6 tons of mixed grain. 20 tons of Max oats. 21 bu. Reg. Ajax oats for seed. The Farm --Consisting of 100 acres of improved land in a good farming .dis- trict situated only a mild from church, school and store. Will be offered subject to reserve bid. The buildings all in good repair and well situated including 44x24 bank barn, some cement stabling and 111 - ter carrier. Double deck 20x30 hen house ship lap siding'. Comfortable six room house, insul brick siding. Terme on farm will be announced sale day. All other items cash. No reserve. Deno McKay. Prop.' Dennis & Wild - fang, Auctioneers. A. W. Corby, Clerk Jaybee Hereford Farms Ord Production Sale of Registered. Here- ford Cattle to be held at farm 3 miles east of Ifipoen or 5 miles south of Sea - forth, on TUESDAY, OCT. 16 at 1.30 P.M. 39 Head 6 Yearling Bulls, 12 to 20 months of age 7 Bred 2-yearwld heifer's 13 3-yearold (calves by side and bred again) HIerd Sires Include Star Del 'Lento, grandson of Dal Zento 1 Teoewater View Britisher (grandson of Britisher Domino) Jrabeo Advance Notice (sou of Advance Notice MRC and grandson of Ad- vance Junior Domino) one of the greatest, sires imported into the Pro- vince of Alberta. STANLEY M. JACKSON, Prop. Auctioneers — W. S. O'Neil, Percy Wright, Edward Elliott. Clerk, R. 1. Ethe•hagton INSURANCE • Fire e Auto A Accident e Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate MAIN ST. SIOAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 640 CANNELL COAL Ideal for Fire Place - Order Now Willis illis Dundas Phone 573 EI0SE5NORAWI11 01INSW OPEN in Menu County. Trac well establish - d. Excellent opportunity, Trull time. Write at once. Ravleigh's Dept. 1-304- 100, Montreal, P.Q. AGENBE INDEPENDENT! WANTED from 550 to 073 per teeth at the begioniug in sell- ing 125 first quality Products known and liked 0y the l ablie. Exclusive ter- uitery. 410 nnetled. JI'rO: Deja. 4 - 5131) St. Hobert Mont enI A series COMING EVENT pronator rinses, sponsor- ed by the Huron County health Lln,i. will begin in tin October lhs 100L g Monday, at 8 P.M. ,tt tile' Branch office of the ,,t; Health Unit, 0nd floor, Peal Office, Sea - forth, , a- fo th Please use aide entrance. 'These will he held at weekly Intervals foe nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend m, the above date ; or phone the Public 01 ,13,1, Nurse, Soaforth 478W between 4 P.M. and r, F.M. TO RENT Emir -room apartment with bath. Bot Christensen Railway St., Sea - forth, Phone 562 after 0 p.m. FOR SALE 8 room solid (nick house, situated on North 11(;,l,, street, former M0Nab pro- party.% Apply to Wallace Ross AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318w The better Fnlleleootna Viking cream separator In sll sizes, in standees steel. Repairing a specialty. Also parts for Renfrew separator, A few reconditioned separetors in other makes on 'star+b-+e^r, present, Basil O'Rourke, phone B?:- 2- 9131, Brumfield WANTED Old horses wanted at 3%c Jb and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect 1483:4 it 145311, Goderich central. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber gooeds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed onyektie with price list, 6 samples 250; 24 wim- ples 41.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Go., Box 91. Hamilton, Ont NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tion or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As - :iodation at: Clinton HU 2.3441 between 7.30 and 9.30 A,M. We have all breeds available—top quality at low cost. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Oppodts Dick House, phone 34711. Seaforth If you want graavel. Band, top soil or excavating just phone 864 Seaforth. ED BOYCE PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES Use Fire Chief Chemical Chimney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stoves and pipes. The smaller the flame, more soot and carbon. For use in oil, coal and wood fired units. For sale at, Seaforth Farmers Co-op ; Paterson Gen. Store, Brucefield; MoClinchey's Gen. Store. Varna Tenders Wanted TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders are invited by the Township of Tuckersmith for snow plowing town- ship roads in the winter of 1956-57. V -typo 8 -foot plow to be used and plow and wing to be hydraulically oper- ated on truck sated at four tons or better. Contractor must supply all labor and equipment and such equipment must meet the approval of the Dept. of High- ways. Ono unit tvlll be contracted for and no standing time will be allowed. Tender must state a flat rate per hour and will close October 13th, 1960 at 8 P.M. Tenders will be accepted sub- ject to the approval of the Dept. of Highways of Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk Twp. Tuekersmith FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money or minerals your land does not need.' We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in .your fields and have them analysed, Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Plume 10 or 376, Seaforth FURNACE FUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL WALDEN &. BROADFOOT Phone 364 Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47