The Seaforth News, 1956-10-11, Page 5THE BI)APO1lTIl NE)1\',i1 Thursday, Octobor 11, 1050 SUPERIOR SPECIALS Breakfast Club 2 -fruit Marmalade 25c 2.1 oz. Jar PILLSBURY WHITE CAKE MIX Pkg. 29c LIPTONS FINEST ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS with the New Flo-Thru Bag Pkg. G 3c. Pkg. 100 special. , , . 99c ROYAL INSTANT LEMON PIE FILLING 2 pkg 29c APEX FRUIT COCKTAIL 15 oz. tins 25c OFF GIANT 37c OFF REGULAR 73c GARDEN PATCH PEAS 15 oz. tin 2 for 20c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 15 oz, This 2 for 310 32 oz Pottle 25c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT Brownie's DRIVE-IN L1br1TSn CLINTON Next to the Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY October 11 and 12 "MR. SCOUTMASTER" t Color) Clifton Webb Edmund Gwynn (TWO CARTOONS) SATURDAY and S1ONDAY October 13 and 15 "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" Jane Russell Marilyn Munroe iTWO CARTOONS) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY October 16 and 17 "SABRINA" William Holden Audrey Hepburn Humphrey Bogart ,.TWO CARTOONS) Tuesday— "DOLLAR" NSTE $1.00 Admits a Carload! Box Office Open 7.30 p.m. First Show at 8.00 p.m. Standard Time CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE 0 DUBLIN Mr • nd Mrs Andrew Dant- zer and family of North Bay with Mr. Millie Dantzer. BAKE SALE and Apron Booth SATURU:1Y , ()el', 13th at 3 o'clock In tho rumor Alib,'r'tvio Under ammiees of t ivnp 1 R'..A. Northside United chuioh DANCE Catholic• SVbntrn's I.iens:Ito. I ItIL)A'4. OCT. 1:2 Coma )uiii1y Ce)ltrta, Sea fort ll Admission i,,'t. Uzuu•ing 10 „'rdock Bill Stuart's Orchestra ICElft Community Centre Seaforth Friday, 5-10 p.m. Saturday, 1.30-3.30 p.m. Saturday 8-10 p.m. Aimiversary Services AT DUFF'S CHURCH, McKILLOP SUNDAY, OCT. 14 Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. GUEST MINISTERS: Morning service, C. L, Thompson of Cranbrook Evening service. Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Seaforth Special music by the choir "Dollars and Sense One of the best ways to encourage good sound sleep is to have a good sound bank balance. Regular savings can make life a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other ways. You may want the down payment on a home of your own, a TV set or a car .. , perhaps the children's education is on your mind or a leisurely retirement someday. Whatever it is that you want or need, you have to learn the secret of putting something by regularly. Pay by pay you store away the money except in emergencies till you reach your savings goal—then you start saving for the next one. Why not open a Savings Account with us today? THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE) Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager TOWN TOPICS Mrs, Robert Goveuloek, Soho was seriously ill last week, is much improved. Robert Charles Govenlock, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Govenlock, is wearing a cast on his right leg as result of a bro- ken ankle in football practise at high school last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Patterson and family were visitors over the holiday with the former's. parents in Peterboro. Mr, and Mrs. R. E. Dundas of Toronto were holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Willis Dun- das. Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Flynn of London were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. -Close. Mr. J. H. Curran of Hamil- ton; who has been a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital for the past 12 weeks following a motor accident, was removed by ani_ bulance to Hamilton General Hospital on Tuesday for further treatment, Mr. Curran has many friends here, who wish for him an early and complete recovery. 31r, and Mrs. Laidlaw and family of Toronto were holiday guests with the latter's sister and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. John Longstaff. Mr. -and Mrs. Gerald Snow- don and family were holiday visitors- at Niagara Falls: 'Miss Anne Moore of Toronto spent the holiday weekend with relatives here. Miss Barbara June Norris, Robert Norris and. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Shortt, all of Toronto spent the holiday weekend at the home of their grandparents Mfr. and Mrs. Ben Rising, _entre Sr.• Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hoad of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating.. Mr. Keating returned to Torontc, with them on Tuesday. rI i�, , • t '"' Mr- n L. hoover of 'Windsor recently spent a few days in New York City visiting Mr. Kenneth Keat- ing while there. 'Ir. aid Mrs, Waiter J. Stew, art of Rind= �r were guest. of Mr. and Mr-. Fred Snow. Miss Margaret ittewart was a guest at the manse. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ar:r.- strotig and of Sarnia spent the Thanksgiving ho.ldiay with M., and M.•. Ha o: -i Jackson. .Mr. and Mrs. 1 'n Gillespie of M1sonnt the week.--nd .th Mrs. P. Ry:.., and Mr.. Thc. O Lwaghlin. Mr. and Mr. G. Flanagan, of llansilt.,n. spent the ween. -n1 with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Asiin Tor- onto, wee- weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. T Walsh. Mr, and • Mrs. J. Slattery, Mrs. C. P. Sills and Mr. Ron Sills spent the weekend in De- trost with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays . Mr. Bill Stephenson, Toronto, spent the weekend with - his another, Mrs. L. Stephenson. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reilly, Nolan and Roslyn and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Korchinsky, June and Ralph spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Botham Jr. Mr. John Cardno and son Kenneth spent the weekend in Detroit. Top Notch Feeds Ltd. is hold- ing its annual chicken barbeque at Stratford this coming Satur- day night, Miss Davina Anderson spent the weekend in Burlington with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McFadden. Mr. Michael Laudenbach, of London, was a 'Sunday guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenhach. Mr. ani Mrs. Scott :Coffin of Toronto, Miss Margaret McIver of Kitchener and Miss Jose- phine McIver, Toronto, at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hart and Mr. W. T. Teals were in Detroit for the weekend. Misses Margaret and Bessie Grieve spent the weekend in Detroit. .Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and family spent the weekend. at Lake Placid and Graven- hurst. Mr. Hansjocher Grabbe ger is spending a month vacation at his home in Germany. Mr. Lawrence Murray of Chi- cago is visiting his brother, Mr. Patrick Murray. Additional Contributions Lloyd Sor=,lahl 12: Arzhie Mel;ellar Ra pt. Lair 11: Alex Gardir El1en Allen s5;fames anes Mir le :i: John tSr-a_ !a+•e =:l• Mervi Dow 12: J..^... T,on- ta'ff 314. EUCHRE Sponsored by L.O.L..\. in the L,0,L. Lodge Rooms MONDAY. OCT. 15 S.30 p.ni. EVER.''t'r. BRUCEFI ELD Mrs. Elsie Forrest of London spent the weekend with Mrs. A, McQueen and Margaret. Miss Ke.herilte McGregor. of Wingham is visiting With Mr: and Mrs. JIM. McGregor. • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allen of York, and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Allen, of Leamington spent Thanksgiving with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Anderson of Toronto were guests at the Iltams of Mrs. Anderson's broth- er, Mr, and :Mrs. A, Paterson over the weekend. Mr. and :Sirs. Mac Wilson and Mrs. Stackhouse spent Sunday with .Sar!. and Mrs. Stanley Neale and family, Glencoe. Mrs. Alton -Johnston, of Sea - forth spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs, Frank McGreg- or. Mr.- and Mrs. Walter Moffatt, Mr. and Mrs. Simon 'McKen- zie visited with Mrs. Peter Moffatt and Janie, Seaforth, on Sunday. Mr. Glen Swan has returned home from the West where he had been employed repairing trailers for the General Coach Works of Hensel!. Mr.. and Mrs. Stewart Knox of Sarnia are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wilson for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce spent the weekend with friends at Windsor. Miss Ina and Ellen Mae Scott of London spent Thanksgiving with Mr, Ross and Wm. Scott. Tractor and Auto Accidents At Brucefield What might have been a more serious accident happened at Brucefield in front of Mr. Bas- il O'Rourke's home. Mr. Lind- say Eyre was returning home from a threshing at Mr. .Alex Mustard's when a ear driven Mr. Lloyd Turney of Exeter. pulled out to pass another ear which was following. Mr. Eyre collided with the tractor thro•w- ing Mir. Eyre.n number of feet. The :ra.tor was ripped in two. Both t,ten :were treated at the -enc by Dr. J. A. Addison of Clinton. Constable Alex Twad- dle of Gc.derich inve tii_ate.d. • DUBLIN High School News An: ler .reek has . ::ed around as field :;ay a; - a ever:. -one in n The are '1_ evert rausele to make the ht*, ;un.,,_ and their efforts arE. pay- ing . Instead of t nrr the dirt .t:th the 'Jar •Ia,,in: after nem, now they float over the Par ars,, spark themselvr- nn 'try it just a little higher. The eofthall teams have speedeti uI' and now double plays replace errors :while the ,olte:;ybali teams battle even harder t keep that hall off the greund. The basketball team has taken on a graceful, smooth style with well trained asses. Gone are the stiff joints and sprained muscles. On Friday if the wea- ther holds we wail see the re- sults of all these effort.,, - A meeting was held on Friday to discuss preparations for the Y.C.S. Week which will begin Monday next. Committees were appointed as follows: tag. com- mittee under Glenn Butters:. song committee under Marie C' - Connor; poster committee un- der Rosemary Lane; the litur- gical committees under Shirley Horan and Lou, Don and Jack will look after the bulletin com- mittee. Their slogan is "All for one and one for al, and the theme for this year- 1st "Theo Student in His World," This is a very catching ng ti 'e which In- cludes a great deal of meaning. Just what is the Students' World? They will answer this and many more questions during Y.C.S. Week. -Our plans for H.M.S. Pina- fore are going ahead and all en -. the first reading and ex- planation today, given .by Fath- er Ffoulkes. Question of the Week: Roy. aleez-vaus les jernes fines. francaises? '-Note: iOverheari on the play- ground: Billy. don': hurt your- self or, thatjunon Wat till wed day! Co .n.en Are his interests in Billy or points his side :s going to get an field day? Visit,rs with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Feeney over :he holida.,z were: Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Fee- ney and family of Kitchener, and Mfr, and Mrs. Gerald Feen- ey and famty of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Beverley }lender - sen fa"'y of London. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mr,. Marvin Dou- ceste, Mr. George. Dollimore and Miss !Marilyn Doucette visited with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bu- chanan. Mr. and Mrs. George Addison and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hulley attended the Silver Wedding anniversary of Mrs. Addison's brother, Mr and Mrs. Irvin Teb- butt at the home of their son John Tebbutt, Gaderich tap. Miss Bernice Bean of Car- low arlow and Mr. Bernard Fisher of Colborne twp., and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hulley visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Addison. Mics Joyce Jewitt - of Thorn - dale visited her parents over the xeekroral. Tho October meeting of the Golden .Links Mission Band was held Oct. 7. Roll call was an- swered by 20. •Scripture lesson was read by John Hoggart, col lection taken by Harvey Hog- gart. Mrs. Dale gave a prayer. Story study book was read by .Mrs. Dale. John Jewitt attended the in, tercounty 441 Championship shoes in London on Saturday. Ile got first prize fi,r his sow. Dennis Jewitt entered in the North Huron plowing match on Friday and won first prize for boys and girls 16 years and un- der, and also won the Federa- tion of Agriculture for highest points in Hallett. Prices at Bengali Community Sale Oct. 4; Weanling pigs 37.10 to 112.60; chunks 114.40 to 118.80; feeders 21.50 to $28.; Sows 8.50.00 to 185,00; Hol- stein cows 1110.00 to 1132.00: Durham cows x120.00 to 1154.; Holstein calves 114.00 to 528.; Durham calves 125.00 to $42. Keen demand for feeder cat- tle. 805 pigs and 00 head of cat- tle were sold. Yea find IP yen sheds up when you check out, that shopping of i.G.A. does171114211 add• ad savings wary day In the weak. Come la today, shop and scree eh, friendly I.D.A.way, MORE PROOF THAI YOU SAVE AT 1,3.A. cks BORN .Aa CAROL LY.0..vi9P. Your opportunity to buy a Fur Coat of the finest quality, workmanship and superb styling All new models in the new lengths, as wall as the newest in jackets and capes. In this collection you will see the finest of black and grey Persian Lamb. Mink, Muskrat, in the new tones, and many others, ramgrAzona 5. rM >i s. IGA Tomato Catsup SPECIAL! PURITAN Meat Balls KRAFT ez 11 ozbot2lc 15 oz tin 29c BEE HIVE 8 o '11Z Jar morn yrup KELLOGG'S C r `.a cs DELICIOUS ECONOMICAL KRAFT DINNER FISHERMAN FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON BRUNSWICK SARDINES iT'S HERE WISK LIQUID LAUNDRY DETERGENT IGA SNO-KREEM SHORTENING pkgs 29 c 73/4 oz 47c 3 tins 29c 16 oz tin 49 c 1 -lb ctn 27c ROYAL GUEST TEA BAGS 30 bag size 39c 1 6 oz jar 2 -lb tin giant 16 oz pkg MAPLE LEAF LIQUID DETERGENT 5c off reg. price e oz. Boat. 36c KOUNTY KIST PEAS Lamb Sale Leg o' La . a b A TREAT THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY LOIN OR Lamb Chops Fresh Produce lb. RIB 69 c ib 69c LAMB IN A Chops, Roast, Stew Basket IGA TABLERITE Franks I -lb pkg. PEAMEAI. Cottage Rolls lb 37 c 37c GRAPES 31b SPINACH 2 for MAC APPLES 3 lb POTATOES 10lb 29c 29 c 33c 29c lb 65c y i 'E'. FOR /11(- Oltlabir WITH 3.'1h PrRCHASt3 OCT f BER 1 , 12 & ON Mr, Adam Brown of the Rice Lake Fur Company will be at the Carol Lyn Shop Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11, 12, 13 only, to assist you in your choice. Why not let Mr. Brown show you how easily you. can own a quality fur coat now - while prices are low, • SEE THESE BEAUTIFUL FURS Seaforth Next to the Theatre .e.. -w,.