The Seaforth News, 1956-09-27, Page 5'THE SEAFORTII NEWS --Thursday, September 27, 1250 BEST BUY SPECIALS Quick Quaker Oats 3 lb box 37c YORK PEANUT BUTTER, Mason Jar 37c 16 oz, size NESTLES QUIK 16 oz Tin 52c Makes a delicious Chocolate Milk Drink JEWELL SHORTENING 1 ib pkg. 27c ALSWEET MARGARINE, 1 lb prints ... 2 for 65c NEW KING SIZE TIDE 25c off Pkg. $1.33 COLGATE DENTAL CRE'A'M . , .. 2 tubes 89c Reg, Price 1.18..s'. You save 29c CHEERY MORN INSTANT COFFEE 1.43 Large 6 oz. Jar NEW °T/' "TEA pkg of 100 $1.03 WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT CRISCO 3 1b tin 1.11 WITH A GAY KITCHEN CANISTER free HENSA LL Prices at Hensall Community Sale, Sept. 20th, Weanling pigs $8.50 to $12; ,Chunks $18.00 to $16,50; Feed- ers $22.50 .to $40.00; Sows $45. to $60.00; Holstein cows $122.00 to $140,00; Durham cows $120. to $138.00; Holstein calves $12.- 50 to $18,00; Durham calves $26.00 to $42.50. 366 pigs and 110 head of cattle were sold. e 'Dollars and Sense' One of the best ways to encourage good sound sleep b to have a good sound bank balance. Regular savings can make life a lot pleasanter in a hundred and one other ways. You may want the down payment on a home of your own, a TV set or a car perhaps the children's education is on your mind or a leisurely retirement someday. Whatever itis that you want or need, you have to learn the secret of putting something by regularly. Pay by pay you store away the money except in emergencies till you reach your savings goal -then you start saving for the next one. Why not open a Savings Account with us today? THE -CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE1 Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wat. son of •London attended the .Sea - forth Fah' on Friday and visited Mr. and Mrs, W. C. Bennett of Clinton. Mr. and MI's. Alex ,Smith, ;Marjorie and Mark, and Mr. and. Mrs. Elliott Walters spent tho weekend in Muskoka. Rev, John A, Ross of Mani - ton, Manitoba, spent the week- endwith his aunt, Mrs. Margar- et Cuthill and the Dennis fauni- lies in IMcKillcap. Miss Phyllis Campbell, of Tor- onto spent the 'weekend with friends. Mrs. P. J. Johnson is spend- ing this week with relatives in Welland. Miss Mary Hagan spent last week with friends in London. iMr. and Mrs. P. W. 'Rielly, Galt, were weekend guests of Ma'. and Mrs. John Hothann Jr. Mr. and Mrs. IC, Hewitt, of Stratford, were weekend guests at the home of Mrs, T. (Maloney. IMrs. !Margaret Devereaux and Miss Joan Devereaux, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Sills. Mrs. R. McDonald, !Stratford, spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. Fergus Rowland, Toronto, with relatives and friends over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Rient De Boer and family are moving to Pres- ton on Saturday, Mr. De Boer has accepted a position at the Preston 'Creamery. Mr. 3. R. M. Spittal has re- turned from •a trip to his 'boy- hood home in Scotland. POULTRY CLUB First place in -tho annual show and achievement day of the Seafortit Poul- try Club was won by Nickie Whyte, R. R. 2, Seaforth. Nineteen club members broughtbirds to the fail' to be judged. DANCE Sponsored by the Ladies' Auxil- iary to the Legion. Music by the Legiona!res FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 Dancing 9.30 -1, Community Cen- tre, Seaforth. Admission 50c BAZAAR AND BAKING SALE In Staffeu's Store SATURDAY, SEPT. 29 Doors open at 3 p.m. Auspices of IVA. of Duff's United Church, McKillop Women's Hospital Auxiliary TAG DAY $e` 29th Sept. House-to-house Canvass Your co-operation will be appreciated What should I do about SAVING MONEY? While saving is something you must do yourself, we can offer a few helpful sugges- tions. First, and probably the easiest method if you are strong-minded enough, is to simply open a special savings account and use it regularly. Or, on a smaller scale, you can save fifty -cent pieces, dimes or even pennies. Or, you can use a piggy -bank as a handy accumulation point for all loose change. Actually, any method of saving is good , .. but you must save regularly. If saving is your biggest problem, drop in and see your local Toronto -Dominion mana- ger. It may well be that he can help you save the money you need. NT NON ' ANL BEST IN BANKING SERV ICt", J. R M. SPITTAL Manager Seaforth Branch 1.3993 Club leaders who organised and direct- ed the show were J. M. Scott, R. R. 2, Seaforth, and R. V. Whiteley, Seaforth. Other places in the poultry club tom - petition in order, were: David Tremeer, R. R. 2, KiRP011 ; Ken Gemmell R. 10. 2, Kippeu et4y Storey, R. 14 ESea- forth ((lora Carter. R. It 2, ,cmhtth;: Ron Byre It It, 'L Kippeu; Ben Cole - :nun. R. It 4 Seaforth: Wayne Ilugilh R. R. 2 Seaforth ; Mary Broadfoot, 14. R. 1, Brst flold; Jaek lirondfoot, R. It. 1, Brueeficld; Douglas ;lupin, R. R. 2, Seaforth Mary McLeod, R. 14. 3, Sen- forlkr ; Bill Norris, R R. 3, Kinnon; Douuhm Norris, R. R Y, Klppen ; John M. Scott, R R 2 So,tforth ; Tom . Whyte, R. R. 4, t. Sea5orth ; tBruce Papple, orle a 14. 1R. 4,. Seaforth , Agnes IItoknell, 14, R. 6, Sea- forth. BEEF CALF CLUB The annual show of calves raised by members of the Seaforth Beef Calf Club made a big show In themselves with 24 animals brought out by the boys and girls who had raised them. The big club group of calves was judged in three sections; Mao McLean, 14,R. 3, Seafur4h, had the best senior heifer; Joe Murphy, R. R. 4, Seaforth had the heat junior heifer; Agnes Iltcknell, R. R. 6, Sea - forth, had the winding calf in the steer section. In the showmanship competition, in which all 24 club members competed equally, first place went to Arnold Campbell, R. R. 1, Seaforth ; second to Leslie ,Campbell R. R. 1, Seaforth; third to Agnes Hlcknell. calvesScores Senior awarded by ane aMcLea r 880; Marguerite Scott, R. R. 1, Sea - forth, 870; Paul Murray, R. R. 2, Wal- ton, 877; James Sloan, R. R. 6, Sea - forth, 575Junior heifers: Joe Murphy, 880; Jean Moylan, 14. R. 6 Seaforth, burro, 876; 1)a.vviidg'ess , R.R R. 1, Sea - forth, 374. Steer calves: • Agnes Hick- nell, 886: Leslie Campbell, 584; Bill Strong, Dublin, 382; Jean Scott, R. R. Seaforth, 380, WALTON Group Meeting IMrs. Wilmer Cuthill of Sea - forth, a former resident of Wal- ton was hostess for the Walton WIMS and W.A. group on Wed- nesday evening, Sept, 19 with 31 members and one visitor pre- sent. The Pres., Mrs, T. Dundas opened the meeting with hymn 109 "The Strife is o'er the bat- tle done", Mrs. Peter McDonald read the scripture lesson from John 11; 25-27: 40, 'Mrs, Dun- das followed with comments on "The Resurrection and the Life" and prayer. Mrs. Harvey Brown gave a well -rendered reading entitled "Mr's. Brown's Change and Rest", A splendid topic on "God's Wings of Pro- tection" was given by Mrs. Frank Kirkby. Mrs, Dundas moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. !Cuthill for inviting the group to her home. The roll was called and secretarys report given by Mrs. D. Ennis, owing to the ab- sence of the secretary, Mrs, Fern Patterson. Two thankyou notes were read, also an invita- tion to the group from the 16th of Grey and 8th of Morris groups to attend a bazaar inthe church abasement on Friday, Oct. 5th. This invitation was grate- fully accepted. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Frank Kirldby, During the business ses- sion a request was made by the president for subscriptions to the Missionary Monthly. Thank - offering envelopes were distri- buted. Plans were made for the ,CGIT graduation service to be held 'Saturday evening in the church when the ladies were re- quested to take charge of the lunch. A lengthy discussion fol- lowed regarding the turkey sup- per to the held in the schoolroom of the church on October 17211. The supper committee took First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. 10.30 a.m, ,Church School. 11 'a.m„ (Rally Day Service. livening service withdrawn for (Egmondville Anniversary, Northside United Church 'Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Hall, B.A., B;D., 10 a.m., Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Morning Worship, guest minister, Rev. David Mc- Millan of London. Nursery for Toddlers. Jr. Con- gregation. 7 p.m., Evening Worship withdrawn in order .that the congregation may unite at 7.30 in the anniversary service at Egmondville United Church, 8.30 pan., Y.Y.U. BETHEL UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, SEPT. 30 Guest Speaker Rev. Bruce Hall of Seaforth Services at 11 A.M. and 7.30 P.M. (standard time) Everyone welcome wesosatewspossesseigeamworm -- FOR -- DOMINION RUBBER BOOTS IT'S Willis Shoe Store Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITLOD CLINTON H Next to the •Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 27 and 28 THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI (Colour) William -Holden Grace Kelly (TWO 'CARTOONS) SATURDAY and MONDAY September 29 and October 1 "THE FAR HORIZONS" Fred MacMurray Charlton Heston (TWO ,CARTOONS). Box Office opens at 7.30 p.sm SIIOW STARTS AT BUSH CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CABS FREE charge of the meeting and dona- tions were accepted, A very ap- petizing lunch was served by the hostess and her daughter, Mrs. E. Mitchell assisted by :Mrs. Lloyd Poster, !Mrs. Silas John- ston and Mrs, Wm. Bennett. Guild Meeting St. George's Guild, Walton, held their September meeting at the Rectory in Brussels on Wed- nesday evening when Mrs. Jew- ell entertained the ladies of the Walton Anglican Church. The aneeting opened with the hymn "Breathe on me Breath of God", Rev F. Jewell read the scripture and led in 'prayer. The 'minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted by Mrs. Stewart Humphries. Plans were made for the ,bazaar to be 'held Sa•tur- ,...® - - mowwww Turkey Supper Egmondville United Church TUESDAY, OCT. 2nd Commencing at 6.30 Admission $1.50 St. CoIuanban PARISH HALL Euchre - Program - Lunch TUESDAY, OCT. 2nd CARDS START AT 9 Admission 5(0 sieffsgagneeslitleemeitmettecemet day afternoon Nov, 3. Further announcements will appear lat- er. Rev. Jewell closed with pray- er after which Mrs. Jewell serv- ed a delicious lunch. JOHN H. BARCLAY John Henry Barclay, former- ly of It. R. 1, Varna, died Tues- day at a home in Lueknow in his 84th year. Born in Stanley township, he made his home for the past several years with his nephew, Murray Grainger, R. It, 1, Varna, X05 was a member of the `United IC'hurch in Varna. Surviving are two other neph- ews, Russell Grainger, It. lt, 2, Zurich; Ardell Grainger, Wat- ford; and two nieces, •Mrs, Ger- ald .Hamilton, Clinton, and Mrs. D. Johnson, Portland, Ore. The body is at the Beattie funeral home, Clinton, where on Friday at 2 pm. Pastor IC. L. Sweigard of Clinton Pentecostal Church will conduct a service, Burial will Ibe in Bayfield cemetery, L e 0me F. Paper Drive WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10 For those wishing to have their papers and maga- zines collected for the Cancer, Polio and Tuber- culosis Fund, kindly call HICKS GARAGE E. HAASE ED ANDREWS VICTOR LEE CLAIR HANEY BRODHAGEN WINTHROP SEAFORTH SEAFORTH SEAFORTH AND ODD FELLOWS AND REBEKAHS 111151561111411.8113.15 wz 1 IPAILL °r end HAMDi-CA, sr NORM otay 4.98 Walt 55,00 PURCHASE AEG. RETAIL VALUE Saes CLARK'S Yes .. , come in today and make the price test at your IGA. You'll find lower prices on top quality products throughout the store, every day in the week, plus fast, friendly service at no added charge. So start today and discover as thousands of others have .... that you can save more on your food bill at your IGA Food Store. eans WITH CATELLI'S COOKED paghetti ALLSWEET argarine PARD DOG FOOD 2 15 oz tins 23c CLARK'S IRISH STEW 15 oz tin 29 c IGA SPIRIT OR BLENDED VINEGAR plus deposit gal jug 53 C 7c OFF REGULAR PRICE NESTLES QUIK 1 lb ctn WESTON'S CHERRY BLOSSOM BISCUITS pkg of 24 biscuits 29c SPECIAL! SHIRRIFF'S WHITE CAKE MIX pkg 29c LIBBY'S FANCY PEAS 52e 2 15 oz tines 35c ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTES ctn of 200 $2,99 1 -lb Ctrs 20 oz tins 15 oz 2 tins C 33c FIVE ROSES FLOUR 7 -lb BAG 49c OGILVIE CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX pkg. 31 c Quality Fresh Foods at Every Day Low Prices FREE! A 15 oz. can of IGA Fancy Applesauce with every Pork Roast purchased from 1GA. Offer expires September 29. CHOICE YOUNG PORK SHOULDER ROAST ib 45c DELICIOUS -ECONOMICAL PORK BUTT ROAST il, 55c BONELESS AND STUFFED PORK SHletULDER 11) 47c IGA TABLERITE RINDLESS - SIDE BACON iz tb pkg 43c Fresh Produce BANANAS ONIONS CORN 2 3 c 19c 39c doz. CELERY STALKS SEAFORTH lei