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The Seaforth News, 1956-09-27, Page 4
Prize Winners of Seaforth Fair Self h HF A\ 1 HORSES Clydesdales - Brood i mare, i'hnrl : 11;rltid, Aubrey'roll. C. Halliday foal, C Halliday and Sad, Aubrey Toll i fillyur gelding -.e-au and 1 yr., Arra- roe Tu11. Porcheron or B btinn ..Marr. Drake Stock rum, and 310 and Ott: 0. Ban- nerman nerman `and; L. Elliott & Son Uhl. teal. Drake Stool, Farm Mt, and, ill ; 0. A. B:uut r 1 ,td , tills or self u+:,, Wm. 1•. Hacri.em: 1 yr., Wm E. Her- rtsun, le ake Smelt Farm and stet Wer r t las•• Mare, L. 1sl11.., and Sou. Wm. kInerisoa; teal, 0. Bantle. man, I.. Elliott A son, Wnt H i naon ; ;illy or 001dili0 I ye., W. E. Harrison. Stratford. and "rid. Ha rtles0 ens., • Li. Draft team in harness. C, Halliday Aubrey Toll. and Urd:. wegon team. Ken Brown. Bert Mo - Bride, Joen rheh, Belneme, 0, lianner- man : - F. Ronwi k Clifford : Perehonn team, E. M. Pritchard. Imekn w :and _ad; O. Bannerman. Wm. 1,. Hauisein. Praise Stock Farms. St. Maty,: heavy draught team t'harles. Halliday. Aubrey Toll, C. Halliday : eingle wagon horse, Bort McBride, Ken Brown. 16. Renwiek. 0, Bannerman, Went Atonkton : .i horse tandem, C, Halliday. E. M. Pritohani. B. McBride S. K. Brown. John I'elteh and Eldon Roawiek. Aubrey Tu71. ep10iais- — Township, C, Flalliday Chesley. Aubrey Toll, Wm. Harrison, .Drake Stock Farms. E. M. Pritchard & Laramie; beat handled colt, Bamerman. Bili Elliott. ott. Mitchell. Roy Elliott, Best heavy horse. Bert McBride. 7.u. Judge -Hugh Berry. BEEF CATTLE Butchers' Cattle -Over 1 yr., W. Strong Dublin, H. Rundle, Exeter, W. (bates. Centralia-; 1 yr. and udder. 14 McQuillan,. Lueknow ; 0. W vallis, 1 Hirknell, J. Andrew. t{. Rinteul. Win. ham. Shoa.horns--Burl :1 yrs, W. Turnbull, W. Pepl,er, R. Pepper, K. McFarlane: bull 1 yr., W. Turnbull. J. Peck R. Penner; senior bull calf. 11. Pepper. W. Turnbull. McFarlane; junior Lull calf. J. Peck Stapleton, W. Pepper, t R. Pep- per, Turnbull ; : herpieo bull W. Turn- bull ; eow 3 yea.,W Pepper, M les lane Crr..ela Peek, lifelsaitlane, Teak heifer t Perk and :Ind, 7th 1 P , P.Ply - :dd. W. Tu nt ll t u r t Year, W. Pepper and and, Pepper. 7 Peek, Turnbull; hatter non' senior. leek H:uah, Air-. 1\'. C.lem:uu yuan ovine W. Pepper and td 'Tarnxull, Perk • se•111, in -. 1,» Thee Addingmrt 1 qt. heifer calf junior. Stapleton, Seap,,•th cucumber=, pickling, in ,port; Thee. Al - champion and 4th, 1i, Pepper. Fol 1. ; dimtton, Mt'. Janie: Keys; qt. hurter ehemitm female,At 11,it1 r herd, W. hearts. in mar lx. shelled; M. E. Peep: r Peck. hail n, F: l epee k Hooper.. then. Aldingt.,n : .It. white Teel. and three animals, W. Pepper, 1•,, ,1 ,n .mat box shelled: airs. - W. Peck and 'Ani 1{ F L1,,m. Tu^What] :Aboiden1 Annus mill 2 Jos, F.. (Doan. bull rag' senior, 1L t'ampbell. I.t- .•v,,l brill nolf junior. Campbell. 1 - 1 „ni piel1 bell Doan, 171 t l..le, cow itt yr Campbell yr: Aloin. t,ndd,e11; hei- r ,r I yr. Campbell, Bonn ; .en1ot nalf. O.emphe ll, Duan : junior rale Doan. Cam14.11 and eat, 4th: champion ;•- male, ('amld,'t1: herd, Camhhell. Paan. Campbell. three animals. Campbell. Doan Campbell. Jdu,;r- W. C. F. °estrlcher. Dl AL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS Bull a F16, John K,. can. Ihlnet• Chappel' John Keys; dry cow. Framer Chanpol. John Key 1elfei• 2 ts., J„hv Keys and ami. Filmer lhapetc•I; heifer -' yrs., in milk. Filmer Chappel: heifer yr, Keys. Ctppet: calf under Yr. Knees; herd, Kays, Winne, of 1)1..tst pts., Joan, Kees. Varna. . ISORTIC'l'LTURAI. I'RODVCTs Apples lea Winners in all ,.81110e of apple., Fred Meetly -meet, -Iran AirCAm nt Peat Winners in peat Memos, Fared Me (dym nt Garnet Adam.. -hire J. R. 1hompaw. Plums Plum entries won by Garnet Adauna, Mrs, J. R. trhompson. Grapes encs Grtma entries wort by Wilbur Keyea, Judge St R. Chard. GRAIN Balt bus. o£ A1£al£a se(d, M. E. Hooper, Pun Buchanan, 8' Ibur Keys: Ifult bus. Timothy. M. 1l.. Hooper, Wm. S. Storey. J. A. Jamieson, Pon Buchan- an : half bus. . ii'ed Clue', Don Buchan- an.. M. L Hooper • half t,us. Fall wheat. M. E. Hooper Wm. 8. D. Storey, Jack Crozier, loran Broadfoot. Airs. W'. Haugh, Ivan Mil'lsrnont 1 half bus, of harder. Al. E. Hooper, Wilbur Keys, W. S. 1). Storey, Jack Crozier. Arnold Jamieson: halt bus, Oats. Tate. M. E. Hooper. Moo Scott, Don Buchanan, J. Arnold Jamieson, Louis Coyne, Jack (Mader, Robs McMillan, R. 8. Mc- Kercher; half bus. Oats, early M. E. Hooper, Wilbur Key.; half bus. White Means, W. S. D. Story, M. E. Hooper. Iva) Mn('lyutont. Bale of first cut hny. W. S. D. Storey, Mrs. SanStorey. Don Buchanan. 1 has. of field chopped hay, first nut, M. E. Hooper. 1 sheaf of 10 Melt. ensilage cora, Mrs. W. Haugh, Ivan MrClynwnt, Ken Stewart. Don Bu- ehannn, Jack Crozier. Husking Corn. R. E. MetdIlTan, W. Haugh, M• E. Hooper, Ivan Meelymont, Jack Crozier, Don Buobmmn. FIELD CROP COMPETITION Husking Corn: Pfister No. 28 Mervin Godkin 68; Lewis Coyne 781 Karl fipple 70: Art Henderson 89: La - ern Godkin 771 Gordon Papple 85; Rea bort McMillan 95; Don Buchanan 74; Ken Stewart 60 ; John Henderson 82. GARY OATS Robt. Id Scott .10; Clarence Regele Geo. Wheatley 92; Lavern Godkin : James I'". Key's e5; Wm. Living- ston 94; IL:ht. W. Campbell 68; R. T. Briton 79; Robt. P, Allan 93: R. S. MoKerehet• 62; A. Henderson 12; Don Buchanan 75; J. Arnold Jamieson 90; Lewis Coyne 82; Bold. E. AieHilfsn en; Statiley Hilden 7o; John Henderson 11), ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Jude,:A P Truax. Tnylve tomatoes.. rod: Mrs. W. Haugh, Thos. Alll ;tori crit onions front seep, 0t,mh Jerk Croeier, Rune Keys; 12 onions from Dwell S - Mrs, W. liaosilt, M 1, Hinter b table carrots, -I a. 14,,, o hays Th.,: Aldinxton; e tabl. 'artots, hong and pointed: Mrs. W. It o h. MIrn. T. 18. Thompson It..Pick- life r. lett.: M.. W. Hauch, Thos. 2,1d- irent n; s turnip bloat beet: 1has Aid- in;;ten. Airs. W. Haugh ; J cu,umbera. rine or green; T. 17, Thompson, lied W. Mei'lymont ; 6 tnhle parsnips, Thos. At - din, -ton, Furl Meelymon ; 6 heat pe1- peri: Elgin Sett; 11 ears sweet table cern: Fred McClymont. Mrs. W. Cole- man: 6 ears field corn: Jack Crozier. hies. W. Coleman t 6 winter radish: Mrs. W. Haugh Fred McClymont : 2 eunflow- er heads) Alts. W. Coleman. Gimlet Ad- ams: teat novelty in vegetables: M.E.. Hooper. Thos. Aldington : 2 heads cauli- flower: Thos, Aldiubton; 8 heads red cuhbage: Fred MCCly'mott; 3 heads Fail cabbage: Airs. W. Haug'.:, Thns. Aldine - ton; ': heads Winter cabbage: Thos AI- DAIRT CATTLE dingUm. Fred McClymont; half peck of :Aye• °.ires.....Bni2 Wilfred Ba rhea. B. white or yellow onions: Mn. W. Roto:'ve: bull cant. F. chsmpi0tt 111a1.'. W. R0110", 1'eer: l - g : best now. Barnes. Irate,. 7,obb.Beata:: n 1 1111 heifer yr i gbh Durno.. and Red. Howatt. Loll .eoel tt :heifer lewa t. Re, Not:. Bar.^, /mid,. T .Mit Howatt senior. eeitee Barnes. Bona, Tion-mt. Haw: t lmvatt junior heifer clef. E. Met. Clinton: Itowats Ba••n , Lobb. Hotta: l,vbli :-ehampin. female. Lad,: herd. l7:aon+.. T,nleb, Howatt. Ter,evs • ..Bu11. 'Lorne Carter, John Powell :1l 7 en. Tr. -:n Trewnr!ha 1 hull -1 Lome Carter, 1 T ewartha: eh:It-anise rude.T Cater: caw ", 710, 8. and 7nil. Larne Carter and lie : jry l 16, ('atter and 2n1..7 Trees n •et yrs.. Cane r. Tr e- ttn .era heifer 5rar',Io senior.. T1wnCarter; lotifer year - 511••:,r.1 Tr aTro. OA, 611!: spi-r, Oar. r , ad Lel c1( junior. lar. r Trnstenha Caner. T warha chain ,,.ole.. C:. , e. , . herd. Carter, Tre- 'r.-. ylt.. Wm. Rayl: W. -13 .y d and 2nd , heifer pier- .' e. Wen. Breed. sad and: senior. a..• Wm. Boyd, John Bod, W. Roya t Stater ett!f surior Betty Sterne. ,S. E:, t .sw:t:tei'51 ehamp:on female, Sane .,. cd. HFFP d.•w -- cprier, in all Fastio BaP.:w s 11,. Other A. D. S. cove '4 Sada'. 3noilio -.A nrires. Er -e Bros, sFiro retro In l lase Atis,t Cr..i.-. Three Sends .. Areeie W. Barrett. Hauch: 2 muskmelons, 11. E. Mo.\lillan. Mn, Janes Keys; 2 citrons, striped: Frei Alel'•lymont, Mrs, W. Coleman; •.etable marrow: SI.. W. Haugh, Fred Mo0lymont : 2 pie pumpkins: No tame. Fred McClymont : table squash, ' varieties: F. Met'lymont. Mrs. W. Haugh: Hubbard squash: Elgin Nett • F. M eClymont ; largest pumpkin t Sohn Broadfoot; 6 -field carrot.. white: Gar- net Adams, F. McClymont; 6 Swede turnips. table: Mrs. W. Haugh: 6 sugar beets: Wilbur Keys; 6-ut. basket be' weight Irish Cobbler: F. McClymont, Thea. AIdingten: 6 -qt. basket by weight. any other variety early potatoes: Mrs. W. Haugh. Thon. Aldinifton; half bus. by weight any other variety' late pota- toes F. hfradyrnont; 6 stalks fodder cin Ken Stewart, Mrs.. W. Haugh ; Colleetran of garden Drodecet Mt's.Y Ha .k CaA\NED FRTITS &VEGETABLE$ ti. wber res Mrs. J Caner. Mrs E M Jamieson n Cherries Mrs. Nett Lx A. J nes J Caner. Mem E, Nott hire.S. - Storey; r i _,e,,,, , Airs. .1. tante-, Bruce Keyes. Mrs. 0. Storey; Pear,: Bruce Keyes, Ri- ta Orr, Mrs. J. Caner; Plums: Arnold Jamieeon. .Mrs. J. Carter. Rota Orr; Raspberries: Airs. E. Nott, Mrs. A. Jamieson. Brace Keyes; Tomato juice: Airs. J. Carter, Reta Orr: Chili sauce: Mrs. A. Jamieson, Reta Orr. Mrs. E. Not:: Pickled Cherries: Mrs. J. Carter. Mr:, 0. Storey ; Pineapple: Mrs. J. Car- ter. Rets Orr: Canned Tomatoes: Beta Orr. Mra. J. Carter: Cucumber Pickles: Brum Keyes. Rita Orr, Mrs. J. Ke)6s,, Varna: Pickled Beets: Ethel Dennis, ?Ire. Carer. Bruce Keys: relish: 3118. Cerro,. Bruce I41050, Mrs. A. Jamieson; ) r : Airs. Carter. Rita Orr, hers. S. Stony; Dail pickles: Rita Orr, Mrs. Cortor: Ternato catsup: Rita Orr. Mr., tuner t o f ce 011810101 n Mrs. Carter. r , all Masses.. 54 E. Noo. Mrs. A. Jamieson .taw •• ^-o, is , Wm. R.1 berry - Ml Rim Orr. Bruce Keys. Mrs - 1 Neat;raspberry janitEthyl Pears, all • els,ses. Orn Brune hey apple Selly: Eth- }Inelss Mrs. Curtkr. Mrs. Jamieson: auras,: Jelly:3fr . E Nett. Mrs. Caro 8161-166,61 r variety jam: _.. ....... . 1 I 1 Orte, Mro Jamieson, Mr.,. Carter: lttlostand. .t canned fruit, airs. Carter, .. 1 t ,iatt18 and jellies; Ms. E. 3 xe - M orgaret J. F- E 1 aIE7 PRODUCTS,nom. D reartsr, rags, 7 loured,: Ca -'ter, I - pounds, rr prints,Mf ; Castor. Etenel, ler. tise. individual cin : Eve: Dennis , Staple yds: cCiernorsi lismearnadesoap: 3m. Carmr. Fred M ("ym, t: clymont Ethel Dennis:nom--made d. pound.: el Janne, Carter,. F. -toms rtli li1 ROME ECONOl1ICS '. Mitt, Woyns W.. to bread: E'10 1 I; errsvn ai 11 .lir:'..,-,:. : Etimi Deaau, .lir. .a J. Cater. • 'Vas, . . B'.1 McMillan; Me:raft i :-u: SSTs. Stor- m's te: .. £._,-,:,.3• < , Wens 5P s Carter: It r Mrs. tI. ?apple. 10 - `n E-. e -t Me C. e. •, c•:, e to r ' 1' F I :d 'V I' M :S. Storey.Ethel Dennis, etss Sess.,. B \S t Rill Milase. l" Pena,....... W. . a. Aessie Pelt Inins. i es 1I POULTRY lgt 11 Mies: - 1, eSS r, £ FGC3 • t1t 1'':'.,.0' PVT • are. 4r -, (aa Mrs. 51. Co10- 15 E:hel ise.r.r.is. Mrs 0. Papp:0 ; eke- - layer ,.eke: Mt,. G. Papple. Mrs. ones : white layer. rake: Mrx. Caner, M1 5leali2a Mo. G. Popple • Sponge Sir Carter. r14S ' G. Parra.; Ban - toyer cake: fr.n. Panple, Mrs. Car- - iffin sake:M._. Parr a Sir.. ,sant f role: Mrs. Carve, rta Ore; fruit cadge: Pia Orr: sni r.. :oat: : Rita Orr. M,., S. . .,' Air's J, Y 1 a Cream: Miss. A. Nita. a: t. ,r td;e: airs. E, . airs. S. .tire,, 'S-:. A. Jamieson: Ate A Temi Ms"., 715T. Mr,. S. Store:, ; 5S Bruce Rey.: van Broco Kees. Mi Caner. Mf ... . ; ma._ -,r0., hirs. I alt and ^.i..1• '• 1 I ('r' also. , 1 as+ sine rat 1 ori 1 1 11. 1 •h .Trus IT.,Iland, if oris e ores :rat [. Billy Afh•;n (70, T, J• 11,1C,avan ilmay L anslnk, Conti. 1 Palia;le. But by ?nook, Fred Kohn. 5 r n t.. -d. :sratkle. els. Mfrs, -..- ., hi . torson efo, A efts 11,01 11 DI f 1'.Al.tale\1' Ne, di: r rriot rsnoit al 18 Mr,n r tram:1 Eerla.ri 1I W"o r Mrs. Kemp. 1l. . Jim hey . cad. ,u S -d : 'i_', T. Barton Afghan: Mee 4 McClure, Mrs. Mita Orr; mat, hooked; Mrs T. Barton mat, aril: Mr;, 1 N,kt, M.. Orr Maa, Barluu; Satin tcldun. Mrs. Kemp. hits. C. MoClu rc. Mrs. M. Staffee ; embroid- ered cushion: AB's, vtrllcu ; needle- point. rust:len: Mrs. Ixemt. needlepoint picture: tur Mrs. hemp. herr.- Stiffen; tat- ted Maley: AIts, Davi! Scheidt, arra, Ort Mrs. J. Kemp: etcclteted dolky; Mfrs. Steffen, hits. Schenk. Mrs. a, Meelu,e; to: cloth: AAs. S. McClure, hire 'halter:, 1trs, Rnrton; Bridge cloth. Airs. Steffen, Mvs, Emma; peace mat.: Air,. Stiffen; table cover; Mrs, Schenk, ALs. Stiffen; centrepiece: Mrs. Etatfen.. Airs. S. • McClure, Mrs, Dalrymple; Centrepiece: Airs. Stiffen; Buffet set: Mrs. hemp. Tilos, Stiffen; Buffet Det: Mrs. Steffen, Mrs. McClure 1 pillow slip: Alas, Steffen, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Rnrton: pillow s1111: Mrs, Steffen, Mrs. Kemp, Alt's. Mealtime ; pillow slip: alts. Rita, (Ira, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Bart- on: pillow site: Beta Ort•, Moa. Schenk, et rs. Star fent sheet: Mix. Stiffen: Vanity set: Mrs. Kornis, Alta Schenk. Mia Stiffen; pin cushion: Mrs, Steffen, Mrs. 1Kemt., Mrs. ,echenk ; knit gloves: Mrs, J. Keyes ; knit mitt.: Mks, Ketnp ; metes mitts: Airs, 8, McClure; fine sox: Airs. Schenk, Mrs, Ketnp; work sox; Ates. Cater, Mrs. Kemp 1 lwllover sweater: Mrs. J. Keyes; baby's set, knit: Mrs. J. Kemp, Mrs. Steffen; aby's 0 •t. crochet, Mrs, Stiffen, Mrs. Kemp. Air.. S McClure,. apron; Airs. 3. Carter, Mr.. Schenk, Mrs. I(emit 1 Cob- bler's apron; Mrs. Steffen; Christmas apron: Ates, J. Kemp, Mrs. Stiffen, Brace Keyes; house dress; Mrs. Schenk, Arcs. I(emp. Mrs. Stiffen; cotton skirt: Alms Stiffen, Mrs, Schenk, hies, Kemp; wool skirt: Mrs. Steffan, Mrs. Schenk, Mrs. Jim Keyes; pyjamas) Mrs, Staf- fat, Airs, Schack, Mrs, Kemp; sport shirt: Mrs, Steffen, Airs, Schalk: jump- er; Mrs. Kemp; girl's dress; Mrs. Stan, ren, Mrs. Kemp, Bruce Keys; sunsuit: Mrs. Steffen, Airs. Kemp; boy's trous- ers: Mrs. Kemp, Mrs,. S. McClure; arti- cles made from sugar sacks: Mrs. Schenk. Mrs. Kemp. Airs. S. McClure; birthday box: Mos. J, Kemp; bath tow- el: Bit's, Kemp, Mrs. Steffen; linen towel: Mrs, Stiffen, Mrs. Schenk; geed towel: Airs. Schenk, Mrs. Staffers; tea towel: Arts. S. McClure, Mrs. Stiffen, Mrs, Kemp ; New Canadian, doiley: Mrs. Bruinoma; dress: Mrs, Brminsma. Special-- ('hold's article; Mrs. H. Ac- 1vado1 Brute Keys.Ars. J. Keyes.es 41 10- vimicr of most points: Mrs Ilrax- lnsma, Sie'ial -Winner of most Points: Mrs. J. Kemp. }LOBBIES Oiliest -Needlework; Betty Ann Gib- bing.. Mixed - trolleetio,s tCoins, etc., Eileen Garrett, Jim Broadfoot, Bob Li. reel, Darlene Sill., Douglas Layton, Da. yid Crich. Mixed Art: Brace Whtt- ,sore, Ruth Crich, Mildred Crich, Bet- ty : Ann Gibbing.., Douglas Layton, Elaine Bell, Elaine Ball, Fred Bruins - ARTS AND CRAFTS Oil 1 ain:iatn display: Mrs. Thome. Art Class; Seeforh group, Mr. 14,,s - all: alinninum may: Mrs. 8. McClure, Ales. Elia Ellis, AMm, M. Hillebrecht; aluminumarticles: Mrs. S. McClure. :vers. Hillebro ht, Air,. Ellin; copper tooled: Mrs. Ellis; Costume jewellery: Mrs. H. Johns, Mra, Storey, Gordon •Johns; tooled leather: Aim, A. Clark. ht.. Bert Garrett; wallet: Mrs. A. Claret, Mrs, T. Barton: gloves; Mrs, 'A. ('lark; handbag; felt; Mrs. Barton. Mrs. I). Schenk; most luaus, metal: Airs. Elva Ellis; most point,'± leather: Mrs. Anhu, Clark. FLORAL EXHIBIT Aster: Mrs, W. Haugh: Cosmos: ;Airs, W. Haugh, Mrs. E. Nola,. ]ors. Robert Dahymjle; Calendula: Afrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. E. Nutt, Mrs. S, McClure: Dah- lias: Mks. R. Dalrymple, Thos. Aiding - ton; Dahlias, 7 blooms; Airs. R. Dal- remele, Thos. Aldington. Mrs. J. Cart- er; Gladiolus, 't spikes: Mrs. Baugh: Gladiolus. 7 spikes: Mrs. W. Haugh; Gladiolus: Mrs. W. Haugh; Gailiardia: Airs. W. Haugh; Marigolds, African Airs. W. Hauch. Afrs, J. 11. Thompson: Larkspur: Mrs. Haugh; Roses: Airs. J. R. Thompson: Rosea, Floribunda; Mra. J. R. Thempsnn ; Phlox,: Mrs. W. Haugh; Snapdragon, display: flits. 0. McClure, Mrs. W. Haugh; Zinnias: Mrs. E. Nott, Mrs. T. R. Thompson; Zinnias, Wray: 1Ila+, S. McClure. Airs. E. Nott: African Violet; Mrs. E. Nott, Elgin Nott; African Violet, collection: Mrs. E. Nett, Mrs. R. Dalrymple; African Violet, double: Mrs. R Dalrymple, Mrs. E. Nett African Violet, collection: Mrs. R. Dalrymple. Bearonia.. Mrs. Haugh; ; coleus, Mrs. T Cotter ns. Haugh; cactus,Isra Haugh; corsage, Mrs. J R. Thompson, Mev Elgin Nett; floral arrangement, Airs. Non.Mrs. . Haug h horn. plant, Airs. Nott : winter bouquet, Mrs. Haugh; tande bouquet. Mrs. Dalrymple Airs. Thompson; tall bouquet, Mrs. Haugh; ,green arrangement, Mra, Nott: tit0nia, Mr-. W. Haugh. Thau:115%ieing dining centre, Mrs. S. Storey: most points, Mra, Haugh. MERRY MAIDENS GARDEN CLUB Five oeget:.bl."•s 30 Hoa r ne% Mary McLMcLeod, Bonnie :1,,0McLeod, Anne Haugh, Catherine Campbell; centrepiece, Anne Hatch. Mary Papple, Agnes Bicknell; Bouquet, Afarjnrie Papple, Ruth Crozier, AM. Haugh Coleus, Anne Haugh. GIRLS 4-H CLUB Ina r-Blouoe, Dorothy Keys. Ruth coon,. Jan Scott: Junior Girls— Je n B -' dfnet, Agnes Hirknell, Mar- jorie ,:With, Suatno Haugh. Supper : ("Sub --Senior: Tea biscuits, Marilyn Tayhd. Mary Broadfoot, Dor- othy Keys, Marilyn Riley; Junior. Mar- s:1s, past]pasoie, N:oto • pepper, Jean Br,1ad- Arum Ii, knell Junior Institute Hope Chest. Dorothy r<:••.7. M rY Broatifoot. Catherine C,ume- e Mrs, Ken C aml bei). HIGH SCHOOL SECTION AsetesHtm.rol7 4nt,ne to van 1 Il.•, e! blon. Edith Besot. Agnes c r. i rimer dress, Donna Cn m - h ( Donna Cheraiski ; nope', it Chemiski, Ranh Crozier. Marjorie I .e panty dt ..- Barbara Evans: .a. Jean calker. ref edging•. Marjorie Smith. . I, by 5157 s, Marlette Pat 1'..,l'14,:.Siam. ie mith; emir, arta, .aiaelonePns, if ,rarie Pa16'le, Marie t,i r e. nae t rade `+, Donna Dick: ,.•t o. .rade is. Marjorie Pap- ile: on:noised a s ere. Betty Murrey. Tea eassos dean Hi11en, Jean , D: .y' Keys; muffins, Dorothy' K Jan cert, Betty Murray; cream putts.Mary Broadfoot; cookies, Jean B u i „, Mary Broadfoot, Gene Nixon. te.t,,,ate rake, 'Marlene Ross. Judy Bot. Pans,ny Key.; chiffon cake, Mat- e patode, Alice Ann Nixon, Marion wain : 1. Nancy Pepper, Jean I. Keys; meringue pie, 1fa•v "Mcletssh, Marjorie Papple. Nancy T ;.l noose Mary Broadfoot, Jean Firoasoced. tithe, Godkin. Arts •::d Crafts' --Woodwork, Theo 'beady. B_?, Fo•horinghom, Bary Hoe - Tank Broadfoot; other woodwork, B: relfeot 1 metal work, Jack : drafting, Reg stone, Barry Bea Iot',nrir,O,,m,SJack Bratd- os rade 1"—Woodwork. John Bo- a Wayre Chappel, Doug Ecken- d--r. Ford Finnan. Took Broadfoot; me. prosen. ayne ...app01; drafting, John P.e r.. .. Howard James. Paul Me. Sdaster. Fne7 rewires ria •,,^,e Chatpe3: tirade ll---Woodersrls Dour. Riley •eth- ea Doan I - , Keith Pe•aick Richard V -deaftina. Keith Peolefet Law- s: Tssit.r. Gram :a.--Woodwork, r 'ic(v Mc- I iets ., ee J. L A or: Dein Dents , lie.- C Ruthr Crozier. Other gladiolus, Den Denali, Mary i , , ra •It d ,Ills 1 tladle>,x. Bol. I`atkeriuxl m: g i r dispinp, Bert Dennis, --Mary Brandt at. Jack llrondtoot; annual.- Marilyn lav 11, Marjorie Popple. ALiry Moultrot. potted planta 'Jan Scott, Bary 11 m ns Alriean violets, M. Tayylor, Barry Fleming, Jean Scott ;: cactus, Agnes Hirknell, Rose ;hurray ; chrysanthemum. Marjorie 11,1,1,•. I kraal ,ur`0anxomeut. MMnrjor'io Pal+plc, Jean Scott, Ruth Crozier. DI 1 Mi:NT ABY SCHOOL SECTION Ctwklugeten biscuits Em11y Elliott, Joan Teall, Sandra Bushie, • Marion Flowitt, Linda Lane; tart:, Emily El- liott, Elaine Oke, George Brown, Cath- erine Phillips. Layer cake, Amt I(Ihng, Helen Broadfoot, Emily Elliott, Jonn Reynolds, Caul Carter; muffins, Elaine Oke Elizabeth Carter, Mildred COd011, Grace Stephenson, Shirley Dinsmore i cookies, Margaret 17,mnery, May Flan- nery. Elaine Oke, Suite Chapple, Bever- ly Phillips: layer cake, Carol Carter, Louise Bradshaw, no name, Peter Stiles: apple pie. George Brown, Emily Elliott, Caroline Roca Dianne McCabe, no name: Candy, Lee Fleming, Barbara Falconer, Barbara holland, Louise Bradshaw, Doric Walker, fudge, Dianna McCabe, Phyllis Bryan, Joan Rogerson, Janet Henderson, Barbara Layton. Writing—Grade .1, hilly McGrath, Su- sanne usanne Dale, Catherine Mcleod ; Grade 2 Barbara Chesney, Judy Muegge, Bob MoKenzie, Ruth Gorwill; Grade 8, Cheryl Moore, Shirley Riley, Brenda, Ross, Rosemary Lansink, Ronald Hildebrand;. Grade 4, Marjorie Agar, Shirley Storey, Adriam Cormick, Rosemary Roy; Grade 5, Helot Broadfoot, Barbieri. Falconer, Sharon Adair Bruce Whitmore, Mary Flannery; Grade 6, Gefr'tie Postma, Maalke Flannery; Cowrie Eckert, Eliza- beth Stewart; Grade 7, Judy Nott, Dur- othy Ross, Emily Elliott, Susan Haugh ; Grade 8, I(ay Nott, Kay Nott, Joyce Cowlan, Corinne Smith, Dianne Gard- ner, Werkhook Barbara Chesney, Al - Ian Patterson, Bob McKenzie, Ronnie Crich, Carol Ann Flannery; workbook. derides 5,6,7.5, Janet HIenderson, Faye Blue. Maly Allan, Helen Broadfoot, Art --Kindergarten; Jean McLeod Sharon Talbot, Heather Beuerman, Pet- er Snow, Gene Kruse. Paper weaving, Sharon Talbot, Caroline Wright, Debbie huller, Panto Moore trades 1. 8, Susan Seem., no noun, Carol Amt Flannery Judy Munroe. Donald Hu11ey. Grad 4 5, t Heather Afelmod, Melvin Walters, Luie Devereaux, eaug Marg. Mc- Gregor, no name; Grad, R, Carol Pepper, Elaine Bell, Frank Rovers, Em- ily Elliott, Ruth Crich ; Poster Bolen Scott, -Judy Crich, Lynda Savauge, Luis Maloney. Barry Fleming; spatter work, Kenneth Wright, Cleverly Phillips. no mann', I(11ye McCowan, Elizabeth Car- ter: spat11 work, Elaine Ball, More Ann Scott. Mary Strong Cathy Eckert. Jim Coleman; poster Barbara Mennell, Cathy Eckert, Ba'barta r lulnxteel, Shag Elliott. Bonni0 1Vetxtund ,, modelling, Peter Scow; soap carving, Lac Elem- eit, Ann McLean; :slap carving. Carel Messer, Helen Scott. -:roux—Doll, Helen Broadfoot Amt I(hnvt^, Darlene Sill., Christy Dobson, Heather Broadfoot; tea towel, Gesela Helbig, Gail Nicholson: Marg. AleGrege or, Mary McGregor, Franey Berger; n1" rpn, Mary Forrest, Helen Broo,tloot, Ge. nein Helbig, Ann vanden Hemel • knlHed article Helen Broadfoot, Beverly Phil- lipa, Catherine Phillips: hamlw•o•ked article, Helen Broadfoot, Gesela Helbig, Carolyn Ross, Snndrn Bushte, Mildred C:rieh; felt article, no name, Helen Broadfoot. Gesela Helbig, Canal Burns, Darlene Sills; costume jewellery. Bar- bara Layton. Added class. Marg. Rog - Crafts and Hobbles -Aeroplane Andy Calder, Allan Ball, Fred Broinsma, Donald Wright, Paul Matthews; wall bracket. Gordon Maloney, Jimmie Lov- ett, Hoary Lansink. Bennie Lansink. weed collection, no name, no name. no came. Reg. Smith, Julie Chapman: tree fruits collection Donald McLeod, no name. no name. Gloria Bcuerman, G,uxia Christensen; map. Beverly Stiller, Judy Nott. no name. Marg. McGregor. Eileen Dolmnxe; illustrated map, no name, Barbara Nott. Jack Papptet plastierne, Darlene Sills, John Snow Paul S3littal, Peter Snow, Brian Broome. POCLTRY—Elementary School Class 1 --Rhode Island Red, ekl, p, M. Crich and 2nd; Barred Plymouth Rock. e, Bruce Papple, ekl, 11 M. Cadet; end Julie Chapple: White Rock, 0, Jim Pon - Pk. end Bruce ?apple; A. V. Bantams, u gg c MfCrih n J3 B •h kl Crich. d m rottdfoat, c , 1 P Crich, IndJim Broadfoot • A. M I h o V bb � J n e Mary Rabbits, Joyce land e, 2nd i ty Y g MCIhtatn Rhode Island Reds, c, Af. Crich; Cress Bred heavy. c. JulteChalo- Pie, grad Brace Papple, YORKSHIRE Boar, over 2 yrs., Wm. Turnbull, R. Waeeltter; Boar over 1 yr,. Wm, Turn- bull, Robt, AScTfillnn, R. Waeohtor, of Mildmay C. Bacon; Boar over 6 mos. C. Bacon, Belgrave. Wm. Turnbull, J. Powell, Wm. Turnbull, R, 51cMi11an Boar under 6 moss Wm, Turnbull, C. Bacon, Wm. Turnbull; Sow over 111 moi and under 2 yrs., C. Bacon. Wm. Turnbull, Robt. McMillan Wm. Turn- bull: Sow over 1 yr., R. W'aeehter, IVm. Turnbull, R. Waechter, Robt. MnSIillan, Wm. Turnbull; Sow, 6 mesa Lorne Car- ter, J. Broadfoot, Robt. McMillan, Wm Turnbull. C. Bacon: Sow under 6 mos., Barry Watson 4-H, Wm. Turnbull. Wm. Turnbull ; Senior Herd. R. Waech- ter, R. Waechter. Wm, Turnbull; Jun- ior herd, Wm, Turnbull, C. Bacon, Ro- beet McMillan. TAAM\VORTH Boar 2 yrs. and over. Bert French, of Palmerston; Boar 1 yr., James Hart, of Gadshilt. G, Dougtas, Mitchell Bert French. James Hart. Bert French; Bohr over 6 mos., Bert French, James Hart. G Deu ras a Boar under 6 mos„ G. Douglas. James Hart, Bert French. G. Dau,,las, James Hart; Sow 2 yea. Jas. Hart, Nen French. Bert French, Bert French, James Ha, :amen Hart: Sow 1 yr„ G. Douglas, James Har, G. Doug- las. ou„lass. Bert French; Sow over 6 moa., Bei- French. Tames Hart Bert French. G. POugtas. G. out, ab ; Sow under 6 moss James Hart, G. Douglas, Bert French. G. Douglas, Tames Hart ; Sen - tor Herd, James Han, G. Douglas, 1ert French : Junior herd, Bert French, G. Douglas, Jame. Hart. BERKSHIRE Boar. 1 yr„ Bert French; Boar under 6 mos.. Bert French; Sow 2 yrs., Bert French : Sow 1 yr., Bert French ; Senior Herd, Bert French. 2:28 Pace HARNESS $ACES Village Queen, Clare Haney, Eg- mondville 1 1 Easter Eve, Robert Kirkby, Walton . 9 Butcher BOY. Hardy Bros., Lucan 3 r Trustee R., H. Montanus Stratford 5 3 Lucky1VnitStaronr Norman Williamson, Times: 2:2e 3)51 2:22. 2:22 Pae, 4 4 Juno ARworthy C., H. 0, Jerry, Goderieh 1 1 Lord -Richard. C. Young, Lucan 2 2 McLellan Boy, Robert Kirkby, Walton 3 7, Jack Scott• Sohn Campbell Walton 5 SBsa Belair, Joe Burns, Seaf0rt1 4 4 Times: - 2:22~ • :2r Pony rare.12 and under: Ken Me- Liwain, Seaforth, Welter. : Bettyn e Laverty. DavidKirkby, ; Ken McLlwkjn, Seaforrh. Pray race, 16 and under: David Kirk - 0)•: Arthur McClure, Blyth. Pony race, bay's and girl:. 14 bands: Das;d Ki:key; Kenneth Meth: -air.; Ar - 'cur 5l.:Gate. (';;'.f rare: Dodalas Hu-ili, Seaforth: r.eHc.i 1 Seef nth Mee McLean, et It. c Ii'ty tt Belten'a•: •,. DAIRY CALF SHOW M Merjorie 1 o Many l r ,mi r a,. 1 L r 170.s4.5'.:,Marlyn Tayler 1 drag Mary Biedolfm., Der -cis Jewitt.i b. t P 7 R, Collins,.A.R. 41.. Edo, .girl , Edith Boyd, 11,1: 2Walton, 377; An- thony Vain,,,, n, R,3t. 2, Sencerlla, 375; Cecil blouinsnm, Eat, 1, Clitd. a 17:1, other claire Arc" d,: 14nild l at tet, 3s5 ; Laurel Dale ILK. 1, l.lmt n talents 3 0 Wilma 01110, H.R.1,Clin1s5. Otorn es s; Ive11,, kitllmnn R.R. d, Seaforth Ayrshire, 377; Douglas BIM i11, 11,I41, 2, Seaforth Guernsey, 375; Wayne Huxi11, 1117, 2, Seatforth, Quern- sey, ) Dvaret Iler6.016, 14.11. 4, C'lin- 1i10, Guernsey, 370, Swine ('Club Robert BioasCoot, 1LIt. 1 Ilruoo(eld, And the highest score for .hawmanship, and Beverley Henderson, 11. R. 6. SOW. forth, was given the top award f0r Ata Pig, . when 20) anon:wis of the Seaforth 4.11 Swine Club held their annual shute at Seaforth Foil Fait'. Club benders who organized and directed the show were Kenneth Stewart, 91.11. 5, Seaforth and Bob McMillan, R.R. 2, Seaforth. When the 20 hogs, each one rttiSed and fitted for show by a club member were judged. second pflze was uwaded to the entry of Jaek Broadfoot, R.R. 1, Brumfield, and others in the top 10, in order of placing, were entered by Doug- las Riley, R•R. 1, Londesboro 1 Laurence Taylor, R.R. 1, Londesbot»; John Jew- itt, R.R. 1, Clinton; Robert Broadfoot; I(enneth nipple 11.R. 6, Seaforth; Den- nis Jewitt, R.R. 1, Clinton ; Donald Car - tor, R.R. 2, Seaforth; Tom Whyte, 1{. R. 2, Seaforth, Second prize for showmanship in the swine ring went to Donald Carter, and other top showmen, U, order were: Merle Godkin, R.R. 2,Walton; Bever- ley Henderson ; Bruce oleman, R. R. 4, Seaforth; Francis Hunt It. R. 1, Sea - forth.; Kenneth Papple, Jack Broadfoot; David Livingston, R. R. 2, Seaforth; Mac Stewart, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Other club members who brought out animate for the swine club show were Bill hfillson, R,R, 2, 50afortl, ; Winston Powell, R, B. 2, Seaforth; Alex 'Ibwus- end, R. R. 3, Seaforth; Audrey Godkin, R. R. 2, Walton. JUNIOR GRAIN SHOW Norman Cartwright R. R. 1, Londes- bot'ni, representing the Clinton 4-11 Crain Club, was the -)winner of the Harold Jackson Brophy, for the best half -bushel of oats in. Huron County. The Jackson trophy competition was 0 county champ- ionship show, open to members of all 4.14 grain clubs in Huron. Runner-up in tate championship show WAS Donald Ryan, R. R. 4, Walton, re rreeentiu the ALeKillo 4-11 (train Club, and third place went 8n Cordon Strang , 1i. H 1, lienaall, representing the Hen- aall-Exeter 4.11 (Latin Club. SWINE t'HAMPIONSHIP In a county ehnmplonsltp swine s11ow, Open to nil 4-1I swine clubs in Huron top place for bacon hog want to Bary Watson, ILL 2, Brussels, who showed a hog from the Yorkshire herd of W. Turnbull and Sun, Second place in the championship class went to Beverley Henderson, I(,17,. 1, Senfortb, of the Seaforth Swine Club; third place went to Emerson Robinson, lielerave, of the North Huron Swine Club. Bele lather placings in the county champ- ionship clanswere: 4th Marion Turn- bull, R.R. 2, Brussels; 6th, Jack Broad - foot. R. R. 3 Snntarth ; 5th, Donald Lobb, R. R. 2, Clinton ; 7th, Douglas Ri- ley, R. R. 1, Lordoeboo; atle Willialn Uhle, R. R. 2,Bruseels; Mb, Laurence Taylor, IL.11, , Londesboro • loth Da- vid Kirkland, R. R. 3, Lueknow. Other competitors in the championship class were John Jewitt, R.R. 1, Clinton; Bob Broadfoot, Brucefield: Dennis Jmv- itt, R. It 1, Clinton; Donald Cutter; It, R.Seaforth; Tom Whyte, R. R. 2 Seaforth. Beat score fur showmanship was made by David Kirkland, with Bob Broad - foot plooed second. BEEF CHAMPIONSHIP In the 1955 Huron County 4-1I Beet Calf Club championship show, held Fri- day at Seaforth full fair, the grand champion steer was shown by Barry McQuillan, Lueknow, and the reserve championship went to Gerald Wallace, Granton. Other competitors int the championship eines. were: Archie Vat Dungen, 11.11. 7, Lueknow; Jean Scott, R,R. 1, Seaforth; Gary Rintoul, Whitechurch ; Ken Black, Belxrave ; Mary McCullough, . R. R. 3. Clinton; Robert Scott, Seaforth; John Rina. R. R. 4, Brun e:Is t Edgar Willer% Zurich ; Bruce Wallace, R. It, 1, Gran- ton; Donald McCabe, Goderieh ; Leslie Campbell. R. Ii 1, Seaforth ; Tom Treibner, R. R. 1, Exeter Bill Strang:, R. R. 2,, Dublin; Bill Andrews. Luck - now; Raymond Cann, A.R. 2, Exeter; Acnes Hirknell, R.R. 5, Seaforth: Hush Rundle, R. R, i Exeter. INTERCL UB BEEFS} OW Exeter 4-H Beef Calf ('hub placed first t in an intenolub beef cattle shawwhecm brought ht out 0 •n i x g el of three calves from each of sever beef cult clubs in Huron. The winning Exeter group was assem- bled by John L. Pym, club leader. Other groups, In order ware shown 1.7 Seaforth, with Erie Anderson as club leader; Lucknov, Murray Gaunt; Exe- ter 'B' group; Turnberry, Don Fortune; Bayfield, Howard McCullough; Dungan- non, Chester Finnigan; Blyth-Belgrave, James Coulter. The Senator Golding showmanship trophy, for inter -club competition, we.. :von by Gerald Wallis, R. R. 1. Grue- ran, with Bert Pepper R. R. 3, Sea - forth. placing second, and Barry Me- Quillsn. R, R. 1, Lueknow, third, RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY SEPT. 30th, 1956 Full information from agents 'r1110 S1QAI"012'I'1l N11WS 'T'hursday, Hepfon,bel' 27, 19511 fit+/ 1.1 tt heatre )'1RUtS. FRi. EAT, OUTSIDE THE LAW Ra) 1)tutton Leigh Snotvdril ::1111::1111 Bullet,. tint' Bloodshed They called 11 the Green floodsfloodsCrime and playrr. . 1 11 MON. '1'Ul'1S. WED, BA'1'T713 CRY (ADUI:1') Vim. Ile6in - Mann freeman '11111118. 1'R1. SAT. BLACK ,JACK I(T'TCHUM, DESPERADO Hewned Duff - Maggie Midterms' AND N13111T STAG11 '1'O GAI,VINSTON 1707 RO(IERS C:OMINI-- TOUCIL AND (40. we,,,ll„n1,w,l,eanile,alllllllalln11111111111111111111111111111,,,,,11,1,1111111,111,111111111,111,1,1,111111111111,,,1111111, TourA' y1 1 ,. liars BUY MORE AT THIS STORE SPECIAL — FOR MEN 0R BOYS Brown ICip Blucher Oxfords - NoeooliteSoles - Rubber HeelsSizes 51/2 to 10 $5.20 +5; . LIS SHOE STOREE THE LITTLE STORE WITH THII "BIG VALUES" SBSAFORTH llln 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 uena1luaurnaeaoatttmi mania unul,tittni ittimmorm1nrd 1835— 121st —1956 nniversary Services Egrnondville United Church SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Services conducted by The Minister Rev. J. Semple, B.A., S.T.B., Th,D, p r 11 A.M. The Public Worship of God Subject: "A Church Big Enough for God" Music: Anthem, "I was Glad when They Said" ....Pears Solo, "The Lord's Prayer" Malotte , , , . Mr, ICen Ritchie 7.30 P.M. The Public Worship of God Subject: "Tile Glory of the Church" Music by The Harbournires: 1 -Adoration, Beethoven 2—Bless This House, Iir;llte. 3—Gloria In Excelsis, Mozart THE PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED TO JOIN ITS ON THIS OUTSTANDING OCCASION Tuesday, 2nd October, Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner Time 5.30. Admission $1.50 All services on Standard Time Clean Up and Save ! ANNUAL FALL Salvage Drive WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd Paper - Magazines - Rags Old Mattresses For the convenience of those in the surrounding district who wish to co-operate, collection depots have been established as follows: BEECHWOOD Carlin's Store DUBLIN William Stapleton CONSTANCE Borden Brown Store WINTHROP A. Dolmage Store KiPPENKyle's Store CROMARTY Chopping Mill STAFFA Sadler's Store BRUCEFIELD Paterson's Store -- AUSPICES -- Seaforth Lions Club on Debentures and Guaranteed 'Mist Certificates for 3, grid 5 years 33431y© for one and t o y,'j'ars Hf131 1 EfIlf • 615,th1.16113 Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives F. G. Bonthron, Rensall. — Watson. & Reid, Se forth