HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-09-27, Page 1WHOLE S18RI•EDS, VOL. 78
Parents Observe
60th Anniversary
Mr, and 'Mrs. Albert Harrison
were in Science Hill attending
the 60th wedding anniversary
of :Mrs. Harrison's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John A. Menzies. Isa-
bella Robertson and John A.
Menzies were married in East
Wawanosh in 1896 by the, late
Rev. W. A. Hall and fuell-
ed on the 10th con. of that
twp. They have four daughters
and a son: Mra. 'Cecil Harrison,
Mae, Science Hi1I; Mrs. Albert
Harrison, Annie, 'Seaforth; Al-
ex, Menzies, St. Marys; Mrs.
Douglas Greer, Jessie, Toronto;
and Miss Ruth Menzies, Toron-
to. There are 5 grandchildren
and 5 great grandchildren. Am-
ong the messages received were
telegrams from .the Queen and
from John Hanna, M.P.P.
Mr, and !Mrs. Menzies now ea
side in Mitchell.
To Mark Their
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs, Percy Smith of
Seaforbh, formerly of the 5th
Con. of McKillop, will mark an-
other milestone in life on Oct,
10th, their golden wedding an-
niversary. The family wish to
make it a memorial one by hav-
ing a family gathering, also by
holding open house at the home
of Mrs. Carl :Dalton, RaitwaY
Street, on Saturday, 'Oct. 6 from
2 to 4 in 'the afternoon and 7 to
9 in the evening. 'Relatives,
friends and acquaintances ere
asked to accept this as an invi-
tation to drop in and talk over
old times.
Th librarian, Miss Gretta
Thompson, and library board
members, Rose Dorsey, Mrs, J,
A. .Munn and Mrs. Joseph Mc -
'Connell attended the annual
-meeting of the Huron County
Library Association in Goderieh
on Friday afternoon. Mr. Angus
Mowatt, chief library inspector
for Ontario, officialy opened
the new library rooms in the
Court House.
'Meeting Monday night, Edel-
weiss Rebekah Lodge decided to
cater for the Oddfellaws ban-
quet on Nov. 30th when the
Grand Master will :be entertain-
ed. Installation of officers will
be conducted Oct. 22 by Distriet
Deputy, Mrs. Jessie Little of
Brussels and staff. A euchre is
planned for Oct, 29th.
An exhibition football game
is being played between Sea -
forth and Mitchell, on Wednes-
day at 2.30 pen. at Seaforth.
Despite the cheers from Aud-
rey Hacliwwell, Mary C. 'Roach,
IMayda Beuerman, Beatrice Sie-
nnon and 'Marlene Ross our boys
lost 'with the score being 33-6.
The powerful team of Mitchell
kept the -boys fighting to get
their points. The line-up for
Seaforth: Centre, (Charlie Dun-
gey;guards, Vic Uhler, Laird
Norris; tackles, Ross Millson,.
Robert Snell; ends, Lawrence
(Eyre, Ken Colson; quarter, Ron
Scoins, halves, Bill Dinsmore,
Ron Ennis, Ron Johnston; wing,
Doug .Eckenswiiler; alternates,
Glendon Kerr, Paul McMaster,
Bob Binnindyke, Howard James,
Ron Uhler, Gary 'Cooper, Wayne
Chappel, Doug H. (Riley, Frank
Bryans, Tom 'Somerville, Jerry
Achilles and David Perrie.
A disc -hop is being held at
the school Friday night.
'Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary
of First Presbyterian Church
held their 'September meeting
on Tuesday evening with Mrs.
Keibh Sharpe presiding. The
opening hymn "Jesus My Lord,
My God, My All", was followed
by prayer by Mrs. Sharpe. Mrs.
Elmer Rivers read the minutes
of the previous meeting, and
called the roll. Miss N. Jeffery
gave the treasurer's report. A
most enjoyable trio was sung
Uiy Lilbbie Habkirk and Alice
Ann and Gene Nixon entitled
"Have Thine Own Way", accom-
panied by Mrs. J. Cardno. Mrs.
D. G. 'Campbell gave highlights
of Presbyterian Rally at Blyth.
Mrs. J. Murray too'Ic up the cod -
lection. A short business period
followed. On Oct. 15, the Bar-
bara Kirkman Auxiliary are in-
vited to put on the program in
Goderich at Knox Presbyterian
The meeting" was turned over
to Mrs. Scott Habkirk, who read
the poem "My 'Creed" The
hymn "Jesus Shall Reign where -
her the Sun" 'was sung. Mrs. C.
Reith read the scripture, and
Miss 'Minnie 'Habkirli read the
Glad Tidings Prayer. The topic
"What is the 'Church doing in a
Revolutionary World", was ably
taken by Mrs. D. G. 'Oampbell,;
'Mrs, B. Sharpe, Mrs. L. Hem-
berger, Mrs. Frank ISmetle and
Mrs. S. Habkirk. "The ;Church
must fulfill its calling< to mani-
fest the Kingdom. of God among
men -The 'Ohurah must seek to
be the kind of coinrnunity, 'which
God wishes 'bhe world to be-
tome --We enlist never be eon -
bent with words alone, but
through the life, service and sa-
crifice of each member -Thus
we will testifyboth 'by deed and
word to .the 'Hope, which Jesus
Christ has brought to the.
25,000 Broilers
Burned in Hibbert
Fire completely destroyed a
modern five -deck broiler house
along with 25,000 'ten.week-old
White 'Rack broilers, on Thurs-
day afternoon albout 5,30, in
Hibbert township on the Tack -
eremite' boundary, 334 miles
south of No, 8 Highway. The
farm is owned by Elgaard Gre-
gersen, who was in'partnership
with Fergus Stapleton of Dublin,
on the !broilers. Loss is estimated
at over 340,000 partly covered
by insurance amounting to $32,_
The .broilers would have been
shipped this 'Monday.
Cause of the fire is unknown.
Messrs Gregerson and 'Stapleton
had been working in the barn
until 5 o'clock. When Ferg left
for home, Elgaard went to fix
a front fence. Half an hour lat-
er he saw emnoke pouring from
the barn and when he tried to
enter the stable through the
root cellar door under the gang-
way, was forced back by roar-
ing frames. The panel 'box for
electric .fuses and switches was
near this door, and the fire
seemed to have started in that
Mr. Gregersen said the time
switch 'would -have turned on
the lights for :the evening at
albout that time. The time switch
kept 'the lights on till 7.0.30 at
night and from 4 a.m. till day-
No other electrical 'apparatus
was operating. 'Propane gas for
33 'brooders had not been used
for ten weeks when the chicks
were small.
A cow and calf in the stable
were saved.
The large 36' x 92' barn with
40' x 45' straw shed formed an
L, and had 'been converted into
a 5 -deck 'broiler house early this
year, with up-to-date equipment
including an augur -elevator for
carrying feed to the top floor.
Only one lot of broilers had
been marketed, the second lot
being ready to go in three days,
The broilers were mostly sold to
Canada Packers Ltd,
Mr. Gregersen on Friday said
he had not decided about re-
building. A native of Denmark
he worked for Morley Lannin,
Hibbert, for several years and
four years ago purchased this
.Seaforth fire brigade made a
quick run but the fire had gain-
ed too much headway,
Use Power Shovel
To Wreck Buildings
Seaforth Lumber Ltd. is -mov-
ing this week to their new 30 x
60' building on rRailway Street.
Demolishing the old frame build-
ings at corner of Goderich and
E. William Sts. is in progress.
F. Kling's power shovel has been
used to knock down walls. Much
of the wood will he sold for
kindling, but other uses will be
found for heavy timbers. This
property was purohased by Sun-
oco some months ago for a ser-
vice station.
Miss Eleanor Fisher of Grav-
enhurst is spending •a few days
with her sister, Mrs. Walter
!Mrs. Dr. Bert Aikenhead of
Calgary is visiting With her sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Thos. B. Baird,
Mr. (Morley Taylor and
friends of Sarnia spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Taylor.
Mr. Wesley Hash, Cochrane,
is visiting his mother and aunt,
Mrs. C. Ham and Miss Mary
Mrs. Rogerson's School, S. S.
No. 3. received 2nd prize at
'Seaforth Fair School Parade.
'Mrs. A. Rohner has been un-
der the Doctor's care. We are
glad to report she is feeling
better again.
Rally Day Service will be held
in Cromarty 'Church next Sun-
day, 'Sept. '30th at 11.30 am.,
standard time.
Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, Lon-
don, visited on 'Sunday with
Mrs, T. Maclntosh and Mr. and
Mrs. Alex (Ramsey and family.
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. G. Scott, Bus-
selldale, visited on Wednesday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. McLachlan
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Walker of
Markdale visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
and also will Mr. Oswald Walk-
er, who is still a patient in South
Huron Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ramsey
spent'the weekend with her par-
ents in ;Georgetown,
Mr. and' Mrs. L. E. Albin, of
'Georgetown visited during the
Weekend with Mr. and 'Mrs, Har-
old 'Carey.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Routly,
Kirkton, and 'Mrs. Roby Routly
of St. Marys were Sunday visit-
ors 'wibh Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc-
Mr, and Mrs. Rlugh Norris and
Mr. ;and 'Mrs. Harvey Jacobi, of
Hensen with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Flynn, Lonclesboro,
Mr. and !Mrs, John Wallace,
Margaret Ann and Deborah and
Mrs. Grace :Scott visited on
Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Har-
ry Elliott, Parkhill.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Alex Hutchison
and son Ronald, Thamesford,
Mrs. John McCuley and Dalton
Goforth, Mitchell, with 'Mr. and
Mrs, Franlc Harburn.
Truck Mail Servic
Starts Sunday Nigh
With the arrival at Scafo
of the Motor Vehicle Service
6.59 p.m. (EST) on 30th Se
ember, mails are scheduled
arrive and be dispatched via
following services:
Goderich and Stratford M.V
daily except Sunday, proceed
West from Stratford arriving
,Seaforth at 11.38 am. (ES
and continuing to Goderi
Returning from Goderich w
arrival at Seaforth at 2.17 p.
VEST) and continuing east
Kincardine •ancl 'StrAfo
M.V.S. 'daily except Sund•ay+p
ceeding west from Stratford
riving in Seaforbh at 6.15 a.
(DST) and continuing to '01
ton, Wingham and Kincardin
Mail between Clinton and Go
erieh for this truck will he ea
ried by stage. Returning fro
Kincardine daily including Su
day ('but except Saturday) vi
Wingham and Clinton with a
rival at .Seaforth at 6.59 p.
(EST) and continuing east
Mails will be delivered an
despatched at all intermediat
points between those mentione
above, connections will be mad
for points further East, North
and South at the 'Stratford to
Daily except Sundays and Ho
idays the,,main door of the Po
Office will be open from 7 amto 8 p.,m. The wickets will be 'e
en for all phases of business, ex
cept Sunday and Holidays fro
9 a.m. to 6 p. m. Except o
Wednesday half holidays who
they will be open for all phase
of business frolic 9 a.m. to
p.m. and from 3.30 p.m. to
p.m. for General Delivery, Par
cel Delivery and Postage Sales
As noted above, mails are du
to arrive in Seaforth from th
East at 6.15 a.m. and 11.3
am.; from the West at 2.17
p.m. and from the West and
North at 6.59 pan. Mails for de•
spatch will be closed for the
West and North at 6 a.m.; fox
the West at 11 a.m.; for the
East et 1.45 p.m. and 6.15 p.m,
Street Letter Box collections
will 'be made twice daily at 1.15
pan. and 5.30 p.m., except Sat-
urday one collection at 1.15
p.m. and Sunday one collection
at 5.30 p.m. Rural. Mail Delivery
will continue to leave the Post
Office at approximately noon
daily except Sundays and Holi•
Patrons are requested to note
the main changes, mails for des-
patch West and North are both
in the morning; mails for des-
patch East are ,both in the af-
ternoon. Mailers are requested
to make a note of the closing
time of despatch until they be-
come familiar. The wickets will
be open until 6 .pan. and the
GonerWednesday half holiday Gone
al Delivery is from 3.30 p.m. to
4 'p.m.
Allan 'McManus of Stratford
is the contractor.
pt -
r -
Mr. and ,Mrs. Pat Flanagan
Kitchener with Mrs. ICatheri
Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Smut
and girls of Kitchener 'with Mr
'Loretta Molyneaux.
Miss Patricia Costello of Lon
don with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Da
Mr. and 'Mrs. Ewart Wilson o
Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs
Patrick Ryan.
Mr. Kenneth ;Stapleton,
Jerome's Collage, Kitchene
with IMr•. and Mrs. Fergus Sta
Mr. James Connors Sr., Mr
James 'Connors Jr,, Miss Mar
and Margaret Connors, of Wy
oming with 'Mr. and Mrs. Do
'Mr. and Mrs. Delmar 'Camey
on in Weston where they a
tended the Lusk-Lithgow wed
ding on Saturday.
'Miss Zeta Connelly, Mitchell
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Miss Mary Purcell, Toronto
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Car-
'Mrs. John Krauskopf was
hostess at a progressive euchre
party honoring Mrs. Delmar
;Cameron on Thursday evening
at her home, prior to her depar-
ture to London where they will
reside. Four tables of euchre
were played, Mrs. Frank !Evans
winning .the prize. An address
was read iby !Mrs. Fred Over-
dulve 'and Mrs. Krauskopf pre-
sented Mrs. 'Cameron with
a gift.•Mrs. 'Cameron .thanked
Mrs. Krauskopf and 'all the lee
dies present for the lovely even-
ing and the gift she received. A
delicious lunch was served by
'Mrs. Krauskopf assisted by 'Mrs.
William Feeney.
The W.M.'S. and W.A. mnet in
the church for their September
meeting. !Vers, Rolbt. Taylor pre-
sided over. the W.A. business
period. 011s. Harvey 'Hayter read
the minutes. Roll :call was an-
swered 'by 15 ladies. Roll call
for October is to be. answered
'with something for the bazaar,
to be held Oct. 27in the temp.
hall. The first vice pres. was
appointed to be 'Christian Ste-
w-ardship leader. Flower commit-
tee for anniversary, Mrs. J. Mc -
Ash, Mrs. Lee aMcConnell and
Dies. Tngs,
Graduates Guests
At H. and S.
The Home and Sehool Asso
ation commenced their fall term)
on Tuesday, Sept. 18th in
Public •Sehool Auditorium. M
John Patterson, the president
was in the 'chair and wale=the many parents and frien
The graduation class of
pupils were .the special guests
the evening, Dr. P. L. Brad
gave 'an inspiring talk to students 'which was enjoyed bi
all. Miss Corinne Smith and M
Bonnie Wiegland favoured with
piano numbers.
Mrs, W. Henderson was "•M
Cher of the Month".
Mr. D. Weddis, ,new grade I
teacher, was introduced by th
principal, IMr. John Talbot.
Following .the presentation o
pins by the president, the Audents were entertained by M
D. Morton with games. Mrs. J
Crich and Mr: Wm. 'Campbe
were in 'charge of court whis
played by :the adults.
The executive provided
lovely lunch which 'was serve
by the social committee, Mrs. J.
MacLennan and 'Mrs. Angus 'Mc-
All present were invited to
the October ineeting 'when all
class rooms should .be open for
inspeetion and Mr. G. Gardiner,
school inspector, the guest spea-
Mrs. Boswell's room won the
attendance prize for the even-
The meeting closed with the
"Queen". The pianist for the
evening was Mrs. John Cardno.
Oldest Church's
121st Anniversary
ei One of the very earliest links
with pioneer days in this district
the is E'gmondvi]le Ohurch which on
rs..Sunday next, Sept. 30th will eel-
ebrate its 121st anniversary.
ed The 'Church History records
ds that settlers had been coming in
rapidly since 1831. Extracts
80 from the diary of. Rev. Wm.
of Proudfoot, who came at the
y peoples' request to investigate
01.50 a Year
Authorized as Second Class mall. Pent
Office Dent., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publiehere
he the possibilities: Mr. •Constant
y Van Egmond accompanied us in
se calling on some folk
Robert Scott, John GovenlolCk
and Mr. Dickson . . we
o- felt we had got amongst the
right sort of people . . . , a
V considerable population conven-
e iently situated for attending the
gospel in the neighborhood.
f they wished to have' one to
- teaoh the children four days a
r. week and preach on Sunday. In
this quarter there ought to be
11 stationed a minister forthwith".
s "Seventy ,people gathered at
tTr. Van Egnrond's house on
a Jan. 28th, 1835, to sermon, two
d children were 'baptized, Samuel
Carnoehan's e l e v e n t h child,
named John, and Alex. Broad -
foot's first child named James."
Later the same year 'Rev. Al-
exander McKenzie was settled as
pastor of the congregation in
Goderich, Stanley and Tucker -
smith twps.
Rev. Wm, 'Graham was min-
ister from 1845 to 1874, during
which time the first church was
built- in 1850. The present brick
church was erected in 1878.
At the 121st anniversary ser-
vices of Egmondville United
•Church next Sunday, special
greetings from the Moderator of
the United Church of Canada,
President of London Confer-
ence, and Huron Presbytery.
C. G. I. T. Elects
New Officers
The Northside United 'Church
Firelighters 'CGTT, Group which
meets every 'Monday at 7.15 in-
vite all girls over 12 to join the
group, The elections have taken
place, with President 'Betty Mu-
egge, Vice -President, Linda Sa-
vauge, Sec., .Phyllis Bryans,
Treas., Donna Mae Berger, Cor-
respondent Sen, Una Talbot,
press reporter, yours truly, and
a number of other girls are
working steadily along with our
group leader, Mrs. Chas. Pinder
in hopes of good and 'better
year. Planned a hay ride but
due to the fact of a high school
dance it has been postponed to
a later date. 'On September 28
are selling candy at the church
tea and bake sale.
Rally day services were held
Sunday morning in St. Andrew'
United Church •with Rev. Nor
man McLeod in eharge. Specie
music was provided by junio
members of the Sunday school
with Mrs. Harold Jones at th
organ. The scripture was read
by Master as el David Cooper, Miss
Pat Lovell read a story of the
life of children in Korea.
Mrs. Edith Warwick of Sud-
bury is visiting at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson.
Sunday guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle
were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickert
of Harriston and 'Mr. and Mrs.
Delmer Dickert of !Clifford.
Mr. Gerald Parsons of Thame-
sville visited on the week end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stokes
and Larry of London visited on
Sunday with their father, Mr.
Robert Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold 'Gack-
stetter and family of Guelph
were recent visitors in Kippen
and neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 'Schnell
of Camrose, Alta,, are visiting
the latter's mother, Mrs, Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau
attended the funeral of her
grandmoththe late Mrs.
Brown, ofe1Greenway, on Mon-
day, Sept. 17th.
A pleasant surprise was given
Mrs, Robert 'McBride by her fa-
mily on Sunday last, the occa-
sion (being her 84th birthday.
:Among those present were her
seven sons, two daughters, and
their families ineluding great
grandchildren. A. happy event
was placing of two 'birthday
'cakes on the table, one it gift
from the family, the other from
the grandchildren.
On Saturday many neighbors
and friends called and presented
Mrs. McBride with many beau-
tiful flowers and cards.
Don't forget the bake sale at
Deys•dale's hardware on Satur-
day, 'Oct. 6, sponsored by W.A.
of Kippen church.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Baker of
Hensall visited 'Sunday 'with
Mrs. Amelia McGlyniont,
Miss Ethel McClure was in
Pickering over the weekend.
'Mr, and Mrs. 'Robert McClure
accompanied by Mrs. Ed Broad -
foot of Langley Prairie, B.C.,
also motored to 'Pickering from
where Mrs. 'iroadfoot will leave
for her 'home this week.
Mr. Sam Pethick spent the
week in London attending the
Wes'ter•n Fair 'and visiting his
brother, Mr. Thomas Pethick,
and IM's. Pethick 'and family..
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacTar
lane and Mr. D. G. MacFarlane
and Miss G. MacFarlane of Al.
xnonte were in Arias on Sunday
visiting Mr. and Mrs. W, A,
One characteristic remains
the same in pigs in spite of the
many improvements that have
been made in the modern pork-
er. The experts have never suc-
ceeded in •breeding out his stub-
At the fire last week in Hib-
bert township, the owner, El-
gaard Gregersen said he had
tried without any success to
get three pigs out of a pen in
the root cellar under the gang-
way. In •disgust he gave up and
thought to himself they could
jolly well stay and burn, but he
was getting out.
After the 'barn was burned to
the ground the pigs walked out
of the open door of the root cel-
lar unharmed.
Last Thursday looked pretty
grim for the grade niners with
the beginning of initiation ex-
The boys appeared very
smart in short pants with nylons
to the knees and shirts on back-
wards to set off the outfit. With
smoothly gloved hands they .ear-
ried ladies' handbags and bas-
kets for eheir who
had forgotten something g s were
brightened up with a touch of
lipstick in varying shades.
The girls also looked "tree
joli," wearing men's work socks
and combination overalls with a
pretty blouse underneath. Four
pigtails tied with string, elastic
and bits of ribbons made up very
striking hair -dos. Minus makeup
they wore straw hats and like
the boys carried baskets.
If they quaked at this they
turned pale at the sight of a
noose hanging in their doorway,
but there was still a more gruel-
ing test to be passed before nye
could accept them as initiated.
They were lined up for a race
across the hall evith a small piece
of coal at their feet. On all
fours they propelled the piece of
coal across the floor with their
noses. Danny Benninger won for
the 'boys and Angola Duchene
for the girls, but sorry to say
we had no prizes to offer. The
afternoon ended on a brighter
note with a dance after which
a good lunch was enjoyed. The
seniors appreciate and are proud
of the good sports in grade 9.
I neglected to mention last
week the grade 10 class repre-
sentative, Marie Schoonder-
Until next week, good luck.
Question of the week: Shir-
ley, what position do you play
in the Norris Orchestra?
Me. and Mrs. Mervin Manley
and family of Stratford and Mr•.
and Mrs. Robt. Duffy and fam-
ily of Hamstead with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Duffy.
Mr. George Scott, Mrs. John
Godron, Mrs. Howard Neubarr
and son of Sarnia with Mr. and
Mrs, Louis Dillon.
Mr. and Mrs, Ed McGrath of
Ilderton with friends in the
Mr. and Mrs. James Kraus-
kop'.f, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Kraus-
kopf, Bonnie and Bobbie in Lon -
had•os hn.
Mr, Clayto+Mnr. LoobyWilliamn has Strsoathld
ome •to
of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. Looby
have moved into Mr. Ed Arn-
old's hone until their new home
is erected.
Mr. and Mrs, John Henderson
and family visited this week
with their son-in-law and Baugh-.
ter, 'Mr. and Mrs, Keith Lindsay
When your choice is one of our lovely
Bridal Bell creations you can be sure of
exquisite beauty and worthy quality... Sa
take advantage of our 'Easy -Pay' plan to
(,, 9`'7 make her dreams come truel
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
in Thamesville,
'Miss Shirley 'Chapman, R.N
of Sarnia visited this week wit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loin
Mrs. Inez McEwen visited thi
week with relatives at Paisley.
Mr. and .Mrs. 'Smith of Guelp
ter's r'sparents, the weekend
and tMrs. John
The regular meeting of Am.
herRebekah Lodge 349 was
held on Wednesday evening with
N. G. Mrs. Archie MacGregor,
presiding. Thank you notes
were received from shutins for
treats sent from the lodge, Ar-
rangements were made for the
visit of the D.D.P. .Miss Jessie
Little and her installing team
from Brussels on Oct. 3rd. The
following officers to be install-
ed: Jr. Past Noble Grand, Mrs,
Archie 'MacGregor; Noble Grand
Mrs. Sam Rennie; Vice Grand,
Mrs. Wm. Caldwell; Ree. Sec.,
Mrs. Hugh McEwen; Treas.,
Mrs. Wm. R. Bell; Financial
'Sec., -Mrs. 'Clarence Volland, The
Treasurer's report was given by
e treasurer, Mrs. Ernie Chip -
chase. A donation was voted to
the C.N.I.B. fund.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Traquair of
Woodstock, were weekend visit-
ors with the latter's parents,' 14 i' r.
and Mrs. Ed Nor•minton, and
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 'Melvin Traquair.
Miss Marguerite MacDonald
of London spent the weekend
with Oilrs. Pearl Case.
;Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackwell
of Lansing, Mich„ spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Da-
vid Blackwell and Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart Blackwell.
Edgar, Mr, Donald Ahrens, of
• Hamilton, 'Miss Marieen Diegel,
h nurse -in -training, Ontario .Hos-
e pital, London, Miss Shirley Reihi
of London, at their homes.
s Mr, Ed Prueter has returned
home from ;Seaforth ,Hospital.
Mr. Wayne •Beuerman has
been confined to Seaforth Hos-
pital for the past week with in-
jury received at his place of
employment in Stratford.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Laverne Wolfe
in Stratford on Sunday visting
their grandson, Marcel Wolfe,
who is confined to hospital.
Mrs. Fred 'Herbert returned
home from Stratford Hospital
after undergoing an operation
and being confined there for
the past two months:
Miss Myrtle Day, Mrs. Joseph
Dickison and Mrs. Ken McKague
and family, all of Teeswater
with Mr. and Mrs. Ford Dicki-
'Mrs. Avis Smythe of Tees -
water with her son 'Harold
'Smythe and Mrs. Smythe for
the past month.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eick-
Meir attended the wedding of
Mr. Paul Boyd to Miss Galbraith
at Chatham on Saturday, and
spent the weekend with relatives
in Detroit.
Mrs, Norman Rode of Detroit
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, Mr. and :Mrs. E. Prueter,
Mr. and Mrs, John Mueller
and Ruth Ann of 'Hamilton with
her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Aug.
The 'Brodhagen Band were
engaged at Seaforth Fair last
Friday and Mitchell Fair this
Mr. 'Calvin :Diegel, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel,
started his studies for .the min
istry this week at Waterloo
Mr, and Mrs. Ed'Krressler and
Cherry and Mrs. Alvina Diegel
of Stratford, 'Mr. and Mrs. How.
lard Qu.erengesser and girls ,and
Mrs. Idora Diegel of Mitchell
with Mr. and 'Mrs. Russell Shol-
dice and Mr. and 'Mrs. W. L.
Querengesser on Sunday,'Mr.
and 'Mrs, Don Rolph, Mitchell,
also visited at the latter home,
1VIr•, Ray Beuerman,, RCAF,
The W.M.S. Thankoffering
meeting of Cavan Church, Win-
throp, will be held on Wednes-
day, Oct .3 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Roy
Lawson of Seaforth will he the
guest speaker and Burns' and
Constance ladies will be the
County Choir
Starts Practise
Thirty-eight of the Huron
County Junior Farmer and Jun-
ior Institute Members met in the
Department of Agriculture
Board !Rooms in Clinton on Mon-
day evening, 'Septem'ber 17, for
the first meeting and practice
for the Huron 'County Junior
Farmer Choir. This was a very
successful evening. Those tak-
ing part enjoyed the singing and
at the same time felt that they
were taking part in a worth-
while Junior Farmer Project.
'Phe choir was organized by e-
special Junior Farmer commit-
tee with Bert Pepper, R.R. 3,
Seaforth, acting as chair,' oxn
and Betty Campbell, R. R. 1,
Dublin, as secretary.
At the meeting on Monday
night the members of the choir
agreed to the following arrange-
ments: 'Practice will be held
every second Monday night in
Clinton and extra practices
should be held before special
events. The next practice will be
held in the Department of Agri-
culture Board rooms on Monday
evening, October 1st. It was
s agreed that
rt at8.30all shalpcands be fin -
shed at 10:30 p.m. It was also
agreed that if members do not
co-operate by being on time for
practice a system of penalties
will he set up for late -comers.
one onsecutive p missing than more ctices will three
asked to leave the choir. We feel
hat this .is only fair to the merc-
ers who attend regularly, but
we also realize that there maY
e nights when some members
will find it impossible to attend
ecause of illness, etc. The dead-
ine for joinine the Choir is set
or October 15th, so we would
ask that all Junior Farmer and
unior Institute Members Who
re interested in ,the choir be
n hand for the next choirprac.
ice on October 1st.
'Coming events for the choir,
nclude the Public Speaking and
ebating Finals on Oet, 15th.
The choir plan to sing three
umbers as part of the program
at evening. Later this fall
ey have been invited to pre-
nt a half-hour program on
O.IINX - TV, Channel 8. They
so plan to take pant in the
unior Farmer Choir !Competi-
ons to 'be held in conjunction
th the Junior Farmers 'Con-
ntion in Toronto on January
Bethel Anniversatry, ISeinday,
Sept. 30 at 11 a.m. and 7.30 'p,
m, Rev. Hall of Seaforth, guest
speaker. ;Standard Time.
'Mrs. 'Frances Shuriraker re-
turned home to. Owosso, Mich.,
after a week's visit with Mrc and
Mrs. Geo. Fox of Walton.
List of Contributors (continued
Mrs. Alex' Muir 31; Mr. John
Janrnaat 32; Sam Scott 32;
Francis Coleman $3; Gordon D.
Scott $2; Huron County 3700;
Vincent Lane 35,