HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-09-13, Page 5BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. (Lloyd Jeffery and daughter .Agnes of Windsor were guests with Mr. Jeffrey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jef- ery recently. Mrs. James ;Burdge and daug- hter Mary Eben left for their home) in (Gobourg after a holi- day with her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Sam (Hey. - Mrs. Peter Gingerich spent a few days in London visiting her husband at St. Joseph's Hospit- al. Miss Elizabeth Finlay spent the weekend at Exeter. The sons of Mr. Archie Must- ard returned home to Brucefield after (holidays at Blake. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gingerich and daughter Betty returned home .after a pleasant holiday. Mr. and (Mrs. Lloyd Finnigan and sons of Thornhill spent the weekend with the latter's bro- ther. School ;began last week after the holidays. The pupils, with 5 little girls, began their term, Mrs. 'Clare Deichert being the teacher. Quite a number took in the Moir'Masse wedding in St. Pet- er's Roman Catholic Church, St. Joseph's on Saturday, from this community. +Mrs. P. Gingerich spent .a few days in London visiting Mr. Gin- gerich in the (hospital. (Mrs. James Dinsmore has had her mother spending a few days with hex from Brodhagen. 'Mr. -and Mrs. James Dinsmore. and sons of Windsor visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Dinsmore and Mr. and Mrs, J. 'Dinsmore .recently after a (holiday in Saskatchewan. Quite a nunilber attended an- niversary services hi Goshen United (Church Sunday when Rev. Mr. Davison of Brucefield was guest speaker. BIG $ DAYS FOOD SALE at Your Superior Food Market SWIFT'S GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 4 lbs for'1v 00 1 LB. PKGS. SWIFTS JEWELL SHORTENING 1 tb Pkgs. 4 for 1 y00 AYLMER TOMATO SOUP, 10 oz tins GARDEN PATCH PEAS, 15 oz tins ASSORTED COOKIES, your choice LIBBYS POLLY PRIM BEETS 20 CLARKS TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz tins STOKLEYS CREAM CORN, 15 oz tins HILLCREST TOILET TISSUE oz Tins 9 for 1.00 7 for 1.00 Pkgs 1.00 12 for 1.00 7 for 1.00 7 for 1000 10 Rolls 1.00 ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz jars 3 for 1.00 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS 25 - 40 - 60 Watt 6 for 1.00 CHEERY MORN COFFEE FRESH GROUND 1 lb. Bag 99 c IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND — BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING TULIPS, DAFFODILS, CROCUS & HYACINTHS PLANT NOW FOR SPRING FLOWERS Wright's Superior Food Market X 1 HELP' THE BLIND to help themselves IS NEE ED (Community Cheats and Municipal Grants will provide $43,500) to train, rehabilitate and house the 475 BLIND in this district ., C.N.I.B. TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN ,,„A•'"� � HURON • MIDDLESEX • PERTH •+;r ro,.,,• (Excluding • London and S1mllord) Send Your Donation Today 461111166611. To H, E. Smith, C.N.I.B. Campaign Chairman, Seaforth CAR BARGAINS 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD % TON PICKUP 1952 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON PICKUP 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1951 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN, radio 1949 CHEVROLET COACH 1949 METEOR SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 Via 'Dollars and Sense How can YOU benefit from Waving a Current Account? You'll find it much easier to keep an accurate record or your current expenses when you have a Current Account. When you pay all bills by cheque on your Current Account, you receive back, at the end of each month, all your cancelled cheques as well as a bank statement showing every withdrawal and every deposit you have made. Furthermore, they aro much easier to file away than receipts and take less room to store. With them and your bankstatements, you'll find it far easier to get an exact picture of how you spend your money. So it's a good move to use a Current Account for paying all current bills—and keep your Savings Account for actual savings. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMAE" ;CE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager TOWN TOPICS (Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hod- geek of Regina, and Mrs, Will Martin of Kippen were guests of Mrs. H. (Lawrence on Mon- day. IMr. and ;Mrs. Donald 45haw of Ridgetown were guests this week of Mr. and (Mrs. John Beattie and Mr. and ;Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr, and (Mrs. K. IE. Doherty and family of Toronto spent the weekend with l 4r . FZ, Law• - Dr. and Mrs. M. W. Staple- ton left on Saturday on a motor trip to the East Coast. Mrs. John Walsh has returned after a visit with relatives in Toronto and SVlontreal. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis of Exeter spent Sunday with ;Mrs, H. Lawrence. Miss Margaret Mclver, Kitch- ener, has returned after a month's holidays at her home here. Mr. Jack McClinchey has re- turned to Victoria after spend- ing his furlough with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Garnet Mc- Clinchey. Miss Lillian (Faulkner is spending her vacation in Lon- don and Galt. Mrs. Harry Smith of Cal- gary has returned to her home Iby TCA flight after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and (MIS. H. IE. (Smith, also with -Mr. and (Mrs. Donald Smith in London. Betty and Gloria ;Blue are spending their holidays with their sister at St. Thomas. Mr. and ;Mrs. Ken ;Chambers were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Rose at Byron. (Mr. and (Mrs. Donald Smith of London are spending their va- cation with Mr, and (Mrs. IL E. Smith. Miss 'Loretta Morris, Toronto, attended the Nigh -Morris wed- ding on Saturday. Mr. and :Mrs. Gordon Hays of Detroit were weekend guests of Mrs. IR. S. Hays. Mr, Joe •Laudenbach, of Tor- onto, spent the weekend with his parents. Miss Ruth ,Cluff is .spending her holidays in Montreal. (Miss Jean Brawn, London, is vacationing at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. Brown. *Mr•. Joseph Dolmage, of Van- couver, is visiting relatives. BORN LanWt r.ott demorial kn,r Sept. 5, M•anMr. . JacLane,6 Seaforth, a son van Miltenburg—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 6, to Mr. and Mrs.. Jack van Miltonburg, R4 Seaforth a son Gardiner—At Scott Memorial. Hospital on Sent. 6. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner, Cromarty, a daughter Smith—At Scott Memorial Rospital, on Sept. 9, to Mr. and Mrs,. Kenneth Smith, Seaforth a son on Sept. 15. tAt o Scott and ;Mrs. Hospital k Phillips, Seaforth, a son WALTON The September meeting of the Walton W. A. met ,on Thursday afternoon with 19 ladies pre- sent. 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Ken (McDonald in the chair. The meeting opened singing lilyrnn 2164. Scripture treading, 23rd Psalm, by Mrs, T. !Leeming, fol- lowed by prayer, Secretary re- port was read and approved and a thank(you note from Mrs. ,Somers. Treasurer's report was given by (Mrs. !Coutts, on hand $1230.94. Theldhon the graduation evening 'v ill (Sep , 22 in the 'church; refreshments' will be served by W. A. 'ladies. The turkey slipper will be HENSAtL Prices at Hensall Community Sale (Sept. 6: Weanling pigs $7.20 to $11; ;Chunks $15.50 to $18.00; Feed- ers $22.00 to $26.00; Sows $52.- 00 to 169.00; Holstein cows $90.00 to 3140,00; Durham( cows $123.00 to $151.00; Hol- held on Wed. Oct. 17th, supper served from 5.30 to B p.m. The meeting closed Iby all repeating the .Lord's Prayer. KIPPEN EAST. Kippen East W. I. will meet in St. Andrew's 'United Church School, Kippers, on Wednesday, 'Sept. 19 at 8.311. -Hostesses, Mrs. (Morley 'Cooper and Mrs. ,Ross Broadfoot, Roll call, each mem- ber show a (Canadian import and. show where it came from. The motto, if we teach character in the ;house it will bloom in the nation. This motto will 'be (giv- en by MIs Art Finlayson. The speaker will be Mrs, Richard C+theringbon and a poem Iby Mrs. James ,McNaughton. Cur -tient events, Mrs. A. 11VIcMurtrie and music Iby Mrs (McLeod. (Contest by Mrs. E. Jarrott, (Lunch com- mittee, Mrs. Stewart Pepper, Mrs. James Drummond, Mrs. McLeod, (Mrs. John Cooper, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Mrs. Alex Mac- Gregor, Mrs. A. Finlayson, 'Mrs. Ken 'MacKay, Mrs. William I{yle, Mrs. (Ross Broadfoot, Mrs. Wilmer ,Broadfoot and Mrs. John (Sinclair. stein calves. $14,50 to $23,00; THE SEAFORTI3 NEWS—Thursday, September 13, 1952 Durham calves $25.00 to 340.00. Keen demand for stocker cat- tle. 256 pigs and 80 head of cattle and calves were sold. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn 'Campbell, Minister, 10 a. an., ,Ohurch ;School 11 a.m., ;Morning Worship: Junior (Congregation, 7 p.m., Evening Worship. Northside United Church 'Minister, Rev. Bruce W. Hall, B A., B,D , S.T.IM. 10 a.m. Special 'Rally Day Program fox all deparbments of the (Church School. 11 a.m., Morning Worship, Sermon Topic: "A Rare Virtue". Nursery for Toddlers. Jr, Con- gregation: 7 p.m., (Evening Worship. Sermon Topic: "Choose your Pocket!" 8.15 p.m., Y. P. U. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. ,Semple, Minister, 11 -a.m,, The public worship of God. Subject: "What's Wrong With The ;Church?" 10 a.m., The Church ;School. 10.15 a.m„ The Bible (Class. Teacher—The 'Minister. 11 a.m., The Nursery (School. 11.30 a. m., Junior Congrega- tion. 'Coming Events: The 'One Hundred and ,Twen- ty -First .Anniversary, on Sunday September 30th. Thanksgiving Dinner, Tues- day, October 2nd. Time 5:30 Communion and reception of members, Sunday, October 7trh. Airways welcome at Egmond- vilie United (Church. Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON Newt to the Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 13 and 14 "PASSION" ((Colour) Cornel Wilde Yvonne Dd Carlo (TWO CARTOONS) SATURDAY and MONDAY September 15 and 17 "THE LUSTY MEN" Robert Michum Susan Hayward (TWO (CARTOONS) Tnrttrday Night Is PRIZE NIGHT: Value $50:00 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY September 18 and 19 "REAR WINDOW" (Colour) James Stewart Grace Kelly (TWO CARTOONS) Every Tuesday Night until end of Season is $ Night. One Dollar admits a carload Box Office opens at 7.30 p.m. CHILDREN UNDSTET12 AT RN CARS FREE WANTED KINDERGARTEN HELPER FOR SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR MORNING CLASSES FIVE DAYS A WEEK Apply to undersigned, stating salary, not later than September 17th, 1956 P. L. Brady CHAIRMAN 1 em1n1111,1111„1,1,11.,,111„11,1,,.,.1111111,,,,1111111,1,.1u 111111111,111.111,1111,11r.,,,nu11111muul„n un11n11........, ANNOUNCEMENT OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY, SEPT, 17 Having taken over the operation of our Service mics Repair Shop from Mr, John Blue who has operated it since March 1, I would solicit the same patronage as we had in former years, and we Will try to give good service at reasonable prices. M. E. CLARKE Specializing in Greasing, Oil Changes, Tune-up and Washing Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" During the past three months, our number of cows inseminated and increase has been as follows: 1955 1956 Increase percent New Increase Members June 7266 8971 1713 23,6 163 Jnly 4833 6602 1764 36.5 117 August 3485 4375 890 25,5 66 Do as many others are doing, call us when you have cows to breed. For service 02. MOTS information, call collect to -- CLINTON HU 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 A,M. • i' 1 Come to McKillop SCHOOL FAIR Thur. Sept 13 Extensive preparations are going ahead for this great school Fair Good prize list - - bigger than ever Beauty Contest Baby Show Foster Fowler, former Teacher and Founder of the Fair, will officially open the Fair Prizes for the oldest lady and oldest gentleman Brodhagen Band An Irish and Scotch program will be put on Bill Boyd, Pres. Ken Stewart, See,-Treas. 1 U1111,11/ lllllll 1/111a111111111111,1111111 l 1111141.1111111/11111111 llllll 11/11111111111 llllll 11111111111111 llllll 41111 lllllll 11111111111111111111n1111,1111,11111111111,11111111111111111111,111111111111111, a1111 a 11111 ORDER NOW! Seed Wheat Reg. No. 1 Cornell Reg. No. 1 Genesee Com. No. 1 Genesee Com No. 1 Cornell Com, No. 1 Dawbul Treated and PACKED in new jute Corm. Tetra Pekus Rye • Cleaned and Treated HIGHEST PRICES PAID ! For Wheat, Barley, Oats, White Beans and Other Grains Also Buying Timothy Seed—Let Us Quote You Custom Cleaning and Treating Seed Wheat We are interested in quoting on Oats suitable for Seed 8 s a W. G. Thompson Phone 32 & SONS LTD. Hensall ,111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111(11111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111al1111111111111111111111 Clean Up and Save ! ANNUAL FALL Salvage Drive WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd Paper - Magazines - Rags Old Mattresses For' the convenience of those in the surrounding district who wish to co-operate, collection depots have been established as follows: BEECHWOOD Carlin's Store DUBLIN William Stapleton CONSTANCE Borden Brown Store WINTHROP A. Dolmage Store KIPPEN Kyle's Store CROMARTY, , . Chopping Mill STAFFA Sadler's Store BRUCEFIELD-Paterson's Store -- AUSPICES -- Seaforth Lions Club T WORKS SEAFORTH MONUMEN Open Daily Phone 573 T. PRYDE AND SON Enquiries Are Invited Telephone Numbers Clinton 1620 Seaforth 573 Exeter '41 it