HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-08-16, Page 4• Holiday Gleanings Smelt Blamed As Fish Destroyers (Having read much in recent years that the wicked lamprey Bel is the cause of the disappear- ance of 'lake trout from the 'Great Lakes, it was interesting to 'hear at first hand recently what a 'To'bermory fisherman thinks, He +blames the humble smelt as the real destroyer of lake 'trout. He should know something of what he is talking, staving lost .his fishing business when fishing ceased. His argument is that smelt attacks trout fry. The millions of smelt ate up all young lake trout. Lamprey eels, he 'con- tends, have been with us for anany years, but only attack ad- ult trout. It .could be the trout didn't have a chance against bo.h smelt and eels. Smelt were introduced into a small Sake near 'Lake Michigan sante years ago to provide nat- ural food for salt water sal- mon, es an experiment, The salmon all died, but smelt escaped into bhe Great Stakes where they now are caught by millions every spring when they come to shallow water at spawn- ing time. Another bit of information gleaned during holidays was Mow 'widespread is the fame of a Staffa man, W. 'R. Parsons, as a mover of .buildings. When the old Shiells' store at AniberleY was removed to a nearby farm to become a chicken :house, it whs .the 'Parsons' :outfit that came to do the job. That is over 30 miles from Staffa. * a: * There is a little story goes with this. The day,after the moving a neighbor called to see the familiar old store on its new location. He teasingly said to Mrs. Bill Kempton, wife of the new owner, that the would like a pound of 'butter, please. I have no butter, but I can sell you tea;' she answered, While removing old cartons from the attic she had found 100 pounds of tea, put away probably in the day* before the trucks made daily visits. The Kemptons found it still made de- licious tea. and were happy at an unexpected bonus with the building. * * * The opening of a :brewer's re- tail warehouse in the Town of Kincardine was heralded as a great thing for the local merch- ants who felt much shopping was diverted to nearby Walker- ton which already had an oasis. * * * The tall stone lighthouse at Point Clark -will be 100 years old in 195 7. Lighthouse keeper !Campbell says the structure is due for re -pointing and a coat of whitewash next year, but no ceremonies.' BRODHAGEN Mr, Wayne Beuerman spent a few days with his brother Ray to Orillia at the home of Mr Mand\Irs . George Howes. H e R .also sp ent the weekend in Owen Sound with Mr. and was, mill - &red Jacob and Mr, : Leonard Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson and Mr. and +Mrs. Oliver Rob- ertson of 'Chatham visited the fornmer's sister-in-law, Mrs, Lena ldlligson, Mr. and ,Mrs. Glen Benne- vies of Windsor are holidaying at the home of his parents, Mr.and Mrs, John L. Bennewies. IMr. and Mrs. Norman Rode and IMr. Guy Williamson of De- troit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Prager, Mrs. Rode re- maining for a week. Mrs. 'Fletcher of Stratford with her nephew, Wan, S. Riehl. MnIand Mrs.'Cliff Woodward and girls of Toronto and Miss Joyce 'Querengesser of Strat- ford with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. :Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grove of ,Detroit with her another, Mrs Elizabeith Rock, IMr. and:4l(rs. Frank Selma, berth of Trenton ,with Mr. and Mrs. d0d and August Scherbarbh. Miss .Marlene Schertbarbh of Mitchell has been holidaying at the hams of her parents, Mr, and +Mrs, Ed Schertbai-th. Miss Barbara Hoegy with her aunt and uncle, Mr. .and Mrs. Gordon Is1 tber in Kitchener. Mrs. 'Caroline 'Brodhag- en, with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Daer at Auburn. Miss Ruth Doer of Auburn has +been holidaying with her aunt and uncle, Mn and Mrs. Harold IMogh. Mr• and ,Mrs, Allen (Doris Wesenberg) of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, and Harold Mogk recently. Miss Rose Eva Buuck spent a week. with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Snuck, El- lis. Mr. Fred Miller of Walton, Mr. Edwin Miller, Western Pro- vinces called on YIr, G. 'Miller on Saturday. Mr. and +Mrs. John Doerr of Stratford called at the Thome of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz on Sunday. Mr. and .Mrs. Glenn Brick- man returned from their honey- moon in Florida to the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. The Brodhagen Band mem- bers and families held a picnic at Bayfield Park on Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. Huckle and Joan of Walkerton with Rev. and Mrs. Fischer for the -week- end. Quite a number from here at- tended the farewell service of Rev. Eric Schultz at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Ellice, on Sunday. Flowers were placed on the altar of St, Peter's Lutheran eiU \\ yaaS 1\k. ti 0 .\' \\\��'ye a. s ADVANCE SALE TICKETS $ 41 0 0 a NW 0 NU Each ticket admits one two children. adult or Only Advance Sale Ticket Holders are eligible for draw on: 2 1956 CA s * METEOR NIAGARA 2 DOOR HARDTOP * PONTIAC PATHFINDER 2 DOOR HARDTOP All tickets must be in by 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15th, to be eligible for draw which will be made at 10:30 p.m, on same date, in front of Grandstand, BUY YOUR TICKET EARLY I PT. 10-9 London, Ont . W. D. JACKSON, Manage" rickets Available at Baldwin Hardware W. H. Elliott -Restaurant Church on Sunday in memory of William Vock, Jr,, who pass- ed away two years ago Aug.. 9. They were placed by his wife, Hilda, and family. �Le Sheryl y e Hicks, 1 infant daughter of M •Mrs, r. and Ralph Hicks was baptized after the seiviee 'at St. !Peter's Lutheran 'Ohne h, on Sunday morning by Rev, Fischer. Mr, and Mrs, Lee Hicks were bhe sponsors along with the parents, Mrs. Minnie 'Elligson of Mit- chell is visiting with 'Airs. .Annie Eiligson. .Air. and Mrs. Ed Kressler of Stratford With Mrs. Louise 'Hinz and Mr. and +Mrs• W. L. Queren- gesser on Sunday. Olo. and +Iles, Harvey Koehler and family of Galt with rela- tives. Mrs. Boyd and grandchildren Van, Don and Susan Dittmar of Wingham called on their grand- mother, Mrs. Mary Dittmer re- cently. Miss Marlene !Diesel, nurse - in -training, is Thome from Strat- ford Hospital for three weeks holidays. Mr. and :Mrs. Dalton Hinz visited with Mr, and Mrs. Al- bert iMaicho at Rostock on Sun- day. (Miss Grace Fischer was suc- cessful passing her grade XI'I'I exams at (Mitchell and District High School, and will enter Stratford Teachers' College in September. DUBLIN Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Mac Feeney, Mr. and +Mrs, Ger- ald Feeney and family of Kitch- ener; Mr.-and'Mrs. Fergus Fee- ney and son Donnie, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckert of Timmins and Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Eckert of Timmins, anti Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Hender- son and family of London. Mrs. Delmar 'Cameron was hostess at a miscel'laneo'us show- er on ,Saturday evening honor- ing Miss 'Gloria Lithgow, whose marriage will take .place in Sep- tember. About 25 ladies were present to extend felicitations to the prospective bride. A con- gratulatory address was read by Mrs. Cameron, and presentation of numerous gifts of china and linen was made. A social hour was spent in various games, and the hostess served a dainty lunch. Rev. Wm Michell, C. R. New York, Miss Mary Ellen !Coughlin and John Coughlin, Los Angel- es, 'Calif,, with Mr. and S\Irs. James Krauskopf .Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ha'lli- han and son, Terry, Detroit, with Mrs. Elizabeth 'Cronin. Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Byrne and son, Bobbie, Hamilton, with Miss ;Monica Byrne and Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Kelly. Mr. and Mrs, Jerome Nichol- son, London, with Mr, and Mrs. James Krauskopf. Mr. and (Mrs. Harold Smuck, Kitchener, with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux, Mr. andtars. Martin L. Brick, Detroit, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gallant, Windsor, with rMrs. Winnifred Rowland. +Mrs. Thomas Joy, Aileen and Jinunie, Detroit, .Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Sullivan, Bolton, with Mr. and Mrs. James Mor- rison. Mrs, Rymer, Toronto, With Mrs. Fred Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Little, Beanis- Ville, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flana- gan, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Bruxer. Mr. and firs. James New- combe, Port 'Credit, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. +Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Feen- ey, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney Kitchener, with Mrs, Catherine Feeney Mr. and 'Mrs. Fergus Reyn- olds, Detroit, with Mrs. Joseph Carpenter. Mr, and Mrs. Ewart Wilson, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. Pat Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Walsh and children, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly and Louis O'Reilly. Mr. and Mrs. Max ,Robertson, Guelph, and Mr. and airs. Ger- ald Jordan and faanily, Sarnia, called on friends here. Gordon Costello, Kingston, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Costello. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phelan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phelan and Mrs. M. Phelan, Saginaw, 3lieh., also Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lane, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Lane. • Mr, and Mrs. A. Whethant and Veen at Clairmont. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill and Karen at Flint, 3lich, Mrs. Geo. E. Holland at Ed- monton, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Butters A and family are vacationing at Point Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby and daughters at Dundas. Mrs. Mary Feeney and Teddy at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Brown; and children at Palmerston Mr. and Mrs, Delmar Carver -i on and twins at Ripley. Miss Pose Marie Feeney at 1 Point +Clark. Mr, and Mr?. Br ie Feeney at, Toronto. Mrs, A, M, Looby has return- ed home from a visit in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and fam- ily, Merlin, called on Mrs. Lor- etta Molyneaux on Sunday. Mrs. Louis Erauskopf and son James, spent Sunday in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dill, St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Dill. Alfred dordison, Ammeter, with his mother, Mrs. Jordison. Mr and 141rs. +Maf+tin'Feeneyti' Mr. and Mrs, Dan Costello and Jackie at Grand Bend. Mrs. Flanagan Sr, spent two weeks with +Mrs, +Catherine Feeney and Mrs, Andrew +Dant- zer, Mr. and Mrs. Norman likk- ert• and Colleen, Timmins, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jordan. KIPPEN Recent visitors of 'Mrs. J. McClymont were Mr, Royal 'Mc- Clymont of Belle River, Mr. and +Mrs. 'Harvey +Spietzer, De- troit, ,Mr. and +Mrs. 'Orville Mc- (Clinchey of Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Verner McClymont of De- troit. (Misses Gail, Ann and Lynn ' Gaelcs•tetter spent a few days recently with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Homey in Exeter. Misses Sharon and Dianne Switzer of Clinton were recent visitors wibh their aunt and -un ele,, Mr, and Mrs. Wnt. McLaeh. lan.. Miss Judy Gridzack"has been holidaying with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson, Centralia, Miss Jean McMichael of Tor- onto has been visiting Mr, and Mrs. Louis Clark and other friends. Mr. and Mrs, Peter 'Gridzaek and family 'visited recently with the former's relatives in Sud- bury. Mr. and Mrs Lorne +Schneid- er, Judy and 'Paul of Stratford visited on Friday evening with Mrs. Schneider's father, Mr. Ro- bert 'Thomson. Miss Lois McLellan of London spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and +Mrs. Joe McLel- lan. ?Misses Dorothy and Brenda Ross of IS'eaforth are 'visiting their grandmother, 'Mrs. Wall. Ross, Miss Karen Gackstetter spent a few days recently 'with Miss Ina Rapp in Zurich. Miss Jessie Terris of 'Sea - forth visited last week with her girl friend 'Miss Kathryn Mc- Gregor. Mrs. A. Gackstetter spent a few days last week in Guelph. .Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Haugh and family of Waterloo were re- cent visitors of Mr. and . Mrs. Alec McGregor, Mr. and ,Mrs. S. ,Beattie and family of Winghaan were recent visitors with Mrs. R. McBride. Mr. and Mrs. N. Long and, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. b&lellis visited relatives in Owen Sound and Southampton on Sunday. Mr. Lorne McBride spent Fri- day in London. Master Myron Gackstetter spent a few days recently with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gackstetter near Hensall St. Joseph's School of Music Grade X Sr,—Honors: Caro- lyn Neil, Rosemary Lane. Grade IX Sr.—Honors: Nancy Kelly. Grade VIII Sr.—Honors: Ca- therine Moylan. Pass: Marie O'- Connor, Joan Boyce. Grade VII Sr.—First class honors: Suane 'Haugh. Honors: Pamela Stapleton, Kathy Bosh - art. Grade VI Sr, --First classhon- ors: 'Bonnie Weiglund, Mary :Mc- Intosh; 'Carol Carter, Corinne Smith (equal). Honors: Anne Morris. Grade V Jr.—First class hon- ors: Linda Dobson, (Margaret Ann Stapleton. Honors: Karen Nicholson, Gene .Nixon. Grade IV Jr.—Honors: Mar- lene 'Pepper, .Anne Kling. Pass: Janet Rowcliffe, Douglas Row- cliffe. Grade III Jr.—Honors: Amy Stewart; Elaine Beattie, Georg- ina Little (equal), Margaret Al- exander. Grade II Jr.—First class 'hon- ors: John E. Durst, Lynne Han- ey, Margaret Ann Haase, Bar- bara Holland (equal). Honors: Joan Rogerson, Ann McLean. Theory Harmony Grade 'III — First class honors: Sharon 'Hotham, Carolyn Neil. Honors:.Roseenary Lane. History, Grade III -First class honors: Carolyn Neil. Grade II First class honors: Corinne Smith; Kathy Boshart, Mary McIntosh (equal); Marie O'Connor. Honors: Nancy Kelly, Linda Dobson. Pass: Carol Cart- er, Pamela Stapleton, Grade I ---First class honors: Suane Haugh. JUNIOR FARMERS Seaforth Junior Farmers and Junior Institute members, more than 35 of them, visited the Ro- ger Andrews poultry farm and `oared a chicken colony where they saw 4,000 chickens, the automatic feeders and watering facilities and also the egg -wash- ing machine. Donald Hemmingv;ay thanked Mr. and Mrs. Andrews for the opportunity of inspecting the farm. Returning to :he .Seaforth District High School, the groups viewed films shown by Mr. J. M. Scott. The films showed fairs which featured the work of the junior fanners and institute, which has helped the lv of fair grow ra its present ze A film of Mr. Scott's tr.p to St lard -was also shown. '-YIr, Ea McSpadden thanked Mr. Scott for the entertainment. Plans have been made for various projects, including a corn roast in .September; junior farmer square dance at London Fair; baking and flower compe- titions for Seaforth Fall Fair; a hope chest competition of six specified articles, sponsored by the Agricultural 'Society, The president gave a $15 cheque to the groups for having the highest percentage in at- tendance at Che judging compe- titions held in:' May ,at Seaforth. HAME O'MINE THE SBAFORTH NIOWS--Thursday, August 10, 1956 Last night a .dream recalled an boyhood years Back .in theur ld home wit la lr pioneers.o 0 o wth The dreamt did not disclose rn age just (then, Memory whispered "you Wer nine or ten". The home was (built in eightee thirty-six, Kind neigihbors helped to built :they nralde the +bricks. The fawn 'continues in the faunil name, To -day I'm surely proud to ca it 'hame' 1 A shouse of many rooms, It ha to be With 'fourteen .echiddren in ou Seven boys, seven girds wilt] Moth and Dad, No waste, no want, content wit] what we had.` Were +I to write a verse fa every year, Many would bring a smile ani some a tear. Yet through alt all we had a lo' of fun, A good ,prescription that foe everyone, With dog and gun, arty dog faithful hound,. The nearby ;woods a happy hunt ing ground. Woodland is now changed t waning 'fields of grain, I'd like to be that barefoot fbo: again. To me those memories are 'pre aious still, Home, churc(r and school, the +miller and the mill.. The ponds where I caught fish, a barefoot lad. And there I learned to wad' with dear old Dad. Three dozen meals each day, a bedtime snack, Can you +blame ane for w•ishin to go back, The tallow candles shed a mellow ligtht, No sleeping pills were needed there at night. Some+lives we see are short, others are long, Some 'filled with kindly deeds, and some go wrong. Now as I scan bhe years I plainly see That Providence has been most kind to me. John Beattie, GEN, MEWBURN DIES The death of Gen. Mewburn in Hamilton this week recalls the fact he was an owner 35 years ago of the old Seaforth Clotrring Co. factory here. NIAWARMANNAMOVIANN Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Wednesday - Friday Saturday CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Y g e Y nThe Regentheatre 1)oUriLA BILL •— Thum Fri. Set., Aug. 15-17-18 URANIUM ROOM Dennis Morgan - Patricia Medina inside story of the atom -age boomtowns SAGINAW TRAILGone ADO'S' Clears the woods of murder raiders and makes the trans safe for otters t, - Y Mon. rues. Wed., Aug, 20 -2i -se MIRACLE; IN TRU RAIN June. Wyman - Van Johnson Their romanco started on a rainy street. Mere is the unforgettable story of a love that Nourished forever despite weu' gild death Thum Fri. Sat,, Aug. 15-31-a6 COURT JESTERIl Danny $ny - Glynis Johns COMING — THE STRATTON STORY Yesterday ... To -day ... To -morrow .. . ALWAYS THE 'BEST BUYS AT WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 573 T. PRYDE AND SON Enquiries Are Invited Telephone Numbers Exeter 41 Clinton 1620 Seaforth 573 NOTICE Town of 2 HOUR on MAIN Monday to Friday Saturday 9 a.m Seaforth. STREET 9 a.m. to 6 to 10 p.m. p.m. No parking Saturdays 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. No truck with a capacity exceeding one ton shall load or unload on Main Street from Huron Street to Goderich Street from Monday to Saturday inclu- sive, as per By-law. Celebrating our 100 years of Banking Service FOR YOU at any of our branches There's a specially printed memento of our 100 years of banking service waiting for you at The Toronto -Dominion Bank. So drop in soon and pick up your free copy, We know you'll find it interesting . and will want to have a personal copy as a permanent souvenir. The First Train from Toronto to Montreal Read about this memorable "first" and other authentic incidents in "Selections from Canadian Yesterdays". Read about fugitive Louis Riel's' daring visitto the House of Commons ... about the Prime Minister's wife who rode across the Rockies on the cowcatcher of a train ... these are some of the interesting and informative stories in the gift book we have for you at your local branch of The Toronto -Dominion Bank. ThE TORONTO-DOA/IMO) BAN 1N:1 &-A i /.1101241,411144 a%s tlJiurNALi44 '.Ql,� J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager - Seaforth Branch •r