HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-08-09, Page 5TIIE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, August 9, 1956 BEST BUY SPECIALS Kelloggs Corn Flakes, jumbo pkg. 29c 16 oz. SHIRRIFFS LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS 3 pkgs .26 7 DELICIOUS FLAVORS BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES.. , . 3 pkgs. 1.00 "TAKE YOUR CHOICE HEINZ TOMATO CATCHUP .. , .11 oz. bottle 23c BREAKFAST CLUB 2 FRUIT MARMALADE .. 27c 24 oz. Jar EXTRA SPECIAL ROBIN HOOD WHITE CAKE, MIX Pkg 19c EXTRA SPECIAL ROBIN HOOD CHOCOLATE CAKE MIX 2 pkgs 39c LARGE SIZE 12 OZ. TIN LIQUID VEL FREE TIN OF AJAX 43c JOHNSONS BABY POWDER large size 2 for 99c JOHNSON$ PASTE WAX 2LB. TIN 95c eec LAIttiply.. , . FOR Olt \ FLUFFY WASHES��� WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES HENSALL SVIr. and Mrs. 'IIeal of Wing - ham were recent visitors with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Heal, and family. Miss Etta Jaimott spent the ;weekend with 6)r. Gilbert Jar- rott and MVirs. Jarrett at Strat- ford. 'Mr. and Mrs. ;Campbell and Mr. Neil ;Campbell of Listowel were recent visitors with Mrs. A. 'Crerar and IMr. Allan 'Ore- rar. Ml's. Louis Simpson visited recently with Mrs. lH.O.,Daynran in London. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gould and Dianne of London visited over 'the 'holiday with Mrs. .Gourd's parents, 1'ir. and Mrs. George Walker. "Dollars and Sense Are you planning a trip? Don't take chances of losing your money—and spoiling your trip—by carrying large sums in cash. Before you go, turn your money into Travellers' Cheques ... easy to cash anywhere -and safer Phan cash everywhere. Drop in and see us at The Canadian Bank of Commerce and we'll gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The protection is well worth the slight cost. This is simply one of the many banking services we offer our customers to keep them free from needless worry about their money. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager CAR BARGAINS 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD % TON PICKUP 1952 NASH RAMBLER STATION WAGON 1952 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 FORD SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN No REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth M otors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH All persons 'in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1956 licenses for same on or before August 31st, 1956. Licenses will be issued from: the Treas- urer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, Harold Maloney. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. 'Bedford O)ungeY past Mr. In of ](end" don, her and end elm efts ere rs. ad- oli- vena Do- his of of Jr. of ith eth with ven- ck ere ice or:r. n- on th. ad- sts To 0 lc- Davi T e, d e th s g , and ,Brenda spent the week, in 'Collingwood with and ;Mrs. James Hogg. Mr. and Mrs. G. FiannaHamilton spent the wee with friends in town. Miss Hilda Kennedy, Lon. spent the weekend 'with mother, Mrs. 11. Kennedy. 'Mr. and Mrs, D. Walsh family, London, were week „guests of Mr, and ;Mrs. J Walsh. and family.mnd r iw family. o Woodstock, holiday guests of Mr. and M Leo Kelly. Mr. and ;Mrs. .Ra1p'1'r den, Burlington, spent the h day weekend with (Miss Da Anderson and other friends. 'Rev. ,Elwyn Morris, Port ver, spent a few days with another, 'Mrs. Wm. Morris.rris. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. 'Reilly Galt were weekend guests Mr, and 'Mrs. Jack H•otham IMr'. and Mrs. • R� m ..Binghal Hamilton are holidaying' w relatives here. (Misses Mary and Elizab Coyne, Detroit, are visiting their aunt, Miss 'Ella Duffy, IMr, and Mrs. Nelson Go lock of Waterford and Ja Dorrance Of St. ICatherines w guests of Mrs, Mae ;Dorra and Mrs. J. M. Govenloeik. IMr. and Mrs. Thos. J. 'Wats of London were guests of ,M and Mrs, W. C. Bennett �('C1i Son). 'Ronald 'McDonald and s Bob spent 'ten days in Tro ton at the home of this par'en IMr. and ;Mrs. Ralph Mar den of Burlington were ,gue of (Miss 'Davina Anderson. Mr. J. C. Rennie of Bun ridge, and Ronald Rennie, T onto, were 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. ;Rennie over th weellend. Mr. Leslie 'Kerr of 'Toront was the guest of his 'moths Mrs. Jaanes Kerr over -the wee end. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dav Diana and Margaret of Rive burst, Sask., visited their unel Mr. Thorpe Rivers. Miss IN, O'Neil .has returne to Windsor after visiting at th home of ']Mies Lillian Faulkner. Master Ronnie A9en, 'Goder ich is spending this week wi .Mrs Jos, McQuaid. Mr.Ron Sills, Toronto, wa a weekend guest of Mrs. C. P Sills 'Messrs James and Durl Hop per spent the weekend at ;Cop percliff. Mr. and Mrs. ,Frank (Maloney of Kitchener, are holidayin with relatives and friends. IMr. and Mrs. E. S. ;Coffin and IMr. and Mrs. Jack Duffy and David, Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and ;Mrs. P. Mc- Iver, I .Miss ;Pat Reynolds, Guelph, spent the weekend with friends. Mr. and SSrs. ;Clarence Nolan, Mrs. Jas. Nolan and Sister Ann (Vera Nolan) London, ;were guests of Mrs. H. McI•ver on Sunday. Miss Davina Anderson spent the weekend with friends in Burlington. Miss Marion Lillieo has ac- cepted a position' on the ;Bur- lington Public ;School staff. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Dale, Sar- nia, were weekend guests of Mr. and ;Mrs. Lorne (Dale. Miss Mary Hagan . spent last week with friends in Bayfield. 'Rev. .Dr. and Mrs. Semple are spending 'the month of Aug- ust at their summer home, Sau- ble Beach, ,(Hepworth), Lake Huron, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Atkin- son and family spent the holi- day at Windsor. BORN Mooney—At Espanola General Hospital on ,7uly 20, to Winnifred and Wallace Mooney (Winifred Snvauge) of Massey. Ont., a son, Sohn Frederick MONicholl—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Aute 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey McNichol, RR2 Blyth, a son Huisser--At Scott Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. ''Kenneth Huisser, Eg- mondville, on Aug. 2, a son nin Hospital 4, Mr, and Mrs. RRi Cromarty, a daughter Murray—At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 27, to Mr. mrd Mrs. Martin Murray, RRi Dublin, a son Somers—At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Som- ers, Seaforth, at daughter Broome—At Scott Memorial Hospital on July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Broome, Seaforth, a daughter Thomson — lSr. and Mr's. Warren Thomson (Edith Love) RR 3 Ifippen, aro happy to announce the arrival of adau- ghter in Clinton Public Hospital on July 31, r000 HENSALL . Mr. James Sparks of London is vacationing with his ,sister, Mrs. Daniels. IMr. and IMrs. Keith (Lindsay of 'Thamesville were recent vis- itors with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John (Henderson. IMiss Olive (Petty of Seaforth spent the :weekend :with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petty and Ruth. IMr, and Mrs. Mott Bell of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and :Mrs. Wan. R. ,Bell. IMr, and Mrs. Roy Brock are holidaying 'with friends at King- ston and 'Gananodue. (Miss Shirley 'Chapman az. 11. of Sarnia was a regent 'visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne (Chapman. Mrs. Pearl Passmore, 'Miss Norma Passnore and Miss Joan Kerslake are 'vacationing at Pike's ;Bay. [Mrs. Edna 'Corbett of 'Exeter visited with IMr. and Mrs. Jack (Corbett and :family and :Mr.. and Mrs. ;Edward (Cobbett and Wayne during 'the past :two weeks. 'Cpl. Don Orr of 'Tofina RCAF Station, Vancouver Isl- and, is vacationing with his (parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr and 'Jimmie. Mr. Jerry MuCli;nchey. neeoni 1.nie19J" 1107Nelson aO1Tn` e'hey are holidaying at Bayfield this. week. Sgt, Ronald !MacKinnon, 'Mrs. SVIacKinnon and Garry returned to Sussex, N.B. after vacation- ing with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. 'Mac- Kinnon. Mr'. and Mrs, Gittus of Adri- an, Mich„ and son, Mr. and Mrs.. Gittus of 'St. Louis, Missouri, visited 'last week with their aunt Mrs, Meidigner. IMr. and ;Mrs. Alvin Pass - snore of 'Thames iRoad were re. Bent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baynlham. Miss Joan Armstrong of Lon- don was a recent visitor with her parents, Mr, and (Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, IMr. and Mrs. J, Reid and son of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Sararus and family of Toronto were recent visitors 'with their mother, Mrs. S. Sararus.. Mr. and'Mrs. Al 'Pearson and fainly of Toronto visited dur- ing lthe'past week 'with Mrs. Pearson's smother, Mrs. laAhanpk Saundercodk, Mrs. Gus Voth and Jimmie of 'Detroit were regent visitors 'with Mrs. Vortih's mother, 'Mrs. Louis Simpson. IMr,and Mrs. Lee Sieanon and daughter of Hamilton visited with Mrs. 'Siemon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes. Mr, and Mrs. Smith of Guelph spent the weekend with the Tat- ter's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, John Jarrett. Mrs. Amelia Schroeder and Miss ;Marion Schroeder are holi- daying with Mr. and ,Mrs. Stor- ey and family in 'Stratford. IMr. and Mrs. Gordon Hark- ness enjoyed a :motor trip to Toronto and North .Bay, Mrs. Mary ;Hildebrandt and Marney are vacationing at God- erich this week. Miss Mangenrite 'MacDonald of 'London was a recent visitor with Mrs. 'Pearl 'Case. Miss 'Marilyn Erb ofGrand Bend visited this week with her parents, Mr. and 11VIrs, Len Erb, EGMONDVILLE Rev. 'Dr. J. and ;Mrs. Semple are holidaying for the month of. August at their summer home, Sauble Beach (Hepworth). Dur- ing their absence Mr. Morgan of Centralia will have charge of the Sunday services. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Keyes of Windsor are visiting with the formmer's another, Mrs. Nelson Union Summer Service First Presbyterian and North- side United [Churches cooperat- ing: 11 a.in., Rev. D. Glenn 'Camp- bell, preaching in Northside Un- ited Church. Nursery and Junior [Congre- gation in Northside IChureh. Egmondville United Church Dr. J. Semple, Minister, 11 a.m., The Public Worship of God. Guest preacher, Mr. Mor- gan. 10 'a.m., The 'Church 'School. 11 a.m., Nursery School. ,, 11.30., Junior 'Congregation. Always welcome at our Church. 1110••••1100 RECEPTION AND DANCE Por Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Scott In Seaforth Community Centre FRIDAY, AUGUST 10th SiARBUiRN 'OIRICHESTJ4A. Everybody Welcome RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McGregor of Klippen Bayfield Pavilion WEDNESDAY, AUG. 15th NORRIS ORCHESTRA Everylbody Welcome Baking Sale by W.A. of Cavan ;Church SATURDAY, AUGUST 11th Milner Vacant Store, Seaforth IDOOR 'OPEN AT 2.30 Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON Newt to the Comanunity Park TIHTIRSDAY and FRIDAY August 9 and 10 —Double Featnrette— "MARRY ME AGAIN" Robert Cummings "THE PACE THAT THRILLS" (ION1E ,CARTOON) SATURDAY and MONDAY August 11 and 13 "DESERT SANDS" Ralph Moniker Marla English (TWO CARTOONS) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY August 14 and 15 "MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM" '(Adult) Frank Sinatra Kim Novak (CARTOON)' CHURCH SERVICE EVERY SUNDAY EVENING AT 8 PM. Auspices: Clinton Ministerial Assoc'n BOR ORME OPENS A ', 5 P.M. •r--BAOW-START& AT DUSK OHI1LDI5EN UNDER 121N tuns FREE Keyes. :Miss Joan Keyes is holidaying at 'the United iChurclh camp at Sparrow Lake.. 'Mrs. Peter Lindsay spent oun- day with 'Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Collison of Wheatley, Ont. 'Miss Gail ;Finlayson spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Jas. Finlayson, Mound, Man,, are spending a 6VIr. and 'Mrs, Albert ;Clarke few ;days with their niece, Mr, and family of Muirkirjc visited and ;Mrs, Alex Wylie of Mar - on Tuesday with Mrs. 3. S. Wat- lathe, ;Mich, son. 'Miss Jean Watson of Tor Mr. and Mrs: Alex Young of onto is having Ia 'holiday with Avon visited with their brother, her mother, Mrs. J. S. Watson. i4'. ;and Mrs, Frank Young and Mrs, David Stephenson and their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mrs. Alice Armstrong; of Pilot Young Cr. 1111111"111111111111111"1111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111x111111111111111111111111n1,110111111 1 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"111111110111 IIIIt Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" We have just received a report. from the Holstein -Friesian - Association of Canada indicating the production of daughters of our bulls. Following are the breed Class Average Figures for the bulls now fn service. Glenafton Milestone V.G. Glenafton Trademark Y.G. Elmcroft Celebrity V.G. Selling Wing Double V.G. Elmcroft Tradition V,G. Glenafton Benefactor Ex , & Extra No. of daughters 324 107 93 90 48 46 Breed Class Average Milk Fat 111% 116% 107 111, 104 104 107 123 107 110 106 116 This works out to a mature equivalent 305d 2X basis Milk Fat Test 13212 507 3.84 12736 485 3.80 12379 454 3,67 12786 537 4,22 126 1273617 507 4.02 481 3.78 The Breed Olass Average under the same basis is is 11903 Milk, and 437 Fat. Simple arithmetic will work out the extra income for daughter's of our bulls. For service to these, our proven bulls, or our promising young bulls,""phone collect to: CLINTON HU 2-3441 Between: 7.30 and 9.30 AM. al nlll,l 111,11. 11m11 111111 1111111111111111111 llllllll11111111111111111141111111111111M131111/1111M01 ilxxlllxlnllt1t1111111a1111111111111111111x111111„11111111,1111111,1111111111111111111111111111. AT THEIR PEAK OF EOM' 43. '�x'ti' l•�z� The'frult and vegetable department of your IGA Store is crammed with high vitamin, low priced favorites picked dewey fresh -just perfect for tonight's salad, pickling or preserving. IGA SPECIALS GREEN & WAX BEANS ONT. NEW SPUDS BARTLETT PEARS WATERMELON CUKES BANANAS 2 T' /29c 49c 6/29c 98c 2/ 15c 2/35c HELLMAN'S MAYONNAISE 16 oz jar " 53c IGA EVAP. MILK 2 tall tins 25c DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION DOG FOOD 3 15 oz tins 37c SWI FTS MEATS for BABIES 2 tins 45c KRAFT MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS CLARK'S BEANS with PORK 10 A SPIRIT OR CIDER VINEGAR 40 GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS 2 15 oz tins GREEN GIANT FANCY NIBLET CORN 2 14 oz tins 1&3 OZ BAG 25c 2 TINSZ B c oz bot. 25c LUNCHEON MEAT SWIFTS PREM 12 oz tin IGA BISCUITS BOURBON CREAMS 1 -Ib bag 29,c WHITE CROSS TOILET TISSUE 2 rolls 25c HEREFORD • CORNED BEEF 12 oz tin 39c 33c 37c 39c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP 11 oz bot. '19 c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 12 oz pkg '23 C SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS 100 BAG SIZE 93c 7c OFF ! GIANT OXYDOL gt. pkg. 77c IGA TABLERITE MEATS TABLERITE GRADE A FRYING CHICKENS whole or cut up PEAMEAL SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 24.-3 LB AVERAGE BY THE PIECE Bologna Chunks IGA TABLERITE Meat & Olive Loaf I G A TABLERITE SLICED Cooked Ham. IGA TABLERITE SLICED Macaroni & Cheese CLEARY'S GA MARKET m47' lb 50c lb. 25c 8 oz pkg. 43c 6 oz pkg. 45c 80z Pkg. 38c