HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-08-09, Page 4BRODHAGEN Mr. George ,Diegel is holiday- ' Mg in Fort Erie with. Mr. and Mrs, George Rose. Mr. and Mrs. George Rose and family of Fort Erie visited Mr, and airs, Wnl Diegel and Geo. Diesel reeentlr lir. and Mrs. Orval Whitfield of St. Catharines with Mr. and Mrs, Russell Sholdice. Mr. and Jars. •Russell Shoidice and family attended the Mor- ris Oentennial in 'dalton and Brussels. Mn. and airs. John Fischer and Martin of Toronto with Rev and Mrs. E. Fischer, Airs. Rosma Miller observed her :5th birthday on July 31st. Mr. Herman Hinz is confuted to Seaforth -hospital with a hit, ininry.• Mr. Chas. Puschelhelg is confined to Stratford General Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. John L, Benne- Wies are visiting their family in Detroit, Windsor and 'Ruthren. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Wednesday Friday Saturday CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA n Rain or Shine 1 • SUNDAY EVE. CONCERT AUGUST 121h. Also , I appy •Ratite Sponsoredby C .B. Lions Club Mr, and Mrs. John G. Diegel of Ferris, spent the weekend visiting' her mother, Mre. Louise Hinz and other relatives. lir. and airs. Manuel Beuer- inan spent the weekend in Kit- elleuer With Mr.. and Mrs. 1\'lu, Jacob. Mr. WWayne Beuerman, Strat- ford is holidaying at the home - of his ,parents, ;Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Beuernnan, Mr. and firs, Lorne Wolfe and Marcel, Stratford, with air, and ,airs, Lavern Wolfe on Sun- day. The Brodltagen Band took part at the Morris Centennial at Brussels on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanek, Warren and Janet of Kitchener with her parents:, '31r. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser, Mr. and airs. Wm. Queren- gesser and air, and Mrs, John G Diegel of Ferris . with Mr. and firs, Howard Querengesser, Mitchell, on Sunday. Mr. Irvin Gloor has been re- ceiving treatment at Stratford Hospital for infection on his hand. Miss Jacqueline Drager and Master Hari*ey of Seaforth with their grandparents, Lair. and airs. Henry Leonhardt and aunt and uncle, Mr,. and Mrs, Herinan Leonhardt. Flowers were placed on the altar of St. Peter's- Lutheran Church on Sunday in memory of Henry L. Diegel, who passed away three years ago Aug. 4th. They were •placed there by his wife and finnily, lin and lits. Laverne Wolfe attended the wedding t'eoepticn in Kitchener on Saturday of .airs, Loraine Burnett to air, Harry Byers. ilii•. and M.re. -Michael Connol- ly and .family and Mrs. John Hint Sr, with Mr. and Mrs. La- verne Wolfe. Visitors at the home of lir. and Mrs. Chas. Pushelberg on Excellent Opportunities For Young Men Permanent office employment, with every possibility for advancement in this rapidly growing company Regular salary increases based on personal initiative and development Staff benefits include life insurance, sickness and accident coverage, and pensions 5 -day week Cafeteria Applicants should be high school graduates between 17 and 22. Please apply in person, between 8:30 and 4:15 Monday to Friday, to the 'Personnel Department. LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Dufferin Avenue at Wellington Street London, Ontario Sunday were Mr, and ,lies. Wil- fred Diebold of Kitchener, firs, Wm Crawford of Mitchell, 1Ir. and -airs. Chas. Groul, Milver- ton, Mr, and lits. Gordon John- ston, Londesboi•o, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Parrot and girls, alonk-. ton. Mr. and lits, Aubrey Eick- nneir. 31r. and -Mrs. Lorne 'Mueller spent Sundo> With Dar. and airs. Carl Bennew'ies in Water- loo. Visitors at the home of :aft•. and Mrs. Chas Pusohelberg on Sunday were fir, and Mrs. Jahn Selling, Mr. and,.airs. Alf Mae- lien of Blyth, lair. and Mrs, Wit- fred Riehl of Wingham, Mr. and .airs. Joihn 'llorenz of Bramp- ton, +Mr, and Mrs, Farrell Kinna- and t Tonini • � of -Cleveland, ,lir, and firs. Wilfred Kiinkman of Elmira with Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz. (Miss Shirley Riehl returned to Loudon after two weeks hol- idays at the home of her father, Wm. S, Riehl Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth New- ton and Diane of Toronto, Mr. and Mts. Arthur !Morton, Osh- awa, Mrs. Bell of Toronto with Mr, and Mrs, Lew Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks. Mr. and !Mrs. Albert Smith, Sandra and Arthur of Orange- ville With his parents, air. and airs, Ed Smith. Arthur remain- ed for holidays. firs. Fred Herbert under- went an operation at Stratford Hospital last week, Mr. and Mrs.- Geo. Jarinuth• and family at -Edgewood Camp, Eden •Bills, on .Sundae. Bobby Jarmuth retrained for Junior Camp this week. Mr, ,Chas, Ahrens returned hone from Seaforth Hospital after an operation last week. Mr. and _Mrs. George Young of Stratford, _airs. Idora Diegel of as tchell with Mr. and Mrs. Wnt. Diegel on Sunday, alt•. and Mrs. Alvin Rose of Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt on Sunday. :31r. and Mrs. G. Rot Hart of here attended a shower for Mr. and .ales, Ted Wolfe at Circle B Ranch on:, Wednesday even- ing, • Mr. Ray � Beuerman returned to RCAF .Station Edgar after three weeks leave at his home here. Results of S. S. 4, Brodha en School: g To Grade 9: Arthur Diegel, Roy Wolfe; to Grade 8; Larry Tie:Wow-sky, Shirley Trentonis- ky, Gerald Hinz, Darline Fren- ch, Diane Rock, Elaine Ben- newies, Bobby Ahrens; to Grade 7:e Gary-Priestap; to Grade :6: Roger .Sholdice Paul IPriestap, Roy Rock, Richard Leonhardt, Kenneth Ahrens, Jane Rock, ,lean French; to Grade 5: Phyl- lis Hinz, Billy 191orenz, Allan French; to Grade 4: !Cheryl Bennewies, Bambara Hoegy, Paul Rock, Joyce Rock, Karen Wolfe; to Grade •8: Larry Kist- ner, Maynard 'Hoegy: to Grade 2: Howard :Morenz, 'Bob'.be-Rock; to Grade 1: .Alvin Hicks, Gary Rock, Bobby Fischer, 'Mr. James Love, teacher. CMr, and Mrs. Kenneth Mc/. Leod and boys of 'London, ,Mts. Barbara McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe, Mitchell with _Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens. IMr. and firs. J. Crosson (Jean Diegel) of ,London with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heary E. Diegel, - Mr, and vMrs. Hugh McCor- mick, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Aussman of Galt with Mr. and Ms's: Wilbur Hoeg'y. lair, and Mrs. Ed .3filler of Walton visited air. Gottlieb Mueller recently. Rev. E. Fischer and Grace stet ,Mrs. Fischer at 'Balton Air- port on Tuesday evening. She had spent the past month in Nova Scotia with her father and her son, Rev. Paul Fischer and .all•.:. Fischer. WALTON The Walton Branch of London, air. and _lits George Women's Institute Bret in community hall on Thursd Wheatley and Larry of McKil- evening, July 20th with shelop with liter. Elizabeth Rock. ,'lean in charge of Mrs. St air. and airs, V gin, Jacob of :art Humphries and Mrs. H Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. J. Travis joint conveners Kahle of Milford, Mich., with ^animurrrty Activities and P lir. and Mrs. Manuel Beuerman lie Relations. The preside 0m Sunday.airs. Margaret Hun p- :iee p .lir, and air.. Ted Malone and sided for the first part of h Rath of •llig nook railed on Mrs. meeting opening with the Ins' Annie E... ,on on Sunday. tut Ode and Mary Rev. E. Fischer and daughter e iy Stewart C Grace spent a few days visiting ;etc. The secretary, ears, 31 his son Mr, and Mts. David Fis- ''ur Turnbull, and ep is.. 31 chef• at Ha' er vide and friends Tone-rlasie Bundles meeting. tng. P ans reported a tnionvi:le' made for a visit to Wingham Mi•. and Mrs. Russell Sho:d- August When the branch wi ire and Beverley. Mn and airs. visit- the Radio and T.V. Stasi W. L. Quererigeeser at Edge- and conclude the afternoon wi wood Camp. Eden .trills on Sat- a niriiic in the park, uday. Roger returned home Mrs. Ross McCall explain the tale ay pt'o- ew- erb attack. Mr. Webster was born in of Lucknow and came to Stanley in ub- 1920. where lie farmed until re- nt, tiling to Varna last winter and re- becoming township road supe•in- t e tendent He had been a member ti- , of council for 16 years, RTC as el- reeve of the township. il- He was a member of Varna is. United Church. He was director clan of Hay Fire Insurance Co., presi- e dent of Heusall agricultural so - in clety; director of Bayfield agri- ll cultural society and Clinton agri- on cultural society. ith accompanied by ears. G. Smith. Mrs, Art Alexander• read a story on racial ,prejudice. Slain Beattie and 'Marlene Peppe played a ,piano duet. BLAKE Mr. •and Mrs. Harold Finla, and 'family were to Bethel o Sunday attending a church ser vice' there,' and also visited rel atives during the afternoon. Mr. and 'Mas. James Dins more of Windsor and Miss Fan 'ina Dinsmore of London wet recent visitors with the Dins more relatives in this vicinity Ronald Dinsmore, who spent holiday with his friends here, re turning with his parents to Windsor, .Mrs. Bon and Mr, 'Bon are en joying a visit with their sister from Toronto, Mr. Hugh McBride of Lon- don is holidaying with his par- ents and !brothers in the vicinity. HENSALL Mr. and lies. Donald Walker of Toronto are holidaying with the fornrer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. ,lar. and Mrs. Thos. Kyle re- turned home from a pleasant visit with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kyle in St. Cathar- Ines. VARNA Elmer J. Webster A large nuuiber attended the funeral of Elmer James Webster, former reere of Stanley, which was held in Clinton on July 29 by Rey T. J. Pitt, under auspices of Varna LOL, Interment was in Baird's Cemetery, Pall bearers were Ross Scott, Harvey Cole- man, Clarence Parks. Anson Cole- man, Robert Reid. Alvin Irwin, Directors of Hay Fire Insurance Co. were honorary flower bearers. Flower bearers were Arnold Ma- kins, Aldie Mustard, Harvey Hay- ter, Albert Heiner. Robert Web- ster. Mae Webster, Cecil Webster. William Hayter, Thomas Grealis, John Pepper. William Webster. William Taylor, Death occurred in Clinton hos- pital on July 26 following a heart with them.what arrangements had been. Miss Gwen Rock, R \., Kitcar ,wade for ,his outing. The first ener. Ret-• and firs. Ro, ern part carte to a close with Rork and 1 Rebecca o£ Walker- ton sura -song accompanied 'by 31 un with their parent„ .air. and Herb Travis. 'Mrs. Gordon M Mrs. Edwin Ro k. Gavin brought greetings from Mr. Donald Ahrens, Hamilton Mrs, W. T. Ewen of Guei_oh, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. who was formerly director h, Chas. Ahrens for the weekend. Wonnens' Institutes for •Ontari0± o. Mr. and Sirs. Lavern Wolfe The meeting was • taken over and Don with Mr. and :firs. by Mrs, Stewart Humphries and Pick Watson,.Exeter on Satur- MPS.Herb Travis. Miss Marilyn day. Johnston favored with two well - lit, and aft. Carman Mogk1rendered solar, "Ivory Towers'' and Wendy of St. Thomas wrthland "It's Almost To -morrow" Mr. and Mrs. George -1Pogk, r accompanied by Mrs. Jack Bry- Miss Joyce Rock, daughter o. Mr. and .lies. Haro`d Rook is; ans. airs. Stewart Humphries spending two weeks at Port El- introduced the gaest speaker, with her aunt and unc,e, i Borth, In openinndrew Lean lir. olicLear ,,,gin Mr.and Mrs. Lyon and fanny; o- Lonao•, remarked his was the larger n Quite a -Biber from here 1meeting of this sort be had at- , a:re Bled he wedding reeet ien tended. ! at C'ro:e B H. Sebrinei-ille i lici.es .. Eby asWPt sen Huntnhric- Mr - en Fr:, n evening, A va .•+e of relativeis •ort Io't away a the Institute. A ;skit was presented by the Ma- ;;estic Institute of Brusels en- -: titled "The meeting of a Flutter • 'dare-, Institute", Those taking were:3f Leach Mrs. ed He was director of Huron soil and crop improvement associa- tion and the Huron county hog producers association, He was a member of Varna a LOL, of the Black Preceptol•y, a r' past master of south Huron LOL, c' and I00F. Brucefield, Twice married ;air. 'Webster's first wife, Flossie Makins, died in 1953. Last year he married Mrs, Alice Livingston who survives. Also surviving are his mother, Mrs. Robert Webster. Clinton; a son Grant on the home farm; a daughter Mrs. George Clifton, Kippen, aid five grandchildren; IWo brothers, Watson and Melvin Webster, of Varna, and a step daughter. Mrs. John McCaig, of Baden. Germany. ere M u a Mrs. Bel:. 3a He • i-way MrsDavis, Mrs.Eva Mrs. Cousin. alts. Mathesonand Mrs, C.Lone. The Brussels Branch were in - :ed .e evening.A ' as won by Mrs.Ber: Johnston. A socia' followed, : h e ladies'. z•- ._ +� formed .?`roup.- conn± tables.A very :uncle was served by - aciecia ` - pJ•' :e' for h e 000s - s Mrs. li . Bell v Brasse'_ r.. vote :hwnks- to e -,Wal i.':� cies t a very en`oy- a • n",e evening.. _ e meeting c:os- ef w�- the "Qneen'- r The-a:n::::: :ioaic of Duo: -f.'s United e Church S •*ea S o Iu. e e Liara- a. $ea-' ;o fa, a ren.. - with attendance. Do ; 0 _ of Pres- TA ;'? the -,St -Sort': • t ren-- Mr. and ''1a.:c ^realer, returned 4 GOOD 1 MECHANIZATION PAYS BY GETTING A zome or. LOT DONE WHEN CONDITIONS ARE RIGHT r- e r oPattersonhas -e rrEo after sp>ntr._ a A big advantage of good mechanization is its ability to get a lot of work done hi a hurry once you can get on the land To put the crop in or i=nto a decd ready' to be harvested. This work output of good equip- ment pays of in two ways—it enables you to ofet or forestall the erect of unfavorable ,conditions and with it you can make the MOST of the period when conditions are most favorable. You stand to benefit the most when you can do a lot of eccding or harvesting when the time is right. From the 1956 �1Sasse -Harris and Fergon lines of equipment engineered to meet the nem of fanning today you raa select mar.1'ires that will enable you to gain the adh-anrages of modern mechanization —your local dealer will be glad to give you full particulars. MASSEY- HARRIS- FERGUSON LIMITED Makers of High Qvality Farm lrnplemests Since 1847 WINTHROP 327bIr, T maw e Earl a= is • a` ail and Mr?. W. G.;.Sna Sunday a: far n z ake. Mr. and Mrs-. Geo. 31,2Zure an - - Lenr re •",`.s _ M e sa-r d a- - --rn„ E. ',rC iaa:E. —y v,c ,,a ra __ — =e e. g =E - _ r oo0 ng. • Gi's- in s a.. Mro. Wite, iatteah staid '.• -_tts-zint we�� sh sem. z� citizen�, ':o ' a^ .n - and year our V' ' ▪ e 1era • - with a petit' I -,c J=n'?...^.,-•ss, tint- Geo. Case iretd a Story y'r a' a"nber of irhe 'U.N. who as x,A�red. He old of the Lai*. of trig •moaner W.au'n Lead [•te , d him through life. Joan So3-'d sang' 2 tole, THE SPAFORTIi NEWS Phueeday, August 9, 1956 r Regent heatrv n Tllurs. Fri. Sat. Aug. 0.10.11 'PIM S1'OtI,D:ftS Jea''Cllandler -Ann Beaten A memorable saga a Gold mall ,Ingo in Arusha - the unforgettable adventure - story by Ilex Beach - - E a Mon, Tues. Wed., Aug, 19-14-11 ''11112(1 9TItItli$ IN Ting SUN . Aldo Ray - Phil Carry. 'J'hc rmmuno of a Korean War veteran and the girl who was formerly one of big: crani,.,, A. true ,tory ohms an American hay - and a Japanese girl In love DOUBLE BILL -- Thum. 1"r9, N,d., Aug. 10.17 -Ji • URANIUM BOOM ' Dennis Morgan . Patricia - Medlno and SAGINAW TRAIL Gene Autry DOMING -MIRACLE IN '1'HN RAIN LOAFERS FOR GROWING GIRLS Brown, Black, Burgundy Regular $3.95 now S2d95 MEN—We are selling a SISMAN Brown Leather Work Boot with Gro -Cork soles at B6.45 it Pair IT'S — A GOOD BUY WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 573 T. PRYDE AND SON Enquiries Are Invited Telephone Numbers Exeter 41 Clinton 1620 Seaforth 573 NOTICE Town of Seaforth 2 HOUR KING on MAIN STREET Monday to Friday 9 a.m. t� 6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m to 10 p.m. No parking Saturdays 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. No truck with a capacity exceeding one ton shall load or unload on Main Street from Huron Street to Goderich Street from Monday to Saturday inclu- sive, as per By-law. a • What should I do abou'bT BANK ACCOUNTS FOR MY CHILDREN? If you have a small child it's a nice thing to stat a savings account and add to it regularly. Even very, small amounts, deposited regularly over a long period, add up surprisingly! Older children can learn to do their own banking, Bank accounts can be in children's names, and you can specify whether or not their signatures are enough or whether yours is needed too. The .sensible handling of money cannot be taught too early in life . . and any Toronto -Dominion branch will welcome an account for your children. THE.TORONTWDOMINION BANKi THE BEST Lt N BANKING SERV I C EJ F;3988 J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager - - Seaforth Branch