HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-08-09, Page 1PI,
The Seaforth News
11.60 a Year
Authorized as Second Class mail, Pose
Office Dent., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros., Publishers
Nothing Yet On
Train Cuts
No detfinite information has
been obtained about cut in the
train service, was the reply at
the looa1 IO.IN,(R, sbation-on Wed-
It appears fairly certain that
one train each way will be run
daily between ,Stratford and
Goderich after the end of Sep-
tember, but nothing can he
learned as to times, it was stat-
(Railway mail contracts ter-
minate (Sept, 29th and future
mail service will apparently be
by truck.
Railway passenger service
throughout Western 'Ontario be-
•- yond the cities will soon be a
thing of the past according to
the !present trend. Locally, a
question creeps into every dis-
cussion : °How many years is it
since you were on a train," .
Jr. W. 1. Plan
At a sheeting of Seafonbh
Junior Institute Tuesday night
!plans were made (for the baking
and 'flower ,competitions for
Seaforth Fair, There will also
be a hope chest competition of
six specified articles, prizes of
$4, $3, $2, i$1 sponsored by the
Agricultural !Society, with $1
also' going to each :girl exhibit-
The regular .August meeting
of Seaforth W. I. (will be held
at the home olf Mrs. R. J. Doig
on Tuesday, Aug. 14th in the
evening. ICo•lhostess, Mrs.' Ross
Gordon. This meeting is on fire
prevention in the home, Mrs. J.
F. ,Scott and Mrs. John. .David-
son Fare in c'harge'. Roll call:
How I can prevent fire in home.
Motto: The Divine moment is
ohe present moment. Members
f the local fire dept. will dem-
onstrate how to prevent and ex-
tinguish fires. As this is an
evening meeting mien are invit-
ed. Lunch, sandwiches, (Mrs. -Al-
lan ,Nicholson, Mrs. John Kerr,
Mrs. A. Crozier; relishes, Mrs.
Elmer !Cameron.
As the men are invited to
the Institute meeting - at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy
Doig, will .all the, ladies bring
sandwiches, and for the relishes,
Mrs. Allan Nicholson, Mrs. Jahn
Kerr, Mrs. Andy !Crozier and
Mrs, Elmer ,Cameron.
The death occurred in Park -
wood Hospitail, London, on July
17th of Mrs. Jack 'Moes who
lived in Seaforth !for a number
of years (before going to live in
London. She was a native of
'England. Her husband •died at
Seaforth. They -lived in the
Royal Apartments ,here.
Jim Dolmage, 11, of Kitchen-
er, who was one of the winners
in the regional old-time fiddlers'
contest at Kincardine, is a son
oe IMr. and Mrs, Charles Dol -
mage, formerly of Seaforth.
Jim started playing the violin
only three years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. 'Man-
ley, 104 Douro St,, Stratford,
(wish to announce the engage-
ment of his eldest !daughter
Anne Marie to Mr. Francis Ed-
ward Hicknell, son of IMr. and
Mrs. Peter J. Hicknell, R. ;It. '5,
Seaforth. The marriage to take
place in ,the Immaculate 'Con-
ception 'Church, ,Stratford, Aug-
ust 25th at 9.30 a.en.
Tom Pryde,iM.IP.P,, has
found ample evidence ofwhat he
always knew: Seaforth is an
honest town. The other day his
camera lay untouched over an
hour on the fender of his car
which was parked on busy Main
Street. When Mr. Pryde re-
turned it was still ,there.
Seaforth Bantams shut out
Exeter 15-0 here Tuesday night
in the first of the play-offs.
The batteries: !Seaforth, Reith
and Ast; Exeter, Heywood nn,d
(McDonald. (Seaforth plays at
Exeter Thursday night.
(Samuel McPherson. RR. 1,
Walton, lot '7, 'con. 13, McKillop
Ibwp. died at his home ,Sunday
morning at 5.45 in his 880th
year. He had been ill for five
years. (FIe was born in Mcleillop
twgp. and had feamned there all
his life. Surviving are his wife,
the former .Anna 'Carolyn Wei -
ben, to wihom he was married at
ICranbrook on June 1, 1910.
TwosonsWilliam, at home, and
Hugh, ISeafortih; three daught-
ers, !Mrs. F. W. (E1de 3.) Roy,
Toronto, Mrs. Alexander (Eve -
Ian) Frey, IC'ooksviile, IMr'. Geo.
(Hazel) Cuibler, 'Clinton; two
sisters, Mrs. Ross, ISasketehe-
wan, and (Mrs. .A . MtcNah, Sea -
forth. IMr. McPherson was a
member of the United Church,
and Was a.school trustee for
many years. The funeral service
was held Wednesday at 2 p.m.
Burial was in Brussels 'ceme-
tery. Rev. D. 'Glen Camplbell of
First (Presbyterian 'Church, Sea -
faith, oftficiated..
The pallbearers . were (Ross:
McNeil), Jack McNalb, A. Wie-
ben,, Roy Wilson, Elmer Eleher,
Sam Bolton.
J. Lansink Gets
School Contract
The tender of J, Lansink for
the :construction of an 'addition-
al classroom and alterations to
the (basement of the VEgmond-
ville school was accepted by the
Tnekerssnith ISchool Area Board
Monday evening, at !$211,475.
Reeve J Doig, !Clerk -Tress.,
E. P. ,Chesney'and Public School
Inspector, G. J. Gowan were
present, together with board
Imeimlbers, !Chairman Ross For-
rest, M. Falconer, C. Neil, J.
Landsborough and W i Il an e r
A bid was also received from
Seaforth IC'oncrete Products at
A committee consisting of R.
(Forrest, M. Falconer, and C.
Neil was appointed to meet with
the board of .management, Eg-
mondvi'lle United 'Church to ex-
plore the possibility of using
the •church (basement as a temp-
orary classroom. It is expected
the new classroom will be con-
structed by December,
Tenders for supplying furn-
ace coal and fuel oil 'were also
opened. The coal contract was
awarded to A. J. Mustard, of
,13rucefieid, and the fuel oil to
W. M. Hart, (Seaforth.
The Clinton Public School
Board requested the school area
to snake tuition arrangements
elsewhere for the pupils of S.S.
4 who have in past years at-
tended the town school, owing
to the lack of ''classroom space
which will prevail in the Clinton
school in September. Inspector
Goma( was 'asked to arrange for
admission of these pupils atthe
RCAF public school if this ac-
commodation is available, ow-
ing to the large enrollment now
at S.S. 4. Mr, 'Gelman outlined
the Dept's requirements ,re fin-
ancing of the new construction.
'Clerk E. P. Chesney and the
school board secretary are to
prepare a schedule of construc-
tion loans and repayments to be
:forwarded to the Dept. of Edu-
Reeve J. Doig commended the
school. area board on its decision
to build the additional class-
room. He asked the board to
consider supplying water from
the school well to about 27
dwellings in Egmondville and
stated !that the revenue would
financially benefit the school
area. Some board nnembers were
of the opinion that the school
board should engage in matters
of education only, and that the,
provision of water to residents
was a service which properly
belonged to the miunielpality.
They had no objection to the
township using the well for this
purpose providing that the
school water requirements were
assured of priority. Nothing
definite was decided.
The report of the Huron
County (MHO, Dr. Aldus, follow-
ing his inspection of school area
premises and well water 'anal-
ysis of the Area schools was
considered. General conditions
were reported as satisfactory.
Teachers engaged to teach in
the 'schools for next term are:
Mrs. .L. Reickert, S.S. 1; Miss
D. Turner, S.S. 2; Mrs. IB. Alex-
ander, S.S. 4; Miss 0. Banner-
man, !SS. 5; Mrs, IF. Kay, S.tS.
7• Miss J. +Oluff and R. Mac-
Gregor, S.S. S; W. Spencer Jef-
fery, S.S. S.
The vacation and Bible school
held last week in 'Cavan IClhurch
(was a ,decided success in every
way, when some forty children
registered on Monday and the
attendance throughout elle
week continued. Rev. J. It. Hol-
den, Mrs. Ernest Toll, Miss Bet-
etty •Axtmann and Miss Margaret
Boyd were the teachers in
charge. The boys learned carp-
entering and finished 2 bench-
es for the ,clhurcli ,and a 'bird
house, while the girls made re-
ligious scrapbooks, etc.' Besides
taking up practical work they
had Bible study.
Mr, Thos. R3olden is apen'ding
a few days in Innerlcip.
IMr. ,and Mrs. W. E. Hawley
were London visitors.
Mr. (Chas. Dolmage has re-
turned from the hospital and is
hnproved in +health.
Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Holden
,and famiSy arel spending part
of their holidays at Windermere
in Muskoka.
Mr. Verne Dolmage is spend-
ing three weeks at Woodeden
'Camlp, London.
Mr. .and Mrs. ,Bert (McKay of
London called on Mr. J. •Mc-
'Clure on Sunday. -
IA hake sale will be held by
Cavan W. A. in the (Milner va-
cant store, Se'a'forth on Satur-
day starting at 2.30.
IMr. and Mis. 'Irwin Trowel. -
the, Barbara and Ronnie, Mr.
and Mrs. Zack McSpadden at-
tended the (funeral of etheir cou-
sin, IMr. E. Waters ,at Arthur
on Sunday. -
Mrs. !Miles, Who :has (been
visiting with her daughter,
Mrs. Wilson ,Little, is visiting
with Mee and Mrs. ISyd 'Gibbons
at Brampton.
Mr. and (Mrs. ,Floyd Arun
strong of Zurich- Were recent
visitors with !Mr. John iMcClure.
Signe were placed - on Main
street on Tuesday for 2 -hour
parking, which ie' being -intro-
duced in Seaforth,
40th Anniversary
Of Varna Couple
Mr, and ,Mrs, John MoAsh,
who were married July 18, 1916,
celebrated (their 40th wedding
anniversary on Friday, July 20,
at their Varna hone which was
tastefully decorated with flow-
ers by Mrs, ,Clifford Epps, Clin-
In !the afternoon, guests were
welcomed by (Mrs. William Mc -
Ash and tea was served to a
large gathering of friends;
mostly from a distance, among
them being Mr. IMcAsh's aunt.
/Mrs, Munshaw of London, who
will be 93 in September. Pour-
ing tea were Mrs. 3. M. Keys,
Thorold; Mrs, John Mackenzie,
Bayfield; (Miss Fame Logan and
Mrs..Lottie McAsh, London. Mr,
and Mrs. IMeAsh with their len-
anediate families, then went to
the 'Little Inn, Bayfield, 'where
a delicious hot turkey dinner
was served.
In the evening, a much larger
number of friends were receiv-
ed by Mr. and Mas. William Mc-
Ash, Varna, 'and Floyd IMcAsh,
Hamilton. Pouring tea were
Mrs. Annie Reid, Seaforth; Mrs.
Mayme Talbot, +Brucefieid sis-
ters of Mrs. MCAsh; Mrs, Srtekk,
Varna, and !Mrs. Richard Rob-
inson, Goshen.
The ,guest boot; was in charge
of the ,grandohildren, Gary Me -
Ash. in the +afternoon and Doug-
las IMnAsh for the evening.
Many gifts and - cards were
received, also a letter from .the
'congregations of Varna and Go-
shen United Church, one from
Baltigmore, Md.; a telegram
from Shelburne, Ont, and a
phone call from Nashville,
Tenn., all sending 'congratula-
tions. Distant guests were pre-
sent from Pontiac and. Roches-
ter, Mich., Florida, Belmont,
Thorold, Toronto, Hamilton,
London, IBrigden, 1St. Marys,
Port Elgin, Wingghann and Blyth,
Mr. and MIrs. MoAsh were
married at the home of the
bride's parents, the late Mr, and
Mrs. William L. Keys, West Wil-
liam St.,
illiam-St., 'Seaforth, the ceremony
being solemnized by the bride's
brother, Rev. - J. M. Keys, as-
sisted by the late Rev. James
Foote. The bride is the former
Myrtle Keys of Babylon !Line,
Stanley, and later of Seaforth;
the groom, a son of the late
Mr. and ;Mrs. Thomas J. iMeAsh,
After a trip to the States,
they setbled in Varna,evhere
Mr. McAsh was postmaster ,and
conducted a general store. In
1940 Ibhey (built a new home
where they are now residing,
Mr. ;McAsh still being postmas-
They have two sons, Wil'lia'm,
who in 1946 took over the busi-
ness of the store and Floyd, who
is Music Supervisor in ,the pulb-
lic schools at Dundee, is also on
the faculty of the Hamilton
,Conservatory of Music, Hamil-
ton. They also have (four grand-
Honor Bride -Elect
At Trousseau Tea
(Mrs. Frank Riley entertained
at a trousseau in honor of her
daughter Grace, who is to he
married on Aug. 8.
On Wed. evening guests from
the ISugmmenhill Ooananunity do
which school Grace taught for
two years, were received by the
hostess and her daughter. Bas-
kets of roses decorated the
rooms and the linen covered tea
table was ,centred with the wed-
ding cake and en arrangement
of rosebuds. Tea was poured by
Mrs. 'Tom (Riley, aunt of the
bride, and ,the guests were serv-
ed by Mrs. Ken Hulley and
Mrs. Joe (Riley. Displaying the
trousseau and linens was Miss
Audrey 'Hulley,; showeir gifts,
Mrs. lRobt. ,Grimold!by; china,
crystal and kitchen, Mrs. W. L.
Whyte, ,and the guest (book by
Miss Joyce Brown.
On Thursday evening the
trousseau was held for the la-
dies of bhe (Constance convmuni-
ty. Tea was poured by Mrs. Joe
1Riley, aunt of the bride and
Mrs. Borden Brown, serving the
guests 'were Mrs. Tom 'Riley and
Mrs. Ken •Betbles, displaying the
trousseau was !Mrs. Robt. Grim-
oi•dby, linens, ,Mrs. Mervin God -
kin, gifts and shower gifts,
.Mrs. Wm. Jewitt, china, erysbal
and ,kitchen, (Mrs. Ken Hulley,
and the guest hook by Miss
Joyce (Brown.
On Saburd'ay afternoon aunts
and 'cousins of the groom were
received by the (bride -elect and
her another. Itlliss Joyce Jowitt
and Miss (Marie Brigham assist-
ed in displaying and serving
While Mrs. Joe Riley poured
(Sunday visigtors with !Mr. and
(Mrs. Andrew Houston were Mr.
Eric 'Coward 'and daughter of
New Westminster, iBaC, and
(Mr. and 'Mrs, Darjl Watson of
Mr. 'and ,Mrs. Lionel Roy and
family of Trenton 'are spending
a few days with her parents,
Mr. and !Mrs. Andrew 'Houston.
Mrs, Peter Lindsay has re -
Mimed fon a pleasant visit
with her Ibroblxer IMr. and' Mrs.
David Mielson of 'Constance and
other friends.
Miss. Jessie Finlayson is en-
joying' a (holiday with friends ,at
Wingham !and ,also at iColling-
(Miss Laura !McMillan has re-
turned home from a .trip as far
east as Gaspe, Quebec,
Province to Aid
Cyclone Relief
Assurance that !the provincial
government will contribute 50
cents for each dollar raised by
individuals and.• municipalities
for the eyelone .,Fund set up to
aid district fawners, was ob-
tained last week by Thomas
Canvass arrangements are in
&barge of township ,Federation
of Agriculture units, inclu+dinee
McKillop, Gilbert (Smith; Tuck-
ersmith, Erlin Whitmire, and
alilbbert, Auguste Duclmarpe. ft
is hoped to 'conclude the house-
to-house canvass by Aug. 18'dh.
Donations from anyone will Ibe
welcome; it is stated..
The statement given to Mr.
Pryde by Tion. Mr. Wen. A.
",Consistent with the policy
established some years ago in
assisting fanners of Ontario to
meet losses entailed through the
destruction of farm buildings
by tornadoes, it was announced
that Ontario government would
contribute 50 cents for each
dollar raised by individuals or
"The (government contribution
will be contingent upon the
money raised !being used for the
rehabilitation or replacement of
farm buildings destroyed by the
high winds. The contribution will
not apply on farm machinery or
other expenditures, being re-
stricted entirely to ,capital ex-
penditure on buildings." -
The altars of St, +Colum!ban
Roman Catholic (Church were
decorated with red and white
gladioli pn ISattardayl 'Horning,
July Nth for the wedding of
Miss Mary Holland and Mr.
John 'Wesley Fawcett. The bride
is the youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Holland, of St,
,Columban, and the groom is the
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs,
William', Fawcett, Staffa, The
doubler ring ceremony was per-
formed by the pastor, Rev. John
McCowell and Rev. Vincent
Ecleert, cousin of the bride,
sang the nuptial mass. Mrs. V.
J. Lane was organist and the
soloist, Mrs. Glen Hildebrand,
Kitchener, sister of the {ba1sie
sang "On this -day Oh Beauti-
ful !Mother" at the 'signing of
the register and "Adorete De-
vote" et the iOomrnunion. Miss
Rosemary Lane, St. ,Goluvben,
sang. "Pans Angelicus" at the
offertory. The bride givein in
marriage by her father wore 'a
tfloor-eengbh gown of embroid-
ered nylon and tulle over slip-
peeesatin, the strapless bodice
draped with pleated tulle over
swiss embroidered nylon. • The
matching bolero featured a
Queen Ann collar with scallop-
ed edges and had long lily -point
sleeves. The (bouffant skint of
double nylon tulle had bands of
emlbroidered Swiss and an em-
broidered front panel. A train
of seed pearls and rhinestones
held her fa enoh illusion veil in
place. She 'carried 'a nosegay of
red roses and (white carnations.
(Mrs. Frank ,O'Connor, Toronto,
was her sister's matron of hon-
our dressed in a yellow gown
!with lace bodice witch tiered net
skirt, she ,carried a nosegay of
yellow and mauve muses. The
beet mean was Mr. Stephen Hol-
land, London, brother of the
bride and the ushers were Mr.
Donald Heard, (Richmond Hill,
Mr. ' 'Glen ,Hildebrand, !Kitchen-
er and Mr. Kale 'Holland, Wind-
sor. The wedding ,dinner was
served at Hillcrest Inn, Mitch-
ell, where the !bride's table was
centered with a threeetiered
wedding .cake flanked with
candles. Snapdragons and roses
decorated the tables. Later it,
reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents. Receive
ing the guests, the (bride's anoth-
er wore an ensea able of flower-
ed silk dress webh beige duster,
beige accessories and a corsage
of yellow roses. The groom's
mother chose a flowered print-
ed silk dress with matdhing ac-
cessories. She wore a corsage
of red roses. For travelling the
bride changed to a flecked
brawn suit with beige accessor-
ies and corsage of yellow roses.
On their return from a honey -
'noon spent rat Sault et. Marie
and +Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs.
Fawcett will reside in London.
Guests at the wedding were
from Kitchener, Toronto, De-
troit, Davison, Mich., `S,tratford,
Windsor and !London.
A number from hero attended
Anniversary !Services in Bay-
field United (Church on Sunday
Mr, Geo. !Coleman, Miss Mar-
garet Mo iym.ont, both from
Toronto aro spending their holi-
days at their respective hones.
The Mission !Band and Baby
Band of the United Church held'
a very enjoyable picnic in the
square at Bayfield on Wednes-
day afternoon of (last week. -
Mr. and (Mrs. Geo. Fox and
Lois of Walton returned haute
on (Saturday after a five-week
visit with friends and relatives
in Michigan, New York and
Miss Lois .Fox of Walton left
on Sunday for Kincardine for
e month ,at "tihe home of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Art +Guelst.
Family Reunions
Held Here
The annual /Dale family reun-
ion was held at the Lions Park,
Seaforth, on July 29 with 102
in attendance. Results of the
sports were as follows: Laugh-
ing contest, prizes donated Iby
Alison Dale, London, 'Mrs. Stew -
mit Dale, Mrs, Andy (Crozier,
Mrs. Joe Read. Girls and ,boys
5 years and under received 'bal-
loons. Girls '7 years, Elaine
Dale, Grace (McAdam, (Suzanne
Dale. Boys 7 years, Brian (Smith,
Douglas Dale. Girls 12 years,
Patsy (Smith, Marjorie Woods,
Amy Stewart. Boys 12 years.
Bruce Dale, Ian Dale, Don /Cro-
zier. Ducking for banana con-
test, Bruce Dale, Don 'Crozier,
Brian Smith, Neil !Crozier, DI -
ford Dale, Threading needle,
,Marion Dale. Elimination con-
test, David 'Cunningham. Oddest
couple, Mr. and Mrs. James
Dale, Youngest baby, Ann Stew-
art, daughter of !Mr. and !Mrs,
Ken Stewart. 'Oldest person,
Mrs, Adeline Connell. IC'ouple
coming farthest, Mr, and Mrs,
Walter Dale, ,Owen Sound.
During the .supper hour Ali-
son Dale,,the president, con-
ducted election of officers to
arrange the 1,957 picnic which
will be held at ,Seaforth the last
Sunday in July, They are as
President: M. McAdam; 1st
vice, Ken Stewart; 2nd vice,
Verne Dale; sec.-treas., Mrs.
Agnes Dale; sports, Reg. 'Flyn,
Jack !Fly(, Doris Tyndal, Ed
Dale. !Lunch, Mrs. Tyndal, Mrs.
Ed Dale, ,Mrs. Andy 'Crozier,
'Mrs. Elgin Dale. Publicity, Mrs.
Ken Stewart.
The 33rd annual Tebhutt Re-
union was held Saturday after-
noon at Lions' Park, Seaforth,
with approximately 100 present,
many of •wham came from a
considerable distance. A PA
system (brought from Detroit
by Cliff McCartney provided
music during the afternoon and
added to the enjoyment of the
occasion. An excellent program
of sports was run off during
the afternoon, the winners be-
ing as follows: girls race, seven
and under, Valerie Holland,
Faye (Merrill; boys race, 7 and
under, Dale ,Schuhla, ,Douglas
Trewartha; girls, 9 and under,
,Shieley Norman; !boys, 9 and un-
der, Ricky Holland; girls, 11 and
under, Marilyn Tebbutt, Shir-
ley Norman; boys 14 and un-
der, Bobby Grigg, Ricky Hol-
land; young ,ladies race, Dawn
Grigg, Iia Grigg; married ladies'
race, SVIrs. Ross Trewartha, Mrs.
Jacic Merrill; married men's
race, Edward Grigg, Ross Tre-
wartha• ladies kids the slipper,
Dawn Grigg; men kick slipper,
Jack 'Merrill; cup and saucer
race, Mrs. IN. W. Trewartha;
graceful walking, Mrs. Ira Mer-
rill, Mrs. Ross Trewartha; ,min-
ute race, Valerie Holland, Ivan
Merrill; dropping clothes pins
in bottle, Mss. Ross Trewartha;
guessing beans, Mrs. Jack Mer-
rill; bubble Gunn race, Sheila
Mawson; oldest person present,
Wallgate Telblbutt of Goderioh;
youngest person, Laurelan Bond.
Person coming ,greatest dist-
ance, (Mrs. Mawson of 'Lac la
Biclhe, Alta, Mrs. ISchu'hla of Ed-
monton; longest married couple,
Mr. and Mrs. David Buena. of
'Clinton, 53 years; most recent
married couple, Mr. and Mrs.
Lew Teblbutt; nearest (birthday,
Valerie! Holland, Donnie IMell-
twain. 'There were also 8 lucky
seat prizes handed out.
A sumptuous supper was serv-
ed after which thhe president,
Lorne Jervis, welcomed all pre-
sent especially those from a dis-
tance, thanked ,the executive
and all present for their co-op-
eration and Cliff ,McCartney
for the use of the PA system:. A
letter of greeting was read
from Mrs. Win. Shepherd of
Lynden, Washington. Mrs. +Har
old Mawson spoke briefly on
her work on a mission field at
Vilna, Alberta, and life at Cold
Lake, one of Canada's largest
RCAF flying stations where she
lived prior to moving to Lac la
Bidhe, and commented on life
in Northern Alberta in ,general.
The president also ,coannnented
on the fact that for 1957, the
Reunion will have for the first
Cane a president who lives out-
side (Canada.
'The exeeutive for 1967 is as
follows: ,Hon. Pres., Lew Teb-
butt, Past !Pres., [Lorne Jervis;
Pres., Cliff !McCartney, De-
troit; Vice Pres., ',Irvin Teb-
butt; Sec,, Mrs. Carman Tea
butt; Treas., Mrs. Robe Tay-
lor, Management Commni'ttee:
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Addison, Mr.
,and Mrs. Ira Merrill, (Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Savauge, Mrs. May
Anderson, Sports (Committee:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merrill, Mr.
and Mfr's. Ken 'Hulley, Mr, and
Mrs. Don Middleton, Elwin &Mer-
The Tcbbutt Reunion is com-
prised of the descendants of Dr.
Edward Te!b!butt and Mary
Wallgate Tebbutt who came 'to
the Huron'Tract in the eighteen
thirties and took up land near.
Holmesvi]le. Dr. Tebbutt was
one of the first .doctors ever to
enter the Huron 'Tract, Dr. Wil-
liam Tebbwtt or Tiger 'Dunlop
Who settled at Goderich being
the first.
Bob Irwin, who was injured
in a (motor accident .near Exet-
er has been moved to Scott,
Memnorie] 'Hospital.
Summer Jewellery
Regular Values
$1.00 & higher
Also a selection of Costume Jewellery to clear at
ALL Regular $2 and $3 Summer Costume Jewellery
to clear at HALF PRICE
Don't wait! Those smart beads and earrings you've
been looking for may soon be gone!
Jewellery - Gifts Fine China
The marriage of Bernadette
Mary 'Margaret Barry, elder
daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Mich -
eel Barry, R.R. 2, Dublin, and
Peter Joseph Jordan, son of Mr.
and !Mrs. Frank Jordan, Sea -
forth, was solemnized in St. Co-
duniban Raman Catholic Church
at St. IColusnban. Red and white
gladioli decorated the altars for
the double -ring ceremony per-
formed by Rev. John McCowell
who also sang the nuptial mass.
The soloist, Miss Julia Flana-
gan, Seaforth, sang "Ave
Marie" and "Ort This Day 0
Beautiful Mother", accompan-
ied by the organist, 'Mrs. Vin-
cent Lane. Given in marriage
by her father, the +bride wore
a floor -length gown - of iStviss
embroidered organdy, woven in
dainty lily of the valley pattern,
!featuring a sabnina neckline and
short sleeves. The tight -fitting
bodice flared into a ,billowing
three -tiered skirt. Her French
illusion silk veil was held by a
crown oe iridescent sequins and
!pearls. She 'wore matching
gloves, and - carried a ,white
prayer book with a mauve or-
chid and 'white streamers of
stephanotis. Miss Loretta BarrY
R.N., sister of the bride was of honour wearing a flan: -
length gown of blue nylon chif-
fon over taffeta with matching
headdress and gloves. Her flow-
ers were a colonial bouquet of
pink carnations. The brides-
maid, Miss Veronica Jordan,
Seaforth, sister of the bride-
groom was •dressed in a Lear -
length gown of pink nylon chif-
fon over taffeta, styled simi-
larly to that of the maid of
honour. She wore a matching
headdress and carried a bouquet
of blue carnations. Frank Jor-
dan, Brockville, -'brother of the
,bridegroom and Joseph Barry,
St. ICo'lumban, were the groom's
attendants. The ushers were
Thomas Jordan, Red Lake, !Ont.,
and Louis Barry, !St. ,Co+lun ben.
The wedding dinner was served
at the Hillcrest Tea Boom, at
Mitchell, which was decorated
in pink and white streamers
and pink roses, !the 'bride's table
was centred with a three tiered
wedding oake. Receiving the
guests the bride's mother wore
a navy silk poplin dress, red
and !white accessories and cor-
sage of red roses. Assisting her
the bridegroom's mother chose
a pink figured sills: dress and
matching pink +accessories and a
•corsage of red roses. For tra-
velling the !bride donned a dark
green Sheath dress with ,beige
duster and beige accessories.
.After a honeymoon in Mon-
treal, Quebec and Eastern Un-
ited States, the couple will re-
side on the( +bridegroom's farm,
R.R. -2, Dublin. 'Guests at the
wedding were £roan Sarnia,
Guelph, Red !Reck, Rirodlville,
Seaforbh, London, and Jarvis.
Mr. Wilson Allen of Swastika
is visiting with his brother and
sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Prank Allen and other old ac-
Mr. and (Mrs. Jas. (Ramsay(
have taken up residence in Mr.
Otto Walker's house on the
corner. ' -
- Mrs, Jennie Wilson of Tor-
onto .is the guest of her sister
in-law, Mrs. E. ,Moore,'
:Misses Ruth and ,Mildred
Howe have returned bonne from
a two -weeks' vacation with their
uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs.
196 Howe at their summoner home.
at Kingsville. A. cousin,' Master
Bud Harmon - returned with
them for some holidays:
Mr, and Mrs., Andrew. Mc-
Lachlan attended- the funeral of
a ,cousin; the late Miss Margaret
Anderson in 'Stratford on Fra
,Mrs, Jas. Howe, Sr, was a
guest at the Taylor-tMastei's
wedding which tools place in St.
Paul's Anglican 'Church, Strat-
ford recently.
Many of the McKellar con-
nection attended the family re-
union at Lions' Park, Seaforth,
on Sunday.
Guests with Mr. ,and 'Mrs. K.
McKellar on Monday evening
were, ,Me. Wm. Patrick, Wyom-
ing; Mr, and !Mrs. Howard
0 e erengesser, Susan, Patricia
and Elizabeth, and Mr. and
Mrs. W. N. (Binning, Richard
and 'Robert, IMitohell and ,Mrs.
Fred Case, Toronto.
The 'Houghton family- picnic
was held in Lions' Park, Sea -
forth on ,Sunday.
,Mr. and (Mrs. T. Laing, Mr.
andMrs. T. L. Scott, (Mrs. •E.
Moore and Mrs. J. Wilson were
in attendance at -the Shakes-
pearean Festival in Stratford
on Monday night.
IMr. Howard Kerr, who is a
son of Rev. S. Kerr and a stu-
dent of Knox ,College conduct-
ed the church service there on
'Sunday and will continue to do
so through the month of Aug-
ust while his father is on va-
Mr. and ,Mrs. George Woad,
Billy and Jean, Owen Sound,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. (Cald-
er IMcKaig on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank !Cadidk,
Sharon and Donald, London,
visited on Monday with Mr.
and (Mrs. Donald Scott. Mrs.
Grace (Scott who had spent a
couple of weeks in London, re-
turned home ,with them,
Mr. Frank Speare and son
Harry, Toronto, spent the week-
end with Miss Olive !Speare.
Rev. Vincent Eckert, C.S.B.
Aquinas Institute, Rochester,
N. Y., is vacationing with his
another, Mrs. Teresa Eckert.
Mr. and (Mrs. Joseph Cacbert,
(Ferndale, Mich,, with Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. E. Holland.
Mrs. Joseph O'Reilly and
children, Kitchener and John
O'Reilly, Toronto, with 4ide. and
Mrs. Hulbert O'Reilly.
Miss Ruth Ackroyd, Toronto,
with Ther grandmother, 'Mrs.
Mary E. 'O'Rourke.
Mrs. Harold Smack, of Kitch-
ener, with Mrs. !Loretta. Moly-
Mr. and ,Mrs. Hulbert Feeney
and family, 'Kitchener, (with Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Feeney.
Miss Ann MaeAleer, Detroit,
with Mr. and (Mrs. (Pat 'Ryan.
Miss Anne Denonvme, Lucan,
with IMr. and ,Mrs. 'Clayton
Mr. and Mrs. D. - P. Monaghan,
Kitchener, with :Mr. and Mrs,
me, and :Mrs, Wan, Flanagan
at Kitchener. •
Miss Rosemary Flannery with
MIr, and Mrs. Patrick (Flannery,
Mrs. 'Kathleen Feeney with
Mr. and Mrs. Martin ,Brick in
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Evans and
Jo -Anne, Merritton, Miss Joan
Evans, London, Miss Carol Anne
W,aunch of London with' Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Evans.
IMr. and Mrs. Jacks Flannery
in St. IClemens and Kitchener,
'A large •eong2egation attend-
ed the funeral of Frederick
Eckert at St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin. Solemn Requiem Mass
was offered by Rev. Dr. Foulkes
as celebrant, assisted by Rev.
E. Welber of Seaforth and Rev.
J. McCowell of St.'Columbine
The pallbearers were six grand-
sons: Michael Eckert, Fred Eck-
ert, Gerry Murray, Jerome Mur-
ray, Roy McQuaid and -.Jack
Horan, (Burial took ,place in !St.
Patrick's (Cemetery, Dublin. '