HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-07-26, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 78
The orth
Authorized ae Second Claes mail, Poet
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros.. PubDebate
$1.60 a Year
Next week is our holiday
week and no paper will be
The next issue of The
Seaforth News will be on
August 9th.
Will correspondents please
send in their news as
usual, and it will appear
in our next edition.
$50 Prize Money
For Home Bingo
;Mrs. 'Scott Habkirk has ;binge
oed on No. 57 in the hockey
home bingo. tAny other bingos
report immediately to office of
J. E. Longstaff.
Prize money of approximately
$50 will be distributed Aug, 2
and no further claims will be
recognized after that date.
Saturday, May 21, Rev. S. Da-
vison performed a 'double ring
ceremony in 03ru'cefield United
Church, uniting in marriage
'Margaret Easily, eldest 'daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Ool-
lins and MYlurray ,Albert, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvanley Garrett,
all of Seaforth. Mrs. 3. R. Mur-
doch played traditional wedding
music and Miss Betty (Simpson
sang "Wedding Prayer" and
A. 'floor-iengbh'white gown of
floral lace over satin with a
Semi -train was •chosen by the
bride, who was given in .mar-
'riege by her father. Her should
e'r-lengbh veil fell frown a •double
crown of seed pearls and se-
quins. She carried a'bo'uquet of
Better Time roses.
(Miss Gladys Collins, sister of
the (bride, was maid of honour.
,S:he. Wore a floor -length (mauve
gown with fitted lace bodice and
3 -tiered net skirt.
Bridesmaids were 'Olive IBan-
nenman, Seaforth, in nile green,
and Mrs. Eldred Emerson, of
'Clinton, in yellow. Their waltz-
length gowns were similarly
styled of acetate nylon over tea -
(feta. All bridesmaids w or e
crowns of seed pearls and se-
quins with facial veil and match-
ing mittens and carried con-
trastng 'bo'uquets of ncarnations
Flower ,girl, Sharon Baird, of
Brucefield, wore a 'blue floor -
length gown of nylon over taf-
feta with matching bonnet and
;carried a ;basket of assorted car-
nations. Ed'ward'Collins, 'Clinton,
was ring'bearer. Groomsman was
Lenard Garrett, 'Seaforth, !bro-
ther of the groom. John VanEg-
mond, ;Clinton, and (Robert Speir
of Varna, were ushers.
Igor (the reception in the
church parlour, the bride's me -
rater wore an Alice (blue nylon
lace dress with 'white accessor-
ies. The groom's' mother tchose a
navy silk dress with white acces-
sories. Both wore corsages of
red roses.
For travelling, the Ibride'ehose
a dress of 'rose -patterned ice -
blue crystalebte, orchid shortie
coat and white accessories. Her
corsage was of yellow 'carna-
Following a honeymoon to the
Thousand Islands, 'the young
couple (will reside in 'Clinton.
Mrs. Wan. 'Collins entertained
July 18 at a trousseau in honor
of her daughter, Margaret.
The bride -elect's trousseau
and gifts were displayed during
the afternoon by Ruth IGrozier,
Gloria 'Carter, Nora Reynolds,
Alma Fowler, Betty Simpson
and Gladys 'Collins, and in the
evening by Marion Griffin, of
London, Doreen Emerson, Clin-
ton, Alma Fowler, Betty Sunup-
son and !Gladys ;Collins. The
guests were served by Easily
May ;Collins, .Margaret Cantel -
on, 'Clinton, Mary Ann Reynolds
in the 'afternoon and by Mae
Garrett, Emily Bannenman and
Emily May Collins, Clinton. As-
sisting in the kitchen were Mrs.
Keith 'Sharpe and Mrs. Nelson
Wood of Tavistock.
A crocheted table cloth cov-
ered (rhe 'table, which was 'cent-
red with a three-tier wedding
cake. The tea was poured by ;the
bride's atmts, ;Mrs. Ro'bt. Spelt,
Mrs. Chas. 'Pilgrim, and ;Mrs,
Wm. Griffin. Miss ISa'lly Pox
was in charge of (the register.
On the evening of July 17,
neighbors and friends ,gathered
at the home oT Mrs. P. ;Simpson
and Betty in honor of Miss Mar-
garet Collins, ;bride -to be. The
program 'conducted by Mrs. Cro-
zier 'was opened by cominunity
singing Which was 'followed by a
mock wedding. Taking pant were
Joan, Mary Amn, and Nora
Reynol'd's, Sally Fox, Ruth Cro-
zier, Mrs. 'Sharpe and Mrs. J.
F. Scott. 'Betty Simpson gave a
very nice solo. Margaret !Collins
was nslceci to 'take the shower
dbale under bells and balloons
hung from an area. Rath
and 'Betty Simpson presented a
basket of beaurtiful gifts. A
dainty bunch was served.
It is unlikely that harness ra-
ces will be held at ISeaforth
next month, according to W. 11
Elliott, president of the local
racing association. The races in
other ,places have all been losing
money this year and unless fin-
ancial !backing can be obtained
there will be no races.
To Request Waiver
O',n Sewer Bylaw
An appeal from ,S'coul (Mena
oriel Hospial board for early
connection to the town sewer
system was read to members of
Seaforth ;Council on Tuesday
night by Mayor Dr. E. A. Ma
The hospital board letter seat-
ed septic taulk'facilities are now
insuifficidnit, also that nnsbal:la-
tion of a new laundry is being
delayed until sewer is laid. The
hospital deemed it unwise to
make further disposal installe-
ttions on their grounds.
The special meeting was call-
ed to pass a motion to ask the
Municipal Board to approve the
sewer debenture bylawand
waive the 75 per 'cent 'yes' vote
required in council. Leasing a
quorum a motion could not be
passed, but a written request
will be forwarded to Toronto,
based on a majority vote at dine
July aneeting.
It was stated that quick action
is necessary as one of the firms
awarded the 'contract l(Lavis)
has asked to withdraw to obtain
refund of his deposit. It was
also stated that the job will :cost
an extra $20,000 if delayed a
Win Silver Medals
For Music
;Congratulations to Mi s s e s
Jean and :Margaret Hn41en, 'daug-
hters of Mr, and Mrs. Stanley
Haien, McKillop, on each win-
ning a silver medal for' highest
marks in music in W: Ontario
in grades V and VI, They are
pupils of Mr. 'L. D. Thompson of
Mrs. J. F. 'Scott entertained
the 'ladies of McKillop Group of
First 'Presbyterian 'Church 'at the
July meeting. The president op-
ened 'the meeting with a poem.
"God's Gift" There were 22
members and 12 visitors, Mrs.
Scott gave the treasurer's re-
port, Miss Jean ;Scott read the
Bible reading. Prayer by the
poesident. 'Miss Barbara Cole-
man savored wibh a piano solo.
The 'topic, 'The +Ohristian Mis-
sion in a 'Revolutionary World
along the Jericho 'Road. The top-
ic was taken by Mrs. Helen Mc-
Millan, !Mrs. Agar, Mrs. J. T.
Scott, Mrs. G. B. Dorraniee, ;Mrs.
3. M. Govenlock, Mrs. W. J.
Thompson, Miss 'Esther Heckling.
Mrs. Albert Harrison received
the offering.
Seaforbh ran into hard luck
in ;baseball this week being
blanked twice.
;Mitchell Bantams won 10-0
Tuesday night and 'Clinton Pee-
wees by 7-0 on Monday.
Peewee 'games coming upare:
July 2'5 -Clinton at New 'Ham-
burg; July 27—Seaforth at New
Hamburg; July 30.—'Clinton at
Seaforth; Aug. 1—New Haan -
!burg at 'Clinton; Aug. 2—New
Hamburg at 'Seaforth.
The noun "sanell", according
to the dictionary, is the quality
of 'anything or substance, or
emanation therefrom, which af-
fects (Ibe olfactory organs.
So it must have been an
"emanation" which pervadedthe
local 'post office last 'DhursdaY
The emanation became so
overpowering that a pa re e i
awaiting delivery was set out-
side by the staff. It was either
;bhem or bhe parcel.
'Curiosity aroused and in pur-
suit 'of the ever—elusive item of
news, enquiry was made 'at a lo-
cal 'Chinese restaurant. Yes,
friends in 'Hong Kong sometimes
send a package of dried fish.
"It is Tor ane, not for (ase
customers" chuckled the propri-
etor. .
Seaforth fire brigade re-
sponded ;to a call on Monday 'af-
ternoon ;shout 1 o'clock when a
car at the farun of James
Brown, two miles west of Eg-
mondville on 'bhe .3rd concession
of Tuck'ersmilth was . discovered
to be Cn fire. Damage to 'the
1947 'Chevrolet was 'confined to
the` upholstery. 'Smoke was no-
ticed coming from a corner of
the garage by Miss Flora
Brown, and 'bhe car was pulled
out with 'the help of neiglhlbors,
Mr. Michael Williams using his
tractor. The fire had, not burst
into flames but was smouldering
in the upholstery. Origin of bhe
fire is not known as the car had
not been 'used for 24 'hours.
William T. (Maloney, 52, who
died Saturday night in ;Scott
Memorial Hospital, bad 'farmed
all his life in McKillop twp. He
was a member of St. IGolluamban
Church. Surviving besides -his
wife, the former Marie Flan-
nery, laze two sons, Fergus and
Gerard, at hone; one sister,
Mrs. Alvin !Sharp, ICl'nton; .'anti
three brothers, John, Seaforth;
Petrick, Dublin, and Frank, Mc-
Killop township. The body rest-
ed at the home of his Mather,
Frank Maloney, !eon. '5, McKil-
lop, until. Tuesday morning,
when requiem high mass was
sung in St. Columban ;Church at
9.30 a.m. Interment ,was in the
parish cemetery.
To Collect Money .
For Storm Victims
Financial assistance to farm-
ers who suffered ,property 'dam-
age in 'bhe storms of May 11,
July 1 and July 8 was discussed
at a meeting of interested farm-
ers, municipal officials sandmen -
bees of parliament on Monday
niglht at the town hall, ISeaforbh.
A committee appointed to
make a public 'appeal !for contri-
butions to a relief fund is: Ed-
win !Chesney of T'uckenamith,
chairman, A. Y. McLean, secre-
tary; Reeve James Doig, Reeve
Dan Beuerman, John M. Eck-
ert, .Earl Mills, James McQuaid
and a member of Seaforth 'coun-
Elston ;Cardiff, M.P. and. Tom
Pryde, M.P.P.Iwere present. G.
W. IMontgorneay, Ag. Rep. for
Huron, presided.
Mr. Montgomery said all were
thankful there had been no loss
of life. The 'agricultural e$gin-
eering fiel'dnuan had called at
the :majority of farms and offer-
ed help and suggestions.
A survey of damage had been
made by ;Messrs. Pepper and Mc-
Cartney, which adds up to a to-
tal of $60,000 among twenty
.Harvey Erlaine, C o u n t y
ICle'rk and Treasurer, outlined
(rhe procedure in the 1953
storm relief for Morris and East
Wawanos'h. Total ,damage of
$335,000 in the county 'was re-
duced to 16190,000 by insurance.
Public subscription had raised
$3000, the county gave :$10,000,
London relief fund $4500, Wat-
erloo $500. With aid frown the
province and national disaster
fund, the total was brought up
to $49;000, thus a .payment of
about 29c was made on the dol-
lar. No payments were made on.
losses under $20.0.
Toni Pryde, M.P.P. recom-
mended awaking personal appeal.
Unless 'local people showed their
sympathy by contributing first,
it weu'id be useless to ask for
government aid. Damage had
been figured out in 1953 by the
county assessor assisted by local
Elston 'Cardiff, M.P. said in
1953 18 ;barns had been a total
loss in Morris and 45 in East
Some older men would not
have rebuilt without assistance,
and some yo'un'ger farmers could
not. ,Either way the loss of the
buildings was a loss to the
community and municipalities.
We are celebrating eentennials
now, Mr, ;Cardiff said, and lots
of .barns are 100 years old. If
well kept many are still good.
From now on, he warned, we
can expect lots of this trouble,
and he advised having wind in-
surance. He had found one of
his own barns ,was shifted two
inches on the 'found'ation by
powenful winds, but was not
Reeves Dan 'Beuerman and
James Doig promised to give
their support to 'whatever action
was ,planned by the meeting.
Sandy Pepper said he had suf-
fered quite a loss
To Get Cement
Don Harris, Goderich twp.,
said he had some wind insur-
ance. His big trouble was to get
cement to start rebuilding. The
;best that any of the 'dealers can
do is to put down your name, he
said He needed 150 bags to start
rebuilding his walls, ;but was
told (there was me cement since
Mr. ;Pryde promised to see
right away about making cement
availalble to farmers needing it.
Morley ,tannin tall of mater-
ials being obtained quickly dur-
ing the aver -for rehabilitation of
John Lane, McKillop, said he
was crateful for $500 raised
for him by friends.
Mr. Montgomery said that
fanners hadbeen hailed out in
the Carlow district, but they
still had other crops. Loss of
;b'ui'ldings was much worse.
Edwin ;Chesney said surely we
can do so'methin'g for (these peo-
ple, we never know when we
may be in bhe 'same situation
ourselves. Surely we are big
enough to provide help locally,
he said.
J. M.•Eckart said he had car-
ried wind insurance since, 1918,
and had been glad of it in 1924.
Wind insurance is even snore
necessary than fire insurance,
he said.
Thankful Troubles
Were No Worse
Thomas Dorsey, who lives
west of Dublin on No. 3 (high-
way was offered syanpathy by G.
W. Montgomery, Agricultural
Representative, at ;the tornado
relief meeting there on Monday
"It is all over," Mr. Dorsey
replied, "and 'es long as it didn't
kill anybody we are thanktfirl."
Added to losing his 'barn in
the recent tornado, air. Dorsey
lies been the victim of more
elian his share of misfortune.
A recent windstorm b l e w
dawn his TV aerial and scatter-
ed s'tee'l and lumber that had
been gathered into a pile. Later
the same night lightning 'killed
one of his cows.
On Tuesday ni'gh't of last week
one of this beam got out on the
railroad track and was killed by
She special train returning from
the 4-1-1 '01'ub excursion to vNi-
Two -Hour Parking
Is Approved
Approval of the bylaw for.
'two-hour parking, on +Main street
has .been received from 'Toronto.
Town officials state that two -
'hour parking will be enforced
as •soon as signs are obtained
and erecte'd.
Crich Family
Hold Reunion
The annual Crich Reunion was
held at Jowett's Grove, 'Bay-
field on Wednesday, July 18
wirbh over one hundred and ken
persons in 'attendance. During
the supper hour, La w'r e n c e
'Crich, the president conducted
the election of officers to ar-
range tithe 1957 picnic, which
were as follows: s
President, Alden ;Crich; Vice
Pres., Frank Falconer; Sec.,
Mrs. Ross Trewartha; 'Treas.,
(Mrs. Frank Falconer; Sports
Committee, Mrs. 'Prank 'Cum-
mings, ;Mrs, ;Clarence Hugill,
Ross Trewartha, Mr: and Mrs.
Grant Stirling; Table 'Commit-
tee: ;Mrs. Mel tOripla Mrs, Har-
old Hugill, 'Mrs. Arnold Rabh-
well,'Mrs. Elmer'Townsend, Mrs.
D. Routledge, Mrs. Warren
!Considerable discussion took
place •concerning the erection of
a monument in memory of the
!Crich ancestors. The following
committee was appointed to look
into 'this matter: Ernest ;Crich,
'Melvin 'Cricb, Mrs. Doris 'Dart-
wright, Herrman 'Oriels and How-
ar .l ;Crich.
The president spoke a few
words in (memory of two !mem-
bers who passed away since the
last picnic. Results of the sports
are as follows. ,
Girls 4 and under, Jane Fal-
coner, 'Marie Trewarbha; boys 4
and under, 'Gary Cummings,
Murray Taylor; girls '6 and un-
der, Mary Joyce Rothwell, Joyce
Falconer; 'boys •6 end under,
Douglas Trewarllha, Fred Tre-
wartha; girls '8 and ander, San-
dra Hugill, Mary Joyce Rath -
well; boys 8 and under, Terry
Routledge, Gerald Townsend;
Gals 12 and under, Mildred
each, Kathy 'Stirling; boys 12
and under, Roger ,Cummings,
Bruce Whitmore; young ladies,
Erma Townsend, Kathleen Rath -
well; young men, Ross ICaich,
Alec Townsend; married ladies,
Helen Trewartha, Ethel Desjar-
dine; married anen, 'Lawrence
Crich, 'Ross Trewartha; (boys
shoe ecramlble, Roger Cumm-
ings; girls shoe scramble, 'Erma
Townsend; balloon race, Ross
'Crich, Lawrence ,Crich; Jelly
Bean race, Mrs. Frank Falconer,
Mrs. Fred Taylor; boys and
girls relay, George Townsen'd's
side; ladies (hammering nails,
Mrs. Warren W'hibmore, Mrs.
'Clarence Hugill; men 'hammer-
ing nails, Ernest ;Crich, John
Turner; ladies unwrapping par-
cel, ;Mrs. Roy Pepper;'most but-
tons on 'dress, Mrs. Gladys Wal-
lis; (ran with loudest socks, Ar-
chie Douglas; man with newest
car, Archie Douglas; oldest
member present, (Mrs. Gifford
Crich; youngest member pre-
sent, Donald Taylor, 5 -weeks -old
son of Mr. 'and ;Mrs. Fred Tay-
lor; largest family present, Mr.
Melbourne (Ball and Wilbert
Vacation ;Bible School is be-
ing (held at ;Cavan 'Church, Win-
throp, and is well attended. The
bheme is "Jesus, Our Saviour".
On Friday night Open House
Tor parents and Ifrien'ds will be
held. Leaders of the school are
Miss Betty Axtman, Miss Mar-
garet Boyd, Mrs. Ernie Toll and
Rev. J. R. Holden.
Miss Patricia Kirkby of Bair-
wash and Mr, David Haase of
Winthrop are spending' a week
in Woodstock with relatives.
(Miss Eleanor !Scott of Inner-
kirr is 'a 'guest at the home of
Rev. ,and Mrs. J. R. Holden and
Miss Joan Earl of Mitchell
was the guest of Miss 'Gloria
Boyd for the weekend.
The W. A. and WM'S will
meet inti bhe nehurch basement on
Aug. let at 8.30 p.m. Note the
eniange in time. A good attend-
ance is asked for.
Mr. and Mrs. David Pitt and
family of 'St. Johns, Newfound-
land, are visiting with the form-
er's parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. J.
Mr. K. Ashton of !Clinton will
have charge of .the services .in
the United !Church for the next
three Sundays.
A number of girls from here
are attending the Un it e,d
Church camp ,at Goderich this
Mr. and Mrs, Beet Turner of
Detroit, Mich., •ea'lled on rela-
tives lore last week.
Mr. Wm. !Colclough of Woad -
stock has 'been visiting in and
around the village.
Wedding Ibells are again ring-
ing in the village this week.
Congratulations to Mr. and
Mrs. J. 'T. McAsh on their 40th
wedding anniversary.
The modern Mick 'dwelling on
Goderich Street West, owned by
John F. Briggs, 'of !Cleveland,
and formerly occupied by Mr.
and ,Mrs. M. ilacDer'mrid, has Ibsen
soda 'through ebbe office of MI.
A. *Reid to Mrs. Karl Bell, with
possession Aug. 6.
Dr. Davis Dies
At Toronto
'Word has been received of
the sudden death at St. Mich-
ael's Hospital, Toronto, on Wed-
nesday, July 18th, of Dr. Rost.
W. 'Davis, of 32 Balsam. Ave.,
Toronto, ;beloved 'husb'an'd of
Loretta 'Hiatt, and 'brother of
David Davis, Riverhurst, Sask.,
and ;Montgomery Davi s of
The funeral took place from
the chapel of Morley S. 'Bed-
ford, 159 (Eglinten Ave. W., on
Friday at 3 p.m. with burial in
Mount Pleasant ceaneteay.'
Dr. Davis was a native of
Steatite, being a son of the rate
3D. and Mrs. David Davis, who
later retired to Seaforth. He
practised•' at Mindemoya, Mani-
toulin Island, for many years
where the established a private
hospital, ,the first hospital qn
the island.
He was predeceased by his
first wife, Effie Beck, of Mani-
anitoulin, and 'by 'two sisters, Cath-
erine and Annie (Mrs. Thorpe
A physician and surgeon, Dr.
Davis graduated from the Uni-
versity of Toronto in 1910. Af-
ter post -graduate courses at To-
ledo, 'O., he returned to Canada
to practise. Be attended school
at Seeforthh.
Twenty-two years ago, he
sold the hospital to the Red
Cross and set up practice on
Eglinton Ave;, Toronto.
In 1984 Dr. Davis had 'to
leave the hospital for reasons of
health.' The community petition-
ed the 'Red Cross to take it over,
"for the institution has been oT
unmeasurable benefit and given
the people of the island a feel-
ing of security ever since Dr.
Davis first opened its doors."
The oldest resident of Dublin
and a highly respected citizen,
Frederick Eckert died in;Mem-
orial Hospital, Seafoeth, Mon-
day, July 2:3, following a brief
illness. He was the second last
surviving 'member of a family of
nine, and spent the greater part
of his life farming in 'McKillop
twp. He retired and moved to
Dublin in 1939, where he had
since resided. He was in his
904ih year and was a faithful
member of St. Patrick's ;Church,
Dublin, and of the Holy Name
Society: He is survived by his
wife and five daughters, Mrs.
John E. '(Melba) 'M'urray, Mrs.
James (Agnes) (McQuaid, Mrs.
Fergus .Malty) Horan, Mrs. Al-
bert t(Eileen) Cronin, all of Mc-
Killop twp., and 'Mrs. Vera buS-
Kay, Detroit; also one son, John
Anthony, McKillop, and one sis-
ter, Mrs. Louise Murray, 'Dub-
lin. The funeral from Ibis late
Dublin residence 'to St. Patrick's
Chureh'iohere Rev. Dr. lFfc.ulkes
sang 'High Requiem;Mass at 9.30
Wednesday morning with ,bnriae
in 'St. Patrick's Cemetery, Dub-
aft. and ;Mrs. B. 'Scharbarbh,
Riversdale, 'with ;Mr. .and 'Mrs.
Hugh ,Benninger.
(Miss Mary Stapleton spent a
week in 'Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat O'Rourke,
Dundas, with Mr. and 'Mrs. °lay -
ton Looby.
Mrs. ;Harald Woodward, Hope,
B,C., with Mrs. E. Jordison.
lMieses Judy and Susan Friend,
Karon Dill and Sharon Klein-
feldt are at an Anglican Ganap
at 'Bayfield for ten days.
Mr. 'and (Mrs. Thos. 'Butters
and Mr. and Mrs. H. (Pugh at
Mr. and ;Mrs. W. J. 'Stewart
are on tlu•ee weeks' vacation.
Mr. R. R. Hyndman, Walker-
vil'le, is relieving as 'Bank Man-
ager of ;OB. of C.
Mrs. Gene Giroux, 'Thorold,
and Mr. and Mrs. P. 'Groshok,
London, with Mr. and 'Mrs. Dan
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDougall
and children, London, are bola
d'aying with Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seplh Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer
and 'family, North Bay, at their
home here.
;Mrs. Ted Trott and daughter
Ann, 101inton, wi'bh 'Mrs. A. ,M.
Mother St. David and Mother
Geraldine, Ursuline 'Comenunity,
:Chobham, with ;Mrs. D. McCon-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold ISanuck,
Kitchener, with Mrs. Loretta
Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDougall
and shiidren, London, with Mr.
and ;Mrs. Joseph Jordan.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Wally Emmett,
Edmonton, Alta., Jim and Miss
Nora Connors, 'Sarnia, with Mr.
and Mrs. Den 'McRae.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, ()Tillie,
with M•r. and NI•rs. H. Pugh.
Oscar Schmidt, Kenilworth,
visited ;Mr's. Loretta 'Schmidt.
Albert (Morris, B.C. nepenk a
few clays with his sister, Mrs.
Agnes 'Dorsey.
(Miss Lillian Golden, Dallas,
Texas, with (Miss 'Mo'lly O'Con-
nell and Mrs. E. 'Bruxer.
Visitors wibh Ma nand Mrs.
Andrew Houston and Miss Fran-
ces ,Houston were Mr. and Mus.
Chas. ;Burton frown 'Virginia,
U.S.A. 'also ;Miss Alice 'Hackney
and Mrs. Lorene Burton of Ex-
eter, Ont.
Sun'd'ay guests with Mrs. W.
F. McMullan were IMr- and Mrs.
Stanley Gray and 1Mi'. and Mrs.
B'u'rt Waters and Susan of
Automatic WATCH
ONLY $ 49.95
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
Miss Jean Watson, R.N. of
Toronto spent the weekend with
her mother, Mrs. J. S. Watson
and Miss Alice Watson.
Recent visitors with 'Mrs. Jas.
Finlayson and Miss Jessie Fin-
layson were Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Brewer of •Cleveland, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart N. Keyes
of Oril'lia visited with their
mother, Mrs. Nelson Keyes.
Visitors with Mr. and !Mrs, El-
more Stesphenson were Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Jahn of Flint, Micah.,
and Rev. Andrew H. and Mrs.
'McKenzie and ,family of Isling-
The ;Murray picnic was held
at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on
Saturd•ayavhen about 80 of the
descendants of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Angus (Murray, pioneer re-
sidents of Stanley twee were
present and enjoyed a very
pleasant family get-together.
• ;Mrs. Rebt. Dalrymple, Bon-
nie nand 'Betty of •Brucefield vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. R. J.
Mr. and Mrs. 'C'larence 'Priest-
ap and family o'f Mitchell visit-
ed on Sunday with Mr. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr of
Winthrop visited on Sunday
with the Batter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Dowson.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Jack Dickert of
Harriston were weekend guests
of ;Mr. and Mrs. Norman •Dick-
Mr. ;Hodgins of Granton visit-
ed last week at the ,home of Mr.
Mrs. E. Dowson.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Aldnvinkle and
•family of Ottawa are visiting
their sister and brother-i'n-/law,
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Workman.
Mr. and'Mes. Clarence 'Hutchi-
son of St. 'Thomas are visiting
the labter's Ibrather and sister-
in-law, Mr. and ;Mrs. W. L.
iMr. and Mrs. Arthur Ander-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson
Anderson are holidaying in Ed-
more, Mich.
Mr. and ;Mrs Art Gauiding and
family of London visited on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Long.
Mr. and Mrs. Reba .Hirdle of
Toronto were weekend guests of
Rev. and Mrs. McLeod.
Mr. and !Mrs, Russel and
Nancy of Sault St. Marie visited
last week with Mr, and Mrs.
Alec IMeGregor and also with
their grandmother, Mrs. R. Ed-
gar at. Varna.
Mr. Arnold Gackstetter left on
Thursday for Guelph where he
has accepted a position as a Se-
curity Guard, he spent Monday
here with Mrs. Gackstebter and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm
and family are holidaying this
week with relatives in ;Sucl;bury.
Miss Irma Ktpfer of Toronto
visited during the past week
with 151. and airs. Ezra .Kiefer
and Mr. and Mrs. 'Cecil Kipfer.
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Henderson
and family and ;Miss Phyllis
Case visited recently with rela
tives in .St. ;Catharines and Ni-
agara Palls.
IM s. W. r3.'Gross is holidaying
with relatives at Salable Beach
this week.
!Miss •Lauretta. (Bell of London
spent bhe weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Wm. Hyde and
sister, Mrs. Jack Faber.
Mrs. Josephine Alien of Tor-
onto visited recently with MTs.
Ellen Buchanan.
Miss 'Belle Brintnell of Strafe
ford was a recent visitor with
her sister, Mrs. Mae MacLellan
and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bnint-
Mr. Jack ;MacDonald of In-
dian Head, !Sask., is visiting with
his sister, 'Mrs. Kate 'MacGregor.
Mr. Harold ,Bell of Toronto
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. W. R. Bell.
Mrs. Edna ,Corbett of Exeter
visited during the past week with
Mr. and ;Mrs. Harold Parker and
Mr. and Mrs. J. IMcOloy of
Toronto spent the weekend with
the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Hess.
;Mrs. Geo. Glenn is spending
this week visiting with members
of her family ,at Grand Bend.
Miss 'Connie ;Corbett returned
home after spending two weeks
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Goodman in Detroit.
Miss Minnie 'Reid of London
was a recent visitor' with Mr. and
Mrs. B. Y. MaciLaren.
• Mrs. Edna ;Couibett of Exeter
visited this week with ;Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Schroeder and family
and ;Mrs. Amelia 'Schroeder.
;Mr. A. W. Kerslake returned
home from Minneapolis, Minn.,
where he attended a convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Farling Lund,
Cleveland, Ohio, ;Mrs. Lund and
son Tobin of Denmark, Holland,
Mrs. Anna .Elder of London
were recent visitors with Mr.
and /Mrs. Harrold Elder.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned
to their home in Guelph after
visiting with ;the 'latter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrett.
Private funeral services for
Mrs. Samuel Taylor, 73, who
died at ;Clinton at ;the 'home of
her daughter, Mrs. Frank !Chap
man, were conducted at the
family residence iby 'Pastor K.
L. Sweigard. Burial was made
in IBaird's cemetery. Her bus -
band died several years ago.
She was the former Ethel M.
Reid, of 'Stanley twp., and lived
in the district all her life. Sur-
viving are two sons, 'Harald, at
home; :Kenneth, Sault Ste. Ma-
rie; three daughters, Mrs. 'Frank
Chapman, 'Clinton; Mrs. ,Stuart
Lowe nand Anna, 'Stratford; one
brother, William J. Reid, Varna;
and two sisters, Rachel, Varna;
and ;Mrs. Rhoda Miller, Clinton.
Diseuesing :the deadlock in
council over the Goderich street
sewer, an observer suggested a
new approach to 'the problem.
Granting that the ;urgency for
the sewer is to provide t
l rde an outlet
for Scott eleanorial Hospital he
asks why should bhe entire (bur-
den be put on Seaforth, whim
already has one of the higher
tax rates in Ontario.
Is there not some neap of or-
ganizing a Hospital 'District, ea-
ter the fashion of the 'Iligh
School areas, and fire areas.
With the cost spread overthe
municipa'lit'ies using the hospital
it would not be a hardship on
any ens.
Numerousdetails would have
to be worked out to make strch a
plan workable, and beyond doubt,
some legislation.