HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-07-19, Page 5THE S1lAFOIiTH .Ni WS—Thursday, July 18, 1856 BEST BUY SPECIALS Old Towne Sweet Mix Pickles ..,. 55c Large 48 oz. Jar SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 31c CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE 2 large 20 oz, tins 25c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO or VEGETABLE SOUP 10 oz. tins. 2 for 25c INTERLAKE WHITE !CROSS TISSUE 9 rolls $1.00 ALSWEET MARGARINE 1 1b. 31•c YUMMY PEANUT BUTTER Old Fashioned BLT, 16 oz. Jar 41c PINEAPPLE & GRAPE FRUIT JUICE Vitamin C added Large 48 oz. tin 37c SHIRRIFFS 7 MINUTE ,COCOANUT PIE .... 33c SHIRRIFFS 7 MINUTE ANGEL FOOD PIE . , .: 37c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES DUBLIN Miss Marry Atkinson and "Thomas Flanagan, Toronto, with Mr. and .Mrs. George ;Coyne and Mrs. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. 'Homer Jeffrey and children, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Elliott. ' (Miss Phyllis Butters ;at Hamil- ton, also Miss 'Cecelia Feeney. Carol Lyn Shop SALE continues MILLINERY -- 1/2 PRICE SUMMER GLOVES -- 1/3 OFF BLOUSES 1.98 & 2.98 SHORTS -- 20% OFF SEE OUR DRESS RACKS AT SPECIAL PRICES -.. BUY NOW AND SAVE v MENIMINIONIMIIIMMIHMEI • 3 a *. ; Y�Y '4•�. 4r ut trh•; IL hil % �y G li7TC, y q! �, +04yy . Fl ' = :ell ''t' 'k ' n 'i<'J4/4 . j10 CONTINUES BIGGER AND BETTER VALUES SHORTS 69c & $1.00 Big Savings on Cotton Dresses 20% to 50% OFF Sweaters, Jerseys, Jeans 20% OFF Friday and Saturday only NYLON DRESSES 20% OFF Coat Clearance at Cost & Less, Infant to 12X KIDDIES SHOP E. Wilson Seaforth D. McCuaig CAR BARGAINS 1955 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 WORD % TON PICKUP 1952 NASH RAMBLER STATION WAGON 1950 PONTIAC COACH, radio 1951 DODGE SEDAN 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 INVEST IN SHORT TERM Ontario Loan Debentures Issued for $100 and Upwards PER ANNUM -- 5 YEARS 4% 3 3/4 % oPer Annum 8 and 4 Years Interest is Payable By Coupon or By Cheque ENQUIRIES WELCOMED Ontario Loan & Debenture Co. Dundas St. at Market Lane and Market Square London, Ont. In the heart of the shopping district A LONG ESTABLISHED SAVINGS CORPOR,ATZON „ -, . , TOWN TOPICS Dennis Kerr, son of IMr. and Mrs. Scott Kerr, of Thorndalle, is spending his holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and I drs. E1 'don Kerr,"Mc'Iiiliop. M. Fred W. Twiss of +Brant- ford spent ;the wee! end at +the Commercial. Mr. and Mrs. Allen 13. Milllen and .son Robert of Chathean spent a few days with :Mrs. Alex McNab and Mrs. John 1311cNab. Mrs. !Catharine 'Ross of Saska- toon is spending the suamner with her sister, Mrs. AlexlMcNalb. Mr. and !Mrs. S. H. ;Stephenson of Woodstock visited friends in town over the weekend. IMr. Arnold Lamont, ILamil- bon, and Miss !Nellie Lamont, of Ori4:li'a, are !bonne for summer. Mr. and IMrs. Norman Lamont and IMr. and Mrs. Albert Aus- .man and Keith, Galt, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Margaret Lamont, Mr. and ;Mrs. Earl Fortune and Danny of Deal:born, Mich., 'rho have been holidaying et Port Elgin and Bauble Beadh, and Mi. and IMrs. Fergus Rey- nolds .of Detroit were (recent visitors with Mr. John Lynch and sisters. IMr, and !Mrs. Jack Holborn and :family spent the weekend with IMr. and Mis. P. W. Reilly, Galt. IMr. Ross Fleming, Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Les Meaning. !Miss Jean Brown, +London, was a wedkend !guest of cher another, Mrs. R. Brown. Mr. Ron Sills, Kitchener, spent the ;weekend with his mother, Mrs. C. P Sills. Mr, suisd Mos. James 'Hogg and Mr. and Mrs, Adrian Hogg and Georgina of !Collingwood spent •the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bedford lDungey and Brenda. Mr. and Mrs; Edward McIver, Stratford. were guests of 'Mrs. 11. McIver recently. Mr. and IMrs. Prank White, of London, spent .the weekend with Mrs, White's 'mother, IMrs. B. Cleary. IMr. and IMrs. Len Gillespie are holidaying with Mrs. G. Ry- an and IMrs. T. O'Loughlin. IMr, and Mrs. Don Stewart, of Toronto, were weekend guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. +McMaster and IMr. and IMrs. P. D. lMcConr- Mr. and ;Mrs. Gordon Hays of Detroit, were :weekend guests of Mrs, R. S. Hays. Mr. A. J. Scott of Winnipeg spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mi. and ;Mrs. James T. .Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnett of Weston are visiting cher !brother, Ml. and IMrs. !Ro'bt. Grimoidby, of +Constance. McKILLOP IMr. !Morris Purvis of London is spending a week's vacation with his cousin Morley and Mary Koehler. ;Miss Diane Rock spent a few dal§ at ISeaforth with Miss Mary Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. (Harry Regele at- tended the funeral -of the late Mrs. Sawn Kechnie at Blyth on Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Hoegy is at pre- sent with her sister, firs. F. Beu- erman. We are sorry to report that Mr. Fred Eckert who is confined in Seaforth ;Hospital is not im- proving as +his friends would have him do. Miss Mary Jackson 'spent sev- eral +days 'with her sister, Mrs. Norman Eggert. Mr. and IMrs. Wm. 'Huether and family of Morriston spent Sunday with Mr. and•'Mrs. Irvin Rook and at the Eggert home. The S. S. picnic held on !Sun- day at the Eggert home ISMS very much enjoyed by ell present. Word has 'been received that Mrs. H. Kleber of Brodhagen, who ;has been in 'Stratford Hos- pital, has gone to the hoarse of her daughter, Mrs. •Carl Mikel in Fullerton. BRODHAGEN IMrs. Beta Eickmeir, 'Roger and Gary of 'Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. George 'Elelomeir recently, Roger and Gary re- maining for some holidays with +their grandparents. IMr. nand Mrs. Lloyd Pusehel- berg and family of North Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' Johnson and family of 'Londesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Hop,penroth of Mitchell visited with 'Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Puschelberg on Sun- day. Mr. 'Charles Puschelberg was in 'London for • a few days last, week for 'a +medical checkup dot the !Shute Institute. IMrs, Elizabeth +Morenz of Kit- chener has been visiting at the home of John F. Prueter. Mr, Calvin Diege'l, lld'gewood 'Camp, Eden ;Mills, 'spent Friday at his Thome. Mr, .and Mrs. Diclk. Watson and Douglas of Exeter with her par. ants, IMr. and .Mrs. Lavern Wolfe on 'Sunday, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Eisler of :Seaforth !with Mr. and Mrs, 'Manuel .Beusomanm on Sunday. IMr. ,anal IMrs. Arthur Morton, Lynn and (Colin of Oshawa with her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Lew Hicks. 'Lynn and !Colin remaining for some holidays. IMr. and ;Mrs. 'Russell Sholdice, Roger and +Beverley spent Sun- day at ,Almlbeisley Beach, accom- panied by IMr. and IMrs. Howard Querengesser 'and girls. Mr. and Mis. Karl ;Schilllenlberger and Neil. IMr. ,and IMrs. Bill Benning and Richard, all of Mitchell, Mr. and .Mrs, Mervin Deitz 'and fam- ily of IMcKildop, IMrs. Ralph Hicks and !baby 'daughter returned home from ISeafortih Hospital. (Miss !Ruth Ann Mueller of (Hamilton, Who is holidaying with her aunt and 'uncle, Mr, nnld Mrs. Leslie Weitersen, ".Born- holm, also visited with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Aug. Ha'le- ;breoht. Summer Vacation School clos- ed on Friday evening with short devotions. 'Programs and films on Malaya and the inspection of Crafts eta, A goad crowd was in attendance. The program: A song by the Nursery, "Jesus Loves !Me", solo by 'Beverley Sholdice, "Jesus Wants For a Sunbeam"; piano solo by !Ruth Davey; 'cornet solo by Phyllis 'Hinz; Ibaton swinging by Phyllis Hinz and Susan 'Quer- engesser; solo by Roger Sholdice "The Wind"; piano duet by Kathy and Dorothy meeker, "Buzzing 'Bumble Bees"; a solo by Susan Querengesser, "Hark the tiny Cow Slip Bell", song by the Juniors, "Now Thank we all our God"; piano solo !by Donna Sdherbarth, `"Boys' ;Brigade"; a solo by Larry Kistner, "Timothy Lee"; a duet by +Susan Queren- gesser .and •Roger'Sholdice, "Sun- bonnet Sally ;and iOverald"+; la solo by 'Cheryl . Wurdell, "The Lord is counting on you"; an Evening Prayer by Patricia Querengesser. 130RN-In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforbh, on Thurs- day, Judy 12, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Brodbagen, a daughter, Sheryl Lea, a sister for Alvin, The family of Mr. Ddward Prueter gathered at bhe home of Mr. •and !Mrs. Lloyd Prueter on Sunday where a 'chicken dinner was supplied !by the family on bhe occasion of his 74th birth- day. His family are Lyd, .Born halm; '('Mande) +Ma . Wilfred Ahrens, .Brodhagen; and ;(Vera) Mrs. Gordon Bach, Mitchell, R. R. 4; (Edna) +Mrs. Norman Rode of Detroit. His [brother Jahn F. Prueter'and sisters, IMrs. Edith Rats of drivers, IManitoba, and Mrs. Mary Dittmer were also present, along with his 11 grand- children, and IMr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Farrow of IMitohell. Miss Shifley Biebl of London is Thome on holidays. +Mrs, Elwood Smart (Evelyn Bennewies) and Carolyn of Windsor with her'' parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Jahn L. Bennewies. Miss Janet •Elligson of Wind- sor with her grandmother, Mrs, Lena Elligson. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bennewies of Hamilton called on Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser and outer relatives on Saturday. IMr. Donald Ahrens, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. gen !McLeod, Ken neth, 'Ronald and 'Gerald ,of .Lon- don, Mi. +and !Mrs. !Chris Leon- hardt, 'Mitchel';; 'Miss Susan Le- onhardt, Seaforbh, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas Ahrens on Sun- day. The Stewards of the •Ohristiasn Home (married couples) enjoyed a picnic at the Lions Park, Mit- chell on. +Monday evening. 'Dollars and Sense'' Are you planning a trip? Don't take chances of losing your money—and spoiling your trip—by carrying large sums in cash. Before you go, turn your money into Travellers' Cheques ... easy to cash anywhere—and safer than cash everywhere. Drop in and see us at The Canadian Bank of Commerce and we'll gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The protection is well worth the slight cost. This is simply one of the many banldng services we oder our. customers to keep them free from needless worry about their money. THCCANADIAN CANADIAN .BANK OI COMM!RCE' Seaforth Branch. G. C. Brightraf,-Manag r" Race results of Stewards of the 'Christian Home +Picnic; 8 years' and under, 'Starr Fiedler; 4 to 5 years, Beverley Slioldice;. 5 to 7 years, Linda 'Moak; 10, 11, 12, Robert Ahrens; ladies running, Mrs Wilfred Ahrens, Mrs. 'Gordon lMogk; men's run- ning, Glen lMogk; ladies' kick the Vlippor, Mrs. 'Gordon Mogk; anen's kick slipper, 'Russell IShol- dice; shoe scramble, Robert Ah- rens; feeding cornflakes to one another, IMr. and Mrs. Glen Mogk; finding husband !blind- folded, Mi. sand 'Mrs. 'Gordon Mogk; advertising contest, !Mrs. Edward Schenbarth; guessing jelly beans in jar, Mrs. Lavern Wolfe; guessing what is in email bag, IMrs. Lavern Wolfe; Mr.. and 'Mrs. (Ralph Fischer and Mrs. RobertBeuernran were in charge of games. ''Ille evening closed with •a singsong. HOUSEHOLD HINT If you are plagued with a soap -plugged drain pipe from 'bath tub or sink, There's a stip: Pour boiling water (water must be 'boiling) with a spoon- ful of ane of the new liquid de- tergents, into the drain. It really works. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND Dancing Nightly CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA SUNDAY, JULY 22ND PARADE and CONCERT 'Starting 8.80 ;p.m. GODERICH GIRLS' TRUMPET BAND b5 +Menilbers Western Ontario's outstanding band Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMI'r(:D CLINTON Next to the 'Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY July 19 and 20 "THREE SAILORS AND A GIRL" (Color) • Gordon MacRae • Jane Powell (TWO 'CARTOONS) SATURDAY and MONDAY July 21 and 23 "BOY FROM OKLAHOMA" (Color) • Will Rogers, Jr. • Nancy Olson (TWO CARTOONS) 'SAT. NITE IS PRIZE NITE' Prizes to the value of $50 TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 24 and 25 "BEAST FROM 20,000 FATHOMS" (Adult) • Paula Raymond (TWO ,CARTOONS) Tuesday—"DOLLAR" NITE $1.00 Admits a Carload ! CHURCH SERVICE Every Sunday Evening at 8 p.m. Auspices: !Clinton Ministerial Association BOX OFFICE OPENS AT a P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE UNION SUMMER SERVICES First Presbyterian Church and North Side United Church Co-operating SUNDAY, JULY 22 : 11 a.m. (ZDV. 'BRUCE W. HALL Duet—Miss Ruth +Cluff, IMrs. Lois Hamilton, "The Silent Voice" (Ronna). Solo—Miss Betty Simpson. "Ice Smiled on Me" (O'Hara) Sunday 'Schools will meet at 10 a.m. in then"respective churches Egntondville United Church 'Rev. Dr. J. 'Semple, Minister Services dor !Sunday July 22. 10 am., The !Church. !School, 1.1 a.•nn,, The •Pu;blic Worship of God. ISpe sial 'Subject, What is Evangelism? Can We 'Learn From 'Billy' Graham.? 11 a.m., Nursery School. 11.80., Junior 'Congregation. Our Clhurch urges you to "Give +God a Chance" by worship- ping Him :in Iiis 'House every week. DRESSED, HAM SUPPER . Carnival and Dance Drawing for Prizes St. Columban WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 Supper 5.80 to 8 o'clock Adm., Adults 51.00; Children _50 For Sale BUILDINGS OF SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD., GODERICH ST. To be removed from premises by Sept. 1st Phone 47 SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. YOU'RE NOT A GOOD DRIVER IF YOU HAVE THIS FAULT Parking with even part of. your car on the highway is against the law. Good drivers always park completely off the road. Moving traffic needs all the road space, HOW GOOD ARE YOUR DRIVING HABITS? DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS—ONTARIO TODAY EVERY FARMER CAN USE MECHANIZATION New developments and new improvements in machines every year are extending the mechanization of agriculture. Tractors and power machines are now available in a range of sizes and styles adaptable to so many different jobs that every farmer can select equipment that will give him the production and profit advantages of mechanization. In the 1956 Massey -Harris and Ferguson lines are many new tractors and machines with features that will help you handle your work easier, quicker, and with less labour. - Your local dealer will be glad to give you full particulars. LIAASSEY. HARRIS- FE- RGUSON LIMITED Mehra of High avidity Farm impi.masls Since i$47