HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-07-05, Page 8'FOR MEN id AT WOR PirArf glill.IMESIMIIIINNIAR • Twirl Shirts d Trousrs ;IAD .50 SET Choose from forest green, grey, airforce blue, olive Khaki and fawn, sanforIzed, fast color American cotton twill matching shirts and pants. They're ideal for work or play, positively washable and very long wearing. 850 SET MEN'S SEERSUCKER Sport Shirts Short sleeve sport shirts that need no ironing in gray, navy, green, white and beige. They're good looking, long wearing and really thrifty priced at SIZES M. O. $2.19 MEN'S COTTON TWILL Sport Shorts Popular sport shorts for men, in khaki, grey, navy or white. Elasticized waist band and self belt trimmed, to give you a healthy coat of tan SIZES 30 TO 42 tewart Bros. THE STORE FOR MEN HENSALL family of London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Stan andSangster. 40Mr1F:4447i-U:44w.i. Even at 3 a.m. your telephone is on the job Lights have just gone on at the Johnson House, It may only mean that young Bit is restless. Or it may mean something more serious ... perhaps a hurried call for the doctor. At such moments the Mated help of the telephone can be beyond price. Nights, Sundays and holidays, in 634 Central Offices, Belt people are always on the job to make life more pleasant, mare secure for all of us, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and IRuth Ann of Haanilton with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Aug. Hillebrecht, Mr. and Mrs. raw -Woodward and Igirls, Toronto, with 'Yin and Mrs. Albert Querengesser. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Newton and Diane of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Lew and Ralph Hicks. Mrs. Rev, Fischer lent on Sun- day with her son, Rev. Paul Fis- cher .and Mrs. Fiseher of Water- loo to Nova .Scotia to visit her father and expects to spend the month .of July there. Rev. Paul Fischer and Mrs. Fischer will re- main there to be installed as pastor otf the Lutheran 'Church. Miss Grace Fischer returned home froan ,Seaforth tElospital on Friday after 1111 ,flavendietbis op- eration on Monday. Mr. Al Miller of Detroit spent this week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel. Mrs. Edith Rats of Rivers, Manitoba, is visiting wibh Cher sister, !Mrs. Mary .Dittmer ,and brothers Joint .and ,Ed Prinater and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck, Gerald Carl and Rose Eva have nnoved into the home they pur- chased froan Mrs. Nora Diegel. ,Quirte a few Tram here attend- ed the •Morenz Reunion at Exet- er Park on Sunday. Summer Bible Vacation !School will be held Imre at St. Peter's Lutheran IChurch lbeginning next Monday morning at 9 o'clook, to Friday, and the Sunday School and congregational picnic on Sunday, July ,8th. Mr. and [Mrs. Kenneth .Scihen berth and family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs .Clarence Bennewies and family of Mitchell, Mr. arid Mrs. Edwin Bennewies and fam- ily of Seaforth; Mr, :and Mrs. Gen IBennewies of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scheibe/4th of Detroit with Mr. and ,Mrs. John L. Bennewies. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kressier, Cherry and Jack of IStratford Mr, :and Mrs, Grant Moore, Hea- ther and Connie of Waterloo called on Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Querengesser on Monday. Eickmeir Reunion was held on i the school grounds here on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly .IIaupt, Gloria and Ethel and 'Miss Diane Hillcrest of Toronto with Mr, and .Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. Mr ,and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe h and Don and Miss Beth Cole b with Mr. and 'Mrs. John .Hinz of y Kitchener and attended the Band b Festival at Waterloo on Satur- t day. , a The monthly meeting of the Stewards of the ;Christian Home a was held on Thursday evening in s the church basement. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beuer mann, Mr. and Mrs. Russell/ 10 Sholdice were in charge of de- e votions. Several hymns were lo sung, Mrs. Robert ,Beueranann C read the scripture lesson, Man- h eel Beuerman. led the responsive lo reading of psalm 103 ;Mrs. Rus- bo sell ,Sholdice end Mrs. Manuel Id Beuermann read the topic, fr "What Parents owe to their children" with a short discussion following. Russell Sholdice then read the prayer -with the Lord's Prayer closing the devotions. The business was conducted hy the president, Edward 'Scher - berth. It was decided to have a picnic art Mitchell Park on July 16th, supper at 7 o'clock and there will be no meeting in July and August, beginning again the last Thursday in .September. A few games were played anti lunch was served. by the same committee as on devotions. Mr. and 1VIrs, Matt McCarthy, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs, litoyd McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kraus- kopf, on Tilsonburg, with Mrs. Louie Krauekept fMr. and 11VIrs. Larry Donovan and Mr. and. Mrs. Bert afelPacl- den, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moreau and Bonnie, Prest- on with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mrs. Jack Wallington and son Stephen, Hamilton, wibh Mr, and Mrs. ,George leeyne and Mrs. At- kinson. Overduve, of Hamilton, with her another, 'Mrs. Mary Feeney. HIBBERT On Thnrsday evening parents and pupils of .S.S.S. No. 4 'Eb- be* with Mrs. Joseph IIVIelladY assembled to hold their annual 'Parents' Night. The classroom was -appropriately 'decorated in keeping with the a-nonth tee June, dedicated to "The Sacred Heart", Anne lVfornis, .Grade VM pupil read the valedictory, whicJh was as follows: /This jun° day ,marks the ap- proaching end of our school, so I have been asked to speak a parting -word. This .day is for rus a day of memories. We can remember vividiy the days spent here un- der the guidance 'of /Mrs. MeladY. Br esides giving instruction, ,ou teachers open up to us new aven- ues of thought and effort. The kindness shown will surely live through the years. The future lies .alhead of us, it is ours to make or anar. Especially too, we are indebted to our parents and to au those who in any way have helped throughout this time. They have shown an interest in each and everyone of us and we are now going out as studentsto seek higher education so we must prove onrselves v,rorthy of that interest To -night we assembled for the last social function on the year. May we always cherish pleasant memories of one another. May we always strive to live up to the deals inspired by our parents and teachers of Hibbert No. 4. Noreen McMillan and Bill IVIenheere were the other two Grade VIII graduates, Mrs. E. .0. Harley, music su- ervisor then rendered a re- earsa of music festival num- ere along with the songs of the ear. These were much enjoyed y the parents, and a vote of hanks was given for the enjoy- ble evening. On Friday, June .29th, the nnual picnic was held. The re- ults of the races were as fol- ows: Pre-school children, Jerry Ma- ne; grades 1 and 2, ,Billy Feen- y; grades 3 and 4, Vincent Ma- ney; grades 5 and 6, Don eyrie; grades 7 and 8, Bill Men- eere; sack race, Pauline Ma- ne; potato race, Jean Moylan; ok race, Mary ,Lou 'Coyne; ck the shoe, Patsy Coyne. Re- eshments were then served. DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher, Pat and Philip, Miss Helen Hor- an, -Brantford, with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cleary, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. J3ill Evans, Merriton, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher spent a few days in 'London. They inoved to Seaforth last week. Mrs. A. Wheel= has accept- ed a position as Home Economics teacher at Clinton High 'School for the eoming. year and bas left to take a special course at Ont- ario College of Education, Tor- onto, Mrs. Leo Holland, Windsor and Mrs. May Ryan, Stratford, with Mrs, M. Shulman and Pat Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frappier, of Kitchener, with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. In Flanagan at ,Sudbury. [Rev. H. F. Feeney Ca.. St. Jerome's ICollege, Kitchener, with his mother, Mrs. 'Cathleen Feeney. Mr. Bassett, Alberta, with his brother, K. Bassett. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Friend and family are vacationing at Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton and family are spending a month at a cottage at Bayfield. fiVIrs. 'Catherine Feeney and family spent the weekend et Triple Bay. Dr. Thos. Melady has purchas- ed a home in Goderich and will move there after spending the summer at their cottage at Bay- field. A. very successful garden party was held on the parish grounds. The lucky ticket prize win-ners were George Coyne, Jack Doyle and John Nagle. Jack Molyneaux and two sons, Thorold, wirlih. Mrs. Loret- ta Molyneaux. Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. 'Stewart spent the weekend at Guelph and ,Orangeville. Mr, and Mrs. Delmar (Gamer - en and Miss Phyllis Butters spent 'the holiday at Pine 'River. ;Mr. end Mrs. Frank [Rowland and Mr. Ed Rowla-nd, Toronto, with ,Mrs. Winnilred Rowland, TUCKERSMITH This is a copy of the letter Rev, Potts of Grand Rapids, Mich., gave John C. Doig to take to Europe and Britain. This is to certify that the bearer, Mr. John C. Doig, is well known to me and that he is of a good Michigan family; his fa- ther, now deceased, was for a lifetime, a lawyer cvf high stand- ing in Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. By profession John is also a lawyer and for several years has been with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, f a an iliarly known around the world as the F.B.I. ;Mr. Doig sustains an excellent reputation among his associates. He attends any iChurch and he is a member of the 'Congrega- tional 'Christian. Fellowship. He is possessed of a University ed. ucation and he is a fine leader among men; also Inc is quite an interesting speaker. I have work- ed with Mr. Doig in a luncheon club of Grand Rapids .ealled the Hi -Twelve of which I am the Chaplain. Also I have worked with him in the Masonic Fra- ternity, particularly in the York rites with special emphasis on the Orders of the Knight Temp- lar. I take real pleasure in re- commending Mr. Doig to anyone in Great Britain or anywhere in Europe, who will enjoy ;meeting an American who truly repre- sents the spirit and culture of the anid-western section of the United States. Yours very truly, Albert Edward Potts, HENSALL Oldest Resident Dies Mrs, Andrew Buchanan, the oldest resident of this village, died here yesterday in her aoth year, A member of a pioneer fam ily of the area, Mrs, Buchanan was the former Elizabeth Car- lile, a native of the second con- cession of Hay twp. Mrs. 113110 -lanai was a resident; of Hensall for 27 years. S(he came here from a farm in Tuck- ers/Mt:1i twp. She was a member of Bonsai United 'Church. Mr. 'Buchanan died several years ego. She is survived by one idaughter, Jennie E. Buchan- an, at home; two sone,Alfred, of Constance, and Wllard, nrf Hensall; three brothers, Ernest Carlile, London; Alfred E. Oar- lile.and William E. Canna, and a sister, Mrs. Jackson Walker, all of Henson She alseleanes 11 grandchildren and 16 great- grandchildren. The funeral service was rheld on Monday from the Bonthron funeral home, ,concluotted by tho Rev,. C. D. Daniel, of Hensall United lararch. 'Burial was in Hensall Union ICemeterY KIPPEN EAST The Xippen East Women's In- stitute avill hold, their meeting on 11 at 8.30 at the home of Bins. Harry Caldwell, and Mrs. Winston Workman -will be co - hostess. The guest sneaker will be Mrs. Earl Will the anembers please bring their old Christmas cards to this meeting. The lunch committee, Mrs. Ro- bert Germinal, Mrs. Morley Cooper, IIVIrs. W. L. ;Melba, 1VIrs. Rena ICaldwell, Mrs. Russell .Brock. CROMARTY The 10th Riley Reunion Was held .Saturday, June 16th with 90 present at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Beet Riley. Mr. and Mns. Joe Flynn, and Mr. and eraViblasig. Be eotfitapYr.U.gr9677eotfien rf.icelis appointed were Pres., Bev. Ri- ley, Brussels; Vice -Pres., Geo. Boa, 'Staffa; Sec., Mrs. Wan. Kellington, Bruesels; Tneasurer, Mrs, IBert Riley, iC r o an .a r it Y; Sports, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Har. bairn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 'Simile, Hensall. Winners of the various sports were as follows: 4 yrs. and under, aVfurray Kellington, Linda Farr; 4 to 6 yrs. Jody Riley, Bobby Rolling - ton; 6 to 8, lboys, Ivan Boa, Em- erson Riley; 6 to .8, girls, Joyce Kellington, Jody Riley; .8 to 10, girls, Betty Brodbagen, Bonnie Neil; S to 10, boys, David -Sanale, Larry Xellington; ao to 10, boys, Mervin Neil, David ISanale; 10 to 12, girls, Betty Brodhagen, Mar- garet Boa; 12 to 16 girls, Rose - and Neil, .Isabell Neil; 12 to 16, boys, Mervin Neil, Brune Neil; 3 -mung ladies, Eleanor Boa; oung anen, Bernard Brodhagen; named men, Bev Riley; married women, Betty Riley; three-legged ace, boys under 10, Ivan Boa, Laverne Harbunn; three-legged ace, girls, Jody Riley, Joyce ellington ; three -1 egged race, en, Bev and Ross Riley; wo- nen, Frances Flynn and Elean- r Boa; men's kick the slipper, eat' ,Brodhagen; ladies', Grace iley; slip race, Hilda iSanale; est -colors in socks, Frank Hoe - urn Jr.; youngest child, David teckley, St. Pauls; oldest person t Frank Harburn, 81, romarty; peanut scranible un- er 6., Jody Riley; over 6, Mar- aret Boa; lucky -cup, Myrtle teckley; anarried lady's birthday ay May ist, Beatrice Neil, itchell; married anan's birth - y nearest Sept. 26, Bill Riley, rich. 31 K 111 ib tl 45 M da Zia ST. COLUMBAN Interesting closing exercises at St, leolumban school were held on Thursday. During the afternoon the pupils of the Jun- ior room had their field day 501 - Jawed by a supper. On Thurs- day evening the pupils of the .Senior room includin • the bhe grad- ualtes were entertained by the j teachers to a social evening and a supper. The tables were beau- l tifully .decorated with pink and White peonies, silver spangled candles, and favors and place cards witIhi a gift of a medal for each ohild. The rooms were de- corated with balloons and Chinese lanterns. Gifts were also pre- sented to the graduates, Mary IVIelady, Verna {Byers, Ellie Pol- and and Terry Ryan. A sing song by the students followed. Steph- en 'Cronin voiced appreciation to the mothers who served the sup- per, and Terry Ryan thanked Mother Evangeline for the kind- ness and patience through the year. Mary Melady, on +behalf of the graduates presented her with a spiritual bouquet. The social hour continued; ,then ala went home feeling they bad spent a never -to -be -forgotten evening. IN MEMORIAM MELADY — In loving memory of dear husband and brother, Joseph FrItIl We MOMS'. who Passed away one yea ago, July 4, 1955. We little knew .when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would lndng: For the can was sudden, the shook severe To part with one we loved so deur. Sometimes it's hard to understand Why somethings have to be, But in His wisdom, God has planned Beyond our power to see. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow, Bel what it meant to lose him, No one will ever know. —Ever remembered by hill Wife, Marie, Brothers and Sisters NOTICE Who can use a boy, ld, for the sum mar holidays. Phone 826,01, Seaforth, John Van Rooljen HELP WANTED Wanted—Practical nurse for day duty, full or part time Riverside Rest Home, Mitchell. Phone 69 FOR SALE 60 acre Penn, south half lot 6, eon. 6, McKillop, 4 miles from Dublin, 3/7, mile from Separate school, modern farm home, good buildings, bydna, modern conveniences including pressure system, bathroom, built in cupboards, etc. Will sell with or without implements Posses- sion Sept, 1. Apply Mrs. WyL. Maloney, Dublin iP1 THE ISEAFORTH NEWS Thursday, July 5, 1956 FOR SALE Beatty Electric Washer, used only a short time, reasonable. Phone 65403 FOR SALE Dairy farm complete with livestock and mac/ill:my. Apply to Joseph Grum- mett, ak mile west of Seaforth on No. 8 highway FOR SALE lbfe0 -Deering hay loader. in good condition. John Willems, Phone 678r14 NOTICE • 15 acres of hay to put in on shares, baled or loose. Art McClure, Blyth 28,13 FOR SALE Boys 'bicycle 28" rim, in good condi- tion, reasonably priced. Ken Coleman, 114 Seaforth. Phone 652r14 GRAND OPENING sale of fttruiture, pianos (new 5 used) at the NEWLY RE, DECORATED Mildmay Furniture Show - moms, July 6 to .Tuly 21st, Open Friday evenings during sale. Godfrey Schuett, Mildmay FOR SALE Cottage on Centro street, centrally lo- cated, immediate possession. Apply to Alex 1VfacDonald, phone 660r14 FOR SALE 6 pigs eight weeks old. A building 12 x 14 suitable for chicken house, etc. Phone 65942 Seaforth. Percy Grummett FOR SALE Two wheel trailer, new plank plat, form, good condition. Smaller for one horse, in good shape. Small colony house in good condition, Wagon (Heavy Adams) 110W condition on rubber, plank Platform with gamin sides approximately 12 feet by 6 ft, by 2 ft. Archie Jeffery, Dublin, phone 65,9 Auction Sale Of Household Effects for John Walsh, Goderich St. E„ Seaforbh, on Saturday. July 7, et one o'clock, the following: Three piece chesterfield suite (new) ; modern 9 niece dining suite; modern 3 piece bedroom suite; kitchen table and four matching chairs; heavy duty Mc - Clary electric stove; 9 cu. ft. McChtrY refrigerator. Beatty 'washing machine. Studio couch, eight chairs, 2 dressers, large wardrobe with mirror doors. Tables, lawn mower, 76 feet garden hose, new eleetric Lux; floor coverings; drapes ; four Venetian blinds, dishes, tools and numerous other articles. Everything without reserve as prop- erty is sold. Terms cash. John Welsh, ProP. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer NOTICE TENDERS WANTED We t o Provisional Committee, 4111- x>intecl by the Hog Producers of Huron County, can for applications for the )os.iticgi o/sManbl3goaatitV s ot Blyth, 136 -In l'O'ff and Hens I, according to he po belfl aid down by the Ontario Hog Producers Olarketing Also, applications fin' the picking. up of Hogs at the producers' premises when requested, and delivered to the Assembly Yard. Applicants to state Dino expected for Yards, managing and pick-up. All applications to be in the hands of the secretary not Inter than nay 10, 1956. (Signed) ALBERT BACON, Chairman, Pro- visional C,ommitteo A.LPRED FL WARNER, Secretary, R.R. I, Bayfield, Ont, FOR SALE White enamel drain board cabinet sink 42" X 20" suitable summer cottage Phone 92-23 Dublin FOR SALE a rangette. Phone 57r3 Dublin. Mrs, Atkinson TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From The Seafbrbh News, Scott Memorial Hospital grounds presented a colorful scene When .the 1931 class of nurses graduated. Taking part were Mayor J. Daly. Mrs. 111, S. Hays, Dr. Mackay, ,Miss Miss Gingerich, W. H. Gold- ing, Dr. l3urrows, Dr. Ross, Rev. J. F. Myers, Rev. W. P. Lane, Rev. I. B. Raine, IMrs. Lane and Heflen. The graduates were Anne Downey, Ella M. Roulabon, Mona Ross 'McGregor, Bather Tnout, Isobel McLaughlin. Dr. [Harvey J. 'Bristow has graduated from the Detroit 'Col- lege of Medicine and Surgery. Miss Edna ICeehrane, 'daught- er of Mr. and iMrs. J. ,Cochrane. Hillsgreen, graduates as a nurse this month. Miss Erma Broadfoot is a graduate of MacDonald Guelph. IMr. and IlVIrs. -Maleolan Aran - strong of Port Arthur are visit- ing his parents. FORTY YEARS AGO From The iSeafooth News The marriage of Miss Flor- ence Vera Hunt and !Mr. Thomas W. McMillan is a June event. While attempting to ,alight from a moving train at Dublin, Duncan McLaren Jr. of Elbbert was killed. Harry 'Colbert than purchased a Shetland pony ,and buggy nor his fboys. Mrs. 'Henry 'Beattie .and two sons, Edwin and Arthur of Win- nipeg are spending the summer here, The young ladies of Roadbono held a successful tea in the store recently vacated by IL Edge and realized $60 for the Red 'Cross. The garden party had to be post- poned because .of rain. It was to be held art Mr. ,Garrow's faun. The /Misses ;Grainger .of Bruce - field were guests of Dr. and Mrs. RaYburn, Miss Gn,Grainger sang a solo n ubhc Methodist 'Church en Sun- day. Mrs. A. T. Park has returned to her home in Nelson, B.C. aft- er visiting her parents, 1111r. and Mrs. W. Bullard. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Munici- pal Dumping Ground, situated one-half mile west of Egmondville, Con. 8 RES, will be open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith. on Wednes- day and Saturday afternoons from the hours of 2 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 P.m. No wire, ear bodies or garbage (organ- ic) is to,...be deposited and all dumping mart be done under the supervision of the inspector. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Twp of Tuckersmith NOTICE For artificial insemination informal, tion or service from all breeds of cattle, Phone tho Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between '7.30 and 9.30 A.M. We have all breeds available --top quality at low cost. The Voice Of Temperance THEY ARE PREVENTABLE Accidents on. the highway can he consistently avoided. Statis- tics show that in nearly 98 nes- dents out of 100 the cars in- volved were "in apparent good -condition". Moreover, the "en- ormous majority of accidents" happen on, geed dry -surface roads and in conditions of cleat visibility. So they are prevent- alble. Even in wintry ,conditions roughly half ;of highway acci- dents have occurred on bare surfaces. -The logical conclusion is 'that the overwhelming majority of accidents are not events of ,chance or fortune- They are the natural and often inevitable sum of human behaviour. Surely one other fact is per- tinent. Dr. Jocelyn Rogers anedi- eolegal .expeit of the Provincial Government whose 'duty it is to 'check all serious highway noel - dents in Ontario, is our author- ity. Upwards of 50 per cent of all such crashes involve liquor! Here surely is .the Arab Enemy of careful human behavior . . . They ARE proventable.--Advt. rmol111101111, For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU Revenue Producer, Duplex, North Main, all modern conveniences, early Possession. Low Down Payment Balance monthly Two bedroom stucco cottage with all modern conveniences including 3 -piece bath, hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Pull basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most immediate possession. M. A. REID • • BOX 'Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 48 Night 595W SIBMIIIIMEMIIMIM••••••11. MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A.'GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Stillbirth SEAFORTH CLINIC 5. A. McMaster, B.A., M.DL, Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon • •0Mce Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-5 p.m. Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J.O. TURNBULL, D.V.M., W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., Main St, Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 701, Main St., Seaforth Hours--Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 ta 6.80; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton —111cLaretua Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.80 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTIg, ONT.' All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates M First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 'blue coal' the Solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDA% CHAMPION STOVE AND FURNACE OIL, DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 673 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. READ OFFICE—SEAPORTS, ONT. Officers—President, Wrn, Sr Alexander; Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas.. M. A., Reid, Seaforth, Direetors—.T. L. Malone, Seaforth; 3. 35. McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander. Walton; E. J. Trowarthat, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonha. 'Bornholm; H. Puller, Coderiell; Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot. Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiner Jr., Londesborol 3. F. Prueter, Brodhagen ; Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Erie Munroe, Seaforth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be PrOMPUY attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 734 - Res. 313w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth FOSALE 5 acre farRm, 134. story brick house, stable and garage, hydro, 1 mile north of Winthrop on paved road. 75 acre farm, 63 acres plowed, no buildings. Number of other farms with buildings. House for rent, furnished, good location. Harold Jackson NOTICE If you want gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just; phone 854 Senforth. no BOYCE FARM FOR SALE 50 acres in Kay tp. with large frame house, good barn and driving shed, 12 acres of bush. Hydro available. Edgar McBride, Nippon Rail, 071r25 Hensall PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber g000ds) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, 6 samples 260; 24 sum - Pies MOO. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov - Rubber Co„ Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 8475, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric models and gear type model& Repair for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Bruceflald. Allowance made for used Separators. Repairs for Otaco, Fleury Bisset impl's Basil O'Rourke, , Brumfield. Phone NU - 24131 Clinton Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD, Phone 47 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY READ OFFICE . EXETER President Martin Feeney, ETU Dublin Vice -President E. Clayton Cohnthoun, 2651 Science HID Directors Hari"' Coates, Centralia Wm. A. Damilton, CromartY Milton McCurdy, RI01 Rirkton Alex J. Rohde, 1953 Mitchell Agents Thom Railantrne, 5561 Woodham :Clayton llarris RRI Mitchell Stanley Hooking, Mitchell Solicitor, W. G. Cochrane. Exeter Secretawy•Treaserer Arthur rzuer. Exeter