HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-07-05, Page 1The Seaforth News
$1.60 a Year
Increase Grant To
Seaforth Fair
'Tuokeramith Munileipai 'Coun-
cil met in the Town hall, Sea -
forth, on Tuesday. July 3rd at
8 pan. All members were present
and the Reeve presided.
Council acknowledged report
from S. W. Archibald, Engineer,
on the ,Shepperd (Creek Drain
and set the ;date, ;Saturday, July
21st et 8.30 p.m. for reading
of the same.
An additional grant of 3100
was made to the'Seaforth .Agri-
cultural Society to assist 'thein
in their efforts to have the Sea -
(forth Fall Fahr classified as a
Class "B" Fair. 'Council agreed
'to pay the town of (Clinton 1$100
per year as retainer for, fire
protection as well as the usual
charges for the truck attending
!fires. .
:Complaints were received on
the Big IMunieipel Drain and the
matter will be referred to the
township engineer.
Accounts passed included:
Poultry killed by dogs, $26.26;
fox bounty, ,$5.00; •dump ex-
pense, $44.00; advertising, $3.-
3:02; hospitalization 3108.00; fire
onb000• school
tures. $453.81 roads, 49:033.611;
Salary and Allowance, $232.1:6;
1tec.General, $9.160; travelling ex-
pense $50.00; surety bonds, $20.
'Council adjourned to meet on
Aug. 7th at 3 p.m. E. P. (Ches-
ney, 'Clerk.
A quiet wedding took !place et
the United !Church Manse, •Eg-
snondville on 'Saturday, June S0,
with Rev. Dr. James ;Semple per-
forming the doub]e ring cere-
mony, when ,Margaret Elizabeth,
youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, Bert Brooane, Seaforth, was
united in marriage to Murray
Albert Noble, son of Mrs. John
;Clayfield, Kitchener, Ont. The
briae-rostas given in marriage by
her father and wore a pale
mauve dress with shoulder veil
and carried a nosegay of yellow
roses and white ,mums. Miss
!Marion Dick of Seaforth was
bridesmaid, wearing a pale green
dress. Stewart Noble, of Listow-
el, brother of the groom ;was
best man. A reception was held
at the 'bride's home. The bride's
mother received in a pink -flow-
ered nylon dress with white
mums and the grooan'a mother
wore pale blue figured nylon
with white unums. After a honey-
snoon in the north, Mr, and Mrs.
Noble twill reside in ,Seaforth.
A quiet wedding took place at
First ;Presbyterian ;Clhurch, Sea -
forth, on ;Saturday, June . 30, at
2.30 p.m. when Dorothy Opal,
youmr last :daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Mirka, of Smeaton,
:Sask., (became the bride of Don-
ald Keith Scott, only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack ,Scott, 'Seaforth.
Rev. Bruce W. Hall officiated.
The bride wore an afternoon -
length white brocaded dress with
white accessories and ;carried
red roses. Mrs. Don Fry, sister
of the groom was matron of hon-
or, and wore a coral dress with.
white 'accessories and white
flowers. ;Ronald 'Siutherland, of
Windsor, formerly of ,Seaforth,
was best man.
A reception was held at the
home of the groom's parents fol-
lowing tihe :ceremony. The bride's
another, who came from ;Saskat-
chewan for tae wedding, wore a
mauve sheer dress with white
accessories and white corsage.
The groom's ,mother 'was .dressed
in blue printed sheer, with. white
accessories and pink flowers.
;Others from 0 distance who
attended the wedding were the
bride's brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Mirka and ;Shar-
on of Hamilton, and Mr. Wil-
liam Allen of Windsor. Upon
their return from a honeymoon
to Detroit, ;Mr. and Mrs. 'Scott
will live in ;Seaforth,
Mr. and'Mrs. William H, 'Col=
lips wish to announce the en-
gagement of their eldest ;daugh-
ter, Margaret Emily, to Murray
Albert Garrett, son of Mr. and
Mrs, 'Alvanley Garrett, Seaforth.
The marriage is to ;take .place on
July 21 at 2 pan. in the United
'Church, ;Bruoefieid.
Thorpe Rivers' tender for
346815. for erecting an A•gricul-
tuil Building at .Seaforth Dis-
trict High School was ;accepted
by the !Board at a meeting on
Tuesday night. 'There were five
tenders, the Highest being $5372.
Work will start immediately.
A :Sperry ,car passed 'through.
Seaforth. on Wednesday check-
ing the condition of ?the raids on
the ,C N.R. tracks. There are
about four of these ears in North
America which ;constantly :travel
slowly over the tracks of all rail-
way lines. 13y means of sensitive
instruments any defects in rails
can be detected.
Promotions At
Public School
;Honors: Bal';, Nelson; Brady,
Bryan; !Dobson, Lynda; Elliott,
Robert; S'avauge, •Lynda;;Smit3'i,
Corrine; Wei;gland,'Bonnie.
Pass — Austin, .Bruce; Ast,
Gary; IBenneweis, Wayne; Bar -
ger,' Carl; Blue, Faye; 1Oowlen,
Joyce; (Crich, Judy; Dennis, Oar -
01; Dungey, Barbera; Elliott,
Margaret; Ferris, Gordon;'Flem-
ing, Barry; Hoff, Jack; James,
Edward; MacLeod, Ken; Men-
nell, Barbara (Rea.); Miller,
Manatee'',!!Barba a; ReitRonald hBiBobb;
Roweliffe, Douglas; Talbot, Una;
nudes, Fred.
Teacher, J. W. Talbot.
(Honors — 'McCabe, Dianne;
McKay, !Lila; McLean, Pearn;
Miller, Bruce; 'Pethick, Lloyd.
(Pass—,Berger, Donna; %Tans,
Phyllis; Butt, Karen; Byersnan,
Larry; ,Carter, Marlene; Dale
Larry; DeBoer, Jacob; Dick, Ev-
elyn; Dinsmore, Bab I(Rec,);
Drager, Raymond; Elliott, Emily;
Fraser, Douglas, (Res,); ,Hubert,
Davina (Itec.); (i'ugill, Douglas
(Rec.); I-Iwgi11, Karen; McFad-
den, Murray ,(Rec.); M;uegtge,
Donald; Muir, ,Bill; Myatt, Gil -
bent; Patterson, John; Pinder,
Bill; Ross, Dorothy; 'Rowcliffe,
Janet; Trowtbeck, Anne; Van
Rooijen, John; Wanieley, Wayne;
Willumsen, Preben; W r i g h t,
Donald (Rec.).
Teacher, Mrs. 'MacDonald.
Honors —'Christensen, Gerda;
iltic'Gonigle, Sandra; (Scott, Mary;
Stewart, Fllizabeth,
Pass — Adair, Lloyd; :Beuer-
man, Gloria; Beuerman, Ronald;
Brown, George; 'Calder, Andy;
Dennis, Dianne; Dick, Jim; Dick,
Tom; Drager, Betty; Earles,
Jack; Flannigan, Garth; Gor-
will, Nora; Glew, Jim; !Hatcher,
Laura; Hogg•arth, E hi ip; Hoels-
cher, Bruce; Holmes, Bill; Mag-
ill, Wayne; Kelly, Peter; La-
mont, Ted; ,Marshall, Sill; Me-
Liwain, Ken; McNichol, Sharon;
Muegge, B01b; 'Roberton, Joan;
Stacey, Keith; Talbot, Barbara;
Teal!, Bill; Watson, David.
Teacher, E. Hoffman.
Honors — Akker, B e n n y;
Campbell, Karl; Ferris, Jessie;
Schneider, ,Darrell; 'Crich, Mary.
Pass --- Q:dair, Sharon; Adams,
Pauline; Butt, Keith (Rec.);
Butt, Linda; Carter, Donald;
Carter, :Leta ;(Rec.); 'Clarke, El-
lint; Dale, Bruce; Dale, David;
Dale, Nancy; Drager, Jacqueline;
DeVries, ;Sape; Fleming, Lee;
Glew, ;Connie; 'Hall, ;Graig; Kirk,
Dianne; Kling, Anne; MacDon-
ald, IMarjoa'ic{; McLean, Keith;
1VIcNichoa, Phi'llis; Moore, Kend-
ra; Muegge, Richard; Pinder,
Karen; Reeves, Meta; Sim, Ban;
Taylor, Gloria.
Teacher, Miss M. Turnbull.
Honors — ;Connie Atkinson;
Dianne Byerman; 'Barbara Hol-
land; Peter ISi'llery.
Pass—Nancy Berger; Mary
Jean .Boshart; .Louise Bradshaw;
Ken 'Cardin); Emily 'Canter; Bob
Chambers; Kaye (Charters; Kurt
;Christensen; ,Ellen 'Connell; Joe
Dick; Julene Elliott; Leroy Fel-
ker; Keith Fischer; (Melvin Hu-
bert; Dick Kruse; ;Lynda Lane;
Linda MacDonald; Jimmie Mc-
Llwain; Lorraine !Miller; David
(Mills; ,Douglas (Mills; ,Bolblby
Plumsteel; Linda Powell; Ruth
Powell; Elizabeth ;Sholdice; Ric-
key Whitely.
Teacher, D. Mouton
Honors — ,Bisback, Jimmie;
Kruse, George; Patterson, Allan.
Pass — Beattie, Paul; Benne
w'ies, Jo -Anne; ,Butt, 'Brenda.;
?Campbell, Kerry; 1Ohessell, Vic-
kie; Christensen, Karin; ,Cos-
fond, Robert; 1Cormiick, George;
De Boer, 'Carol; Drager, Harvey;
Elliott, Helen; Hemberger, Mar-
ian; Hildebrand, ;Ronald; Hugill,
Sandra; Jessome, Bernie; Keil -
land, Joyce; 'Lamont, Mary; ,Mac-
Donald, Patricia; MacLennan,
Bill; 'Marshall, John; ;McLean,
Mary Jenn; Moore, 'Cheryl; My-
att, ;Colin; Nixon, Lynn; Wal-
lace, Judy; Wi;lludnsen, June;
Wolterbeek, 'Clean; W r i g;ht,
Blaine, Wright, Dougtlas.
'Teacher, 'Mrs. Ellis
'Honors—Brady, Robbie; Free,
Dianne; MacDonald, Bob; Mc-
Lean, ,Susan; Ross Brenda;
Snow, Susan; Snowdon, Mary
Ann; Townsend, Ivy; Wilson,
(Pass—,Boshart, Peu1; Taylor,
Teacher, ;Mrs. Boussey
Honors — Carter, Leslie; 'Dob-
son, 'Christie; ;Edler„'Gayle; Me -
Nichol, ,Patsy; Moore, Wendy;
Sills, Darlene; 'Turnbull, Janet;
Van Rooijen, Johan,
Pass—Elliott, Marie; Gray,
Gary; Habkirk, Brian; Langstaff,
,Barbara; M,ailieson, Faye; Mc -
'Gabe, Ellen; 'Powell, Pamela;
Smith, Denise; Wilbee, Peter.
Teacher, Mrs. ;Boussey
Pass -- Baldwin, Philip; Res-
art, Billy; Brady, Brno e;
;come, Brian; ;Christensen, In
olf; ,Dinsmore, ;Shirley; Garrett,
Orlon; ;Gotnwl•1, Ruth; (Holland,
ahn;'Hulley, Donald; ;Lamont,
andy; 'Lemon, Jack; Little,
Clarence; MacDonald, ;Stuart;
aeLea'n, IMurdo; McElwain,.
arty; Muegge,' Judy; Muir,
June meeting of the 'Seaforth
(Swine Club was held at Scott sh
'(huff's ?farm east ofE,gunond- 'B
villa :on June 21st with 18 morn- .g
bers present. Judged .2 'classes of G
swine, one of sews and one of .3
bacon hogs and reasons were a5
given on 'bacon hogs (by every- X01
one. Raba,McMillan gave the til
correct placings on ;class. L
Bride Of This
Week Honored
Mrs. J. Walker Hart entertain-
ed at a trousseau tea at their
home, Ruscoe Farm, in honor of
her daughter Miss Carol Chesney,
whose marriage will take place
this week in First Presbyterian
Church to Mr. A. Garfield Balser
of Exeter...
Guests. were received by, the
hostess and bride -elect and Mrs,
Albert Baker, mother of the
groom. -elect.
Summer flowers and white
tapers graced the table covered
with an embroidered linen cloth.
Presiding at the tea table were
Mrs. IL.
Arnent of Kitchener, and
Mrs. E. P. ,Chesney, aunts of the
bride-to-be, Mrs. Alex Bethune,
aunt of the groom -to -be; also Mrs.
Kenneth McQuaig, and Mrs. D. H,
Wilson. Those assisting in the
dining room were Miss Marion
Besse of London 'and Mrs. Alvin
Riley, Seaforth.
In charge of shower gifts, wed-
ding gifts and trousseau were
Mrs. Albert Kinnear, St, Cathar-
ines, Misg Gwen Christie, Lon-
don, Mrs C, G. Dewar, Sarnia,
and Mrs. Jack Muir, Seaforth,
A number of
pre -nuptial show-
ers have been held honoring Miss
Mrs. 13:F. Christie and Miss
Gwen Christie were hostesses at
a miscellaneous shower when a
recipe cabinet was filled by the
guests during the evening. Hum-
orous contests were enjoyed and
numerous beautiful gifts were re-
ceived by the bride-to-be.
Mrs. Jack Muir arranged a kit-
chen shower. A bride's book was
made and a social afternoon was
enjoyed. The bride-to-be was pre-,
sented with a basket of pretty
and useful gifts.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Bethune en.
tertained the families of the bride
and groom -to -be on Saturday ev-
On Wednesday evening last
Mrs, Robt. Tyndall was hostess
to the ladies of the neighborhood
when Miss Chesney was the re-
cipient of an adjustable ironing
board and a. steam iron. A musi-
cal program by the junior girls
was enjoyed The presentation
was made by Katharine Doig and
Mrs, Robt. Tyndall. Mrs. Leonard
Strong read the address. Lunch
was then served.
Boys In Camp
At Ipperwash
'High ,School cadets, Roy Dun-
goy, Craig Willis, Wayne'Ghap-
pel, Thos. Broome and Ron
Uhler left Friday morning by
bus for two months at Ipper-
wash camp. Franklin Bryans
;also went Aro Ipperwash where he
will spend two weeks (before go-
ing- to Banff.
Quoting from a report from
one of the Seaforth contingent
at Ipperwash cadet camp:
"We ,finally got here and now
we are settled. It's not a bed
place. :First. thing I got, right
off the bat, was a black eye,
but not by fighting. A fellow
threw a pillow at me and I hit
my eye on a (bunk. There are
1,500 cadets. The guys from
:Seaforth ,are all in the same
'Services for Nelson Pearson,
33, who died in Scott ,Memorial
Hospital, were conducted Wed-
nesday afternoon at Auburn by
the Rev. George Watt. Interment
was in 'Port ,Albert ACemetery.
?He .came to Huron from Swe-
den when a child, and spent most
of his life in As'lufield township,
where he was a well known cattle
drover. His wife, ;the former Ag-
nes Webster, died several years
ago. For some time he has made
his home at Seaforth, with his
daughter; 'Mrs. •Lenny Dick. He
was a member of Dungannon
United ;Ohurch.
'Surviving besides his •daugh-
ter are two sons, Nelson, Dun-
gannon; Gordon, Dashwood; and
one sister, Mrs. Margaret Woods
of Buffalo.
,Cheryl; Oke, Elaine Rivers,
Ann; ;Snow, John; ;Spittal, 'Paul;
'Stewart, Bryan; Watson, Bobby;
Whiteley, Jack.
Teacher, Miss ;E. Elder
Honors — IBos'hart, Jane; Cos-
ford, 'Sally; Gilbert, Wendy;
Hoggaikh, Mary; IMuegge, Linda;
Smith, Madelyne.
;Pass — Adams, Russel; Bis -
back, 'Peter; Brady, (Stephen;
Bruggei', Fr an' k; Dalrymple,
Douglas; Fa'y, Wendy; Gray,
Keith; !Hildebrand, Paul; Hod-
gert, Dennis; MacDonald, June;
MacLennan, Susan; Malcolm,
Moira; (McLean, Alan; Nichol-
son, Gary; Nixon, Jim; Powell,
Robbie; :Smile, Donna; Routh -
gate, 'Bill; Truscott, Bial; •Willis.
Teacher, Mrs. (Mason
Adair, Doris; Ball, Joe; Ben-
newies, Roger; .Bettger, David;
IBleuerman, Heather; Bray, Doug-
las; ;Cormick, Bill; ;Ohristensen,
Tony; De Boer, Susan; ?Eaton,
Brenda; Ferris, Brenda; Fischer,
Brian; Praiser, Jan; ',Gorwill,
Jean; Govenlock, Neil; Holger?,
Bryan; •Kruse, Gene; Lan_
&McLean, John; 1Mlalkus,
Vida; Miller, Debbie; Moore,
Penny; (Morey, ,Brian; ISawchu'k,
'Rebecca; Snow, Peter; Talbot,
Sharon; Taylor, ,Bedford; Wal-
lace, Bob; Wilbee, T eddy;
Wright, ;Garolyne.
'Teacher, Mrs. Boswell,
Separate School
Exam Results
The following :is bhe List of
Promotions in St. James' School,
,MarSeaforth.ie.1,-SisterRoonn 1, -Sister Julia
Brady, Rose; Devereaux, Ray-
mond; Feeney, Phyllis; Hotham,
Madelyn; 1Leonharg, 'Susan; Mc-
Grath, William; Mem, Harry;
Phillips, Jannes; Phillips, !Mary
Ann; Phillips, Rabin; Quinn,
Fergus; Rau, John; Rau, Juli-
ana; Van den Bengal, John; Ver-
bakel, Kenneth; Walsh, Dennis;
'Willens, 'Geraldine; Willens,
Bannon, Allice; ,Eckert, Mary;
Etue, James; Flannery, ;Brenda;
Maloney, Dolores; ?Morris, Wil-
liam; Pretby,'Brace; Price, John;
Rowland, Pauline; ;Salisbury, Di-
anne; ,;Patricia; Van Loon,
Garry, Van 'Loon, Helma; Wil-
liams, Joan.
Room 1-I—+Mrs. Krauekopf
Arabin, ,Barbara; Bannon, Gar-
ry; Burns, ,Dianne Kohn, Joyce;
Lansink, Mary; Nigh, !Paul; Rau,
gor Y over s Johanna; Van
Den Bengal, John; Travaglione,
Mario. •
Aubin, ;Bernadette; Bannon,
Joan; Bushie, ,Stella; Bannon,
Theresa; Hotham, ,Bernard; Hus-
sey, Katy; ,Lansink, Rosemary;
Maloney, ?Mary; McConnell, Ann;
Murray, Danny; Nicholson,
'Gayle; 'Phillips, 'Catherine; Phil-
lips, Michael; Pringle, Gordon
;CRec.)• Pringle, Paul •(Rec.);
Rau, Wayne; Rovers, Connie;
'Sills,Anne;I'LI- Walsh, Danny.
Room .M, McIver
Burns, Kenny .(Rec.); Dever-
eaux, Kenny; ;Eckert, Elaine;
Etue, Tommy; Flannery, ltlarg-
,aret, E.; Fortune,' Ricky; Hagen,
Francis; Kelm, Francis; Lansink,
Herman; ;Lovett, Tosnany '(Ree.);
Malone, Joanne; 'Nigh, 'Betty;
Rau, Rosemary; Reynolds, Bob-
by; ;Rovers, Tony; Stiles, Peter;
Van den (iengel, Gerald; Van
Loon, Wi]lhelmine; Verbakel,
Henry; Verbaidel, Willie; Walsh,
David; Willens, Rielci (Rec.).
'Bannon, Marie; ,Burns, Carole;
Flannery, Mary E.; Kenny, Mar-
garet, A.; King, ,Doris; Lansink,
Benny; Maloney, Gordon; Mat-
thews, Paul (('Rec.); Phillips, Be-
verley; Phillips, Tommy; Rau,
Paul; Rovers, Harry; ,Sills, Jim-
mie;. Willens, Ann.
;Room IV --,Sister M. St. Philip
Bedard, Kenna ((Rec,) ;
Burns, Bobby :('Rec)'.;. Burns,
Larry; Igushie, Frank; Dever-
eaux, Louis; ,Eckert, Connie;
Lovett, Jinnmy ('Rec,); Mat-
thews, Donnie (Rec,); Nigh,
Helen; Quinn, Yvonne (Rec.);
Reynolds, Joan; Rovers, Frank;
Stapleton, Margaret Ann; Van
den 'Henge], Anne; Van Loon,
Reilly, ((Rec.).
Bedard, Jack: Eckert, ;Sandra;
Flannery, !Carol Ann; Lansink,
Henry; Maloney, Margaret; Rau,
Margaret Ann; ;Stapleton, Pam-
ela; Vanderzon, Ellie.
Kenny, Past,; King, Winston;
Lovett, Mary; Malone, (Mich;
Maloney, Lois; 'Nigh, ;Louis; Van
den [Bengal, Antoinette.
A funeral service ;for William
David Harrison, 74, -who died in
Clinton on Saturday, WAS con-
ducted at 'Goderich, 'Monday, at
2 p.m., with 'Rev. R. G. MacMil-
lan officiating. :Mr. Harrison was
!born in ;Goderich twp., son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Harrison. His wife, the former
Eva de Long, died in 1954. 'He
farmed in Goderich twp. until
1911, when he went to Assini-
boine, Sask. He returned to (Sea -
forth in 1926, lived there for 12
years :before going to Goderich
to live. He was a member of
Knox Presbyterian 'Church and
the Men's Club of that 'church,
and a member of L.O.L., Sea-
forth. Surviving are six sisters,
Mrs. George :(Annie) Proctor,
Goderich; Mrs. Minnie Sanith,
(Mitchell; 'Mrs. William (Della)
Scotchmere, ,Egmondville; Mrs.
Jack '(Flossie) Williamson, Van-
couver; Mrs. (Ernie (I r e n e)
Townsend, and Mrs. Lorne (El-
la) 'T1huillow, ,both of 'Go'derich;
two brothers, James, Exeter, and
Albert, (Seaforth.
There passed away peacefully
at her hoarse on George St., Sea -
forth on Friday, June 29th, Miss
Eleanor Mulcahy in her 90th yr.
She was .born; in Hulbert, Aug.
30th, 1866, daughter of Edward
Mulcahy and .Mary 'Clinton and
came to ,Seaforth at an early age
and lived here continuously since
and is the last surviving member
of her ?family. She was a anember
of the ;Catholic Women's League,
Altar Bociety ;and League of the
.Sacred Heart. For the past five
months 'her health had been fail-
ing. A nephew and nieces in
Vancouver B.C., are ;her only
The funeral was held !Monday
morning. ,from St. James' (Church
with Father E. P. Weber singing
the requiem ;mass.
The pallbearers were Lloyd
Bedard, Leo Hagan, Morris •Mel-
ady, Thoanas Melady, John Flan-
nery and Joe Dorsey. Interment
was, in St. James"G'emetery.
Mark 25th Wedding
A family reunion was held .on
,Sunday, July lst at Lions (park,
;Seaforth, to celebrate ,the occa-
sion of the 2;5th wedding anniv-
ersary of Dr. and Mrs. J, C. !Mac-
Lennan, 'Seaforth. The gather-
ing dater was entertained at the
'MacLennan home,
Guests in addiction to their
son: and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert D. MacLennan.
Montpelier, Vermont, U.'S.A.,
were: ,Mrs. E. J Drake, Guelph;
?Mr. and Mrs. Max Drake, of
Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Ross
Drake and Miss Dorothy Drake,
St. Catherines; Mr. and Mrs.
George Freeland, Hamilton; Mr.
and ;Mrs. Reg. !Freeland and sons,
Philip and Peter, Hamilton; Mr.
M. L. 'Clifton, Atlanta, Ga., U.S.
A.; Mr. and 'Mrs. Archie 'Clin-
ton, and Miss Kathleen 'Clinton,
Sudbury, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Gerrie, arriston; Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Scott and Mr. Jim. Scott
of Harriston; Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Orr, Acton.
St. James'
School Picnic
The St. James' ,School picnic
was held on Wednesday after-
noon, June 27th. The day was
delightful and all the children
including pre school were pre-
sent and had a grand .time. The
?first number was a tribute to
Canada, as a herald to July lat
our great country's birthday. In
song and verse the children of
the senior rooms praised this
great land of ours and developed
:the steps in the bringing about
of IConfedera!tion. With Pat Ken-
ny as narrator, he called upon
Lois ,Maloney to tell the part
played by Hon, John A. McDon-
ald, followed by Carol Anne
Flannery's speech on George
Brown. Margaret (Maloney told
of the role of the great Irish-
man, Thomas D'Arcy McGee. Ca-
thie Eckert ;gave an impressive
reading of 01y Land. In conclu•
sion !Pam ,Stapleton gave the
great advantage 0f Confedera-
tion. Patriotic Choruses were
sung and then the children were
"Away to the Races".
There were races for all
groups and ages from pre-school
to grade 8, in charge of (Ronnie
Williams ,assisted by other teen
agars. Various types of races:
,Slow bicycle race, Irick the shoe,
wheelbarrow race, sera in b 1 e
for candy, relay races all gave
much joy and merriment to the
children. Many of the mothers
were present and enjoyed the af-
A splendid supper was prepar-
ed by the ;CW'L with 'Mrs. Maur-
ice Etue, convener. The children
enjoyed all the good things on a
well -laden table. ,Chocolate milk
was provided by the ladies and
the School Board were also most
generous in providing ice cream
for the many children present.
The eihildren were very enthu-
siastic in their sports and many
prizes too numerous to mention
were obtained' by the winners.
It is needless to say that all
enjoyed the school picnic of
1966 which is (becoming bigger
and better every year.
Presentation To
Retiring Teacher
,On Friday morning ,the child-
ren of St. James' 'Sc'hool ,met in
room II to honour their kind
friend and teacher who is leav-
ing Ache teaching profession for
the present. They presented her
with a very pretty lamp and Gale
Nicholson read the following ad-
Dear Mrs. Krauskopf,— We
the children of St. James' School
cannot ;allow this occasion to
pass without giving expression
to the love and gratitude which
we have for you. You have talo -
en 'a real interest in each of us
and helped us in every way. We
are sorry to see you leave us,
but hope that it is for your best
interests. We therefore wish you
every success in your new field
of action, your own dear ;home,
where you will have only two
dear children instead of 42.
As a little token of affection
and ,gratitude, we ask you to
accept this gift '(a very pretty
lamp). We trust that its light
will always chine brightly in
your dear hone. God !bless you,
dear Mrs. Krauskoplf. -- -'The
chiich'en of St. James' School.
;Mrs. Krauskopf, who was tak-
en by surprise, ,thanked the chil-
dren and gave them her appreci-
ation of their kind gesture. .She
said their ;pretty gift will always
be a reminder of her friends at
St. James' 'School.
Dorothy Keys and Ruth Ann
Crozier were winners of a four-
day trip to the 4•E 'C'onference
held at the'O.A:C., Guelph, June
26 to 29th, The girls report a
very enjoyable trip.
Numbers drawn this week:
1'6—,'Ba6; 1'7—D-7; i8—N-38;
19—d,21; 20—G-59 ; 21—G-57
22 -1B -I, 23-120; 24—I -1I;
95—G-49 26—N,39; 27-B-10;
28-10-63; 29—N41; 30—N-35.
Everyone is welcome ;to at-
tend the 4-11 s u p p e r club
achievement day to be 'held on
July 11 at 1.30 in the ,;Seaforth
district (high school auditorium.
eiutndnaed as Second ?class man, Pot*
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros.. Publishers
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A wedding trip to Niagara
Falls, N.Y., followed the mar-
riage of Maty Ellen .Sutherland
to Harold Thomas Watson.
The bride is the daughter of
Mrs. Mabel Sutherland, 18 East
Street, and the groom is the son
of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Watson,
Dundas St., Galt.
'The double ring ceremony was
performed on Saturday, June 23,
in St. Patrick's Rectory, by Father
F. W. 'Sherlock, before a setting
of pink; and white snapdragons.
and white carnations.
Given in marriage by her cou-
sin, Wyman 'Reid, the bride wore
a floor -length gown of white ny-
lon lace and net. Her headdress
was adorned with a seeded pearl
crown fashioned with a circular
veil. For her accessories the
bride wore a ,pearl necklace and
earrings, a gift of the groom.
Her !bridal attendants were: maid
of honor, Miss Doreen Watson,
sister of the ;groom.; junior
bridesmaid, Karen Sutherland,
sister of the (bride, and flower
girl, Kathy Reid, cousin orf the
bride. They wore ballerina -
length gowns of nylon net over
rayon in shades of !blue; pink
and yellow respectively, match-
ing headdresses and carried har-
monizing cascades of carnations
and (baby mums. (Luke Suther-
land, brother of the bride was
best ,man and the usher was
James Sutherland, ;brother of the
A reception was held at the
home of the bride's another
where the guests were received.
Mrs. ,Sutherland chose for her
daughter's wedding, aqua lace
and net over rayon, matching
accessories and corsage of pink
sweetheart roses. Assisting the
bridal party, the bridegroom's
mother wore a anist blue crepe
with white accessories and cor-
sage of yellow sweetheart roses.
For a wedding trip to Niagara
Falls, .the bride travelled in a
yellow suit with white accessor-
ies and corsage of yellow and
white carnations. On their re-
turn the couple will tale up re-
sidence at 18 East Street, Galt.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A.
J. Fletcher are her mother, Mrs.
Nelson Smith and her sister,
Mrs. S. J. Booth of ;McGregor,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clark
and family of IMuirkirl; were re-
cent visitors with :Mrs. 3. S.
NLr, and ;Mrs. G. 1t. Keyes of
Windsor spent the weekend with
the foimmer's mother, Mrs. Nel-
son Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Watson of
Ferndale, Mich., visited with
Mrs. David Stephenson,
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander
Young of Avon with their son
and 'daughter-in-law; Mr, and
Mrs. Prank Young.
'Miss Ann ;Stephenson of IM'ar-
lette, 'Mich., 'with Grace and
-Paul Stephenson,
Teachers returning to their
homes (here were Miss Jessie Fin-
Jayson of ;Lorne ('ark; Miss
Laura MacMillan of Toronto;
Mies Alice Watson of London;
Miss :Bessie Grieve of 'Chatham,;
Miss ;Margaret Grieve, Cent-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hay and
family accompanied by ;Mr. and
+Mrs. Jas. Hay visited with the
latter's daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Pepper of Niagara.
The congregation of ;Egmond-
ville Church held their annual
picnic at the Lions' Park on
Tuesday evening.
The annual picnic of S.S. 3,
school in 'Tuckersmith was held
on ,the school grounds on Thurs-
day, June 28. A large crowd of
children and parents turned out
from the section. Supper was
served at 7 (o'clock after a series
of races were run off as fol-
lows, under the ;management of
our most efficient" teacher, ;Mrs.
Rogerson; Boys 6 and 7 D. Mc-
Donald, K. Lyndon; girls 6 and
7, B. 'Dalrymple, A. 1VIcKenzie;
boys 3 and 9, '0. McDonald, J.
(McDonald; girls 8 and 9, L. Bab-
cock, B. !Chesney; boys 10 and
11, R. McDonald, G. Elliott;
boys ;12 and 13, B. Boyce, G -
Walters; girls 12 and 13, G.
;Broadfoot, C. Anderson,' C. Ross;
girls kick the slipper, G. Broad-
foot, B. Dalrymple; boys kick
the slipper, S. Boyce, M. Walt-
ers; wheelbarrow race, J. Broad-
fo.ot, 'C. Ross; boys' backward
race, C. McDonald; beauty con -
teat, Rose Mary McDonald, Bar-
bara Chesney; senior king race,
Rose Mary and 'St. ,Boyce; jun-
ior King and Queen, B. 'Chesney
and Jno. Walker. P. Lobb, J.
Henderson, B. Henderson and
Barbara ?Chesney, top spelling.
Young ladies race, G. McCart-
ney, married ladies' race, Mrs.
D. McDonald; young snen's race,
B. Walker; married omen's race,
St. Wilson; ladies kick slipper,
Mss. :Stacker; men's shoe scram-
ble, ,Stuart Wilson.
'Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Knox,
Sarnia, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson.
'Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mrs.
Stackhouse visited at Westfield
last week.
Four pupils of .Mrs, Rogerson,
S.'S. No. 3, Tuekerenmith, success-
fully passed the exams and will
enter High School in the fall.
Mary Allan (hon.), Dwayne El-
liott ,(hon.), Helen Broadfoot and
S. Boyce.
Miss Beckey :Griffith, Strat-
ford, is visiting her cousin, Gaye
Elliott this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo; Henderson
have as their guests for the holi-
day, 'Mr, and Mrs. W. S. ,Lolbb,
Flint, Mich., Mr. N. ;Snider, 'of
'Mrs. A. Bohner spent Satur-
day at her home in the village.
The Bantams played to a 1-1
tie at New Haanburg on Tuesday
,Seaforth - Gary Ast, Bob
Reith, 'Gerd Ferris, Larry Dale,
Ray 'Scorns, Bob Elliott, Carl
Berger, Doug. Rowcliffe, Brian
Brady, Stan Brown, Jack Bed-
ard, Fred. Ea --des.
Clinton Peewees were given a
bye on the first round.