HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-28, Page 8FAO W� IL]ITTIFAUTIR S YOUR FAVORITES, TOO, for summer's HOTTEST DAYS. See our bevy of so cool styles in bright summer prints COOL CHARMERS Choose from a wide range of floral print glazed cottons, cool voiles, plain spuns, Fine cotton prints in floral, check and stripe patterns and cool chan- tungs. Of course, the color range is wide. yours for only 9.95 11 arts t See our big showing of cool sleeveless dresses. Sun dresses, bolero dresses, and cotton tailored casuals in a wide choice of best sum- mer shades, Only 4.95 to 7.95 STEWART B S. WINTHROP The W. A. and W.M.S. of Ca- van Church will meet on Wed., July 4 at 8.80 p,m. in the school room of the church. Please note change of time. Mrs. J. W. Patterson is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. R X. Mac- Farlane. Mr. and Mrs, Johnston Jr. and two sons and Mr. and Mrs, John- ston Sr. of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Zack McCallum of Mitchell were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ;Hawley this week. Mrs. J. R. Holden and Richard spent a day or two in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. R, K. vI'acFar- lane and 'i,1rs. Patterson spent Sunday in Guelph and vicinity visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs, John Cunningham. On Friday evening, June 22 the Winthrop 'CGIT held their Mother and Daughter banquet in the basement of the church, "Doll)or Have you ever tried bulking by mail An extra service offered you by The Canadian Bank of Commerce is the convenience of mailing in your cheques for deposit. Just endorse your cheques like this: "Deposit to account of (your name)." Then slip them in an envelope with a special bank -by - mail deposit form and mail then: through your nearest post box. For a current account, your state- ment can be mailed to you each month. For a savings account, you can mail in your pass -book; it will be made up, and returned to you by post. Ask us about banking by mail next time you pass our branch and well gladly give you some special deposit forms and envelopes. l8 'THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager ac*eel nowennnunnu,,,,,,arms,.uoen„u,,,,",,,,.,„mnw„n„„„ ,,,. ,,,,,,,aen,,,a,ann„naun CAR BARGAINS 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 8 cyl., 9500 miles 1955 CPIEVROLE'I COACH 1953 CHEVROLET COACH 1953.CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD % TON PICKUP 1953 CHEVROLET 34 TON PICKUP 1951 FORD COACH 1950 PONTIAC COACH, radio NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 Each another was presented with a corsage and escorted to the table by a daughter. After par- taking of a delicious meal served by the W. A. a short program was enjoyed consisting of a sing- song led by Joan and Lois :Som- erville. A short worship service Was conducted by Mrs. Blan- chard with the theme being "Mo- ther's Faith” and hymn "Won- derful Words of Life" was sung. Mrs. Toll gave a Teading. The scripture was taken from Pro- verbs, chap. 31: 10=28, followed with prayer by Rev. Holden. A toast to the Queen was given followed by the singing of the National Anthem. A toast to the church was given by Dianne Bolton after which Rev. 'Bolden replied. Words of welcome were expressed by Sandra Doig and Mrs, John Boyd replied. We then enjoyed a trio by 'Shirley Dol- anage, Georgina Little and Fran- cis ;Blanchard. A toast to the Mothers was given by Marjorie Boyd and Mrs. (Harvey Ddlmage replied. Eileen Dolmage tlhen fa- voured us with an 'accordian se- lection followed (with a toast to the daughters given by Mrs. Lewis Bolton and Georgina Lit- tle replied. Margaret Alexander favored us with a piano solo. A toast to the IC.G.I.T. organize - tion and leaders was given by Mrs. Arthur Alexander after which Mrs. ;Blanchard replied, A reading was given by Grace Doig. Mrs, Toll presented the chevron certificate to Mrs. Blan- chard and ;Mrs. Blanchard pre- sented the girls with their chev- rons. Mrs. IMdCrdath, leader of the Walton 'CGIT was our guest speaker, who gave an interesting address on (CGIT work. Words of thanks were expressed by Shirley Dolmage. We (then sang one verse of the closing ,hymn "Blest be the Tie That Binds". The ;ban- quet closed with "Taps" and the taking of pictures. Mr. George Hanna of Winni- peg, a former resident of Win- throp, called on friends on Tues- day in tine village• McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS The seventh .meeting of the Mc'Killo. p Busy Beavers was held at the home of Dorothy and Mrs. Keys. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode fol- lowed by the 4=H 'Club Pledge. The minutes of the last meeting were 'then read. The roll call was answered by one ;character- istic of tea (biscuits. The next meeting is to be held on July 2 at the home of Mrs. Keys• The memlbers of our club then judged menus. ;Mrs. Pryce and Mrs. Keys ;talked to us on "Table ;Setting" and "Duties of Host- ess". Home Assignment: Work on your record books. Roll ;call: A complete record book. A delicious; (clad supper was served .to the mothers, having been prepared by the girls fol- lowing the meeting. Mrs. Doig then thanked;the hostess and the girls on behalfof the mothers for the lovely supper:. NORTHSIDE W. M. S. IThe business meeting opened :at 7.80 with Mrs. Walden in the chair, in the absence through ill - mess, of Mrs. J. ,Scott. Minutes were read and 'aPP roved Roll call was given Illy Mrs, Klose_ Mrs ;Siilery gave the treasurer's re- port which ,was very encourag- ing. Group 1 reported 2'5 home and 4 hospital calls. ;Community Friendship reported 44 home and 22 hospital calls. All mem- bers were asked to 'help with the 'calls during the simmer months, The Fall Thankoffering meet- ing will be (held in 'September on a motion by ,Mrs, ,Sil'lery and se- conded by Mrs. Savauge. The meeting will be under the guid- ance of Miss Fennell to prepare and procure a special speaker: Guests will be invited from'Clin- ton 'Charges and Kinburn. Thank you letters were read by 'Mrs. (Close. This closed the business part of the meeting. The June Visitors' meeting opened ;witch :Mrs. Ball in the chair end (grave a very epprol5ri- ate poean, "Look, Christian", and hymn 261 was sung. Prayer by Mrs. Lawson. We enjoyed the eaxiipany of WMS meanbers from Duff's, Bethel, McKillop, Win- throp, Brucefield, our Mae Lane Auxiliary of Northside. Scrip- ture lesson, Icor. 13: was read by Mrs. (Berger, Mrs. Ball ex- pressed 'our regret of the illness of our President, Mrs. J. (Scott. ,Mrs. Hall welcomed our guests m very pleasing words. Mrs. Case of Winthrop gave a reading "Two 'Golden Days" which was truly food for (thought. We were favored with a duet ",Count Your Blessings" by Mrs. Ionil and Mrs. N, Bell with :Mrs. J. Stewart accompanying. Mrs, J, Hvflebrecht of Duff's gave a reading. "A Serrmon Without a Text". The moral of this reading will not be (forgotten quickly. The offering was received by Miss Fennell, ,Mrs..Sillery, Mrs. Travis,' &Ire. Christie. Mrs. Ber- tha Pollard Was then asked to introduce our guest speaker, Mrs. Davidson of ,Brucefield. Mrs. Pollard spoke of "back home" with diev. and Mrs• Da- vidson at Bowgmanville. Mrs, Davidson's talk was an inspira- tion to all present. She gave us a recipe, "How to make life Suc- cessful". Our young people as- pire to the top of the pile. Those who have reached the top of the ladder have climbed it rung by rung and all have (begun at :the bottom. Those 'who would reach the high places must olimlb stead- ily. Our first ingredient is high ideals; 2nd enthusiasm; .3rd, cul- tivate patience; 4th, be of good courage; 5.th, use your head and do not be carried away, do your own thinking; .6th, practise the Golden Rule. Another necessity is a good sense of humor, laugh- ter is the world's lulbricant, the sunshine of 'life. 'Christianity is something to :be happy and glad about. We must carry around a singing :heart, by this we will add our contribution to 'Christ- ian life. Miss Fennell spoke •a few words of thanks to Mrs. Da- vidson, especially to all the la- dies taking part. Hymn 378 was sung in closing and prayer for our minister, Rev. Hall. ,Mrs. Ball repeated the Benediction. Mrs. G. Sanith, 'Mrs. J. IHildebrecht, Mrs. (McMillan, Mrs. Dennis thanked the Northside Wilms for the pleasant evening. A social time was spent over lunch and tea, W. M. S. 'Mrs. 'Francis IColleman enter- tained the ladies of :the McKil- lop Group of the "VMS to the June meeting. Mfrs. Helen .Mc- Millen opened the meetingwith a poem "The Lift of thetars". Hymn 373 was sung. Prayer by Mrs. McMillan. Esther Hocking read the minutes of the May meeting followed by roll cell. Mrs. J. F. Scott gave the treas- urer's report. ;Mrs. J. F. ,Scott in- vited the group to her home with Mrs. Helen IMoMillan's group in charge of program, IMrs. W. Dro- ver then took over the remaind- er of the meeting. Hymn 5,13 was sung. Mrs. Albert 'Harrison read the scripture lesson, ,Luke '21: 10-19; (Luke 8: 212=215. ,Mrs. W. Drover gave the ,Glad Tidings Prayer. The topic was taken by Mrs.Drover, Mrs. J. F. 'Scott, Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Dale, Miss Fra- ser and Mrs. Keyes. The subject was "The Christians in a Re- volutionary World". Little Sus- anne Dale received collection. Hymn 540 was sung. ;Mrs. J. 3'. Scott closed the meeting with prayer. The social group served a lovely cup of tea. TURNER'S W. A. Turner's W. A. held a very successful Mother and Daughter banquet on Monday evening, June 25.th. 54 mothers and daug- hters were served a delicious supper by George Turner, ;Stan- ley and Gordon Johns, .Bob Law- son, Alec Townsend, Ross Orich, Reg. Smith and Douglas Layton. Mrs. Howard Johns said "Grace". The 'b ;basement eat (was beautifully de- corated with pink and white peonies, while the •taibtes had pink streamers and tapers and small pink and white bouquets. Mrs. Eimer Townsend was 'Toast Mistress. Bambara Falconer pro- posed a toast to the Queen. Mrs. Ken Rogerson proposed a toast to the 'Mirth. Mrs. A. G. Dagle replied. Bambara Layton, a toast to the Mothers with Mrs. Fred McGregor replying. Mrs. John Turner, a 'toast to the daughters with Helen Turner re- plying. The program consisted of a sing song between courses led by Mrs. A. G. Eagle. A piano solo by Joan [Rogerson 'and Rugbli 'Crich. Solos by Eileen Garrett accompanied by Mrs. W. iRoger- son and Mildred 'Grieh accom- panied by her another. . Joyce Falconer said a recitation and Janet Falconer presented ,Mrs. A. G. Eagle with a birthday gift while ",Happy Birthday" was snag. Lyn end Susan did an ac- tion song•. A shoot address was given by 'Mrs. ,Erlin Whitmore, Ruth Brown [thanked the boys for serving; !Geplge Tuinel ac- cepted Ibhe thanks onuhehalf of the boys Elizabeth Townsend thanked all (those (taking part. The banquet came to a close by everyone repeating the IBenedic- tion. An enjoyable time was head by all present. BRUCEFIELD Don't forget to 'attend the dressed ;bean and strawber y sup- per at Brucefield United :Church on -July 4th, supper served from 6 to 8, a good program is being prepared. Mr. W. Parson of Winnipeg, Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Ivan Whiteman, of Belgrave, spent ;Sunday with Mr. Jos. Madly, Mrs, H. Daym'an's sister of Detroit is visiting her for a few days. Mrs. E. Rankin of Toronto spent a few clays with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hargreaves. Mrs. R'anllcin is IMr. Hargreaves' grand- moither. A large crowd attended the Memorial Service at .Baird's Cemetery on Sunday. Those tak- ing part in the service were Rev. 8. Davison, Rev. T. Pitt of Varna, Mr. John Broadfoot and Mr. Archie Mustard and Mr. Percy Campbell of 7iensall. The Woman's ;Missionary Aux- iliary entertained the Associate members at the June meeting which was well 'attended. The Associate members Sec., ,Mrs. 11. Allan presided and Mrs. G. Rich- ardson opened ,the meeting with quiet -music. Hymn 41215 was read responsively and Mrs. Allan led in ;prayer. A violin solo by Mrs. Mac Wilson, with Mrs. W. J. Mc - Beath 'at the piano was anuch enjoyed. The program on prayer was given by Mrs. J. Ii. Cornish, Mrs. J. Broadfoot end Mrs. L. Eyre..Mrs. Daysnan read a poem "The Secret" and Mrs: Fred Rothwell, "I met the Masher face to face". Bible readings were given by Mrs, R. (Scott and Mrs. R. Dallas, and Mrs. 11I. Berry read e prayer. A. pleasing duet was given by Mis. G. Hen- derson and Mrs. G. Richardson. ;Mrs. Alban reported 21 Associate members but at the close of the meeting 7 .became active mem- bers. The President, Mrs. S. Dia- vison, took the chair for the bus- iness session. The roll cam was answered with a verse on Friendship, and thankyou cards were read from Mrs. G. Clairton, Mrs. W. H. Pepper, Mrs. S. Wil- son and Mr. Y. Aldwinkle. An invitation was accepted to meet with Northside 'Church Auxilary of :Seaforth on June ZGlbh at 8 p.an. All members welling to go are asked to meet at the ;church et 7.30 p,m. The meeting closed with the Miapah Benediction, after which lunch was lselved. ST. COLUMBAN The itineral of the late Joseph 'Oarlin was largely 'attended on Thursday, June 7th at St. CCo- lulnban ;Ohuroh at 9 o'clock, Rev. Fr. J. IMoCowell sang the Re- quiem Mass and officiated at the grave. The pallbearers were ,the deceased neighhors, Jim Dever- eaux, Jack Murphy, Angus Ken- nedy, Albert Cronin, James 0' - Sullivan, Joe Kale. The great number of spiritual bouquets re- ceived for the repose of this soul testify to the high esteem in which he was held Iby his (many friends who will miss his kindly smile and gentle ways. KIPPEN EAST ISeaforth'Lions ;Park proved an ideal setting on Friday 22nd for the annual picnic of Kipper Past Women's Institute (with 75 at- tending. Following a ,delicious picnic supper the following line of sports was run off in charge of Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Drum- mond, 'Mr. and ;Mrs. Ross 'Chap- man: Races: pre school children, Donna Whitehouse. Brian Drum- mond, Janice Eyre; 8 end under, Les IBroadfoot, Joan 'Sinclair; girls 8 to 10, (Lois McLachlan, Dianne Finlayson; boys 8 to 10, Robert Drummond, Billie Work- man; girls 10 and over, Dianne Finlayson, Lois McLachilan; boys 10 and over, Billie Workman, Bryce Jacobi; wheelbarrow race under 10, Billie Workman, David Brock; 3 -;legged race under 10, Robert Drummond, Bruce Drugn anond; junior races ended with candy scramble. Young ladies race, Mrs. Art Finlayson, Mrs. James {Drummond; young men's race, Lawrence (Eyre, .Bob 1Ben- nindyke; married men's race, George Varley, .Bob Gelnanell; la- dies kick the slipper, 'Vb1•s. Wil. mer Broadfoot; men's ;kick slip- per, Ronald Eyre; thread needle, Mrs. Robeut°Gemnnelt, FredlChap- pel; bean and ,pie plate race, Bryce Jacobi; bunny hop,'Clen- don Kerr, Marion Triehner•; bal- loon race, Julia Chappel; neck- tie .race, Mrs. 'Ross 'Chapman, Bob.Gemmell; pie plate' race, IMlrs. Ross ;Ohalpman, Bob .Genn - moll. Prize for youngest baby went to Brenda ;Finlayson, daug- hter of Mr. and :Mrs. Arthur Fin- layson. 'Guessing 'weigiht of box, Mrs. Robert 'Gemmell Klippen East W. I. ;Committee were: Table, :Mrs, Alex McGreg- or, Mrs, John 'Cooper, Mrs. W. Workman; Ice cream, Mrs. Bruce McGregor; Toa, Mai. Ross Broad - foot and ,Mrs. [Campbell Eyre. Tenders Wanted SEAFORTH DISTRICT HI0H SCRoon TENDERS FOR AGRICULTURAL BUILDING Sealed tenders will be received for construction of Agricultural Building at High School up to noon, June 29th, EDT, by M. A.. Reid, Secy. Plans and specificationsmaybe seen at office of Secretary. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. M. A. REID, :Sec's CARD OF THANKS The kind thoughtfulness and deeds of our neighbors and Mends at the time of thesudden passing of our dearly beloved. son John, willnevere f L n b aeon to We wish to express our appreciation Lq them. and wo also thank Rev J. s1 James,. MF 0. A 7'i'bit'rey 0'4ovinciel Con- stable II, Snell,members of the Rebekah Lodge •' Mre. Ross Hamilton and Mrs. John Cardne ; also all who sent aural tributes, cards, letters and other mesa sages of sympathy. Mr. and. Mrs, Joseph Grimmett, Dan and Mergaret (Mrs. F. R. Cantelon) CT Regular bi go ill E1,,E held as usual this Monday evening, July 2nd Jack Pot games are $70.00 or 50 numbers. 15 regular games for $6 00. Five door prizes. Under auspices of Mitchell Le- gion Sports Committee FOR SALE Strawberries for sale. Phone 84101. Oleronee Montgomery Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the muler- signed on or before July 5th for the installation o£ 4 Hush toilets, basins, septic tank and soil pipe, etc., at S.S. No. 2, Hibbert. Work must be completed during sum- mer vacation. Lowest tender .not neces- sarily :tempted. Plans can be seen from Secretary. JOS. L. O'REILLY, Sae., Union School Area, SS No. 1, Me- I011oi, ; Hibbert 2, 8, 4. R.R. 2, Dublin A pump jFk1RRSAf sew hand cream separator, and horse saddle. Phone 651 5r Seaforth. Gerrit Wynja, Iiippen FOR SALE White enamel drain board cabinet sink 42" x 20" suitable Bummer cottage Phone 42-23 Dublin le' x 0' Rolling. LH Home at RENTnseTrail- er Camp at Bayfield, renter to supply hot plate for cooking. Hydro, water & toilet supplied. Sleeps four Rates rea- sonable. Phone 650.15 Seaforth. John McCallum, RR 3 Seaforth FOR SALE New Idea side rake, used three sea- sons. Wm. $parks, Bayfield. Phone 53,55 sA 10 acres of good loss; will out and rake if desired. Harry Palin, lot 28, Con. 4, McKillop. Phone 844.15 FOR SOLE A number of pullets, Red Rock, 5% months old darting .to lay. Martin Murray, 23r9 Dublin COUPLE WANTED A middle-aged couple who still want to do light work. Free separate furnish- ed house on grounds, including, heat, light and modern, conveniences. Man to do light gardening, should be able to drive can Women to help part time In house—no heavy work. Salary—$100 00 per month. Write or phone—Stewart M. Muir Limited, 300 Oakland Avenue, London. Phone 4-8447 FOR SALE 3 bunches young pigs 6 weeks old. Mrs. William Maloney, 5. Let 6, Con. 0, McKillop 8 PROPERTY flame n ms St., modern kitchen, bath and et/ furnace, immediate possession, terms. A number of other houses for sale. Herold Jackson STRAYED a pig aboued t 1 0 1bs.3Phone 8n. 36r12. W. 5, McDowell E Pure bred Shorthorn bull 2 years old ; Keystone bay lender; electric arena separator. Jack McIver, St. Columba:. Dublin 84r21. FOR SALE Oliver muffler in good repair, team draws. Antons Simon, 111h2 Walton. Phone Dublin 24r5 FOR SALE 12 young pigs. Phone 6781.24 Seaforth. Gordon Reynolds Baby carriage.R baby troller, high ''choir end baby auto seat. Phone 001 W. Mrs. Ray Townsend Auction Sale Or Property and Household Effects. At the home of Mrs. Charles W. Riley, in village of Constance (Iihrbm•n) on Tuesday. July 3, at 1.20 P M. 2 saidio couches; chesterfield chair and footstool. Lazy boy rod stool. 2 china cabinets! dining room table and 6. chairs. 4 rock- ing chairs; 2 kitchen tables; several kitchen chairs. 2 kitchen cabinets. 2 end tables; coffee table, day bed, single bed, springs and mattress; 0.',. .bed springs and mattress ; dresser ; child's crib ; or- gan stool. Thor washing machine;. bak- ing cabinet. Clare Jewel enamel range. 2 Quebec heaters. 12 gauge shotgun; copper boiler; trunk; crock churn; but- ter bowl; 4 frame universal honey a tractor. 2 frame universal honey ex- tractor• fo Il line of bee equipment. 2 lawn mowers, iron kettle, iron stove pot; oak barrel; colony houso; brooder stove and hover. 2 mink pens. 40 rod chicken mire; roll ofbarb wire; quan- tity of lumber. 50 docks; .tools, lamps, dishes, cooking utensils and numerous other articles. Property—One acre of land more or less on which is aituat, ed a 5 room roll brick siding cottage with hydro; a smell barn; a one car garage and a green shouse. Terms on household egesta, cash. Terms on prop- enty-10(o down on date of sale and balance rn 30 days. The property . offered subject to reserve bid 'Mrs. Charles W. Riley, Proprietress. Edward W. El- liott, AuctioneeFOR Sr Property withL 8 roomOREN house, with 3 acres of land and barn, in Har- purhey. All modern conveniences. Phone Clinton HU 2-9173 WHITEWASHING Now is the time to have your barns and henhouses cleaned and. whitewashed. We assure you a good job and our prices are reasonable. Give us- a call. 64-10 Dublin. Pete and Steve Maloney. FOR SALE McCormick corn snuffler for an 'H' or an M" International tractor, with hyd- raulic control Sam Alcock, Brussels. rr4. Phone 90,4 Brussels NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of TuckersmithMuniel- pal Dumping Ground, situated one-half mile west of Egmondviile, Con. 2 HRS, will be open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuckeramith, on Wednes- day and Saturday afternoons from the hours. of 2 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 P.M. No wire, car bodies or garbage (organ- ic) is to bo deposited and all dumping must be done under the supervision of the inspector. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Twp of Tuokeramith NOTICE For artiiieial insemination informa- tionor servicefrdin all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2,8441 between 7.80 and 9.30 A.M. We have ao breeds available—top quality at low cost. SALESMAN WANTED Start a year round business. YOU earn money the Brat day. Strictly your own boss. Sell daily necessities in Bay- field, Brucefield, Centralia, Clinton, Crediton,. ()remarry, Dashwood. Dublin, Dungannon, Egmondville, Ethel, Exeter, Glenannan, Grand Bend, Hay, Allman, Zurich, Goderieh, Walton. All families aro users of our many products. Write to Dept. R. Pantiles, Station 0, Mon- treal. n r•angott c R Phhone E57r3 Dublin, Mrs. A,bkinsmi For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OPFISRING YOU Revenue Produaera Dgnlex,.. North Main, all modern convenier early possession. Low Down Payment Balance monthly Two bedroom stucco cottage with e11 modern conveniences including 3 -piece bath, -hardwood floors, modern kitchen. Full basement with furnace. Garage and good garden. Reasonably priced and al- most fmmediate.•possesslon. M. A. REID•, THE SEAPORTH VIEWS rlhursday, Jame 28, 1956 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE. Prompt and 'Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B.A. McMaster., D.A., M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily except .Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable VETERINARY SURGEON 3. 0. TURNBULL, D.Y.M., V.S. W, R. B1tYANS, D.V.1V1., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon., 9 to 5.30; Wed. 9 AM to 12.80 PM; Clinton —McLarens Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SBA.FORTH, ONT.' A11 kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First - Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agn•tr for Manufacturers • Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SDA1I'ORTH Phone 384 Res. 540 'blare coal' the 10114 fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUNDAS CHAMPION STOVVE.AND MENACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers—President, Wm. S. Alexander! Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treas., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Diraotors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth • J. H. MOEwving, Blyth ; W. S. -Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. 10. Pepper, Brucefield ; C. W. Leonhardt, 'Bornholm; I3. Fuller, Goderieh• R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Brondfeot, Seaforth. Agents —Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro1 3. F. Prueier, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker. BMunroe, Seaforth. Eris Munroeaforth. Parties desirous to effect' insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective Post offices. AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 33.8w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste menet' On minerals your land does not need. We will, without. charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and have them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaforth SALESMAN WANTED WANTED—Reliable man to succeed R. Brubacher as Dealer in townships Tuck, ersmith, McKillop and Hullett. 1822 families to serve. Good opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh' Products have been sold for many Years. Good profits for a hustler. Products . furnished on credit. Write illawleigh's Dept. F-564-162, Montreal, Quebec. LOVELL McGUIRE Surge Dealer, Wingham. Phone 598. Can solve your milking problems. Con- tact for faster, safer, more complete milking. More farmers switch to Surge 6 acre farm l4 story brick house, stable andgarage, hydro, 1 mile north of Winthrop on paved road. 75 acre farm, 68 .sores plowed, 110 buildings. Number of orer;ther, furnifarm, with,good buildings.location. House feashed Harold Jackson If you want NOTICE excavati gamier, sand, oton soil or ng' just phone 854 Seaforth.. ED BOYCE FOR SALE OR RENT House has eight rooms wvitli electric lights and water, with basement. Also a garden and- garage. Immediate posses - 105 sion.R MSeafrs. orth Jamas Barron, telephone FARM FOR SALE In 50 acres ay tp. with large frame house, good barn and driving shed, 12 acres of bush. Hydro available. Edgar McBride. ISippen 11240, 671125 Honeal] PERSONAL Hygienic d i les (rseber Booed,) with rice list, in abrin sealed amyeloic with price Bat, 3 samples 20o; 24 sam- ples $L00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov, Rubber Go., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. RADIO REPAIRS Quick inexpensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all ]rinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. - Opposite Dick House, phone 94711, Seaforth SALESLAND SERVICE Viking ream Separators. All electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all :models. Authorized dealer for die- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield. Allowance made for used Separators. Repairs for Otago, Fleury Bissel impl's Basil. O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone HU• - 2 -9131 Clinton Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47 1