The Seaforth News, 1956-06-28, Page 7SOLD SUEZ CANAL TO PAY
They say that the children born
to parents of mixed races inherit,
not the virtues of both races, but
their v1ceS. History may not bear
out that theory, but It to certainly
true that a ratan whose upbringing
Sas tainted hits with the vices of
two entirely different worlds will
be hard to match as an exemple of
out • and • out depravity,
Prince Ismail was such it rnau
Born to the traditions of Oriental
despotism, when the Slightest wish
of the rating caste was a intim
instantly to be gratified, at what-
ever cost of hnnntn dignity and
justice, lsmnil WUS educated to
regard self - indulgence no the
chief prerogative of royalty,
Cringing servants, flattterbig un:l
obsequious palace officials taught.
Ysnlall — 00 princes had been
taught in the East from time Int.
memorial' — that he was born to
have his most outrageous wishes
But Ismail also caale of lav fight.
hag race. As well (LS being great
voluptuaries, his family had also
peen great soldiers; and when, by
Oriental standards, Ismail nits
grown to manhood, his uncle, the
Vali Said Mohammed Viceroy of
Egypt, seint young Ismail to Perls.
to study the modern - Western •--
science of war at Ole French Staff
In his favour, it can be said that
be was diligent pupil at the Staff
College — but the glittering, col•
rapt Paris of the Second Empire
had other things to teach Ismail
than gunnery and field tactics.
Besides, there was ample money
to smooth his path to the very
limits of viciousness. His allow-
ance was, as became a prince —
princely. Credit was unlimited.
16ut, in addition, Egypt was, at
that time, the happy hunting
ground of shady foreign financiers
—and the Paris of Napoleon (11
was the very home of shady fin-
Knowing that Ismail would one
day rule Egypt, the financiere.
were quite willing to finance the
prince's dubious pleasures, against
the day when he would be in a
position to grant them valuable
concessions on Egypt.
It was a wonderful Paris, to 0
man with few moral scruples
and a seemeingly unlimited purse.
To the strains of Offenbach's music,
fortunes were won anti lost at the
tables and, so far as Ismail was
concerned, they were lost.
His losses at the gaining tables
astonished even the hardened and
cynical socialites of the day, and
fantastically. Yet the losses only
sharpened Isrnail's appetite for
gale 11 ing ; it had soon beoenle
What It was to remain all his life,
his constant and inescapable vire.
Ills elder brother having died --
some denied that he had been
allowed to die a nattu'al death -1 —
the wily was clear for isntall's
succession. Said Muhammed died
when Ismail was thh•tythrec,...aud
Ismail having succeeded to the title
of Vail of Egypt — a title that he
soon got his overlord, the Sultan
of Rnrkoy, to elevate to Ibnt ut
Khedive — he promptly showed
that uune of itis habits had altered,
when within en incredibly shelf
space of line, he raised the nation
01 debt of Egypt from a bare
$10,000,000 to over live hundred
mill ions.
The Suez Canal had been started
by Ferdinand tie Lessep; after
lengthy negutitttiolie With the for.
mer Egyptian tiller, Said Mohan*
melt — just four years before ls-
111101's 11000501011,
Isnutll's first act was to black.
mail the Suez Canal Company in-
to parting up with a great steal
more stoney than had been accepted
by Said 1Lohanmled when he
granted the original concession.
That meant a lot more money for
Ismail's harem aid steam yachts
anti gambling.
But it 10as not sufficient. Then
the American Civil War cut off
the American supplies of cotton to
Lancashire — and up went the
dentnncl for Egyptian cotton. sud-
denly, the Egyptian cotton crop,
which had been worth only
$15,000,000 in Said Mohammed's
tiny, was worth $75,000,000 a year
to lSlIIlliI - and only about 10 per-
cent, of that tinge sum 1000 spent
on the nation !
Ancl the gambling went on as
Wildly as ever. Concessions were
sold right and left, revoked and
re- sold agahr at a higher price.
Nothing which came in — and what
came totalled tens of millions of
pounds — was sufficient to cone
with the frenzied gambling which
was Ismail's alt -engrossing vice.
Judgments were given against
Egypt's ruler in international
courts, and both Germany and Aust-
ria began to slake war -like prepara-
tions to enforce some of the judge-
ments on behalf of their nationals.
By 1875, six years after the French
Empress Eugenie, on board the Inn-
perial yacht, L'Aigle, had ceremo-
nially opened the Suez Canal,'
Egypt was internationally bank-
rupt. Not even the shadiest, most
reckless of financiers would lend
another penny.
All that the princely gamhler
had left, in the way of security,
were his 177,000 shares in the Suez
SHE AIMS TO WIN, PODNER—Loading up for another round is
Marta Perdue, during the international pigeon shotting meet in
Rome, Italy. Marta was one of the American representatives
matching her skills with experts from all over the world.
SAFE ON WILD THROW — Pete Whisenant, Cubs outfielder, ducks
his head as he' leaps safely onto first base in the second inning
of the Chicago -New York Giants game at Chicago. Whisenant
grounded to Hank Thompson who threw wild and over the head
of Giants first baseman Bill White (foreground).
Canal Company..:
This represented just on half
010 total share -holding, since the
original capital of the Company
had been 200,000,000 francs div-
ivided into 400,000 shares of 50
francs value.
Already, in the six years that the
worlcVs shipping had been passing
through the Canal, 11 had been evi-
dent that those shares held by
Egypt must represent a fabulons
source of national income, an in-
cone that povarty-stricken Egypt
desperately needed.
Yet, having gambled away almost
all his country's wealth — and per-
manently damaged her interns:
tional credit— the crazed gambler
was now preparing to rob his coun.
try of her one certain source of
wealth — by pawning or selling his
shares in the Suez Canal Company.
One (lay, a top priority 'coded
telegram reached Britain's Prieto
Aiinister, Benjamin Disraeli, warn-
ing hint that the Khedive of Egypt
was on the point of parting with
his Canal shares.
"Informed opinion" in 110111an
had sneered at the Canal because
the French were planning and
building it, but the few years in
which it had been opened uad
demonstrated, beyond all argu-
ment, that Britain's„ empire in the
East, and her Australasian colonies
as well, were now dependent upon
Britain's keeping the Canal from
falling under the control of a rival
The telegram arrived at a week-
end, after "both houses of Parlia-
ment had risen. The price that
the Khedive was asking was
$12,000,000 in cash. What was
more, tine telegram stated decisive;
ly, the Khedive had to have the
money within a few hours. There
wits not even time to sunnton mem
hers of Parliament, to vote the ser.
ossary cash to buy the shares.
Disraeli, at that moment, showed
the highest qualities of statesman-
ship. On bis own authority he
sununoned a member of the great
banking firth of Rothschild, and
told the banker bluntly that he
wished to borrow $12,000,000.
When the banker learned why, he
instantly advanced the money. A
telegram was sent to Cairo — and
the 177,000 shares of the Suez
Canal Company sbanged hands,
to become the property of the
British Government.
Disraeli, when he presented the
House of Commons with the news,
got nothing but congratulations
It was a wonderful day in the
history of the British Empire —
TRAINED CIVIL DEFENSE rescue workers can play Just as important a life-saving role in peace
as in war, as these men in tornado -devastated Standale, Mich., a suburb of Grand Rapids, recent-
ly demonstrated. Rescue volunteers are taught how to reach trapped viotims safely -
as 0011 ns in the history of Egypt—
when nearly half the shares of the
Suez Canal Company passed into
British ownership.
It 008 good business, too, apart
front any question of Empire
security. In one year alone, the
dividend on the $12,000,000 invest-
ment has totalled ,$4,500,000 —
tax- free, and the figure is always
rising. It is estimated that 1smail's
sale will have .lost his country the
better parr of two hundred million
pounds before the Suez Canal, by
the terms of the original concession,
reverts to the possession of the
Egyptian Government on November
17111, 1008.
That's gambling for you!
Fine Gifts For
The 1956 Canadian National
Sportsmen's Show recorded a
net profit of $74,301 despite in-
clement weather which slightly
reduced attendance, Frank 13,
Kortright, President, informed
the annual meeting,
Income from the sale of com-
mercial exhibit space reached
an all-time high of $113,277, the
financial statement indicated.
The net income from the pro-
gram, concessions and lounge
chalked up gains over the pre-
vious year, as well.
During the fiscal year just
ended the Canadian National
Sportsmen's Show made grants
totalling $64,000 to various pro-
jects and organizations in the
interest of conservation. An-
other $100,000 is now available
for conservation during the
forthcoming year.
Some of the organizations and
projects aided by funds from
the Sportsmen's Show during
the past 12 months include the
following: Conservation Coun-
cil of Ontario, ($15,000); Toron-
to Anglers' and Hunters' Asso-
ciation, ($15,000); Canadian
Forestry Association of On-
tario, ($4,600); Maskinouge
Survey, ($3,381); Mallard Duck
Banding, ($1,156); Cootes Par-
adise Marsh, ($1,150); and In-
sect Research, ($3,060).
Mr. Kortright reported that
plans are well underway for
the Show's tenth anniversary
which will be observed in con-
junction with this big outdoors
and sports extravaganza in
Coliseum, March 15 to 23, 1957.
Ostrich Swallowed
71 Diamonds
Officials at a Chicaga zoo
were puzzled recently when an
apparently healthy alligator
died suddenly. They instructed
pathologist to find out why,
He reported that inside the
alligator he had found five mar-
bles, two peach stones, a bi-
cycle's reflector lens, a small
hand torch, a woman's hair
comb, a brooch, an air valve
cap, eleven pieces of broken
bottle and fifty stones. It was
decided that the alligator had
died of stomach trouble.
Zoo ;.reatures sometimes gob-
ble up the oddest things. A
fish at London Zoo during the
war killed itself by eating brok-
en glass after an air raid and in
the stomach of 411 electric eel
was found a large coil of wire.
A post-mortem on a rattle-
snake which was found dead
one morning showed that it had
swallowed the winding screw of
somebody's wrist -watch,
A few weeks ago a large
number o' coins weighing more
than four pounds and worth
$10 were found in the stomach
of an ostrich which died in the
Buenos. Aires zoo. And in the
stomach of a captive ostrich in
South Africa were found seven-
ty-one pure white diamonds,
one of which was over seven
carats. The bird is believed to
have picked them up in the
Kalahari Desert where it was
captured by a hunter.
GO INTO BUSINESS for. yourself.
Sell exclusive houseware products end
appliances wanted by every hobse-.
holder. These Items are not sold In
stores. There is no competition,
Profit up to 5000, Write Immediately
for free color catalog with retail prices
shown. Separate confidential whole.
sale price list will be included. Murray
Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal.
MAIL Order Centre. For all your
photo and movie needs. Complete
line of allname brands, Cameras, Pro-
jectors, Tape Recorders and develop-
ing materials. We specialize in indt
victual hand developing and printing.
828 St.. Clair Avenue West, Toronto.
DO you want Top Quality chicks In
a hurry? We have them, all popular
breeds, the best for eggs, dual pur-
pose -- good for both eggs and meat
— and 2 special broiler breeds, Our
seven most popular. breeds White Leg-
horn, White Leghorn X Rhode Island.
Red Rhode Island Red, Callfornia
Grey X White Leghorn, Rhode Island
Red X Light Sussex, Light Sussex X ,
Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Red
X Barred Rock. For broilers 1st gener-
atlon Indian River Cross, Arbor Acres
White Rocks. Catalogue.
ASK for our complete Est available.
Broilers — mixed chicks — let's have
your order in advance. Prompt ship-
ment on pullets, dayold, started in.
eluding Leghorns and Ames In -Cross.
Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton.
HATCHING turkeys every week in the
year, place your orders well in ad-
vance so that you will receive your
Extra Broad Breasted Bronze, Thomp-
son Large Whites, A. 0. Smith Broad
Whites, Beltsville Whites, non -sexed,
hens, toms when you want them.
BANKRUPT stock of new Massey -Han
ris feed mills, hammer type, ball bear-
ing, complete with hopper. Regular
price $185.00 to clear $45. No 0.0,0.
Federal, 185 King St. E., Toronto.
NEW and used Threshers. Lowest
prices in Ontario, Delivered any-
where. Write GEORGE SOUTH, Heath.
cote, Ontario,
GRENFELL Recreation Hall; Billiards
and Bowling. A real money maker,
no opposition in town of 1,200. Ex•
cellent mixed farming district. New
building and equipment with living
quarters.. in connection; also Barber
Shop. A real opportunity for one de•
siring a business of his own. Apply.
Glen L. Neill, Grenfell Saskatchewan.
Don't Get Too
Not amid othered
We have heard some expres-
sions of annoyance among the
Older Set over the current teen-
age rage, a young hillbilly en-
tertainer named Elvis Presley.
We were about to identify Mr.
Presley more explicitly as a
singer, but out of deference to
sensitive feelings we chose the
less controversial noun.
Elvis puts on a most active
act en TV, contorting his face
and body as though in great
pain, whomping the daylights
out of his defenseless guitar, and
uttering unintelligible shrieks
and groans. The latter manifes-
tations, preserved on phono-
graph records, are selling like
A good many parents seem
fearful for the future of Am-
erican youth if it can see merit
in Mr. Presley's aggravated as-
saults on the musical idiom. We
wouldd remind such worriers of
their own youth. Don't they re-
call their parents threatening
to smash the loud speaker of
the battery radio if Rudy Val-
lee megaphoned the Maine
Stein Song through it once
again? Or fretting over juven-
ile appreciation for Cab Gal-
loway's scat lyrics? But some-
how the youngsters of yester-
day grew up to be the sensible
citizens of today, and now
Rudy's croonings and Cab's hi-
de -his sound sort of pleasantly
old fashioned.
Brace up, parents of '56. In
another 20 years Elvis Presley
really won't seem so bad, and
your grown-up teen-agers will
be biting their nails over the
entertainment sensation of '76.
—(Portland) Oregonian.
The kings of Peru were the
They were widely known
as big drincas.
They worshipped the sun,
And had lots of fun,
But the peasants all thought
they were stincas,
This Olean stainless antiseptic
known all over Canada as
sufferers prompt and effective re-
lief from the itching distress of
many stein troubles—Itohing Ecze-
ma—Itching, Scalp—Itching Toes
and Feet, etc.
pleasant to use and it is so anti-
septic and penetrating that many
old stubborn cases of long
have yielded to Its influence.
sold by druggists everywhere. A
real discovery for thousands who
have found blessed relict
335 Engin, Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and .weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not dimly -
point you. Itching, scaling and burn.
(ng eczema, acne, ringworm, simpler
and foot eczema will respond, readily
to the stainless odorless ointment re
gardless of bow stubborn or hopetess
they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East,
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignieed profession good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel graduates,
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalog Free
Write or Call
858 Bloor 5t. W., Toronto
44 King St. Hamilton
72 Rideau St., Ottawa
New proven method, not bluestone, $L
Helnrichs, Box 22, Station C. Winn!.
TRADE me your old worn and broker
jewelry for new 50 year Solid Stain,
less Tableware Sets, Free patters
Circular. Write J. Malone, 3370-N 51
Street, Milwaukee 16, Wisconsin.
DIGNIFIED, leisurely home work for
women. Age no handicap. Income
commensurate with determination
Write Hans A, Hoffmann, 880 Gies
Drive, San Leandro, California.
START making perfumes, sell house
to house, mall order and wholesale.
500%v profit. 10 Formulas $000
American Patent Central, Box 602
Vancouver, B.C.
Patent Attorneys. Established 1890.
000 University Ave. Toronto Patents
all oountrles.
AN OFFER to every inventor. List of
Inventions and full information sent
free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Pat-
ent Attorneys. 273. Bank St;. Ottawa.
$1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty five deluxe '
personal requirements. Latest cata-
ogue included. The Medico Agency.
Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont.
Male Protestant Principal
000.00031 school, Grades V -X first
class certificate state age, qualifica-
tions. Salary minimum $2,700. Name of
last Inspector.
Female Protestant
Junior room, Grades I-IV, first class
certificate Salary minimum $2,200.
Name of last Inspector. State age and
Teacher Protestant
For one•room school. Average 20 pu-
pils. Grades I -X. Salary minimum 02,300.
First class certificate, state age, quali-
fications, name of last Inspector
Salary adjustment according to ex-
perience, Duties commence September
9. Apply to F. Chaddock Secretary
T. S. A. Murchison & Lyell, Mada-
waska, Ontario.
ORDER your Landrace bacon type
5)0111 from one of the largest and
best breeders in Canada, We have
only top quality stock, most of it
ported. Can ship immediately guaran-
teed in -pig sows, weanling sows and
boars, all guaranteed breeders. Folder.
ISsi]E26 — '1956