HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-28, Page 5THIO SI0APO'iRrl'II 'MOWS—Thursday, .Tune 2S, 1950 Semi Private Rooms, $8.50 per diem Private Rooms $9.50 per diem Babies $3.00 per diem Scott Memorial Hospital FOR YOUNG MEN OF SIXTEEN - Tha Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan offers you trades training while you learn. Starling June 1st the Canadian Army will enrol a limited number of physically ft young men of 16 years of ago, with Grade 8 education, and train thorn as tradesmen in 19 different trades. Trades training will consist of a two year course starting in September. When finished the course the Soldier Apprentice serves three years with a regular unit. This plan provides — tit Half pay to the ago of 17 then full pay • Travel and adventure • 30 drys paid holidays a year • A healthy active outdoor life with sports • Medical and dental care • Goad opportunities for advancement. Only a !finned number can be accepted. Interested applicants must not. delay, Mall the coupon below or contact your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, 59 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ont.—Tel, 6.1887 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St„ Kingston, Ont. — Tel. 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street W., Toronto, Ont.— Tel, EM, 6.8341 Loc. 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts„ Landon, Ont. Telephone 4.1601 Local 135 Army Recruiting. Station, North Bay, Ont. — Tel. 456 Army Reorulti g Station, 164 King St, E., Hamilton, Ont. — Tel. 2-8708 ooew.o Without cost or 1 obligation, please forward ma the booklet "The Way to a Fine Future". L Noma ea.ea Address - Cfty/Town Prov Telephone SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 573 T. PRYDE AND SON Enquiries Are Invited Telephone Numbers Clinton 1620 Exeter 41 Seaforth 573 TOWN- TOPICS Mr. and' IMrs, Wan. Nesbitt of Brucefield were guests on Mon- day with Mr. and ,Ml's. Ernest Adams. 'Mrs. Bedford Mangey and ;Brenda returned shame Sunday after spending a week in '.Col- 1ingvvood with Mr,and Mrs. Jas. Hogg. Misses ;Sally Nott and Barbara Boyd have gone to Deseronto where they have accepted posi- tions for the su'ntner months. Mr. and Mr's. Raymond Nott spent Sunday in London with their 'daughter Nancy. rMrs. W. Grey and her 'daugh- ter, of Detroit, visited Mrs. `Reid and Miss ;Galbraith a few 'days. Mrs. Reid and Miss Galbraith are spending a few days with their sister, 'Mrs. ;Chas. Marks and John in Bayfield. Sale was completed this week of 4M'•. John Walsh's residence, Go'derich street east, to the 'Can- adie t Oil' Co, Mr. and Mrs. W'aleh' Will move to aparttments in the Steffen residence. Mr. John Baldwin hes :purch- ased the residence from the Estate of IMangaret Davis on Goderioh street, and is remodell- ing it. Dr. Thos. and aldrs, .Melady and family, Dublin, were - week- end guests of relatives here. Mr. Joe 'Williams, of Toronto, was the guest of this parents, Mr. and ]Mrs. Michael Williams on Sunday ;Mr. Archie Htubert of Oshawa; spent the weekend with this par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Hubert. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Barry and fancily, Detroit, are here for holidays. 'Miss Donald' Adams enter- tained the staff of the J. A. D. McCurdy 'School 'RCAF Station, Centralia, ;Friday evening, June 22nd at the summer home "Bel Aire Lodge", ;Goderich, The guests included the Principal, 1VIr. John 'Butler 'and Mrs, But ler, Wing 'Commander and Mrs. Bray, ;Miss Marie Brown, of Lon- don, Mr. Jack Pierson, Zurich. Main feature of the evening was an address and presentation of a travelling clock to Mr. Jeff JToses, who is leaving the staff to take a position as Principal of 0 school in Antwerlp, Belgium, WALTON ;Mrs. Donald 1McNall, Londes- boro, opened her spacious home to the ladies of the Walton W. ll, group on Wednesday evening, June 20:bh ;Mrs. McNeil was an active 'member in this group pri- or to leaving Walton. Mrs. T. (Dundas, the president, chose as her thence for the even - ng "The Lord Is My 'Shepherd". Hymn 280 "The King of Love liyy Shepherd Is" was sung after vhic'h the 23rd psalm was read esponsively. A commentary of he psalm was given 'by the pre - dent followed with prayer by Tis. Walter Bewley. A vocal rtim'ber by Mrs. Herb Travis ac- ompanied by (Mrs. Harvey Brower was very much appreciat- d. A well chosen and. interesting apic entitled -"The Women's Looking Glasses" from Exodus 8, written •by 'Dr. James Black vas given by 'Mrs. W. tM. Thom - s. "The Message of the Flow- rs" was the :poem selected by Irs. Arthur IMeCall giving us a eligious insight into the many eautiful Hewers existing today. The secretary's and treasur- y's reports nvere read and adap- ed, by Mrs, :Fern 'Patterson and Ors. Frank Kirkby respectively. During the business period we vere advised that the Walton roup be responsible for the Mating of flowers in the church for the month of July. The next meeting will be 'held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Thamer. Five 'ladies volunteered to as- sist.in .presenting a slat at the July meeting in the schoolroom of the church vwhen the Walton ladies present the program, namely, Mrs. Wesley Hackwell, Mrs. R. Kirkby, Mrs. Art Mc- Call, 'Mrs. 11. Travis, Mrs. T. Dundas. Mrs. Walter Bewley expressed her thanks fora box received fram the group while a patient in Wingham hospital. The meeting .closed with hymn 837 "The Lord's My ,Shepherd, I'll Not Want" followed 'by the Minipill Benediction. Contests were conducted 'by Mrs. Wm. ;Bennett. A very tasty lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. W. M. Thomas, Mrs. 7! rank Kirkby and Airs. D. Ennis. A hearty vote of thanks was moved to Mrs. McNeil for her hospitality by Mrs. D. Ennis and Mrs. W. hi. Thomas. DUBLIN The Dublin Women's Institute held its June meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Leahy with an attendance of about forty' members. Mrs. John Nagle pre- sided and .the Sec.-Treas., .MIrs. Joseph Looby read the minutes of the previous meeting also the treasurer's report, The roll call was answered by a display 'and a brief account of each member's hobby. Resolutions were passed changing the day of the monthly meetings from the fourth Wed- nesday to the fourth Tuesday of each month, also to plan arrange- ments fora 'family picnic of members to be held -at ,Mitchell park on July 24. ;Mrs. Harold Pethick was appointed pianistfor the meetings. Mrs. R. Aikens who was a delegate to the an- nual District meeting at Har- mony, gave her 'detailed report. Miss Jean Scott, Stratford, Home Economic representative for Perth County, gave an interest- ing address on idle .work ;of the Women's institute and the 4•.H Girls' Caleb. A group of club girls, sponsored 'by Mrs. Thos. Butters, displayed articles anade during.t'he past year, •and, gave a skit: "What the 4-11 Child- Means' to me". Mrs. Marry Whetham was presented with a congratu- latory address and •a W. I. pin in honor of her 80th (birthday Lunch was served by the hostess and a ga.otup of Voluntary assist- aoits, "Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 'Lane spent Sunday .in London. Rev. Vincent Eckert C.S.B.' Aquinas Institute, 'Rochester, N. Y., James Eckert, 'Rochester, N. Y., with IMrs. Teresa ,Eckert, Mrs. W cretin and dau.glrter, of Galt, with her mother, Mrs. Fred Eckert. Mr. and ;Mrs. James Krauskopf and Mr. and 'Mrs. Jennes P. Krauskapf attended the MdC.or- mack•JConnaughton wedding in Detroit on ;Saturday. Mrs. Gus Denonunre and daug- hter, Lunen, with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby, Mr. and 'Mrs. R Smith spent the weekend at ,Blind River. Mrs, Catherine Ryan spent two weeks in Detroit. Patrick (Maloney and ;MTs. M. Shulman attended the Hartman - Ryan wedding in ;Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Dan ;Costello spent Tlhurs- day in London. Rev. J A. Feeney, London, with Mr. and IMrs. Martin Feen- ey. iMr. and /Mrs. 'Bill Stewart, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Stewart.. 8fr. and Mrs. Harold .Smuck, Kitchener; with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus ;Maloney, Oakville, and Joseph (Maloney of Louden, with (Mrs. ;M. 'Shulman and 'Patrick ;Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan at tended the 'Ward -Flanagan wedding in 'Stratford on 'Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson and children and far. 'Crawford, Nor- folk( Virginia, with Miss Molly O'Connell and 'Mrs. Elizabeth BTuxer, - Mr. and Mrs. ;Hugh Kelly in Toronto: Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes is ,attending the Annual Diocesan Retreat at St. Peter's Seminary, London, this 'week. Campbell—To rnlineoa The Rev. Father 'R. J, 'Cost- ello officiated at the 'double ring ceremony at 'St. Marys R. C. Church, London, adorned with peonies and fern, when enarriage vonvs were exchanged by Anne Marie Tomlinson, •daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tomlinson, formerly of Dublin, Ont., and Hairy !Campbell, son of Mr .and Mrs. John Campbell, London, ,Ides, Dorothy Wright presided at the organ and 'Miss Rose Maxie Ducharnre, Miss Joan Evans and 'Miss Norma Barn- well, St. Thomas, sang the wed- ding Mass with Miss Barnwell as soloist. Given in marriage by her great uncle, Mr, Michael J. Na- gle, Dublin, the bride wore a ballerina -length gown of chan- tilly lace and nylon tulle over taffeta, fashioned with rows of tulle and lace, and a front ;panel of tulle. The formal lace bodice was topped with a short lace jacket featuring lilypoint sleeves and a small lace collar. A lace and pleated nylon tulle head-- dress ead-dress trimmed with seed ;pearls held her shoulder -length veil of tulle illusion and she carried a cascade of red roses with lily of the valley, ,Miss Helen Horan, Brantford, maid of honor, wore a waltz - length gown of deep blue taffeta with shite lace over skirt. also a white 'Straw picture hat and valle carriy.ed a nosegay issSalty ofJelily crey •of and tbhe 'Mf,f Miss Joan ;Campbell,' `taster of rbhe bridegroom, as bridesmaids, wore identical w a It z -length gowns of 'Shepherd's check taf- feta, with white dace overskirts ;white picture hats and carried Union Summer Service First Presbyterian and North- side United tOhurohes cooperat- ing; ooperet- in 11 a.m., Rev. Bruce W. Hall, preaching in First Presbyterian Church. The Sunday Schools will aneet separately at •10 am. in their respective churches. McKillop Charge Dominion Day ,Services: Beth- el, ;Church at 10 . a.m., 'Sunday ;School at 11 a.m,; Cavan, Sun- day School 10 a.m., Chureh at 11.15 a.m.; Duff's, S•un. School 1.15 p.m., •Church 2 p.m.—.Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister. Egmondville United Church Dr. 3. Semple will begin his ministry on •Sunday at 11 a.m. (Lily of the valley nosegays. Mr. ;Cecil Denomy was -grooms- man and ,the ushers were Mr, John Jones and Mr. James Beams. 'Receiving the guests, Mr's. Michael J, Nagle, Dublin, ;aunt of the bride, wore a .dress of Dior blue silk, pink and white accessories and a e81•sage -of white carnations. The bride- groom's mother chose a 'dress of Riviera blue crystallette with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. For travelling, the bride don- ned a turquoise taffeta dress with ,matching duster coat, White accessories and corsage of white Gardenias. ;Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell 'will reside in London. A post -nuptial reception hon- oring 'Mr. and Mrs. James .Cro- nin was held at Dvlblin Parish Hall on Friday night with a large attendance, A cong'ratula- tory address was read by ,Dr, T. Melody, and presentation of a purse of stoney was' made' by Jo- seph Delaney end Joseph Shea, The guests of honor .made a suitable response. Music for dancing was provided by the Siemon's -Orchestra. A group of volunteers served lunch, (Mr. and ;Mrs. Fergus 'Staple- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Staple- ton, Mrs. 'Loretta IMolyneaux, Marvin Benninger attended the Graduation Exercises at 'St. Jer- ome's High School, Ki'tethener•, on Wednesday, June 12, Ken- neth'Stapleton was one of the graduates. BLAKE 'Mrs. 11. Lesch, Mrs. E. Oesch and Mrs, W. Oesch accompanied Mrs. B. Faber of Kippen to Ta- vistock to attend a funeral of a relative last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride and sons of the Goshen Line North, spent a few days at North Bay and. T•hornloe with friends. Mr.Hugh McBride of London spent the weekend with his par- ents I11r, and llrs. Roy McBride. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Dinsmore were in Stratford a few times last meek to visit Mrs. Dins- more's mother who is a patient at .the (hospital in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of Lon- don visited the latter's parents, Mr. and !Mrs. 'Sam Hey recently. .Mr. Keith ;McBride is wearing a broad smile these days, a 'baby daughter arrived to make their family happier. She is the first rand -daughter for Mr. and Mrs. toy McBride. Congratulations to all. A good many from this dis- trict are attending the Crusade for ,Christ in Zurich Memorial Arena last week and also this week. ;S. S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley held their school picnic in Bay- field on Wednesday afternoon, June 20, everyone turning out. A good line of games and races were run off by the teacher, :Miss Margaret Becker. Mr. and firs. Alfred Rapp and Viola Elliott is pleased to announce the Opening of the new JU-MAR BEAUTY SHOPPE Opening Special — July 3 -4-5 - A special $5.00 Permanent wilt he yours if you nlalce an appointment during these 3 days ChaIR St. Phone 249W family of London, spent the weekend with relatives in this vicinity. 'BOIliN--To Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith MYTe'Bri'de of the Goshen Line, in Zurich, on Wednesday, June 20th., a daughter; a grand- daughter for Mr. and ;Mrs. Roy McBride. She is the first grand- daughter. NOTICE J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth & Clinton Offices will be closed July 1 -15 while on holidays Return Monday, July 16, in Clinton office Dressed Ham & Strawberry SUPPER at Brucefield United Church WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 Supper served from 6 to 8 A good program is being prepared Children school age 50c Adults $1 ' C. W. L. Home Baking Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 30th 3 P.M. In the former W: L. Whyte butcher shop, Main st. SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Swimming Pool It is expected the new Lions Park Pool will be available to the public commencing Sunday, July 1 Open Daily, Weather Permitting 1.30 to 5.30 and 6.30 to 9 Swimming Instruction P 11,FIE instruction by qualified instructors available each morning Registration commences Tuesday, July 3rd at 10 a.m. -- ADMISSIONS -- Children under High School Age 10 cents, or $1.00 for Season's Ticket Fourth and Following Children Season's Ticket in one Family -- Free High School Students 25 cents, or $3.00 per Season's Ticket Adults 25 cents, or $4.00 per Season's Ticket Children of One Family and Two Adults -- $10.00' } i 3 1 mommilienammiiramp For all your banking. Did you ever stop to consider all the things a chartered bank can do for you? It is more than a convenient place to make a deposit, cash a cheque or see about a loan. You can also buy travellers cheques and money orders; rent a safety deposit box; purchase foreign currency; talk over your financial plans or problems. The list goes on and on . ; and all these services are available at the branch where you do your banking. A branch bank is, in effect, a service centre and everyone on the staff is there to help you, to look after all your banking courteously, confidentially and well. THE CHARTERED -BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET'S 26th Anniversary of Serving Top Grade Foods at Low Prices Fisherman's Sockeye Salmon 42c ELLMAR PEANUT BUTTER ..... , 16 oz Jar 29c HEINZ TOMATO CATCHUP . , , .11 oz bottles 23c CHEERY MORN COFFEE '1 lb Bag 89c RICKS SWEET MiX PICKLES . , .... Gc off 25c (/s�► �, till y` !".• Rin. u0NDRY SiAAol S.OF, ; ♦n W icemen, Starch O F F E S------ 'OFA O F,F t `',:32 ®i b4 tfr OUR SPECIAL PRICE 20c 32 I 37c c Economye 7 -.i tDf i iGL1' UUNDRYSTARCH I " oz. Sia SUNBEAM SOAP PADS /2 price sale 21c GLEEM TOOTH PASTE TUBES at 98c - 59c - 33c one cleaning lastsall clay FLUFFO SHORTENING 1 lb 29c EMBRO LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISH 23c TROPICANA PURE ORANGE JUICE ... , , •, 39c 28 fluid ozs. AYLMER CHOICE PEAS, 4& 5=15 oz tin.. 2 /29c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES BORN TTaenon—At Scutt Memorial IiosPital on Jane 21, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy Han- non, RR.9 Mitchell, a daughter Staples—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Juno 22. to Mr. and Mrs. ICetuteth Staples, 2082 Clinton, a daughter reetmy—At Scott Memorial Hospital, DU June 82, to Mr, and Mrs. John L. Geeney. RJi, Dublin, a son Steffen—At Seott Memorial Hospital' on June 22, to Mr. and Mrs, Glen Staff- en, SenCnrth, a daughter D4tehaen a At Scott Memorial Hosa a- tel on June 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Urban 1)uchnrme, 1010.1 Hermall, n daughter and son (twins) Flannery—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Juno 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Jahn rinnney, senforth, a ;,on Announcement Scott Memorial r c Hospital .., In accordance with the decision taken on the oc- e t casion of the annual meeting in March of this year, 3 ' aisd as a result of the increase of operating costs a with which the hospital is faced, new Room Rates will be introduced r' b Effective July 1, 1956 t ROOM RATES WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: v Trivia fx7 „er..tle,,; Semi Private Rooms, $8.50 per diem Private Rooms $9.50 per diem Babies $3.00 per diem Scott Memorial Hospital FOR YOUNG MEN OF SIXTEEN - Tha Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan offers you trades training while you learn. Starling June 1st the Canadian Army will enrol a limited number of physically ft young men of 16 years of ago, with Grade 8 education, and train thorn as tradesmen in 19 different trades. Trades training will consist of a two year course starting in September. When finished the course the Soldier Apprentice serves three years with a regular unit. This plan provides — tit Half pay to the ago of 17 then full pay • Travel and adventure • 30 drys paid holidays a year • A healthy active outdoor life with sports • Medical and dental care • Goad opportunities for advancement. Only a !finned number can be accepted. Interested applicants must not. delay, Mall the coupon below or contact your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station, 59 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ont.—Tel, 6.1887 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St„ Kingston, Ont. — Tel. 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond Street W., Toronto, Ont.— Tel, EM, 6.8341 Loc. 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts„ Landon, Ont. Telephone 4.1601 Local 135 Army Recruiting. Station, North Bay, Ont. — Tel. 456 Army Reorulti g Station, 164 King St, E., Hamilton, Ont. — Tel. 2-8708 ooew.o Without cost or 1 obligation, please forward ma the booklet "The Way to a Fine Future". L Noma ea.ea Address - Cfty/Town Prov Telephone SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS Open Daily Phone 573 T. PRYDE AND SON Enquiries Are Invited Telephone Numbers Clinton 1620 Exeter 41 Seaforth 573 TOWN- TOPICS Mr. and' IMrs, Wan. Nesbitt of Brucefield were guests on Mon- day with Mr. and ,Ml's. Ernest Adams. 'Mrs. Bedford Mangey and ;Brenda returned shame Sunday after spending a week in '.Col- 1ingvvood with Mr,and Mrs. Jas. Hogg. Misses ;Sally Nott and Barbara Boyd have gone to Deseronto where they have accepted posi- tions for the su'ntner months. Mr. and Mr's. Raymond Nott spent Sunday in London with their 'daughter Nancy. rMrs. W. Grey and her 'daugh- ter, of Detroit, visited Mrs. `Reid and Miss ;Galbraith a few 'days. Mrs. Reid and Miss Galbraith are spending a few days with their sister, 'Mrs. ;Chas. Marks and John in Bayfield. Sale was completed this week of 4M'•. John Walsh's residence, Go'derich street east, to the 'Can- adie t Oil' Co, Mr. and Mrs. W'aleh' Will move to aparttments in the Steffen residence. Mr. John Baldwin hes :purch- ased the residence from the Estate of IMangaret Davis on Goderioh street, and is remodell- ing it. Dr. Thos. and aldrs, .Melady and family, Dublin, were - week- end guests of relatives here. Mr. Joe 'Williams, of Toronto, was the guest of this parents, Mr. and ]Mrs. Michael Williams on Sunday ;Mr. Archie Htubert of Oshawa; spent the weekend with this par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Hubert. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Barry and fancily, Detroit, are here for holidays. 'Miss Donald' Adams enter- tained the staff of the J. A. D. McCurdy 'School 'RCAF Station, Centralia, ;Friday evening, June 22nd at the summer home "Bel Aire Lodge", ;Goderich, The guests included the Principal, 1VIr. John 'Butler 'and Mrs, But ler, Wing 'Commander and Mrs. Bray, ;Miss Marie Brown, of Lon- don, Mr. Jack Pierson, Zurich. Main feature of the evening was an address and presentation of a travelling clock to Mr. Jeff JToses, who is leaving the staff to take a position as Principal of 0 school in Antwerlp, Belgium, WALTON ;Mrs. Donald 1McNall, Londes- boro, opened her spacious home to the ladies of the Walton W. ll, group on Wednesday evening, June 20:bh ;Mrs. McNeil was an active 'member in this group pri- or to leaving Walton. Mrs. T. (Dundas, the president, chose as her thence for the even - ng "The Lord Is My 'Shepherd". Hymn 280 "The King of Love liyy Shepherd Is" was sung after vhic'h the 23rd psalm was read esponsively. A commentary of he psalm was given 'by the pre - dent followed with prayer by Tis. Walter Bewley. A vocal rtim'ber by Mrs. Herb Travis ac- ompanied by (Mrs. Harvey Brower was very much appreciat- d. A well chosen and. interesting apic entitled -"The Women's Looking Glasses" from Exodus 8, written •by 'Dr. James Black vas given by 'Mrs. W. tM. Thom - s. "The Message of the Flow- rs" was the :poem selected by Irs. Arthur IMeCall giving us a eligious insight into the many eautiful Hewers existing today. The secretary's and treasur- y's reports nvere read and adap- ed, by Mrs, :Fern 'Patterson and Ors. Frank Kirkby respectively. During the business period we vere advised that the Walton roup be responsible for the Mating of flowers in the church for the month of July. The next meeting will be 'held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Thamer. Five 'ladies volunteered to as- sist.in .presenting a slat at the July meeting in the schoolroom of the church vwhen the Walton ladies present the program, namely, Mrs. Wesley Hackwell, Mrs. R. Kirkby, Mrs. Art Mc- Call, 'Mrs. 11. Travis, Mrs. T. Dundas. Mrs. Walter Bewley expressed her thanks fora box received fram the group while a patient in Wingham hospital. The meeting .closed with hymn 837 "The Lord's My ,Shepherd, I'll Not Want" followed 'by the Minipill Benediction. Contests were conducted 'by Mrs. Wm. ;Bennett. A very tasty lunch was served by the hostess and Mrs. W. M. Thomas, Mrs. 7! rank Kirkby and Airs. D. Ennis. A hearty vote of thanks was moved to Mrs. McNeil for her hospitality by Mrs. D. Ennis and Mrs. W. hi. Thomas. DUBLIN The Dublin Women's Institute held its June meeting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Leahy with an attendance of about forty' members. Mrs. John Nagle pre- sided and .the Sec.-Treas., .MIrs. Joseph Looby read the minutes of the previous meeting also the treasurer's report, The roll call was answered by a display 'and a brief account of each member's hobby. Resolutions were passed changing the day of the monthly meetings from the fourth Wed- nesday to the fourth Tuesday of each month, also to plan arrange- ments fora 'family picnic of members to be held -at ,Mitchell park on July 24. ;Mrs. Harold Pethick was appointed pianistfor the meetings. Mrs. R. Aikens who was a delegate to the an- nual District meeting at Har- mony, gave her 'detailed report. Miss Jean Scott, Stratford, Home Economic representative for Perth County, gave an interest- ing address on idle .work ;of the Women's institute and the 4•.H Girls' Caleb. A group of club girls, sponsored 'by Mrs. Thos. Butters, displayed articles anade during.t'he past year, •and, gave a skit: "What the 4-11 Child- Means' to me". Mrs. Marry Whetham was presented with a congratu- latory address and •a W. I. pin in honor of her 80th (birthday Lunch was served by the hostess and a ga.otup of Voluntary assist- aoits, "Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 'Lane spent Sunday .in London. Rev. Vincent Eckert C.S.B.' Aquinas Institute, 'Rochester, N. Y., James Eckert, 'Rochester, N. Y., with IMrs. Teresa ,Eckert, Mrs. W cretin and dau.glrter, of Galt, with her mother, Mrs. Fred Eckert. Mr. and ;Mrs. James Krauskopf and Mr. and 'Mrs. Jennes P. Krauskapf attended the MdC.or- mack•JConnaughton wedding in Detroit on ;Saturday. Mrs. Gus Denonunre and daug- hter, Lunen, with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby, Mr. and 'Mrs. R Smith spent the weekend at ,Blind River. Mrs, Catherine Ryan spent two weeks in Detroit. Patrick (Maloney and ;MTs. M. Shulman attended the Hartman - Ryan wedding in ;Stratford on Saturday. Mrs. Dan ;Costello spent Tlhurs- day in London. Rev. J A. Feeney, London, with Mr. and IMrs. Martin Feen- ey. iMr. and /Mrs. 'Bill Stewart, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Stewart.. 8fr. and Mrs. Harold .Smuck, Kitchener; with Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus ;Maloney, Oakville, and Joseph (Maloney of Louden, with (Mrs. ;M. 'Shulman and 'Patrick ;Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan at tended the 'Ward -Flanagan wedding in 'Stratford on 'Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson and children and far. 'Crawford, Nor- folk( Virginia, with Miss Molly O'Connell and 'Mrs. Elizabeth BTuxer, - Mr. and Mrs. ;Hugh Kelly in Toronto: Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes is ,attending the Annual Diocesan Retreat at St. Peter's Seminary, London, this 'week. Campbell—To rnlineoa The Rev. Father 'R. J, 'Cost- ello officiated at the 'double ring ceremony at 'St. Marys R. C. Church, London, adorned with peonies and fern, when enarriage vonvs were exchanged by Anne Marie Tomlinson, •daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tomlinson, formerly of Dublin, Ont., and Hairy !Campbell, son of Mr .and Mrs. John Campbell, London, ,Ides, Dorothy Wright presided at the organ and 'Miss Rose Maxie Ducharnre, Miss Joan Evans and 'Miss Norma Barn- well, St. Thomas, sang the wed- ding Mass with Miss Barnwell as soloist. Given in marriage by her great uncle, Mr, Michael J. Na- gle, Dublin, the bride wore a ballerina -length gown of chan- tilly lace and nylon tulle over taffeta, fashioned with rows of tulle and lace, and a front ;panel of tulle. The formal lace bodice was topped with a short lace jacket featuring lilypoint sleeves and a small lace collar. A lace and pleated nylon tulle head-- dress ead-dress trimmed with seed ;pearls held her shoulder -length veil of tulle illusion and she carried a cascade of red roses with lily of the valley, ,Miss Helen Horan, Brantford, maid of honor, wore a waltz - length gown of deep blue taffeta with shite lace over skirt. also a white 'Straw picture hat and valle carriy.ed a nosegay issSalty ofJelily crey •of and tbhe 'Mf,f Miss Joan ;Campbell,' `taster of rbhe bridegroom, as bridesmaids, wore identical w a It z -length gowns of 'Shepherd's check taf- feta, with white dace overskirts ;white picture hats and carried Union Summer Service First Presbyterian and North- side United tOhurohes cooperat- ing; ooperet- in 11 a.m., Rev. Bruce W. Hall, preaching in First Presbyterian Church. The Sunday Schools will aneet separately at •10 am. in their respective churches. McKillop Charge Dominion Day ,Services: Beth- el, ;Church at 10 . a.m., 'Sunday ;School at 11 a.m,; Cavan, Sun- day School 10 a.m., Chureh at 11.15 a.m.; Duff's, S•un. School 1.15 p.m., •Church 2 p.m.—.Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister. Egmondville United Church Dr. 3. Semple will begin his ministry on •Sunday at 11 a.m. (Lily of the valley nosegays. Mr. ;Cecil Denomy was -grooms- man and ,the ushers were Mr, John Jones and Mr. James Beams. 'Receiving the guests, Mr's. Michael J, Nagle, Dublin, ;aunt of the bride, wore a .dress of Dior blue silk, pink and white accessories and a e81•sage -of white carnations. The bride- groom's mother chose a 'dress of Riviera blue crystallette with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. For travelling, the bride don- ned a turquoise taffeta dress with ,matching duster coat, White accessories and corsage of white Gardenias. ;Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell 'will reside in London. A post -nuptial reception hon- oring 'Mr. and Mrs. James .Cro- nin was held at Dvlblin Parish Hall on Friday night with a large attendance, A cong'ratula- tory address was read by ,Dr, T. Melody, and presentation of a purse of stoney was' made' by Jo- seph Delaney end Joseph Shea, The guests of honor .made a suitable response. Music for dancing was provided by the Siemon's -Orchestra. A group of volunteers served lunch, (Mr. and ;Mrs. Fergus 'Staple- ton, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Staple- ton, Mrs. 'Loretta IMolyneaux, Marvin Benninger attended the Graduation Exercises at 'St. Jer- ome's High School, Ki'tethener•, on Wednesday, June 12, Ken- neth'Stapleton was one of the graduates. BLAKE 'Mrs. 11. Lesch, Mrs. E. Oesch and Mrs, W. Oesch accompanied Mrs. B. Faber of Kippen to Ta- vistock to attend a funeral of a relative last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McBride and sons of the Goshen Line North, spent a few days at North Bay and. T•hornloe with friends. Mr.Hugh McBride of London spent the weekend with his par- ents I11r, and llrs. Roy McBride. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Dinsmore were in Stratford a few times last meek to visit Mrs. Dins- more's mother who is a patient at .the (hospital in that city. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers of Lon- don visited the latter's parents, Mr. and !Mrs. 'Sam Hey recently. .Mr. Keith ;McBride is wearing a broad smile these days, a 'baby daughter arrived to make their family happier. She is the first rand -daughter for Mr. and Mrs. toy McBride. Congratulations to all. A good many from this dis- trict are attending the Crusade for ,Christ in Zurich Memorial Arena last week and also this week. ;S. S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley held their school picnic in Bay- field on Wednesday afternoon, June 20, everyone turning out. A good line of games and races were run off by the teacher, :Miss Margaret Becker. Mr. and firs. Alfred Rapp and Viola Elliott is pleased to announce the Opening of the new JU-MAR BEAUTY SHOPPE Opening Special — July 3 -4-5 - A special $5.00 Permanent wilt he yours if you nlalce an appointment during these 3 days ChaIR St. Phone 249W family of London, spent the weekend with relatives in this vicinity. 'BOIliN--To Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith MYTe'Bri'de of the Goshen Line, in Zurich, on Wednesday, June 20th., a daughter; a grand- daughter for Mr. and ;Mrs. Roy McBride. She is the first grand- daughter. NOTICE J. E. LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth & Clinton Offices will be closed July 1 -15 while on holidays Return Monday, July 16, in Clinton office Dressed Ham & Strawberry SUPPER at Brucefield United Church WEDNESDAY, JULY 4 Supper served from 6 to 8 A good program is being prepared Children school age 50c Adults $1 ' C. W. L. Home Baking Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 30th 3 P.M. In the former W: L. Whyte butcher shop, Main st. SEAFORTH LIONS PARK Swimming Pool It is expected the new Lions Park Pool will be available to the public commencing Sunday, July 1 Open Daily, Weather Permitting 1.30 to 5.30 and 6.30 to 9 Swimming Instruction P 11,FIE instruction by qualified instructors available each morning Registration commences Tuesday, July 3rd at 10 a.m. -- ADMISSIONS -- Children under High School Age 10 cents, or $1.00 for Season's Ticket Fourth and Following Children Season's Ticket in one Family -- Free High School Students 25 cents, or $3.00 per Season's Ticket Adults 25 cents, or $4.00 per Season's Ticket Children of One Family and Two Adults -- $10.00' } i 3 1 mommilienammiiramp For all your banking. Did you ever stop to consider all the things a chartered bank can do for you? It is more than a convenient place to make a deposit, cash a cheque or see about a loan. You can also buy travellers cheques and money orders; rent a safety deposit box; purchase foreign currency; talk over your financial plans or problems. The list goes on and on . ; and all these services are available at the branch where you do your banking. A branch bank is, in effect, a service centre and everyone on the staff is there to help you, to look after all your banking courteously, confidentially and well. THE CHARTERED -BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY