HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-28, Page 4BRODHAGEN 'The 6'2ird annual Band Social of the Brodhagen Band was held on the school grounds on .'Friday evening with 'about 2,000 in at- LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND PEND DANCING NIGHTLY starting FRIDAY - JUNE 29TH C Scanlon canyon and his orchestra Midnite Dance THIS WEEK -END ! Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED Newt to the 'Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 28 and 29 "OUT OF THE CLOUDS" (Color) • Anthony Steel • David Knight (TWO CARTOONS) SATURDAY — June 30 ONE NITE ONLY "LAST OF THE COMANCHES" (Color) • Broderick Crawford • Barbara Hale (TWO 'CAIRTOONIS) SUNDAY MIDNITE & MONDAY July 1 and 2 "WHITE WITCH DOCTOR" (Color) • Susan Hayward • Robert Mitchum (TWO CARTOONS) TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY July 3 and 4 "JIVARO" (Color) • Fernando Lamas • Rhonda Fleming (TWO CARTOONS) Tuesday—"DOLLAR" NITE $1.00 Admits a Carload ! BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE tendanec. The wonderful warm evening' was a great asset to the band. The evening's entertainment opened with the Atwood band and three majorettes and leader Elwood IT'all, and the Brodhagen Band with •mlajorebtes Phyllis. Hinz and 'Susan Querengesser and leader Albert Hinz leading their 'bands in a parade to the school grounds, and then played a number 'of selections preced- ing the 'program presented by Don Reinhardt and his Conestoga Trail Riders from 'CIOGO-TV. Rev, E. Fischer, pastor of at, Peter's .Lutheran 'Church, opened the program with a •short ad- dress, and the President- of the Brodhagen Band, Edward Jr. 'Scher - berth r•. spoke r cite a few words of welcome. After the program the 'Cones toga Trail Riders played for dancing on the open 'air plat- form. Bingo was also 'played and the refreshment booths, consist- ing of borne -made pies. ice-cream and coffee, hot -'dogs, pop etc. were very well patronized. At midnight the draw, for tickets sold for ,the past few 'months, was 'held, (Russell ;Sholdice and Donald Wolfe were in 'charge. The 'following are the winners: Bedroom Suite, Ross Pepper, of Dublin; Vacuum 'Cleaner, Frank O'Rourke, Dublin; Electric Drill, Mrs. (Chris. Leonhardt; Two At- las tires, Roy' Davidson, Mitchell; Presto Steam Iron, ,Mrs. Louise IMorenz, Mitchell; ,Mirror, Fred Smith, Listowel; Sugar, Carl Hinz, 'Monlctou.. Rain held off until near ane o'clock and everyone scrambled for their cars Parents, wives and gill friends of the 'band mem- bers are to be commended on the wonderful 'help they gave to make this social a real success. The 'proceed§ to be used for band -supplies. Misses Doreen •Siemon, daugh- ter of Mr. and (Mrs. John E. Sie- mon and Miss Lorraine Earl, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Earl took office positions with the (City Gas 100„ London, this week. Mr. and Mrs John L. Benno- wies visited their son Irvin I3en- newies and Mrs. •Bennewies, of Woodstock recently. Mrs. Alvina Diego), 'Stratford, has been with Mr. and Mrs. '2us- sell Sholdice for a few days Mrs. (Henry Reber Sr. is con- fined to Stratford 'Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Ka,hle of Milltord, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. ;Mannnel-Beuerman over the weekend. Mr. and'Mrs. Harvey Koehler and family of Galt with his mother, Mrs. Kleber, on !Satur- day. Miss Grace 'Fischer, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. Fischer, un- derwent an appendicitis opera- ation on Monday morning at the Seaforth Hospital. Children of Grades 7 and 8 of our school motored to Niagara 21st Annual SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB U MER ARNIVAL LIONS PARK t encs ay JULY 11th Thursday JULY 12th featuring the Official Opening of the New Lions Pool on WEDNESDAY EVENING DIVING AND SWIMMING EXHIBITIONS BY OUTSTANDING STARS OF THE R.C.A.F. Program of Feature Attractions •On Brilliantly Illuminated Stage GAMES GALORE - DANCING 3 -BANDS -3 ADMISSION 25 CENTS FREE PARKING CHILDREN FREE Proceeds for the maintenance of Lions Park and Welfare Work Falls on Tuesday, Mr, James Love, the ,tcat•her, and Russell Sholdice were the drivers. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Diegel, Mitchell, and (Mrs, Alvrna Diegel of 'Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs W. L. Querengesser on 'Sunday. The ,BI•odhageu Band assisted in the 'Cemetery Decoration ser- vice at Harvey's Cemetery, Lo- gan 'twat. on Sunday afternoon. All relatives of the Diegel Clan are gathering at 'the home of .M•o. and (Mrs, Harold Rock this coming Sunday and the Meeks at Mr. and Mrs. August Bauer's on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz and Johnny of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. (Michael (Connolly, Ronald and Ruth Ann of Selbringville, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra IHinz, Wayne and Dennis. also of ISebringville, Miss Beth Cole, Russe'ldale. with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and Mrs. John (Hinz 'Sr. Oslo, and Mrs. Ford Dickinson and 'Glenda. (with his another. Mrs. Joseph Dickison, Teeswater, on Sunday. Members of the Farm Forum enjoyed their picnic at Ibhe Mit- chell Park on 'Sunday. Visitors with Rev. and Mrs. E. Fischer on 'Sunday were (Ice. and Mrs. John (Fischer and Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Evensen and fam- ily, Mr, and 'Mrs. Reed William- son, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baetz and air. Henry Fis- cher, Mgrilyn and 'Robert of Clif- ford; Rev. and Mrs. Paul Fischer Rev. and 'Mrs. 01 osig, Rev. ancd Mrs. Arnold Conrad and Lloyd Baetz, all of Waterloo; Mr. and MIS. David Fischer, Donald and Deborah of Ia'gersviale, Ms. and Mrs David FiScher and children remaining this week. Mr, and (Mrs Farrell Kinna man and Tommy of Cllevelanvd, Mrs. Wilfred Klinkman of El- mira with their sister, Mrs. Dal- ton Hinz and Mr. Hinz for a few days. Miss Audrey Hinz and Mr. Glen Bricknnan, accompanied by the latter's par•ents Mr, and Mrs Chas. 'Brickhnan, in St. Ca- tharines and Thorold on 'Sunday visiting relatives. HULLETT Last winter, while discussing safe driving and road 'hazards, Fireside (Fawn Forum members signed a petition asking the HuI- lett Township Council to take some action to lessen the danger on the section of road on the 8th and 9th known as (Canter's hill. The same members wish to thank the council and road Supt. :for the great improvement made during the past week. With the road widened, the hill slightly lowered and 'the hollow raised, it should be much less dangerous. Thanks- We appreciate it. CROMARTY Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Hamilton entertained at a family dinner on Friday evening, Juno 1.5th in honor of the 40th wedding anni- versary of Mrs. Hamilton's par- ents, 'Mrf and Mrs. Wm. Martin. M.. Martin is a son l the late Mr. and [Mrs. George (Martin of Hibiber•t and Mrs. Martin was formerly .Stella 'Bray, daughter of 'the late Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. Bray, Thames Road. They were married in Exeter on June 14, 1916, and have since resided on the 'Cromarty line west of the village. They have two daughters (Loreen) Mrs. Frank Hamilton, and (Gertrude) Mrs. Ray 'Clark. Among the many gifts reciev- ed was a wedding cake from Mr. and (Mrs. Foster Bray. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bray, Mimico, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp, London, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray, Agnes and Margaret and Mr and Mrs, Donald Bray and daughter, Thames Road, and Mr. and .Mrs. Ray Clark and family, Farquhar. Anniversary services were held in Cromarty Church on Sunday with Rev. F. J. Barr, M.A., of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, as guest speaker. Spe- cial music was provided by the choir and the male quartette. Large crowds were in attendance at both services. Among those who were present at the services and visited with friends were Mr. and Sirs Murray Christie and family, ;toys; Mr. • and Airs. Alf Ross and family, Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Allen and Janet with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Allen, Mit- chell, Mrs. Ruby Routly, St. Marys, and Mrs. John Cairns, Brttcefield, with Mr. and Mrs. An- drew McLachlan. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Borden and family and lir. and Mrs R. D. Sadler, Staffa, with Air, and Mrs. Will Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Will _McLachlan and Marlene, Brucefield, with Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake. Mrs. Cooper, Mitchell, and Mrs. K. Hocking with Mr. and Mrs. Will Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Wm Martin, Kip - pen, Air. aid Airs. Ed Brooks, Munro, and _lirs. Grace Scott with Mr. and Mrs, George Wallace. Miss Alice. Howe, Stratford, is spending.a two week holiday with her mother Mrs. Jas. Howe. Mrs. Guest, Kincardine, visited last week with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Storey. Mrs. Grace Wren, Seaforth, vis- ited over the week end among her many friends here Mr. and Mrs. J. Heckler, Zur- ich, visited on Sunday with _Mr. and Mos. Donald Scott. Mr. and Airs. Ross Houghton and family, Stratford, spent the week end with his mother Mrs. M. Houghton. • HENSALL Miss Phyllis Dougall of Toron- to spent the weekend with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Dougall (Miss Jean Armstrong of =Lon- don was a weekend visitor with her !parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Armstrong. IMr•, and Mrs, Douglas ;Hangs - ter and daughter of London were weekend visitors withthe former's Mother, 'Mrs. Minnie Sangster. IMr. 'Ronald Passmore of Lon- don spentthe weekend 'wi'bli his mnother, Mrs. !Pearl Passmore andsister, Miss Norms, Passmore. Mr•. and Mrs. (Harry (Connors and son (Hal of Albany, N.Y., are holidaying with Mrs, 'Connor's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mas, Lorne IOhapanan and fannil')'r Mr. IFIwg(h iM Dwen Jr. and Miss Jessie 'Beal visited recently with friends at I)3yr•oar. Donald Ma•clDomald left 'by air on Tuesday for a two - months vacation •wibh members of his family in 'Scotland. Tllie congregational (picnic sup- per of Carmel Presbyterian Church will he held at (Riverview Park, "Exeter, on Wed. July 11. Mr. and 'Mr*. Wesley Greene of Mitchell wee recent visitors wibh relatives dere: Mrs. Don Gooding, 'Debbie and Donnie visited this week with Mrs. Goacling's parents, Mr, ,and (Mrs, lager Munn. MT. William Kerslake has ac- cepted a position at the Middle sex 'Creameries in London and commenced his duties there last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson of London were weekend visitors with the latter's mother, Mos Annie Semi dergo ck. IMr. and .Mas: James Morris ' were family of Godex icn h we e re- cent visitors ,with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie ,Chipcha4e. Miss Vera 'Culbert of Toronto JUNE Just 3 Days Left to get that Watch or Diamond Ring at I '5% DISCO NT SALE ENDS JUNE 30th J. A. WESTCOTT Jeweller Diamonds Watches TIlE S11 A1'ORTiI 'NEWS --Thursday, ,June 2)1, 1656 Regent Theatre DOUBLE BILL '. Thus' Fria But., Jnno 25-80.80 A Lawless Street ltandolnh Scott - Angela Lansbury Only the brave or crazy cross the Lawless Siltgt--er the Marshal of Medielno Bend i'eelc Trait Cello AuWy Mon. Tues, Wed .,'July 2.0-1 NEVER SAY 0000-110111 Iroelc Hudson - Miss Cornell Derelict. Hated by Lhe child who was hers—yot forbidden to sty "1 w'n SOL r Ilnther" 'hors. lrri. Sal. July 5-0-7 ARTISTS AND MODELS COMING - ROCK AROUND '051E CLOCK IS� NOW to. AS NEVER BEFORE SUCH VALUE FOR YOUR FOOTWEAR DOLLAR WILLIS SHOE STORE The Little Store with the "Big Values" Seaforth is speodimg the suanner months with Miss Etta Jarrott. Mrs, J. Reid of 'London visited 'this, week with her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Case. The annual POOH` and Rabelcah picnic will be held on Wed., July 4th at the Henault 'Park. RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Merton Keyes (Elsie Storey) of ,Seaforth Bayfield Pavilion MONDAY, JULY cJ Norris Orchestra Everybody Welcome Seaforth Lions Second CAS H BiNGO=i 800 12 Games at $50.00 Each 3 Share -the -Wealth Games—Cards 25c or 5 for $1 JACKPOT SHAR 1C- OALTII 1000 Cards $1 () Each Seaforth Arena - Thursday, July 5th Doors open at (1 p.01. -- Play starts 9 p.m. sharp Admission $1.00, which includes 12 games Proceeds shared between Lions Pool, Arena and Sports IT me's a happier place when Coke is there Give them the real thing—There's more fun for your family when you bring out ice-cold Coca-Cola. For more family fun... That great taste of Coke . nothing like (t—You'll find real refreshment in Coca-Cola. Even the bubbles taste better! -Coke" i' a rop,earoa node.mork. Coke puts you at your sparkling best—Now lean back...let Coke do the rest. That bright little lift is the world's best reward. Authorized bottler or coca -cola under contract with coca -cola Ltd. 5.56 1020 bring home the Coke Standard Size 6 Bottles 36( PLUS DEPOSIT ESBECO LIMITED Phone No. 78 Stratford, Ontario