HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-21, Page 8Graduation exercises of.Dub- lin (Continuation School 'were held recently at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, The class con- sisted of five girls and one boy. From the left, (back raw, they are, Marvin Daniel Benninger, Marie (Catherine McLaughlin, Mary Phyllis Butters, (Margaret Mary Louise O'Rourke, (Teresa Marie !Maloney and Mary Mar- garet 'Patricia Coyne. Their at- ese tendants, front row, from the left, are 'Lee (Cronin, Mary Lou 11VIcIaugih(lin, Pauline !O'Reilly, Laura Ryan, Patsy Ryan, ;Sharogi 'Burke. DUBLIN On Sunday, June 10, the Gra- duation Exercises were held in St. Patrick's Church, Dublin. As the graduates en t e r e d (the church, the students of Dublin High .School formed a guard of honour, singing the processional hymn "My God and King". The graduates were Marvin Benning= er, Phyllis Butters, Mary Mar- garet Coyne, Marie Maloney, Marie McLaughlin, and Margar- et O'Rourke, Preceding the gra- duates were small attendants, Leo Cronin, Pauline O'Reilly, Sharon Burke, Patsy Ryan, !Mary Lou M'•Laughlin, and Laura Ry- an. The ushers were James 0' - Connor, Allan Butters, George Ducharme, Leonard Maloney, Jo- eph M'Laughlin and Frank 0' - Rourke. Father Joseph O'Rourke of Stratford congratulated the gra- duates of the Diocesan Centen- nial year, pointing out to then brat education does not cease when schooling ends, but that adult education carries on where 1 •anal education leaves off, and :trrils on as long as we live. Father, in his remarks pointed out ;that there is a mistaken idea in the world today that the pur- pose of education is to lead(peo- ple into higher paid jobs. The masses of the people will rise to rule and assert themselves, and they need. among them educated leaders who will return to their. ranks equipped to help them. Just as we cannot tamper with the laws of nature, so we cannot tamper with the laws of society in this respect, Regardless of what job a person may hold, he needs an education. It is also true that education is (a source of personal happiness and en- joyment, (and is meant for those working on the farms, in the lubber camps, and in .other jobs. Father gave a few words of .advice to the graduates, (asking them to resolve to be men and women of decision, to form good friendships, and to develop a good (personality. He extended bc:t wishes to them, and con- gratulations to thein' pastors, teachers and parents. Solemn 'benediction followed. The church ceremony closed with A Big Day For the Whole Family! Huron Liberal Picnic Jewett's Grove, Bayfield WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th Hone Farquhar Oliver, M.P.P. Ontario Leader of the Opposition will be present as well as other district M.P.'s and M.P.P.'s .Races and Contests for young and old Begin at 4.30 P.M. Pack a Lunch and Everybody Eats at 5.30 Ice Cream and Soft Drinks provided for all AND IN THE EVENING FREE DANCING in the .Pavilion Everybody Welcome! an,mn,tnn,an„1w,wmm11,l,l,n",,.naw,,,,,o,of,,,,,,,,,n,l,lln,l„ua,,,u111.111 lllllllwnlnnnnum. CAR A GA • s S 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 8 cyl., 9500 miles 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Radio - Power Glide 1963 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1953 FORD % TON PICKUP 1953 CHEVROLET :;il TON PICKUP NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seafart/i Motors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541' 1a111,111,111111,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111,111,11111,m111111111111111(.I,Inntlllll(11,,1111111111an1(Ilnaenllllnll TOWN OF SEAFORTH Ti x repayment Receipts for 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in. the Town Hall D.11. WILSON, Treasurer the Recessional (ryann "!Praise Ye. The [Blattner", A special school choir for the .occasion was ac- companied by Mr. E. C. Harley, !music slupelNisor for the schoo]. A reception fo(llorwed on the dawn of the high school. Pouring tea were ,Mrs. John Flannery and Mrs. ,Michael (Murray. Hostesses at the graduates' tables were Mrs. Vincent Lane, IMr, Fergus (Horan, Mrs, ,George Ducharme, Mrs. Joseph Malone, Mrs. :Lloyd M 1 y, and Mrs. Frank Bow- man, (Mrs. Joseph !Shea and !Mrs. James O'Connor were ably as; sisted lay the anthers of the High School pupils. CROMARTY Anniversary services will be held in Cromarty Church on Sun- day, June 24 at 11 and 8 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Crago and Mrs. Roby Routly, St. Marys, visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Thos, Scott Sr. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl whose bro- ther Mr. Lachlan McLean of FR - more, Sask., passed away Sat. Guests with Mr: and Mrs. Eldon Allen over the week end were Pilot Officer Roger Neill and Mrs. Neill and Pilot Officer B. Rudd and Mrs, Rudd of Edmonton, but recently of Centralia air port. Mrs. Neill is a granddaughter of the late Mr and Mrs, Ben Allen who were well known here. A r'eception for Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Storey, t0 Qy, 11Cw1ywedS, was held in Staffa hall on Friday. Mr, George Armstrong of Cale- donia called on several old friends here on Saturday. He is a former resident of this community, hav- ing moved away sixty years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson .. Hunkin were Sunday visitors with hex' Parents Mr. and Mrs, Wm Hamilton. A shower in honor of Miss Mary McCulloch, whose marri- age takes place on Saturday was held at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCulloch, on Monday evening. The evening's entertainment consisted of music and readings, also a mock wed- ding which caused much amuse- ment. An address was read by Miss Shirley Dow and a prettily decorated basket of gifts was pre- sented by Mrs Wm. Hocking and Mrs, Don Hocking. Miss Helen McCulloch and Miss Baxter as- sisted in unwrapping the gifts after which Mary made a suitable reply. Refreshments were served. NORTH McKILLOP vine of (Crediton, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns spent last Wednesday afternoon with IMr. an'd (Mrs, Joseph Thorn- ton, Mr. and (Mrs. Ed Regele with Mir. and :Mrs. William 1Hioegy of !Seaforth on .Sunday evening; Mr. Fred Glanville held a suc- cessful auction sale last week. The EBethel ladies of the W.A. would like to thank Mr. .elan - virile who let thein have a booth, and to all who patronized the booth. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson with Mr. (and Mrs. Joseph Thorn- ton on (Sunday evening. DUBLIN Miss Mary Atkinson and Thos. Flanagan Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Coyne and Mrs. Jos- eph Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph E. Feeney, Miss Anne Roach and Elmer Feeney attended the Kayat-Roach,wedding at Harrill - ton on Saturday. Mrs. Harry I. Dingeman and son Paul, Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs. D. McConnell. Mrs. James Newcombe and son Tim, Port Credit, with Mr. and Mr's, Wm, Stapleton; Mr. and Mrs. Martin L Brick Detroit, with Mrs. Kathleen Feeney; Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Reynolds, De- troit, with Mrs, Joseph Carpenter, Mrs. P. Dill, Detroit is spend- ing a week: with her sister, Miss Monica Byrne; Mrs. Jean Fort- une and Frances, Seaforth, with Mrs,. D. 'McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher have bought a home in Seaforth. Rev. A. Durand, St Peter's Seminary, London, visited Rev. Dr. F.fouikes last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. White, Sebring - Ville, with Mr. and Mrs, Louis • Br'uxer, Mrs. Loretta Molyneaux is visiting in Kitchener•, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London, with Mr and Mrs. James Kvauskopf. Mr: and Mrs. Delmar Cameron and twins at Kincardine, Miss Helen Horan, Brantford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fergus Horan. Mr. Joseph 'Thornton is aible to Ibe wp and around the house after being under the (Do'ctor's care and confined to his bed for a week with a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Regele of Fergus with Mr, and (Mrs. Ed- ward Regale. Mr, and Mos. Harold McCal- lum, Paul, Ronald and Marion of R. R. 1, Walton ,spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Prank GI HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, John F. Ingram, prominent residents of Hay twp. were honored at a surprise (party art thheir (home on Thursday even- ing, June 14 in honor of their 2.5.th wedding .anniversary. The affair arranged by Mrs. Wayne Turves of Exeter, and Mrs. Ray Ingrain, daughter and daughter- in-law of Mr, and Mrs. Ingram, was attended Iby some 30 'close neighbours and friends. On !be- half of the family, Billy Ingram), their san, presented them with a coffee table and mirror. Neigh- bours and friends made ithem'bhe presentation of a hammered aluminum tray. The presentation address was read by Albert iShir- ray, and the gift was presented by Alex Munn. They were also recipients of many gifts of sil- BINGO TO 11500, PRIZES SEAFORTH ARENA THURSDAY JUNE 21 12 Games for $25.00 each 2 Specials for $100.00 each and the Jackpot Valued up to depending on attendance O 1 Auspices Seaforth Lions Club in conjunction with Seaforth Hockey Association and Arena Commission Proceeds in aid of ulons Pool and Sports Generally Admission $1.00 — Extra Cards 25c or 5 for $1.00 ewer ver. A social hour was enjoyed and luncheon 'seiwed, Following (their marriage of 26 years ago ,they moved to the groo0n's Patna in Hay twp. where they have sinal relsided (Mrs. In- gram is the„ former Margaret (Haggarth, and they have a fam- ily cif one .daughter and 8 sons. Ms's. E..Shad(dick spent is few days this week with relatives in Toronto. !Mts. Edna Corlbebt of Exeter spent the weekend with (ler son- in-law laird (daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sdhroecder and family.. !Mr land IMr James ICamnpb•ell and famrrly of (London spent the weekiend. with Mr. and Mas, Got - (don Hal4cness and tenthly, Mrs. M. •Brienily of Exeter visited last week with her sister in-law, MTS. !Ida Jackson. Mrs. Gibbs and (daughter of London visited ,over the (week- end with her brothel' -in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Betty and 'Ruth. Miss Lucille Lee of (Clinton spent the weekend with IMr, and Mrs. Glenn Dietz. Mies IMalbe(le Whiteman and Mrs. (Sam (Demean are attending ithe Grand (Lodge Session of the Independent (Order of Oddfel- lows and Rebekah's being held in Toronto this week. Bride and Groom Honored A number of (friends and rela- tives assembled in the Town Hall, Riensall, on Friday evening in honor of %Ir. and (Mrs. James 'Sangster. Dancing was enjoyed to music by Desjardine's Orches- tra, During the evening the bride and groom were presented with a ,gift by Mr. Stewart Bell. The aaconupanying address was read by Bert Holton. " Mrs, Bertha IOrtweim of Lon- don spent the weekend with Mr. rand Mrs. Jas. Paterson and Mr. and Mrs, (Edgar Munn. Mrs. Woelfle and son Jimmie of Tavistock visited this week with 'Mr. and. Mrs, Wm. Brown, Billie and 'Carol. Mrs, Woelfle was accompanied hoarse by Mr. and Mac, H• Neeb who spent the past week (with IMr. and Mrs• Brown, Mr. Geo. Hess spent the week- end in Toronto visiting with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. lMcCloy. Mrs. Hess returned home after spending a week in Toronto. IMr. and Mrs, James !Campbell and family visited recently with the former's (parents, Mr. and Mrs. !Campbell at Parkhill. IMr. Hairy ,Caldw ell of Well - wood, Man., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Alice Joynt. iMr. Hugh McEwen Sr„ who :pent the past several months in Gait, returned to his home here for the summer. Messrs Jack Bell 'of (Chatham and Harold Bell of Toronto were recent visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Bell. ICo(mmunion services will be conducted on Sunday, June 24 M Carmel 'Presbyterian 'Church by Rev. Donald MacDonald. Mr. Edison Forrest, who has been confined to his room for several weeks owing to 'illness is somewhat improved. DUDLEY-R1CHARDSON FAMILY REUNION About 80 were present for the annual Dudley -Richardson Reun- ion held on June 17 at Queen's Dank, !Stratford. The 1957 offi- cers are as follows: Pres„ Mr. Ken ,Speir of Sim - noel Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Wesley Roe, 'Blyth; 'Sports' !Committee, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bethick, of ISeaforibh, IMT. and Mrs. (Galvin Richardson of St. Marys, fGiaire Smith, Arva. 'Tike results of the races are es follows: Boys and girls .3 and under: (fancy Richardson, St. Marys, Sharon Henderson, ,St. Marys; Boys and girls 4 to 6 Ronald Henderson, St. Marys, Riekie !Blond, 'Goderieh; boys and girls 6 to 10: Kenneth Dann, (Landon, Dianne 'Roe, Blyth. Young lad- ies: Mary Lau 'Roe, Blyth, ,Olaire ESmitih, ,Aria. Young leen: Geo. Pethick, (Seaforbh, Reid Richard- son, Et. Marys. (Minute Walking Race: Mrs. Burn !Smith, Luean, Mrs. Wesley Ridhardson, St. Marys. Game of guessing num- bers: 101aire {Smith, Arva, Mrs. Fred Milder, Clinton. F.arnily coming the tallest: Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur (and family of Toronto. Youngest person pre- sent: !Cheryl Erica. (daughter of IMr. .and Mrs. Eric Harrison of (Stratford. ,Guessing the surprise package: Mss. (Chas. .Richardson of St. Marys. ,Guessing n'uirlber of candies: (Mas. Ken ISpeir, 'Sim- coe. Guessing household com- modities Mrs. Ken ISpeir, ISim- 50e. (famines were present from Smnooe, Ethel, Seaforth, Walton, Godeaich, 'Clinton, Stratford, St Marys, London. Brussels, Arva, Lucan, DlyIh, and Toronto. BORN Miller—At Scott Memorial hospital on rune 15th, to Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Miller, Scott Memorial Hospital, on Jana Id, to Mr. and Mrs. William Flynn, 11111 Clinton, a daughter Walker --At Scott Memorial I•Iospital, on June 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, Carl Walker, 5111 Orommty, a daughter Dalton—At Scott Memorial Hospital ott June 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Robot Dalton, BM Londesboro, a daughter Johnson—In .onune17tMr Welland sSteps n Jolnson, 11112 Welland, a son For Sale OWN YOUR OWN HOME OFFERING YOU Revenue Producer: Duplex, North Main, all modern conveniences, eni'ly possession. Low Down Payment Balance monthly Two bedroom slump cottage with all modern conveniences including. 3 -piece bath, hardwood doors hen Pull ba , modern -agekitand. n. WHITEWASHING soment wash ably p, Garage tad Now is .the time to have your barns 0402 ggmmed.ateeconably graced and nl-. and henhouses cleaned and whitewashed' possession.. Wo assure you a M. A. REID are reasonable. 'Give use a cab end lls prices4.' Dublin. Pete and. Steve Maloney. CARD OF THANKS THE SEAFORTH IJSDWS Tho family of the late Mrs, William Thursday; June 21, 1956 G. Siemon wish to thank their many Wfriends trod nelglnbo•s for the honor trf- butes,.cards and kindness shown in any spec ;Ilullllg, tlleiu /no yt ,�pa.ar�vemeth; s 1e61 rt s.ao J1p J' l''l syflier, the ChM,., and the .LedwP .filet, 5 orything wris deeply • apllteeiated CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends for the flowers, gifts and cords which I received while in hospital and to thenurses and stair', Drs. Brady, McMaster. Mellice, also Rev.Mr. Pitt GEORGE JOHNSTON CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who con- trlbuted so generously towards 000 re- building funic as the result of the recent tornado. A special thanks to all those whose work rondo this possible. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lane Auction Sale Household Effects, in the town of Sea, forth, on John street, Saturday, June 23. 1 pm Library table small table, dress- ers, washstands, 2 wicker choirs, fernery, fern stand, reeking chairs, clothes horse, NM cage, tray chairs, baby bath tub, 2 iron beds, 2 spring filled mattresses, felt mattress, 2 sets springs, oval table, 2 cupboards, kitchen cabinet. Steel ice box, Raymond sewing machine, kitchen stool, 6 kitchen chairs, (Coffield washing machine, copper boiler Assortment of tools, cross out saw, buck sow, butcher- ing tools, oil lamps. China. Kitchen ut- ensils, other articles, too numerous to mention. Terms cash. Prop., Mrs. Join Currie. Aust., Harold Jackson. Olerk, 1:. P. Chesney _ Auction Sale Of Dairy Cows and Heifers at lot con. 6, Goderich Tp. 1 mile south Porters. Hill on Tuesday, June 26, a P.m. the following: 80 young cows heifers, 8 recently freshened; 12 spri ors; balance milking and bred ag Young holstein bull. 6 young calves. These cattle are of good quality condition and mostly vaccinated. 40 Sussex x Rhode Island Red pal (laying), Terms cash A. E, To shend & Son, Proprietors. Edward Elliott, Auctioneer Clearing Auction Sal Of 27 high class Shorthorn Cattle. Will. be sold by 'Public auction on 8. Con. 10, Hibbert, 2 , miles east Oromerty on 'ruesday, June 26, maiming at 1.80, the following: 5 cows with heifer calves at foot cows with bull calves at foot, 2 bred, 2 coves milking, 3. heifers 2 yo old, 3 heifers yearlings. I•Icrd. si Burton Skipper, imported, S- sons o a reni stock bull, 1 bull 17 months o All heifers 4 years lid and wider from the imported sire. Cattle all a tested last week. A good place to Shorthorn stock. Thq above is the of the well known Scotch breeder J. Beer. No reserve, the farms are Terms cash. Robert Hamilton and Fey Hamilton, Executors, W. E. -.N & Son, Auctioneers 11, of t s and In Watson & Reid and INSURANCE AGENCY _ lets MAIN ST., SEAFORTI3, ONT. Tot BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE( Prompt and Gareful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McAlester, B,A.,M.D., Internist P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon Office Hours, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m„ daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p,m, Appointments made in advance aro desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TURNBULIL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYAN'S, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours—Seaforth daily except Mon„ 9 to 5.30; Wed. 0 AM to 12.30 PM; Clinton —MuLarons Studio, Mon.0 to 6.32 All kinds of Insurance risks ef- W felted at lowest rates in First - Class Companies e Lot of aom- . 2 cows ars re, Id, Id. Rl'0 >;»a W. E. Southgate herd Agent for Manufacturers L. Life Assurance Co. sold MAIN ST, SDAFORTH nirn Phone 334 Itos, 540 INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages E Hand lawnFmowerr,Q Also a rnngebte. Phonpractically7 3 ublin. Mrs, Atkinson FOR SALE 4 acres 'of hay, ready to cut, reason- able. Mrs. 3. F. 'Carlig, Beechwood FOR SALE White faced bull calf. John Willens, phone 67844 Seaforth FOR SALE General Electric refrigerator, Mason & Risch piano. phone Seaforth 665.12 Rev, W. E. Milroy TENDERS WANTED For painting and decorating, inside and out at S.S. No. 9, McKlllon school. Tenders will be received till Ione 30th. For further particulars apply to'4Im. Dennis, Sec.-Treas., Wilton, Ont. Phone Seaforth s43r3 FOR SALE 0 pigs, nine weeks old, Theodore van Dyke, 666r41 FOR SALE Eight room frame house on Goderieh ftreob west, to bo removed from pram - sea Priced low Daly Motors, phones 102 or 266 Seaforth• ,FOR SALE Four sows, some duo soon. Gerald) van den Henget, rats Seaforth. Phone 822r11 FOR SALE Some nice cdllie pups ten weeks old. Alden Crich, 121t3 Seaforth. Phone Clin- ton Hu 2-8237 FOR SALE McCormick corn muffler for an 'I3' or nn 'M' International tractor, with hyd- nnlio control Sam Alcock, Brussels rr4. Phone 36r4 Brussels Purebred Stet h SLE bull 16 mos, old, dark red in color and sired by Louadn Embassy. Apply John P, Bell, 002 Seaforth. Tel. 847r4 If you want NOTICE gravel, sand, top soil or excavating just phone 854 Seaforth. ED BOYOE Tenders Wanted Tenders will bo received by the under- signed up to Juno 26th for painting the trim on outside of Seaforth Public School. White paint to be used, the Pro- duct of some well known paint manu- facturor. Same to be a brush job. Lowest tender not necessarily accept- edCommitt. WM.ee T. TEALL, Chairman Property Tenders Wanted SEAFORTH DISTRICT 11I011 SCHOOL TENDERS FOR AGRICULTURAL BUILDING Sealed tenders Will bo received for construction of Agricultural Building at High School up: to noon. June 29th, EDT, by M. A. Reid, Secy. Plana and specifications may be seen at office of Secretary. The lowest or any tender not Hetes. aarity accepted. M. A. REID, Secy OR SAE Cabbage plants, tuber uss begonia, pet- unia, snapdragon, canvas. and other flower plants Bakers, Greenhouse, Sea - forth T Property SALEwith Froom brickT house, with 3 acres of land and barn, in Har. purhey All modern conveniences. Phone Clinton HU 2-9175 FOR SALE Pour room cottage on Coleman St Hydro and town water in house, covered with brick .siding, close to Separate School and St. James Ohuroh. Apply to Ed Brady FOR SALE Buckwheat for sale. Apply to 4ark Hamilton, Welton, Brussels 48 r 6. NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Munici- pal Dumping Ground, situated ore -half mile west of Egmondville, Con. 3 HRS, will bo open only to ratepayers of the Township of Tuckersmith, on Wednes- day and Saturday afternoons from the hours of 2 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. No wire, car bodies or garbage (organ- ic) is to be deposited and' all dumping must be done under the supervislon of the inspector. E. P. Chesney, Olerk Twp- of Tuckersmith NOTICE For artificial insemination informa- tron or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As, sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 between 7.30 and 9.80 A.M. We have all breeds available—ton quality at low cost. SALESMAN WANTED Start a year round: business. YOU earn money the first day.' Strictly your own boss. Sell daily necessities in Bay- field, Brucefieid, Centralia, Clinton, Orediton, Cromarty, Dashwood, Dublin, Dungannon, Egmondvilie, Ethel, Exeter, Glnannan, Grand.Bend, Ray, Nippon, Zurich, Goderich, Walton. All families are users of our many products, Write to Dept. R. Familes, .Station 0, Mon- treal. 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUND CHAMPION STOVE AND. moues • DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R The McKillop Mutual, Fire Insurance Co. Officers—President,rWm. 8.TFL A1mcnnnder t Vice -Pres., R. Archibald; Manager and Sec.-Treae., M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors—J. L. Malone, Seaforth; IL McEwing, Blyth ; W. S. Alexander, Walton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. E. Pepper, Brucelield ; C. W. Leonaai4, Bornholm; H. Fuller, Godericb• R. Archibald, Seaforth; Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth. Agents—Wm. Leiper Jr., Londesboro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen • Selwyn Baker. Brussels, Eric Munroe, Seaforth. Parolee desirous to effect insurance off transact other business, will be promptly attended to by application to any of tha above named oli ters addressed to their respective post offices. • AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't wane money on minerals your land does not need. We will, without charge to you, take samples of the earth in your Beide andhave ties analyzed. call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 878, Seaforth SALESMAN WANTED BrWANTED--Reliablebaeher aertownships an M Tuck- eremitb, McKillop and HuUett. 1322 families to serve. Good opportunity to step into old. profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for many years. Good profits for a hustler. Products furnished on credit. Write +Rawleigh's Dept, F-864-162, Montreal, Quebec LOVELL McGUIRE Surge Dealer, Wingham. Phone 598. Can solve your milking problem& Con- tact for faster, safer, more complete milking. More farmers switch to Surge FOR SA 5 acro farm,1% story brick house, stable and garage, hydro, 1 mile north of Winthrop on paved road. 75 acre farm, 68 acres plowed, no buildings. Number of other farina with buildings. House for rent, furnished, good location. Harold Jackson TO RENT 5 room (heated .apartment with small sun -room, 8 piece bath. Apply Roy Law- son, Goder•Ioh St West FOR SALE OR RENT House has eight rooms with elm:brie lights and water, with basement. Also a gardenand.. garage. Immediate posses- sion. Mrs. James Barron, telephone 106R Sector% ARM 65 05000 lin Hay tp. wSii large frame house, good barn'and driving shed, 12 acres of bush. hydro available. Edgar. McBride. Kippen R113, 071r25 Hensel] Hygienic Hygi mailed postpaid i Supplies (rubber y00) with n plain sealed envelope price. list, 6 samples 25e; 24 aam- ples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov. Rubber Go., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, repairs an guaranteed radio pairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR Opposite Dick House, phone 34711, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators. All electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dia- tract of Seaforth, Olinton' and Brucefleld. Allowance made for used Separators. Repairs for Otaco, Fleury Blase) impl'e Basil O'Rourke, Bruceiield.. Phone HU - 2.0181 .Clinton Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone 47