HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-21, Page 5THE. SI2AFORTH NEWS—Thursday, June 21, 1966 BEST BUY SPECIALS Aylmer Tomato Soup 2 for 23c 10 oz. This GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 1 lb pkg. 25c GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 7% oz. tin 48c ROSE BRAND SWEET MIX PICKLES 16 oz jar 33c HOME BRAND CATCHUP 11 oz bottles , . 2 for 35c SEA KIST NORWEGIAN SARDINES.... 2 tins 21c ZIP BRAND DOG FOOD, 15 oz tin 2 for 19c TILLYS PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. Jar 31c FR ESH I ES, assorted flavors 5 for 29c COLGATE DENTAL CREAM, 2 large 590 tubes 89c MONO DRINKING CUPS 2 pkgs. 27c The Lucky Draw on the Bicycle was won by Max Carter, Egmondville WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES Seaforth Hockey Association Home Bingo First fifteen numbers will be published Thursday, June 28 Cards will go on sale, Saturday, June 23, at Kling's store, Baldwin hclwe„ McGonigle's grocery and Sid Pullman's barber shop CARDS $1 EACH %,111,1111/ 1O/,11111111111/rue/11111..11111/111.1111/11/111 e11111en..1111u1111/1111.11111/11111111,1111,„r111111e O,1uu 1.1gO. TOWN TOPICS IMr. 'Larry Berger has taken a position as junior at the 'Toron- toaDomini'on Bank. Miss Bambara Hayter was in Brantford on 'Saturday attending the graduaten of her /brother Stewart at the School for the Blind. Mr. and Mrs. James (Love, who have managed the Rose farm south of Egmon'divi'lle for sev- eral years, have retuned to California. Mr. and Mrs. Ken- netll, 101tenhbsrs and family mov- ed to the Rose farm on Monday. Mr. /anvil Mrs. W. Stobie of White Rock, B./C., who have been visiting with the framer's sist- ers, Miss Mary Stobie and Mrs. Rolbt. Reyes, left dor Guelph on Monday, from there 'they will take a awio-+week trip down the St. /Lawrence and other points east.. Mr. Kenneth Thonypson :has gone to IC2avelaadHouse, 'Mu'sko- Ica /Lakes, where the will spend the'summer. Mr. and Iitjnrs. Len 'Gillespie of 'Milton vent /the weekend with Mrs. /M. Ryan and Mrs. T. O'- Loughlin. Mr. and Mrs. 'Robe. !Devereaux and /faanilly and Miss 'Mary 'Dev- ereaux, London, were weekend guests of Mr. lend 'Mrs. J. L. De- vereaux. Three grades of the /public school visited 'Detroit on Mon- day. My. Fergus Howland, London, with his mother, /Mrs. J. (Row- land over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Gawky of Tarontq, are spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs, Jos IMc Quaid. Mr. J. ILandenbach of Toronto with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Laudenbach on ISurnday, Dr. and /Mrs. 3.,. J. Matthews and daughter, Detroit, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3. J./ Cleary. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Farwell of St, 'Clements spent the weekend with Mr. 'and Mrs. Leo Kelly. Mr. .and !Mrs. Jack Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Les Fleming and /Mr. and Mrs. 'Pete 'Mower were in Galt on Ill/fond/ay attending the funeral of Mr. Leo 'Graves. For travellers ... the- best way. (to keep your money safe / WW Most of us carry large amounts of money when we travel. The loss of this money could be disastrous. So why not protect yourself by putting it in Toronto-Dort'iinion Bank Travellers' Cheques. No matter how much money you're carrying, no matter how many countries you visit, your money will be safe in Toronto -Dominion Travellers' Cheques. If you lose them, or have them stolen, there's no need to worry. That's because they can be cashed only when your signature is on them. So before you travel, spend a few minutes of your time getting Toronto -Dominion Travellers' Cheques. Our staff will be glad to show you how easy it is to buy and use them. THE TO1IONTO-DOMINJON BMK THE BEST I N BANKING SERV I C E 143984 J. R. M. SPITTAL, Manager Seaforth Branch SUFFOLK -"DEMON" 19" Power Mower. Super Power- ed 4 Cycle Engine, Centrimatic Clutch. No Belts to slip. Enclosed Chain free from all dust and dirt. Direct Drive gives more power. Longer lasting engine. SAVE TIME AND LABOR WITH LAWN KING1 Povi7er Mower 8" Cut Manufactured by CLEMMER WELDING Waterloo, Ont. Every rotary mower should have this easy change lifting device for quick height adjust- ment instantly by -ratch- et lever 1" to 4" Available With Either 2 or 4 -Cycle Motor. SILLS HARDWARE, Seaforth, Ont. Many 'friends of Mr. Ernest Adams are serve to learn the is at present under the doctor's care, Cpl. K. T. Adams of Winni- peg came en 'Friday by plane to epend the weekend with his .par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and sister, Mies Doneida Adams. KIPPEN Miss Marilyn M?ousseau of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elgar i1V9ousseau. Miss 'Liddy /Shultz, , 'R.N. of IMonitreal spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and/ Mrs, L. Shultz. Mrr. and /Mrs. Grant (Love of Karo, /Midi. spent !lather's Day with /the •tatter's father, .Mr. It. J. Cooper land 'other relatives. Mrs. J. /Dtucharme of near DaJhw o0d, ,Mrs. J. !Sdhillbe of Exeter spent a dew 'days last week with their mother, Mrs, 3. MdGlysnontt. Mr. and Mrs. Henry /Medde- jrlinge .and family have left .this district to take up residence in Hamilton. 'Mrs. 'Simi ICudznore has re- turned itb the village after being confined to London Hospital. 441rs. Arthur Anderson /has re- turned home after (being con fined to /Seoilit 'Memorial :Hos ¢vital. Mrs. J. Richardson,' Hensel/ and Miss 'Margaret 'Sinclair of Seaford/ ,called recently on Mr. and Mn,sIS. /Gu'dimore. Mr. Arthur 'Gibson of Wroxet- er visited recently with his sist- er and /brother-isi-+law, 1Vir. and .Mfrs W. IL. Mellis. Mrs, J. Fowler of Aurora is spending 'a few .days with her brother -in -lane, Mr. John D. Hien Berson. Miss Mabel Whiteman is 'at tending the :Grand Lodge As sem,lbly of /the Eelbeldahs alt the Royal York Hotel in Toronto this /week. Mr. R. Love of St. Catharines spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr, and Mitis. Ross Love. Recent visitors of [Mr. 'Robert Thomson were members of his family, Mr. *and Mrs. Robert !Stokes 'and Larry /of 'London; Mrs. Priestap and fainly of Mit- chell; Mr. .and Mrs. 'R. 'Cornish and family, Goderich; Mr. 'and Mrs. L. /Schneider, Judy and !Paul of !Stratford, Miss .Lynn Gackstetter spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. Samuel ltopp and Miss Ina Ropy in Zurich . ;Sympathy is extended to the Reilly fancily in the /passing of Mr. J. Reilly. Mrs. Albert /Martin and Tim- othy of near Zurich called/ re- cently on IRir. and Mrs. A. •Lack stetter. Teachers and /pupils of 'S. No. 10 Tuckersmith enjoyed a bus .trip last week to Guelph where they toured McDonald. In- stitute and The IReformsatorry. They were served 'dinner on the /Campus of the /College,leaving Guelph about 5 pan. They had their supper in Kitchener and took in a movie. All repoirted •a very enjoyable day. Local mon who .enjoyed the weeloend-.fishing in Nostheim On- tario were Messrs. 'Emerson Kyle, 'C'anvpbell Eyre," Dd Mort- on, Ben'Pinney, 'Wes Ridlrand- son, Lloyd M'dLean, HeimanDayman, Allam Tremeer, :David Treibner, Jim •McAlllister, Wm. Dell. BRUCEFIELD The Independent Order of 0ddfellows 'and 1Rebekalhs will hold their .memorial service •on June 24th at Baird's Cemetery at 3 o'clock. Mr..and IMiss. Geo. !Pinkney 'of Walkerton spent !Sunday with Mrs. •Pinkmey',s .mother, 'Mrs. W. II. Pepper. Mr. and /Mss. L. J. Rushoall of Trenton spent the weekend with Mrs. Rushcall's parents, Mr. and 1Mns. 'Ross Scott. Their .chil- dren, Andrew, and /Lynn return- ed home with them, having been with their grandparents for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bain and son, 1St-rat/ford. spent the week- end with 'Mrs. Bain's parents, Mr. land Mrs. Lorne Wilson. Mr. Lawrence ;Smiley and friend Of Erin called on his cou- sin, .Mrs. H. Berry on'Sunday. 'We are pleased to report Mrs. 'Snelling is feeling /better :again. Mr. Batt. Davison, Toronto, spent the weekend with his par- ents, Rev. S. Davison and .Mrs. Davison. TUCKERSMITH John C. Doig of. Grand •Rap- ids, Mich., son 'of Mrs. Lydia J. (Doig of Kippen will leave June 30 by air for a month long tour of the British Isles. Leaving 'De- troit iby TiansWortld Airlines on Saturday Mr. Doig will arrive next morning at /the !Shannon, Ireland, /Airport. He will remrain in Ireland for a few drays 'and then fly to London, where he will remain for shout a week. He will (then visit .for about 'two welds in Scotland with the /Scotch branches of the Doig• family, /then inc will return to Detroit 1by British Overseas Mi - limes on July 28th. 1VTi. Ro/bt. McGregor of Kip - pen owns a sow that has a litter of 13 little pigs all doing well. Mrs, l -Toward 'Finlebeim.er• of Trrckevsmi'thand little son Ray are recovering fronn ani attack' of German measles. Mr. and 'Mrs Jinn Campbell of. London and children are cele- brating Mrs Campbell's birth- day at the (home of her parents, Mr. and /Mrs. W. 'Coo/per of Kip pen, 'Saturday, June 16. KIPPEN EAST A Picnic will he held in the Wiens Park at Sea/forth oar Fri- day evening.'Every/badly bring a 'basket lunch, /dishes and silver dor your family, and the picnic will Stant at 6130. Union Summer Service First Presbyterian and 'North- side United IC/Marches 'cooperat- ing: 11 a.an., Rev. Bruce W. /Hall, preaching in First Presbyterian Church, The Sunday 'Schools will meet separately .at i10 eon. in their respective dhurdhes, McKillop Pastoral Charge Bethel /Churl/, Communion Service •9.46 a.m., /Sunday 'School 11 'a.m.; Cavan, Winthrop, Sun- day /School 10 'a.m., ICburch 11.15 a.m,; :DuBf's 'Church, Sunday School 1.15 p..m., 'Service at 2 p.nn., 'Rev. W. E. Milroy will preach.—Rev. J. E. Holden, .Min- ister. Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. 'Milroy, Minister. Friday, June 22 at 8 p.m., Preparatory Service followed by Official Hoard meeting. 'Sunday: 10 a.m., 'Church .School. 41 a.m., Holy 'Communion. Oersnon: "The Jubilee Gospel". Friday, June /29 at 8 p.m'., In- duction !Service. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Cromarty PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 24TH at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. (dst) Rev. F. J. Barr, M.A., of St, Andrew's, Stratford, guest minister Special music by choir and quartette. Come and join with un LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING Every Saturday CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA IT'S NEW ! IT'S SWEET & SMOOTH ! IT'S TERRIFIC ! sommilmonammmemanagagogul SLIM YOUR BUDGET with Garden Party and Dance On grounds of St. Patrick's Church, Dublin WED. EVE., JUNE 27 Nonnis Orchestra RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Consitt of Kippen (Margaret Camp- bell), Bayfield Pavilion MONDAY, JUNE 25 Disjardine Orchestra RECEPTION FRIDAY, JUNE 22 Community Centre, Seaforth- For Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hailahan (Mary Hicknell) Everybody Welcome C. W. L. Home Baking Sale SATURDAY, JUNE 30th 3 P.M. In the former W. L. Whyte butcher shop, Main st. CELLO SNOBOY ORANGES CABBAGE H. LETTUCE _Cello TOMATOES Bch RADISH 5 1b 69c *?c lb 2 i 35c 2: C 2 ' 15c IGA TABLERITE SLICED COOKED HAM IGA TABLERITE SLICED CHICKEN LOAF ISA TABLERITE SLICED MAC. & CHEESE Loaf P°z: 35c ICA TABLERITE SLICED BOLOGNA IGA TABLERITE SLICED SIDE BACON 6 OZ, PKG. C S oz. PKG. 40 I 12PIiG. �i OZ. ,29 c 1 ib. Flat pQ/� PKG. au, INTRODUCING ANOTHER — TABLERITE MEMBER —New Sno-Kreem Shortening prepared from a new exciting formula that guaran- tees successful baking and frying or your money back on the return of the unused portion. Emulsified Sno-Kreem blends -smoothly in a jiffy. ..for summer funtime meals nothing compares with a quick and easy salad. — At IGA, the fruits and vegetables are kept garden - fresh and vitamin rich. They look good.. they are good. HEINZ Vinegar 'WHITE 33 c JAR ISA Salad Dressing i6 oz..2'C JAR SNONIKREEM SHORTENING 25CLB. CARTON PRICE SALE ! FIVE ROSES CAKE MIX CHOCOLATE & POUND OR WHITE 5, POUND both for 'Ca- C SUNNY MORN TEA BAGS CELLO BAG •'c OF 100 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES GIVE YOUR PET A TREAT PARD DOG FOOD KRA FT FR. DRESSING KRAFT MINIATURE MARSHMALLOWS GOOD LUCK MARGARINE HEREFORD CORNED BEEF FOR ALL THE FAMILY WASH DUZ 10c OFFDEAL CLEARY'S IGA MARKET GIANT 29c 16 OZ PKG 2 11 15 07, 23 C T 1:V 5 !u 5 oz. hot. „rot, 10/-i" bag 25c 1-tt, otn 12 oz. tin34'P:' Giant Size 67 c a 1 Seaforth