HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-21, Page 4Answer To Charge Denies any Imported Butter in Canada "There is not a pound. of im- ported 'butter in Canada today", Harvey H. Leslie, proprietor of the Seaforth'Creamery stated to The ,Seaforth News on Tuesday when asked shout an editorial in last week's Clinton News -Record Which charged that 'Canadian Creameries are mixingimported butter with goad Canadian but- ter and selling it in (Canadian wrappers as Canadian butter. 'Butter is sometimes kept too long by stores near other foods and takes on a rancid taste, and then ,the creameries get the blame, Mr. Leslie said. Nout b ter has ibeess imported rt p o ed into Oanada for three years, Mr. Leslie, said and that ayes old used up long ago. (Same 1965 storage butter, however, had been released by the government, but that was good butter, fess than a year old. It had ,been regraded be- fore being put into prints by those firms which used it. These firms were proud of their pro- duct and .would not putt their name on butter that was not the hest, he said. BRODHAGEN Quite a number of ladies of St. Peter's Ladies' Aid here at- tended 'the 10191 annniversary of the Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Lu- theran 'Cbureh, E1•lice, !on 'Sun- day evening. 'Susan '11:arie Scheebarth, in- fant daughter of h1r. and Mrs, Edward Sc'herbaeth ((Margaret ICoeluler Was baptized ) � as 1 a tiz + ed at the Sunday morning service •St. Peter's Lutheran 'Church. The sponsors were .hiss Marlene Soherbarbh and John Koehler a- long with the parents. Vacation Bible School will .be held at the church here the week of July 9-13, and the Sunday School picnic (all children wel- tome) to be held on the school grounds, Sunday, July 8th, aft- ernoon and evening With supper served in the 'chinch basement. Members of ,Farms Foruxn will gather at Mitchell Lions Park on Sunday afternoon, June 24 for o pienie Me. '. and Mrs. •s. . Chris W. Leon- hardt spent ,the weekend in 'Sar- nra with her sister, 61Irs. Alvin Rose and .Mr. Rose. Illr, Edward Ahrens returned home from St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent an operation. The sympathy of the commun- ity is ,extended Ito Burs. IMiltort Rock .and Mrs. Eli Rapien hi the heath of their enobher and sister, Mrs. Wm. ISieman. Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Ross Leonhardt spent a few days with relatives in. Detroit recently. Mr. and Mrs. David IShoidi'ce of Walton visited his (brother Russell Shoddice and Mrs. tShold- ice. Mr. and iMes.'Lee Dade and A Good Short Term Investment Ontario Loan Debentures Issued for $100 and Upwards 4% PER ANNUM --- 5 YEARS 3 3/4 Per Annuni 3 and 4 Years ENQUIRIES WELCOMED The Ontario Loan & Debenture Co. Dundas St. at Market Lane and on Market Square London assets Nearly 840,000,000 Onterio MYTH HURON CRUSADE FOR CHRIST CEDRIC EARS EVANGELIST rum Song Leader at Wingham & Stratford htI/ tIH J Hay Township Community Centre u 1 C Nightly 8.30 p.rn. (dst) Sunday 8 p.m Peter of Washington with her mother, (Mrs. Mary Dittmer for the weekend. Mrs. Louise 'Morenz of Mitch- ell spent a fewdays with her 'brother .0as P. P usch elderg and Mrs. Pnschelberg and visited other relatives, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Staudt:, Warren and Janet of Kitchener with Jfr, and Mrs. Albert Quer- engesser on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Young of Stratford with Mr, slid Mrs. Die - gel and George Diegel on •Sun- day. Mr, ,Cailvin Diegel of Eden Mills and Miss 'ieIiarleen Diegel, nurse -in -training, .Stratford Hos- pital, spent ,the weekend at the same home, Mr. Ray •Beuerman, RCAF. Edgar with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Manuel Bei eianann for the weekend.. Mrs John Hinz who 'under- went on operation in Victoria Hospital, London, is recuperat- ing at the ,home of her daughter, Mrs, Lavern Wolfe. A number of ladies of .St. Pet- er's Ladies' Aid attended the Women's Auxiliary at Waterloo College on Wednesday. .Mr. 'Al (Miller of Detroit, Mr. and fibs. Norval Elliott and Jeanette, 'Staffa, with slily. and Mrs. Henry E. Diegel recently. Mrs. Milton Eiokmeir, Roger and Gany and Mr. and Mrs. Van Alpine all of Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. George Eic'leineir tfor a ew •daya Mr. and 'Mrs, .Adolph Pfeifer and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dilttmer attended the funeral -of Mrs. Emma Ward at iMonkton on Sun- day. -On Saturday evening friends nd neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Pfeifer gathered at their same to ,present their son, Mr. nd Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer .(Mildred Marks) of Stratford, who were ecenbly married, with a !Stin- eam automatic toaster. Mrs, Manuel :Beuerm•ann read a suit- bae address which was written y Mrs. Fred Herbert, and the resentation was made by Mrs. ran Diegel A social evening 'as spent :and :lunch was served, Irs. Wilfred Ahrens and 'Mrs. avern Wolfe also assisted in rransging this shower.'On Wednesday evening the a dies of the village gathered at the home of Mrs. Manuel Heuer- seann to honor two guests, Mrs. dibh Beuermann now of Sea- orbh, and Mrs. Idora (Diegel, ow of Mitchell, who recently old their homes here. They were resented with farewell gifts of housecoat, slippers, black pat - nt shopping bag, brooch, ear - ng set and handkerchiefs. An ddress was written ibylMrs. Fred erbert"anl read by Mrs. Russell h oldice and 'Mrs. :Manuel Ben - mann presented the gifts. •Bin - o was played and lunch was erved. Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller id Ruth Ann of Hamilton with er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. illebrecht. Rev. and 'Mrs. E. Fischer and race and Rev. Paul Fischer of Waterloo at the fornmer's cottage Port Elgin for a few days is week. The'Ladies' Aid of •St. Peter's utheran Church held their onthly meeting on Wednesday 'ening with Mrs. Win. Diegel ading the scripture lesson. ayer by Mrs. Ed !Scherbarth, is Psalm was read responsively d by Mrs. Dalton Hinz, Mrs. ell Sholdice presented the pie "What Makes A Good inc". Hymn `'.Love Divine, All ve Excelling" and '0 Happy ma" were sung and the devo- n closed with the Lord's a3'er, Mrs. Fred Young the esident, then took .charge of business. The ladies were ed to cater for a wedding the er part of July. Ass many as possible to attend Women's Auxiliary at Web - f a a a a b b M1' 1 L a l a E f n s 1' a e x'1 a H S ei 5 ar h H at iii m re Pr TI le Runs to Ha Lo Ho do Pr pr the ask latt the erloo on June 20th. Birthday was reported by Mrs. Wm. Diegel and a hymn was sung in her honor. Meeting closed with the 'Doxology. Bliss Doreen Siemon is spend- ing a few days holidaying with relatives in Hamilton- McKILLOP The Ghildrens' Day. program held here on Sunday evening, bosh interesting and instructive, was appreciated by the audience, consisted of musical numbers and recitations, and an address by the pastor, Rey. H. Brox. Mr, and 'Stewart Pepper of Kippers were Sunday visitors with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Eg- gert. i l W liars i Frederick elc Koe4iler of 40 .Downie St. .died in Strat- ford General Hospital Wednes- day .afternoon'after an illness of five weeks. He was born in Oak- ville, Nov, 11, 1904, and had been a resident of Stratford for 11 years (being employed by the ONR as stationary engineer. Be onus a son of ,the late Henry Koehler and is survived by his another of .McKillop twp. He ser- ved in the second World War and was a member of the Vet- erans' Association,.and of .Strat- ford (Lodge A I+ and A M. Also surviving are his wife the form- er Gladys Quilpp, one son, Stan- ley le. Koehler shand one daughter, g' , Mrs ID (Ruth) !Stevens of Kitch- ener, three sieteas, Mrs Wan Koehler •(Melinda) of McKillop; Mrs. Andrew IS• teinker'(Laura) of Stratford; 'Mrs. Jack ,(lLiydia) Banks of Regina; Mrs. Hugh Purvis (IAmand'a) of Nilestone. The .funeral nvas head on Satur- day at 2 p.m. to Avondalle Cem- etery. WALTON Mr. Glenn Oliver having pas- sed his second year pre -medi- cine with a high mark, 'lea's been admitted to the four-year course in anedicine at Western Univer- sity, London. The June aneeting of the Wal- ton W. I. wild ibe (held in the community hall, Walton, an Thursday evening, June 28 com- mencing at 8 o'clock. 'The guest speaker for the evening will be Mr, Roy Cousins of ,Brussels. ,Everyone welcome. The Majestic W. I, of .Brus- sels 'would like ,the menubers of the Walton Institute to join.them for' the extension service course "'Hospitality Foods", to be held in Brussels Public Library on June 26 and 27, 1.30 to 4 p,m. WINTHROP :Miss :Isabelle Betties, R.N., of Galt, spent the .weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bolton of ,Seaforth were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. :Russell T. Bolton, Mr. Hugh Gordon is in 'Scott Memorial Hospital undergoing treatment ea The county crusher has moved from 'Patrick's pit and the tti�p. crusher 'has gone from aSmith's pit, and the tnvp, roads are in good shape now. McKILLOP The McKillop Grain Club held their meeting in the 'Seaforbh District High !So'hoo on June 18 at 8,30 p.m. The meeting opened with the 4-H 'pledge. The min- utes were read and business dis- cussed. Roll was called with 16 members present, Classes of red clover, oats and .barley were judged and d everyrm ennlbex gave reasons 'for placing The final placings were made by Arthur Boldon in the red clover; La- verne Gadkin in the (barley and Earl MdSpadden in the oats, The members were ell given pamph- lets galled "Your Guide to IChemioal Weed 'Control •In Field .Crops". IA battle of soft drinks and cookies were passed to the .members. Meeting was then ad- journed. SEAFORTH W. I. The regular meeting of the Seaforth W. I. was 'held at the home of Mrs. Wilfred 'Coleman on Tuesday evening, June 12, with a good attendance. Pres., Mrs. 'McKenzie opened 'the meet- ing with the Institute Ode, Mary Stewart !Collect .and Lord's Prayer in unison. Thankyou notes were read from Mrs, lMur- iel MOLachlan and (Mrs. Lillian Pepper. Guelph Holiday Week, July 16-20, was discussed; any- one nyone wishing to go, please con- tact secretary, (Mrs. Harold Eu gill, Mrs. A. Crozier gave the treasurer's ,report. Report of District Annual was given by Mrs, J. Hillebreeht and Mrs.W. Coleman. We, •am'iong several In- stitutes, are invited to visit Fan - shames lam on June 20; anyone wishing to go contact +Mrs. San- dy Pepper or (Mrs. Lorne Carter. Mrs. Sandy Doig gave •a report on Canadian Association of Con- sumers. $25 was donated to the Agricultural 'Society to provide prizes for the club girls at the THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, June 21, 1956 RegentTheatre Thurs. Fri. ,Sat , Juno 21':-22-23 RORDI:R RIVER Joel McCrea - Yvonne De, Carle Adventure with explosive action and reckless romance Mon. Tues, Wed., June 25-31-27 'TROUBLE 1N TEE GLEN + Orson Welles - Margaret Lockwood Fresh and fell of fight when the new world °lashes with the old, Filmed: in Scotland end written by the author of 'The Quiet Man" DOUBLE BILL — Thum, Fri. Sat., Jane 25-29-20 A Lawless Street Randolph Scott - Angela Lansbury Pack 'Train Gene Autry OUR SALE Will End on SAT. JUNE 23 BE SURE TO GET SOME OF THE BARGAINS WILLIS SHOE STORE The little store with the BIG BARGAINS During this sale all purchases are CASH fall fair. Lt was moved that each hostess have a to -hostess for her meeting. Girds are reminded of the picnic on ,Monday, June 25; there will be further notice. Mrs. R. M. Scott opened her part of the meeting with the first verse of "Old Fo11as at Home", with 'Mrs. Ross Gordon as lead,- er. ead-er. (Mrs. Sandy Doig introduced the guest speaker, Miss Elford, who gave a very inspiring talk on Home Economics and Health, pointing out that rig'h't food is very important to keep us heal- thy and told of how many sub- jects you have to Study to 'be- eoaiie a Hoene -Economies teach- er, and several other good points. Mrs. Sandy (Doig thanked Miss .Elford for her talk and Mrs. Wilfred +Coleman for the use of her home. The aneeting closed with God save the Queen. O I I •f • 11 4: • SI • ' • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • 30f for a three or /4 /0 four year term • • • • • • • e 0 • • Mrs. Ross Gordon ted in singing the Institute rally song and we are all to know it and sing it at the next meeting. A .delicious lunch was served by the (hostess and lunch committee and a social half hour was spent. • "Gee, Mum—is it supper time already ?" • • • • • • • Head Office - London, Ont. District Representatives F. G. Bonthlon, Hensall — Watson & Reid, Seaforth • • • • • rJr t `lkwRJ.h'u za,7, • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • ,114,1, ,, »viiia.• mra»w,.• 'nom1''I, - rPoal ItN" M ammonAri 'a'Fv ACw, Aa�l4� IP17ii<rA Nlllw° ailln¢ 7lltllg„nam l�(.n.Ut +tV/ULI"�".��io'[,,.nlc+ MM ml► 19!' l tGrhl�' I n1171f11fi`('11I�t�y�� 'i �tlil4i �� tYM���i� Brownie's DRIVE-IN LIMITED CLINTON • 'g 61 ;ext to the Community Park THURSDAY and FRIDAY June 21 and 22 "War of Worlds" • Gene Barry • Anne Robinson (TWO CARTOONS) SATURDAY and MONDAY June 23 and 25 "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR" • Dari Daily • June Haver • -Dennis Day (TWO CARTOONS) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY June 26 and 27 "NAKED JUNGLE” (Colors • Charlton Heston • Eleanor Parker (TWO 'CAR.TOOIS) BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 2• P.IL SHOW STAS AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE MODERN MECHANIZATION SOLVES FARM LABOUR PROBLEMS With more and more ease of handling and work -capacity being engineered into modern machines, farmers are being relieved of much of the worry and expense incurred through the scarcity and high cost of experienced farm help. And there is such a wide range of sizes and styles of tractors and implements and tools that today every farmer can avail himself of the advantages of modern mechanization. The wise and practical use of up-to-date machinery is a most im- portant part of today's farm operations. In the 1956 Massey -Harris and Ferguson lines are tractors and implements engineered to promote the efficiency of farming—your local dealer will be glad to give you full particulars. MASSEY-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED Makers of High Quality Farm Implements Since 1847 Telephone Round -up Every parent knows how easily a two -gun cowboy can lose track of time— especially around mealtime. But she also knows it's a simple matter to round him up by telephone. And any vague feeling of anxiety about where he is or what he is doing is quickly dispelled by that eager voice at the other end of the line. Yes, the telephone is a convenience and a comfort; all day long. It means fewer meals grown cold because youngsters or hus- band are late getting home: It means more security when you're alone at night: It means more things done with less time and effort .. : Yet this endlessly useful servant works for you for just a few cents a day: THE BELL TELEPHONE. COMPANY OF CANADA