HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-21, Page 1Seafort
11.60 a Year
Authorised as Second Class mail, Po.
Office Dept., Ottawa
Snowdon Bros.. Publishers
John Grummett
Crash Victim
The 'community was 'deeply
grieved to learn that John
Grnmrett had been killed in a
ear accident early on 'Monday
(morning. He was found 'dead in
She :Gab 'on :his 1953 Ford pick-up
track art 3.10 arm. by Miles Mar-
shall, 'of 'Blyth, R. R. 2, who was
en his way to work in Toronto.
Death was (apparently in-
stanit when his truck struck the
cement posit on the east side of
the rural, at a bridge in front of
Johan •Byerman's Partin, abonit six
and a half 'Hiles north of •Sea-
forth 'on the 'county road. The
left front comer of bhe car col-
lid'e'd with the post and the ;oar
remained sideways on 'the road.
Mr. (Marshall 'called police
Iron the Byerman home. Neigh-
bors did not hear the gcraah, no
house (being 'close to the bridge.
It is believed that the accident
must harm occurred only a few
minutes (before it was discover-
ed, as he had left the home near
Wroxeter 'where he 'had been
visiting shortly before three. It
qs thought John must (have dozed
for a moment allowing.the truck
to swerve across the road into
the (bridge.
'Coroner D. 'Thompson of
(Clinton, Iwiho attended the 'acei-
dent, stated death was 'due to
shock 'caused Iby multiple fract-
ures 'throughout his Ibedy, which
was wedged into the truck, The
truck is a complete wreck.
An inquest will 'be held at
Seaforth 'town hall on J'un'e 27,.
at 10 a,m,
John J. 'Grumlm.ett, 25, was
born in 'Hargrurthey, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Grumvme'bt, and
farmed with his father. Besides
his parents, he is survived iby a
brother, Daniel, of Wingh'am; a
sister, ;Margaret, Mas. F. R. ICarn-
telon, 'Clinton; and his guran'd'-
another, 'Mrs. Margaret !Hutton,
of Kincardine. Ile was a mem-
ber, 'of St. Thomas' 'Ohurclh, 'Sea-
fai: and Was highly regarded
by everyone.
The funeral tank place from
-the Whitney funeral home on
Wednesday et 2 p.m., with 'bhe
Rev. J. iH. James .officiating.
Burial was in. Maitlandbank
The pallbearers were: Ed An-
drews, Keith (Sharp, Jack 'Cro-
zier, James Hopper, James Wal-
lace, Bolb'Scott.
The flowerbearers : Mervin
Nott, 'Gordon Wright, Neil 'Bell,
Doug. 'Cantelon, (Carl iOCantelon,
D. Hopper.
The 'death -occurred at Cur
Lady Of Marey Hospital, Toron-
to, on Tuesday, June 12, 19'6'6,
Thomas George,- Atkinson, he -
loved husband of Mary A. Ryan
Aron, 91 Garden Ave., Tor
on'tn p sear father of Many I(iMrs.
J. E. 'Hare, Delhi) ; Joseph G.
Toronto; 'grandfather of George,
Patricia and Angela.
The funeral took place on Fri-
, day to St. Vincent de !Paul
(Church for requiem mass at 9
am. Interment was in St. James'
Cemetery, ;Seaforth.
The late Mr. Atkinson was
bora' in alihbent and was in his
81st year. He 'learned; black-
emibbing in ISeaforbh with the
tate J. (Dorsey and was 'employed
with the late Jack 'Stewart be-
fore ,moving to 'Stratford, and
to Toronto in 1924. He as sur-
vived by a sister, (Mrs. John
Doyle .of 'Tottenham, The pall-
bearers at 'Seafonth were Joseph
A. Lane, Geo. 'Coyne, Theodore
Doyle,,Jos. Shea, James !Shea,
Jos. 'Doyle.
The dead' occurred in Sea -
forth on Wednesday, June 20, of
J. Rufus 'Winter in his :75tih
Tear after an illness of about a
month. Raised in 'Seaforth he
had worked with his father as •a
drover in early life. For enemy
years he lived at Nelson, B.C..where he was 'eonnectedwith 'tine
IC.N R. until retiring to 'Seaforth
in 1936. He had been an active
:lawn bowler, 'curler and skater.
(Surviving is one sister, Hazel,
,Mrs. E. H. Hodgins, Toronto.
Funeral takes place from. the
Box funeral home, under 'Mas'on-
ic auspices, on 'Friday at 2 p.m.
with burial in 1Vlaitlandbank
A former store (building pas-
sed through 'Seaforth on Friday
afternoon 'on its way frown
Drysdale to the farm of 'Thomas
Nash, '3rd .00n. of McKillop,
where it will be used as a farm
workshop. 4VIr. Nash 'did the
mowing himself using two farm
tractors for power. Leaving
Drysdale ,about noon, the build-
ing arrived at the Nash earn:
shout six p,nn., making bhe 20 -
odd anile journey without inci-
ntident. The ib'uilding' was the term-
er iGasc'ho ,Bro. store and was
purchased by Mr. Nash from the
Ontario Dept. of :Highways, who
'pian to widen the Drysdale 'cor-
Paving Tenders
Being Called
Tenders are being 'called for
paving No. 8 highway from ISea-
tCorth to 1VIitcheli, Tom Pryde,
11LP.P., stated on Tuesday. ;Grad-
ing between(Mitclhelland Dublin
was finished last year end the
grading contract between ISea-
foRtJh and Dublin is now (being
completed. Tenders' for pawing
on No. 83 highway ;('Thaanes ]Rd.)
are also being called, (Mr. Pryde
Contract Awarded
Local Firms
For Goderich St.
.Seaforth town council have a-
warded the .contract for rebuild-
ing and repaving the connecting
link of highway 8 on Goderichi
St. and (also the installation 'of a
sewer on ,Goderich ISit. west of
Main 'Sit. and up to 'She hospital,
at a figure of $97,416:90 to a
syndicate of Levis, Johnson
Bros. and F. Kling.
'The 'award was made at a spe-
cial meeting hold 'Monday even-
ing. Other bids were 'Gr'a'ham
and 'Graham $120,742, and •Gu -
ran and Briggs 'Ltd. 1$1412,.208.
Levis Contracting, Clinton,
will do the excavating and grad-
ing; Johnson Bros., Brantford,
the black top, and Frank Kling
the sewer. The work is to be
completed an four months.
The sewer will go as far west
as Ann St., '(Dr. Bryan's). A
drain will be Installed west of
Ann ISt. with nutlet past the
town limits.
An engineer Trona the 'Dep't.
of Jlilgihways at (Stratford and
a representative off G rah aim
Reid, town engineer, •were pre-
sent. The latter said that engin-
eering costs would have to be
added to the price of the bid.
He estimated :the town's share
of the project at x$43,000,
Seeforth;Lawn Bowling effial.
ally opened, Wed. June '13, with
a prat luck supper and local
tournament jitney afterward,
Winners 'of the mixed doubles
:two -game tournament were: la-
dies 1st. Mrs. Wan. Ball, 2nd
(Miss Alice Reid. Men, 1st Eric
[Munroe, and Dr. Paul (Brady.
The 'Club have designated
Tuesday night eadh week as
mixed bowling, and the 'draw for
the jitney tournament on that
night will he made at 8 pm.
Any person desiring to become
a •memiber is welcome. (Come and
have a goad time.
The nvinners of the ;local jitney
tournament on Tuesday evening,
June 19 were: ladies 'lst, Mrs,
Ball, 2 wins pains 4; 2nd, Mrs.
'Christie, 1 win plus 10. Men let,
Harold !Connell, 2 wins plus 8;
2nd, tDr, !MacLennan, 2 wins
plus 8.
,Mr. ,and Mrs. Joseph P. ''Sta-
pleton, R. R. 2, Dublin, wish to
announce the 'engagement of
their daughter Mary 'Catharine
to Mr. 'Daniel Robert Williams,
son orf Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wil-
liams, Jacksonville, Florida. The
marriage will take place on
July 7 at St. Columben 'Church,
St. 'Columbia(' at 9.130 'n.nn,
(Miss Jean ;Scott, ,Mrs. Mae
Dorrance, Mrs. Ila Dobrance,
Mrs. Leslie IM Olure, (Mrs. ;Scott
lFI bkirk, and 'Miss Mae' Smith
are in Toronto this week :attend-
ing. the Rebekah General Assem-
bly. At 'this meeting Mrs. (Mae
Dorrance is to ibe given the de-
coration of 'chivalry for her
eplendi'd work to the lodge.
(Magistrate 'Dudley 'Holmes'
car, a gDeSo'to, had a close es -
nape from Tiro 'damage 'on Tues -
•day morning while parked in
front 'of the town hall during a
oourt session. ''Smoke was notic-
ed coming out from under the
hood and investigation showed a
smouldering piece of rag. The
fire was put out by :Constable
Ferris and IM. E. 'Clarke with a
fire .extinguisher.
Ernest Templeman of (Staff's,
discussing the recent fire at
Staffa mill, said he could not
remember the exact year, over
40 years ago, when the Sadler
mill had 'burned.
:However, IMr. Templeman has
a very clear recollection of some
'of the 'details` of that fire. It
was en a 'Sunday morning and
the men formed a 'b'u'cket bri-
gade up from the creek.
"I happen d to be 'close to the
end nearest bhe fire and .I re-
member the seat of any trous-
ers took ion fire" he recalled.
The remainder of the logs at
the !Staffs saw 'Hill which was
burned last week, are being sawn
at Mitchell. A gang from. 'Stales
operate the Mitchell eni'ld alt
Mrs. Mary Ida ('Weide) Mc-
Farlene, 88, died !S'aturd'ay in 'St.
(Mary's ,'Hospital, (London. She
was the widow of IS'asnnel Me-
'Surviving 'are three 'daughters,
Mrs. John Willis, of (London,
Mrs. Ervine Pinconnbe, 'of Mount
Sirydges, Mrs. 'Marbin 'Stapleton,
of 1Ssafortih, and one son, R.
Russell Weide, London.
The funeral was (held at Lon-
don on Monday afternoon, with
interment in Webster 'Cemetery,.
Con. 3, London trap.
W. L To Hold
Annual Picnic
The ;Seaforth W. S. picnic will
he held ant the Diens (bark en
(Monday, June 26th. Supper at
7 o'iclocic. 'Bring picnic basket,
sandwiches, salads, cakes, pies
'and cookies. Enough strawber-
ries for your own family, dishes
and silverware.- .Meat;,{roe ;'efeaa
and !beverages will be providefl,
Annual Report of
Hospital Auxiliary
'Mrs. E. A. McMaster was re-
elected president for the ensu-
ing year at the annual meeting
of the Women's Hospital Auxil-
iary to Scott Memorial Hospital
held at the Little Inn in Bay-
field, June 12th. 'Other officers
es presented by the nominating
committee include lst Vice., MTS.
'H. Whyte; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Bons -
soy; Sec., Mrs. Lon'gsbaff; Treas.,
Mrs. Box; 'Correapoarding (Sec„
Miss Alice Reid; Membership
iCommittee, Mrs. Don Brighbrall;
Press and Publicity, Mrs, 'Snow;
Social 'Convenor, Mrs. 'Frank
Sills, Jr., Ways 'and Means, Mrs.
Harrt, 'Mrs, Hechlely, and Mrs.
Free. :Buying Comnnittee, MisS
Valeria Drope, 'Mrs. H. E. ISnniith
and MIs. John Talbot; Mystery
Box, Miss Dorothy Parke.
(During the year the Auxiliary
held 9 regular meetings, one ex-
ecutive meeting. There were '6'9
active members which is 26
above wast year's report. 'Five
major social events were held
during the year and netted an
approximate sum of u$1244.i86
for 'the .anmciliary. The ' major
work project for the year was
the purchase of equipment for
the hospital and 'chairs for the
nurses' rooms. A. 01oupette was
purchased for the (hospital, (blan-
kets 'and- bedspreads were also
bought from old coats left over
from the rummage sale. At the
meeting which followed a ban-
quet at the "Inn" Mas. 'Mcb'ast
e1• thanked the different com-
mittees for their help and to -
operation. (hollowing the aneeting
a social time was held with c'a'ds
being played, prizes' being donat-
ed by 'different members of the
Auxiliary. A. presentation was
made to (Mrs. W. ;Stuart :who is
leaving (town,
The Financial :Statement 1055-
56 is as follows:
Bank Bal. (Sep., 1956 $ 202.68
Bank interest 7.20
Rummage Sale 252.75
Turkey Raffle 153.50
Dance 192.72
Penny Sale 51.0.00
Moanbers Fees 11.76
'Co'l'lections 41.25
Tag Day 135.28
Total 1,607.83
Prov. Hospital Fees , , 15.00
Regional Council Fees 5.00
'Convention .Exp, , 70:00
Paid Hospital Board re
'Croupette Tent .. 154.00
Dishes for Nurses Din-
ing room 51.5.5
Electric Tea Kettle for.
Nurses' Residence . 11.65
Woolen Blankets for
;Christmas 'Gifts for
(hospital staff
New Year's Ba'by'Cup
Hospital trays, Easter
Two Turkeys re Tur-
key Raffle
Donation to Lions
'Swimming Pool 120.00
(Proceeds from Turkey Raffle)
Adbertisin'g and exp
re projects 108.34
Bank Bal. June 1956 524.19
Total 1;507.83
St. James' Roman, (Catholic
(Church was the setting for the
wedding 'Saturday when Joan
Weigh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Waleh, .Seaforth, exchang-
ed marriage vows with Leonard
'Clark, Hensall, son of 'Mr. and
(Mas. 'Louis 'Clark, Jr., (Hensel'.
The Rev. Fr. Nigh, uncle of 'the
bride, sang nuptial mass and the
Rev. Fr. E. P. Welber performed
the 'dou'ble-ring ceremony. Mrs.
Alice 'Sidles was organist and
Miss Julia. Flanniggan, soloist.
The bride wore a floor length
gown of (white net •over satin
with lace and Rhinestones trim-
ming the tiered skirt and import-
ed lace formal, Putted bodice. A
coronet of orange blossoms held
her veil of nylon net and she
carried a bouquet 'of American
Beauty roses and white mums.
Mrs. Dari Agin, Toronto, sis-
ter ,of the 'bride, 'as 'matron of
honor, wore a ballerina -length
gown of nylon net over taffeta
in maize 'bone 'And :carried mauve
'mums and (white roses. Miss Rita
Walsh, also a sister •of the (bride,
was bridesmaid in a gown of
mauve. She 'parried a' bouquet 'of
Yellow roses 'and 'mums. (Miss
Lucille Walsh, flower girl, wore
a frock :of pink nylon with a
Sorel headdress and carried a
nosegay of blue 'carnations.
Daryl (A.slin, Toronto, was best
anan and ushers were 'Dennis
Walsh, London, and John 'Clark,
'Mrs. Walsh received guests at
her home, wearing a navy nylon
costume with a 'White rose 00r -
sage. The 'groom's mother chose
a blue taffeta 'dress with white
accessories 'an'd a corsage of
white 'mums.
For 'traveling the bride donn-
ed a beige and ,brown 'duster en-
semble with White and beige ac-
cessories and a white rose cor-
sage. The °Duple will reside- in
S eat oral.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker Hart
announce the engagement of
their daughter 'Carol Ruth 'Ches—
ney to Albert Garfield (Baker of
Exeter, son of Mn surd Mrs. Al-
bert Baker, Seaforth. 'The mar-
riage .wal
ar-riage.,will take place ..in First
77qq��Ires }{terlan 'Church a, early M,
Two Teachers
For High School
Two teachers have been en-
gaged by !Seaforth District High
School ,Board to conipbete the
staff for next heron;
Miss 'Sylvia Rinaidi of Sault
'Ste. (Marie as English teacher in
Grades 9 and 10.
Miss Ella 'Braun of 'Clifford'
teeacher of social studies and
girls' P. T.
First Presbyterian Church 'of
'Seaeoa+bh was bhe setting en June
16 at 2 o'clock for the marriage
of Elsie (Mae 'Storey, daughter
'of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wm. Janes
'Storey, la R. 2, Seaforth, and
Llerton Thomas Keyes son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilber .' Keyes,
R. R. 3, ISea'forith. Rev. D. 'Glenn
Campbell 'performed the eere-
anony before' the altar 'which was
d e c .orated 'with standards 'of
white snowballs and red ,peonies
and lit can:deialbma. Mr. Allan D.
Bennett, 'church 'organist played
the wedding music and accom-
panied ;Mr. S4oriris i0am'pbei'1 of
Listowel, ,who sang, "The 'Lord's
Prayer;" before the ceremony
and "0 Promise Me"' during bhe
signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride chose a floor -
length gown 'of embroidered ny-
lon tulle over white satin, the
fitted bodice was of embroider-
ed (white nylon tulle with a Sa-
brina neckline, long lily -point
sleeves and fbntbone,d 'down .t the
back with a row of tiny satin
buttons, the skirt was a full five
tier (nylon Italie over satin, each
flo'u'nce richly embroidered. Her
(headdress a (crown of ;nylon tulle
with :iridescent sequin trim held
an elbow -length 'enlbroi'dered il-
lusion veil, she wore a pearl
necklace and eaarings, the gift
of the groom. She earned a bou-
quet of white and pink roses.
The ,bride's only 'attendant was
Miss Muriel 'Schade, Reg. N. of
'Stratford, she wore a ballerina -
length gown of ;white and pale
green nylon tulle over white sa-
tin, with one tier of embroider-
ed nylon tulle at waistline, top-
ped with a satin sash, tbhe'bo.dice
was a strapless nylon tulle 'with
embroidery with a white nylon
stole and mittens, with matching
headdress. She carried' a' bouquet
of yellow mums, Cindy Mac-
Donald of Seaforth was the
bride's l'i'ttle 'flower girl, wear-
ing a pink nylon dress over a
'crinoline with ,ihaitd'hing !bonnet
and gloves, she carried a nose-
gay o1 white and pink baby
ammns. Master David Whitfield,
London, cousin of the groom,
was ring 'bearer, he wore gray
trousers and a navy (blazer, car-
ried ring on 'a white satin cu-
shion. The best mean was Mr.
Stuart Keyes, Toronto, brother
'off the groom. Ughers were Mo.
Everett 'Storey, brother of the
bride, and Mr. 'George Keyes,
'cousin of the groom.
The reception and wedding
dinner took place in thechurch
parlour's for 60 guests. The
bride's table was 'decorated with
a three-tier 'wedding nake and
'white dandles in silver o'andela-
bra. Receiving the guests the
bride's mother ;wore a delphini-
um !blue dress with beige acces-
sories, her ,corsage was pink
anums. The groonn's mother 'chose
a navy lace dress with white ac-
cessories, with a corsage of pink
mums. The waitresses were Mrs.
Joan Allan, Brueefield, !Miss Ce-
celia ;Connolly, London, Miss
'Catherine Campbell, ;Seaforth.
Midst showers of 'confetti the
happy couple left for a honey-
moon to Eastern United (States,
the bride wore a •dusty pink
dress, pink hat, blue accessories,
her corsage was blue mums. On
their return they will reside in
'Guests were present from Or-
illia, Windsor, Toronto, Listowe],
London', Blyth, 'Clinton, Varna,
'Mrs. W. J. 'Cleary won $126
in the 'Seaforth Hockey Bingo
completed last week.
The (hockey Association is
starting 'another home bingo with
16 numbers being drawn each
(week, the first 115 numbers to' be
published June 28. Cards go
on sale 'S'aturday, June 23. The
(bingo will be similar to the last
one, except the numbers drawn
will no't be dated.
Mr, and Mrs. W. L'. Haney,
Mrs. J. S. 'Watson and Miss Alice
Watson spent Sunday with Mr.
and .Mrs. Albert 'Clark at Muir -
,Mr. Laird Finlayson was a
IS'unday visitor with his grand-
mother, Mrs. Jas, Finliayson•
Rev. A. W. and (Mrs. 'Gaodiner
of Alvinebon celled on Rev. W.
E. and Mrs. Milroy on 'Monday.
• !Mr. and Mrs. Wim. 'lticKenzie
and 'daughter of Exeter were re-
cent visitors with ,Mr• and Mrs.
Hugh McLachlan.
Mr. and 'Mrs, Ivy -HIenderson
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Henderson's sister in 'London.
'Mr. 'and (Mrs, G. R. Keyes and
daughter Joan 'of Windsor, 'and
Mr, and (Mrs. Stuart N, Keyes
and daughter ,Gayle 'of Oaillia
attended the Keyes -Storey wed-
ding on Saturday ,and spent the
weekend with their mother, 'Mrs,
Nelson Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broad
foot ;of Walton are spending a
ifew'days with her sister :Mr. and
Mrs=; Ivy'Iienderson.
Honor Bride Elect
At Trousseau Tea
Mrs. 'Willi'am James 'Storey
entertained 'ata trousseau tea in
the 'afternoon and evening of
Wednesday, June 13 in honor of
her daughter Elsie, whose ,mar-
riege took !place on 'Saturday to
Mr. Merton Keyes of ISeaforth.
(Spring flowers in a pink and
white theme formed She decora-
tive scheme for the 'event.
Presiding at the tea table in
the afternoon were 'Mrs. John
McNichol .of 'Myth, (Mrs. (Satin
Scott and 'Mrs. Arthur Alexand-
er, Walton, aunts of the 'bride
and Mr`s. Fred (Mulholland and
Mrs. Dave Elliott 'Clinton, aunts
of the groom. Zn the evening
there 'were tiVIns. T'hom'as (Carter,
,Seaforth, and .Mrs. Morris (Cart-
er, Woodstock, sister of the
groom. Assisting in serving were
Mrs. George Wheatley, 'Mrs. Sam
McClure, (Mrs. Joe (Connolly,
Mrs. Jack Kerr,' Mrs. Robt. Doig,
Mrs. Aaron Yang! and Mrs. Ro
bent 'McMillan.
Receiving the guests at the
'clog and in .charge of the' bride's
register were Mos. Walter Mc-
Clure and 'Mrs. Percy Dalton.
(Displaying the gifts and trous-
seau were Mrs. Robert Allen,
Mrs. 'Gordon MacDonald, 'Mrs,
Everett !Storey, 'Miss IC'etlrerine
'Campbell and 'Mrs. Ken Roger-
The annual Troyer picnic was
held in Goderich on :Saturday
with a fair attendance. The
sports results: Persons coming
farthest, Mr. and 'Mrs. Stan Hud-
son, Pontiac, Mich. Youngest
ehfl'd: Bobby ;Coleman; oldest la-
dy; Mrs, Wan, Hyde; oldest man:
Wm. Hyde; longest married
couple: Mr. and 'Mrs. Ephriaan
'Clarke; b'ald'est headed man: Sid
Races: Girls, 6 to 8, (Sandra
2iugi'Il; 8 ton, ,Barbara Bowes;
12 to 15, Joyce Faber. 'Boys, 8
to 12, Wayne Hugill• 112 to 1'5,
Douglas Hugill. Kick ;the slipper:
ladies. '1st. Joyce Faber; and,
(Mrs. Ellwood 'Clarke. lien: 1st.
Harold Magill; 2nd Jack Faber.
Dropping clothes pins in milk
bottle: for children, Wayne Hu -
gill. Relays: Eating .Relay. Mrs.
Stewart ICudmore's team; water
Relay, 'Mrs. Russell 'Coleman's
Iteaan. Driving nail contest: la-
dies. 1st. (Mrs, 'Casey Hudson;
2n'd. Mrs. Ernie Talbot. Men: 1st
Harold l ugiil; 2nd Emerson
The 'business of the meeting
was 'conducted after supper by
the Pres. Ellwood 'Clarke. The
minutes were read 'by the Sec.
Emerson 'Coleman.
The 1967 picnic is to be held
at Goderich again and the •date
was left to the committee.
The committee appointed for
next year as follows:
Pres,, Russell 'Coleman, Vice
Pres., !Mrs. 'Sid Gemmell; Sec.,
Mr. and Mrs. (Emerson iC'oleman;
Sports Com., 'Vis. and Mrs. Har-
old Ilugill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Faber; lunch comm., Mr. and
Mrs. 'Sid Gemmell, (Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Talbot, A very enjoyable
time was spent by all.
'The Wallace picnic was held
at ;Forrester 8!'lats in 'Colborne
tap. 'on June 9tlh. 'Forty-seven
sat down to 'dinner which was
topped 'oaf with ice-ereainn. The
special guests were Mr. and ;Mrs.
Leland Wanna'maker '(Jessie)
and family of Napa -nee. 'Others
present were Mrs. Alex Wallace,
Mr. and. Mrs, Doug. Wallace and
0aro1 ,Ann; IMr. and ;Mrs. Don-
ald Wallace and family; Mr. and
Subs. Wesley Roe and girls; Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Walker and
family; Mr. and (Mrs. Russell
Miller and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Orville 'Blake; Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald ,Blake and family; 'Mr. 'and
Mrs. 'Chas. Reid and'Dongie; Mr.
and 'Mrs. Neil Hodgert .and Ma-
rie; Mrs. T. ICalwill and Jack;
and iMr. and Mrs. Howard Yean-
dle, Kitchener.
'Sports included races, scram-
bles and a ball game. The results
of the races were:
9 to 11. Larry Wannamaker,
Napanee; 'Doris Walker, Brace -
(field; John Walker, Brucefieid.
7 and 8, Ken Miller, .Seaforth.
Dianne Roe, Blyth, Brian Wan-
nanraker, (Napanee; '6 years,
Joyce Roe, ,B'lyth, Keith Miller.
Seaforbh, ;Bobbie Wallace, 'Sea -
forth; 2 to 4, Kathleen 'Miller, of
Seaforth, Dougie ''Riad, Varna,
Carol Ann Wallace, ;Seafoarbh; 1
year, Randy Blake, 'Clinton,
Johnny 'Miller,(Seaforth. Kick
the slipper, Mr. Russell :Miller,
'Seaforth, Mrs. Charles Reid, of
The sixth 'and seventh meet-
ings of the 'Seaforth Cheery
'Comrades 4-11 Supper ;Club was
held 'at the bonne of the leader,
Mrs. W. L. Whyte on June 16.
It was opened twi'bi a song and
the 4.41 pledge. (Roll ;ea was
answered by 14 members with a
supper :dish :containing vegeta-
bles. A discussion was 'held on
'cereals sand table setting: ar-
rangements. 'Hoare 'assignlment:.
To bring 4 tea 'biscuits to the
neat nneeltin'gt Plan a supper
;mens( s'ui'table nfor each season;
complete record books.
Final meeting of the club will
be held :on Friday, June 22, at
Mrs. Whyte's home. The gills
have invited their mothers and
the 'dub 'ane Vers WI; Ito (prepare'
stud servelthe supper.
First Irrigation
Systems In Huron
Andrew Moore, of Egmond
viille, has installed one of .the
first farm irrigation systems in
Huron 'County. The only other
such system in the county was
also started last week in this
district by 'Hugh A. Ball, oe No.
8 Highway, (between Seah oi+bh
and 'Clinton.
Mr. Mo•ore's equipment was in
operation for the first time on
Saturday to water 6,000 newly -
planted strawberry plants 'and
2500 new raspberry plants.
Powered by tan '8 hap. 'gasolene
engine water is pumped at the
rate of 81 gallons a minute
through aluminum pipes, each
20 feet long. The main is three
inches in dtaaneter and laterals
are 'two inches.
Surprisingly light in 'weight,
the pipes can he quickly detach-
ed and reassembled in a new lo-
cation. (Sprinkler heads are 40
feet apart, 'and each time the
laterals are moved 40 feet to
properly rover a field.
Half .am inch of water is the
recommended 'application, Mr,
Moore said, which means that
water is sprinkled for an hour
and 40 'minutes en each move of
the pipes. A (watering •once a
week is sufficient.
Each pipe has an ingenious
self -draining rubber valve or
collar: When water is being
pumped, the pressure forces the
collar against the sides of the
pipe 'and makes a seal. As soon
as the pressure' goes off, the
water can drain out of bhe pipe,
making it easy to lift for mov-
Water for Mr. (Moore's system
is pumped from the Bayfield
river which flows along the
north side 'of his field, A four
fort hole was 'dug 'at the river's
edge for the intake pipe.
Besides providing irrigation
the system is 'claimed to provide
a certain degree of protection
from frost, as it oan be set to
make a fog cover over the plants
if needed. One of the 'drawbacks
of strawberry growing in this
part of the country, Mr. ;Moore
said, has been the destruction of
the crop by frost during Dower-
ing in May, and it will be a
great 'advantage if this can be
While Mr. Moore has grown
raspberries far a number of
years, this will be his first ven-
ture on a large scale in straw-
berries. He has three-quarters
acre in strawberries and slightly
over an acre in raspberries. The
strawberries will be in .produc-
tion next year but the young
raspberries will not (bear for two
years yet, •An. increase in pro-
duction as high as 'four tinnes a
normal crop is claimed for irri-
gation, which, if realized, would
soon take 'care of the initial
cost of just over $1,000 for the
While not 'carrying on his
poultry 'business en ars large a
scale -as formerly, Mr. Moore
Still raises several thousand
broilers in his poultry buildings.
Hugh Ball pumps water from
a spring led pond to water two
acres of sweet cora, and will
also use it for several acres of
turnips. He Mopes to harvest his
turnips two weeks earlier than
The wedding took place June
16th in Cromarty Presbyterian
Church of Margaret Jane, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
of Cromarty, and Robert Earl
Hulley, Winthrop, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hulley, Walton. Rev.
S. Kerr officiated. The church de-
corations were snowballs and
mauve iris and ferns.
Given in marriage by ber fa-
ther, the bride wore a wedding
gown of white embroidered nylon
over taffeta with low neck and
lily point sleeves. She wore a
fingertip veil with Rower head-
dress and carried a white Bible
with red rosebuds and streamers,
Mrs. Hugh Currie of Dorchest-
er, sister of the bride, was mat-
ron of honor in mauve nylon with
pink carnations and white baby
mums. Mrs. Harold Fischer,.. Caa'
lingtord, was bridesmaid and
Miss Alice Walker, Cromarty,
nior bridesmaid, wearing pink ny-
lon and green nylon with flower
head dress, pink carnations and
white baby mums
Joanne and Faye Templeman
were flower girls in yellow org-
andie, with blue carnations and
white baby mums,
William Iinlley. Walton, was
best man. Ushers were Kenneth
Walker and Mel. Hulley. Mrs.
Kenneth McKellar, of Cromarty,
was organist. Mrs. R.13, Sadler,
Staffa, sang "The Lord's Prayer"
and "I'11 Walk Beside Yon."
The reception was held at the
home of the 'bride, the br'ide's
another wearing navy blue lace
over pink with inserts :of pink ny-
lon, a pink rose corsage and navy
accessories. The bridegroom's
mother wore rose sheer with
gravy accessories. House decora-
tions were pink and white bells
and streamers, Assistants were
Misses Anita and Alice Sorsdahl,
Sithel Mae Norris, Patsy Ramsay
and Valerie Cameron. Leaving for
their honeymoon to points north,
the bride wore a blue dress with
white jacket and white accessor-
ies and: a red rose corsage: On
their return they will live on the
groom's farm at Winthrop.
Guests were present from Strat-
ford, Winthrop, Walton, Brant-,
ford, Clinton, Landon, Dashwood:;
Exeter, Doreliester::
I,.o ry lu'u
On 48 -piece service for 8
In Beautiful New Cherrywood Chest
8 Teaspoons, 8 Dessert Only
or Soup Spoons, 8 $ 7TA95
Forks, 8 Salad Forks,
8 H,H.Stainless Knives,
2Tablespoons,1 Butter
Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon, 1 Cold Meat
Fork, 1 ltd. Pie Knife, 1 H.H. Salad
Serving Fork, 1 H.H. Salad Serving
Regular Open Stock Price.... $110.00
4 Coffee Spoons
in the new n p�� n
pattern gime
Only $1.25
Regular value $3.00
Jewellery Gifts Fine China
The 21st annual ''Harrison Re-
union was held on June 9th at
Seaforth Lions Park. The attend-
ance was smaller than usual due
to .the late season. The directors
served a lovely 'dinner of cold
boom etc. The results of the
sports (were as follows:
Five and under, Gerald Wiliest,
Brian Hodgert; girls 18 and und-
er, Barbara Wilert, Viola Col-
lins; boys 8 ,and under, Norman
McCullough, Douglas Alton;
girls 12 and under, (Marjorie Al-
ton, (Shirley MnCullough; boys
112 and under, Bruce 'Collins,
Leroy Harrison; girls 15 and un-
der, Betty Harrison, 'Betty Alt-
on; boys 15 and under, Douglas
Alton, IBruee 'Collins; single la-
dies, Olive Aikenhead, Beeby
Harrison; single men, Chester
(Hackett, 'Gordon McCullough;
married ladies, Lois Hodgert,
Joyce Wilert; married ;nen, Bill
Hodgert, ;Stan 'Collins; grand-
mothers and grandfathers time
race, (Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Har-
rison; relay race, Olive Aiken -
head's team; kick the slipper,
Amy Hunt, Phyllis '"Harrison;
oldest person, 'Mrs. Isadore Har-
rison, Holmesvflle. youngest per-
son, Debbie •Aikenhead, daughter
of Mr. .and .Mrs. Jimmie Aiken -
head. person coming the 'farth-
est, Wilfred Harrison,Toronto.
Lucky draw, Mrs. Eunice Aiken -
head. Stan 'Collins won the jar
of c'an'dy in the guessing contest.
Following a .picnic supper the
following 'officers were chosen
for next year. Pres,, Fred Mc-
Cullough; 'Sec,, Mrs. Fred Mc-
Cullough; Directors; ,Mr, and
;Mrs. Percy "Harrison, Mr. and
Mrs. !Peter Harrison. 'Sports
Comm., Jin' 'Harrison, Gordon
lMc'Cullouglr, 'Chester and Lorne
Next year's picnic is to be
held in 'Goderich on the second
Saturday in June.
Mrs. Cameron of Clinton vis-
ited last week with IMr.' and' MIs.
Wm. Henry.
IDr. Wm. T, Joymt of London
visited over the (weekend with
his 'mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt.
Mo. and (Mrs. Wm. IOpo'k .: ao-f
London were recent visitors with
Mrs. Inez McEwen.