The Seaforth News, 1956-06-14, Page 8Our men's Shop is just bristling with clever, stylish gift items to please any Dad on his big day, Sunday, June 17. Shop for Father's Day at the "Store for Men" Something New! Short Sleeve Dress Shirts BY ARROW Coot open weave cotton dress shirts, now with half sleeves. Choose from white, sand, blue and mint. Collar sizes 14'/2 to 16V2 S3.95 Here's a new pullover sport shirt With open neck and short sleeves, in a wide range of plaids and neat overchecks 2.95 Hobby Jeans Cool denim or stub cotton Hobby Jeans in tan, beige, powder and navy. Elastic waist band. A sure hit with Dad. 3.95 & 4.95 Choose from our big stock of novel style "T" shirts in plains and stripes, -Cottons or rayons in all colors and sizes 2.95 & 3.95 Dad will really appreciate one of our new cool looking summer ties. Hundreds to choose from. All gift boxed 4444.4444.444 1.00 to 2.00 All pure Irish Linen Initiall- ed Handkerchiefs by John Browns of Ireland. A popu- lar gift for Dad 50 a each New fully absorbent, sani- tized, fit -all Nylon sox for men. They're cool and sturdy wearing. -No special size re- quired. Just; choose his popu- lar color 1.00 EVERY FATHER S DAY GIFT WILL BE GIFT BOXED s EWART BROS. CAR BARGAINS 1955 CHEVROLET SEDAN, 8 cyl., 9500 miles 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN Radio - Power Glide 1953 CHEVROLET COACH 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1949 METEOR SEDAN 1953 FORD 4 TON PICKUP 1953 CHEVROLET 31 TON PICKUP NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED SeaforthMotors OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 541 TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment Receipts for 195E The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer STANLEY Mr. and (Mrs. Wan. Hayter were host and hostess to a sur- prise party on June '9,tih for Mr. Hayter's sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and ;Mrs. Mervyn Rout- zon of New York, to celebrate their silver wedding 'anniversary. Mrs. Routzon's father and bro- thers and sisters, including two brothers and their wives, from Mich., also her nieces and neph- ews were present. The evening was spent in playing progressive entire, after which a delicious lunch was served with a wed- ding cake decorated with 20 sil- ver .candles. A short address was read and Mr. and Mrs. Routzon were ;presented with gifts of sil- ver from bhe family and china cups and saucers from the niec- es and nephews. Mr. and Mrs. Routzon voiced their apprecia- tion for the lovely evening spent together. CONSTANCE Reeve W. R, Jewitt is attend- ing 'County Council in Goderich this week. The June 'meeting of the Mis- sion Band was held on Sunday. It was decided to sell candy at the 'WtMS, 'open aneeting on June 120th. 'Collection was taken by Margie Whyte. .Scripture was read by Margaret McGregor. The story in the study book was read by Mrs. W. J. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jewitt at- tended the 'Lon'd'on .Conference ordination 'service fDhursday evening at 'Central United (Church, Stratford. Seven were ordained into the ministry and two 'deaconesses. Mrs. Thos. Adams spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. ,Chas, Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yungblut spent Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs, Zhas. Dexter. Mr. and Mrs, 'Chas. Dexter will be celebratting their 4a6tlh wedding anniversary on Friday, Visitors at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Rotbt, Jamieson on 'Sun- day were Mr. and iMa's. Jack 'C1oa- son and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Taylor, 'Ma', and Mrs. Bruce Medd, Mr. and Mia, W. IR. Jewitt and 'Laxly. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Donald and family returned to their home in Pittsburg on IMon'day after spending the past week at the home of her parents, Mr. .and Mrs, Jamieson. Mr. rand Mrs. Art 'Colson had a surprise evening for Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson on Wednesday when they celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. The family and gran'd'chi'ldr'en presented them with a gift. KIPPEN iMrs. R, 'McBride, (Mrs. Eddie McBride and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickent and Merle at- tended 'Graduation Exercises at the 'General Hospital in Strat- ford last week at which. Miss Donna 'McBride, 'daughter •of Mr. and (Mrs. 'Oliver 'Mc1Bri'de, was one of the 'Graduatin'g (Nuts - es. Miss McBride is a tgradu'ate of 'Clinton High .School, Mrs, Alec McGregor and Mas. Edwards visited last week witch relatives in London. Relent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowlson were Mr. Dow - son's sisters, Mr. and. Mrs. ,Sttog- dill, Toronto, and Mrs. Wright of Kennitworth. We are pleased to report Mrs. Arthur Anderson is soinewhat improved in health but still ,con- fined to 'S'c'ott Memorial Hospit- al in'Seafort)h. 'M'rs. Priestap of near Mitchell was a recent visitor of her fath- er, Mr. Robt. Thomson. Mr, and 'Mrs. B. Edwards of Sarnia are visiting their daught- er and son-in-law, IMr. and Mrs. Alec .McGregor. Ml's. Edwards is remaining a month and will visit her daughter, :Mrs. Riley, of Seaforth and her another, Mrs. Edgar of Varma, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long avere Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson and Andy, also Mr. and Mrs, Herb (Curran, all of Lucknow, WMS Meet The WIVIS of St. Andrew's Un- ited 'Church, Kippen, anet on Wednesday evening at the home of ;Mrs. Russell Consitt'witbh Mrs. Ralph. Turner as co -hostess, with over 40 present. Mrs. Em- erson Anderson presided and opened the meeting with hymn 17. Mrs. Bert Faber was in charge of 'the worship. Mrs. El- more Keyes, Mrs. Elmer Iiayter and iMrs. d3ob Peck of Goshen sang two numbers accompanied by Mrs, Bruce -Keyes. Mrs. ,,Stew- art Stewart Pepper grave an interesting talk on !Christian 'Citizenship. Members answered the roll call with their father's name. Hyann 15 was sung. MMrs. Verne Alder - dice gate the study. Mrs. R. Ed- gar thanked the hostess and co - hostess 'and, all who took part. CROMARTY 'Mrs. E. 11. 'Payne, Moosejaw, Sask. is spending a few weeks wti'h relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. (Scott and fainly and Mrs. E. iMoore mot- ored to Lindsay on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore. Mrs. ,Moore remained for it it with her son and •d'aughter-in- law and their family. Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLach- lan were Mr. Thos. Olay, :Mitch- ell, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLach- lan and Mr, and Mrs. 'Lewis Teibibutt, Seaforth. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Houghton, Stratford, spent the weekend with his another, .Mrs. M. Hough- ton. The June meeting of the WMS was held in the church with the Home Helpers' secretary, Mis. Haughton presiding and leading in devotions. Mrs. T. Laing had change of the study book, the subject (being The Jericho 'Road, wbh 'Mrs. ISorsdahl. Mrs. T. L. .Scott, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Houghton assisting. Slides were shown on "India 'To- day" and a film "'From Fear to Faith" Was also shown. The Glad Tiding's Prayer was read by Buckwheat &ORsa0AL Eton in 5005 orders immedintoly. Also Farnell HIM tractor equipped with hydratiHc and corn cultivator. Manuel Beuermaon, Brod- bagel', Phone 68x2 Dublin central FOR 20 pigs. weaned twoL weeks Mervin Catkin, ;Moue 848x32 Seaforth FOR SALE OR RENT Property with S room brick house, with 3 aeras of land and .barn,, in Isar put'hey. All modern conveniences, Phone Clinton H17 1-0175 FOR SALE McOlary's cook stove, white enamel, in good condition. Picone 649r13 Seaforth FOR SALE McCormick 1000 I , power washing separator, new, used one month; owner selling milk. Harty Patin, McKillop, Phone 544-15 Trespassers oni�LTotOE 5, Blind Line Road, Stanley TwS., will be prosecuted. Anyone Having taken posts, logs, etre., must, settle for same within 80 days. Thomas Ryan, Varna Rau., Ont. FOR SALE Massey Harris hay loader, cylinder type, in good working order. Also flat hay rack with a rolling half rack. Ervin Sillery, RRl Br cefield, Olinton HU 2- 7590 FOR SALE An Astral refrigerator with new unit. Wilmer Reid, Varna. Phone HU 2.0286 BORN Aubin-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Juno 8, to Mr. and Mrs. John Aultin, SOaforth, a daughter Young -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 12, to Corpl. and Mrs. John J. Young, John St., Seaforth, a son Gehan-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on June 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gehan, Seaforth, a son Bennett -At Dr. Meyer's Nursing Home, Brussels, on Juno 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Bennett, Walton, n daughter Jeffery - Spencer and Doris Jeffery (nee Rerche•) of Stafra, are very pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Ruth Elisabeth, on Thursday, June 7, 1050, at South Huron Hospital, Exeter; n. sister for Judy Mrs. 'Sorsd'ahl. Arrangements were made ;by 'the Ladies' Aid to serve dinner to the mseanbers of Stratford. Presbytery which meets in 1Crom- arty 'Ch'u'rch en June 19. The meeiting 'closed with all repeat- ing the Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served. (Mss. R. D. ISadler,,Sttaffa, en- tertained in honor 'of Miss Mar- garet Walker, bride -elect of 'tike week, on Wednesday evening, when a number of girl friends presented her with a cup and saucer shower, the address was read by Mrs. 'Herold Fischer, .of Oarlingford. 'Games and contests were muck enjoyed. A. 'dainty lunch ;was served by 'tlhe hostess. On Monday evening a large gathering of friends met at her home ,and presented her with a miscellaneous shower. Those in char -e of the arrangements were Misses Anita and Alice;Sorsdahl, Misses tBhirley and Wilma Harp- er and .Miss Patsy Illamsey. An address was read by Patsy Ram- sey and a well laden basket of beautiful gifts presented by .Shaven and Karen Scott A.sing song was led by 'Mrs. T. L. Scott who also sang a solo. Readings were given by Mrs. Walter O'- Brien and Miss Olive Speare, Margaret expressed her appreci- ation to all who had helped in any way. Lunch was served by tthe girls. McKILLOP ,Mrs. Frank Murray was host- ess for a shower to honour Miss Mona Sloan, whose marriage to Mr. 'Gerald Gaffney is an event of this month. About 25 friends of the 'bride-to-be were present. Games and contests were played, winners were !Mrs. Wilfred Mc- Quaid, Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, Mrs. D. 'Murray, .Mrs. J..Sloan and Mrs. M. (Murray. An address was read, and with the bride seated in a decorated chair, the gifts were opened with the help of the sponsors, Mrs. Marion Murray and Miss Florence Sloan. Mona graciously thanked each donor. A lovely lunch was serv- ed, and the prize for the lucky pop bottle went to Mrs. Dolly McQuaid. Dear Mona: We are here for the purpose of wishing you 501' As you take your big step downthe aisle And we're sure you were wise In your choice of a boy, And you'll sail thro' your life with a smile. We know we won't see you as oft as before As you're making Londonyour home. But with Doe and the Buick to take you around We hope that up this way you'll roam. But all things aside, we wish you much cheer That your troubles be little ones too. And we take great delight as the wedding draws near In passing these giftson to you. "Dollars and Sense" If you send cash through the moils, you run a real risk of losing it. For your own peace of mind, it's far wiser to send money orders. The small amount a money order costs, assures you that your money will be safe and sound. No one can receive the cash except the person to whom you send the money order. Next time you want to send money, whether $5.00 or $500.00, call in on us for a money order or bank draft. This takes only a few minutes to arrange. It's one of the many helpful banking services we provide. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager CARD OF THANKS The family of the lute Alexander Me - Nab wish to take this opportunity of thanking their many friends and neigh- bors for their kindness in sending {low- ers and sympathy_ cards in our recent bereavement. Special thanks to- Rev. Oampbell, -Rev. MbNab, Dr. Gentili, RichardBox, J. 5' Scott, Mrs, John Cardno, Mrs. Gladys Currie, Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, Mrs. Nelson Oardno, Mrs. Wal- laee Roos, Mrs, Clarence Walden, Mrs. Allan Pretty and pallbearers CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and help and for the baking received during my stay In bed. It's very much appreeiit- ed. -Mrs, Lavern Hoegy IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of James William Elliott who passed away one year 010, Tune 16th. In teams we saw you sinking We watched you fade away. Our hearts were -so. broken You fought so hard to stay. Many sad and lonely days have passed Since our great sorrow fell; The chock that we received that day We still remember well. God gave us strength to fight It And courage to fight the bloW But what it meant to lose you Jim, No one will evdr know. Sadly missed by wife and daughters Auction Sale Household Effects, in the town of Seto- forth, on John street, Saturday, June 23, 1 pm Library table, smell table, dress- ers, washstands, 2 wicker chairs, fernery, fern stand, rocking chairs, clothes horse, bird cage, tray chairs, baby hath. tub, 2 iron beds, 2 spring filled mattresses, felt. mattress, 2 sets springs, oval table, 2 cupboards, kitchen cabinet. Steel ice box, Raymond sewing machine, kitchen stool, 6 kitchen chairs, ICoffield washing machine, copper boiler Assortment of tools, cross out saw, bucksaw, butcher- ing tools, oil lamps. China. Kitchen ut- ensils, other articles too numerous to mention. Terms cash, Prop., Mrs. John Currie. Auct„ Harold Jackson. Clerk, E. P. Chesney Auction Sale Of Household Effects Ihn the Village of Egmondville, at .the home of Ann Bowland, on. Saturday, June 16, at 1.30 .PM. Walnut antique sofa, chesterfield, veranda furniture, Axminster rugs. $. walnut antique tables, 3 walnut antique chair's. 2 occasional chairs. Electric lamps Small walnut antique sideboard. Walnut dining room table, 6 walnut Sluing room ehairs. Sewing machine. Curtains. 6 kitchen chairs, kitchen table, day bed, rnngette, clocks, stove, kitchen utensils, Bedroom furniture. Chest et drawers. Tuns cash. Baroid Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Ohesney, •Olerk FOR SALE Oak dining room table and chairs, oak bed, Simmons wooden bed, piano, ice refrigerator. Miss Norma Jolley, 826 J FO iSALE Massey Harris drop head hay loader; also 16 ft. movable hay rack; bath good condition. Ken Beattie, 524r6 Seaforth. TO RENT • 8 room apartment in Seaforth; heated, private bath.. Apply at the News Office. 2 row horse scOuir1e i Cormick Deer- ing, with bean puller, in good condition. Phone 48r10 Dublin, Arthur Smnle, Staffs. TO RENT 5 room heated apartment with small sun -room, 3 piece bath. Apply Roy Law- son, Goderich St West Mason RhFOR SALE piano. General Electric refrigerator, deluxe model. Converted to 60 cycle with a new unit three years ego. Baby -bath table. Baby carriage, English model. Quantity of quart sealers. Fawcett oil space heater. Egmondville United Church Manse. Phone 000-12 TOWN OF SEAFORTH TENDER FOR SEWAGE EXTENSION AND PAVING OF, CONNECTING LINT{ NO 8 HIGHWAY , Sealed Tenders will be received by D. H. Wilson, Town Clerk up to 5 p m. Daylight Saving Time, Monday, June 18th, 1066 for the construction of sew- age extensions on Goderich St. and other streets in the Town of Seaforth together with the reconstruction of the connecting link in Highway No. 8 in the Town of Seaforth. The work comprises approximately 1 mile of sewer, 118 ft. of 48" culvert. 11000 cubic yards of excavation and grading, 8200 cubic yards of base course gravel. 4660 tons of asphaltic concrete together with primer and seal coat amounting to approximately 8700 gallons of asphalt cement. Plana and Specifications may be seen at the offices of the Town Olerk, at the offices of the Divisional Engineer of the Department of Highways at Stratford, Ontario, and the offices of the Con- sulting Engineers, Graham Reid & As sedates Ltd., 284 .Avenue Road, Toron- to and copies may be obtained from the latter on payment of $10.00 to cover the cost of printing which will not be returnable. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted. E. A. MCMASTER, Mayor • TRADES TRAINING t• OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG MEN OF SIXTEEN Do you want to earn while you (earn a trade? Under the Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan, start- ing 1st June, the Canadian Army will ,.accept a limited number of young men for training in 19 differ• ent trades. The training course lasts for two years and then the Apprentice serves three years with a regular unit. Training starts in September. Under this plan the Apprentice receives - • Half pay to the age of 17 then full pay • 30 days paidholidays a year • Medical and dental care • Travel and adventure • A healthy active outdoor life To be eligible applicants must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- cation, and be able to meet Army physical standards. As only a limited number of applic- ants can be accepted make your application early. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruiting Station 59 Albert Street, Ottawa,. ant. -'1ol 6-1887 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kingston, Ont. - Tel. 4738 Army Recruiting Station 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. - Tel. �M. 6.8341 Loc. 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elisabeth Sts., Landon, Ont. Tel. 4-1601 Loc, 135 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W., North Day, .Ont. -701.M Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. E., Hamilton,. Ont, - Tel. 2.9708 osew.a 9e.AR Please lend booklet without cost or q Fine the booklet "The Way to q. Fine Futuro". Nemo Address Ctty/Town 1 Prov Telephone 11 r 11.114 T1121 SEAFORTH NEWS Tth'ursday, June 14, 1906 BOX Funeral Service AMBULANCE Prompt and Careful Attention Hospital Bed Flowers for all occasions Phones: Day 43 Night 595W MARTIN W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 5-W Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC B.A. McMaster, B.A., M.D., Internist: P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours, 1 p.m. 4o 5 ism., daily except Wednesday and Sunday Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday only 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are • desirable VETERINARY SURGEON J. 0. TIJRNB'ULL, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. BRYANS, D.V.M., V.S. Main St., Seaforth Phone 105 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Phone 791. Main St., Seaforth Hours-Seaforth daily except Mpn., 9 to. 5.20; Wed. 9 AM to 12.30 PM : Clinton -SKcLarons Studio, Mon. 9 to 6.30 Watson & Reid INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEIAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks ef- fected at lowest rates in First -- Class Companies INSURANCE • Fire • Auto • Accident • Liability • Weather Complete Coverages W. E. Southgate Agent for Manufacturers Life Assurance Co. MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Phone 334 Res. 540 0 'blue coal' the solid fuel for solid comfort WILLIS DUD*- CHAMPION STOVE ANI FURNACE DUNDAS & LONEY Phone 573 or 332-R AND FUEL OIL WILLIAM M. HART Office Phone 784 - Res. 318 w FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS Don't waste money on minerals � ,y�our�,� land does not need. We win, wit lllSS( charge to you, take samples of the earth in your fields and hare them analyzed. Call Topnotch Feeds Limited Phone 15 or 376, Seaford' SALESMAN WANTED WANTED -Reliable man to succeed R.. Brubacher as Dealer in townships Tuek- ersmith, McKillop and Hunett. 1822' families to serve. Good opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for• many years. Good profits for a hustler. Products furnished on credit. Write ilirewleigh's Dept. F-364-162, Montreal, Quebec. Tenders Wanted Sealedtenders will be received by - the undersigned for the painting of windows and trim of Walton Commun- ity hall up until Friday the 22nd of June 1966. Work to be completed by the 31st of July, 1966. For further particu- lars apply to the undersigned Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted:. STEWART HUMPHRIES, Sex: FOR SALE Buckwheat for sale. Apply to Mark Hamilton, Walton, Brussels 48 r 61. FOR SALE OR RENT House has eight rooms with electric • ' lights and water, with basement. Also a garden and garage. Immediate posses- sion. Mrs. James Barron, telephone 195.R Seaforth FARM FOR SALE 50 acres rn Hay tp. withlarge frame house, good barn and driving shed, 12 acres of bush. Hydro available.. Edgar McBride. Kippen 15R3, 6711.25 Mensall. Hvglenfo g ERSONAL Supplies (rubber g000de) mailed postpaid in plain seated envelope with price list, 6 samples 25e; 24 'sam- ples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T 74, Nov - Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. RADIO REPAIRS Quick, inex7rensive and guaranteed radio repairs to all kinds of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO REPAIR. Opposite Dick House, phone 347R, Seaforth SALES AND SERVICE Viking Cream Separators All electric models and gear type models. Repairs for all models. Authorized dealer for dis- trict of Seaforth, Clinton and Brucefield. Allowance mado for used Separators. Repairs for Waco, Fleury Bisset impl's Basil O'Rourke, Brumfield. Phone HU - 2 -5131 Clinton FOR SALE Case for age harvester bay pickup used once, like new, model 1950. Stewart Dale, R. R. 4, Clinton Phone 847-21 Seaforth. SALESMAN WANTED Start a year round business. YOU sant money the first day-Strietly your own boss, ,Sell daily necessities in Bay field, Brumfield, Centralia, Clinton, Orediton, Cromarty, Dashwood, Dublin, Dungannon, Egmondville, Ethel, Exeter, Glenrtnnan, Grand Bond, X'Say,' KiPpen, Zurich, Goderich, Walton. All families are users of our many products. Write to Dept. R. Familiar, Station 0, Mon- treal 200 Rock sEWRhybridLn llets; 5 mos. old. Ren. Stewart, phone 839r2 Seaforth, Four room FOR cootttage onE Coleman St Hydro and town water in house,covered with brick siding, close to Separate School and St. :James Ohureh. Apply to Ecu Brady Hudson Sterling Coal SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Phone' 47