HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-14, Page 4WALTON ,Mrs. George Dundas received word on ;Monday morning last Of the death of her eldest sister, Mrs, William 1Millsom formerly 'Rebecca John ton donghter of the late Mr. and ,Mrs. Andrew Johnston, who at one time were residents of Walton. Mrs Mill - eon resided with her daukhter, Mrs, Robert Daubeninire of Cleveland. She was in her 84th year and had not enjoyed very good health 'for a number of veins. Surviving besides her daughter Jean, are five grand - ;Children, and five sisters Mrs. Agnes (Henry and Mrs. Janet Frederick of Stockton, 'Californ- ia Mrs. Caroline ;Staples, Win- nipeg; Mrs. :Mend E. Dennison, andGalt;M rs. George Dtrndas Walton, A !brother, Robert John- ston predeceased her three years ago, 1Master. Billie Rutledge, Lon- don is holidaying with his grand pother, ;Mrs. M. Humphries this week. BRODHAGEN Mr. Lavern Wolfe has been off work for several weeks. ow- ing to a fall while working- for A Good Short Term Investment Ontari L a Debentures Issued for $100 and Upwards 4% PER ANNUM --- 5 YEARS x!3/4 Per Annum `i 3 and 4 Years ENQUIRIES WELCOMED The Ontario Loan & Debenture Co. Dundas St. at Market Lane and on Market Square London Assets Nearly :$40.000,1100 Ontario 0 e 0 the Gaffney C.onstr•uotion Co. in Stratford, in which lie received a leg injury, Quite a number from here at, tended the installation e r tallatiou service of Rev, John Arbuckle at Hes peler Lutheran 'Church on Sun- day evening, Visitors with Mr, and ars, La- vern Wolfe recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pierce of Se- brringviile, ItIr, and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe and Marcel of Stratford, Rev, .and Mrs. Paul Fiseher, Waterloo with his parents, Rev. and Mrs, Edgar Fischer, (Miss Deborah and Master Richard Broughton of Atwood with (their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Rock this week. Mr. and Mrs. (Laverne Wolfe with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morena in Dashwood last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Slarloff and ,Miss Marlene ;Priestap were guests at the ;wedding of Glen Mueller and Rose (Marie ;Hai- loff at Wartburg on ;Saturday. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Haratji, Sharon and Joyce ;of ;Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. :Glen ;Bennewies Windsor; ,Miss Sue Hillis and Earl Sciierbarth of Detroit with LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING Every Saturday CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA IT'S NEW ! IT'S SWEET & SMOOTH IT'S TERRIFIC ! EMMISMErgella PkentreNeurest K Yl U! Association Mass X -Ray 'Survey Inures, which appear elsewhere in from one enol of the County 'aging. only because of the whole- hearted men and women through- out to the work of this support the results, of course. involved, it is not possible to thank so freely of their time. Their their knowledge that by Cheil' THAN The Intron County TB is now completed. Final i this issue, reveal that the response to the other was most encouraging. These results were possible hearted support and effort. out Huron by the hundreds organ- izing the campaign. Without would have been negligible. ef- forts Because of the numbers i individually those who gave thanks, however, will lie in f its they have made a major contribution to the war against tuberculosis, Huron County TB Association AFTER ALL BILLS ARE PAID IN BUSLNESti when all bills are paid at the end of the year. what is left (after taxes) is profit. Profit provides the money from which dividends to shareholders or owners are paid. Any enterprise that year after year disburses all of its profits in dividends is headed for financial trouble. Prudence dictates that a portion of each year's profits be retained and used in the business. These retained earnings enable a business to pay at least a part of the cost of the constant need for better equipment and additional capacity. Profits are necessary for business growth. And business growth creates more jobs. Thus profits retained in a glowing business benefit employees. shareholder; and customers. THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TOP,ONTO Mr. and Mrs. John L. Bennewies, Mrs. ,Elizabeth ,Rock visited her daughter, SMrs. Harold Grove and IMr. Grove in Detroit recently v ly and celebrated Mr, and Mrs. Grove's 25th wedding an- niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Selreubarth and Marlene, and Mr. and Mrs. August IScheitbart'h visited rela- tives in Detricot over the week- end. Mr. and ,Mrs, Jatk Sellick and Sharon and airs. Joseph Sillick of Teeswiater with Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,Sirrybh on ISrnldaly. ,Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smyth and Mrs. Ford IDickison and Glenda visited with their daugh- ter and sister, Mrs. 'Roibt, Gibbs and ar. Gibibs, Glencoe, recently. BRUCEFIELD ,The Brucefield W. A. enter- tained ;the ladles o8 Turners' Church, Egsnondvi'i1e and Brice - field 'Societies at their Visitors' Day meeting, June bath. The meeting opened with singing hymn 578. Mrs, Jas. Thompson read Psalm 11 and MIns. G. Goa - ham led in prayer. Mrs. George Henderson ,and Mrs G. Richard- son sang adduet ";BeThou Near" accompanied I3oy Mrs. W. Me - Beath. 'Mrs. G. 'Graham took as her topic "Social Conscious". IMrs. (Lorne Wilson, IMrs, Wm. Scott, Mrs. C. Ham and Mrs. H. Berry received the offering, and hymn 158 was sung. A quartette frown Egmondville sang very delightfully "Oh Tell Me His Name Again". We were a then fa- vored ored ri ith a duet from, Turners' Ohurch "Trusting Jesus That Is Ml' The Brucefield trio, Mrs Murdoch at the organ, Mrs. Mac Wilson, violin, and 'Mr•s. Geo. Henderson, piano, was much en- joyed. Mrs. Durst of Egmond- ville then favored with a solo, "When He 'Came To Dwell With Me". This part of the meeting closed with a mouth organ se- lection from Turners' Church contributed Iby sirs. Turner. Mrs. Davison introduced the guest speaker, :Mrs, Nelson Reid of Walton, Mrs. Reid brought greetings from the Presbyterial, (Miss Martha McDonald thanked the speaker and all who had made the :gathering most pleas- ant. The ladies were invited to the schoolroom of the church where about 125 enjoyed re- freshments. The many friends of Mrs. R. Dawson are sorry to know she fell and broke her leg above the knee and is confined to the Sea - forth hospital. ZION On Monday, June 11 the pu- pils of S.S. 8, Logan, their teach- er, Miss Margery Webster, and their music teacher, Miss Joy McNaughton, visited the radio and television station in Wing - ham. They were driven by Mrs. L. Barker, Miss J. MeNaughton and -firs. W, McKenzie, The pu- pils made a tape recording of a pi•ogranune to be aired Saturday morning, July 28th. They were eseorted through the T. V. sta- tion and NM a studio program in action. A good time was en- ioyed by all. VARNA Mirs. D. J, Stephenson of Eg- mondville visited with relatives over the weekend, Mr. Geo. Johnston is at pre- sent confined to Seaforth Hos- pital. His many friends wish hire a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Watson of De- troit, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and firs. Lee Mc- Connell. Don't forget the Crusade for Christ Services to be held in the arena at Zurich on June 17 to July 1. WINTHROP Rev. W. F. Smith of Sarnia was a guest of Rev. and Mr=, J. R. Holten on Friday. Rev. Smith is a former minister of McKil- lop Charge. Mrs. Margaret Broadfoot spent a few days with her brother, Mr. John McClure and Miss Ethel McClure. A number of ladies of the W3MS of Cavan Church were en- tertained by Turner's .Church W.A.. in Tuckersnai h on Wed- nesday afternoon, HENSALL Mrs. W. McBride, London, was hostess at a shower held at her home for Mrs. Ray Consitt, :nee Margaret Campbell) bride of Saturday, June 9th, when a number of girl friends present- ed her with a miscellaneous -shower, Mrs. Joyce Brigent of London, also entertained a num- ber of friends of the bride at her home, the bride received many lovely gets. Friends and neighbors of S. S. 2, Hay, met at the home of Mr, and Mrs.. Percy +Campbel: and presented their daughter Mfarrare: with a shower of gifts and good wishes prior to her ^marriage on June 9th. Contests were paved atter which Mar- garet was escorted to a decorat- ed chair. The presentation ad- dress ,was read by -Mrs. Larry Croyn, and.3iule Brenda Koehl- er presented the gifts in a de- eoraaerd basket. Word was received here of the sudden death of Roy Ryck- nrari in Detroit, son of Mr. Grant Ryck an, Hensall. His . early life was spent at Chisel - burs and later at Toronto where he graduated from the sehool of Pharmacy. He owned a store in Detroit for several year; Surviving besides his wife and two sons in Detroit, are his father here, one brother, Mer- vyn, Flint, Mich., and two sist- ers, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Hensall, and Mrs. Benjamin Case, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Peebles and family of London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Noakes. pe non 111111 111.nlni,lllllln1111111D1611$,,bill rill,.. First Presbyterian Church Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M. Church School and Bible Olass We will have as our .guesits the members of the Women's Auxiliary of the 'local branch of the ;Canadian Legiosi. 11 a.nn,, "God's •Call to Wo- men' 11`11,11, 1,"1 111x11„1 1 In 1111111,1` Northside United I Church ;Rev. ;Bruce W. ;Hall, B A 5.0.1., Minister. Friday, 8 p.m,, (Preparatory. 'Service, Sunday: 10 a.an ;Church School and Adult ,Bible Class, 11 a.m., Morning 'Service: Sa- crament of the Lord's (Supper. Toddlers' Group and Jr. Con- gregation. 4 pan., ;Oars will leave the Church forn a A nu I Outdoor Sip- per and ,Service at The Goderuch ,Summer ';School Grounds. All welcome. Egmondville United Church Rev. W. E. (Milroy, Minister. 10 a.m., Ohuroh School. 11 a.m., Morning Worship: Seiunon, "Father at ;Home", iEvening 1Serviee cancelled in favour of the 'Crusade for Christ at Zurich. McKillop Pastoral Charge Preparatory ,Service, Friday evening, Bethel Church at '8.30 p.m.; Sunday Services, Bethel at 10 am., ,Sundiay ;School 11 Cavan, Sunday School 10 a.m., Communion Service 11.15 a.m., Duff's, Sunday School 1.15 p.m., ,Communion Service .at 2 p.m.— Rev. J. R. Holden, Minister. EGMONDVILLE Isliss Frances Houston has re- turned home from a ;pleasant visit with friends in Brantford. :Mrs. !Charlotte Lindsay was a Sunday visitor with friends in Stratford. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Broad - foot of Walton were weekend Visitors with Mr, and Mrs Ivy Henderson. Recent visitors with Mrs. Jas. ,Finlayson were Mr. and Mrsi. Hayter of Webberville, liicli,, Mrs. Lydia ,McKinley of -Stanley called on Mis. Finlayson on Sun- day. ;Miss ;Laura. McMillan of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her Mother, ,Mrs, W. F. McMillan. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Scotehmer and ..firs. J. S, Watson attended the funeral services at Goder ich on Friday for the late Wan, J. Watson, 68, native of Stanley twp. who died at Rosetown, Sask.- He was a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Watson of Bayfield. Representatives of the C. B. M. C. from Stratford addressed morning and evening services at Egmondville Church on Sunday. WALTON Mr. and firs. Laurence Ryan and '.Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan attended the graduation exercis- es of their niece, Miss Elizabeth Rowland, of Stratford, from the Loretta Academy. The June meeting of the Wal- ton Women's Association met on Thursday afternoon in the base- ment with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Walters, took charge. The meeting opened with the W. A. motto, Bible reading, llth Psalm by ;Mrs. Broadfoot. Mrs. Walters then gave a reading on Psalm 11. The thence song was sung followed by prayer. Sec, report was read and approved and thankyou notes from Mrs. W. Bewley, Mrs. Fox and ;Mrs. Walters. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. A. Coutts. Committee for church parlor, Mrs. Love. Mrs. Ken 'McDonald, firs. T. Dundas. Mrs. Achilles. Reports of Hur- on Presbytery which was held at Clinton; morning session was given by Mrs. T. Dundas which was very interesting. The after- noon session given by Mrs. Wal- ters proved very interesting also. The meeting closed with W. A. theme prayer. HENSALL Miss Marguerite McDonald of London spent the weekend with Mrs, Pears Case. Mr. and Mrs. H. Neel, of Tav- istock are visiting with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mins. Wm, Brown this week. Mr. Bruce Glenn of Toronto visited last week with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. John 3f. Glenn Funeral services were conduct- ed by Rev. Donald MacDonald at the Bonthron funeral home on Monday for Miss Hannah Craig, 86, who died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. In- terment was in Baird's Ceme- tery. MASS CHEST X-RAY SURVEY HURON COUNTY 1956 1952 1947 Winghan .. 2,736 1,668 3,315 Dungannon , 640 126 Goderich .., 2,874 2,106 3,977 Ethel , , ... 480 225(1943) Gorrie 934 305 413 Fordwich ., 362 182 Brussels 1,102 710 1,293 Blyth 988 693 684 Seaforth 1,746 1,142 1,976 Hensall 669 437 731 Dashwood 588 269 615 Exeter 1,924 1,442 2,315 RCAF, Cent- ralia en -ralia 393 246 Winchelsea . 273 332 Crediton , 274 306 RCAF, Clin- ton 150 Bayfield 408 348 Zurich ,..., 607 439 646 Clinton . , , , 2,383 1,880 1,735 19,525 12,853 17,650 THE SEAFORTIHi MEWS Thursday, June 14, 1956 Regr nt Theatre Thaw, .Pri, S,st. Juno 14-16-10 TAZA -- SON OF COI11Hsc Rock Hudson - Barbara Rush Thrilling ns America's most dangerous days Mon, Tues. Weil., June 15-10.00 TRIAL Adult Entertainment Glenn Ford • Dorothy McGuire The entertainment experience everyone will talk about Thurs. Frt. Sat , June 31-02.38 BORDER RIVER .. Joel McCrea.- Yvonne De Carlo. COMINGrTrouble in the Glen Here's Money the 4P Saving News Although we had the "Most Successful" Sale in the history of our store, we still have more shoes on our shelves and also the stock rooms at the back, than you would see in most towns with twice our population. Such being the case we Will continue our Sale until 10 p.m. Saturday, June 23 EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES ON WEDNESDAY MORNING WILLIS SHOE OE STORE The little store with the BIG BARGAINS During this sale all purchases are -CASH UP TO *!15001 PRIZES GO Seaforth Arena, Thurs. June 21 Auspices Seaforth Lions Club in conjunction with Seaforth Hockey Association and Arena Commission. Proceeds in aid of Lions Pool and sport generally ADMISSION $1.00 r. , FOR SALE BUILDINGS OF SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD., GODERICH ST. To be removed from premises by Sept. lst Phone 47 SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. PETE MCGILLEN Columnist, author... Pete McGlllen knows Ontario os the sportsman's paradise FAR -AWAY FIELDS MAY LOOK GREENER "Far away fields only look greener to those who cannot see. Here in Ontario we have the 'green fields' that are the envy of the world. In these green fields are everything that the vaca- tioner could possibly desire: mighty waters and quiet. ones, rugged hills and peaceful valleys, history and progress, romance and rest, fish. and feather, fur and flower. To Know ONTARIO Better is to find that it is best—and it's just outside your garden. gate:" PETE MCGILLEN To ROLIDAY in Ontario can be a rich, exciting experience for every faintly. How much do you really know about your own great Province? Here is family vacationland, abounding with interest and variety, and excellent accommo- dation even for an overnight trip. Cash in on the rich dividends of sight-seeing so amply spread across the countryside. Choose your pleasure ... be it lazin'in the sun, fishing, golf or sharing in the zest of a holiday resort. Yea! "Knott ONTARIO Better" could well be the theme for your family holiday this yearl FRES ONTARIO TRAVEL, Room 400, 67 College 5t., Toronto, Ontario, Wo at theBanerlmenl of travel 0 Publicity will Welcome your enquiries about Ontario. BRYAN L. CATHCART, Minister Please send me free literature and road map of Ontario Name Address Post Office Ontario Deportment of Travel and Publicity, Hon, Bryan r. Cathcart, Minister J