HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-07, Page 7How Can 1?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I make bottles
teak -proof for taking in my
luggage on a trip?
A. .Any bottle can be made
leak -proof, if, after the cork has
been tightly fitted into it, it is
slipped into melted paraffin.
Then tie a piece of heavy paper
over the top to make it even
more secure.
Q. How can I prevent rugs
from curling at the edges?
A. Make a thin starch. Dis-
solve a small amount of gum ara-
bic in a little water and add to
the starch. Turn the rug up-
side down and apply the solu-
tion with a paint brush. Let it
Q. How can I remove yellow
spots from old lace?
A. Either wet the lace and
spread it where it will freeze,
er wet it and spread in a very
hot sun. Either method may re-
quire several days to bleach
thoroughly, and it must be kept
• wet all the time.
Q. How can I remove rust
from iron or steel?
A. There is nothing like a
touch of kerosene, applied with
powdered bath brick to give it
the proper amount of roughage.
Q. How can I make easy the
task of re -knitting a sweater?
A. The task of re -knitting a
sweater can be made easier if
the kinks are first taken out
of the yarn, Wind the yarn in a
skein, tie together firmly, and
wash it in lukewarm water.
Then fold in a towel and put
in a warm place to dry. The
kinks will be gone when the
yarn has drier.
Q. How can I renew velvet?
A. Steam velvet over the
spout of a tea -kettle. Place a
funnel in the spout and you
will be able to cover a larger
Q. How can I make shoes wat-
A. Shoes can be made water-
proof and also preserved by
melting a little beeswax, and
adding enough sweet oil to
make it pour. Then warm the
shoe soles and pour on the mix-
ture while it is hot. Hold the
shoes near the fire until the
mixture is absorbed into the
Q. How can I romove oil
spots from carpets?
A. Cover the spots with paste
made of fuller's earth and wat-
er and let it remain twenty-four
hours. If it is oil from oiled
streets, scrub with benzine.
Q. How can I, make the taste
of olive oil more agreeable, if
someone considers it unpleasant?
A. A pinch of salt aids consid-
Lady Gun Toners
Sports clothes designers, trying
to make bathing sults briefer, ten-
nis clothes trimmer and ski suits
Ilghter, would look aghast at the
outfits worn by the women skeet
shooters at the first Cnnaadian
Skeet Championship Shoot held re-
cently in Montreal.
These crack -shots, who would
sather spend their time shooting at
clay pigeons than sipping tea, prae-
bice their sport winter or summer,
to snow, sleet, wind or rain. This
time it was rain.
As the meet opened on a windy,
tainswept field, skirts were cover -
ad with large waterproof malts.
in oversize waterproof jacket gave
freedom for shooting, and curls
here hidden by a sheet of plastic
MARIE DIONNE OPENS FLOWER SHOP -The four surviving Dionne Quintuplets officially open
the florist shop started by Marie and named the "Salon Emilie" for deceased Emilie Dionne.
Left to right during the ribbon cutting ceremony in Montreal, are: Annette, Cecile, Marie and
wrapped turban -style around the
In fact, it was difficult to dis-
tinguish the women from the men
- and the wily they handled their
guns would certainly not give them
This is one sport where there
aren't any "ladies rules," The wo-
men use the same guns, shoot on
the seine squads ander the same
conditions as the men -- and are
not favored by any handicaps.
Bost women who shoot sheet tool(
up the sport in "self-defence," be.
ing harried to ardent marksmen..
Rather than stay at home while
husbands participated in shooting
meets, they gave it a try them-
selves. Now they are every bit as
keen as the men and compete with
them Successfully, In Canada, about..
40 per cent of the membership in
skeet clubs is feminine.
Once bitten by the skeet bug, even
the most petite of these enthusiasts
happily totes a seven or eight pound
shotgun. Absorbing the "kick" front
a .12 gauge shell perhaps 100 times
in an afternoon requires certain
physical fitness!
Ent when they discard their shoot-
ing clothes and don party dresses,
Canada's shooting women Zook for
all the world as if they would run
in terror from a cap gun.
Hints For The
Summer Cottage
Summer homes tire coming to life.
As the last traces of snow disap-
pear from the woods, the annual
ceremony of 'opening up the cot-
tage" is performed by thousands of
Brooms and scrubbing brushes
play their part, but the magic wand
which restores summer sparkle Ls
a paint brush.
For Instance, 1f the linoleum on
the floor looks shabby, yet Is still
in tolerable condition, it can be
glven a coat of color. Scrub it care-
fully, making sure that every trace
of mux is removed, (Otherwise,
paint won't stick!). Apply one or
two coats of a good floor enamel.
Then, to make less obvious the' In-
evitablo dirt and sand tracked in
from the beach, mottle It with a
contrasting color.
You cat do tits by dipping a
piece of sponge in a shallow pan
paint, then dabbing it on the floor.
Or dip a brush in the paint, tap it
on a stick held in the Left hand,
and achieve a sputter effect. (It ,
might be a good idea to practice
on a sheet of newspaper!) A final
coat of varnish will protect the
paint from summer wear -and -tear.
WHAT'S ON FIRST? - Sort out
the characters and you get
Orioles' Tito Francon° (looking
east) nipped at first base by
Yank's Bill Skrowron (looking
west) during a game at the
Yankee Stadium.
Perhaps the wooden furniture in
the cottage is the result of do-it-
yourself projects. If chair seats and
table tops aro rougher than they
should be, hours of sandpapering
can be saved by covering all your
troubles with plastic -coated fabric,
which conies in dozens of colors and
textures and eon be applied with
glue or fastened down with brass -
studded tacks. It costs little and
an occasional wipe with a daiup
cloth will keep it bright for many
a holiday season.
If you're looking for make -shift
furniture, keep In mind orange
crates. In the bedroom, two set side.
by -side from an excellent dressing
table. A piece of plastic fabric on
the top and a frilly skirt tacked
around the edge will make any re-
semblance to au orange crate pure-
ly coincidental.
in the living room, these crates
make ideal end -tables. Disguised
with paint to blend with the rest
of the furniture, they are a handy
size for lamps. The shelf made by
the divider is a natural for hold-
ing magazines.
If you are not already an avid
do -It -yourself fan, the cottage is au
ideal place to test your creative
genius. If results are less -than -per-
fect, who cares?
3U/2 in th..e fli2 ...
EVERY section of Canada hat 'ts
summer specialty: 10 jasper National
Park there are anile -high lakes or
ardent anglers. Quebec's Gaspe coast
attracts the artist and photographer..
Along Maritime shoreline, tam, .end
lobsters arc only nvc of the atvdertous.
Humane Slaughter
Senator Humphrey will hold
hearings this week on a bill to
require humane methods of
slaughtering meat animals in
American packing houses. Al-
though such methods are en-
forced by law in most Euro-
pean countries, they are not
mandatory in the United States
and, indeed, are rarely observ-
ed here. Cattle, sheep, calves
and hogs are commonly killed
here by techniques which subject
them to senseless terror and
suffering: they are dragged aloft
and suspended by a chain
fastened around one hind leg;
then their throats are cut and
they are left to bleed to death.
It is entirely practicable to ren-
der the animals unconscious be-
fore slaughter, as Senator Ilum-
phrey's bill would require, by
anesthetizing them with carbon
dioxide or by stunning them
with electric tongs or a captive
bolt pistol,
Most of the major meat pack-
ers oppose this legislation, and
for some strange reason they
have found support for their
opposition in the Department of
Agriculture. The Department
says it "has always favored and
worked for humane methods in
all aspects of handling of ani-
mals" but that in this situation
it "is guided by a sincere belief
that mandatory Federal legis-
lation would not be the best
way to assure continued pro-
gress in the solution of this pro-
blem." This may be sincere but
it is also unrealistic. In the first
place, voluntary cooperation,
althought sought for many
years, has not produced com-
pliance with decent standards.
In the second place, the depart-
ment has long used legislation
to assure humane treatment of
animals; for example, it en-
forces an effective law respect-
ing the treatment of animals in
transit to slaughterhouses. In
the third place, mandatory re-
gulations afford the most equi-
table and even-handed way to
obtain general observance of
humane slaughter methods.
Senator Humphrey's bill ought
to become law: - Washington
Post and Times Herald,
Whigs hi Flight
From nature is to be gained
more knowledge than from any
school or college. In fact, most
of the knowledge in books is
but what mos has learned from
a careful study of nature. Sci-
ence has gone back a hundred
million years. .
We had only of late years seen
the earth, upon which we walk
and work, from the same height
that birds have known it for
centuries. Our gliding planes of
today are but the pictured evi-
dence of flight long, long ago
before man ever trod this earth!
Wonder of wonders is the
wing of every bird. When out-
spread, soaring high above the
earth, what is there more fas-
cinating to watch? An eagle,
hawk, sea gull, pigeon, heron,
crane, starling -and that exqui-
site creature the humming bird.
-each has its own marvelous
wings that fan the air in flight
-and each is a spectacle of won-
der and delight.
But nothing is so remarkable
as the use to which these wings
of birds are put -many migra-
ting thousands of miles from
their different stays throughout
the year, Birds in Hawaii, for
example, nest and breed in far-
away Alaska and then fly back
to those flower-scented islands
to play out their days of joy
and song.
The tiny hummingbird is the
only land bird known which can
fly backward! And when its frail
and delicate bill is inserted 'in a
Hower to gain its honey, its
Wings, work so fast that its small'
body seems stationary in the
air. The down stroke then be-
comes an almost horizontal for-
ward stroke. It can even rise
straight up into the air!
GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself.
Sell exclusive houseware productsand
appliances wanted by every house.
holder, These items are not sold in.
stores, There is no competition.
Profit up to 500%. Write immediately
for free color catalog with retail prices
shown, Separate confidential whole.
sale price list will be included. Murray
Sales, 3022 St, Lawrence, Montreal.
HANDICRAFT Materials: Leather, Felt,
Aluminum, Copper, Beads, Etc. Write
for catalogue, Handycraft Supply Com.
pang, Peterborough, Ontario.
WEDDING 50 100
Napkins 2.25 2.95
Matches 2.25 2.95
Postpaid - 24 HOUR SERVICE
Two names and wedding date
imprinted in silver. Napkins in
Bride & Groom or bell design.
MIXED chicks, pullets to a wide choice
of breed, cross, or 'special' for prompt
shipment Ask for full information and
pnoellst. For started pullets, let's
have your order in advance. Bray
Hatchery 120 John N., Hamilton.
WHEN you buy chicks or turkey poults
In June you want them on short. notice.
We have set additional eggs both for
chicks and turkeys all popular breeds
and can take care of your orders on
short notice, Our 3 most popular- dual
purpose breeds Light Sussex X Rhode
Island Red, Rhode Island Red X Light
Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred
Rock, Catalogue,
MOTHER'S help for general housework,
assist children, char kept, Automatic
conveniences, private room. Mrs. M.
Rothschild, 51 Caribou Rd., Toronto 12.
DOOR Closers! Keep flies out, heat
in. Closes inside, outside screen, or
storm (loors. Guaranteed. Only $1,00.
Variety House 1930-B Filbert Street,
Oakland 7, California.
RECIPES! Old and New. Whatever
you desire, American, Mexican, Chin-
ese. 500, 2..51, Aunt Helen's Recipe
Bank, Box 486, Tularosa New Mexico.
FULLY modern mobile homes for liv-
ing or holidays. Anything in trade,
low down payment. 5 years to pay,
deliveries anywhere. Trailer Mart,
Wharncltffe S. at Rase Line, London,
Taking Canada and U.S. by storm.
NEW Fine texture. Chokes out crab-
grass and weeds. Stays GREEN in
hottest summer weather. Imagine!
Makes the "carefree" lawn. Best plant-
ed by our 2 M. wide by 3 in. deep
plugs of living sod. Plantable In old
lawns or new. Not grown by seed - a
hybrid. HARDY - a fine lawn grow-
ing in Galt, Ont. for past 3 years. De-
veloped by U.S. Golf Greens Assoc.
and Dept. of Agr. Easy to plant. 100
plugs does 100 sq. ft. Plant 1 ft. apart
each way, or less if you desire. Will
grow together in 2 growing seasons,
producing ed fou plant other foreach
possible a COMPLETE LAWN for
only $13.50. Planting Successful until
mid-August. Guaranteed to grow. Des-
criptive folder sent.
100 plugs :.. ....... .... 513.50
300 plugs (with plugging
tool free) 040.
Plugging tool separate $3.
Above are beat possible Canadian
prices. ZOYSIA advertised for less
likely 1 in. plugs, which are not recom-
25% Deposit with order
All orders f.o.b. Strathroy
offices at
Box 160, Strathroy, Ont.
British Sovereign produce the largest
and sweetest berry of them all. A
single planting lasts up to seven years.
Plants grow to a yard in diameter.
Instructions with each order. Try a
NORTHERN Berry and see the differ.
25 PLANTS 52.00
50 53.50
100 56.50
BOX 278
And just think of the day's
work of one of these flying birds.
Take the friendly little house
wren. It is recorded that it has
fed its young 1,217 times during
the period of a single day! And
there are birds that pile up food
for their young beside the nest
fbr future feedings. Busy crea-
tures, these feathered friends of
ours. Few drones among them.
As these birds fly above the
earth, how happy they seem!
How they enjoy life! How grace-
fully they float among the clouds
and carry the sunlight upon
their beautiful backs. Symme-
trically, smoothly they sail,
mindful of neither time nor
space! - From "Better Than
Gold," by George Matthew Ad-
Simple Ulcers
Boils -Open Sores
Now Get Real Help At Home—
No Time Lost From Work
The simple EMERALD OIL
home treatment permits work as
usual while those old sores are
being helped, You get relief real
quick for EMIaRALD OIL helps
promote healthy healing.
EMERALD OII., acts Instantly
to quiet pain, reduce inflammation
and 5timuht te: circulation bringing
fresh blood to the In,jn red part.
Just follow the simple directions,
Ell) 1 ER ALE 011 is Gold hy. a.11
rh 11Rvi tits,
335 Elgin, Ottawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
BANISH the torment of dry e00erns
rashes and weeping skin troubles
Post's Eczema Salvewill not disap
point you. Itching, scaling and burn
Ing eczema,. acne, ringworm, pimple,
and foot eczema will respond readily
to the stainless odorless Ointment re
gardless or how stubborn or hopeless
they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East,
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession, good
wages. Thousands of successful
Marvel graduates.
America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalog Free
Write or Call
358 Bloor St, W.,Toronto
44 King St. Hamilton
72 Rideau. bit.. Ottawa.
SAWDUST. Turn It Into cash, 45
methods. Full Instructions $1.00. Map
shall. Rowland, 1639 St. Luke Rd.,
Windsor, Ontario.
MY method gives razor blades super
velvet 3X surgical sharpness, New,
simple' no comparison, no device, $1
311 Mott, Santa Cruz
MECHANIX Illustrated Puzzle Fans!
Save bourn ofsearch, Thousands 01
words, allowed In this puzzle at your
fingertips. Alphabetical listing. Evers
word added for your convenience.
Compiled from Webster's New Col
leglate Dictionary. Free Puzzle faesim•
Iles. $5,00 postpaid. R. F. Stamm,
P.O. Box 83, Clifton Heights. Pennsyl•
Patent Attorneys, Established 1090,
300 University Ave. Toronto Patents
all countries,
AN OFFER to every Inventor. List of
Inventions and full Information sent
free. The Ramsay Co, Registered Pat
ant Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa.
91.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty five deluxe
personal requirements, Latest cata-
logue included. The Medico Agency.
Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont,
REGISTERED Saint Bernard at stud;
fee reasonable. J, H. PALMER, 11,2,
Part Stanley Ontario.
Growers of quality Nursery Stock need
- local man ambitious, honest, who
can sell and will work hard. Car neces-
sary. Sales Manager will work with
chosen man. Commission only. Un-
believable checks 090 to 0200 weekly
average for regular men, Presently
employed canvassing salesman looking
to better earnings preferred. Nursery
stock sells easier than most other pro-
ducts. Ad appearing once. Job full
time only, Write now: CARADOC
NURSERIES LTD., Box 160; Strathroy,
IF POSSIBLE coma to our farm and
see our new imported boar owned and
bred by Sir Winston Churchill. We
have weanling sows and boars for sale
eked by this boar. We have 50 breed-
ing sows and 4 serviceable boars in
our herd, 28 different blood lines,
limited number of guaranteed in pig
sows bred to imported boars for im-
mediate delivery.
iFyau Feel
These days moat people work under
pressure, worry more, sleep less. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
fitness easier to lose -harder to regain.
Today's tense living, lowered resistance,
overwork, worry -any of these may affect
normal kidney action. When kidneys get
out of order, excess acids and wastes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy -
headed feeling often follow. That's the
lime to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's.
stimulate the kidneys to normal action.
Then you feel better -sleep better -work
better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at
any drag counter. 53
ISSUE 23 - 1056