HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-06-07, Page 2Cove °tdol%n.e P. Clear e "Now I've seen everything," said Partner, as he carne into Supper last night. "So ... and what's new now?" r asked. "Well, the starlings are nest- ing in the hens' laying boxes! Now what do you know about that?" The laying boxes, I should add, are made in three tiers but for some unknown reason the hens use only the two lower section, Evidently the starlings thought so much wasted house- room was a crime so they de- cided to take over the top sec- tion themselves, You have to hand it to the starlings — they make the most of every oppor- tunity, whether its in a hen- house or a mailbox, And another item of bird lore. The swallows returned a week ago — May 1st to be exact. It was far too cold for the stable doors to be left open at the top. Partner thought he might have to rut a hole in the boards so the swallows could get in and out. But they found a broken window - pane and were soon busily engaged building their wonderful nests on the rough old beam: in the barn. So we have swallows and starlings nesting but we s t i 11 haven't heard the frogs. Nor is there a.r1of spring seeding aro, ^-9 ere as we had another heavy rail. recently. The land is getting pretty well water-logged. However. as far as we are center:*eel we have plenty to occupy our •'•ne even if it is net outside We have our grand - sen a nd-sen 'sere 01" a visit. Dee and Art 4AWAIIAN BEACH SOY? — foe c:1.awe. 's 4 .. . s st letso e aeacl acv, ire s Teen hired e a'eti an; ceozn ..- e5 *an M .-^a s(in came yesterday and left David behind for a while. We won- dered what would happen when he woke up this morning and found Mummy and Daddy gone. Fortunately he was quite happy and contented so we think the first real test is over. Just the same I expect by next week I shall possibly have a lot more to write about as I think Grandma is in for a very busy week. How- ever, Grandad will do his share if the weather is fit for Dave to go out. Or if we get com• - pletely run off our Iegs Joy 'and Bob are ready to respond to an SOS anytime. Last week was a hitsy week too. One day in Toronto — and of course it rained. And on Fri-. day night a unique experience at least for me. I was invited to the first County Rally of the Girl Guides in Halton. It was held in Burlington and there were nearly a thousand Guides taking part. Such an excited group of youngsters, and all very much in earnest. There were folk dances, flag drills, a first aid pageant and twenty - one badge demonstrations. The grand finale was the campfire. with the Guides circling the impro- vised camp fire and singing songs with extraordinary suc- cess, considering there had 'been no rehearsal and the companies were in most cases unknown to each other. It was an excellent demonstration of the possibility of group work following good training and discipline in each company. Our local group — of which daughter was one of the first members — demonstrated the Hiker's B a d g e• and set about building a campfire with skill . and intelligence. Others were eqe =sly good but we rust admit the "Dairymaids stole the show. Mak maids, stable boys and farm ha -4,, rar.:e ea to the scene lead:::g a refrac tory cow 1e,a with horns and a well-filled udder Var- ious attempts were made :a ":I k" Bossy who :ely cat down en he the.. gOt u:* and ki. ke. ,ed a •,.i every wI:i-h-way. It was s' well ne and of course :e 'ence howled with laugh- ter. . ,h - ter. '^-e next two days nay .....e was taken ..e:ping two et .. - gerarl... ..:c: we' had led erbusy and useful and, et are all over aro left fee: very lone:y W8: r v tired of w. „ is now lousr.y engaged brIrging his who..e .. _ o the room. hat is. when cr walking around wIth. his grandfather's wee hands. WIth suoli an sztve I ant s -.:re his Mother ge a. ''=?a yesterday. Ah. here coroes ;: .-.rite s- - ere. than he is likely :o we:oz.-7re. W^.- 7,7`',..7f.$ -, :s .he standing s= , ex:s tat_ . a- CROSSW©RD PUZZLE 6- . i. c. cis -rer:v S. r:'S::^t E s w3-- 15 sass- Ii .. S.v e. 1.StAgetErre.5 Sf ST es. S•1 S-. 3 S4 ^ e• 4S a. ;{ 4$ 6,•t $ i^ :-tn,, 15 ..oast t.1 t { Y l. 11,3 d h Ile, { 3 °t We4 }� g I 1 i 1 t, P's } 8 ..4$ 1 tom : e `- �, c2 I. • A:.::eae' are NOT ON THE PROGRAM—In this remarkable photo of unpro- gramed tragedy in a Rome, Italy, circus act, the newscamera catches a moment of tense drama. Tarzan, one of the lions, be- came lealius of his cagemate, Tobruk, and killed him with a blow of his paw. With the smell of blood exciting the other animals, lion -tamer Darix determinedly held them at bay while dragging Tobruk's body from the cage. POGONOTOMIST — Eve Neil, 24, beards the men on a per- sonal problem heretofore. con- sidered pure;y in the male do- main. She's a ''pogonotomst' —an epe-t en the subject of chopping off whiskers. Em- ployed by a razor manufac- turer, she does a tidy bsness in giv'ng ;es: res before gra'.7s w hoee re -embers have long s'rce ceased being i°.tt+e shavers,. take an awi..l ... 3 .^.._,.__ _ mate^av a to :. bate. ' a:: ea.:c - .... nae - .a.nasz,z - ear: failure.. N: ...th :he a_..... 1•.y get:ini; unattend- ed deep c' w. getting hiss s_nd 7:17IS soaked of course.. !Se g y unfastening: c. t pcssib:y ore.n. rea.:y •irr., for a very. very busy we k. Cruising On The Sagueny River 7,:-$;••:".:, e:.._ .__ .-.... r - - A: . • tereft. :7 IS- H7Es-as t' Hs c i ;."4 so far out it seems almost to close the horizon, We slanted to port, despite the favoring current on the other bank. It was after 6:0$ p.m. and an exeellent anchorage lay just ahead. Margot deservedsu4h an anchor- age in calm, lovely, secluded Bafe St -Etienne. after recent experiences with Tadoussae s poor holding ground. We were just opposite the ravine near the end of Pointe Crepe, when the Skipper shut off the motor and helped th Mate throw out the Herreshoff. It buried itself in 20 fathoms and a good clay bottom, where—praise be—that anchor stayed put! Here is one of the best moorings we found on or near the Saguenay.—From ".ill the Way by Water," by Sidney W. Deane, Rare Diving At le t 300 tons of age-old Scotch whisky Les aboard an old-time sailing ship resting on the bottom of the ocean sixty mires from Bh!sbane, Australia. Soon a group of underwater frogmen et-- ' diving for it. And there willbe no shortage of helpers. for the whisky cargo is pre -b y intact as it Hes be- neath a layer of sand, which acts as a preservative. But is likely to be a den_e ::s operation at sat:h a depth. The vessel is the Scottish Prince, an an -metal windjam- mer of 633 .-_s that sank in 1;8:1Clic.reznis were studied and it was leetnatt »that in the s^helds were sewing ma- ltathrez.in fittinits, bis - c: .a_... _rat but ninety c_ .._. .z..argo was l.i GR.E.E N THUMB Try Something New sp•a::.alof :ns ise-a e ....ed anz :e tnzg year 7.-..ese are new f:o-Aers and - C a:.idisr and -•. ::.:,. ._.a._ year - .,red grow - :7 57..17 .-.. more _aro e e:s r_ star._ -•- - :c.. r_.. 177it y are the wa- ...• .c a gen, - 11Z: a s? .u'h v-_ - Sr: 1,:e u Belt aw- } _ 1 ths- es 77-7 1 .. . ,..:1g, F tilise e nitrtrig :e a nitrogen, the second phosphoric acid and the last the proportion of potash. If, for example, we want to encourage green growth as in grass, lettuce, cabbage and such, we choose a fertilizer high in the first mentioned element. If it is root growth we are in- terested in, such as beets and potatoes, we use more potash. Sometimes certain soils are very deficient in one of these ele- ments and we naturally select a fertilizer to remedy that defi- ciency. Chemical fertilizer is potent stuff and it should be handled carefully and according to di- rections. Results are literally amazing. It will start flowers and vegetables growing quickly, will make grass green almost overnight. The safest way to apply to lawns and flower beds is to dissolve in water and sprinkle during or just before a rain. This prevents any burning injury to the grass or flowers. With vegetables we usually sprinkle along the rows close to the plants but not actually touching them and then culti- vate ultivate in. A Big Show It is not too late to have a big show of annual flowers from a few cents worth of seed. Zinnias, marigolds, nasturtiums, asters, cosmos, and many others will still produce plenty of bloom before frost in most parts of Canada. The easiest way to handle is simply to plant in little well raked plots here and there throughout the flower beds, A few weeks later when the plants have come up and developd their second set of leaves, we leave a few where they have grown, pick out the rest and transplant throughout the rest of the bed. IDENTIFIED Two travelers in Ireland, return- ing home late one night, lost their way. "Whose is it?" asked Mike. cemetery. Here's a gravestone." Said Pat: "We must be in a Pat struck a match, "I didn't get the name clear," he deported pres- ently, "but he sure lived to a nice, rip old age — 175." "See if you can read the name," Mike suggested. Pat lit another match. lie studi- ed the inscription, the match burn- ed out. "I don't know him," he stat- ed after some thought. 'Twos some man named Miles from Dub- lin." MERRY MENAGERIE "Oh, just the usual spring houseeieaningl" SLIGHT ERROR If a Salesman isn't a philosopher when he's five minutes on the job, he'll never be one, If he travels and has to stop at country hotels he gives up good dollars for poor quarters, and finds the room is fill- ed with odd weals. lit - If he's selling waentun cleaners h� la,e rtes ou :i suburb:in door anti is :''cies by a Indy straight out of a d'Alesa cartoon. "You might try the people next door,. We use theirs acid it's terrible." Another time his Oen went lige thk-Lady, this cleaner sweeps tip everything." Ile threw n handful of loud on the ,tire living room flor:r. "If it doesn't, Ill eat the stud. Why where are you going lady?" -For r some salt and pepper;' she said. We don't mite any eleetrielty in this house." LESSON 41. Barclay Warren, I3.A., 13,13. The Gospel Overcomes Paganism Acts 19:9 8-10, 23-27 Ephesians 5:15-18 Memory Selection: Xe were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. Ephesians 5:8. It has been said that wher- ever Paul went he had either a revival or a riot. In Ephesus he had both and the revival was in a sense the cause of the riot. Paul had visited briefly at Ephesus on his return from Corinth on his second mission- ary journey. Now on his third missionary journey he comes to Ephesus, the third largest city in the Roman l3mpire. As usual he entered the synagogue. Af- ter three months, opposition be- came so acute that he retired to a school where he continued teaching for two years. The sick were healed and evil spirits were cast out. Seven sons, exor- cists, began to use the name of Jesus to cast out demons but were badly beaten by a demon possessed man. Many turned from paganish to Jesus Christ. Many brought their books of magic and burned them in a huge bonfire. The total cost of these approximated the wages of 136 laborers for a year. The city was greatly moved, The silversmiths who made silver shrines for the goddess Diana saw their business falling off. - Demetrius, their leader, made a rousing speech inciting them to anger. To the public they did not emphasize the money angle but rather the religions, shout- ing, "Great is Diana of the Ephesians." They caught two of Paul's companions. Soon a riot was on. "Some therefore cried one thing, and some an- other: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together." The town clerk finally quieted the people. The lesson closes with a se- lection from the letter Paul later wrote to the church at Ephesus. In it he says. "Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." On a conservative esti- mate, 16 of every 1000 adults in Canada are alcoholics. Sixty per cent of these 150,000 are in the semi -skilled, skilled, white collar, professional, managerial and proprietors occupational groups. But you need never be- come an alcoholic if you heed the warning of Solomon: "Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth hie- col- our in the cup, when it moverh itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." Proverbs 23:31.3222. This is the seuson when moth- ers go crazy trying to keep track of the children they've been longing to turn loose ceut- of-doors all winter lon.. Upsidedown to Prevent i'eee:ng N; aa A S J.Nag NONV 3'0OD 3;1b>IS ;bbd: b d.bZltxaaVd • HAND -POWERED MOWER — Prank W. Mauermon, blind for the past 15 )ears, goes about his daily tosk of mowing the lawn. Using a small knife and his hands, Mouerman goes aver the 100 -tont area each day. Besides his gardening duties, he o,:l milks his cows.