HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-31, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS—Thursday, May 31, 1950 BEST BUY SPECIALS Apex Fruit Cocktail, 15 oz tin 22c Apex Fancy Special Process Peas 22c 20 oz. Tin Kelloggs Oven Fresh Corn Flakes 2 for 45c 12 oz. Pkg. Maxwell House Instant Coffee 6 oz Jar 1.82 Holly Brand Peas Fancy Quality — 20 oz tins 2 for 37c TOP�TCROP POPPING CORN 16 oz. Bag 15c KLEENEx CHUBBY OR. LONG 2 pkgs. 35c DONALD DTJCIi BRAND BLENDED JUICES Large 48 oz tin »33 Tip Top Pork & Beans, 20 oz tins .. 3 for 49c Apple & Strawberry Jam Apple & Raspberry Jam .... 4 Ib Tins 69c WRIGHT'S SUPERIOR FOOD MKT SELF SERVE LOW PRICES BORN Lansbergen—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital on May 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lansbergen, Ttltl Dublin, a son Mosher—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 20, to Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd esti Mosher, RCAF, Clinton, a daughter Avery—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Avory, Mitchell, a daughter Nolan --At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nolan, St. Coluanban, a daughter AT D y ur iture ' OF THE OPENING OF OUR NEWSTORE Sale Sat., May 26, to Sat., June 2 3 Door Prizes Each Evening To Holder of Lucky Ticket Spring Filled Mattress, Chrome Occasional Chair, Floor Rugs, Etc, Every article in the store reduced during sale. Come and take advantage of our terrific bargains STORE OPEN EVERY DAY 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Zurich Phone 89 J "Dollars and Sense" Are you planning a trip? Don't take chances of losing your money—and spoiling your trip -by carrying large sums in cash. Before you go, turn your money into Travellers' Cheques ... easy to cash anywhere—and safer than cash .everywhere. Drop in and see us at The Canadian Bank of Commerce and we'll gladly provide you with Travellers' Cheques. The protection is well worth the slight cost. This is simply one of the many banking services we offer our customers to keep them free from needless worry about their money. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch: G. C. Brightrall, Manager TOWN OF SEAFORTH Tax Prepayment eceipts for. 1956 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4 per cent per annum up to August 31, 1956, on all prepaid 1956 taxes Certificates and full particulars may be obtained from the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall D. H. WILSON, Treasurer TOWN TOPICS .Mr. and Mrs. Alf Robinson, Mi. and Mrs. John Elliott, Mrs. Ethel !Black, of St. (Marys, and Me. and Mrs. Geo. ;Ferguson, of London, attended the funeral of the late Thomas Ferguson. Miss Leona Purcell, R.N., of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Nigh and Miss M. McFadden. Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. •Slattery and Mrs. C. P. •.S111s were in Kitchener, on Sunday.. Mrs. Margaret Devereaux and Miss Joan Devereaux, Toronto, were weekendguests of rela- tives and friends. Mr. Joseph lLaudenbaoh, Tor- onto, with Mr, and Mrs. L. Lan- denbach over the weekend. ,Mrs. G. Hodgins, Toronto, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Mrs. Geo. MacDonald, Strat- ford at the home of IMr, and !Mrs. 11. McFadden. Mr, and Mrs. N. Cook, Hen- se'll, were Sunday guests of Miss !Mary Hagan. Torr. Jas. Cleary returned to Vancouver on Tuesday after spending some time with. his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Cleary. Rev. T. Dale Jones of Aylmer was a visitor in town on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. White, of Londesboi'o, Were guests at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Ernest Adams on Friday afternoon. Miss Donalda Adams attended a trousseau tea en !Saturday evening at 'the home of IMr. and Mrs. F, McDonald, Clinton, giv- en in 'honor of their daughter, Marry Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Kelso Adams re- turned on Thursday to Winni- peg after spending three 'weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. Mr. !Robert McGonigle under- went surgery in Scott Memrori- al Hospital this week. Mr. and ,Mrs. W. 'Coleman, Bruce and Ken !Coleman, Mrs. Annie Coleman and Mrs. Isaac Hudson, attended the graduation exercises at W.O.A.S., Ridge - town, Wednesday last, Brume be- ing one of the graduates. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS (By Jack Melady) Last ;Friday, our annual field day was held at the fairgrounds, It began shortly after third per- iod in the morning and contin- ued throughout the day. The weatherman even gave as the pleasure of a beautiful sunny day. According to the results on Friday, the top participating athletes in school were as fol- lows: Boys Junior !Championship, Bob Binnendyk; Intermediate, Ken Thompson; and Senior, Bill Litowski. In the girls' section the winners were: Junior, Faye Love; Intermediate, Ruth Sills; and Senior, Jean Scott. A few minor injuries slightly dampen- ed the spirits of the participants but only one person required medieal attention, !Our annual graduation exer- cises will be rheld in the auditor- rum tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock. The speaker will be Rev, Harold .Snell of Exeter. 'Tea will be served to the parents and friends of the grade 13 graduat- ing, on the north lawn at the termination of the ceremonies. The grades receiving 'certificates will a be: Grade 10, Intermediate certificate; Grade twelve, Junior Matrioulation or High ;School Graduation :Diploma, and Grade thirteen; Senior Matriculation or Honor .High !School Gradua- tion Diploma. Graduation is be- ing held early this year abeoause many students leave for work as soon as exams are over. On Tuesday evening, .Marg Stuart and Marlene Austin were honored by a parity 'given by the members of the 'drama club at Mr. Cosford's house. Both .girls were in the cast of our play this year, and they are leaving town this suanmer. Marg ,Stuart will reside with !her family at Windsor, and Marlene Austin is moving to Flint, Mich. At the close of the evening, each of the girls was presented with a cream and sugar service. Wednesday afternoon, :the teachers who are leaving this year avere presented with the following tokens of our apprecia- tion towards them in the past year.: Mr. Pegg, lower school English, Admiral a portable radio; Miss Kelly, girls' physical 'train- ing teacher, !Kenwood blanket; and Mr. Greansides, lower school Latin and French,. travelling alarm clock. Mr. Pegg has taught in Seaforth for the last three years, while IMr. Greansides and Miss Kelly have been here for one year. Awards Day was cornlbined with the above presentation cer- emonies but the awards given out were too numero•u•s !t0 men- tion here. In connection with graduation tomorrow, the graduation dance will be held in the gym com- rnencing at nine o'•clock. The or- chestra will he Paul Cross 'and everyone is invited. Dress is op- tional. Question of the week: 8111, will you tell Herb why yoti, did all rflhe groaning after iihe 4.40 race 'on Friday? As exams are commencing on June 111, this will be the last school news column of the year, I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank ,anyone who might have read this column, and also tothank Mr. Snowdon for !all the help and encourage - anent be has given to me in this enterprise. Graduation Dance Of the Seaforth High School Friday Night, June 1 Dancing 9-12 Paul Cross' Orchestra, Admission 75c a person x.'$1.25 a couple, Lunch served w,p,w"tnuunun"uuanuanenR,naumae"ue First Presbyterian Church Rev. D, Glenn Campbell Minister 10 A.M. Church School and Bible Class 11 a.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Following this Sunday, the evening services will be with- drawn. for the summer months 11111111111111101111010111/11111,1110.110a"nunun,,R. Northside United Church Rev. Bruce W. Hall, Minister 19 a.m, .Church !School and Adult Bible Class. 11 a.m., Morning Worship. Sermon topic, "Life's 'Common Hours" Toddlers' Group and Jr. Con- gregation. Evening Worship withdrawn for the summer months, Egrnondville United Church Rev. W. E. Milroy, Minister. 10 a.m., !Church .School and adult class. 11. am., Morning Worship: ,Sermon, "The Wisdom of God". 7.30 p.m., Annual (Mission Band ,Service. AH welcome. McKillop Charge Bethel !Church, !Service at 10 a.m., :Sunday School at 11 a.m.; 'Cavan, Winthrop; Sunday School at 10 .20.an., Service et 11.15, Fi- delity .Lodge, I.O.O;F., Seaforth. and Rebekah to holdy annual 'Church 'parade; Duff's !Ohurcrh, Sunday !School at 1.15 p.m., .Ser- vice at 2 p.m.—Rev. J. R, Hold- en, Minister. McKILLOP BUSY BEAVERS The sixth meeting of the Mc - .Busy Beavers was held at the kerne of Mrs. Pryee on May 23rd, The roll call was 'answered by 19 members, Mrs. Keys talk- ed on "Cereal and Bread". "Mrs. Pr'yce and oirs. Keys demon- strated how to make tea biscuits. The meeting closed by two re- lays conducted by Sandra 'Dors followed by God save the Queen. A delicious lunch was served. (Home assignment: Make tea biscuits and bring to next meet- ing. Plan four supper menus, 1 suited for each season and put in record book. Work on record ,books. Turner's Church SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, JUNE 3 2 P.M, Guest Speaker, Kenneth Ashton, Clinton Special Nlusic by Junior Choir Everyone Welcome WINTHROP The Y'PU of Winthrop held their anniversary services in Cavan 'Church on !Sunday at 11. a,rn. and 7.30 p.m,, when Duff's and !Bethel Churches joined in worship. Beautiful Spring flow- ers adorned the pulpit and Miss .Mary Dennis presided sit the or- gan, Mr. L. P. Plu'msteei, princi- pal of .Seaforth High School was guest speaker and spoke on be- half of the younger generation with whom he is working. Mr. Larry Wheatley was in charge of the services with Donald Dodds and Laverne Godkin as- sisting. Miss Betty Awtm.an pre- sented on 'behalf of the class an enrolment plaque to the Sunday School, which was received by W. T. Dodds, 'Superintendent of the Sunday School. The 'choir sang an anthem and ,Misses Joan and Lois Ann Somerville sang a dust. Collection was received by Thomas .Somerville and John Alexander. Tn-the evening Rev. J. R. Holden preached an able ser- mon. Larry Wheatley was .assist- ed by Catherine 'Campbell and iMac Bolton at night, The ,choir sang an anthem and Mary Den- nis sang a solo acconvpanied Oly Miss Boyd. IMr. and !Mrs. Glias. Dolmage of Kttchener, were weekend guests of .Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Dodds, IMr. and Mrs. Ira Toll of Wat- erloo were weekend gaesta of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Toll. The W.A. and W.M:S, of Ca- van lOhurdh will hold their open meeting in the schoolroom of the church on Wednesday. June 6 SUFFOLK -"DEMON" at 2 rp.m. They will have as their guests Duff's, Bethel, Northside W.M.S.and Mae 'lane Auxiliary. Mrs. 'Robert Watt of Mitchell will be the guest speaker. A ba- zaar will be held, also a candy booth and there will be a 'myst- ery box. Lunch will be served. The C.G.I.T. will hold their meeting in the schoolroom of the .church on Saturday afternoon, June 2 at 2 p.m. Arrangements for the Mother and Daughter banquet will be made, RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Ross Riley (Grace Forrest) HBNSALL TOWN HALL WED., JUNE 6TH Norris Orchestra Ladies please provide lunch sYnnalgtaillair Last Minute FERTILIZER Needs ARE AVAILABLE SEAFORTH FARMERS, CO-OPERATIVE Phone 9 aznationumarmasumermatease SAVE TIME AND ABOR WITH G18" Cut Rotary Power Mower 19" Power Mower. Super Power- ed 4 Cycle Engine, Centrimatic Clutch, No Belts to slip, Enclosed Chain free from all dust and dirt, Direct Drive gives more power. Longer lasting engine, N,� ff Manufactured by CLEMNIER WELDING Waterloo, Onf. Every rotary mower should have this easy change Lifting device for quick height adjust- ment instantly by ratch- et lever 1" to 4" Available With Either 2 or 4 -Cycle Motor. SILLS HARDWARE, Seaforth, Ont. 1 °5O YEARS OF PROGRESS 1' THE HYDRO FAMILY Ontario I-Iydro's first rural line, extending from Baden and Petersburg to St. Agatha, near Kitchener, was strung in 1913, and in that same year, the first farm service connected. Since that time, rural electrification has • advanced steadily. Today in this, Hydro's Golden Jubilee Year, . 87% of Ontario's farmers are served with electricity. : r LThat the future holds Numerous new and unique uses for elec- tricity in agriculture is certain. Already, two-way radio is used as a means of communication. Electrified hot beds step up the planting timetable. Electricity refrigerates seasonal products for year-round distribution, and light- ing can be used to create artificial conditions more favourable for 1 plant growth, Electricity will continue to play an important part in the economic rowth of Ontario, aIle! h is the Sim of l-Iydro to provide all acre-'`'' melte hoij ply of electricity ... so vital t0 our province's lroines,. farms and industries. ASSORES YOUR ELECTRICAL FUTURE