HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1956-05-24, Page 7Parents Can Cause Accidents
Lives of all family members
are changed in every home
where a serious accident occurs.
There are no limits to the price
a family may pay for en acci-
dent. Beyond the obvious costs,
measured in dollars and cents,
there are others which may be
even more difficult to pay: and
these hidden costs can never be
covered by an insurance policy,
It would be absurd to ask
any normal parent what price
they would take for a child's
eyes, arm or leg. But that same
child can be maimed for life by
his parents' carelessness or in-
difference to accident hazards,
writes Rosemary Schaefer of
the Home Safety Education
Committee of the American
Home Economics Association,
After the damage is done, no
amount of money can make the
child just as he was before, will-
ing as his parents may be, to
spend everything they have to
bring him back to his former
What was the price paid by
three-year-old Mary's family
after she was left for a few
moments near an unguarded
bonfire? After weeks of suffer-
ing and painful treatments,
Mary recovered. But she was
badly disfigured.
How did her parents face
their problems of treating Mary
so she would feel at ease with
others? How did they avoid too
much sympathy so that Mary
would not feel that she was dif-
ferent from her brothers and
sister? How did they manage to
have Mary feel that she was
receiving the same treatment as
the others? How did the parents
teach Mary's brothers and sis-
ters to be careful, but not over-
ly fearful?
Home accidents may weigh
more heavily for a time on
parents or older family mein-
bers but, in the long run, chil-
dren are likely to suffer most,
especially if they are robbed of
the kind of home life that they
NO SAD SACK — Burlap's for
chicken feed, traditionally. But
this burlap is for slick chicks.
It's woven into a high-fashion
fabric and styled in a mandarin
coat for summer wear. Hand-
bag is also of burlap, Down -on -
the -farm material carne to New
York City for first showing in
its new make-up.
need for their best all round
Usually some family member
has a greater physical or fin-
ancial burden to bear. He may
have to sacrifice his own life
ambitions to provide for the in-
jured one. Some may suffer
throughout life from a struggle
to overcome feelings of remorse
for causing an accident: or feel-
ings of guilt for not preventing
it. The injured person may be-
come the center of all family
concern, causing jealously on
the part of the others.
The greatest tragedy of acci-
dents is that most of them
could have been prevented.
Authorities on accidents and
their causes tell us that acci-
dents do not "just happen."
Accidents are caused.
Accidents kill more children
under 14 years than any di-
sease. Horne, where children
are forming life - long living
habits, has most of the accidents.
The homemaker would seem to
bear the major share of res-
ponsibility for teaching chil-
dren safety. Her children must
learn safety from her as she
teaches them courtesy and man-
Some Hazards
Do women give as much at-
tention to ridding their homes
of accident hazards as they do
to fashions? Disorder, wrong
equipment for the job, im-
proper use of good equipment,
hurry, carelessness, anxiety and
fatigue — all the basic causes
of accidents — would disappear
for the most part, if they did.
Disorder: It is the parents'
responsibility to provide stor-
age space for all materials and
equipment used by the family.
All family members are respon-
sible for keeping all things in
their places. Working or walk-
ing in cluttered areas, stepping
over objects, or striking ob-
jects that are out of their ac-
customed places, cause falls,
burns and bruises, with painful
and disabling injuries.
Wrong Equipment: Hurry
tempts mother to use too small
a kettle. Food boils over and
mother or child receives a burn.
Father uses a knife for a screw
driver, or a chair for a make-
shift ladder. Cuts and falls re-
sult. Such examples, set by
careless parents, emphasize the
need for practicing better home
Wrong Use of Proper Equip-
ment: Modern home equipment,
designed for safety, makes it
increasingly difficult to do a
job the dangerous way. Round-
ed corners on ranges and refri-
gerators reduce the number of
bad bumps on sharp edges. They
also lessen the temptation to
pile things dangerously near
Emotional Attitudes
Anxiety and fatigue can cause
accidents among family mem-
bers. After a breakfast table
argument, the harried house-
wife may spill hot liquid on
herself or absent mindedly leave
a sharp instrument within reach
of small groping hands.
An upset father may have an
accident that has far reaching
implications. One well establish-
ed farmer, after a disturbing
argument with his wife, was so
preoccupied that he refueled his
tractor with the motor running.
An explosion seriously injured
him. His son had to come home
from college to help run the
farm. His daughter postponed
'VIEW RECORD — Parry O'Brien is showing the determination that
enabled him to hurl the 16 -pound shot to a new world outdoor
record. At the annual Intermountain AAU track and field meet
he achieved a new record of 61 feet, 1 inch.
her marriage plans. His wife
gave up her community activi-
ties to care for him.
Responsible Families Cooperate
What can be done to make a
home the place where all mem-
bers of the family can develop, .
grow, enjoy protection, and
make a valuable contribution to
the community? The answer is
family shared responsibility and
Safety education in the home
has been vague on the positive
side. Much safety education for
children has been the kind that
Willie Brown received. His
mother let him go swimming,
but she didn't teach him to
swim. She merely said, "Don't
drown!" Naturally Willie
Brown did drown. Today, more
parents realize the necessity of
swimming instruction before
they permit Willie to go swim-
ming just as more parents real-
ize the importance of building
safety into houses.
Homemakers would profit by
knowing many of the industrial
safety education practices. In-
dustry has analyzed jobs to see
what can be done to eliminate
hazards. They constantly check
to see that all working equip-
ment is in good order. They
supervise workers to see that
they work safely.
One farm family organized to
eliminate hazards because an
engineer son became so critical
of the many hazards he saw
about his home, after he had be-
come accustomed to safe indus-
trial practices.
The grade children were call-
ed detectives and they went
about discovering and report-
ing unsafe work practices and
hazards. Father and engineer
son went over all working
equipment to see that it was in
good order and repaired it
necessary. The father pointed out
many things that each could do
to eliminate' hazards. Mother
was appointed captain to check
with family members to see that
each was carrying out the family
safety plan.
As this safety plan went into
FAMED RESCUE STREET' of the Federal Civil Defense Administration's Olney, Mkt., rfset'o
school, a $200,000 collection 0f carefully -designed ruins similar to the various Stritetl res civil defense
rescue workers would face back home in extricating victims of bombings. Up to 70 students :)Te ehPelre•d
( CDA Photo)
Mit on the jidilt-in obstaclesduring aach week ortwo-week course.
effect the parents learned the
importance of examples they
were setting for their children.
Their every action was watch-
ed. The children were quick to
point out every violation of a
safety rule. If one of the young-
est children imitated a danger -
our parental practice, it was
quickly recognized. All came to
realize that carelessness by any
one of them perilled the lives
and happiness of all.
Each began to study and sug-
gest the safety way to do farm
and home jobs. All were more
alert to danger spots about the
house and farm. As they work-
ed, they questioned them-
selves, "Am I doing this the
safe way? How can I do this
more safely?"
This family learned that or-
ganization and conferences are
the keynote to a successful
safety program for any family.
Soon this home and its sur-
roundings changed from a place
of danger to one of safety. By
eliminating hazards and adopt-
ing safety practices they an were
more effective members of the
family and community groups.
They set examples for safe
family and community life.
One of the biggest obstacles
to family safety is that women
are not taking an active enough
part in home safety organiza-
tions. This reluctance to partici-
pate more actively in safety is
surprising when we consider
that the basic maternal instinct
is thought to be the protective
one. Women stand on street
corners and sell tags for many
organizations. They haven't
been asaggressive for safety.
In preparing youth for a hap-
pier and healthier life, the
homemaker should not only
caution youth to be careful, she
must teach them how to prac-
tice safety and see that they
live in a safe community.
Sharon Jones has been chosen
'Miss Posture Queen" by the
Michigan Academy of Chiro-
.practic, 'Inc. The unusual judg-
ing was based upon spinal X-
rays submitted by contestants.
The 17 -year-old high school
senior holds her winning X-ray.
ISSUE 21 - 1956
GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself.
Sell exclusive houseware products and
appliances wanted by every house-
holder. These items are not sold in
stores. There is no competition.
Profit up to 500%. Write Immediately
for free color catalog with retail prices
shown, Separate confidential whole•
sale price list will be included. Murray
Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal.
MOTOR Trip This Summer? Save Dol-
lars! Install Powerizer save gas,
motor tune-ups, plugs and parts. Only
Mi95 p9 t ad.Fowerizer, Box 414,
50 100
2.25 2.95
2.25 2.95
Postpaid — 24 HOUR SERVICE
Two names and wedding date
imprinted in silver. Napkins in.
Bride & Groom or bell design.
CHICKS for specialized fields. We have
wide choice. Layers, like Leghorns and
Ames In -Cross. Other breeds, crosses,
and Hybrids. Order now for reason-
ably prompt shipment. Full informa-
tion, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N.,
CHICKS and Turkey Poults on short
notice. There is always a big demand
for chicks and turkey poults on short
notice for May and June. To take care
of this we have set a large number of
extra eggs over and above chicks and
turkeys ordered in advance. When
ordering be sure and buy the right
breeds of chicks and turkeys for the
lob you want them to do. Send for
free 1956 catalogue, giving full details
about our special breeds of chicks and
turkey poults.
BABY chicks, Sussex -Red, Rock -Red,
Red -rock pullets $23.00, Mixed $13.00,
Cockerels $5.00, White Leghorn Pul-
lets $26.00. Breeders blood -tested.
Collins' Poultry Farm, R.R.1, Lunen -
burg, Ont., Phone Finch 495.
MOTHER'S help for general housework,
assist children, ohar kept. Automatic
conveniences, private room. Mrs. M.
Rothschild, 51 Caribou Rd., Toronto 12.
SENSATIONAL new electric Insect
bulb. Works antomatical. For use
everywhere. Only, $1.00. Satisfaction
159 Rose Ave,vGlobe
GENERAL Store and Post Office In
growing community on Provincial
highway Western Ontario. Good liv-
ing quarters. $6,000 cash, balance
monthly. Private. Boxd142, 123 Eight-
eenth Sq, New Toronto.
ICE CUBE Crusher! Quick, Conveni-
ent, durable and economical. Takes full
tray of cubes. Guaranteed or money
refunded, Only 890 each. Send to:
Do -Dads, P.O. box 1792, Milwaukee 1,
100 FOR 91.00 Microsharpened. Double.
edge.. Guaranteed smooth shaves.
Dept. WP. Globe Discount Service, 159
Rose Ave., Toronto.
WONDERFUL bargain in Poultry.
Farm. Forced to sell on account of
health. Good location and wonderful
market. Write: K. W Smith. Prince
William, N.B.
WE are Canada's country and western
record headquarters. Wilf Carter.
flank Snow, Webb Pierce, Kitty Wells,
Elvis Presley. Don Messer. Records by
those and all the other country stars
available brand new only 89 cents
each Safe delivery positively guaran-
teed anywhere. Write today for our
big new FREE CATALOGUE.. Destry
Records, P.O. Bax 747, Montreal, P.D.
Never a Peach
Alongside the old Pioneer
post office the peach tree is in
bloom now, its blossoms joining
in the harmony of spring that
pavements and stone and brick
and girder can never quite erase
from the busy market place.
From a horticultural view-
point this is a sad little tree,
a worthless thing that long ago
would have been rooted as a
weed from many orchard. For
though its blossoms are in mul-
titudes, its springtime promise
of fertility produces nothing
more than a few wizened, bit-
ter peaches and sometimes none
at all.
The little tree has struggled
against odds all its life. It
sprouted and grew from an idly
tossed peach pit: so it must
have been, for no careful gar-
dener would have placed it
where it is.
But in this season the little
tree has a measure of fulfill-
ment. People who can look at
mountains where they live, they
say, are generally happier than
those whose eyes Find only a
flat horizon. So must it also be
for those who can look from
their office windows or pause
in their. bargain seeking to rest
their eyes on a peach tree in
full bloom.
British Sovereign produce the iargesl
and sweetest berry of them all. A
single planting lasts up to seven years
Plants grow to a yard in diameter,
Instructions with each order. Try a
NORTHERN Berry and see the differ-
25 PLANTS .$2.00.
50 $3,50
100 " $6.so
Box 278
335 Elgin,ROOttawa
$1.25 Express Prepaid
AUREOLE Pomade will invigorate
your hair, remove all dandruff, leave
our hair with a bright clean look.
$1.00 per jar postpaid. bright,
chants, 4903 Fulton Street, Montreal 29.
BANISH the torment of dry eczema
rashes and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disap-
point you. itching, scaling and burn-
ing eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples
and foot eczema will respond readily
to the stainless odorless ointmentre-
gardlessof how stubborn or hopeless
they seem.
Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
286s St. Clair Avenue East,
Great Opportunity
Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant dignified profession, good
wages. T rasa ds of ouccessful
Ml America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalog Free
Write or Call
358 Bloor St. W., Toronto
44 King St., Hamilton
72 Rideau St.. Ottawa
LET this proven, guaranteed process
bring back new car performance. Re-
surfaces cylinder walls, piston rings
effectively, $3.95. Safety guard. Posi-
tive puncture sealing compound la-
boratory tested and approved. 52.98.
Four tubes 511.92; literature agents
wanted. Arthur D. Baulne, Sales Agen-
cy, Box 234, Massey, Ontario.
SAWDUST. Turn. it Onto cash. 49
methods. Full instructions 51.05. Mar-
shall Rowland, 1639 St. Luke Rd.,
Windsor, Ontario.
MUSHROOM Growing for Profit! With
or without stable manure. Simple in-
structions; all you need to know.
Send $2.00 to: P,O. Box 311, Thermo-
polis, Wyoming.
TEN thousand trade secrets and
money -making ideas! Greatest How -to-
do -it book in the world. 900 pages.
Should be in every home Postpaid
$2.98. No C,O.D'n please. MacGREGOR
NOVELTIES, 173 Paradise Road North,
Hamilton, Ontario.
Patent Attorneys. Established 1890.
600 University Ave.. Toronto Patents
all countries.
AN OFFER to every Inventor- List of
inventions and full Information sent
free. The Ramsay Co. Registered Pat-
ent Attorneys 273. Rank St.. Ottawa.
$1.00 TRIAL offer. twenty five deluxe
Loguenincluded reThetsMedico sAgency.
Box 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont.
HYPNOTXSM and Sleep Learning! You
will enjoy reading our freebrochure
about this interesting subtect It's
amazing Write: School, P.O. Box
216-A, Fortuna, California.
REPAIR your Singer, or any other
sewing machine. We have parts. Send
51 now for repair manual. Machine
Trades, 51 Liberty Avenue, Danbury..
WFIEN buying Landrace be sure and
buy the best. If you do you will be
able to sell breeding stock in your own
Locality at a good price. We have a
total of 49 breeding sows and 4 service-
able boars in our herd, 33 of
the sows and all boars imported. 28
different blood lines. Weanling sows
and boars for immediate delivery.
Vuere Ti
Everybody gets a Int run-down now and
then, tired -out, heavy headed, and maybe
bothered by backaches, Perhaps nothing
seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic
condition caused by excess acidsand
wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's
Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys,
and so help restore their normal action of
removing excess acids and wastes. Then
you feel better, sleep better, work better.
Get Dodd's Kidney Pilin now. Look for
the blue box with the red band at all
druggists. Youcan depend on Dodd's. 52
Lt. YOUR i, WM